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A gladiator revolt leads to rape and pillage. Can Anaria help her family survive?
Fallen Kingdom

The people of Pythria were a cultured people. They were, in their own words, an ‘advanced civilization,’ or so they liked to believe. Their upper classes lived like gods and goddesses. The ‘lesser’ folk, though, those not born of the right family or of noble blood, followed a very different path of existence. Theirs was a world of starvation with only one glimmer of hope; the Arena. There, in the Games, a man or woman might make their luck through tooth and claw, shield and sword. There, fighting for the amusement of the ‘cultured’ masses, a gladiator could at least win enough glory and the prizes that came with it to feed their loved ones.

Like a buildup of magma underneath the earth, though, the pressure of such an unequal society continued to grow. It built and built until one day the horrific disparity between the Imperium, the upper-crust of Pythria’s society, and the slaves, commoners and gladiators, finally could hold no longer. When the revolt began, it started with a simple spark.

A valiant gladiator named Gorlann needed to win his upcoming match in order to buy medicine for his wife. He was vastly favored to win, so he asked for an advance of the prize money from the ‘Stablemasters,’ the Imperium centurions who ran the Games. They refused. Although he won his match, his Lutria died of her illness before he could get her the medicine which would have easily cured her. The night after Lutria’s death, the gladiators of Gorlann’s house revolted. Killing their guards and handlers, Gorlann’s warriors soon overran the town guard and recruited slaves from the outlying villas to their side. Soon a tiny rebellion of a few dozen gladiators had grown to hundreds, and then even the gladiatorial houses from neighboring towns joined the rebellion too. Hundreds had become thousands.

Meanwhile, with Pythria’s legions engaged in foreign wars, the authorities were not prepared for what came next. Now, as a sea of revolt sweeps the land, the once powerful Imperium classes of nobility know fear for the first time. The men of the sword and shield, the gladiators of Pythria and the brown-skinned slaves of Xokoth, are on the march… and none will be spared.

Rape, pillage, and conquest of the Imperium is the mighty rebel host’s only instinct now. And like an animal seeking only to devour, they will not be denied…


Day 1

Anaria hid as best she could. In the distance she could hear cries and screams. Earlier there had been sounds of battle, sword clashing upon sword, but those had mostly waned. The rebel beasts had overrun Bheketha’s walls, and the town was at their mercy. What few defenders remained were either dead, captured, or in hiding just like her. She and her parents had tried to seek shelter in the hidden compartment beneath their villa, but the gladiators had found them. Anaria had managed to sneak out through the secret passageway to the alleyway behind their house. Her father and mother had made what noise they could to distract the intruders, hiding the passageway before they were caught.

Now, concealed among a cluster of bushes just outside her family’s compound, she could hear the gut-wrenching sound of her mother and father’s protests. She watched, glimpsing between the foliage, as two strong warriors, followed by five more, dragged her parents out to the street.

A tall man – taller than all the rest – stood with a wicked-looking sword strapped to his back. His face was rugged, handsome yet cruel, with penetrating eyes of deep brown like damp earth. He glared at Anaria’s mother, who was struggling furiously.

“Let us go! We are Imperium, you vicious, pathetic dogs! You have no right!”

Anaria gasped as the big warrior slapped her. It seemed to stun her more than anything. Phaeka tumbled to the ground. Her husband, Anaria’s father, Lord Kaelon, cried out and struggled.

“Don’t you dare touch her!” But soon the men had pummeled him into submission, forcing him to his knees. Anaria didn’t want to watch, but she couldn’t help it. She stared, pleading inwardly for someone or something to save her parents. Meanwhile, the big, tall warrior introduced himself.

“I am Gorlann of the House of Keresh. We have EVERY right, you stuck-up Imperium bitch. You hoard food, medicine, and wealth all for yourself while blissfully letting the people around you die. For that you have been judged and found wanting. For that we will take what is our due. And right now, I plan to take EVERYTHING you have.”

So saying, the muscular warrior stripped out of his bloody and sweat-slick armor. He put aside his sword. The other warriors followed his lead. Standing naked, this mighty-looking Gorlann motioned to Anaria’s mother.

“Come. Take off your clothes. You will give me your body. You owe us ‘commoners’ that much and more.”

“I will do no such thing!” Phaeka gasped. Anaria’s mother had had Anaria had a young age. She was still a gorgeous woman, slender to the point of petite, with vivid gray eyes, short brown hair, and small but still perky breasts. She squirmed and then fought and flailed as two of Gorlann’s men did the work for him, roughly ripping away the woman’s dress and undergarments until she stood bare before the world.

“Kneel and suck my cock, Imperium whore.”

“Go to Hades!” Phaeka spat. Just then, though, Gorlann motioned to one of his fighters. The warrior grabbed Anaria’s father by the hair, pulled up Lord Kaelon’s head and placed a blade at his neck.

“Shall I cut his throat, Sir?”

All the blood fled from Phaeka’s face. Anaria felt tears sting her eyes. No! Please no!

Too late, Anaria realized that she hadn’t just thought those words; she had shouted them.

Warriors quickly rushed over toward her hiding place, but Anaria decided to meet her fate boldly rather than cower. She stood up and walked toward the mighty gladiator who now frowned down at her as she approached.

‘You have to do this,’ Anaria thought to herself. ‘Father’s life, mother’s life…they all depend on you.’ They all depended on pleasing this brute of a man. Trembling, but refusing to show her fear otherwise, Anaria approached the man more closely and began to shed her garments. She took off her sleeveless sky-blue tunic, leggings, and ruby-adorned undergarments. Soon her pale body stood as naked as her mother’s. The slender girl had fuller breasts than her mother’s and her long, raven-black hair fell like a waterfall of shining ebony down her back. Her smooth belly led to a cunt with finely trimmed pubic hair. Anaria prided herself on her grooming, and her perfect eyelashes complemented the delicate features of her perfectly symmetrical face.

“What have we here?” Gorlann shouted.

“Th-this is my daughter,” Phaeka said, her voice quavering. “Please don’t hurt her!”

Anaria forced herself to stare into the brute’s ferocious gaze. She walked up to him closer still, now only a stride apart.

“I will suck your cock, Sir. Please, please, I beg of you, do not hurt my parents.”

The big warrior looked momentarily stunned, then bemused. He rubbed his stubble-spiked chin thoughtfully.

“You show some courage, little girl. What is your name?”

‘I am no little girl,’ Anaria thought bitterly. She was old enough to be a wife. Her parents had already betrothed her to the son of a powerful family in the next town over.

“My name is Anaria.”

Gorlann motioned at his erect manhood. “You may begin.”

Mindful of her mother staring on in abject horror, Anaria knelt in the dirt at Gorlann’s feet. Though reputedly a virgin, Anaria had had more than a few secret boyfriends against her parents’ wishes. She knew much more about sex than they realized. Now she put that knowledge to good use. She began, in a teasing way, licking up from the very base of Gorlann’s cock. She made a tiny slurping sound as her tongue twirled around the tip of his 9-inch shaft. Then she grasped the cock with both hands, pumping rhythmically as she sucked on just the tip, focusing all of her energy there. To her surprise, his cock grew even longer, now just over 10 inches. He was a beast, and his cock coursed with veins up and down its entire surface.

Anaria made loud sucking noises, her lips forming a tight seal around the tip of his cock. Now, as her hands slipped to fondle and caress his swelling testicles, she impaled her mouth a little further each time. Soon she could taste his pre-cum on her palate. Her mouth slid back and forth, taking him just a little deeper with every plunge. She had to pace herself; his cock was huge. She would never fit that entire length down her tiny throat. His erect manhood was bigger than her entire skull, it seemed. She was mindful of his dominance, size, and strength as she sucked dutifully on his shaft and prayed that he would show mercy to her parents.

The rest of the warriors enjoyed the show. They enjoyed watching this Imperium daughter kneeling naked in the dirt, her alluring buttocks bare as her head bobbed up and down over their commander’s cock. They enjoyed listening to the sounds of her efforts, her increasingly fervent slurps and sucking. Most of all, they enjoyed the groan of contentment from their ferocious leader as he strove toward the pinnacle.

“Ahhhh. Fuck. Your daughter’s mouth is a treasure,” Gorlann growled to the miserable older woman. “You must be jealous of her fun, yes?” The muscular gladiator surveyed the ring of six other warriors standing naked, pumping their cocks and greedily watching the progression of events. He pointed at Phaeka.

“Daggoth, Zhur, you keep the husband in his place, make sure he doesn’t try anything. The rest of you, begin taking your spoils. Explore the villa if you wish. Give that Imperium bitch something to think about while I play with her daughter.”

Phaeka squealed as two men quickly grabbed her. In no time at all, they had dragged her to a nearby patio table and slammed her down onto it. One man had her legs spread in no time, already spearing his cock into her exposed pussy. The other man held her arms. As she flailed, her cries sailed far and wide.

“Let go of me! Stop this!” But the warrior holding her arms gave her a warning slap – just enough to stun her – and presented his rigid cock to her lips.

“No need for crying, slut. You may as well open your mouth and do something useful with it.” Phaeka’s protests were soon muffled by the cock seesawing between her lips as the man crouched over her face. Anaria looked back over her shoulder with disbelief. Her mother was being raped right before her eyes. She had to stay calm, though. Anaria’s discipline, her courage, somehow survived the onslaught of what was happening to her family. She calmly caressed Gorlann’s testicles with her fingertips and resumed slurping on his dick. He looked down, impressed.

“Mmmm. Good girl. You aren’t too distracted by your mother’s cries? That’s good. You show some surprising mettle for a spoiled Imperium brat. Now stand up. It’s time we fucked.”

Anaria stood up. Her hand still grasped the base of his shaft, gently pumping up and down.

“Please Sir, please don’t let your men hurt them. I’m begging you.” She stared up into his eyes, imploring him with every fiber of her being.

“Hmm. Your plea is persuasive, bitch, but it would be MORE persuasive if your pussy was clenched around my cock. Jump up.” He lifted her into the air as she wrapped her legs around him. She felt the egg-shaped tip of his cock brush against her labia. Then she was poised above his massive erection. He looped his hands underneath her hips. She lassoed her arms around his neck. Slowly, he sank her down onto his raging cock. The rape began as he dropped her onto his girth, his cock stretching her tiny pussy until it seemed it could accommodate no more. Anaria bit her lip to keep from moaning. She couldn’t believe how much of it was inside her. Then the big warrior started his rhythm, lifting her up only to bring her crashing back down onto his cock. She squealed in surprise. It took some time to adjust to the violent plunges. To Anaria’s deep shame, though, her cunt gradually began to welcome each invasion. Her insides awoke with sensations and lust. A wetness began to build up inside of her, soon coating her rapist’s cock, her primal feminine self making it known that this was exactly what it desired. Her long, charcoal-black tresses shook with the force of her impalements, waving back and forth as her buttocks slammed downward again and again.

Gorlann’s grunts joined her more feminine gasps each time that cock fucked her like no cock ever had. A few teenage boyfriends with cocks maybe half his size had known her, that was all. This cock, like this larger-than-life man, was epic in scale by contrast. He bounced her on his cock like she was a rag-doll, her slender form impaled on his mighty prick again and again, her body helpless against the barrage of guilt-ridden sensations. She clenched her hands around the back of his neck and let out the tiniest of moans.


“Yes, you love it, don’t you bitch? You’ve never known a real cock before, have you?”

Looking up into his fierce, steely gaze, she licked her lips and shook her head.

“Kiss me, bitch. Show me how much you want your parents to live.” As he bent down to capture her mouth, she gave him the kiss he desired. She poured everything into it, holding nothing back. The two furiously continued coupling, her pussy bouncing obscenely along the length of his shaft, its glistening length sheened in Anaria’s fluids of arousal. It wouldn’t be long now. Anaria could feel the buildup of pleasure in her own body. She could surely sense it in his too, in the straining manhood pulsing inside her wetness.

She could hold back no longer then. Something swept her over the edge. She felt herself falling… or flying… she couldn’t tell which. Her cunt convulsed and gripped the shaft of her gladiator rapist with blissful, traitorous abandon. She moaned into Gorlann’s mouth, their tongues entwined, as her cunt gladly squeezed him toward a violent finish. And then that finish came. His cock spasmed, twitched, and exploded its geyser of sticky, life-giving sperm. She heard him growl. She felt his kiss turn bruising, almost punishing, as their tongues melded together. Her hardened nipples rubbed against his wiry chest hair as he held her body flush against his, spewing wave after wave of jism deep into her snatch. The girl sighed as she felt the last twinge inside of her, the last spasm of that cock deep in her pussy, violating her and yet somehow blessing her at the same time.

When she came down from the euphoric high, Anaria couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe that this was real. ‘I just came on my rapist’s cock. I just found pleasure in my own rape,’ she thought bitterly. Meanwhile, even more appalling, she heard a woman moaning in the background. She heard a woman’s voice and she recognized that voice – that of her own mother.

Gorlann chuckled. “It seems your mother is learning to enjoy her predicament,” the man rumbled.

Anaria risked glancing over her shoulder once again. There she saw, on the patio table, that the gladiator was still pounding between Phaeka’s legs. His jiggling testicles and her pale, wide-spread thighs were almost all Anaria could see as he drilled her cunt like a tireless beast. The other soldier meanwhile groaned with appreciation. His hands now only gently held her wrists down. The fight in her was more than gone. Anaria’s mother was keeping her mouth wide open and taking him down her throat as he plunged downward in a stabbing motion, time after time. He faced toward her feet, his balls smacking just beneath her nose with each impalement.

Daggoth and Zhur, for their parts, had finally decided to tie up their Imperium male captive. Lord Kaelon had been stripped naked, tied to a nearby tree, and lightly beaten. His weary figure looked on, helpless, but Anaria could not deny the one appalling, unmistakable truth when she looked her father’s way. His cock was fully erect. His cock was hard and elongated to its uppermost limit as he looked miserably at his wife and daughter’s humiliation.

“Yes, you see it, don’t you little bitch? Your father is enjoying watching his precious daughter and wife get filled with the cocks of gladiators. Hmmm. Who knows, perhaps this is a secret fantasy of your father’s, watching you and your mother get TAKEN.” Anaria wanted to say no. She wanted to shout, ‘Shut up you sick bastard!’ but no words would come. Instead, she merely stared in hurt disbelief at the heavy-lidded yet tormented look on her father’s face. There was sorrow in those eyes, an apology there, but Anaria sensed that it was an apology for more than just his inability to protect them. A tiny kernel within told Anaria that a shred of Gorlann’s horrific accusation might just be true.

“Now,” Gorlann continued, giving Anaria’s cute ass an affectionate swat, “eyes forward, bitch. You pay attention to ME, remember. I’m the one who will determine your parents’ fate.” As he said this, she could already feel his reinvigorated cock hardening once more inside of her. With the lubrication of his cum and her own fluids, he now resumed their fucking. The man was relentless. His cock seemed to be equally superhuman. Anaria held on for dear life, her arms wrapped around him, as he resumed slamming her jism-soaked cunt onto his rejuvenated shaft.

“AHHH. Yes. Now let’s fuck some more, and while we FUCK you can tell me why you think you and your parents deserve to LIVE, Imperium bitch.”

Anaria couldn’t believe this was happening. She felt rivers of traitorous arousal flow through her again; her cunt already gratefully accepted the shaft sliding in and out of her, raping her body and soul. She looked up into those unyielding eyes. What could she say? She said the first thing that came to her head. Part of her even desired it, begged for it, and that was maybe the most devastating thing of all.

“Please Sir, I’ll be your slave. I’ll be your sex slave,” she gasped.

His voice turned ominous. “Is that what you think I want, bitch? Slaves? You think my mind operates like you Imperium scum? Wanting to mindlessly amass more and more wealth and power? That’s not what I want, bitch. I want JUSTICE. I want REVENGE. I want to take everything that your people have taken from mine. I want to take everything from the Imperium bastards and sluts who flaunt their own power and beauty and leave only the scraps for everyone else to live on. So tell me again, bitch, why should I even let you live? I have no need for a sex slave. I can fuck you until I tire of you, burn your parents’ villa to the ground, take your lives and have my vengeance. What more could I want?”

To Anaria’s surprise, she didn’t feel fear just now. This man was threatening to take everything from her – her parents, her very life – and yet she couldn’t bring herself to feel loathing or even terror. Instead, she marveled at this wounded, broken husk of a man. Now she remembered where she had heard the name ‘Gorlann.’ She remembered the story of the gladiator and his dying wife. She realized, suddenly, exactly what he had lost. She realized that her own society had turned him into this brutal creature that stood before her and fucked her even now. In place of fear or loathing, she felt only empathy – not even pity, but true empathy.

She looked up at him, no guile in her eyes, only naked truth.

“I can think of no reason for you to let me live, Sir Gorlann. You are right. I was oblivious to the world outside of my villa’s carefully tended walls. I lived in a bubble of privilege while you suffered… while so many suffered. I was part of the problem, whether I knew it or not. I see that now. I deserve whatever comes,” she said simply. Then, using her clasped wrists around his neck for leverage, she pulled herself up and whispered in his ear. “I only ask that if you kill us, you at least make it quick. Or, if you feel mercy in your heart, I ask that you let my parents go, and I will stay and serve you. I will be your apprentice, if not your slave. I will work beside you, strive to see the old world torn down, as you would have it. That’s all I can offer you. I realize that much. I am but a girl. I would offer you that, though, if you would take it, paltry as it is.”

There was a stunned silence interrupted only by Gorlann’s grunts as he continued to lift and impale her sex on his raging hard-on. He stared at her with an odd look. Finally, he spoke.

“You are a strange girl, Anaria. I will… accept your offer. You can be my companion, my ‘apprentice.’ You will provide me with the pleasures of your body and the benefits of your mind. I expect you to learn the ways of the gladiator. Females can fight as well as males, no matter what others say. You are now pledged in fealty to me, then. Are we agreed?”

Anaria nodded. “Yes, Sir.”


Gorlann now lifted the slender girl off of his manhood, letting her down onto her feet on wobbly legs. Then he had her kneel, raising her pussy and ass high in the air, and proceeded to re-enter her from behind. As Gorlann’s shaft pummeled her increasingly sore cunt, Anaria felt oddly grateful. Brutal and savage as this man was, perhaps he could be tamed after all. Meanwhile, Anaria watched as the man fucking her mother groaned and howled as his orgasm took him.

“Oh GODS YES! Oh fuck!” Anaria watched as the warrior trembled on top of her mother, emptying his copious load deep in her mother’s pussy. No sooner had he stepped away, another warrior moved to take his place between Phaeka’s legs. Anaria had only the briefest glimpse of her mother’s cum-filled pussy oozing excess jism before the next man plunged between her, raping her with zeal.

It would be a long day, but Anaria felt comforted that they would survive. For now, that was enough.


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