Comments from Funewriter
Date | Story title | Comment |
2016-12-08 05:22:01 | Mother tricked and blackmailed_(0) | Interesting story and could have really been good, however, your English Language Skills are seriously deficient. I'd suggest taking English 1, 2, 3, & 4 or getting really good English Grammar, Spelling, Usage, Syntax and Writing Books before you try writing again. It will be much more enjoyable for your readers. |
2017-09-28 05:34:33 | Amy, Are you OK_(0) | Well written. Any chance of re-writing/editing it long? I'd love to see how this changes Amy. |
2019-09-09 05:40:44 | Havana's Lake Trip | I enjoyed Part 1. You set up your characters, created tension between them and resolved it. I would have liked a longer story, but will read Pts. 2 & 3 before passing judgment. FYI... You might also come snider having someone proof your workforce errors - grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, continuity, etc. These ‘little’ errors can make a good story unreadable. |
2020-06-01 07:04:42 | Being owned - Part 1 | What does “Bad Token” on a red background mean? I keep getting it when I try to vote. |
2020-06-01 07:13:21 | Being owned - Part 1 | What does “Bad Token” on a red background mean? I keep getting it when I try to vote. |