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Some daughters exercise; the fathers find two girls to train.

The Festival was only a week away, and as we moved to the final phase of our preparations we knew it was still important to focus on the fundamentals.

One of these was keeping Jennifer in peak physical condition, and we prioritized her exercise and nutrition. Three days a week she trained with a personal trainer at a gym downtown, and her discipline and commitment had paid off in a big way.

Today was her last session, and so I loaded her and Selena and Serena, her younger twin sisters, into the car.

Steve Montgomery had built a reputation for results in training young girls for their Festival, and he ran a series of small-group classes out of his well-equipped facility. There were four girls in Jennifer's group, and they had been training together for six months.

The other fathers and I would typically stay for the sessions, sitting on benches along the wall of the gym and talking amongst ourselves while our daughters worked out.

The other girls were filtering in as we arrived and Steve greeted each one with a big smile and a high-five. Once they'd stowed their jackets and gym bags in the lockers by the door, giggling and talking as they pulled their hair back into ponytails and filled their water bottles, he clapped his hands to get their attention.

'Alright, ladies,' he said, 'let's get started! This is your last session, and I'm so proud of everything you've accomplished. Before we begin, let's weigh and measure so we can see the final results of all the hard work you've put in. Go ahead and undress, and line up right here in front of me, please.'

The giggling started again as the girls complied, and we were treated to the always-lovely sight of four lithe young women peeling out of their sports bras, yoga pants, and panties, which they folded neatly and stowed next to their lockers.

Selena and Serena watched with rapt attention; they were fascinated by each part of the preparation their older sister had undergone for her Festival, and they drank in every detail of the process unfolding before them. They knew that soon it would be their turn to be on that floor, training with Steve or some other fitness coach.

The newly naked girls then lined up in order of height in front of Steve, their hands at their sides. Jennifer was second from shortest, and on her right, slightly taller, was Liya Milano.

Liya's mother was French and Indian, and her father was Sicilian. She was dark-skinned and dark-eyed, with spectacular breasts that hung with a tangible weight but which were perfectly suspended from her lean torso, and were capped by a pair of large, dark nipples the color of milk chocolate which seemed to be the size of my thumbs and which, despite the impressive size of her breasts, pointed at a distinct upward angle.

Her stomach was flat and defined, plunging toward a rich, dark vulva whose full lips were on full display due to the brazilian waxing that left the soft skin of her genitals smooth and exposed. The rest of her body, however, seemed to be covered in a fine, nearly invisible peach fuzz of light hair which caused her dark skin to shimmer with light. I thought she was perhaps the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, and I told her father, Tavio, so.

On Jennifer's left, and the shortest of the group, was Kelly Edwards, a curvy, compact firecracker of black and Puerto Rican descent. Her brown eyes sparkled constantly with mischief, and her hair was a jet-black mane of curls that bounced with all the energy and vitality of her personality.

She moved like a dancer with a sensuous swing of her hips, and her butt was spectacularly round and full. Six months of exercise had only accentuated its curvature and firmness, and it was possibly her best feature—I had an irresistible urge to bite it.

Her breasts were nothing to sniff at however, and were tidy, round B-cups with unusually small nipples which were nonetheless insistently erect in the cool air of the gym, as if refusing to let some of their larger counterparts in the room get all the attention.

Her pussy was largely hidden by a dense, close-trimmed thicket of curly hair which had been sculpted into a triangle fitting perfectly between the junction of her legs. One could only imagine the rich pinkness to be discovered should one undertake an exploration between her folds, and her flirtatious demeanor and evident pride in her body promised a richly pleasurable reward if one was successful.

The tallest of the group as Corinna Denkel, a tall, leggy blond with statuesque germanic features, delicate lips, and a spectacular set of breasts which jutted forward with impressive prominence and were so full that they joined together in her cleavage forming an unusual and highly arousing sort of single mammary mass.

Her areolas were faint, only slightly darker than her white skin, and her nipples were inverted, with a little pucker in each one, as if they were shy and needed some friendly, gentle stimulation to help them pop out.

Her vagina was an exquisite, long, clean cleft between two perfectly symmetrical lips, which were adorned with a light scattering of blond hair trimmed into a small landing strip which did nothing to conceal the slight separation between them and the delicate, frilled edges of her inner labia hanging within.

And finally, of course, there was my Jennifer-sleek and fine-featured, with her pert young breasts, long brunette hair, and her tight little bottom. She'd always been relatively thin, and I was pleased with the amount of toned muscle she'd developed in the course of her training. She was still very lean, however, and her butt cheeks were exactly the perfect size for a large man to cup in his hands.

We'd groomed her pubic hair as Ramer had suggested, and the results were gratifying-her sculpted pussy sported a dark landing strip which started at the top of her slit, and transitioned to a shorter, closely-trimmed peach fuzz all along her outer labia.

The effect was of a two-tone highlight that perfectly framed her shapely clitoral hood, which even now seemed to be partially drawn back to expose the head of her little button to our view. The other fathers were impressed and intrigued with how it had turned out. Carl, Kelly's father, turned to the twins with a twinkle in his eye and chuckled good-naturedly.

'So, do all the Stevenson girls do their hair like that?'

Generally the shyer of the two, Selena blushed, bit her lip, and looked coyly away; Serena, however, simply took the question at face value and grinned at Carl.

'Aaaaactually,' she explained with an endearing frankness, undoing the fly of her jeans and tugging the front of her panties down to show him, 'I do mine more like a...'

I shot a dirty look at Carl, who was a habitual pranskter. 'Whoa, whoa, whoa!' I exclaimed, 'let's put those back on, little lady! Mr. Edwards is joking. He doesn't want to see your girl parts-I mean, he doesn't NEED to see them. We'll save that for later, okay?'

Carl chuckled again as Serena complied. 'That's alright, Serena,' he laughed, 'thank you for wanting to show me. When's your Festival?'

'In two years,' Serena answered, a little hurt at my admonition.

'Well,' Carl said sincerely, 'that little peek you just gave me has me very excited for that day. I can't wait to get a good look at how you style yourself down there.'

'Me too!' Serena perked up, 'Maybe I can show you first of all!'

'I'd like that, Serena,' Carl said. 'Your dad and I will talk about it.'

Confident that my daughter's lady bits were safely back in her pants, I turned back to the action in the gym.

Steve surveyed the variety of exposed femininity before him, and smiled with pride. He had certainly good reason-all our daughters looked outstanding, and it was largely due to his particular genius for exercise and nutrition.

Motioning Corinna to step forward, he had her step on a scale, then used a calipered instrument to measure her bodyfat percentage by lightly pinching the skin above her hip, on the side of her right breast three inches from the edge of her areola, her inner thigh two inches below the bottom of her vagina, and her right buttock. Then he used a tape to measure her waist, hips, thigh, and arms.

Carefully he measured her bust (taking care to center the tape across her nipples), the distance between her nipples, and the width of the gap between her thighs. Working his way down the line, he repeated the process with each of the girls.

Steve worked with a cool professionalism, and the girls obligingly accommodated him as he maneuvered around their bare bodies.

Liya seemed a little shy of the process, but knew better than to resist; Kelly, however, giggled incessantly as if the calipers and tape tickled. When Steve knelt in front of her and asked her to stand with a slightly wider stance so that he could pinch her inner thigh, she instead lifted her leg high and set her foot on his knee, thrusting her hips toward his face in a show of eagerness to help which had the added effect of offering her pussy to him.

The fathers chuckled-we all knew that Kelly's dad was going to have his hands full with that girl after the Festival, and had probably had his hands full with her until now, anyway.

When he'd finished all the measurements, he had the girls stand against the wall while took a photo of them from the front, the side, and the back. He had done this during the first session six months ago, and when he pulled up the original pictures and showed them to us, they were greeted with cheers and applause. Each girl had transformed dramatically-their stomachs were more defined, their waists narrower, their bottoms tighter and rounder, and their arms more toned. Steve and his program had been worth every penny.

As they had finished their measurements the girls had begun warming up for their workout, and once Steve had managed to complete taking Kelly's numbers without allowing her to take advantage of him, he began the day's training.

The girl's workouts generally consisted of several circuits of several exercises they rotated through for short periods of time, and Steve's focus was on maintaining a lot of intensity and working the whole body for leanness and tone, while working certain muscles in isolation to help each girl sculpt her body the way she wanted.

They worked out in the nude, since the primary objective of all of this was to perfect their naked bodies for the Festival, and in order for Steve to fine-tune their regimen he had to be able to observe their bodies in motion, in every detail.

Today they did a series of exercises for arms and shoulders, as well as climbing on a stairmill for several minutes, and using a machine designed to help tone and sculpt their glutes. This consisted of a bench on which the girl would lie on her back, extend her legs straight toward the ceiling and insert her feet into straps attached to weighted cables, then smoothly and slowly open and close her legs as wide as she could. Steve coached with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, and remained for the most part near the cable apparatus, helping the girls get their feet in the straps and ensuring they were activating the muscles of their bottom properly.

The other fathers and I always enjoyed watching our daughters train; they pushed themselves hard, and Steve had a gift for getting the most out of them.

Only a few minutes into the workout they were breathing hard, their smooth skin glistening with sweat, their muscles tensing and stretching with each repetition of their exercises.

Each time Steve had them rotate to a new station, we'd watch as the next girl mounted the stairmill and began climbing, her hips swaying hypnotically and her legs and glutes tensing as beads of sweat formed on the undersides their breasts and ran down her stomach, drenching her pubic hair and rolling down her inner thighs.

Jennifer and Liya were never that excited about working out, though they did their best. Corinna, however, was a star volleyball player at her high school and was an enthusiastic athlete; Kelly was simply highly competitive and refused to back down to a challenge, thus most workouts turned into a spirited contest between the two seemingly mismatched young girls to see who could lift the most, move the fastest, and push harder. Steve was always happy to spur on the rivalry, and today the glute apparatus became the focal point.

Good-natured trash-talk flew back and forth between gasps for air, and as soon as one of them had finished her sprint on the stairmill she would practically dive onto her back on the bench, throw her legs in the air, and chide Steve if he didn't get her feet in the straps quickly enough.

As soon as she was secured, Steve would kneel between her legs at the foot of the bench and lightly cradle her bottom in his hands, his thumbs on either side of her vagina, in order to help her properly flex her butt as she worked. Then she'd open her legs wide until Steve counted a complete rep (he was a stickler for good form, and ensured the girls didn't cheat by only doing half-reps), bring her feet back together, and repeat as many times as she could before it was time to rotate to the next station.

Corinna was very strong, and it was exhilarating see her powerful thighs in action as she breathed deeply through her nose and emitted gentle grunts from the back of her throat with each repetition. Her long legs moved in great sweeping arcs through the air as she worked.

Not to be outdone, however, Kelly had Steve add more weight on her last set. It was a little more than she could actually handle, and she struggled for her last reps, moaning and shaking on the bench.

Just when she thought she was done, Steve suddenly told her to do three more, and she screamed with effort as she tried to spread her legs one last time. Steve placed his hands on the insides of her thighs and gently pressed them open, keeping her hips down on the bench with a steady pressure as she pushed herself to the limit, her head thrown back and her mouth wide. Steve smiled and rallied her with his coach's voice.

'You got this, girl!' he said, 'Don't quit! Look at me-LOOK AT ME and give me ONE MORE-spread 'em for me, Kelly! Atta girl!'

The exhausted girl complied, raising her head and locking eyes with her trainer as they worked together to open her legs and sculpt her amazing butt. As her legs reached the fully spread position her pussy opened itself up, and I was delighted to see that I had been right about the deep, rich pink coloration of her interior. The inner surfaces of her vagina were slick, and while it was impossible to tell if it was her natural lubricant or simply some of the copious sweat that coated her entire body, the obviously engorged state of her labia hinted strongly at the former.

Steve let her legs go and the young girl lay on the bench panting. Her eyes were closed; her legs, still suspended in the cables by her ankles, waved weakly in the air akimbo, and her little nipples, looking painfully hard, rode up and down on her heaving bosom.

'That was AWESOME,' Steve laughed, playfully smacking her on the butt in congratulation before undoing the straps that attached her to the machine. 'You guys all did awesome today!'

The other girls were in similar happy states of fatigue, and were scattered about the gym sitting on benches and sprawled on the floor. Steve helped them up, gave them each a high-five and a smack on the bottom, made some final recommendations for their nutrition in the final days of their preparation, and then the girls showered, dressed, and we were ready to leave.


As we left the gym, we invited Carl, Kelly, Tavio, and Liya to join us for our traditional post-workout smoothie trip. They were happy to oblige, and we walked down the block to a little cafe that served frozen yogurt and healthy smoothies, the girls chatting and laughing as we went.

As we settled into one of the large booths, two cute young girls walked in, ordered frozen yogurts, and sat across the room at another booth.

They were well-dressed and attractive, in very tight short shorts, heels, and thin camisole tops which did nothing to hide the fact that they were braless.

The blond was curly-haired and fine-featured, with small breasts that seemed to point straight out from her chest, while her brunette friend was a little curvier, with wavy hair pulled into a loose ponytail and a fairly abundant bosom that stretched the fabric covering it. We watched them out of the corner of our eyes as our daughters talked away together.

Tavio and Carl both had older daughters who had celebrated their Festival, and I could see that they were considering exercising their educational responsibilities on the two young ladies. I had to admit I was filled with an impatient envy; I couldn't wait to be able to simply walk up to any girl I wanted and have sex with her, like they could.

Before they could act, however, another gentleman walked over to them from his seat at the window. He was around fifty years old, and had a kind face, steel-gray hair, and wore a nice suit. I guessed he was an attorney.

He pulled a chair up to the booth the girls were sitting in, and started a conversation with them. We caught bits and pieces from our seats, and watched as he introduced himself to them and asked to see their ID's.

The girls smiled and retrieved them from their purses; both cards were light green in color, which meant that the holders had celebrated their Festivals and were available for training at the discretion of any father of a Festival graduate. The older man smiled back, and asked if they had ever had sex with a man while another girl licked their pussy; both of them shook their heads shyly, and the man smiled again.

'This is a great thing for you to be familiar with,' he said. 'It allows the man to enjoy the experience of your body while the other girl's job is to stimulate you to orgasm. Every time she licks your clit, your pussy will tighten, giving the man even more pleasure, while he simply focuses on pleasing himself with his cock inside you. It makes a better experience for everyone involved. I'd like to show you now, please, what it's like. Please stand up and remove your clothes, both of you.'

The girls complied; it was obvious it wasn't their favorite idea, but they knew that they were legally required to learn as much about sex as they could, from any qualified male who offered to teach them. Standing up by their booth, they stripped off their tops and their shorts and stood in front of their new teacher, naked except for their heels and their jewelry.

They were both fantastic specimens; long-legged with toned arms. The blonde's nipples were surprisingly large and already were crinkled in the cool air of the shop.

Her pussy was a clean little peach-slit with a thin scattering of light hair across her mound. Her dark-haired friend was beautifully curvy, with a lovely set of breasts that hung a little low, but were firm-looking and well shaped, and her thick, dark pubic hair was trimmed to a tight triangle that ended just at the base of her clitoris.

Both girls' expressions combined a little embarrassment with a little boredom; their Festival had evidently been fairly recent, but they were already becoming used to the rigorous demands of this new phase of their life.

The man took a moment to survey the young bodies in front of him, evidently contemplating his best plan of attack.

Stepping forward, he lightly squeezed the blonde's nipples between his thumb and forefinger, then gently explored her pussy, carefully noting her reactions. With a firm grip on shoulder he turned her 180 degrees and asked her to widen her stance and arch her back, then with his other hand he carefully inspected her buttocks-tracing the smooth surface of her young skin and her taut, toned musculature-and slid between them, pressing his thumb gently against her anus and rubbing his finger in tiny circles around her little star as he observed her reflexes clench and relax her sphincter, and spreading her labia to access her moist insides.

He then moved to the brunette and repeated his evaluation. Unlike the blonde, who stood stock-still as the man explored her private areas, we were impressed to see the darker-haired girl part her knees and squat slightly to accommodate his hand, apparently in an effort to penetrate herself with his finger-not just her vulva, but also as he probed her anus. Her enthusiastic attitude was mirrored by the impressive amount of fluid which instantly coated the man's fingers when he separated her labia. The little brunette's body was clearly hot to trot, and hungry for copulation.

Satisfied that the girls were worth spending some time and effort training, the man stepped back, undid his belt, freed his semi-erect penis, and invited the girls to begin their lesson by practicing their blowjob technique. They both began immediately, nuzzling, licking, and sucking as they urged his cock into a state capable of teaching them what he had in mind.

Tavio whispered to Carl, and they both rose and walked over to the man and introduced themselves. The man, who was named Eric, shook their hands and introduced them to the girls, blond Hannah and brunette Angie, who simply greeted Carl and Tavio by politely making eye contact, offering their hands for a shake, and mumbling softly. They were well-trained enough to know that good manners forbade them from removing their mouths from a cock until instructed, even if they were meeting new people.

Tavio explained why they had come over.

'We were just admiring these two ourselves, and overheard what you're getting ready to teach them, and we wondered if you'd mind if we helped teach them some stuff too,' he said.

'Not at all,' Eric replied, his hands on both the girls' heads as they continued to service him. 'What did you have in mind?'

Tavio knelt down next to the naked girls, who looked at him without missing a lick on Eric's now fully-erect penis.

'Have either of you girls ever had three men in a row? It's called having a train run on you.'

They both shook their heads, their eyes widening slightly.

Carl crouched down alongside Tavio, and asked, 'And have you ever drunk semen, other than swallowing it from a blowjob?'

They girls shook their heads again.

Eric laughed and said he liked how the other two men thought, and, as he was ready now, he motioned for Hanna and Angie to stand up.

As they rose they took the opportunity to protest that they weren't supposed to be required to have sex more than twice in a day. Tavio explained that while that was normally the case, the three men were preparing to teach the girls about sex acts that by definition involved multiple men, so in reality what they were about to do only really counted as one time. Carl and Eric nodded in agreement, and the girls reluctantly admitted that they were probably right.

Eric then had Angie stand facing her table with her elbows on it and spread her legs, presenting her backside to him. He instructed Hanna to kneel underneath her friend and begin licking her pussy, and as she spread a combination of her saliva and Angie's vaginal lubrication all around her opening with her tongue, he grasped Angie's hips and slowly inserted his cock to its full depth.

Angie gasped and struggled slightly, but quick-thinking Tavio jumped into the booth and held her arms down firmly to the cool surface of the table as Eric began thrusting deeply into the young girl's vagina. Finding his rhythm, he instructed Hanna to continue licking Angie's pussy, focusing on her clit.

'Match my tempo,' he coached her, 'and start by matching my direction-when I thrust in, you lick upwards on her clit; that's really I want you to go the opposite way-lick upwards as I pull my cock out...oh, that is such a good job. She's tightening on me as I withdraw. Oh my god that is sexy...'

Carl meanwhile had returned from the yogurt counter with a small plastic bowl. He stood patiently by as Eric continued to work Angie's pussy with long, deliberate strokes.

Angie, meanwhile, was shaking and trembling as she came closer to orgasm; her legs went out from under her occasionally, but Eric simply held her up in position by her hips, rutting her in mid-air as her feet scrambled weakly to regain their footing like Bambi on ice.

Suddenly she screamed and bucked, and Eric calmly pulled his soaking cock from her hole, pushed her forward so she was lying across the table on her stomach, took the little bowl from Carl and aimed stream after stream of thick cum into it.

The girls at our table and myself watched with rapt attention as Eric zipped up his slacks and commended the girls for doing a good job. Then he took his place standing next to the panting Angie as she lay on her stomach on the table, firmly holding her down with his hands on the small of her back so that Tavio could take his turn with her pussy.

Tavio's large cock slid easily into the girl's slick entrance, and he wasted no time working long strokes into her as he explained how important it was for her to learn to service multiple men. Being skilled at letting three, or five-or ten-men take their turns with her, and expressing a willingness to do so, made a girl very popular; and in the end, she'd have a wider choice of life-mate.

'Yes, sir, I understand,' Angie managed to gasp as Tavio trained her, and as he quickened his pace she came again, this time accompanied by a gush of fluid from her vagina that poured out onto the table on onto the floor as she screamed. Tavio withdrew his cock with a look of intense concentration as he kept himself from coming, and Angie's vagina gaped open and closed with a gentle rhythm as more clear fluid continued to stream from her entrance.

Tavio took the little bowl and with a fierce grunt unleashed an extraordinary volume of semen into it to join Eric's.

Carl had corralled Hanna into the booth and was having her suck his cock as he waited his turn with Angie. As Tavio finished, he traded places with Carl and instructed Hanna to carefully clean his penis with her tongue. She complied with enthusiasm, and he absently fondled her nipples as she carefully lapped the last drops of his semen from the tip of his cock, which started to rise to attention again as she licked Angie's cum from the full length of his shaft.

Carl, meanwhile, had rolled the nearly senseless Angie onto her back on the table, her legs in the air, and slid into her with a smooth powerful thrust.

'This is 'running of the train' on you,' he said softly to her, as he began to ram her pussy with more and more force. 'Two men is just a three-some, but when you take three or more, you're a fuck-toy. Ideally,' he said, looking around, 'we'd have a couple more guys to jump in here. She needs to be properly fucked.'

'I do, I do,' Angie whispered, her eyes rolled back as she took the full length of Tavio's seven-inch shaft. 'Please, sir, I want to be fucked by all the men...please, bring more men to fuck many as you think I need, sir...'

Angie's breasts bounced and heaved, and her nipples were extremely erect. Carl squeezed her breasts and pinched her nipples roughly as he fucked her. The pain seemed to bring her back to consciousness, and she began to struggle on the table as she moaned with each of his thrusts. Tavio and Eric quickly held her down by her shoulders as Carl continued to teach the young girl about taking three men in a row.

I was extremely hard; it was all I could do to keep my hands to myself as I sat in our booth with five gorgeous girls who were obviously all getting turned on as well. But I had to contain myself. These girls were still off-limits. Fortunately Carl came to the rescue.

'Robert!' he called across to me, 'I think we should have some more cum in this cup for these girls. I know you can't fuck them, but you might as well just come over here and add yours if you like.'

I was delighted to comply. I undid my pants as I walked across the room, and began stroking my cock as I watched Angie get fucked senseless by Carl. She had cum again while Carl had her on her back, and the spray of her climax had splashed over her entire body, which was slick and glistening with her own juices. She had relaxed, completely spent, and moaned quietly as Carl worked his cock in different angles in her well-used vagina. Her inner labia were large and nicely shaped, and it was beautiful to see them cling stickily to Carl's cock as he thrust over and over into her body.

Her struggles had ceased; she lay there, completely open and present to the experience of being serially fucked, letting Carl do whatever he wanted to her.

Eric reached between her legs and gently rolled her clitoris in his thumb and finger, and she began to shudder and buck again as she came for the fourth time. Continuing to play with her clit, Eric used his other hand to hold her down on the table by her throat as she fought and thrashed.

Carl continued with his powerful thrusts, and as another gush of girl-cum rushed from her vagina he withdrew his cock, grabbed the bowl, and with a couple strokes of his hand added a tremendous load of semen to it. His was thick and ropy, and shot out with such force that it threatened to splash the previous contents out.

Hanna had done such a great job with Tavio's cock that he was ready for more, and as soon as Carl stepped out of the way he practically dived into Angie's vagina, hammering her roughly for a few moments until he was ready to come again, and added his second contribution to the bowl.

Seeing Angie's body getting used so fully pushed me over the edge, and I just managed to get to the bowl before launching one of the biggest loads of semen I had ever produced into it. I held myself up on the table with one hand as pulse after pulse of my cock drained my balls of cum.

Eric had also recovered from his first foray, and had been absently fucking the compliant Hanna from behind, his hands on her spectacular little butt. He looked over at the motionless, soaking Angie, her chest heaving and her legs splayed unceremoniously open where Tavio had left her, her vagina pink and swollen from getting fucked five times in a row, with her labia parted and her entrance leaking onto the table, and he spoke up as I finished my orgasm.

'You know, fellas, it looks like Angie has been pretty well trained for today. I suggest that we have little Hanna here drink the contents of that bowl. I also suggest that we make it more interesting and educationally valuable by having her take cum into her body from both ends simultaneously—as she drinks our semen, I will come inside her. She'll benefit from the unique experience of becoming simply a vessel for sperm, receiving it from multiple sources into multiple openings.'

We all agreed that seemed a reasonable conclusion to the lesson, and Tavio picked up the bowl. It was full to the brim-nearly half a cup's worth-and was a milky white, stringy mass of liquid. One could only imagine the countless millions of little swimmers that would soon be swishing around the tongue and teeth of the adorable little naked blonde girl.

Eric slowed his pace and withdrew most of his cock from Hanna's body, leaving just the head of his penis just inside her. We could see he was very hard, and he was obviously controlling himself in order to time his climax with her drinking of the protein-rich concoction we had all helped to make for her.

Hanna had been slow to warm to the whole idea of this training session-she had obviously just wanted to get a smoothie with her friend-but as was so often the case with these young girls, once she was naked and in action, her body and her instincts had taken over. Having several cocks inside her over the past twenty minutes had revved her little motor, and the few drops of Tavio's semen she had lapped up during her cleaning duties had whet her appetite for male cum.

Now she pouted as Eric pulled most of his cock's length from her pussy, and she looked hungrily at the bowl Tavio handed her. Tavio kept one hand on the bowl and took hold of Hana's ponytail to prevent her from drinking until Eric gave the signal.

Carl was gently massaging the exhausted Angie's breasts and pussy. His cock was no longer hard, yet it was still swollen and quite large, and as Angie lay on her back on the table he opened her mouth and inserted it between her thirsty lips. Her eyes were closed, and she latched on instantly like a kitten, moaning quietly and humming softly to herself as she suckled on the largest cock she had ever had, which had fucked her so roughly just a few minutes before.

Carl sweetly stroked her dark hair and caressed her cheek in a fatherly way while rhythmically circling her sensitive clitoris with his fingertips, and in a low voice urged her to milk every last drop of thick, pungent semen from his body.

Eric resumed fucking the young blond, who had begun to grind against him and fight Tavio for the bowl of semen.

I was hard again and was about to ask if it was too late to add another load when suddenly Eric nodded to Tavio, who kept his hold on Hanna's hair but released the bowl. Hanna began draining the contents, careful to spill none of the viscous liquid, and Tavio froze, holding perfectly still as his cock pumped visibly in the young girl's vagina, filling her with semen from behind while she filled her own belly with long mouthfuls of cum down her throat.

I was suddenly over the edge, my cock erupting in a second orgasm of such force and volume of semen that you'd think I hadn't cum in a week. I tried to aim for the bowl so Hanna could drink it with the rest, but most of my first several blasts hit her in the face, running into her eyes and shooting up her nose. as she had tipped her chin up to finish her bowl of cum.

She tried to avoid the worst of it, but Tavio and Eric held her still and ensured that she took every shot I had left, and her struggles only added stimulation to Eric's orgasm as he continued coating her slick vaginal walls with his cum.

As everyone disentangled, Hanna and Angie each a gooey mess at both ends and the men well satisfied, we dressed and commended the young ladies on their commitment and willingness to learn. It was obvious they both had a bright future ahead of them, and we were sure that what they had learned today would only enhance their skill at pleasure.

Our daughters welcomed us back, wide-eyed and excited-and obviously aroused-at what they had just witnessed, and we gathered our things and left, answering the many questions our young girls had.

They were intensely interested in the 'why's' and 'how's', and to the best of our ability we explained what was so important about what we had taught Hanna and Angie.

There was some concern from a couple of the girls-Liyah was a little upset about the prospect of drinking semen, and Jennifer was surprised and taken aback by the size of Carl's cock and was uncertain if she could even handle something like that if a man Carl's size wanted to train her-but we assured them that they'd be great in any circumstance they found themselves in since we loved them and would make sure that any training they received would be within the capabilities of their bodies.

We said goodbye to the others in the parking lot, and headed home for dinner. I had a huge appetite after the afternoon's adventure.
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