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An innocent wife is seduced
I’m still not sure how it happened, here I am 25 years old having been happily married to a wonderful husband for the past 4 years, feeling totally confused and guilty about what just happened.

Steve and I have been happily enjoying our marriage and now were even planning on starting a family. Sex has always been great with him. I wasn’t a virgin when I met him, but there had only been one other guy, the product of a disappointing high school date with a guy who turned out to be a bit of a loser. Steve and I met shortly after and we just clicked, and it was kind of a happily ever after relationship.

So, here we are and it’s that Christmas season once again and the usual round of mandatory office parties. You know the ones, like some people you don’t mind socializing with and then there’s some you really don’t want to have to socialize with. The bosses who you have to be nice to, even if you don’t like them, the snotty colleagues who always think they’re better than everyone else, and the office playboy, who in this case was a well-built but somewhat obnoxious guy called Rocky, who seems to think he’s god’s gift to women. I’m sure you know the scene.

Anyway, we come to the day before the party and Steve came down with a dreadful cold. There he was coughing and spluttering away in bed, with me bringing him endless supplies of tissues and hot lemon drinks. Poor guy, I really felt bad for him. We talked about canceling going to the office party, but he insisted I went and how he didn’t want his cold to stop me from enjoying a few drinks with my colleagues. I wasn’t keen on going alone, but he insisted. However, as it happened, my best friend at work, Antonia (Toni to her friends), was also going to be attending the party alone, so we agreed to go together. Fortunately, Toni didn’t drink so was going to be the designated driver. I had no intentions of getting drunk either, so we figured we could attend the party and if it turned out to be no good, we could quietly slip away together and do something more fun.

The evening arrived and having showered and washed and wrapped my brown shoulder length hair in a towel, paused for a moment in front of the mirror. At 25, 5’ 4”, my C-cup breasts still fairly perky, I smiled and mentally complemented myself “not bad”. I wrapped the bath-towel around me and returning to the bedroom stared into my wardrobe trying to decide which dress to wear.

“Why don’t you wear that black lacy dress you have… you always looked great in that” Steve’s voice a little raspy emanated from the bed. He was referring to a black cocktail dress that I had. The dress my husband was referring to was one I’d purchased a few years ago when we were first dating, but since marrying I’d only been able to wear a couple of times. Although a little old, it still fitted well. It was a body-hugging black lace, knee length cocktail, dress… a little too see-through in the wrong light, it was still a nice dress.

Pulling the dress from its hanger and laying it on the bed, I turned to the dresser and reached for a black bra and panties in my undie’s drawer.

“forget the bra, with tit’s as good as yours you certainly don’t need one”, came Steve’s voice from the bed.

“I can’t do that… this dress is quite see-thru in the wrong light, I would feel uncomfortable, besides, I don’t want people getting the wrong idea about me.”, I responded, looking back at Steve, shocked that he would make such a suggestion.

“Hey, they can look but not touch” he responded almost immediately, “besides you look great and it’s kinda hot to have guys wanting you” he added… “just make sure they don’t get to sample the merchandise” he quipped.

I rolled my eyes at him, “As if…”, I laughed at his suggestion, as I stepped into my black bikini briefs and after pulling them up, reluctantly put the bra back into the drawer. I pulled the dress over my head, smoothing it down my body, slipping my arms through the short, flounced sleeves. Backing up to the bed, I asked “would you?” gesturing at Steve to pull up the zipper at the back.

Steve managed a half-hearted whistle, “Dam if I wasn’t feeling so sick, I’d take you right here, right now” he said with a hungry twinkle in his eye that I had now become so familiar with.

I twirled, flicking my hair and looking at him coquettishly, doing my best to taunt him, before sitting on the bed to slip a pair of black hold-up stockings over my legs. I moved over to sit at my dressing table and picked out a nice pair of earrings, necklace, and a charm-bracelet, before setting about working on my make-up. I was just about done when I heard the toot-toot of Toni’s car-horn. I gave myself a good hard look in the mirror and did a sexy twirl for Steve before grabbing my purse, keys, and phone before heading out the door. I called up the stairs “bye honey” before stepping outside and closing the door.

Toni’s car was right outside and seeing me, she leaned across and swung the passenger door open. “Hi Ang, wow you’re looking quite the hottie, does Steve know you’re going out like that?” she quipped rhetorically, knowing full well that Steve was home. Climbing in, I grinned sheepishly, still unsure about the dress, but we headed off towards the party.

Entering the hotel foyer, we were ushered towards the ballroom, and greet by the bosses, together with their overly pampered other halves, flaunting their over-priced jewelry and designer gowns, welcoming each attendee.

Taking in the large function room that the party was to be held in, I was impressed with how beautifully it was decorated, with a huge Christmas tree and large chandeliers hanging from the high ceiling garlanded with Christmas garlands and large bunches of mistletoe. Round tables covered in festive tableware and chairs were organized in the center with a long row of tables down one side of the room, where the buffet was displayed; quite an amazing buffet in fact from the looks of it. Over the far side, a bar had been established but we were warmly greeted by servers holding out trays of champaign cocktails and canapes. A band was playing festive songs on a makeshift stage and a space was clearly set aside in front of the stage for dancing.

One of the ushers in a beautiful ball gown gestured Toni and I over to a large tombola drum, which she then spun before inviting us each to take a ticket.

“That’s your table number” she informed, “we’ve decided this year to arrange it so that everyone gets randomly assigned to a table and that helps avoid little social cliques so we can all get to know each other better”. “On the reverse side is a raffle number and there’s some great prizes to win” she added enthusiastically.

I reached in and drew a ticket, unfolding the paper to reveal #10. Toni followed, reaching in and pulled out another ticket. Looking at the ticket as she unfolded it, “Table 7” she announced, a rather disappointed expression gestured in my direction. I shrugged and deciding to just go with the flow, took a sip of my champagne cocktail. It was nice and I was going to do my best to enjoy the party.

Toni and I wandered around the large function room, sampling canapes and sipping at the champagne cocktails as we cruised the buffet. Aside from a large roast turkey, hams, roast beef, and lamb, there was something for everyone, from Sushi to Lobster.

A familiar, voice from right behind me startled me. “Angie, did you just come out the oven like that turkey there, because dam you’re looking hot”. Toni caught my eye and giggled, winking at me mischievously. I recognized the voice of the office playboy, Rocky, and rolled my eyes back at Toni. Unsure quite how to respond to Rocky’s cheesy pickup line I turned slightly, and smiled politely before continuing to browse the buffet, saying nothing in reply, I was pretty sure that my face flushed from the champagne and the impromptu flattery, albeit at best it must have been one of the cheesiest pickup lines ever.

Within about 15 minutes or so, the partygoers had almost all arrived, and the CEO gave a brief welcoming speech from the stage inviting us to join our tables and enjoy the festivities. I wandered over to table 10, in the second row back from the stage and took a plate to the buffet. After helping myself to some delicious looking pate as a starter I returned to the table only to find Rocky sitting opposite me. He smiled as I took my seat and suddenly felt very self-conscious about how revealing the little black lacy dress was, even though in reality it was not that see-through, yet I was pretty sure that his eyes were trying to catch a glimpse of my breasts.

My husband’s words “Hey, they can look but not touch” echoed in my head, yet still I felt a little discomfort at the thought of him being able to see more of my boobs than maybe he should have. My thoughts were interrupted by a server asking whether I preferred red or white wine; I paused for a moment, “white please”, at which he poured a generous quantity into my wine glass.

The meal continued, with each of us getting to explain who we were and from which department. As luck would have it, someone else I knew from my department was also at the same table and I chatted with her a little more comfortably than with the others, who I recognized by sight but didn’t really know them.

“Is your husband with you?” I asked

“yes, he’s over on table 2, over there with the boss” she replied, gesturing to the table before continuing “I still think it’s strange to split us up like this, but I guess it makes it easier for us all to get to know each other”, to which I somewhat agreed.

“So, where’s your other half, isn’t he with you?” she enquired.

I explained about his cold and how Steve had to remain home, he wasn’t feeling well and definitely want to share his germs with everyone else at the party.

Finishing up my pate, I took my plate and headed over to the carvery section. A chef in white uniform and hat, skillfully carved off a slice of turkey onto my plate and gestured me to sample some of the sauces that were presented in little bowls. Cranberry, Cherry, and some others. The adjacent chef then offering me a slice of ham and another a thin slice of Duck. The venue had really put on a delicious buffet.

I was about to move on to the vegetable section, which had numerous dishes of vegetables to choose from, when Rocky sidled up next to me.

“So, your husband’s not with you tonight?”

“no” I replied, trying to cut this line of conversation short, before helping myself to some roasted brussels sprouts.

Rocky continued “a brave man indeed, letting his wife out alone, looking so deliciously sexy”

I felt my face flush, still uncomfortable with Rocky ogling me, yet somewhere in the recesses of my mind it felt nice to still be thought of as attractive, even though I was pretty sure this was his standard chat-up routine and probably didn’t mean a word of it.

He must have noticed my continuing discomfort, as he changed tac slightly.

“Sorry, Angie, I’m so used to seeing your office look, I had no idea that you were such a stunner. You really look every bit as gorgeous as that arm candy the boss had as ushers”.

He smiled warmly and reassuringly, offering me a spoonful of mashed potato that he had been helping himself to. I held my plate out appreciatively and he placed a dollop of the mashed potato onto my plate.

“more?” he asked

“no that’s fine Rocky, thank you but I don’t want to have to fight off the extra calories”

We made our way through the partygoers back to the table and continued our meal, the servers periodically topping up our wine glasses. I lost track of whether I had finished off two or was it three glasses of wine, but they slipped down so easily. By the end of the main course I was feeling a happy glow and had definitely started to relax more.

Rocky kept up his continuous trickle of conversation through the course of the meal, which seemed to be directed mostly at me but fortunately he had backed off from being cheesily flirty and had resorted to much more comfortable line of conversation about our respective interests, hobbies, travel, etc., steering clear of work.

As we were nearing the end of the meal, the band upped the tempo a little, from gentle traditionally festive songs, to a more party atmosphere, the singer inviting people to come to the dance floor. I remained seated, watching somewhat jealously as couples reunited and were dancing together. Toni came over from her table and grabbing my hand suggested that we dance together. Now I’m not the world’s greatest dancer but it seemed like a fun thing to do, so we danced our way through a few dances. I guess it was the mix of cocktails and wine and the festive atmosphere, but the event had me feeling relaxed to say the least and a little euphoric.

We were about to take a break and return to our respective tables, but as Toni left, Rocky came up to me.

“Dance?” he asked.

Toni had made it back to her table and was already engaged in a conversation. Now I knew this probably wasn’t a good idea, but I guess I didn’t think a simple dance would be a problem, so I shrugged and nodded my acceptance.

Rocky smiled and taking me by the hand led me further onto the dance floor. It wasn’t an intimate dance, just a regular jigging around to the music, so we danced a few more together. The music was a bit loud, so we weren’t really chatting so much, just two people sharing the music together and I have to admit it was fun and I started to think that maybe Rocky wasn’t such a predator after all.

I wasn’t used to the dance scene and actually was starting to get a bit worn out, so I gestured to Rocky that I was going to head back to the table.

As we headed back to the table and I sat down, Rocky offered “I’ll get us some drinks” and without waiting for my reply headed over to the bar. I wanted to say no, but he disappeared into the crowd before I had a chance to decline his offer.

The table was more or less empty as most of the people were either off chatting to someone, had gone to outside to smoke, or were still on the dance floor. A few minutes later Rocky returned with 2 tall glasses, filled with a brownish colored drink.

“Long Island Iced Tea” he said as he held out the drink to me.

“I’ve never had one of those and was surprised by his choice”. Normally I would have asked for a sparkling water as I was quite thirsty and was a marginally irritated that he had presumed what I wanted to drink without asking, but it was nice of him to get me a drink, so I quickly dismissed the thoughts and accepted.

He took up a seat next to mine that was still unoccupied and cheered me with his glass before taking a good gulp. I sipped the drink and not finding it unpleasant quickly took a good gulp of it along with him.

“Having fun?” he asked

“Yes, very much” I responded, “It’s been nicer than I had expected” before taking another good gulp from the drink. The food and all that dancing had definitely made me thirsty.

He was still chatting with me but had to lean closer to be heard over the music and as he leaned into me, I became aware that his hand was on my knee. Had I not been feeling so euphoric I would probably have glared at him and removed it as Steve’s words “they can look, but they can’t touch” reverberated in my mind, but I decided it was innocent enough and so let it slip for now.

The drink slipped down so easily and as we finished them off, he smiled warmly and said, “I’ll get us another… it’s a free bar, so it’s a shame to not enjoy ourselves”. I nodded in agreement and smiled at him as he headed off again to the bar. I looked at my watch, 11:00pm, not so late, but not that early really and was thinking of Steve stuck at home so I reached in my clutch-bag for my phone and called Steve’s mobile.

“Hi honey” I said as Steve answered

“Hi honey” he responded, still sounding rough “are you having a good time?”

It was hard to hear properly over the volume of the music, so I had to raise my voice a little.

“Yes, it’s not bad” I answered, not trying to sound tipsy, which I realized I now was. ”I miss you. Wish you could have come, but the meal was nice and as you can hear there’s a band too. How are you feeling?”

“still rough, I got a little sleep, but I keep coughing and waking up”

“don’t worry, I’ll head home soon” I said trying to reassure my poor husband.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about me, just enjoy the party… there’s no need to leave early for my sake honey, no point in a cold ruining the party for both of us”

“if you’re sure…” I said almost apologetically

“I’m sure” he affirmed “I’m going to try get some more sleep”

“ok, love you”

“love you too” he said before coughing again… speaking in a louder voice was starting to make him cough again.

With that we hung up and I slipped my phone back into the bag as Rocky returned with two more large glasses of Long Island Iced Tea, taking the seat next to me again.

“I better not stay too long” I said to Rocky, “I don’t want to leave Steve alone too long when he’s sick and feeling rough”

“We’d better drink up then if I’m going to get one or two more dances with you, then I’ll let you go” replied Rocky moving closer and putting his hand back on my knee. Although it was kind of weird having another man’s hand on my knee, I rationalized that he was just being friendly and at least keeping it on my knee by not attempting to take advantage and slide up any further.

Feeling reassured, I gulped at the drink, finishing it off more quickly than the first round. I was definitely feeling the buzz but at least I didn’t have to drive home. I looked around for Toni but for some reason I couldn’t see her. “She must have popped to the toilets for a moment”, I thought to myself, dismissing her absence.

Rocky smiled at me again and said, “come on, let’s not waste time sitting around, let’s enjoy the music and dance some more”. With that, he took me by the hand and led me back to the dance floor.

We danced a couple more dances and by now I was definitely feeling more than just a little tipsy… Rocky was a good dancer and it was nice to have someone to dance with.

After the first couple of songs, the music slowed and the lights dimmed a little. With that, Rocky pulled me closer to him and we started to slow dance… not in an overtly sexual way, but I felt the warmth and muscular tone of his body. It felt nice and I realized that I was quite enjoying the attention, so I slipped my arms around him as we swayed. Our faces were almost cheek to cheek. I was aware that with each sway, we were edging further and further across the dance floor. Rocky looked up and my eyes followed to the large bunch of mistletoe hanging from the chandelier above us. As I looked down again, my lips were met with his as he kissed me. Shocked, I tried to pull away slightly, turning my head to the side, but with his strong arms he held me there.

“No Rocky!... I’m married”, I tried to say assertively, but politely.

“It’s just a Christmas Kiss… nothing more” he whispered into my ear, in a kind of apologetic but pleading way… his eyes looking straight into mine. “what is mistletoe for if not for sharing a Christmas kiss”.

I hesitated, my mind racing, lost in thoughts of my predicament as best it could under the influence of the drinks only to come back to the reality of the moment as his lips met mine again. I found myself kissing him back, enjoying his kiss, his tongue reaching into my mouth, kissing me deeply, pulling me to him tightly.

I responded, kissing him deeply, unbreaking, our tongues toyed with each other as we swayed to the music. “Dam, he was a good kisser…” I found myself enjoying his kiss, my body responding to the moment, I started to kiss him back passionately yet still reluctantly in my mind. My breasts were rubbing against his body and I could feel my nipples hardening, the lace of my dress rubbing directly against my braless nipples. We were so tightly coupled I could feel something hardening in his pants, yet there were, kissing each other hungrily like two adolescents at a high-school dance. I felt a fire burning inside me. My mind raced and I struggled knowing that I had to stop this before it went further, so with all my determination, I pushed at his chest.

“No Rocky… please” I pleaded with him as I broke the kiss, but he kissed me right back again and pulled me to him more tightly. His tongue found mine again and my body on fire in the moment overruled any rational thoughts. We kissed feverishly as we continued to slow dance, the bulge in his pants noticeably growing, pressing against my body. I felt my body betraying me, getting wet dampening my panties.

Rocky grabbed my hand and all but pulled me to the side of the room, a small door led to a sectioned-off part of what must have been an extension to the function-room we were in. As the door closed behind, it became totally dark, except for the glow of two emergency exit signs, the noise of the party still going on the other side of the folding wall. He pushed me back against the wall and kissed me, my arms went around his neck pulling his kiss to me, his hand reaching for my breast, he adeptly massaged one tweaking at the nipple. My heart was pounding uncontrollably as his other hand slipped up inside the bottom of my dress rubbing my wet pussy through my panties. A finger slipped inside the leg opening and found my clitoris sending wave after wave of pleasurable sensations. I was on fire down there.

My nostrils filled with the scent of his cologne, his muscular frame pinning me to the wall. My mind was spinning, lost in a drunken haze and pure animal lust, his hands slipped from my breast and I heard the faint sound of a zipper and slight rustling of clothes. Moments later I felt it, his cock slipping inside my panties, my wetness lubricating the way, the head of his cock rubbing in my folds, searching. His hands grabbed my ass and lifted me, my legs wrapping around him as he pushed inside. In a panic, I tried to push against his chest…

“no, Rocky, please, no… this is so wrong, no… please, I can’t, we mustn’t” I pleaded with him, but to no avail as my body responded, wetness was flooding out of me lighting the way. He pressed on, opening me, the head entering me, slipping further inside his hips pushing forward, he thrust into me in one move, filling me, stretching me. OMG it felt so big, so perfect, so filling, so warm. I felt him going so deep inside me. Somewhere in the recess of my mind all rational thought was getting I knew this was so wrong, but my body loved the feel of his cock inside me. I had never felt so full. He started thrusting into me, my hips working in harmony with his. He knew just how to use my body, stretching me, and then almost out of the blue, my orgasm hit me by catching me by surprise by the suddenness, crashing over my body as I convulsed and trembled, my pussy contracting around him, squeezing his cock. My mind spun almost out of control, almost, but in that second, the panic and realization hit me that he wasn’t wearing a condom. His thrusts became more feverish and I begged him… “no, Rocky, no… pull out, pull out, don’t cum in me… I’m not on the pill” but it was too late, I felt sheer horror as his cock pulsated and he stiffened and letting out an animalistic grunt of satisfaction as jet after jet of his cum blasted deep inside me against my cervix.

I heard myself say “no… no… no…” over and over, but we were done, spent, I slumped, tears starting to well in my eyes… thoughts of my life, my poor husband, my home, the risk that I was now pregnant crashing back into reality at the realization of what I had just done. How had I allowed myself to be seduced and fucked by this man.

I slumped into a heap on the floor, his cock slipping out of me, drops of cum still dangling from the tip of his cock, a trickle seeping out of my pussy into my panties.

I punched at him, missing. Inside I was so angry at myself, yet my body had loved it, it loved the feel of his cock inside me, loved the orgasm he had just given me.

My dress was rucked up to my waist, my legs folded underneath me.

“Dam you’re an amazing fuck”, I heard Rocky’s voice almost in the distance, I was lost in my own dilemas as my mind churned over the events of the last few minutes, ruminating on the consequences of what I’d just allowed to happen.

Reaching down and taking me by the hand he helped me to my feet. I was exhausted and my legs almost gave way, but he caught me and kissed me passionately again.

“Let’s get you cleaned up” Rocky said in a caring and affection tone.

I looked at him quizzically, as he led me by the hand, putting an arm around me to steady me, out of another door the far side of the darkened room and out into the passageway. I could feel the cum seeping out of my pussy and soaking into my panties. The elevator doors opened, and we joined several people, who fortunately I didn’t seem to know. He passed his key card over the sensor and ***********ed a floor. We stood in silence as the elevator stopped at several floors before arriving at the floor he had ***********ed. Rocky led me out and along the passage a short way to a hotel room that he had obviously checked-in to, and opened the door, leading me in by the arm.

Once inside he quickly turned me to him and kissed me deeply once again. I pushed back at him again,

“Rocky, we can’t… we shouldn’t have done this… this was so wrong… I should just go… Steve will be worrying where I am”

“It’s only 12:30, the night is young… and besides you already fucked me”

I started to protest again but he moved back against me, kissing me deeply his hand reaching behind to my back.

I started to resist and turn from him, but he kept kissing me and touching my breasts. I know there’s no excuse and I’ve no idea why, but I kissed him back again, his kisses were passionate, hungry, our tongues met, and lips glued to each other. Before I knew it, his hand had lowered the zipper on my dress, and he eased it off my shoulders dropping it over my hips to the floor. Instinctively my arms went to cover my exposed breasts.

He turned me and, in an instant, pushed me onto my back on the bed, slipping off his jacket and tie before pulling at my already cum-soaked panties, slipping them down my legs before diving between them, deftly lifting my legs over his shoulders, his mouth covering my shaved pussy. As his tongue slid the length of my folds, the sensations overwhelmed me, omg he knew exactly how to ignite my fires as he sucked my rapidly swelling clit between his lips, nibbling it teasingly. I started to moan almost involuntarily as the sensations swept through my body like a tidal wave. He kept working his tongue and lips, up and down my sopping wet slit, licking, nibbling, alternating between teasing my clit and burying his tongue inside me. I was in heaven, the sensations and arousal growing rapidly throughout body, bringing me to another orgasm, moments later I was writhing on the bed in the grip of a massive orgasm repeating over and over, “omg omg”.

With that, Rocky dropped his pants and push forward, sliding his delicious cock into me, my legs pressed up against my body he pushed into me, his lips met mine and he started to kiss passionately as his cock once again stretched more than ever before. It was so thick, so deep in me, so filling; in that moment I could think of nothing else, wanted nothing else than to be fucked by his magnificent cock.

My breasts rocked back and forth as he started to pummel my hungry pussy deeper and deeper. I started to cum again, feeling the walls of my pussy clenching onto his cock in one long continuous orgasm. With a final thrust, Rocky grunted and push deep into me, right up against my cervix as stream after stream of cum erupted inside me.

As Rocky rolled off me my pussy felt empty… I lay there dazed and panting in the afterglow of the orgasm and the effects of the alcohol. Never had I felt quite like this before… exhausted, I drifted into a hazy sleep… only to waken once again some uncertain time later to the chilling realization of what I had just done. I had been unfaithful to my husband, allowed a man to seduce me and have sex with me twice and now I might even be pregnant with his child. Tears filled my eyes once more.

Rocky was next to me on the bed, laying on his stomach, snoring softly. I quietly climbed off the bed and picking up my panties and dress off the floor. Cum was dripping out of my pussy forming a rivulet on my thighs. I slid the cold wet panties on to try and hold it in and slipped back into my dress, doing my best to pull the zipper up behind me. I checked my watch… 2:30am.


Still feeling a little drunk, I crept over to the door, closing it as quietly as I could behind me and headed down to the lobby, hoping desperately that no one would see me and made my way outside. I flagged down a passing taxi and headed home.

“OMG… Toni… what excuse to give Toni?” my mind raced over how to handle the whole situation. “Steve had called me… I left early… I’d looked for her but couldn’t find her… right that would do for now… I’ll call her tomorrow”.

“What about Steve?”, “What if he’s awake when I get in?” those chilling thoughts scared me. “How to explain the time, the smeared makeup, my disheveled hair, the smell of sex?”. My mind ruminated on the chilling thoughts of how to cope with and explain the predicament that I was facing. I cried softly to myself, tears gushing from my eyes, smearing my make-up.

As we pulled up outside our house, I paid the driver and made my way up the path to the front door, my hand shaking as I reached for the key and turned the lock, opening the door as quietly as I could.

Once inside, I looked at my watch… 3:00am and left my purse on the small table by the door and kicked off my shoes.

Not wishing to wake Steve, or alert him to my presence, I tiptoed as softly as I could in my stocking feet up the stairs. Holding my breath, I entered the bedroom, the bedside lamp was on at my side of the bed. Steve was always so considerate… how could I have done this to him? The feelings of fear and guilt were crushing.

I headed into the bathroom, shedding my dress, stockings, and the now completely sodden panties, dropping them in the laundry basket, making sure my panties were at the bottom. I turned and sat on the toilet and felt globs of cum dripping out. I reached down and pushed my fingers into my pussy and tried to scrape out as much as possible… there seemed to be gallons of it. I closed the lid and flushed the toilet as quietly as possible, rinsing my messy fingers in the washbasin.

Taking my make-up cleanser, wiped my smeared eyes and removed the rest of my make-up.

I looked at myself in the mirror in disgust, staring at the unfaithful whore; hair still messy and ruffled.

Returning to the bedroom, Steve was seemingly still asleep I still shaking internally slipped quietly into the bed. I looked at his sleeping form lovingly. I loved this man; how could I have done this to him? I lay there seemingly for an eternity, with self-depravating thoughts repeatedly condemning my unfaithfulness, sniveling softly as tears still welled in my eyes.

I guess that at some point I managed to drift off to sleep.

“good morning sleepyhead” Steve’s disassociated voice filtered into my brain… opening my eyes a crack, I squinted through the bright daylight that was now streaming into the bedroom was.

“did you have a good time?”

I tried hard to focus, not wanting to reveal that I had been awake most of the night. My pussy felt sore.

Yawning and stretching, I did my best to respond

“good morning honey, how are you feeling today?... yes, it was great actually… I hope I didn’t wake you last night”

Steve smiled down at me.

“There’s coffee downstairs…and no, no you didn’t disturb me… what time did you get in?”

“Oh about 1 I think” I answered, lying through my teeth. “What time is it now?”

“Gone 11” Steve responded jovially, “you sure seem to have slept well”

I was shocked!

“how are you feeling today?” I repeated the earlier question.

“much better honey, I think I’m over the worst of it… still a bit congested, but I feel fine… I finally got a good night’s sleep”.

A sense of relief washed over me… he hadn’t noticed me coming home, a small consolation. God knows what would have happened if he had been home when his freshly fucked wife returned.

I eased myself out of bed, grabbing my robe, and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. I needed a coffee badly. I determined that as soon as I’d had coffee, I was going to head straight to the pharmacy to get a morning after pill. On the way there, I grabbed my bag from the hall table and reached for my phone meaning to text Toni.

To my astonishment there was a message from Rocky. I shielded my phone as I opened it. “What the hell did that jerk want now?” … “of all people I let that chauvinistic asshole fuck me”. The guilt and negative thoughts flooded back into my head.

Opening the message, I swear that my heart clenched… there on my phone… a picture of me laying all but naked on the bed, my legs parted, a rivulet of cum pooling on the bedsheets together with the words “thanks for a wonderful evening, hope we can do it again soon”. I quickly closed the message, relieved that Steve had not seen it… my knees started to tremble as I entered the kitchen.

I felt like I was going to throw-up.


2021-04-17 14:37:42
And now comes the blackmail!

jack simpsonReport 

2021-04-16 18:57:57
Keep writing!

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