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Simone has more 'accidental' exposure and loses her virginity
The Shortest Skirt in School

by Vanessa Evans

Part 03

After a while of comparing the guys and what they’d done to us I noticed that it was getting cooler.

“Fancy another swim before it gets cold?” I asked.

“Shall we go and tell the guys that we’re going into the pool?”

“That depends on if you want them to start grabbing your tits and pussy.”

Lizzy smiled and replied,

“I’ll go and tell them.”

A few minutes later Lizzy came back out followed by the 3 guys, Duncan and Luke having put their shirts on.

“Not coming for another swim?” I asked.

“Can we take a rain cheque please girls?” Luke said.

“We really want to get in your knickers again.” Duncan added, “but we really have to go.”

“Hot date?” Mike asked.

“No, family dinner. My Gran will be there and we don’t think that she’s got long left.” Luke replied.

“Sorry to hear that bro,” Mike replied, “yeah, I’m sure that the girls will be here some other time.”

I waited until Duncan and Luke had had plenty of time to get down the road then turned to Mike and said.

“You didn’t tell them about half term?”

“No, I got the impression that neither of you were too pleased with Duncan so I’m not going to invite him again.”

“But you will invite Luke won’t you?” Lizzy asked.

“Sure, and a whole load of other guys if you want, just not Duncan. Now, who’s for that swim?”

Mike was soon naked and chasing us girls into the pool. It was the first time that Lizzy had seen Mike naked and after some time of messing about with the ball I said,

“Mike, will you sit on the side of the pool and let Lizzy have a good look at your cock? I know that it’s still hard.”

“I’ve got a better idea,” Mike replied, “let’s get dried and go into the house then Lizzy can explore me in great detail and I can explore her in great detail.”

“He means a 69 Lizzy, are you up for it?”

“Hell yeah.”

We got out of the pool, went and got our towels then Lizzy followed Mike inside. I picked up Lizzy’s clothes and followed them. By the time I got to the lounge Mike was on his back devouring Lizzy’s pussy and Lizzy was trying to swallow Mike’s cock.

I went to the toilet and when I got back Lizzy was still trying to swallow Mike’s cock whilst she was cumming from Mike’s administrations. I sat and watched them, they were in a world of their own and doubted if they even knew I was there. I looked at Lizzy’s tits hanging from her chest. They’re bigger than mine, probably somewhere between an ‘A’ cup and a ‘B’ cup. They were very conical with dark nipples that aren’t as big as mine. My right hand went to my left tit and toyed with the nipple as I wondered how big my tits would grow.

Lizzy started cumming first, but all credit to her, her head kept going up and down on Mikes cock. His arms were round her, holding her butt, so that he could continue doing whatever he was to her.

After a few minutes Lizzy started cumming again closely followed by Mike, and Lizzy kept his cock in her mouth throughout it all. Finally spent, Lizzy rolled off Mike and lay next to him. Both looked knackered.

I went and sat the other side of Mike and looked down at his soft cock, covered in Lizzy’s saliva and probably some of Mike’s cum. I bent over and kissed it, a little disappointed that it didn’t twitch or start to grow.

Lizzy sat up and said,

“I’ve never really looked at a cock close-up, without it thrusting in and out of my mouth that is, can I look at yours please Mile?”

“Go for it.” Mike replied and spread his legs wider so that she could get a good look under his balls.

As Lizzy, and me, lifted and prodded and poked poor Mike’s cock and balls like he was some sort of new toy, the inevitable happened and it started to grow. Both Lizzy and I watched, fascinated in the transformation.

“That’s going to be my first.” I said.

“Simone,” Mike said, “we’ve talked about this, we can’t, it’s incest and against the law.”

“It’s not like you’re going to make me pregnant is it?”

“Simone, we shouldn’t.”

“What about Lizzy, will you fuck her?”

“SIMONE.” Lizzy said, “you can’t go offering my body to any old man.”

“Mike isn’t any old man, he’s my brother and he’s only a couple of years older than you. Go on, you can fuck him if you like.”

There was deadly silence for a good 10 seconds before Lizzy slowly got to her feet, lifted one leg over Mike and started to squat down over his cock. As her pussy got close I reached over, held his cock and guided it in to Lizzy’s vagina.

“Arrrrrgh, ohhhhhh, shit, ohhhhhhhh, that’s soooooo nice. Arrrrrgh.” Lizzy said as she slowly lowered herself until her I saw her pubic bone meet Mike’s.

“Oooooooooooooooooh.” Lizzy said as she just sat there. Then she added,

“You’ve got to try this Simone it’s awesome, why didn’t I do this months ago.”

Lizzy slowly started raising and lowering herself as her vocal chords got exercised with her cries of pleasure.

It didn’t take long for Lizzy to cum again but Mike was still laying there enjoying the warm, wet, velvety feeling of a vagina on his cock.

“Don’t cum yet Mike.” Lizzy said, “I want to try something else. Close your eyes so that you get a nice surprise.”

Lizzy slowly lifted herself off of Mike and moved away, using girl sign language to tell me to take her place. As I started to impale myself Lizzy went and knelt near Mike’s head and started making the same noises that she had made when she lowered herself onto his cock.

I tried to keep silent but a few noises of pleasure did escape my mouth and I hoped that Lizzy’s noises drowned out mine..

“Keep your eyes closed Mike.” Lizzy said as I started riding his cock.

This time the fornicating couple started cumming at roughly the same time and Lizzy didn’t try to cover the noises of pleasure that I was making.

Mike must have noticed the change of voice and opened his eyes.

“Fuck Simone, what are you doing?”

“I would have thought that that was obvious Mike.”

“But you shouldn’t be doing that.”

“Nope, and neither should you, but we are, so we may as well keep doing it now.”

“Well it was nice, but we shouldn’t really.”

“Until the next time.” I added.

Mike thought for a few seconds then said,

“You two have had a good, long look at me so isn’t it fair that I have a good look at you?”

“I guess that it is, come on Lizzy, let’s sit on the sofa with our legs spread wide so that Mike can compare our pussies.”

Lizzy looked a little hesitant so I added,

“Bloody hell Lizzy, he’s eaten you out, you’ve given him a blowjob, you’ve both cum on each other, you shouldn’t be shy after all that lot.”

“It’s not that, it’s just, my clit isn’t as big as yours.”

“And my tits aren’t as big as yours Lizzy. We’re not going to judge each other and I’m sure that Mike won’t be either.”

“Hell no,” Mike added, “I’m 100% sure that each of your pussies are amazing, just in a slightly different way. There’s no good or bad, just different, although I would call a hairy pussy a bad thing.

Lizzy lost her reluctance and joined me on the sofa, our nearest legs overlapping.

Mike stuck his head in between Lizzy legs first and soon she was saying that his breathing was tickling her pussy. I watched as he spread her lips wider and pulled her clit hood back.

“Beautiful” he said.

Lizzy gasped as he slid a finger inside her and watched as her flesh moved about.

“Careful Mike.” I said, “you’ll make her cum.”

“Not yet, hold it back Lizzy, after I’ve studied Simone’s pussy I’m going to make you both cum at the same time.”

Mike gently slapped Lizzy’s pussy then moved to mine where his did roughly the same as he’d done to Lizzy’s although he used a finger to push my clit from side to side and back to front.

“Stay there girls,” Mike said, “I want you both to cool down so that I’m starting from scratch with both of you.”

“You think that our pussies are going to stop drooling in anticipation waiting for you to finger us?” I said, “You’d have to walk to the North Pole and back to stop that.”

“Hmm, good point, hang on a minute, and shut your eyes, I’ve got a surprise for you.”

I heard Mike get up then walk out of the room. A minute later I heard him come back and he said,

“Keep those eyes shut girls.”

A couple of seconds later my body jerked back and I swore. I heard and felt Lizzy do the same.

“What the fuck?” I said as I looked down at my pussy and saw one of those long, thin, ice pops lollipops sticking out of my pussy. I looked at Lizzy and saw that she had one in her as well.

“Fuck Mike, what was that for.”

“Are you as horny as you were Simone?”

“No, but that thing is freezing, take it out please.”

Mike waited a couple of seconds, pulled both of them out and stuck them in our mouths.

“Fuck your mouths with what’s left of them.” Mike commanded.

We did that whilst Mike gave each of our slits a lick to catch the fruit juice that was leaking out of us. Then he went back on his knees and watched the 2 ice lollies get devoured.

When they’d gone he moved his hands to our pussies and inserted a finger. Within seconds all thoughts about the ice lollies had gone and I was feeling good. Judging by the moans from Lizzy she too was feeling good.

Mike’s magical fingers knew what to do and how to find that special spot on the wall of our vaginas and it didn’t take long for us both to cum. When Mike thought that we’d understand he said,

“Well it looks like you 2 are just as horny as each other. I’d call that a draw.”

Giving both our clits a little tap Mike got to his feet, Lizzy saying,

“I see that you enjoyed that as well Mike.”

“Sure did, but I think that I need a bit of a rest before you 2 start on me again.”

“It’s funny that boys haven’t got the staying power that girls have when it comes to sex.” Lizzy said.

“Speaking from experience are you Lizzy?” Mike asked.

“No, I read it somewhere, girls can be made to cum over and over and still want more but boys cum once and need a rest to recharge their batteries.”

“We obviously weren’t built with Duracell batteries in us.”

“So,” I said, “what’s next, food, shower, movie, get dressed? Not that I’m going to do the last one, I’m staying naked until I hear dad’s car in the drive.”

“Dad’s car is electric,” Mike said, “it’s silent.”

“I forgot about that, hmm, I’ll have to think of some other early warning system.” I replied.

“I might have an idea about that,” Mike said, “we’ve been taking about blue tooth and presence detectors at school, I’ll try and work something out. But in the meantime I’m going for a shower, I’ve got girl sweat and cum all over me.”

“Sounds good to me.” I replied.

Mike went and used our parents bathroom whilst Lizzy and I went to the bathroom that Mike and I use. Unsurprisingly, we talked in the shower and I asked her what she thought of her day so far.

“Well the first part was crap but after mum had dropped me off here it’s been, it’s been amazing, but that word doesn’t do it justice. So many firsts, so many things that I want to do again.”

“Like going to school with no knickers and ultra short skirts?” I asked

“The no knickers part isn’t the problem, I’ve done that before. The ultra short skirts, well, apart from the fact that my rents would never let me out of the house in a skirt even twice the length of yours, I don’t want to go flashing my butt and pussy to everyone.”

“You’ve done it today.”

“That’s different, that was just 3 guys and at your house. School is a whole new ball park.”

“Okay, I won’t try to push you, but if you want to borrow one of my skirt and change at school you can.”

“Thanks but I don’t think so.”

“Okay, but if you change your mind. Hey, what do you think of Mike and his fingers?”

“Oh my gawd Simone, where the hell did he learn to do that?”

“I have no idea but I’m glad that he can do it.”

“Me too, can I come and live here? I need a lot more of his fingers and his tongue.”

“You can come for the whole of half term if you want.”

“Could I, that would be awesome but will your parents approve?”

“They won’t care, but you have to promise to be naked like me all the time that my parents are away, and that includes when Mike has any of his mates over.”

“Yes, yes, just so long as Mike uses his tongue and fingers on me every day.”

“I don’t think that I need to ask him but I might ask him to invite lots of his mates.”

“All on one day or spread over the week?”

“Do you fancy being gang-banged Lizzy, I think that it might be fun.”

“Maybe, I’ve never really thought about it.”

“Start thinking girl.”

After the shower Lizzy helped me get something to eat for all of us, Lizzy commenting that it was weird doing ordinary things totally naked, and me telling her that she’d soon forget that she was naked and neither of us were bothered by Mike looking at our tits all the time that were were eating.

Then we watched a couple of movies, again Lizzy saying that it was weird.

When it came time to go to bed Lizzy and I went to my room and got into bed together. We were soon talking about other times that we’d slept together all innocently. We were laying there facing each other and Lizzy had a hand resting on my hip.

Something made me move my free hand and put it on one of her tits. We stared at each other for a few seconds in silence then we both moved our faces closer together and we kissed.

The kisses led to caressing each other, then touching each other’s pussy and before long my feet were at the top of my bed and my head by her pussy. We eagerly ate each other until be both had satisfying orgasms then we fell asleep.


Mike woke us with a slap on our bare butts and the comment,

“I know what you 2 got up to last night.”

I looked blankly at him for a second then realised that my head was still near Lizzy’s feet.

“We’re not lesbians.” Lizzy said.

“I didn’t think for one second that you were. No man could after what we got up to yesterday. Talking of which, the sun’s shining and we’ve only got a couple of hours before your mother picks you up Lizzy.”

Both Lizzy and out were out of bed in seconds and running down the stairs. Our morning shower was replaces by a quick dip on the pool then a couple of 69s on the grass. We let Mike have a bit of a rest before Lizzy wanted another fuck before she had to leave.

I went and got Lizzy’s dress and one for myself and we both put them on before going round the front of the house to wait.

“What about my underwear?” Lizzy asked.

I smiled and told her that I’d take it to school the next day for her.

“But I have to go to a church do with my mum.”

“Well it looks like you’ll probably be the only underwearless girl there with cum running down the insides of her thighs.” I said as Lizzy’s mum’s car pulled up.

I said hello to Lizzy’s mum as Lizzy got in the car hoping that her mother wouldn’t realize what Lizzy wasn’t wearing.

My dress was off before I got to the back of the house and I asked Mike if he was ready to fuck me. I was expecting him to go on about incest again but he said,

“I sure am, I haven’t been getting my share of your body for a while.”

“So you’ve given up on this incest rubbish?”

“Yes, we’ve already fucked once so another time, or another 100 or so times, won’t make any difference, just keep taking those pills.”

“So are you going to practice making love to me ready for when you get a girlfriend?”

“That’s not a bad idea Sis, would you mind, all that kissing and caressing instead of just fucking?”

“So long as you make me cum I don’t care what else you do to me, but some passionate kissing sounds nice.”

We spent the next hour or so making love out on the back lawn and Mike will make some girl a great boyfriend sometime. Then he asked me if he could take some photographs of me.

“Naked I presume, and like those that Duncan took?”

“Yes, but with you being a more willing model.”

“I wasn’t that unwilling with Duncan, it’s just his attitude, It’s like he was just using me, and ME, a model, I haven’t got the body for that.”

“That’s a matter of opinion. I think that you’ve got a great body for a girl who only recently started puberty.”

“Thank you Mike, and you can take as many photos of me as you like, and I’m guessing that you want most of them to be of an adult nature and some with your cum all over my face.”

“I’ve had another thought as well, one that you might be interested in Simone, how about I take a set of photos of you every week so that we can look through them and see how your body changes?”

“You mean from various angles and close-ups of my tits and pussy? Yes, I like that idea, it’s a pity that you didn’t start a few months ago before my tits and clit started to grow. My pussy wasn’t as meaty as it is now. I thought that I was getting fat but I googled it and it’s normal. The other thing is that my pubic bone has started growing forwards. It now fills my hand when I cup my pussy.”

“Well we can’t do anything about that but we can setup a sort of slideshow of your development from now on.”

“Yeah, I like that, I hope that you’ve got lots of hard disk space on that computer of yours.”

Mike went and got his phone, it’s a top end phone so it had a good camera.

We stayed out in the back garden and Mike took dozens of photos of me, in silly poses like I’d seen fashion models on the internet and lots in very sexy and revealing poses like in some of the porno movies that I’d watched on the internet.

We didn’t just stay in the back garden, we went round the front and even to the road at the end of the drive. I was sort of hoping that someone driving by would see me but no one drove passed.

Mike suggested that we go to the local woods over the half term and take a load of photos there. That sounded fun to me, the risk of someone seeing me made my wet pussy even wetter.

It was my turn for a brainwave and I suggested that as well as inviting lots of his mates over for a bit of fun at the house, he tells them to bring a camera and that he charges them to take photos of me naked. We could even go to the woods and they could take photos of me ‘au natural’, completely at one with nature.

“You do realizes that lots of those photos would get passed around school and even put on the internet don’t you Simone?”

“Yeah, I don’t mind, in fact I’d sort of like that, all those boys wanking whilst looking at my photos.”

“Jeez girl, who are you? What have you done with the little sister that I had a few weeks ago?”

“I can’t help what puberty has done to me.”

“No you can’t, and I’m certainly not complaining Simone, Now, do you want me to take a photo of you spread eagle laying on the road before we go back and take the first of the growth history albums?”

“Hmm, I like that idea,” I said getting on my back on the road, “but can you fuck me before we take the first of the serious photos, I want the albums to include one of your cum seeping out of me.”

After the spread eagle on the road shot we did go back round the back of the house and Mike took photos of me from all angles, standing and laying on my back with my legs wide open. He also took close-up shots of my tits and pussy. Then he fucked me, pulling out of me after his first load of cum went inside me. He held his cock until it was in front of my face then he let go and more cum landed all over my face.

Mike then took photos of my cum covered face, little tits and my pussy with his cum seeping out and running down the insides of my thighs.

Taking all those photos took quite a while and left us hungry so we went in and prepared some food then Mike connected his laptop to the big flat screen TV in the lounge and set a slideshow running.

At first it was a bit weird seeing me naked on the big screen and when I told that to Mike he said that he wondered how he could get them onto one of the huge screens at the cinema.

As the slideshow progressed we talked about the poses having a hit of a laugh, and me thinking about other poses that I could do. After I’d finished eating my right hand drifted to my pussy and started toying with my clit slowly getting me quite turned-on.

When the slideshow ended I looked at Mike and saw that he was watching my right hand. He got up and came and knelt between my legs. I moved my hand away from my pussy and Mike’s mouth and tongue took over.

After my first orgasm Mike got me to turn over. I knelt on the front edge of the sofa with my face on the back of the sofa. I got a bit vocal as Mike’s cock entered me and then fucked me until we’d both orgasmed.

By then the day had caught up with me and I decided to go to bed, Mike saying that he’d tidy the house just in case our parents got back before we got back from school the next day.


On the Monday morning when I woke up I was feeling horny so I went into Mike’s room and woke him with my mouth on his cock. When he opened his eyes and saw that he wasn’t dreaming he pulled me onto him, spun me around and started eating my pussy. I managed to get my mouth to his cock and we had a satisfying 69.

When I went to get dressed for school I was still very horny and I went into the back of my wardrobe and got out the skirt that I had decided that I would never wear. I put it on and pushed it as low on my hips as it would go. Stood directly in front of the mirror I couldn’t see my slit or clit but when I went to the other side of the room and looked in the mirror I could just see the end of my clit. Turning round I held a small mirror so that I could see the big mirror I couldn’t see my butt but as soon as I bend forward just a little bit I could just see the crack between the back of my thighs and my butt cheeks.

“Dare I?” I asked myself. “Fuck it, I’m wearing it, I just hope that mum isn’t back when I get home from school.”

And I did, and when Mike saw me he asked me if I was really going to wear the skirt to school, and when I said that I was he told me to be careful.

That skirt, like all my new skirts, is a bit flared, and all are made out of lightweight materials, so when I stepped outside I really did feel like I was bottomless. The fresh air was making my clit tingle and hard. My nipples under my tank top were also hard pushing 2 little bulges in the front.

“Are you sure that you don’t want to go back home and change that skirt Simone. If you run you will just have time.”

“No, I’m still a bit horny and I’m going to stick with it.”

“Well you be careful Simone, I don’t want to be called to the office to take you home.”

“I will, I won’t touch my pussy unless I’m in the bathroom and every exposure will be an accident, well almost every one.”

As we approached the bus stop all the boys and girls there were looking at me and I wondered if they could see my clit. I ignored their stares and just said ’hello’ like I normally do. One of the older boys replied,

“Wow Simone, you really look cute today.”

I smiled and thanked him then turned to Mike to wait.

That older boy fixed things so that he was behind me getting on the bus which was actually a coach so there was 3 steps to get on. I just knew that he was looking up the back of my skirt and as he followed me onto the bus and as we walked down the aisle he said,

“Did you forget something this morning Simone?”

“No.” I replied as I sat next to Mike.

I was hoping that he might slide his hand under my bag, which was on my lap, and finger me but he didn’t.

In the car park at school I saw Lizzy waiting and as I approached her she said,

“Bloody hell girl, I’ve just been looking at your clit as you walked over here. That skirt should be called a belt. I bet that it’s the shortest skirt that any girl has ever gone to school in.”

“Good, so do you like it? If I have a good day today I’m going to order some more like it.”

“Well I’m not sure that you’ll have a good day, one of the teachers is bound to say something and you might never come to this school again.”

“I’m going to be careful Lizzy, I’m only going to touch my pussy when I’m in the bathroom and I’m hoping that you won’t touch it as well.”

“I won’t, but I can’t speak for any of the boys or teachers.”

The head teacher just happened to be outside the main entrance and I saw him watching me as we walked in. My heart had a few butterflies and I was half expecting him to say something but all he said was,

“Good morning Lizzy, Simone.”

We both said good morning back and as we walked away from him Lizzy said,

“He needs to go to Specsavers.”

Our home room teacher gave me a double take but didn’t say anything and again I noted how cold the chair was on my bare butt.

The morning went reasonably well with no problems. In each lesson I’d sat with my knees apart and managed to keep my hands away from my pussy. I’d had to sit near the back so there was no opportunity to flash a teacher.

As I walked around between lessons I checked out what the other girls were wearing. Quite a few girls were wearing skirts that didn’t go down as far as their mid thigh and a few were wearing short shorts. A couple were wearing very short shorts but I was definitely wearing the shortest skirt in the school.

About three quarters of the way through the last lesson of the morning the school tannoy system burst into life telling everyone that I had to go to the head teachers office.

“This is it,” I thought, “I’m going home early with a letter for my parents.”

I left the classroom with everyone looking at me and I managed to keep upright.

As I walked along the deserted corridors I pulled on the hem of my skirt to try to make it cover as much of my legs as I could even though I knew that I might only get it a couple of millimetres further down.

“Come in.” I heard when I knocked.

I went in, let my bag slide off my shoulder to the floor just in the room, then I walked right up to the big desk. I knew that he would be sat on the other side so I got close trying to stop him from seeing my clit.

“Ah Simone, thank you for coming here.” He said when he looked up. You seem to be causing a bit of a stir in school these days.”

“Me! What do you mean sir?”

“Your attire, you seem to be wearing clothes that get you attention.”

“I don’t know what you mean sir, these clothes are just what other girls are wearing and I’m wearing them because I like them and not to draw attention to me.”

“Good, and you are right, very thin and see-through tops are quite popular these days Simone, but other girls wear something underneath, and it’s very obvious that you are not.”

“Sorry sir, but I don’t remember reading anything in the school’s dress code that says girls have to wear a bra. Wouldn’t that be discrimination and against the equality laws?”

“Possibly, and you are right about the school’s dress code. The only rule is that you must have clean and presentable clothes. Yours look clean and they don’t appear to be old, tatty or ripped so your tops do not break the rules.

The same can be said about your skirts, they too don’t appear to break any of the rules. They look very much like cheerleader skirts. I’ve heard stories of people seeing up your skirts and I don’t know if the stories of what you are or aren’t wearing anything under your skirts are true or not. I also know that I am not in a position to ask if you wear anything underneath them and that there is nothing in the rules that say you must wear knickers. All I can do is remind you that any sexual activity involving any pupil on school premises is totally forbidden and would result in all pupils concerned being expelled.

“I haven’t taken part in any sexual activity sir.”

“And I have no knowledge of you doing so Simone. I would also remind you that dressing as you do can attract unwanted attention and I urge you to be careful. I do not want to find out that you have been sexually assaulted or worse.”

“Thank you sir, I always try to be careful.”

“Good, you may go now.”

“Thank you sir.”

I turned to leave and had the urge to bend at the waist to pick up my school bag near the door knowing that if I did he would be able to confirm that I wasn’t wearing any knickers – if he was looking. I stayed still and silent for 2 or 3 seconds then turned and walked to my bag. I did bend at the waist, fumbling picking up my bag so that he got a good look because my feet were about shoulder width apart. Then I picked up my bag and opened the door. As I turned to close it I looked back and saw him looking my way. I felt my pussy get wetter assuming that he had seen it.

I went to the dining hall, bought my lunch then sat at our usual table to wait for Lizzy. When she came and sat with me I was so excited and I told her everything, at the end Lizzy said,

“Simone, you’ve just about been told that it’s okay to come to school wearing a belt for a skirt and no underwear, when this gets out I wonder if other girls will do the same as you.”

“Will you Lizzy, it would be great if there was 2 of us. I can lend you a short skirt, I’m going to order some more like this one as soon as I get home.”

“I don’t think so Simone, don’t get me wrong I loved the sleepover and I’m more than happy to have another one over the half term and get naked with you ans Mike.”

“Even if Mike invites more of his mates to come and photograph us naked and maybe fuck us?”

“Maybe, it depends on who the boy is, but if he’s as cute as Mike I’m more than happy.”

“You fancy Mike don’t you?”


“You do, you’re blushing. Oh my gawd, my best friend fancies my brother. Well you 2 have already fucked so you can do that again as much as you like. As for the rest, that’s up to you. Just one proviso, Mike has only just started fucking me and I don’t want that to stop.”

“Simone, even if Mike and I did get together, which I doubt, I would never stop that, maybe we should just be 3 friends with 3 way benefits.”

“That would work for me, his cock, his tongue and your pussy, the best of both worlds. Come on, lets go outside and to those steps, my clit wants boys looking at it. Have you got any knickers on, you could do the same.”

“You’re the exhibitionist not me Simone.”

“You could be one too. If you let lots of Mike’s friends eat you and take photos of you naked everyone will think you are one anyway.”

“That’s different.”

“Why, No, don’t answer that one, I’m not going to push you into anything.”

As we were sat on the steps Mike walked up the steps directly in front of me and I could see that his eyes were looking well below mine.

“So Si,” Mike asked. “what did the head want?”

“Can I tell you on the way home, but everything is good, very good.”

“Okay Sis.”

“Now go and stand at the bottom and control the crowds, You can also find out who will pay to take photos of me naked in the woods at half term..”

“You were serious about that then?”

“Hell yes, and Lizzy is game as well aren’t you Lizzy?”

“I guess.”

“Wow, 2 wood nymphs. It’s going to be a great half term.”

“It sure is, I just hope that mum and dad will be away most of the time.”

Whilst we were talking both Lizzy and I kept looking to see who was looking up to us. There seemed to be a steady stream of them, most pretending that they weren’t looking and the rest blatantly looking at my pussy.

After lunch it was Geography with Mr. Reed and I was lucky enough to get a seat at the front, and yes, I did sit on the front edge of the chair with my knees apart, and yes, he did see my pussy. When he first realised what he was looking at his face went red but after a few minutes he was back for another look, then another.

Of course my eyes were pointing at my book but I could look up without moving my head, and see him looking at me. I was half expecting him to ask me to hang back at the end of the lesson but he didn’t.

On the bus going home I told Mike all about my visit to the head and Mike was pleased for me.

When we walked into the house both mum and dad were there. Apart from saying hello, neither of them paid me much attention, talking to Mike instead. I’ve got well passed the stage of trying to join in their conversations because it was always obvious that it was Mike that they wanted to talk to, not me, so I just collected the parcels that had arrived for me and went up to my room.

I stripped then opened the parcels. Both had new skirts for me, the smaller parcel only containing 2 PE skirts. I was pleased that the online de***********ion of them was correct and they were both very light weight and flimsy, the package was certainly very light.

After ripping the package open I saw that they are slightly longer than the skirt that I’d worn for school that day, but PE being PE, I knew that they would be bouncing around and revealing what was underneath for most of the PE lessons. They also looked good enough for day-to-day use as well.

The other skirts had been bought when I was feeling quite horny, and as such were nearly as short as the skirt that I’d worn that day. In fact they were all about the same length as the one that I’d sworn I would never wear but had actually worn that day.

As I tried them on I just knew that I’d feel like I was bottomless at school from then on. That thought made me check all around my pussy to see if any new hairs had dared to grow. There was one so I got my laser gun out and zapped it hoping that it would tell any other new hairs that were thinking of growing out of my skin not to bother.

When Mike came to tell me that tea was ready I slipped on just a summer dress and went downstairs. As we sat eating and listening to my parents telling Mike where they had been and Mike telling them that him and I had had a very quiet time at home on our own; I was thinking about the dress that I was wearing. It was a little girl’s design and I used to like it but my tastes had changed so when I went back to my room I went online to order some new ones.

Then I did my homework then went to bed.


I was woken early by Mike. He’d come into my room and gone under the duvet between my legs and was licking my pussy. When he saw that he’d woken me he said,

“It’s okay, they’ve both left and it’s half an hour before you usually get up.”

Guess what we did during those 30 minutes.

I wore one of my new, new skirts to school, much to the delight of the boys getting onto the bus to go there, and Mike was rubbing my clit under my school bag for all of the journey. I didn’t cum but he sure left me feeling horny.

“That should set you up nicely for the day Simone.” Mike said as we got off the bus.

As Lizzy and I walked into school I told her what Mike had just done to me.

“Lucky you, can I come and live at your house please?”

“You can for next week if you want, but you’ll have to join in what I’m going to do, remember what I said?”

“I think that I can manage that.”

“Oh, can you add Mr. Reed to the list of teachers that have had good look at my pussy please Lizzy, I gave him a good look in Geography yesterday afternoon.”

“I suppose that you’re going to flash Mr. Wilson in English again today?”

“If I can get a seat on the front row.”

“He might have put a reserved sign on the desk for you.”

“That would be nice for me and him.”

I did let Mr. Wilson have a few long looks at my pussy and I’m sure that I saw a little wet patch on his trousers where the end of his cock would be.

At lunchtime, both in the dining hall and outside, I noticed quite a few boys look at their smart phones or in groups looking at one boys phone. I didn’t think much of it until one boy turned his phone so that I could see the screen and he said,

“That is you isn’t it Simone?”

I looked at the screen and saw myself on one of the sun loungers at home. I was naked, my feet were on the ground on either side of the lounger, my pussy was wet and shining in the sun and my tiny tits looked no more than 2 erect nipples. Thankfully, only part of my face was showing. I was silent for a few seconds and the boy said,

“Well, is it you Simone?”

“Yes,” I finally answered.

“Do you want to see the video that I’ve got as well?”

“Not much point, I was there wasn’t I?”

“Don’t worry Simone, I won’t send them to any of the teachers.”

“No,” I thought, “you’ll just use them for wanking material.”

“Thanks.” I replied. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t send them to anyone. Where did you get them from?”

“Just a friend, but I know that tons of people have them.”

“Okay thanks for letting me know.”

Lizzy had been to the toilet and when she caught up with me I told her what had happened.”

“I bet that it’s that Duncan, the bastard, that’s the last time he touches me.”

“And me. I was sort of expecting it but I hoped that it was all talk from him. Never mind, half the school have already seen my pussy in the flesh so it’s not the end of the world and if my plans for half term work out a lot more will see me close-up and take lots of photos of my pussy.”

We went and sat on the steps for my regular ‘accidental’ flashing session.

Due to our school’s weird 2 week timetable that afternoon was definitely going to be great for me. A science lesson for half the afternoon followed by PE for the rest of the day. This was going to be my last time in the gym until after the summer break because after the half term we would start outdoor sports, athletics, cross country runs, swimming and tennis.

As Lizzy and I talked about it I told her that I was looking forward to the change.

“You’re not planning on skinny dipping for the school lessons are you?”

“No, I’ve got 2 new bikinis, they’re from an Australian company and are quite small.”

“Now there’s a surprise.” Lizzy said, “Do they go see-through when they’re wet?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t worn them yet but they’re white and very thin.”

“So they will be see-through.”

“I hope so.”

“And you like the jumping sports don’t you Simone?”


“So you’ll end up on your back quite a bit and if your new PE skirt is like you say you’ll be flashing your pussy quite a lot, and if you get winded you’ll stay on your back for a while won’t you?”

“Thanks for thinking of that Lizzy.”

“And if you do tennis you can copy that famous picture of a girl wearing a tennis skirt and no knickers with her hand up the back of the dress exposing half of her bare butt.”

“Oh yes, I remember that, yes, I can do that.”

Then the bell rang. Two minutes later I was walking up the stairs to the Science room having passed a couple of boys who looked like they were waiting for me to go up in front of them.

We all donned the white coats and waited for us to be partnered up. This time Mr. Harvey partnered me with Danny, another nerd like boy.

“Education time for Danny.” I though as I went to join Danny at our allocated table. Danny had planned to use the stool near the centre of the room but I told him that I needed that one. What followed was just about a copy of the last time that I was in that room and I left knowing that Mr. Harvey had had another good look at my pussy and Danny’s knowledge of girl anatomy had improved.

PE was good too. The girl who’d had a go at me the last time just ignore me, which was fine by me and I got a couple of favorable comments about my new PE skirt.

The teacher was being as lazy as ever, leaving is to get on with exercising on our own. Because of my shorter, lighter skirt my butt and pussy were exposed more often, a fact that was soon noticed by the boys who were all just stood around when it was my turn to go. Unsurprisingly, I took my time when walking on my hands and I kept think about what Mike had done to me on the bus on the way to school.

About 15 minutes before the end when the teacher came in and told us that the lesson was ending early and that every one could leave. We all started to leave but as I got near to him he said,

“Not you Simone, I need to talk to you.”

My heart started pounding and I started getting a little worried.

“Don’t worry Simone,” Mr. Green said, “Nothing to worry about, it’s just that I’ve heard that you might be interested in a try-out for a new cheerleading squad that’s starting up and I could put your name forward if you like?”

“I, I don’t know what to say Mr. Green.”

I truly didn’t know what to say, “where the hell had he got that idea from, and why me?” I thought.

“Of course you’d need to be quite flexible and fit and I haven’t seen you exercising lately. Perhaps you could just do another circuit so that I can see just how fit you are.”

Everything fell into place. The perv just wanted to see my pussy. He’d missed the chance during lessons and he wanted his own private showing.

“I, I don’t know what to say. I need to catch a school bus and it will go without me if I’m not there on time.”

“That’s okay Simone, this won’t take long, I’m sure that you’ll be in the car park before it leaves.”

“Well okay then, but can we make this quick?”

“Good, all I need you to do is a circuit just like you have been doing but this time I’ll be videoing you.”

“Oh, I guess that that will be okay.” I said, but was thinking that I had the ideal opportunity to let him have a long look at my pussy and give him a lot of wanking material.

I went to the start, turned to look at Mr. Green and asked him if he was going to time me. I saw him get his phone out and point it towards me so I assumed that he had started videoing me. I set off doing every thing that everyone had done before. I knew that my lightweight skirt was going up to my waist at times so I decided to get the hem of it ‘accidentally’ caught in the waist band and pretend that I didn’t know. As I was getting up from a somersault I managed to tuck the hem under the waistband and carried on.

When I did the hollow body hold I made sure that me feet were towards Mr. Green and instead of keeping my feet together I spread them quite wide. I wasn’t looking his way but in my peripheral vision I saw his phone videoing me and the movements of his fingers told me that he was zooming in on my spread pussy.

Ignoring him I held the position for the required count of 20, 10 times, all the time me ignoring Mr. Green and his phone. The muscles of my stomach were aching but at the same time my pussy was getting quite wet.

Finally that was over and I moved on. When I got to the final exercise I had to walk on my hands for 5 metres. Before I had done that with my legs together but this time I decided to spread my legs wide, like in the splits. If questioned about it I would just say that it was for balance.

Normally I do that walk quite quickly but this time I took my time letting Mr. Green get a long video of my pussy between my spread legs.

When I got to my feet I said,

“Is that it, I really have to go now or I’ll miss my bus.”

“Okay Simone, I got all that, I’ll show the video to the cheerleader’s coach and let you know, off you go.”

As I was stood there I noticed that the hem of my skirt was still tucked under the waist band, I ignored it, turned and ran to the changing room. It was deserted so I picked up my clothes and ran out through the school to the car park. It was only when I stopped in front of Mike and he pointed to my skirt that I remembered where the hem was. I giggled and un-tucked it.

On the bus I told Mike about everything that had happened that day, Mike smiling and telling me to be careful.

As we walked from the bus I remembered that I had my PE skirt on. That didn’t bother me but when I saw both daddy’s and mummy’s cars in the drive I wondered if either of them would say anything. They didn’t.

During the rest of the week nothing different happened so nothing new to tell you. That took us to the start of the school half term holiday and that was week that I’ll remember for the rest of my life, but that’s a story for another time.


2021-02-07 23:44:43
Wonderful story, would love to read pt 4

jay bondReport 

2021-02-01 15:52:24
just to saythanks for all your storys enjoyed them all keep wrighting ,takes me back to the 60s and the mini

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