Comments from ErikModi
Date | Story title | Comment |
2018-11-14 23:31:23 | The Rape Run | Wow. SPOILERS (yes, I'm putting a spoiler tag on this, I'm that serious). This was very, very, very good. First of all, I was impressed by the relative lack of copy edit errors; nothing turns me off of a fanfic faster, and when there was one, it remained fairly obvious what the author was trying to convey. Moreover, this is a good, deep, psychological story. By the time Melena got captured and the "action" began in earnest, it was almost not enjoyable because I was empathizing with her so much. That's a sincere compliment. I called a few things as the story unfolded: I believed Melena would be betrayed and caught (though I expected Leesha, not Ja-Alixe, to betray her), and when Leesha started being evasive about her past and moving through the maintenance tunnels, I was pretty sure she was Leshan. (cont) |
2018-11-14 23:35:29 | The Rape Run | (continued from below, spoilers) But the implant. . . wow, that was masterfully handled. Psychologically charged as this story is, I was fairly certain Melena's belief that her implant was defective was incorrect. In fact, I wondered if the implants were a lie. . . convince everyone they have them, but they got a defective one, but they have to pretend it works until the chance to escape presents itself, and it never does until they're just used to obedience as a new reality. Still, it was very well-handled how it actually functions, with Melena not even realizing what its doing until it's way to late. I can even forgive her "Idiot Ball" moment of walking through a Wretched Hive space station with the implant active, since she believes it doesn't work and near-suicidal overconfidence is a defining character trait for her. Well done! (cont). |
2018-11-14 23:38:46 | The Rape Run | (continued from below, spoilers) But, I with the implant and tracking now active, I can't believe this little crew will be able to deny Melena to the Slavers who want her back so badly. . . I'd love to read a follow-up showing Melena's eventual fate. I was slightly, very slightly, disappointed by the lack of aliens in this fic, so I'd like to nominate Gaila of Orion for the next Rape Run. Emerald green skin, shining red-gold hair, and an exceptional figure all would make her an enticing addition. And she may or may not have some prior experience with slavers, which could add an interesting twist. |