Comments from Mr. NotTooBad
Date | Story title | Comment |
2019-01-12 05:47:40 | L.I.S.S.A. C | Depending on what type of book you're writing, your style may need some changes. If it's a string of short stories, ones that have plenty action but not much details, perfect. I love reading those. If it's novel-esque, you may want to be more deive and possibly start off with an important event in the story. That is how many great novels like Harry Potter, The Shining, and It start off. |
2019-01-16 05:52:29 | The Rocker Part 7_(2) | Bruv this whole series is fire. I seriously might start a rock band now. I got that love for people screaming for me and I love to be on stage. I'm a DW but without the fucked up jaw. |