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Having been more or less permanently converted to living as a woman, Suzy learns to accept her new life and slowly accepts the fact that she's much happier sucking cock than she ever was as a man.
I woke up Saturday morning totally refreshed after a great night’s sleep and realized that Steve was spooning with me. I could feel his hard cock pressing against the back of my panties, but from the sound of his steady breathing, I knew he was still sleeping. My first instinct was to grind my ass against his wonderful lovestick until he woke up, pull down my panties and beg him to fuck me. Unfortunately, my bladder was screaming at me and I knew that I’d never make it through a fuck session if I didn’t listen to it. Moving slowly, I managed to slip out from under his arm so I could make a quick trip to the bathroom and empty my bladder. When I returned, he was still sleeping and still sporting a gorgeous erection. It took me all of two seconds to decide what to do next: I crawled back into bed and slipped under the sheet, taking his cock in my hands. Trying not to wake him, I slowly slipped it into my mouth. As I did, my own dick reacted, and my body started tingling from the excitement. “There’s nothing as wonderful as having a hard cock in my mouth,” I thought. “God, I love this so much!” I had probably been sucking for five minutes or so when I felt Steve’s hand on the back of my head. I looked up and saw him smiling down at me. I pulled his cock from my mouth and held it against my cheek as I said, “I hope you don’t mind. I woke up and saw that you were hard and couldn’t resist.”

“Why would I mind?” he sighed. “I can’t think of a better way to wake up than a blowjob from a sexy woman.”

I smiled broadly and pulled him back into my mouth. The fact that he had called me a sexy woman only added to my pleasure, and I decided that he deserved the best blowjob ever for being so nice. For the next 20 minutes I did my best to deliver exactly that, alternately nibbling and gently sucking with swallowing him deep into my throat. Steve was moaning and squirming with pleasure for most of that time, and I was enjoying it nearly as much. Twice I felt him approaching an orgasm and managed to back him off so that I could prolong both of our pleasure. I sensed him getting close a third time and started to slow down again, but this time he reached down and tilted my chin up so that he could look into my eyes. “Please,” he groaned, “don’t back off again. You’re killing me! God, I need to cum! Please!”

I smiled around his cock, nodded and deepthroated him. He groaned again and I bobbed up and down two more times while playing with his balls. He gasped as his dick jerked between my lips and a second later I felt the gush of sperm explode into my mouth. In my time as Suzy, Steve had cum in my mouth more times than I could count, but this time he had to set a record for the amount of sperm he pumped into me. His cock kept jerking and spurting over and over, long after I thought he could possibly still have anything left to pump. When he did finally stop, I looked up and gasped, “Wow!”

He managed to chuckle even though his chest was heaving. “Damn!” he groaned. “That was amazing! I swear, every time I think you’ve given me the ultimate blowjob, the next time you wrap your lips around my cock you do it even better.” He reached down and gripped my arms pulling me up onto the pillow beside him. Smiling, he said, “Look, I know that calling somebody a cocksucker is generally an insult, but I don’t know any way to say it better: you’re the best cocksucker I’ve ever known.”

I smiled back at him. “I don’t think it’s an insult,” I reassured him. “I think that’s one of the nicest compliments I’ve ever heard. I got over the insult issue a long time ago. I am a cocksucker. I know that. Not only do I suck cock, I love doing it. If that doesn’t make me a cocksucker, nothing does. I’m actually thrilled when I do it well enough that you want to tell me how good I am at it. When you say I’m the best cocksucker you’ve ever known, it’s one of the nicest things I can think of! Of course, it’s only the second nicest thing you’ve said about me this morning.”

“It is?” he asked. “What did I say that was nicer?”

“You said waking up to a blowjob from a sexy woman was the best way to start the day. You called me a sexy woman.”

“You are,” he shrugged. “You’re one of the sexiest women I know.”

I giggled and blushed. “Well….” I started to say.

Steve cut me off by putting his finger on my lips. “Look,” he said, “I know you don’t have a vagina, and, yeah, I know some guys think that means you aren’t a woman. Hell, to be honest, the first few times you blew me, I didn’t think of you as a woman. But, I’ve been around you enough now to know that Kathy’s right: you’re a woman. You couldn’t possibly look as hot as you do, you couldn’t possible suck cock the way you do, and you sure couldn’t fuck as well as you do if you weren’t. I’ve never understood those people I saw on television who said they were having sex-change surgery because they were born with the wrong kind of body, but I think now I do. You’re the perfect example of a woman who was born with the wrong kind of body.”

“You’re, you’re not just saying those things because you know it’s what I want to hear, are you?” I asked. “Because if you are, please don’t. I, I’d rather know the truth than be lied to, no matter how sweet the lies are.”

He smiled and kissed my forehead. “No, Suzy, I’m not lying. I think you’re fantastic. You’re beautiful, you’re sexy, and you love making a man feel good. The only thing I enjoy more than fucking you is having you blow me.” He paused, then said gently, “You know, you’re not the only one trying to understand what they’re feeling. When Kathy first told me about you, I laughed. When I saw you, I was totally shocked by how hot you looked, and when Kathy wanted me to let you blow me, I figured I could live with letting a guy suck my cock. But, in case you didn’t notice, I don’t think that way anymore. When I was kissing you last night, I wasn’t kissing a guy. Trust me, I’m 100% straight and can’t imagine kissing a guy. But, you were so hot and so beautiful that I didn’t see you as a guy. I saw you as a woman and I wanted to kiss those perfect lips almost as much as I wanted to fuck them.”

I could feel myself blushing. “Thank you so much,” I whispered. “You have no idea how good that makes me feel. I owe you so much!”

“You just keep doing what you’ve been doing,” he grinned. “Keep working on being the sexiest woman you can be and keep letting me enjoy the benefit of that.”

“I will,” I promised, “and you’re welcome to enjoy the benefits anytime you want.”

His grin got even bigger. “Careful, there, sugar. I may just take you up on that!”

“I meant every word,” I grinned back. “Anytime you want a blowjob, just come see me.”

“Only blowjobs?” he asked. “What if I want a nice piece of ass?”

“That, too,” I quickly answered. “All you have to do is ask.”

“I’ll do that,” he laughed before playfully slapping my ass. “Now, I hate to cum and run, but I’ve got things to do.”

“No problem,” I assured him. “I don’t require cuddling after sex. It’s nice but not required.”

“Another example of how you’re better than most women,” he laughed as he got out of bed and started pulling on his clothes.

After Steve left, I made my way to the bathroom and showered and shaved, happily reflecting on what had been a wonderful night and morning. With no idea of what Kathy had planned for the day, I picked out a relatively modest skirt that actually reached the middle of my thigh and a matching blouse before applying my makeup and heading to the kitchen.

Kathy was already there, sipping coffee when I walked in. “Good morning,” she smiled. “Steve said he had a nice time and especially enjoyed your little wake-up call. Good job.”

“Thanks,” I smiled. “But I think I enjoyed it as much as he did.”

“I bet you did,” she laughed.

“So, what’s on the schedule today?” I asked as I poured a cup of coffee.

“Well, I thought we’d probably go out tonight, but we really need to take care of some more mundane things around here first—cleaning, grocery shopping, things like that.”

“OK,” I nodded. “What would you like me to do?”

She thought for a second. “Why don’t you take care of the shopping since you’re wearing such nice clothes? My jeans are better suited for cleaning the house.”

“Sounds fair,” I shrugged. “What do we need?”

She handed me a long list, broken down by various stores where they could be found. “Here you go,” she said. “Thanks.”

After finishing my coffee, I took the list and headed to the first store on the list. It took me a couple of hours to find all the things she wanted since it involved going to stores all over town, and, by the time I got home, she had finished the cleaning. As we unpacked the groceries, Kathy asked, “So, how was it?”

“How was what?”

“Your shopping trip, silly,” she laughed. When I looked at her in confusion, she said, “That’s the first time you’ve gone out in public alone since you became Suzy. Usually you have me there as a security blanket, but today you were all alone. I was just wondering how it went.”

I stared at her. “To tell the truth, I didn’t even think about it. I, I just went to the stores and bought what we needed.”

“And it never occurred to you that you were walking around in public in a miniskirt and heels all by yourself?”

I shrugged and shook my head. “No, it really didn’t,” I gulped. “I mean, now that you mention it, I guess I should have been nervous, but I wasn’t. It, it just seemed sort of normal.”

A huge smile filled Kathy’s face. “That’s fantastic!” she exclaimed. “You’re feeling normal in a skirt! You really are accepting your life as a woman! I love it!”

“I, I guess I’m just getting used to it,” I answered. “It’s been so long since I wore pants that I don’t even think about the fact that I’m wearing a skirt anymore.”

“That’s so great!” Kathy said. “I’m so happy that you’re becoming completely comfortable as a woman! I mean, I know you love the sexual part, and you’ve certainly gotten comfortable with that, but I always thought that the day-to-day part of being a woman full-time would be the tough part. It looks like you’re accepting that way better and faster than I thought you would. Maybe that means tonight won’t be as traumatic as I thought it would be.”

“Tonight?” I asked. “What’s happening tonight?”

Kathy grinned wickedly. “Oh, while you were out, a guy I knew called to see if I wanted to go dancing tonight. I told him I had a girlfriend visiting and couldn’t go unless he could fix her up too. Turns out his brother was available, so we have a double-date lined up!”

“A double-date?” I gulped. “Do you know anything about this guy’s brother?”

“No, but then he doesn’t know anything about you either,” she smiled. “Well, nothing except what I told him.”

“And what did you tell him?” I asked suspiciously.

She giggled. “Only that my friend is a total slut and that if his brother is even semi-nice to her, he’s likely to end up getting the best blowjob he’s ever had out of it.”

I stared at her, stunned. “How could you do that to me?” I gasped. “How could you promise I’d blow a guy I’ve never even met before? That’s, that’s outrageous even for you!”

“Really?” she laughed. “Oh, come on! Cut the melodramatics, darling. How could I promise you’d blow a guy you’ve never even met before? Are you serious? You just took a job where you do that every day…and usually more than once a day! Yesterday you blew a waiter in a restroom just because he smiled at you a few times. At least this time the guy is going to buy you a couple of drinks first!” I tried to respond, but I couldn’t find any words to deny what she was saying. As my mouth opened and closed wordlessly, Kathy laughed. “Yeah, that’s what I thought: instant outrage followed by the realization that I’m right. Face it, Suzy, you’re a slut. I cannot only guarantee that you’ll suck his cock, I can also just about guarantee that you’ll enjoy it, just like you always do.”

Again, I wanted to respond, to argue that it wasn’t like that, but even as I tried, my mind was racing. When was the last time I didn’t enjoy sucking a cock? Even when I didn’t care for the guy, like Jack at work, I had at least enjoyed the taste of his cum. I couldn’t think of any blowjob I’d given that I hadn’t enjoyed in some way, if not completely. And, Kathy was also right about my argument that I didn’t know her friend’s brother. That hadn’t stopped me from blowing the customers at work or the waiter in the restroom. So, why should it bother me now? “I, I guess you’re right,” I finally conceded meekly. “I, I just panicked a little bit when you said that. You’re right, I have done worse.”

“That’s my girl,” she smiled. “Look, darling, I’m not trying to be mean to you, I’m really not. I love you…at least I love you the way you are now. You’ve shown a level of courage that I never would have expected out of my wimpy, worthless husband. I’m proud of the way you’ve embraced being a woman…and being a slut. It’s wonderful! But, I also know that your education isn’t complete yet. You still need more experience being a woman. You need dates with men you don’t know. You need to learn how to act in social situations. Other girls learn that as they grow up and date guys. You never had that chance so you need to learn now.”

I spent the rest of the day feeling a strange combination of dread and excitement, alternately worrying about what was going to happen and looking forward to whatever it was. After squeezing into the tight short dress that Kathy insisted I wear, I spent over an hour making sure my makeup was perfect. When I looked in the mirror at the finished product, I couldn’t help smiling. “Well, this should get his attention,” I thought, fingering the hemline inches below my ass. “And, hopefully, he won’t be disappointed in the rest of me.” I ran my hands up my body and licked my lips nervously. I took a deep breath, noticing that the dress pulled tight across my chest. “I guess this is the best I can do,” I smiled into the mirror. “I hope it’s good enough.”

When I found Kathy, her eyes lit up. “Oh, wow!” she gushed, “you look fantastic, darling!”

“You, you really think so? Do you think he’ll like the way I look?” I asked. “I mean, I thought I looked OK, but sometimes I think I only see what I want to see.”

Kathy laughed. “Sweetie, you look amazing! Your biggest problem tonight is going to be keeping your dress on, because every guy who sees you is going to want to rip it off! God, I’m going to really have to go all out if I’m going to compete with you for attention!”

While I waited nervously, Kathy went to get ready for our night out. When she returned, my eyes nearly popped out of my head. She was wearing a tiny, tight dress that was just as short as mine, but which had spaghetti straps leading to a neckline that exposed about 90% of her breasts. It looked like taking a deep breath would result in both of her tits popping out if she wasn’t careful. “Jesus,” I gasped, “you weren’t kidding about going all out! When did you get that dress?”

“Oh, this?” she grinned, her eyes sparkling. “I’ve had this for a while. I generally only wore it when you weren’t around. I figured it would have been wasted on a guy who wouldn’t be able to fuck me properly anyhow, so I only wear it when I’m going to be with someone who can.”

“And your date tonight can?” I asked.

“He has in the past,” she giggled.

When the two men arrived to pick us up, Kathy immediately wrapped her arms around one of them and kissed him deeply while he ran his hands over her ass. When the kiss ended, she sighed and introduced him as Larry. He, in turn, introduced the other guy as his brother, Terry. Terry smiled broadly at me as he said, “Nice to meet you, Suzy.”

I smiled back and returned the greeting as Larry asked, “So, Kathy, I assume your husband is out of town?”

“Even better,” she grinned. “He’s totally out of the picture. I got rid of him. Suzy’s my new roommate.”

He ran his eyes up and down my body. “Looks like a great trade to me,” he laughed.

“Oh, it is!” Kathy gushed. “Suzy’s a lot more fun.”

“That’s good to know,” Terry grinned. “Beautiful and fun is a great combination.”

I started to blush as Kathy laughed and winked at me. “Easy there,” she told Terry. “At least buy the girl dinner before you start trying to sweet talk her into bed!”

“Well, let’s go get dinner, then,” Terry laughed. “No sense wasting time!”

They took us to a really nice restaurant, where I limited myself to a salad and a couple glasses of the wine that Terry kept pouring. By the time we finished dinner and moved on to a nearby dance club, I was starting to relax and appreciate both his humor and how nice he was being to me. I was on my second glass of wine at the club when he finally got around to moving his hand to my knee. By then, Kathy and Larry were passionately kissing and fondling each other, so I couldn’t much blame him for wanting to start some fun of his own. He waited for me to start my third glass of wine before sliding his hand up my thigh to the hem of my skirt. I gasped softly at the sensation and he asked, “Was that a good gasp or a bad one?”

“W-what?” I stammered.

He smiled and asked, “Was that cute little gasp because you don’t want my hand where it is or because you like where it is?”

“It, it was because I wasn’t expecting it to go there,” I said softly. He looked disappointed and started to move his hand back towards my knee. Touched by his actions, I grabbed his wrist and whispered, “But, I do like it.”

He instantly grinned and moved his hand back to my hemline, then leaned in and kissed my lips softly. “I’m glad,” he smiled at me.

This time it was my turn to lean in and return his soft kiss. “Me, too,” I sighed.

He grinned even more and asked, “Want to dance?”

“Sure,” I smiled back.

As he led me to the dance floor, the music suddenly changed from the pounding rock that had been playing to a slow, romantic song. “Perfect,” Terry said brightly. “I couldn’t have timed that any better.” He put his arm around me and pulled me close before he started swaying to the music. I suddenly felt the effects of the five glasses of wine I had consumed and found myself melting into his arms. His hand moved to my ass, generating another involuntary moan from my lips.

My mind was churning, looking for something to distract both Terry and myself from the growing sexual tension. “Kathy and Larry sure seem friendly,” I remarked.

He nodded. “Well, Larry’s been fucking her for quite a while.”

“He has?” I gulped. “I thought she was still with her husband until just before I got to town.”

“Oh, she was,” he nodded, “but I hear the guy was a real chump. Kathy’s been screwing half the guys in town and he never realized it. I guess he was so pitiful in bed that he never got enough action from her to notice. I know Larry was doing her at least twice a week while the chump was at work, and he said there were lots of other guys doing her, too.”

“Wow,” I murmured to myself, “and she calls me a slut!”

“Does she now?” Terry teased. “That’s interesting.” I could feel myself turning crimson as he moved closer and whispered in my ear, “What did you do to get her to say that?”

I turned to try and explain, but, as I did, our lips brushed against each other again. Terry immediately assumed that it was intended and reacted by smiling and planting his mouth firmly on mine. The combination of the wine and my usual lust had been building inside me and his kiss was more than I could handle. I whimpered softly and didn’t resist as his soft lips pressed harder onto mine. The hand that wasn’t planted on my ass moved to the back of my head, holding it steady as the pressure of his kiss increased. My lips parted automatically and his tongue slid along my teeth. I nibbled it softly and moaned with pleasure. My arms wrapped around his neck and I sucked eagerly on his tongue while his hand moved from my head down to join the other one on my ass. “Damn, you’re so sexy,” he whispered into my mouth. “I can’t believe how excited you have me.”

I knew I was at least as excited as he was and my body was aching for more. A part of my brain was screaming to back off, but when I looked into his eyes and he kissed me again, my body quickly overruled that thought. Deliriously, I whispered softly, “I, I heard Kathy give Larry a message for you. Did, did he pass it on?”

Terry’s eyes shot open and he blushed deeply. “Well, he did tell me something he said Kathy had told him, but I thought he was pulling my leg.”

“What did he say?” I pushed.

He blushed some more and shook his head. “It’s not important.”

“Yeah, it is,” I insisted, kissing him again, this time pressing my tongue into his mouth. “Please tell me what he said.”

He shrugged as his face got even redder. “He said that Kathy had told him that if I was nice to you, I’d probably end up….”

He hesitated, clearly uncomfortable with finishing the sentence. “Getting a blowjob?” I asked. He gulped and nodded. “Did he say anything more?” I asked.

He shrugged, turned even redder and finally said, “Well, he said Kathy told him it would be the best blowjob of my life.”

I couldn’t help smiling at his discomfort. “Well,” I whispered into his ear, “it will be.”

I felt his cock jerk to life, pressing against me. “It, it will be?” he repeated. “Are you saying…..”

I kissed him again, cutting off his question. “Unless you don’t want to,” I purred.

“Oh, God, I want to,” he hissed, pulling me even tighter.

I could feel his body literally shaking with desire and I couldn’t help smiling to myself. Our lips met yet again and his hands dug into my ass. I suddenly decided to have a little fun with him and, when the kiss ended, I asked softly, “Am I going too fast? Do I sound like too much of a slut?”

“Oh, God, no,” he groaned, the look in his eyes conveying his fear that I was about to back out.

“Are you sure?” I asked, fighting to look frightened. “I know sometimes I tend to jump in too far too fast.”

“I’m sure,” he groaned, gritting his teeth. “Don’t worry about that.”

I smiled and kissed him quickly. “Oh, good,” I whispered, my lips touching his ear. “It’s just that I love sucking cock so much, and when I meet a guy I really like, sometimes I can’t control myself.”

“Self-control is way over-rated,” he managed to gasp.

“I agree,” I whispered, kissing his ear and neck. “God, I want you in my mouth so much!”

“Ohhhhh, Jesus,” he groaned. “You’re driving me crazy. You know that, don’t you?”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, my lips still making contact with his ear. “Should we go somewhere to take care of that problem?”

“Oh, God, yes!” he hissed.

I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. “Tell me that you want to fuck my mouth,” I suggested. “Tell me how much you want it.”

“God, I want to fuck your mouth so much,” he groaned. “I want it more than I’ve ever wanted anything. Please, please go out to the car with me and suck my cock.”

I smiled at him. “Mmmmmm, I love a man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it.” I leaned in and our lips met again, this time in an all-out, grinding, tongue-filled, passionate kiss that screamed “let’s fuck!” When it ended, we were both gasping for breath. Terry took my hand my hand and led me off the dance floor toward the door to the club. As we walked past the table where Kathy and Larry were sitting, I winked at her and said, “We’ll be back in a little bit.” Her broad smile told me that she knew exactly what was about to happen and that she heartily approved.

When we got to the car, Terry opened the back door and turned to face me. I kissed him quickly one more time and dropped to my knees. In seconds, I had his pants and underwear around his ankles and my hand on his hard cock. From the way he was trembling, I knew I had pushed him to the limit and that he wasn’t going to last long, so I stood and pressed my hand against his chest, urging him to sit in the car. When he did, I dropped to my knees again and attacked his cock, swallowing it in one gulp. The pressure in my panties alerted me to the fact that Terry wasn’t the only one dangerously close to an orgasm and I desperately wanted to finish him before I soaked myself. I needn’t have worried—it only took about three trips up and down his rod for him to start squirming and gasping. A few seconds later, his hips raised off the seat and he thrust into my willing mouth. I ran my fingers across his tight balls and he whimpered softly as his dick jerked between my lips. It spewed burst after burst of hot cum onto my tongue, and I greedily swallowed the first few blasts before allowing the rest to accumulate in my mouth. As his orgasm subsided, I glanced up to see him staring down at me wide-eyed. I winked and smiled around his cock, then slowly pulled back, sucking the last of his semen from his dickhead. When he popped out of my mouth, I smiled and opened my lips enough to show him the remnants of his orgasm before I swallowed. I licked my lips and smiled up at him. “That was delicious,” I sighed. “Thank you.”

“You’re thanking me?” he groaned. “God, I should be thanking you!”

I giggled. “If you really mean that, there’s a way you can do it,” I told him.

“Name it,” he groaned.

“Next time, let’s not wait so long to get started. I’d like to get to spend a little more time feeling your cock fucking my mouth before you cum. I mean, don’t get me wrong: I loved how much you came for me. I ‘d just like to make it last a little longer next time, OK?”

“I think I just died and went to heaven,” he grinned. “I get a fantastic blowjob from a gorgeous woman and she wants me to thank her by doing it again when it can last longer? That’s how you want me to thank you?”

“Well,” I smiled. “There is one other thing you could do.”

“What’s that?” he asked.

“When we go back inside, you could tell Kathy she was right about how good I am.”

“Seriously?” he asked. When I smiled and nodded, he laughed. “You’ve got it!”

I helped him pull his pants back up and we walked back inside the club holding hands. When we got to the table, Kathy smiled at me, her eyes sparkling. “Everything OK?” she asked.

I nodded as Terry volunteered, “Everything is way better than OK.”

“Oh?” she asked, grinning at him.

“Oh, yeah,” he sighed. He glanced at me and I nodded, urging him to continue. “By the way, you were right,” he added.

“I was right?” she asked. “About what?”

He looked at me again, still not sure I wanted him to continue. I responded by smiling and nodding and mouthing “go ahead.” Convinced, he looked at Kathy and said, “That was the best blowjob I’ve ever had.”

Kathy’s face lit up like she’d just won the lottery. “That doesn’t surprise me,” she laughed. “I knew it would be. Nobody sucks cock like Suzy!”

“Not even you?” Larry asked.

“Oh, I’m not even close to as good as Suzy,” Kathy admitted.

“Damn,” Larry breathed, his wide eyes staring at me. “Suzy, I’ve got to tell you, that’s one hell of a compliment. I’ve had Kathy’s blowjobs and they’re spectacular. You must be amazing.”

“Trust me, she is,” Terry responded.

“Don’t look so disappointed,” Kathy laughed, poking Larry in the ribs. “You’re thinking you picked the wrong date tonight, aren’t you?”

“No, not at all,” Larry blushed. “Although I have to admit, you two now have me wondering about Suzy’s talent.”

Kathy’s eyes sparkled and I knew she was having a great time teasing Larry. “Well, I guess I can’t blame you for that. I mean, when you discover you’re out with a world-class cocksucker it’s only natural to wonder about how it would feel, right?” He gulped and nodded, still blushing. I knew exactly what was coming and Kathy didn’t disappoint me. “Well,” she said slowly, “I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t find out…that is, if Terry doesn’t mind sharing his date for a few minutes.”

“What?” Larry gasped. “Are you saying…..”

“I’m saying it’s not like we’re married or anything,” Kathy shrugged. “If you want to try out Suzy’s mouth and Terry doesn’t mind sharing, my feelings won’t be hurt.”

“Wow!” he pondered. “Uh, but don’t you think you should check with Suzy about that?”

Kathy laughed. “Oh, I don’t need to do that. I know damn well that Suzy won’t object to a chance to suck another cock!”

Larry looked over at me and I just shrugged, smiled and licked my lips. He looked at Terry who shrugged and grinned as well. “Who am I to stand between you and heaven, bro? Go for it.”

He looked back at me, obviously embarrassed and unsure of what to say. Part of me was enjoying his discomfort, but I took pity on him. “Seriously, Larry,” I smiled, “would you like me to suck your cock?” His head nodded slowly. “Then just say it,” I urged. “Say ‘Suzy, I want you to blow me’.”

He hesitated, but eventually decided to go for it. “Suzy, I want you to blow me,” he croaked.

I smiled, stood up and took his hand in mine. “I thought you’d never ask,” I said. “Let’s go.” I happily led him out to the car and quickly put him in the same positon his brother had been in a few minutes earlier. Since I hadn’t been teasing him as I had Terry, I suspected he’d last a little longer, so I took my time with him, kissing and licking his shaft and balls before I wrapped my lips around his cockhead and started sucking. His groan of pleasure let me know how much he appreciated my skill and encouraged me to give him an even better demonstration. I swallowed his cock until my chin was nestled against his balls, wondering whether he enjoyed the feeling as much as I did. The soft gasp that escaped his lips as he flicked his hips upward quickly told me that he did and I smiled to myself. I closed my eyes and let myself float on the sea of pleasure while I worked up and down his shaft. When I eventually opened my eyes again and looked up at Larry, I was surprised to see that he wasn’t focused on watching me, but instead was looking over my head. I turned and glanced over my shoulder to see Kathy and Terry standing behind me. “Oh, I didn’t know you were there,” I grinned. “Enjoying the show?”

“Oh, yeah,” Terry grinned back. “You’re amazing! It looks like you’re really enjoying yourself.”

“I am,” I sighed. I started stroking Larry’s cock so he wouldn’t lose interest while I talked to Terry. “I absolutely love sucking cock. It just feels sooooooo good!”

“Then I think it’s time you started feeling good again,” Larry groaned.

I turned back and smiled up at him. “Yes, sir,” I bubbled. I made eye contact with him and ran my tongue from his balls to the tip of his cock while he watched. “Mmmmmm,” I purred, “that tastes so good. I bet your cum is going to be delicious!”

I slid him back in my mouth and started sucking again, while jerking him off with my hand. He sighed with pleasure, maintaining the eye contact. I slowly worked him back down my throat, watching his eyes grow bigger with every inch I swallowed. When my chin hit his balls again, he whispered, “Oh, Jesus,” and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath.

I worked my way back up his shaft and then slowly swallowed him again. After I repeated the routine a couple more times, he was literally shaking on the seat. “Would you like to cum now?” I asked as I rubbed his cock along my cheek.

He nodded his head as he gasped for breath. “Oh, God, yes,” he hissed.

“Oh, good,” I purred. “I was hoping you’d say that.” I pulled him back into my mouth and tongued his cockhead while I ran my fingernails along his balls, still staring into his eyes. He started shaking again, then threw his head back and groaned as his cock started twitching in my mouth. A second later my mouth was filled with hot, thick sperm. I heard myself moan as the taste and smell filled my senses and I gulped it down to make room for the next blast. It was almost as big as the first one, and I briefly thought about holding it in my mouth until I felt his balls tighten and I realized he was about to spurt again. Rather than waste any of the precious fluid, I swallowed again to make room for what was to come. Larry didn’t disappoint me, shooting yet another nice blast of cream onto my tongue. This time, I could feel his body start to relax and I suspected that his orgasm was slowing. He still managed a few more small spurts, adding a little more cum to the portion still in my mouth, before he collapsed back onto the car seat. I thought about showing the treasure still in my mouth to Kathy and Terry, but that would have meant moving away from the softening cock I was still sucking, so I swallowed his load for a third time instead. I gently licked and kissed his dick clean as it shrank in my hand, then kissed each of his balls before helping to tug his pants back up. “Thank you,” I smiled up at him, “that was great.”

“Ohhhh, fuck,” he groaned. “That was way beyond great. I’ve never had a blowjob like that!”

“I told you Suzy was the best,” Kathy chuckled.

“You were right,” he groaned.

“Then you should tell her,” Kathy prompted. “Let her know what you think. She loves hearing what men think of her.”

He looked down at me as he asked, “Really?” I nodded eagerly and smiled up at him. He shrugged and said, “In that case, I have to tell you, you’re the best cocksucker I’ve ever met.”

“Thank you,” I smiled up at him. “That’s nice to know. It makes me feel so special hearing that.”

“Well, you deserve it,” I heard Terry say from behind me. “You have an amazing mouth.”

I turned and smiled at him. “Really?” I asked. “Did you really like it? You’re not just saying that?”

“Oh, God, yeah,” he grinned. “I’ve never fucked a mouth as nice as yours.”

“That’s one of the nicest things you could have said to me,” I blushed. “Thank you.”

“One of the nicest things?” Kathy asked. “What could he have said that would be nicer?”

I hadn’t really thought about my words as they had spilled out, so I didn’t have an answer ready. However, Kathy had been “training” me long enough that I knew I needed some kind of reply. Thinking quickly, it dawned on me that there was one thing that would have made me just as happy as Larry’s compliment. I shrugged and blushed slightly as I admitted, “Well, he could have asked me to do it again. That would have been just as nice.”

Kathy’s face lit up with approval and I relaxed a little…at least until Terry volunteered, “Well, I’d certainly like to be nice to you, Suzy. How about blowing me again?”

I looked over at him. “Seriously?” I asked.

“Sure,” he smiled eagerly. “I’d love it. I, I was too excited the first time and didn’t really get to experience all your talent like Larry did. I’d really like a second chance at that.”

“That, that’s sweet,” I smiled.

“So you’ll do it?” he asked, his smile getting larger.

“Sure, why not?” I shrugged. “It sounds like fun!”

Terry stepped towards me, but Kathy reached out and stopped him. “Why don’t we take a little pity on Suzy’s knees? This parking lot can’t be very comfortable for her. Let’s go back to the house where she can do it right.”

“Good idea,” Larry chimed in. “Maybe by the time we get there and she finishes Terry, I’ll be able to show her how much I enjoy her mouth again. Would that be OK?”

“Oh, yeah,” I sighed. “That would be more than OK.”

He grinned. “Or maybe I could fuck you?” he asked.

Before I could think of a response, Kathy jumped in. “Hey, wait a minute!” she protested. “I admit that I can’t suck a cock like Suzy, so I can understand you guys wanting to do her mouth all you can, but I have to put my foot down someplace. I think it’s only fair that if either of us gets fucked, it’s me!”

Larry looked at her, embarrassed. “Sorry,” he said, “I didn’t mean to ignore you. I guess I just got carried away. I apologize, and of course I’d love to fuck you instead.”

Kathy grinned. “So we have a deal?” she asked both guys. “We’ll go back to my house, but my slutty friend here is keeping her panties on. She can show off her cocksucking talent all you want, but I’m the one who gets her cunt fucked.”

“Sure,” both guys grinned in unison.

“Then let’s get out of here!” Kathy bubbled happily. I silently mouthed a “Thank you,” to her and she winked in return before climbing into the car.

We had barely walked into the house before Kathy started ripping off her clothes. The guys immediately took the hint, and, in a matter of seconds, I was the only one still wearing any clothes. When they looked at me expectantly, I shrugged and smiled. “Hey, it’s Kathy’s party and her rules. She wants me to stay dressed, I stay dressed. If I start stripping, I may not be able to stop and we all know where that will go. So, I’m keeping my clothes on. Trust me, that isn’t going to interfere with my role in her plans.” For emphasis, I walked over to Terry, dropped to my knees and went to work on his semi-stiff dick. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Kathy melting into Larry’s arms and kissing him passionately while his hands roamed over her body. After several seconds, she broke off the kiss and whispered into his ear. He looked at her in surprise, then nodded and grinned. She stepped away from him and he moved over beside his brother, offering me his cock too. Figuring that was what Kathy had whispered to him, I took him up on the offer and wrapped my fingers around his rod. For the next several minutes, I moved back and forth between the two cocks, sucking and playing with them until both were rock hard. A quick glance to the side let me see Kathy eagerly playing with her tits and clit while watching me, and I suspected that she was enjoying my performance nearly as much as she would having one of the guys pounding her pussy. Nevertheless, I knew it was time to give her a turn, so I looked up and asked, “So, who’s ready to give Kathy a good fucking?”

“I guess that would be me,” Larry quickly volunteered.

I smiled and let go of his cock and he happily moved back to Kathy. He kissed her once then lifted her onto the sofa where he immediately buried his cock in her sopping wet pussy. She moaned with pleasure as he drove into her. It dawned on me that I had never managed to make her thrash around in pleasure the way he was doing just a few seconds into fucking her. I felt a twinge of jealousy, that was quickly interrupted by Terry rubbing his cock across my lips. “Are you just going to watch her or are you going to suck my cock?” he asked.

I smiled up at him. “Oh, don’t worry,” I purred. “I’m definitely going to suck your cock.” I kissed it and asked, “Do you want me to make you cum, or do you just want me to keep you nice and hard until you get a chance to fuck Kathy?”

He looked surprised. “Would you mind if I fuck her?” he asked. “I mean, technically, you’re my date, not her.”

I giggled. “Well, that technicality sure didn’t stop your brother from fucking my mouth, did it? I think turn-around is fair play, so, no, I don’t mind. In fact, I’d love it if you fuck her brains out when he’s done with her.” His huge grin was all the answer I needed, so I went into maintenance mode, kissing, licking and sucking him just enough to keep him hard without making him cum for the next ten minutes or so. I watched out of the corner of my eye as Kathy had two obvious orgasms before Larry finally arched his back and blew his load inside her. When he pulled out with a satisfied sigh, I asked, “Is it Terry’s turn now?”

Kathy exhaled deeply, smiled and said, “Almost, but I don’t think he wants to have his dick covered with his brother’s cum. I need cleaned up first. Think you can help me with that, Suzy?” Understanding instantly what she meant, my eyes moved to the sperm starting to ooze out of her pussy. I nodded and moved to the sofa. Kneeling in front of her, I buried my face between her legs and started licking her inflamed cunt. I heard both men groan as she pressed on the back of my head and pushed hard against my mouth. The smell and taste of Larry’s load filled my senses and the next groan of pleasure I heard was coming from my mouth. I buried my tongue inside her and sucked, drawing the thick, delicious fluid into my mouth. “Oh, fuck,” Kathy moaned above me, “That feels so amazing! God, Suzy, you’ve got such a talented mouth! No wonder the guys like fucking it so much!” I continued to lick and suck long past the point where I had cleaned out all of Larry’s cum, pushing Kathy almost to another orgasm before she pushed on my forehead, signaling that she wanted me to stop. “That’s good,” she sighed. “I’m ready for more cock now.”

Obediently, I slid aside, making room for Terry. The show he had been watching had apparently been more than enough to keep him hard, and he eagerly buried every inch of his cock into Kathy’s dripping pussy. I must have done a really good job getting her ready, because Terry had only been fucking her for a minute or two before she screamed her way through another orgasm. That didn’t slow Terry down and as he kept pounding her pussy, I glanced over at Larry. His eyes were locked on his brother fucking the cunt he had just left as he slowly stroked his soft dick. I crawled over to him and pushed his hand away, replacing it with my lips. He looked down, his face lighting up with pleasure as I tried to revive him. To my surprise, he was soon stiff again and pumping in and out of my mouth. I was just beginning to wonder if I could make him cum again when I heard a soft squeal coming from the sofa. I glanced over and saw Kathy and Terry cumming in unison. When he rolled off of her moments later, she looked over at me, smiled and ran her fingers over her pussy lips. I managed to keep one hand on Larry’s cock as I crawled over to her, pulling him behind me like a trailer. I planted my lips on her pussy and again cleaned up the load of hot sperm that had just been deposited inside her. When I finished, I looked up and asked, “Do you want fucked again or should I take care of Larry?”

“Oh, I definitely want fucked again,” she purred. “Give me that cock!”

I backed away and let Larry move back between her legs. As he started fucking her yet again, I reached out and wrapped my fingers around Terry’s limp dick. “I’m afraid I’m shot,” he sighed. “Sorry.”

“That’s OK,” I smiled. “I like soft cocks, too. Do you mind if I at least clean you up a little?”

“Help yourself,” he grinned, shaking his head.

“Thank you,” I smiled back before I started licking the remnants of his bout with Kathy from his soft cock and balls.

He looked down at me in amazement as I tongued him clean. “God,” he groaned, “you really enjoy that, don’t you?”

“You mean the taste of your cum?” I asked. “Oh, yeah, I do. I love it.” I kissed his cock and shrugged. “In fact, I think I like the taste of cum more than anything else I’ve ever had.”

His eyes bulged. “You’re every man’s dream,” he said. “A gorgeous, sexy woman who loves sucking cock and can’t get enough cum? I mean, you’re the perfect cocksucker.”

I couldn’t help smiling. “Thank you,” I sighed. “You don’t know how much it means to hear you say something that nice about me.”

Terry laughed heartily. “I have to tell you,” he said between chuckles, “I don’t know many women who would consider being called a perfect cocksucker nice.”

“Well, I do,” I insisted. I kissed his cock again and smiled up at him. “I can’t help it. I do love sucking cock and I’m proud that I can do it pretty well. It’s nice to have a guy tell me that he agrees.”

“Pretty well?” he shook his head. “Honey, you’re way beyond pretty well. You’re the best fucking cocksucker I’ve ever met!”

I shook my head. “Now you’re just teasing me,” I said. “You don’t really mean that.”

“Oh, I mean it,” he reassured me. “I really do! Look, I’ve had lots of women suck my cock…maybe not as many as Larry has, but a lot. And, you’re definitely the best I’ve ever met.”

“That makes me really happy,” I said honestly. “Thank you for telling me.”

He shook his head and laughed. “You’re also the proudest cocksucker I’ve ever met,” he chuckled. “I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who enjoys showing off her talents like that or being told what a great mouth she has like you do.”

“Is that a bad thing?” I asked. “Should I be more…discrete about it?”

“Fuck no,” he laughed. “It’s great to be with a woman who not only enjoys sucking cock, but loves knowing that she’s doing a great job of it. You’re perfect just the way you are.”

“Thank you,” I blushed. “You don’t know how nice it is to hear that. If I thought you could handle it, I’d give you another blowjob right now to show you how much I appreciate the compliment.”

“Oh, God,” he groaned. “You have no idea how great that sounds, but, I don’t see any way I can get it up again, even with your talent. Can I have a raincheck?”

“Of course,” I grinned back at him. “Just call me whenever you want to cash it in.”

With both men completely exhausted, they said goodnight and headed home, leaving Kathy and me to discuss the evening. “Still upset with me for promising Terry a blowjob?” she asked with a sparkle in her eye.

“Of course not,” I admitted. “It was wonderful. Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” she laughed. “I’m glad you enjoyed the evening as much as I thought you would. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to collapse into bed and sleep about 12 hours. Ready?”

I nodded and followed her up the stairs. We were barely in bed before Kathy was sound asleep. I lasted a little longer, replaying our date in my head and thinking about how much my life had changed in such a short time. I looked over at Kathy sleeping beside me and whispered, “Thank you, darling,” before contentedly drifting off to sleep.
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