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A young girl gets manipulated into being naked at home by her older brothers.
My manipulative brothers.

by Vanessa Evans

A young girl gets manipulated into being naked at home by her older brothers.

I’m Clara and I’m 14. I live with my 2 brothers, Josh 19 and James 16. Josh got custody of James and me when a terrible illness took both our parents from us a year ago.

Fourteen was a big milestone for me because my long awaited puberty arrived.

Although my first period gave me a lot of discomfort I was happy that I was at last a woman. I may only be skinny and have tits nearer to the size of a table tennis ball instead of a proper tennis ball, but I was a woman.

At school the sex education lessons and my fellow girl pupils had prepared me for the changes and Josh had got me a supply of tampons in readiness months previous and he’d also told me that he’d take me to the doctors to get me on the contraceptive pill if my period pains got really bad.

At breakfast on THAT morning I announced that I was now a woman and that I expected my brothers to treat me as such. Both of them laughed, Josh saying,

“In your dreams.”

I was too happy to be disheartened and continued being happy.

“So how bad are your period pains Clara?” Josh asked.

“A long way from being good.” I replied.

“Do you want me to make an appointment for you at the doctors?”

“Yes please, the girls at school tell me that the pill makes things a lot better.”

“Okay, I’ll do that but remember, the pill isn’t your licence to drop your knickers for any boy that asks.”

“Eew, I’m not going to have sex with anyone.”

“Good.” Josh replied.

“Clara,” James said, “Now that you’re a woman can I take some photos of you topless?”

“What, No way, I’m not displaying my tits for your camera, or the guys in your photography club.”

You see, James had taken up photography about a year ago and I had got the impression that he was serious about it. He even spent some of the money that we got from dad’s life insurance on some expensive photography equipment. He takes lots of photos all the time and when he takes them of me I stick my tongue out at him or my middle finger up in the air.

“We’ve seen your bare breasts before, this won’t be any different. And I’ve already got some photographs of your breasts Clara.” James added.

“When, I’ve never posed for you?”

“No, but it isn’t as if you keep your chest or your pussy covered all the time is it?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well you still walk around in just your knickers at times and when you get ready for bed you still wear that same old T-shirt with nothing underneath..” James said.

“I’ve always gone around in just my knickers, like you and Josh just wear your underwear at times, and as for my sleepwear I’ve worn just that T-shirt for years.”

“All true, but you’ve growing up, you’re now getting breasts and you’ve got taller, or the T-shirt has shrunk. After you’ve got ready for bed and lay on the carpet watching TV we can usually see your butt and pussy.”

“I, I never realised, and why would it be a problem for you, you’re my brothers, it shouldn’t matter and you shouldn’t be taking photographs of me naked. Maybe you should buy me some pyjamas.”

“You weren’t naked in the photos that I was thinking about, but I do have some of you naked.” James said.

“What! When? Why did you take them?”

“Because you have a beautiful body Clara.”

“But you shouldn’t be taking photos of me naked.”

“Why not?”


“I think that you really want to pose for me Clara.” James said.

“Josh, please stop James talking like this.”

“Clara,” Josh replied, “You do flaunt your body a lot and anyone who saw what we’ve seen, and the frequency that we’ve seen you naked, you even shower with the bathroom door open and when did you last close your bedroom door? It’s easy for us to believe that you want to be seen naked.”

“I, I, I don’t know what to say, I didn’t realise that those things were a problem for you. I’m going to have to change a lot of things that I do aren’t I?”

“No Clara, there’s no need for you to change anything, you haven’t done anything wrong, we aren’t complaining, just asking you to sort of formalise what you are already doing.”

“I don’t know, it just doesn’t seem right, I mean you are my brothers.”

“So you’d happily pose naked for us if we weren’t your brothers?” James said.

“I didn’t say that.”

“Clara,” Josh said, “It doesn’t matter that we are your brothers, in fact it’s better that we are your brothers, you will be very safe with us, we wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.”

“Tell you what Clara,” James said,”I’ll take some photos of you after you get ready for bed tonight then we’ll all look at them in the morning. If you don’t like them I’ll delete them. How does that sound?”

“Weeeeeell I guess that that would be okay.”

I finished my breakfast then went for my daily, morning bathroom routine. It was only after I’d done my business on the toilet and was in the shower that I remembered that I’d again left the bathroom door open.

“Oops.” I thought, “maybe I should start shutting the bathroom door, but hey, if Josh and James aren’t happy it’s their problem not mine, why should I change my ways just to please them. I’m a woman now so sod them.”

I had a bit of an unpleasant day at school, my period was making life miserable for me, I even asked to be let off doing PE which was unusual for me. And just to add to a bad day, on my walk home some moron of a driver went through a huge puddle and drenched me.

I swore at him but he wouldn’t have heard me.

When I got home I went straight to the bathroom and stripped off. Then I changed my tampon, having a good look at what had come out of my body. I’d been told that it would look like I’d lost a lot of blood, and it did, but I’d been assured that things weren’t as bad as they looked and that it was perfectly normal.

For the first time I used the little bin that Josh had got for me.

After a warming shower I went to my room and put on just my sleeping T-shirt, forgetting what Josh and James had said that morning. Then I took the washing basket downstairs adding clothes washing to my list of chores that I had to do that evening.

I was multi-tasking, getting tea ready and starting the washing when I heard the back door open the James say,

“Don’t move Sis.”

Then I heard his camera clicking and I stood up quickly.

“Hey, what are you doing James?”

“Taking your photograph, I told you that I was going to.” James told me and the morning’s conversation surfaced in my brain.

“That was for when I got ready for bed.”

“You look like you are ready for bed already Clara.”

“I, I, I guess that I am, some moron in a car drenched me so I had to get changed.”

“And you thought that you’d get ready for me to take some photographs of you. That string hanging out of you pussy looks good sis.”

“Stop trying to embarrass me James, all girls use tampons when they have their periods, we have to.”

“Not all girls Clara, some wear pads but we won’t go there.”

“Good, I don’t want to talk about it and I thought that you weren’t going to take any photos of me until just before I go to bed.”

“Until you got ready for bed and you’re ready now.”

“Well, …………… grrrr, I hate you at times.”

“No you don’t, you love me.” James replied as he put his arm round me and hugged me. “What’s for tea. I’m starving.”

“Wait and see pig.”

James laughed and I got on with my chores.

When Josh got home he too asked me if I was eager to pose for James and I had to relate the reason for my attire.

“I made an appointment at the quacks for you next Monday evening, is that okay Clara?”

“Yes thank you, my period should have gone by then.”

Everything was pretty normal from then until I went and cleaned my teeth then came back down to watch a TV program that I wanted to watch. As usual I lay on the sheepskin rug forgetting about the length of my T-shirt until I heard James’ camera clicking. I was about to ask him what he was doing and to tell him to stop it when he said,

“You did say that you’d pose for me Clara.”

“No I didn’t, I said that you could take some photos of me.”

“Exactly, posing for me.”

“That’s not the same, don’t expect me to get into any of those stupid model’s poses.”

“I won’t, just act naturally Clara.”


I turned back onto my stomach trying to ignore James and pulling the back of my T-shirt down as far as it would go.

I watched the program until the adverts came on then turned over and looked at my brothers. James had his camera pointing at me and I could hear the sound of the shutter operating over and over.

“Do you have to do that James?” I asked.

“You said I could.”

“Grrr. Josh, please.”

“Clara,” Josh said as he got off the sofa and knelt beside me. “Do you remember when you got annoyed when you were little and I tickled you until you got over whatever?”

“Yes, no Josh please don’t tickle me, I’m a woman now.”

“Girls don’t stop being ticklish when they start their periods Clara.”

“No, please.”

But it was too late, Josh started tickling my sides and I started squirming all over the place. I was on my back on the floor and my T-shirt was slowly going up my body and Josh’s hands tickled my bare sides. His hands went up the inside of my T-shirt and he tickled my armpits.

“Stop, stop.” I shouted in between all my laughing.

On and on Josh went then finally stopped.. I was exhausted and just lay there flat on my back with my legs and arms spread. After a couple of minutes I started to get my breath back and I realised that my T-shirt was up around my neck and James’ camera was still taking photo after photo of me.

I got to my feet, pulling the T-shirt back down, turned to Josh and said,

“What was that for?”

“To get you to relax and distract you from the photos being taken Clara, and by the looks of you you are relaxed.”

“Yeah but.”

“They’re only photographs Clara.” James said.

“Naked photographs, my T-shirt was up around my neck.”

“I don’t understand why it’s such a big deal for you Clara,” James said, “you are a beautiful girl and you should be proud of your body.”

“I’m a woman.”

“Yes you are Clara,” Josh said, “and women like being called girls because it makes them feel young again and no woman wants to feel old.”

“I guess, so you think that I’m beautiful do you?”

“Yes.” Both brothers replied in unison.

“So you don’t think that there’s anything wrong with me posing for James?”

“Not at all Clara.” Josh replied.

“So what do you want me to do?”

“Act naturally.” James said, “The best photographs are when a girl looks like she’s not really aware that her photograph is being taken, like the ones that I’ve just taken.”

“So are you going to follow me around and keep taking photographs?”

“At times yes.”

“Even when I go to bed?”

“Girls look very beautiful when they are sleeping.”

“But my T-shirt often ends up around my chest when I’m in bed.”

“So what? You have a great body Clara, you should ditch the T-shirt and sleep naked.”

“Just so that you can take photos of me sleeping naked?”

“Not just that, I’ve read that a lot of girls sleep naked, that they feel good sleeping naked.”

“Some of the girls at school say that they sleep naked,”

“There you go then, you should try it.”

“Maybe I will. Can I look at the photos that you’ve just taken?”

“I thought that you wanted to watch that program Clara?”

“Oh yes, tomorrow morning then.”

“Yes, I’ll load them onto my laptop so that we can all look at them while we eat.”


I watched the rest of the program then went to bed. As I climbed under the duvet I thought about sleeping naked and I did sit up and pull the T-shirt off before laying back and thinking,

“This does feel nice.”

Then I went to sleep.


The next morning I was feeling a little better. I got up and went to the bathroom and it was only when I didn’t have to pull up my T-shirt to sit on the toilet that I realised that I was still naked. As I sat there I put my hands on my breasts trying to work out if, and by how much they had grown since the last time I put my hands on them.

Finishing my business I went back to my room for the T-shirt. Josh was just coming out of his room and he saw me naked.

“You look good kiddo. Did you sleep like that?”

“Yes I did.”

“And I bet that it felt good didn’t it?”

“Actually yes, it did.”

“There you go then.”

I put the T-shirt on then went downstairs to get the breakfast ready. James was already in the kitchen and had got everything out. His laptop was on the table and I could see a picture of me on the display. I was on the floor in front of the TV and my T-shirt was only just covering the top half of my butt.

“Wow,” I said, “I didn’t realise, I really do need a new T-shirt.”

“Or just don’t bother with it at all.” Josh said as he walked into the kitchen. “After all, you’ve discovered the joys of sleeping naked so you don’t really need the T-shirt any more.”

“Are you saying that when I get ready for bed I should just get naked, do my thing in the bathroom then come back downstairs naked?”

“Yeah, why not, it doesn’t bother us does it James, and it’s easier for you. But it’s your choice, we wouldn’t make you do anything that you didn’t want to do. In fact you could come down for breakfast naked as well, we wouldn’t mind.”

“And I’ll be able to get lots of better photographs.” James added.

“Hmm,” I replied, “I’ll think about it. Now can we look at the rest of the photos please?”

James started scrolling through the photos and I had to admit that I looked better than I had when I was little. My body was changing shape, my hips were spreading and my butt was getting more round. Not fat, I was still quite skinny, just changing shape to look more like a woman.

“My bum looks too big.” I said.

“Oh no it doesn’t,” James said, “It’s perfect for you height and weight.”

“My tits are too small.” I said when er got to a photo with my T-shirt up around me neck.

“Small tits are nice Clara.” Josh said.

“But mine as so small that you can hardly see them.”

“That’s because you are on you back in the photo Clara.” James said, “It’s the reverse of when you are on your hands and knees and tits look huge and all floppy.”

“Not mine, mine don’t even wobble.”

“Not yet.” Josh said, but they will grow, all girl’s tits do. In a few weeks they’ll be a handful.”

“I don’t want then to get huge.”

“Neither do I.” James added, “Small breasts are so much more photogenic.”

Then we came to the photos of me on my back.

“I haven’t got much hair yet.”

“Pubic hair on a girl is all wrong,” James said. “It spoils the whole beauty of a photograph.”

“A lot of girls at school shave theirs off, do you thing that I should?”

“Yes.” both siblings replied in unison.

“You’ll be wanting a razor for your legs and armpits soon so you’ll be able to shave your pussy as well. I’ll get what you need the next time that I go to the supermarket.” Josh added.

“Thanks Josh, I’ve noticed that I’m getting a bit hairy, I don’t want you calling me a hairy monkey.”

James scrolled through a few more photographs then when we came to a close up of my pussy. James said,

“Your clit is starting to grow out of your slit Clara, it looks good. Have you started playing with it yet, made yourself cum?”

“Yes, of course I have, all girls do once they know that their pussy is for sex.” I lied.

“But have you made yourself cum?”

“Err no, but it feels good when I rub it but I haven’t had those explosions that the other girls talk about.”

“Don’t worry Clara,” Josh said, “you’re still young and puberty has only just hit you. It will happen.”

“Or we could help you do it.” James added.

“No James,” Josh said, “let her discover orgasms for herself first, then we can help her make them totally awesome.”

“You’re not going to play with my pussy, that’s not right?”

“Not until you’ve made yourself cum, and then only if you ask us for our help.”

“Well that isn’t going to happen.” I replied.

“See how your pussy lips have opened, it’s beautiful Clara, you’re so photogenic.” James said as a more explicit photo of me came onto the screen.”

“I’m still not sure about this, you 2 shouldn’t even be looking at me naked never mind taking photographs of me and discussing my body with me.”

“You’d prefer for us to do it when you’re not around Clara?”

“I’d prefer for none of this to be happening, it’s just not right.”

“Aww come on Sis, you enjoyed having those photos taken didn’t you?”

“No I didn’t, it’s not right.”

“You should become a model when you leave school.”

“You mean a nude model don’t you James? You just want me to be naked all the time and let the world see my body.”

“Well you’ve certainly got the body for it Clara.” Josh added.

“No chance of that, I didn’t even enjoy you taking those photos of me.”

“This photo says differently Clara.” James said.

James had been scrolling through more of the dozens of photos of me and he’d stopped at one that was another close-up of my spread pussy.

“Yes it does,” Josh added, “look at how wet you are, pussies only get that wet when they want fucking.”

“No I didn’t.”

“The evidence says otherwise Clara.”

I said nothing and I’m sure that I was blushing a bit, my face certainly felt hot. In fact I said no more as I finished my breakfast and went and got ready for school.

On the way to school I met my best friend Susie and as we walked I told her about what my brothers were persuading me to do. Susie smiled and asked me if my period pains were getting better. I told her that Josh had made an appointment for me at the doctors.

Then I asked Susie if she wanted to come for a sleepover that coming weekend.

“Sorry Clara, mum told me that we’re going to see aunt Betty at the weekend but I’m free the weekend after that, can you survive until then?”

“Sure, unless my brothers decide to rape me.”

“You should be so lucky Clara.”

The rest of the day went reasonably quickly and by the time I got home my pains had gone. As I was taking my school uniform off I thought about the previous evening, that morning and what my brothers had said about the T-shirt and me being naked at home.

I stood there in just my knickers thinking for ages, then instead of putting a skirt and top on, or taking the knickers off and putting my sleep T-shirt on, I slid the knickers off, put them in the washing bin and walked out of my room and downstairs totally naked.

I was just starting the tea when James walked in.

“Hey sis, I see you’ve realised that we were right.”

“Hi James, good day at school?”

“Yes, I was showing some of the photographs of you at the camera club at lunchtime, everyone thought that they were great.”

“I bet they did.” I thought but said nothing.

A few minutes later Josh arrived.

“Hi Clara, how’s the pains?”

“At least someone cares enough to ask, they’re just about gone thanks Josh. And thank you for not making some sarcastic comment about my lack of clothes.”

“Oh, I didn’t notice. No seriously Clara, this is your house just as much as it is ours so you can wear or not wear whatever you like.”

“Thanks Josh, I’m just trying this, I may go back to wearing clothes at anytime.”

“Fair enough, your choice but I’m sure that you’ll find a lot of advantages in not wearing clothes.”


When tea was ready James came to the table with his camera.

“Is that thing glued to your hands James?”

“I’m starting a new collection, ‘The life of a permanude teenage girl.’”

“Oh great, and I’m guessing that your collection will include lots of photos of my pussy?”

“Of course.”

The rest of the evening was okay, I suppose. James was being a pain with his damned camera and he got quite a few photograph with me with my middle finger stuck up at him but I managed to get my homework and other chores done.

When I got into bed I was starting to think that being naked wasn’t so bad, and yes it would be less hassle.

Before I went to sleep I played with my clit again and made myself feel good, but I didn’t have an orgasm again.


Breakfast was okay, apart from James and his damned camera and he said that I should go to school like I was. Josh told him that he thought the UK schools weren’t ready for girls to be naked in school and I had to agree with him, not that I would have gone to school naked even if I could.

By the end of the week I was getting used to being naked at home all the time and I was definitely seeing some of the advantages of not wearing clothes. The only real problem was James and that damned camera. Josh was quite cool about it and only once tickled me.

I wondered what I would do if one of James’ or Josh’s friends came to visit them. It didn’t happen that often but knowing my luck they would catch me naked.


The Saturday was embarrassing. Josh had been to the supermarket and had got me some shaving things. I’d never shaved anything before and I was a bit apprehensive. When Josh offered to show me how to shave properly I reluctantly agreed.

He told me to go and have a shower then shout for him while I was still wet.

Just after Josh had got the shaving cream all over my arms and legs James came into the bathroom with his camera. Josh did a bit of my arms then told me to do the rest of them. That wasn’t too bad, but then it was my legs. I sat on the side of the bath and Josh started rubbing the cream all up my legs, and I mean ALL the way up my legs. The side of his hand touched my pussy and it was like a bolt of electricity that went from where he touched me, straight to my clit and nipples, and I moaned.

“Oh,” I said, “that was nice.”

“Is that the first time that a man has touched your pussy Clara?” James asked in between the camera flashes.

“Of course it is.”

“Nice was it?”

“Yes it was.”

Josh let me shave my own legs but he told me how to bend my legs so that I could get at the lower parts easier. He told me to go right up to my pussy but to be really careful when I got close to it.

I did, then Josh said,

“Now comes the delicate part. You don’t appear to have any proper hairs in your labia yet but we’ll shave them anyway, just to get rid of those little, thin hairs, I suppose the thick normal hairs will start to grow as you get older. Before I put the cream on I’ll just trim the hairs that you have got so that the shaving is easier.”

“Okay,” I said, but please be careful.”

“I will, I won’t cut your little clit off.”


As Josh was trimming the few hairs that I have (had), his fingers kept touching my clit and lips and I did moan some more.

Then it was the big shave.

“I’ll do it first with you watching,” Josh said, “then you do it over again, okay Clara?”

“I guess so.”

I don’t know if it was because I was being shaved or because it was a man shaving my pussy, but it felt so nice. In between my moans and looking to see what Josh was doing to me I saw James taking dozens of photographs.

Eventually Josh finished and he gave me the razor. The he got some more shaving cream and slowly rubbed it all over my pubes and pussy. That made me moan some more, especially when his fingers went between my labia and he rubbed around my clit.

“Right,” Josh said, “over to you Clara.”

I was nervous, I didn’t want to cut myself so I took it slowly. I probably opened my legs more than was necessary but I was being careful. Although James would probably say that I was just showing myself more for his camera.

As the razor slid up and down my labia I was getting the same feelings that I get when I rub my pussy on a night in bed and I slid the razor up and down a lot more times than was necessary and those feelings got stronger and stronger until I couldn’t stop even if I wasted to.

I dropped the razor and both my hands got busy, one set of fingers rubbing my clit and the other exploring how far I could get a finger inside me.

The inevitable happened and I had my first, proper orgasm. Well at the time I assumed that that was it and both Josh and James asked me if I had enjoyed my first proper orgasm.

“Wow,” I replied, “I knew that it would be good, but I didn’t expect that, it was wonderful, amazing, out of this world. I now knew what all the other girls were talking about.”

“So,” James said, can I help you with the next one?”

“No you can’t, it’s one thing me being naked when you 2 are around but any more, no way.”

“But you’re not going to stop posing for me and put some clothes on are you Clara?”

“I haven’t been posing for you, you’ve just been taking photos when I’ve been doing my normal things.”

“Bringing yourself off like that is a normal thing is it Clara?” James asked.

I grinned and replied,

“It is now. Thank you Josh, that was really helpful, in more ways than one.”

“Anytime sis, anytime.”

After another quick rinse off I got dried then did my other chores. I’ve often thought that I had more household chores than my brothers and I started thinking that maybe I could get James to do some of them for letting him photograph me.


By the Sunday evening I was quite used to being naked at home, and used to James and Josh seeing me. What I wasn’t too happy about was James and that damned camera. He even came into my bedroom, took my duvet off and took photos of me while I was asleep. He’s shown me the photos and apparently I slept with me legs wide open and my hand on my pussy.

I couldn’t remember my dream but I guess that it was a sexy one. James said that I was probably dreaming about him playing with my pussy and making me cum. James seems to be watching my every move and every time that I open my legs he managed to take a photo of my pussy.

I may have only had a few pubic hairs before Josh shaved them off but I do feel a bit more naked without them. The other thing that I can’t explain is that my pussy is wet a lot more often that it used to be.


When it came to getting ready for school on the Monday morning it felt a little strange putting some clothes on. When I mentioned it to James and Josh they both said that I should stop wearing knickers, that by doing that I would keep that feeling of freedom.

They didn’t actually tell me to take my knickers off, but because I was still feeling strange wearing them I did take them off and I left home without them.

My day at school with no knickers under my skirt felt nice. My brain kept coming back to my knickerless state, especially when I saw someone looking at my legs. It was mainly the male teachers when I was sat with my knees not closed, you see most girls at school wear their skirts to mid thigh so teachers getting a flash of knickers happens quite often.

I wear my skirts to mid thigh as well, and like so many girls, we never cross our legs sat at our school desks.

The thing was, when I caught a teacher looking at my legs two things happened. Firstly my knees seemed to open further all on their own, and secondly, each time that it happened my pussy started tingling and got a bit wet.

I was telling my best friend Susie about my weekend, and being knickerless at school then she surprised me by saying that she too was knickerless and that she only wore knickers when we had PE. When I asked her if she’d deliberately flashed her pussy to the male teachers she replied.

“All the time, don’t you?”

“I do now.” I replied.

After school Josh went with me to the doctors. He asked me if he needed to go into the consulting room with me, and as I was a bit nervous I asked him to.

The doctor was very nice but he asked to examine me and he told me to go to take my clothes off and get on the medical couch. I closed the curtain behind me then stripped naked and climbed on.

When the doctor came to me I’m sure that Josh got a flash of my naked body as the doctor opened then closed the curtain. Not that I was bothered by Josh seeing me naked - again, I’m used to that now.

Then the doctor explained and demonstrated how to examine my breasts for lumps before prodding around my stomach then telling me to put my legs up in the stirrups.

It was both embarrassing and exciting as he poked and prodded my pussy. The exciting bit being that I was getting aroused, especially when he pulled my clit hood back and gave my clit a little rub. I gasped, then moaned. I didn’t want to but I couldn’t help myself.

Examination over, the doctor gave Josh another flash of my naked body as he opened then closed the curtain again.

The doctor gave me the pre***********ion whilst telling me that I should take them every day at around the same time.

We called in at a pharmacy on the way home.

“Did you enjoy your day at school without knickers Clara?” Josh asked as we walked.

“Actually I did.” I replied.

“Did you give some of the teachers a flash of your pussy Clara?”

I blushed a little and replied,

“I didn’t realise it, until today, but a lot of girls sit with their knees open. It was only when I felt the air on my bare pussy that I looked around, and a lot of girls were sat like that.”

“So I take it that that was a ‘yes’, did it turn you on?”

“I blushed a little more then replied,


“Well don’t go round the back of the bike sheds with the boys at lunchtime.”

“We don’t have any bike sheds at school, remember? And even if we had I wouldn’t go, you boys would only try to fuck me.”

We may not have any bike sheds at school but we do have some garage like storage buildings and I have seen boys and girls go round the back of them at lunch and break times, I wondered if they went there to fuck.

Anyway, we got home and I went to take my school uniform off. As I looked at my naked self in the mirror I decided that clothes after school just wouldn’t do it for me any more unless we had visitors coming over. When I told Josh and James about my decision as we ate I asked them to let me know if they were inviting any friends over, and at the same time I reminded them that Susie was coming for a 3 night sleepover on the Friday after school.

I was expecting some comments from my brothers but they both just shrugged their shoulders.


The rest of the week went much the same as the previous week and all too soon it was the Friday and I was meeting Susie outside the school gates for us to walk to my house together. I had half expected Susie to have a big bag of her clothes for the weekend but the bag was relatively small.

We talked about what we wanted to do over the weekend and we were soon walking in the door at home. We passed James in the kitchen with a brief ‘Hi’, then went up to my room where we both stripped off.

“You’ve shaved your pussy.” Susie said as she looked at my naked front.

“So have you Susie, was that specially for this weekend?”

“Yes, I want to look my best. Then Susie continued,

“Well your plan worked Clara, I’m about to be naked in front of James and no doubt he will want to take photographs of me and my pussy, and when I’m cumming. You’ve paid a huge price to help me get to this point Clara. I owe you bit time.”

“Yes Susie the plan worked but I had to let my brothers see me naked to make it work.”

“You did Clara, but after hearing about you being naked around your brothers I’m starting to think that you wanted to show yourself to them as much as I did.”

“I certainly didn’t, but you know Susie, I’m starting to understand why you wanted to show yourself, I’ve never felt so good, or horny. Do you think that we could work out a plan for me to be naked in front of your brothers?”
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