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All characters are entirely fictional. Resemblance to anyone alive or otherwise is entirely coincidental.
Dressed in her usual casual Jeans and loose sweat top, Kay climbed the big wooden staircase. The old dark portraits all stared back at her, filling her with a sense of unease. The squeak of her trainers echoed around the vast building.

She’d answered an ad for a maid. With excellent pay. Kay needed to money to pay numerous debts, and maid work was easy. So here she was.

At the top of the stairs she looked for the second door off to the left, just as the decrepit old butler on the door had instructed.

She heard a voice from inside. ‘Enter!’

Stern, commanding, but a female voice. It struck her as odd. She opened the door and went in.

The room was vast. (Well what did she expect?) Wooden panels on either side leading to an equally impressive window overlooking the grounds of this stately home. In front of the window a desk.

Behind the desk the tall elegant figure of a woman. Tall. 5’9”. Maybe taller. And in those heels maybe over six foot. She gave the impression of being athletic. Quite muscular. Yes. You could tell by the skin tight black leggings. Muscular thighs. Her hair was striking too. Cropped blonde. Blue eyes, and unusually a monocle. It gave the woman a very aristocratic look. A look rounded off with a crisp white blouse and dark jacket.

"You must be Kay?” the woman enquired. “How old are you?”

Kay hadn’t had time to answer the first question. “Er, yes. thats right. And I’m twenty.” she answered awkwardly. Kay detected an accent in her voice. But she couldn’t exactly place it. European perhaps.

“Lovely. Perfect.”

“My name is Cristel. Your uniform is in your room. Up the stairs. First on the right. The key is in the door. The pay is good here. But then there will be much expected of you. This evening we are entertaining. We shall be expecting you in the main reading room at 8pm sharp. Make sure you are wearing the correct attire.”

Her short, sharp sentences felt like orders. Again feelings of unease crept through her mind. ‘We?…'

It didn’t take long to find her room. She turned the heavy key in the lock and pushed the heavy door open. Wow. A substantial size room. A big four poster bed. And, perfectly laid out on the bed was a French maid's uniform. Complete with underwear stockings and even shoes.

She decided to take a shower, then maybe try her uniform on for size. But again this played on her mind. 'Entertaining. Maybe it was fancy dress. Although… Hmmm.’

She took a long and luxurious shower. She thought about the uniform, and the various possibilities. It played on her mind even as she towelled herself down.

Walking back into her room she decided to try everything on. It was only about 7, so she’d take her time.

A huge mirror hung on one of the walls and she could watch herself get ready. Clipping up the white suspender belt around her waist she looked for her stockings. Black and seamed of course. She pulled them slowly up her legs, doing he utmost not to snag or catch anything, whilst admiring her own long legs in the mirror. Next Kay decided to pull on her shoes. Patent black leather with a point at the toe that looked so sharp you could almost cut yourself on it.

And with heels like that she was going to need a little practice walking.

She pulled her knickers up, again admiring herself in the big mirror. They were so sheer, they left nothing to the imagination. She had a well trimmed, but thick neat triangle of dark pubic hair that was still obvious beneath the flimsy white material. And the bra was identical. They fitted her 36inch DD cupped tits to perfection, but her big conical nipples were so obviously on show, having become so stiff.

Kay bit her bottom lip. 'Hmmm. So stiff’ she thought to herself as she rubbed her nipples absentmindedly through the fabric. ‘Look at you.’ She murmured to herself ‘Fuck. You look hot’

The young lady got to her feet and began to totter around the bedroom. She found she couldn’t take her eyes off herself. She looked like every man’s dream.

She checked her stockings. Seams all straight, 'Wow. what a view’ she thought. 'And what sort of party would this be? Some young hunks. All properly ripped.’

Her mind wandered.

“Lusting after me as I parade around…"

Absentmindedly her hand found itself between her legs. Imagining some young guy rubbing the head of his big stiff cock between her cunt lips.

Ooooh yeah. Slipping his shaft right up...


Without waiting for an answer, Irene strode into the room. Kay was standing there. One arm outstretched, holding herself up against the mirror. Her other hand between her legs, inside her knickers. Her legs straight, but spread wide apart. She must’ve looked a pretty picture.

Kay quickly tried to regain her composure.

“I can see you’re getting ready. I won’t keep you.” Cristel said.

Cristel approached and Kay began to (rather embarrassingly) remove the fingers from her cunt.

“Oh no. Don’t stop on my account. Far from it. Keep your hands there…”

Kay could see Irene as she came closer in the reflection in the mirror.

Cristel was now close enough to whisper in her ear.

“Now, young lady…” Kay felt the elastic on her knickers ease down across her pert bottom cheeks.

“I’d just like to tell you about…” She felt fingers begin to explore between her legs.

“…tonight. Our guests have come to enjoy a special evenings entertainment…”

She felt Cristel’s fingers find her own fingers two knuckles deep in her own cunt.

"... where you will be the main attraction. You will present yourself to each man…”

Cristel skilfully managed to slide her fingers in next to her own.

“... and in turn you will perform for them in whatever manner they desire.”

As her thumb expertly caressed Kay’s tight little anus.

"You will be paid by each man. But you must do exactly as they say.”

Kay felt herself pushing down on Irene’s fingers and thumb. She felt herself going slightly weak at the knees. She could see her hot breath on the mirror.

“Exactly.” she emphasised. "Do you understand?”

“Y…. Yes… Yes… Oh yes… Exactly…. Anything…”

Kay lowered her body, forcing her cunt onto Cristel’s fingers. Irene stood behind her straight and upright but still massaging between the young girls legs.

Kay was on the verge. Irene pulled her hand away and licked the goo from her fingers.

“Aaah. Plea…. Ohhh. More” Kay panted.

“I think you’ve had more than enough right now. I don’t want to spoil you. I’ll see you downstairs in 20 minutes."

The door closed. Kay felt flushed, her head spinning, but she knew she had an ache between her legs that needed urgent attention.

Cristel was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. And she’d changed. Irene was wearing a slim fitting black skirt, below the knee length, white sleeveless blouse and black opera gloves that stretched up well above the elbow. Black high heels, what she presumed were stockings, and her monocle.

Kay, as requested, was wearing her little French maids outfit. The skirt was splayed out by the full, frilly petticoat. The neck line decorated with more white laced frills. But more importantly than that, the neck line was extremely low. Kay’s ample cleavage was very much on display. And the height of her heels made her totter unsteadily, increasing the amount of bounce and wobble of her tits. A frilly white hat and white pinafore completed the outfit.

From a small table Cristel produced a leather choker and chain. She ordered Kay to turn around, and then fastened the leash around her neck.

“Right young lady. We’re all set.” Cristel whispered in her ear, and once again Cristel's hand eased inside her knickers. “Shall we enter?”

The hot breath on Kay’s neck reignited the tingle between her legs. Cristel pulled the leash and Kay took a few steps to steady herself.

Cristel pushed the door open. And with a few taps from the cane in Cristel’s hand Kay stepped through into the room.

A fug of cigar smoke was the first thing Kay noticed. The room was very quiet. A collection of leather seats and sofas was scattered around. And she realised that it was about 6 or 7 grey haired gentlemen sat around reading, smoking, drinking or a combination of all three. Two large great Danes lay by the open fire

‘Ahhh. At last” One old guy sat up then stood up from his chair. “And who might you be?” he enquired putting down his whiskey.

This wasn’t at all what she’d been expecting. She was rather taken by surprise.

“Errr. My name’s Kay.” She pause.

“I think you’ll find your name is 'Kay. Sir. Thank you Sir.'” he retorted.

She didn’t quite know how to respond. But she bit her bottom lip and stared at the floor, slightly confused and embarrassed.

“Kay. Sir. Thank you Sir.”

She looked up and saw the old man take a pen out of his top pocket. He scribbled down a note on a piece of paper he pulled out of his wallet.

“Come here young lady. I have something for you.”

“Yes sir.” she replied.

Quite small in stature, he had grey thinning hair. Tweed jacket and brown corduroy trousers. A white shirt covered a rather large stomach. Not her cup of tea at all. But there she was dressed like every man’s fantasy and she was tottering towards him while he taunted her by waving what looked like money in the air.

When she reached him she reached out for the note the old man was waving.

“What do you say?” he enquired.

"Please sir. May I have the note sir?”

“You may. But make sure you read it.”

She plucked the note out of his hand. A fresh fifty pound note. Neatly folded up. She opened it and read the note.

Her mouth went dry as she read it.

'Spend the rest of the evening with your tits on display.’

On a fifty pound note.

She looked at the old guy. A smile spread across his lips.

She pulled down the neckline of her top and eased out her 36DD tits. The frilly neckline perfectly framed her large heavy swinging breasts.

She heard various lewd comments from around the room.

For the next fifteen minutes or so, Kays was paraded around the room, serving drinks, offering cigars, and all the while her big tits were on display, swinging heavily as she walked. He did her best to force a smile as they were stared at, groped and fondled whenever they came within reach of these dirty old perverts. But at the same time the tingling, dull desire just above her cunt wouldn’t leave her. And, in the quiet moments, she would stand next to Cristel as Cristel’s fingers would deftly stoke Kay’s desire, caressing her knickers or tweaking her sensitive nipples.

“I also have a note for you” she heard another voice from across the room.

Red faced she looked around.

Another elderly man was waving a note. She walked towards him weaving through the leather armchairs and through the pawing hands of the old men.

She took his note after the 'please sir, thank you sir’ ritual. Another £50.

‘I’d like to eat a chocolate finger. From your arse.’

She’d been brought to the edge by her mistress, she’d displayed her heavy swinging tits for a room full of dirty old men. And now this… Already £100 up, she looked at the plate in front of her.

She bent over in front of him.

Kay lifted her short black skirt and her frilly french maids petticoat revealing her stocking tops and then her little white knickers. She hooked her thumbs into the side elastic and slowly lowered the knickers down until they dropped around her ankles. Looking over her shoulder she could see him mesmerised by her arse.

There was a murmur of appreciation from the old men. The odd dirty comment.

But by now she was lost in her own world. The ache between her legs consumed her.

She reached out and pulled a thin chocolate covered biscuit from the table. Reaching between her legs she eased the tip of the biscuit up her tiny little arse hole.

‘Sir. Would you like something to eat?’

She felt his hot breath between her cheeks. She felt the biscuit easing in and out of her. She felt warm lips and tongue on her arse hole.

She found she really wanted it. Her fingers slipped between her legs and began to slowly caress her wet slit.

The old man’s hands held her arse cheeks wide open and she felt his face bury it’s way in, greedily lapping, sucking, tonguing away. As on biscuit finished another was shoved in.

She closed her eyes but could sense a crowd gather around her. She could hear them and their disgusting comments.

“Look at her. She just can’t get enough of it.” “Just watch her push herself on him” “The filthy bitch loves it.”

She heard another old man claim to have a note for her.

She opened her eyes and before her sat a man in one of the leather arm chairs.

As one man feasted on her arse, other gave her another note.

‘I’d like to fuck you. With my walking stick.’

She looked up. The old man sat there, smirking. And at his side was his walking stick. A knurly old wooden stick. The handle was much like the handle of an old sword, it was polished smooth at the pommel, the top eight inches having a pronounced curvature, towards another bulbous lump further down at the hilt, the rest of the stick then tapered straight towards the floor.

‘Oh my word…” she thought to herself as she eyed the would-be wooden dildo.

The old man lightly caresses the head and then let his fingers slip down the curved wooden shaft, his eyes watching her as he did so.

Her eyes widened.

The old man rimming her had stopped. “Go on my dear. Off you go. Let’s see you mount the wooden prick.”

Cristel then proceeded to lead Kay (on all fours) by the leash, across the floor to a small coffee table. Irene patted the table top. “On here. On your back. Legs in the air.” Once again Cristel sounded like she was giving orders.

The table was quite low and not quite long enough for all of her. Kay’s head arched back off the edge, but she found a soft leather cushion had been placed to support it. With her head tilted back there was’t much she could see, but she felt hands pulling her knickers from her thighs to her ankles as her legs were held aloft.

Then Cristel came into view. She was now almost fully undressed too, apart from her black seamed stockings, white suspender belt, high heels, long opera gloves and, of course, her monocle.

“Oh and Mr Taylor here has given me another fifty pound note.” Cristel grinned, “he wants to watch you make me cum.”

At that moment she felt the wooden phallus introduced to the lips of her cunt, gently, very gently, stroking her wetness. The thick shaft caressing her clit. Occasionally the head would nuzzle the entrance to her cunt.

Cristel knelt down over Kay’s face, Her hands holding Kay’s legs by her ankles, her bald cunt at the perfect distance from Kay’s mouth. Kay’s lips suckled Cristel’s labia, her soft wet tongue pressing against the soft flesh beneath her clit. Gently sucking, rubbing, caressing.

Meanwhile the stick began to work at Kay’s cunt. With a little more pressure the head eased its way inside as Kay’s cunt gave in. She felt the girth stretching her. Wider and deeper.

As Kay began to involuntarily moan, it coaxed Cristel into pressing her cunt onto Kay’s mouth and the old man’s stick began to build up a rhythm.

Without warning the stick was removed and presented to Cristel’s mouth for her to lick clean, before being replaced into Kay’s now hungry cunt.

Kay then felt Cristel’s hands moving down her legs. Leaning further forward, Cristel pulled Kay’s knees and then her thighs Soon she felt the warm breath and tongue of her strict mistress gently sucking on her quim.

And as this was happening a huge cock head found its way across Kay’s nose rubbing at Cristel’s extremely wet fuck hole. In extreme close up she saw the giant cock head bury itself deep in Cristel’s cunt, the heavy grey haired balls brushing her forehead.

A wave of pleasure began to overcome her as the wooden phallus was introduced to her arse.

“Ooooh Thank you. Sir. Please… Please may I have another in my cunt?” Kay found herself saying, taking momentary rest from sucking Cristel’s mound.

She heard a old man’s voice. “You heard the young lady. I think we should oblige.” And before long she felt a prick find its way between her cunt lips, gently teasing her.

“Mmmm” she moaned, her mouth again full of female flesh.

But the cock kept rubbing and teasing, and again she broke off from her cunt sucking duty, “Please… Please, I need it… stick in in me.” she moaned.

“Oh there you go.” she heard another voice say as the prick slipped into her much like a ship being launched down the jetty. Slowly at first but speeding up as the length went deeper.

She felt him rubbing against the wooden dildo up her arse. Cristel’s tongue expertly caressing her clit.

It was all getting a bit much.

But she wouldn’t be the first.

She saw at very close quarters the prick that was buried deep in Irene began to pick up pace. Amidst loud groans the prick withdrew, the balls swirling in the ball sack, the cock flexing and twitching, as time and again the head of the cock unleashed torrents of cum., splashing Irene’s arse and cunt hole, dribbling swinging and cascading onto Kay’s face.

“Oh ja… More… more…” she heard Cristel command. And on cue another cock replaced the first. Thicker, shorter and more veiny that the first, this old cock was soon hammering away, sticky cum coating the shaft.

Then it was the turn of the cock fucking Kay. The pace of the fucking picked up and that too was soon flexing away, spasming inside her. Although unable to see, as it withdrew she felt the warm goo dribble out down between her arse cheeks. And that cock too was soon replaced by another.

But it was to be Cristel’s turn next. Kay felt Cristel’s legs quiver. She felt the woman moan loudly, and draw herself up, her cunt pulling away from Kay’s mouth and onto the thick cock that was fucking her.

“Ja… Oh ja. Fuuuuck… ja…” Cristel moaned as she writhed. Kay felt Cristel’s monocle fall onto her stomach.

Cristel rolled off Kay and lay down beside her on the table.

Kay soon found her own legs quivering. Wave upon wave of pleasure was beginning to overwhelm her. Her eyes rolled back and she became blissfully unaware of everything else around her as she had the most powerful orgasm she’d ever had. And, as she regained control of her senses, she found herself surrounded by gurning old men frantically tugging their pricks, revelling in the spectacle of this big-titted beauty thrashing around in ecstasy.

Hot cum splattered over her face, covering her forehead, running off her nose and across her cheeks. Covering her lips. Covering her tits. Pools of it gathered in the creases of her uniform.

With everyone spent, Crystel leant over and began to lick the sloppy mess from Kay’s face.

As their lips met they enjoyed a long lingering kiss, tongues rolling together, toying with the cum that spatted both their faces. Momentarily Crystel stopped and pulled away. “So, will you be back next week? There is so much more to do here…”

“Oh yes. Of course” replied Kay, a big smile crossed her cum smeared face. ”I can’t wait.”
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