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When a group of young convent girls got stranded on an island, they never would have dreamt that some dark force would turn them in desperate sexual beasts.
The little English convent decided that it was time to do something about all the suffering they were getting reports about. A team of twenty one was carefully selected, put on a ship and sent off to wild Africa. The team consisted of ten old ladies that would be responsible for nursing the sick and of cause discipline, and eleven young energetic girls who would be able to do the hard work. The team was on route for about six days when the storm struck. For hours they were driven by the wind, and massive waves where pounding their ship. Early the next morning they hit the rocks, and two hours later there was nothing left of the ship and most of the people on board. A few survivors found wreckage to float on, but by daybreak the next day the only people still alive where nine of the young girls and one of the older ladies. They found themselves washed up on a beach, with not the faintest idea where they were.

They were very thankful that they managed to survive, but felt sick thinking about the many lives that were lost. They felt extremely self conscious because of the lack of appropriate clothing, having had to ditch the heavy convent gear as they hit the water or face a certain death. For the next few days they watched the shore lines to see if some of their belongings would wash out, but it was all in vain. The older lady immediately took charge and three of the younger girls were send inland to investigate and report back. They soon found out that they were stranded on a small island, but they had absolutely no clue where or what this island was, and it was clear that there were no other humans apart from them.

They tried to organize themselves the best they could, but with no tools, and only women around, it wasn’t easy. Thankfully, the days and nights were hot, but they had little protection from the rain and every so often they would all get soaking wet. Food and water was not a problem, since there were lots of edible fruit, and fresh water streams from the hills provided for liquid refreshment.

Margarette was seventeen years old and was picked for this mission because of her absolute dedication to the cause. She has been living in the convent since a very young age, and hasn’t seen much of the world. She was very grateful that her life was spared, but for some strange reason felt very uneasy on this island and could not shake off the feeling that something terrible was waiting for them here.

It is now a week since they arrived on the island and it is a beautiful windless early evening. They are all getting ready to sleep, which, with their very few belongings, basically meant picking a spot of grass that looked comfortable enough to lie down on. Margarette finds a spot that looks as comfortable as she expected to get, and settles for the night. Soon, everybody is fast asleep.

With peaceful sleeping bodies scattered around in the clearing, nobody notices the tiny little plant that appears almost under Margarettes nose. Within about an hour, the tiny plant grows a single white flower, and before long, it starts to excrete a small amount of pollen like substance that is slowly being inhaled by the girl. Soon, her body starts reacting to the substance. Blood starts to concentrate around her groin area, making her virgin pussy lips swell as if they are been stimulated by expert touch, her nipples starts straining against the material of her bra, and she starts to feel hot and uneasy. She is still fast asleep and dreaming that she is standing on a beautiful beach. She sees something lying on the sand a few hundred feet away and walks closer to investigate. As she gets closer she realizes that she is looking at the body of a naked young man, and although she feels extremely uneasy about his nakedness, she is concerned about his wellbeing and walks right up to his still body. After checking for vitals, she realizes that he was alive. She looks for injuries, and cant help to noticed his private parts. She tries very hard not stare, but having never seen a naked man before, she finds her gaze wondering over his muscled body. As hard as she tries, her attention would keep focusing on his penis and scrotum, and as her young female body and susceptible mind reacts to the visual stimulus, it isn’t long before she convinces herself that she needed to check that specific area for injuries as well. Her hand is shaking as she slowly reaches out to touch the tip of his penis, but she quickly jerks back when it moves. She feels something stirring in her panties, and feels the overwhelming urge to touch him again. While dreaming, Margarette pussy starts producing little droplets of sweet smelling love juices, and again, nobody notices the little flower as it seems to be sniffing the air and inhaling the intoxicating aroma coming from the young girls body. Nobody also notices the root like growth appearing from the little plant, getting stronger and growing further and faster as it seems to feed from the airborne particles of innocent lust.

Margarette is very quiet the next day, the feeling of guilt plaguing her. She can’t understand where that awful dream came from. Nothing like that has ever happened to her before, and never before has she woken up with that funny wet feeling in her panties. As soon as she gets a chance she disappears down to the beach to wash off the stickiness between her legs. She finds herself looking up and down the beach a few times, trying hard to convince herself that she is looking for salvage rather than a young muscled male body. She blushes as the images of her dream plays in her mind again, and tries to force the memories out of her head. She is convinced this island has something to do with it, and she decides to find a different spot to sleep that night.

As the sun sets and it starts getting dark, the girls settle into their sleeping spots for the night. Anne gets the spot Margarette had the previous night, and after some chatting amongst the girls and moving around to get more comfortable, it isn’t long before she is lying curled up and fast asleep.

It doesn’t take long for the tiny plant to make its appearance again, having dried out and disappeared in the heat of the sun that morning, and once again, the single flower produces a small amount of the pollen like substance right under Annes nose. Soon, her body starts reacting, her breathing gets heavier causing her chest to strain against her clothing, with just the tiniest little bulges starting to show as her nipples get excited. As her delicate little pleasure areas fill up with warm blood, a thin root like growth appears from the ground. It slowly, ever so slowly, finds its way through the layers of clothing to get inside Annes panties. She wakes up feeling a warm fuzzy feeling in her lower body. She doesn’t understand much about it, being a sixteen year old virgin living in a convent with no sex education, but, she instinctively knows that this is bad, very bad. She can feel a strange wetness in her panties, and having only being taught about the pleasures of the flesh and how sinful it was, she felt ashamed that she was enjoying it. A sudden rush of guild comes over her, and she tries to get up to clear her mind and get back to reality, but to her surprise, she finds that her muscles are not responding at all. She also becomes aware of another sensation; the root like growth has is now inside her panties, and is reaching under the hood of her clitoris. The feeling is indescribable, delicate and slow, yet extremely powerful on her sensitive little knob, and to her embarrassment, a soft but high pitched moan escapes her mouth. She feels the wetness in her panties increases, and the root grows another shoot which dips directly into the little drop of pussy juice that formed in between the folds of satin skin just outside the entrance to her virgin hole, sucking it in and passing it down to the little plant. The plant now grows stronger, as if the sex fluid fills it with energy, and the root tip starts rubbing Annes clitoris head, causing her little body to spasm in enjoyment. Anne is still not able to move, the tension is building in her panties like nothing she has ever felt before. She has an overwhelming desire to touch her nipples, but is unable to do so. The root grows another shoot to suck up her juices, and is gaining strength all the time, it tangles itself around the clitoris shaft, squeezing in pulsating movements while rubbing the head. Anne feels her first orgasm building in her, not knowing what it is, she feels scared to death, but also not wanting it to stop. Electric waves rip through her body, her vagina muscles contract involuntary, over and over, causing little bubbles of girl cream to be squeezed out, wetting the material of her panties, and a series of moans escape from her lips. She falls asleep almost immediately afterwards, and the root gently sucks up the remainder of her juices before retracting itself back under the ground.

The next morning, Anne is not sure if her experience was real or just a dream. She decides that it must have been just a very strange dream, and something that is definitely to embarrassing to talk about. She can however not forget the absolute fantastic feeling she experienced in her little pussy, and found herself fantasizing about it through the day. In the mean time the strange plant now moves quickly, shooting roots under the ground in all directions. Before the sun sets that evening, most of the area where the girls sleep was covered.

Judy just turned twenty two a week ago, she joined to convent because she has a secret, a secret that she could not live with and one that she did not have control over. She discovered her secret at an early age, and because she new that she would be an outcast in her town, the only option for her was to get out of it all together. Since she can remember, Judy liked girls, she dreamed of them, she looked at them in the shower at school, and she fantasized about them. The girls at the convent were too innocent to even comprehend something like this, and for years Judy was able to hide her terrible little secret. Now, on the island, surrounded by sexy young girls, she feels the old temptation coming back. Living in nature like this, and outside the walls of the convent she finds herself looking at the other girls in a way she knows she should not. That night, she falls asleep with the silhouette of Rubys full breast in the moonlight a few feet from her, and it wasn’t long before she started having a deliciously naughty dream about the young girl.

It is also not long before the root starts getting active, but before it can fill the air with its magic dust, Judy wakes up because of the discomfort of a full bladder. She gets up and, too scared to go into the bush in the dark, she walks down to the beach, sits down on the soft sand with her legs spread in front of her. She digs a little hole and for a few seconds she sits listening to the sound of her own pee splashing into the hole.

The root has sprouted little plants all over the area where the girls sleep, and soon the air is filled with the fine pollen that it excretes. As before, the girls bodies start reacting almost immediately. The root is now much stronger, and getting much bolder. It sprouts fine roots that immediately start growing to the girls hot little areas, seeking out the heat and the smell of sex. The pollen is also much stronger now, able to bring the girls bodies to a state of extreme arousal, while paralyzing them at the same time so that they are unable to resist or damage the delicate roots.

Judy is still sitting on the beach, naughtily enjoying the thought of her exposed naked pussy in the night air. She lies back, pushing her pelvis up to feel the slight breeze playing through her pubic hair, then she sits up and forward pushing her soft vagina lips in the sand, enjoying the roughness of the cold sand against them. She lifts her lower body up carefully and looks at the imprint her pussy made in the sand. Very cute, she things and smiles to herself. She looks around and when she is certain that she is alone, she removes all her clothes and lie back on the sand again. She lifts her arms over her head and stretches her body out. Her nipples are fully erect because the cool sea breeze and she admires their shape. She takes hands full of sand and slowly let it slip through her fingers and over her nipples, making them stand out even further. She lies there for a few minutes, thinking about all those young sexy female bodies on the island with her, but then she angrily gets up, cursing herself for thinking such things of those innocent girls, and starts walking back.

As she reaches the camp area, Judy immediately notices that something was different. A husky moan escaping one of the younger girls makes her stop dead in her tracks. She turns to face the sleeping beauty, lying with her sensual mouth half open, her facial expression that of a women experiencing ecstasy! Intrigued, Judy moves closer and kneels next to the girl. The thought of the lovely young thing having some kind of naughty dream makes Judys pulse race, and she moves her gaze down to the girls bosom. The girl is breathing much faster now, her chest heaving up and down. Judy stares intently at her breasts, she can see the nipples pushing against the girls bra, it is obvious that they are rock hard. Judy slowly extends one arm, and cups one of the girls breasts, it feels warm and firm, and to her amazement, the girl immediately responds with a sharp gasp, her facial expression making it obvious that she enjoys it. The girl still appears to be fast asleep, and Judys own body is starting to get excited, her dirty little mind concocting all kinds of naughty ideas. She squeezes the soft flesh under her palm, and watches the girls face reacts. She puts her other hand on the other breast and starts massaging them together, the girl is now moaning like she is about to have an orgasm. Judy is so involved with what she sees in front of her that she doesn’t notice at first the little moans coming from the other girls. When she does, she quickly gets up to look around and finds herself standing surrounded by young helpless bodies, all in some stage of sexual ecstasy.

Judy can not believe her eyes, although all the girls seem to be fast asleep, they all appear to be in some state of sexual arousal. There bodies are lying still, but their chests are pumping from heavy breathing, their nipples straining against whatever material is keeping them. Judy feels an overpowering euphoria taking hold of her, her pulse racing, lust making her head spin, she is shaking as she stands their watching those innocent girls now aroused to the point where she can smell their pussies, the unmistakably smell of female sex coming from between their legs. Judy doesn’t know, nor does she care what is going on, all she knows is what she feels, and what she feels is that years of oppressed desire is about to explode in her body, and nobody is going to stop the shockwave that will result. Judy grabs her own dress with both hands, and with one violent movement, she pulls it from her body, buttons shooting loose, material tearing, until it lies in a bundle by her feet. She grabs her bra and pulls hard, snapping the strap, her tits jump out and shake around as if they are freeing themselves, her full panties is torn off in similar fashion, and then she stands there naked her eyes fixated on the steaming bodies around her. She moves to one of the other girls, watching in awe the expression on her face, she stands with feet on either side of the girls head, facing her outstretched body. Slowly, she lowers herself until her own pussy is about an inch from the girls nose. Her own juices are now adding to the thick smell of sex in the air, and she notices the girls nostrils flair as she inhales the smell of lust just an inch from her. Judy moves a bit closer until her pussy touches the tip of the young girls nose, and starts moving in small little circles, her juices forming a thin glistening strand as she pulls away slightly. Suddenly the floodgates of lust open, and she pushes down hard on the girls face, rubbing her pussy all over her nose, eyes and mouth. She reaches forward and tears the clothes of the young girls body, bra and panties follow. She takes about two seconds to admire the sexy virgin body before she starts ravishing the delicate parts, roughly kneading the girls tits, pulling and slapping at her clitoris, while all the time still gyrating her pussy violently in the girls face. A deep moan from another body gets her attention. She looks up and sees the silhouette of the slender body of Margarette with her big round tits. She gets up, leaving the young girls face covered in pussy juice.

She quickly gets rid of Margarettes clothes and looks at her naked body with admiration and excitement. She grabs hands full of soft tit flesh and massages them roughly, then she takes the nipples between thumb and index finger and squeezes them hard. Margarette cries out as her tender nipples are brutalized and this encourages Judy. She starts slapping the huge tits, then she grabs the nipples pinching them hard. She sits on Margarettes abdomen, legs on either side, and reaches behind her with one hand feeling for the swollen clitoris. When she finds it, she starts rubbing it between her fingers, and Margarette starts moaning like a whore. Judy grabs one of the nipples in front of her with her free hand, and shakes it back and forth, then the other until they are both red and swollen from the abuse.

Judy looks up and sees the tiny little body of Anne. Anne was the youngest and most petite girl on the island, with small perky breasts and the cutest little butt Judy had ever seen. She gets up and walks over to where Anne is lying. She looks down at her, and feels the tension building in her own pussy. She squats over her face, then she grabs her head with both hands and pulls it in between her legs. She rubs the girls face violently against her own pussy lips until her tender clitoris pops out from under its hood. Annes face is now covered and slippery with pussy juice, and Judy positions it in such a way that her sensual lips are rubbing against her swollen clitoris. She continues to ride the girls face for a few seconds longer, and then, letting go of her head, she rips the clothes off the tiny body, tearing anything that resists. She admires the beautiful little vixen for a few seconds, and then she moves from one girl to the next, like somebody possessed, tearing the clothes from their bodies until all of them are lying totally naked, still seemingly asleep, but in some stage of extreme sexual arousal. Judy is finding the sexual tension in her own body absolutely unbearable now, and she knows she wants to come. She walks back to Anne who is moaning particularly load now, and looks down at her sexy physique. While standing over her, she balances on one leg while massaging the cute little tits with her foot. She pinches a nipple between her toes and giggles as Anne immediately squirms. Like a school bully she keeps on pinching one nipple then the other, until both are red and swollen, making them look too big in comparison with the small tits. Judy touches her own aching pussy. She has never been this wet before. Her slippery cream has oozed out of her lustful cunt covering her thighs and anus lubricating the folds of tender skin. She just had to come! She squats down with her pussy right on top of the girls face. She starts rocking her body back and forth, rubbing her pussy up and down. She grabs the girls tits, squeezing hard, and as she hears the load moans coming from the girl somewhere between her pussy lips, she bends over, spreads the girls legs and starts slapping her pussy with one hand, while violating her nipples with the other. She can feel the girls orgasm building with her own as the first wave of her own orgasm spills over her, she bends over again, pulling the girls legs towards her, and takes her clitoris in her mouth, nibbling on the gorged little member. She puts one finger on the girls tight anus hole making little circles as she massages the area. Everything is covered in lubricating girl juice and she only has to use a little bit of force before her finger slips up Annes ass. Anne reacts violently. As Judys finger enters her anus, her pussy muscles contract into a spasm and Judy watches in awe as Annes pussy lips seem to retract into her hole before suddenly exploding covering Judys face with a hot pussy come shower as the girl orgasms. The waves of her own orgasm paralyze Judys body, and she collapses on top of Anne. After about a minute it subsides, and Judy is able to relax her muscles.

Judy lies still for a few minutes, catching her breath, and then feels the urge to pee again. She gets up, and sees the older women lying a few feet away, her mouth wide open, nipples erect, and with legs slightly open, and it is clear that whatever is going on with the rest of the girls is affecting her as well. Judy thinks about the stern voice she heard so often when she stepped out of line, the look she got when she tried to explain her way out of something, and a naughty little smile slowly appears on her pretty face. She walks up to the old lady, swinging her naked hips like a parading street whore. She touches her own nipples, teasing the already hard little knobs, and looks intently at the sleeping face of the old lady. She stands over her with her legs on either side of the old ladies face, and starts playing with her own pussy, massaging her swollen lips, then pulling them apart to reveal her wet pleasure canal. She rubs one little finger slowly over her pee hole, around and around in circles, as if deep in thought, or lost in the pleasure she is enjoying from her own touch. She turns around to face the old ladies body, and again put her legs on either side of her head, then she squats down until her pussy is only centimeters away from the gaping mouth. She grabs one of the old ladies nipples, and gives it a sharp twist. The old lady gasps for air, either from pain or pleasure. Judy grabs both nipples, one in each hand, squeezing them between thumb and index finger, then shaking them around violently, and looks in amazement as the muscles in the old ladies abdomen starts contracting in rhythmic waves as she starts to orgasm. She looks down at her own pussy, still just above the old bags mouth, and starts squeezing gently. At first nothing happens, her own arousal making it virtually impossible for urine to pass, then just a trickle of golden liquid escapes through her little pee hole, and drips in the old ladies mouth who swallows instinctively. While squatting over the old ladies face, Judy folds her arms around her own butt and grab her pussy lips with her fingers to pull them apart. Her pee hole is now pointing straight down the old ladies throat and she pushes as hard as she can. The hot pee comes rushing out and down the open mouth, the old lady having no choice but to swallow repeatedly. Judy then buries the old face between her own legs, squashing her pussy against it, while letting go of her bladder. She rocks back and forth, smearing her pee and pussy juice into the old ladies skin. She grabs hold of the old ladies legs, pulling them up towards her and open to reveal her pussy. She sticks two fingers up her cunt as far as she can, instantly breaking the still intact hymen. She starts finger fucking the old pussy, her own mind totally carried away because of her nastiness. She can feel the old lady orgasm, and as she senses the peak of her orgasm, she plunges two more fingers up her cunt and finger fuck the tight hole as fast as she can, enjoying the shockwave she feels going through the old ladies body as a result of this brutal treatment. Her own orgasm follows quickly, and in the heat of it she grabs hands full of tit flesh, twisting the nipples and slapping the old womens pussy as if she cant get enough of that which she has been denied so long.

Judy gets up and look at her handy work, the old ladies body looks truly spent, pussy juice and pee all over her face and hair, her tits and groin area swollen and even in the moonlight Judy can see the skin bruised and red. She looks up and sees more beautiful sleeping female bodies lying in different states of arousal. She spends about half a second pondering what on earth is actually going on here, but then her mind turns dirty again as she spots two young girls lying next to each other, panting, faces contorted in sexual ecstasy. She walks over to them and stops just a few feet away to admire them. They both had athletic, slender bodies, like tennis players, with small breasts and tiny nipples. Judy bends over them touching them softly, again surprised about how sensitive they are to her touch. She turns one of the girls over to look at her ass. This was definitely the best part of her body. She had a perfectly round, firm butt. The crack of her ass flowed down from her spine to disappear into the cuties little pussy lips. Judy stares at this for a few moments, then slaps the girls ass as hard as she can. Even in her sleep the girl cries out, then Judy slaps her again and again, laughing as the girl cries out every time. She stands up, turning to the other girl. She picks up one leg, and takes the girls big toe in her mouth, sucking on it for a few seconds, then she stands with her own legs wide apart, and inserts the girls toe into her own pussy, fucking herself a few times. She takes the foot out and licks her own juices from the girls toes, after which she plunges the foot with force up her pussy. This time it is she who cries out, but she continues to push until the whole front part of the foot is in her love nest. She starts to slowly fuck herself, then faster and faster until the girls body is jerked back and forth, tits shaking around, head bouncing on the floor. Judy feels another orgasm building, and grabs her own tits with one hand while still fucking herself with the foot in the other hand. She twists and pulls her nipples until her eyes start to water, the intensity of her orgasm making her loose total control. When her legs buckle under her, she falls down to the ground, lying on her back, legs open as wide as she can with the cute girls foot still in her pussy. She continually stuffs her pussy full of foot with both hands, harder and harder, then she grabs first the one breast and then the other, squeezing them. She takes a nipple and shakes her own tit up and down, left and right, all directions until her orgasm reaches a peak that makes her mind explode, girl come squirts passed the foot stuck up her hole, and then she passes out.

The root was not sitting around idle all this time. Although Judy destroyed many of its roots during her fuck frenzy, it was very busy sucking up girl juice, consuming the enormous amounts of energy, and now it was ready to mutate. It would take some time though, because it would re-appear as a totally different life form.

The next morning there is absolute pandemonium in camp. The girls wake up to find themselves totally naked, their bodies sore and abused, their nipples swollen and tender. So confused are they that nobody notices that Judy wakes up far from where she went to sleep the previous night, nobody notices her hastily pulling the young girls foot out of her love hole, and just in time, because seconds later the girl also wakes up. There are tears everywhere, some girls react with quiet shame, remembering some of the dreams they had had the previous nights, other scream hysterically when they find their bodies bruised, their clothes torn in pieces. Judy tries to emulate the general behaviour around her but find it difficult to not burst out laughing. She sees her own dried up girl love juice on most of the girls faces. The old lady has it in her hair, her eye lashes, some girls have their tits covered in it, and they don’t have a clue where it came from. The girls now turn to each other for comfort, hugging and crying. The young girl whose foot made such a nasty dildo turns to Judy and looks in horror at her swollen nipples and bruised breasts, not knowing that is was all self inflicted. She feels sorry for poor Judy and hugs her to comfort her while she is crying herself.

Judy finds it very strange that nobody really asks what happened to them. It is as if they all just accept that somehow their naughty dreams became reality, and since they cant even begin to imaging talking about it, they have to just pick up the pieces and go on. As far as their clothes are concerned, that is exactly what they have to do. The girls pick up what is left of their clothes and try to wrap it around their bodies. There isn’t much to work with, and Judy finds herself staring at the scantily clothed girls all through the day.

For a few days nothing much out of the ordinary happens. A strange change in the general behaviour of the girls is starting to become apparent. They appear to become much more liberated, and every now and again somebody would get irritated with the fuss of trying to keep the torn pieces of clothing on their bodies and just leave some of it off. Most of them are not nearly as thorough anymore when they wrap the pieces of torn material around their bodies, and Judy is thoroughly enjoying the view of cute little body parts sticking out every now and again. Another interesting development is that it seems as if Judy is not the only one noticing this, and she finds it very interesting to see that the girls are often looking at each other. Other than these subtle differences, everybody is going about their daily activities as normal as one could under the circumstances, as if they are all waiting for something to happen, something that will change their lives again, maybe let them have those dreams again…

It is about six weeks after that glorious night, and Judy is starting to feel very desperate. Many nights she got up to walk to the beach, hoping she would come back and find her companions helpless and horny, but every time she got disappointed. Tonight however, things are a little different. Everybody is fast asleep, even Judy, when the soil starts moving. At first it looks like an infestation of tiny little moles because all around the girls the soil would be pushed up. The creatures that appear from underground is nothing like moles however, in fact, they more resemble slimy little slugs. As they appear from underground, they seem driven, knowing exactly what they are looking for. One by one they come out from their underground dwellings, and as soon as they reach the service, they start heading straight for the nearest girl. The slug like creatures are only about two centimeters long and half a centimeter wide, and as they reach the girls bodies, they immediately start the short journey up the girls leg and head straight for the girls clitoris. The fact that Judy tore the girls clothing from their bodies that night comes in handy for the slugs now as they are having very little resistance in the form of tight fitting panties etc. As they reach the girls little knob, a tiny tentacle would appear which would promptly be injected right into the clitoris head. The slug would then stay still for about a minute while some sort of liquid is pumped into the delicate flesh of the clitoris, causing it to swell to an enormous size. As with the pollen that the plant excreted, this substance causes an immediate reaction in the girls body, but now, the effect on the brain is much more dominant. The extreme stimulus of their hyper sensitive clitorises combined with the effect of the drug which dissolves every bit of inhibition, causes them to conjure up the most amazingly naughty dreams. Within just a few minutes the girls pussy hole would be hot, wet and slimy, exactly what the slug wants. It would quickly worm its way into the girls vaginal cavity, and then, through its skin, it would start consuming the girls pussy juice which causes it to expand rapidly in size. By now, the girl would be producing copious amounts of lust juice, but as if this is not enough, the creature would start pulsating the muscles in its body, stimulating every erotic spot inside the girls cavity, causing a state of arousal that is almost unbearable. Soon, it has grown to the point where it snugly fills every part of the girls cunt, stretching her muscles to the limit. The drug that was administered has another function that now becomes apparent. Somehow, it ensures that the girl is never allowed to go beyond the point of no return. This would continue through the night, with the girls unable to wake up, dreaming all kinds of weird and wonderfully naughty things, but unable to be satisfied. By dawn the next morning, the desperate moans coming from the girls are almost deafening, with every muscle in their horny bodies tensed up in anticipation of the inevitable orgasm, but this doesn’t happen. As the sun is about to come up, the creatures would exit and disappear in the bush where they continue to evolve. The girls would wake up with a overwhelming, burning desire to be fucked and an aching empty feeling in their pussies. Most of them had never tried masturbation, but now they coyly disappear into the forest on their own to touch themselves. While they stimulate their young bodies to orgasm, there are always creatures watching them, wanting them, but unable to react because of their current state. The creatures know that their time will come, soon, very soon!

The girls are now very familiar with their surroundings, and feel totally at ease walking around the island… well almost. Even thought they were beside themselves from fear that morning when they woke up bruised and naked, that now feels like a distant memory, and spend much more time contemplating what is currently happening to them. Without exception, every girl thinks that she is the only one having these strange thoughts, feelings and dreams, and for this reason, the topic is never discussed. The would wake up in the mornings with their fingers teasing their little holes, or caressing their erect nipples while secretly fantasizing about the cute butt sticking out from a next door neighbor, or a breast or even pubic hair that is visible from under the little bit of clothing that they have.

The root is very aware of these changes in the girls, it is aware because it is not just a root anymore. The root has evolved through three stages now, it has evolved into a very interesting create with the most amazing talents, talents that it cannot wait to put to the test.

It is later afternoon and the girls are all sitting in the clearing they call their camp. They enjoyed a wonderfully sunny day splashing in the waves and tanning their young bodies. They find it difficult to keep their eyes off the sexy bodies around them. For reasons unknown to them, their sexuality has been awakened in a way that made it difficult for them to think about anything else. They now sit around talking about this and that, giggling and joking with each other, talking about how much they appreciate the other, and then hugging for no real reason other than to feel the others body. The general level of arousal is increasing slowly but surely, like a very slow acting drug they come under its influence, and the aroma of hot pussies starts filling the warm summer air.

This does not go unnoticed. On the edge of the clearing, and out of site, dozens of piercing eyes are watching the group of girls with anticipation. As the air becomes thick with the smell of lust, the eyes look at each other and agree that the time has come. The creatures open their mouths and slowly breaths out in the direction of the clearing. The wind takes their breath and carries it to the silly girls, and as always, their bodies start reacting almost immediately. The playful nature of their embraces changes almost instantaneously. So strong is the airborne substance that their arousal becomes uncontrollable in seconds. The girls now look at each other with pure lust in their eyes, for a few seconds they just stare at each other motionless, then lunch forward and start ripping whatever pieces of clothing remained on their bodies. Moments later they are all naked, rolling around in frenzied embraces, exploring each others bodies with hands, tongues and limbs. Their juices are flowing freely, and they eagerly drink the love nectar from each other’s steamy pussy lips. Soon, they start feeling the burning need to be penetrated, to have their sex cavities explored and massaged, and hands become a blur of motion as they fuck each other with whatever means in reach.

The creatures were waiting for this exact moment, and come out of hiding into the clearing. The girls see them immediately, and freeze. They have never in their wildest dreams imagined something like this. The creatures were only about two feet tall and there were well over a hundred of them. The girls can only stare at them, paralyzed with fear. The creatures had a human like head with eyes and mouth, but their skin appeared to be rubbery. They had thin elastic arms without elbows, and in stead of hands, each arm ended in what looks like a suction cup. Their legs were much the same, but the girls did not notice any of these. Their eyes were all fixed on something about halfway down the creatures’ body. There, pointing proudly up in the air, was the biggest penis the girls had ever seen. Not only was it close to a foot long and as thick as their own wrists, but the shape was what really caught their attention. The head was about twice the thickness of the shaft, and all along the shaft itself were tentacles about two inches long that looked like they were alive. These tentacles were reaching around continuously looking for something to latch onto. A gel like substance was oozing from both the penis head and each of the tentacles. The creatures move forward, and one by one the girls find themselves moving in position lying on their backs with legs wide open as if their minds were being controlled by the creatures.

Margarette is one of the girls lying closest to the creatures, and she feels herself lying back and opening her legs involuntary as wide as they can go. She looks at the hideous penis with wild excitement. It feels like her pussy is going to detach itself from her body and jump that penis if something doesn’t happen soon. The creature comes closer, his own sex juices now dripping from the penis head and tentacles. He positions himself between her legs and looks at the moist pussy as if he is admiring its shape and design. Her vagina muscles are already contracting in spasm like convulsions, causing the gorged exterior of her cunt to move in unison stretching her gap open so the creatures precome drips right into her hole. He moves forward and softly pushes his penis head against the velvet skin of her pussy lips. Margarette gasps as the closest tentacles immediately reach out and start touching her, caressing her clitoris and swollen lips. Her head spins, her mind fills with a rush of obscene thoughts she didn’t know she was capable of. She had an overwhelming desire to be fucked by this creature, for him to penetrate her with his huge tool. She felt an aching in her pussy, the muscles contracting uncontrollably, squeezing her own love juices out so that it slowly runs down her ass cheeks before seeping into the ground. Suddenly, the creature pushes forward with force and buries himself inside Margarettes pussy. She cries out in surprise, and then feels her love tunnel being fucked like never before. As if this was the sign all the creatures were waiting for, they lunge forward, burying their rods into the closest girl and starts fucking her with vigor, their mates looking on, eagerly awaiting their turn.

It was no coincidence the creatures were built the way they were. Where they come from, their natural shape was nothing like this, but because they needed the energy these earth creatures produced in such abundance when sexually aroused, they carefully examined the girls bodies during the root phase and noted all the areas that seemed to increase the production thereof. During the mutation phase this intimate knowledge was put to expert use and their bodies took a shape that they believed would be capable of stimulating the girls to the ultimate levels of sexual pleasure. It is for this reason that their own bodies now shift slightly, and new abilities become apparent. First, the creatures extend their necks until their heads reach the girls tits. The mouth then opens wide, swallowing the whole tit while muscles inside start massaging the soft flesh. Down the creatures throat, a sucker quickly latches on to the girls nipple. It starts pulling and squeezing while at the same time sucking hard causing more and more blood to flow into the nipple. It grows bigger and longer than it has ever been, the nerve endings become super sensitive with the huge amount of blood pulsating through them, and Margarettes moans grow loader with her enjoyment reaching unknown levels.

Down under, things are also getting more interesting for the girls. A very thin long tentacle appears at the base of the creatures penis. It snakes through the air trying to anticipate the wild fucking movements of the create. When it eventually manages to latch on the girls clitoris, it seems to inject something into the hood which causes the skin to become totally elastic so that it can be pulled back far enough to fully expose the clitoris from root to tip. The tentacle now grows thick like a worm, and starts sniffing around the clitoris. Because of the extent to which it is exposed, the clitoris is enormously sensitive, and the girls body jerks every time the thick tentacle touches the tender member. As if it is getting aroused itself, the worm tentacle starts oozing a clear thick liquid which it careful drips on the clitoris head and shaft. The girls body stiffens as soon as the first drop lands. The liquid causes a hot, almost burning sensation and blood immediately starts pumping through it.

The worm opens its mouth, and quickly swallows the whole clitoris up to its base. This is too much for the girl, and she screams at the top of her voice as her body is almost ripped apart by the power of her appoaching orgasm. The creature moves its head from one breast to the other, sucking the whole tit in its mouth, then latching on the nipple, squeezing and pulling it. Margarette feels the extreme tension in her muscles as her body tries desperately to spill over into full orgasm, but once again she is prevented from getting over the edge by the drug that was injected earlier. Her orgasm lingers, every muscle in her body is pulled tight, her voice becomes hoarse from screaming with lust. So much blood is concentrated around her inflamed loins that she feels light headed, her cunt reeking of the pungent sap of female desire. The creature is now using his arms to slap her tender tits, then latching the suckers at the end of his arms on her nipples sucking hard and shaking her tits up and down. All the while, every ounce of sexual energy that the girl produces is consumed through pores in the creatures skin. Slowly, it starts glowing, its whole body getting brighter and brighter until you can see its penis fucking in and out the girls pussy through her abdomen.

The creature knows one last trick to get every bit of ecstasy from the girls body. Another thin penis appears under the main one and as the creature lunches forward , the short penis is driven against the girls anus. Margarette is instantly aware of this new assault, and waits in inpatient anticipation for penetration, her sphincter muscles sensitive and eager to be stimulated. As the creature keeps on fucking her cunt, the second penis grows in length until suddenly it is stuffed into the girls anus. She screams at the top of her voice as her backend is violated, and within a few strokes the penis starts growing thicker, stretching her little hole, stimulating every cell until her whole body is vibrating. Her voice reaches a crescendo as her orgasm goes over the edge, her own pussy juice is oozing out of her hole and on the short penis, lubricating her anal fuck. The girls orgasm appears to overload the creatures very being, its body stiffens, eyes closed tight, face contorted and then a blinding flash as his body is evaporated and he disappears.

Margarette does not have time to reflect on all this. She lies with eyes closed in the aftermath of what has to be the ultimate orgasm, her body still contracting and her muscles vibrating from an overdose of hormones and whatever was injected into her. Her body feels spend and tired, but as she looks down between her legs, the next creature has positioned himself, and is looking intently at her pussy lips and dripping hole. The girl looks around in amazement as she sees her friends in various stages of orgasm with creatures fucking the living daylight out of them. The noise coming from these women is deafening, but again, she does not have much time to think about this. The creature bends over and starts licking between her legs savouring the taste of her love juices. She can see his penis getting excited, the tentacles reaching, searching in the air. The creature nudges her thighs with its arm tentacles, and she willingly lies back pulling her ankles back to behind her ears. He starts licking around her ass, circling closer and closer to her asshole. She can feel the anticipation building in her body. Damn these creatures are good! She shudders as his moist tongue reaches her little hole, and feels him licking her ass gently at first, then putting pressure on the tight muscles to penetrate her. He pushes her spinster muscles apart penetrating her with his long tongue, sliding in and out of her asshole making her whole body shiver. She feels her clitoris expanding again. The hood is still pulled back over itself, and her clitoris starts growing again as if trying to get attention so it can be touched. The creature reaches out with one arm and start flicking the clitoris head gently sending shockwaves through her body, she grabs her own tits and squeeze them hard as the feeling in her loins drives her insane.

The creature now moves in position, and inserts his colossal penis in her pussy. The tentacles on the side of his penis immediately start working their magic, grabbing at the insides of her vagina walls, then rolling into a tight ball which teases her sensitive areas. One of the tentacles wrap itself around her g-spot, tightening the grip to resist being pulled of by the movement of the penis in and out of her pussy. The penis head itself now comes alive, it contracts itself with the inward motion, then, quickly expands to twice its normal size before the penis starts moving out. This causes an enormous vacuum deep inside the girls hole, and she cries out in pleasure. She can feel her orgasm building, and her mind goes wild. She feels the need to suck on something, she wants to be dirty, she wants to be slutty. As if he is able to read her mind, another creature quickly moves in. Almost magically, his penis reshapes itself to resemble the penis of a human male. They learned about this from studying the girls dreams. At first they could not understand why a women would enjoy taking the male penis in their mouths. They could after all not find any pleasurable zones inside the earth woman’s oral cavities, but soon they realized that it was the mental connection that made this practice such a stimulant. They realized it was the thought of sucking a mans penis that made the women go wild. It was the act of licking the penis head and taking the balls in their mouths that made their loins stir. It was eating the forbidden fruit. The creature recreates the human penis down to the its smell, and the girl eagerly takes it in her mouth. She takes the balls in her small hands and squeeze them, she has dreamt about doing this for so long. She always wondered what it would feel like to take a mans cock in her mouth, what it would taste like. This is enough to drive her orgasm right up to the peak again, and she starts rocking back and forth wanting to be fucked faster and harder. The creature between her legs quickly injects her again to prolong her orgasm while he soaks up the energy. A few moments later he starts glowing brightly, the time is right for the girl to orgasm. His comrade at the other end knows this, and excretes a thick liquid which he pumps down the girls throat. Believing that she is getting her first taste of a mans come, the girls orgasm become inevitable. The dirty thought pushes her over the edge, and as her sexual energy reaches a crescendo, another lightning causes another creature to disappear into thin air.

The girls soon lost count of the number of creatures that brought them one orgasm after another. Their bodies would eventually be totally spent, unable to produce more orgasms. The remaining creatures would then bring water and fruit and allow them to eat and drink while they bathe and massage their bruised bodies to revitalize them. As soon as the girls showed any sign of recovery, the relentless fucking would continue, the creatures impatient to escape from earth.

Afterwards, the girls were uncertain if their ordeal took hours or days. All that was left was the memory of the most fantastic orgy possible. Once the last creater disappeared in a white flash, the girls were left with tired, bruised bodies, swollen pussies, sore nipples and assholes, and covered in their own pussy juices. It would take a few hours of rest before they could muster enough strength to get up to go down to the sea to clean themselves, their minds in a maze of unanswered questions.

Life had to go on, and soon the girls found themselves again bored on the island with not much to do. It was during this time that they discovered that the alien creatures did leave something for them. The little plants with the single white flower still grew on the island, although it did not possess an alien life form anymore. The girls soon discovered the power of the pollen that came from the little white flower, and would frequently drug each other for their own evil entertainment. When a rescue boat finally picked them up, each of them secretly had a few plants hidden in their belongings, and all over the world, people would wake up with bruised, over sexed bodies and a memory of the most erotic sexual encounter, but not able to understand how.

Woody B. HungwellReport 

2009-09-05 22:02:10
Try to make smaller paragraphs. The really long ones make it hard to read. But other than that and a few misspellings it was a great story. Also one mistake that was almost funny was:

"The girls now look at each other with pure lust in their eyes, for a few seconds they just stare at each other motionless, then lunch forward..."

I think you meant "lunge"

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-02-27 06:51:58

Made me so horny


2008-11-21 05:17:20
I love it


2008-11-04 17:38:41
I absolutly loved it. It was fantastic! It made me sooo hot and wet. I totally masterbated after this.

Lil DemonReport 

2008-10-23 04:02:01
Wow .. grins .. totally loved .. got soaked!! 10!!

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