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It was only meant to be a quiet drink. How wrong we were...
Building a Dream: Part Six

Follows on a few hours after our mornings liaison with the housekeeper at our hotel. All the names apart from our good friends Manus and Sara have been changed and Jay helped me to remember the dialogue.

Jay sat in front of the mirror in the hotel room applying her makeup and dressed in her bed robe while I had a shave in the bathroom. After Kylie had left us earlier we had taken a stroll up to Waterloo station and had a bite to eat before Jay decided that she wanted a new dress to wear that evening for when we were due to meet our new Dutch friends, Manus and Sara, for a drink in Soho. Another trip to the ladies wear shop at the station followed and Jay had bought a fairly tight, thin, short off the shoulder dress which was cut low enough for her ample and firm breasts to produce a good amount of cleavage and worn without a bra, naturally.

I stepped out of the bathroom, dressed and ready to go. Jay had finished her make up and threw off the robe to reveal her wearing the G-string we had bought the previous day.

“Ta-Dah!” she said throwing her arms out wide. She looked great; sexy and very, very fuckable. Her naked breasts gave a little bounce with her movements, the nipples prominent and just asking to be bitten.

“I do hope you’re not going out like that,” I said, looking her up and down. “Although, I really wouldn’t mind.”

“Cheeky bugger,” she said reaching for her dress. She stepped into it and pulled it up until the top just reached the middle of her breasts. She looked at herself in the mirror and remarked with a tone of surprise

“Oh fuck, it’s a bit short on top, isn’t it? My tits could spill out if I lean forward too much or jump a up and down.”

“Then don’t jump and down.” I replied, pulling my shoes on. “It certainly shows your nips too,” I remarked. The nipples were prominent as they forced themselves against the tight material. Jay ran her hands over her nipples and felt where they pushed against the dress, clearly showing their outline

“It’s a bit short down below also.” I added

Jay looked at the length where the dress ended halfway down her thighs and pulled it down, smoothing it over her shapely legs. The dress fitted her perfect, almost like it was painted on her

“Yeah, but it’s tight so won’t flare up, not like my little summer dress.” She replied, turning around in front of the mirror, and admiring the smoothness over her arse. She sat on the bed and looked in the mirror again before commenting,

“Of course, it rides up when I sit, so crossed legs it will be.”

I looked down at her and she was right. Sitting down, the dress became even shorter and if I was sat opposite I would definitely get a good view of her now, very smooth pussy hiding behind a very small and thin piece of material.

“What do you think will happen tonight?” she asked, putting her purse in her small bag.

“Well, we will go for a drink, have a good laugh, make a couple of new friends, say goodnight then we’ll come back here for some fucking, especially after an evening of you having your tits, nips and arse on show for all to perve over. How does that sound?” I asked.

“Sounds good to me,” she replied standing to look at herself in front of the mirror again. “As long as that’s all the fucking we’re doing. The past few days have been stupid. I think that will be the end of our ‘sexual’ adventures now.”

I had to agree. There had been a lot of sex with different people for her and although we had both really enjoyed the experiences, we had come to London for other reasons, not that.

“I can fairly guarantee that’s all that will happen tonight and every day until we go home. Just us fucking.” I said putting my hands around her shapely hips then up and over her breasts, giving her prominent nipples and quick tweak. Fuck, this dress made her feel smooth and gorgeous.

“Although, Sara has taken a shine to you.” I continued. “So, if you want to give her a goodnight kiss at the end of the evening, I won’t stop you.” I gripped her arse cheeks with both hands and she put her arms around my neck and kissed me.

“Ah, you’re so thoughtful,” she jokingly said before letting go to put her shoes on.

We left the hotel and walked up to Waterloo where we took the tube to Leicester Square and walked through Soho. More than one person had admired Jay. She looked fantastic in that dress. It showed off her shapely bosom along with the good display of cleavage and her fine, shapely legs and tight arse. Heads had turned on the tube where Jay had insisted on standing, not wishing to give just anyone a view up her dress. More heads turned in her direction as we walked through Soho to the Montagu Pike, the pub where we had arranged to meet Manus and Sara.

We arrived and managed to get the same wall booth as before when we had a drink in here two days ago. As we sat Manus and Sara entered, saw us, waved, and came over smiling. Sara was also dressed in a very low cut, off the shoulder dress with the bottom swishing against her thighs as she walked with a sexy wriggle towards us. This didn’t go unnoticed by Jay who said under her breath, “Wow!”

We stood up and greeted each other with handshakes and kisses on cheeks then Manus and I went to the bar to get the drinks while the girls waited, sat opposite each other against the wall, same as before.

“How was your meet the other night?” I asked Manus as the barmen made up our drinks order.

Manus shook his head from side to side with a bit of a disappointed look on his face.

“Not particularly good.” He replied, the Dutch accent showing very strongly. “I had a good enough time but for Sara, no.”

“What happened?” I asked taking a sip of my pint that had arrived.

Manus replied keeping his voice low,

“The man, Moron Colin, couldn’t get it up and the girl, Tammy, well. She said she was bi on the profile but she refused to go anywhere near Sara. Sara tried to seduce her but she was having none of it, pushing her away and making excuses to leave the room. Poor Colin sat there wanking all evening to try to get hard but just stayed limp.”

“So, what did you do.” I asked picking up Jays large glass of wine.

“Well, while Sara was trying to blow Moron Colin in the lounge to get him hard, which turned out to be a waste of time, I fucked Tammy up the arse across their kitchen table.” He said this so matter of factually like it was an everyday occurrence. I admired him for his laid-back honesty.

“Did you tell Sara what you did?” I asked as we walked slowly back to the girls.

“Oh yes,” he replied, matter of factually again. “She said I should have pissed up her arse for good measure. Serve her right for rebuffing my lovely wife.”

I admit, I was very surprised. I knew the Dutch were more liberal when it came to sex but to be so laid back about what they do was an eye-opener.

We sat back down with the girls and Sara was already telling Jay about the encounter.

“So, I sucked and sucked and sucked,” Sara told a wide-eyed Jay, “But he stayed limp. It just sat there, flopping around, and doing nothing.” She waved her hand like a flapping fish as she said this, making Jay laugh. “I gave up in the end. We just sat there in silence listening to Tammy’s screams coming out of the kitchen. Colin didn’t look very comfortable listening to that. I think it’s the first time he’s heard his wife getting fucked by another man and he didn’t like it.”

“Up the arse,” Manus corrected her. “I fucked her up the arse.”

“Yes,” Sara said, still talking directly at Jay “Fucked up the arse.”

“With olive oil,” Manus added again.

“With olive oil.” Sara added and looked around at Manus asking, “Was it extra virgin?”

“I reckon so,” Manus began to laugh. “I don’t think she has ever had a cock up there before.”

We all laughed and raised our glasses for a ‘cheers.’

“So, what have you two been up to?” Manus asked.

“Oh, not much,” I replied. We had decided not to mention what we had got up to, not wishing Manus and Sara to think that Jay fucked about all the time and giving the wrong impression. “We just hung around our hotel room with a bit of clothes shopping at Waterloo again for this dress.” I panned my hand up and down Jay to emphasise the purchase.

“It’s lovely,” Sara said to Jay, slowly reaching her hand across and stroking the thin material just to the side of Jays breast. “It’s so smooth, and thin and it shows you off a treat.” She said this looking directly at where the shape of Jays nipples poked glaringly out of the material.

“Thank you,” Jay replied as Sara removed her hand, gently training her fingertips along the breast and brushing gently on a nipple. “It’s very comfortable and thin enough to cope with the heat.”

“That’s good,” Sara replied and winking at Jay said. “I think things could get hot later especially with you dressed like that”

The comment didn’t go unnoticed by any of us and a bit of an uneasy silence followed.

I changed the subject to what they were planning on doing during their visit to London. The conversation built up a flow and we were soon comparing all the attractions in and around London where we had all visited.

Another drink followed, then another. The large glasses of wine was having an effect on Jay who was now on a good tipsy level and more chatty. She was starting to lean closer to Sara when they spoke to each other and was absentmindedly leaning forward on her elbows more often, affording Sara with a good view of her cleavage, the top of her dress riding down more and more.

I went to the bar with Manus to get another round of drinks and we both looked back at the girls who were leaning close to each other and laughing at whatever Jay was saying.

“Jay looks lovely tonight,” Manus said looking over at the girls. “That dress is wow! If she moves around much more though her titties will fall out.”

I looked over and agreed.

“It cost me enough.” I said. “But it is worth it, she looks gorgeous.”

“You’re a very lucky man and she’s lucky to have you. A kind and understanding husband who’s happy to let his wife show off her body to others.” Manus said staring over at Jay. “And Sara has taken a shine to her. She wants to fuck her, you know?”

“Really?” I said. It wasn’t really a surprise judging by the flirting the other day and the body language currently being given off by Sara who was reaching over and helping to pull Jays dress up from where it was riding down over her breasts. She slowly pulled it up, stroking both breasts as she did so and running both hands over the nipples before removing her hands. Jay giggled as she did this, clearly enjoying the touch.

“But that is your call.” Manus said picking up the girls drinks. “We haven’t met up with you tonight for that purpose. We’re meeting because we like you and think we could become friends. Good friends”

“I picked up our pints and replied,

“I agree. I think we could all become good friends.”

As we approached the table I could see Jay becoming more animatedly with whatever she was telling Sara, using her hands to emphasise movements on whatever the subject was. We sat down just as Jay was finishing her story.

“…I was so full of cum and both holes stretched after such a pounding. I passed out then and didn’t wake up until this morning.”

Sara turned to me and said with a wink,

“Jay has been telling me about what you two have been up to.” Sara said to me with a cheeky grin. “Enticing your phantom fingerer back to yours and taking his virginity and then having a threesome with two of your other friends from the other night.” She turned back to Jay, leant forward and almost whispered in her ear, “You’re wonderful.” She bought her hand up to Jays face, gave her cheek a small stroke and run a finger across Jays now pouting lips. She then lent back and turned to Manus and said,

“Jays been a very naughty girl,”

“It sounds like it,” Manus replied looking at me, a questioning look on his face.

“I think…” Sara said reaching over and taking Jays hand in her own. “…that Jay deserves another spanking.”

Jay was just taking a sip of her drink and this unexpected comment almost made her spill it. She giggled for a bit and allowed Sara to hold her hand across the table, their fingers entwined and slowly caressing.

As much as I was enjoying the flirting, I did have an important question for Sara

“Sara, I have an important question for you about art” I said facing her.

“Hang on,” said Manus, looking from me to Jay. “I want to hear more about the fucking.”

Sara leaned towards Manus and said quietly, “I’ll tell you later.” She looked at me and winked, the cheeky grin still on her face.

“No, no. I want to know now.” He replied, a playful sulking look on his face. “Tell me, then we can be boring and discuss art.”

“Art’s not boring,” Sara said to Manus correcting him. Turning to Jay she said, “But he will sulk unless you tell him.”

Jay repeated her story that she had told Sara. She said how we had seen Paul at Waterloo, got him into the hotel room and how Jay had fucked him. She then went on to tell him about her chocolate trick, about Jim and Simon collecting the fans and then how she had fucked them both. Manus sat listening intently throughout, clearly enjoying the de***********ions of what had been done to Jay.

When Jay finished, Manus raised his pint glass to us both saying.

“You both have my undying respect. I think we are all going to be very, very good friends.”

We all raised our glasses , clinked and cheers.

“So, what would you like to ask about art?” Sara asked me, still caressing Jays hand.

“Have you ever heard of an artist called Giovanni del Callinni?” I asked.

Sara let go of Jays hand and sat back in her seat. She seemed to concentrate as she kept repeating the name over and over, searching her memory banks.

“Yes,” she said sitting upright. “Giovanni del Callinni. A venetian renaissance artist. 1440 to 1512. Renowned for landscapes rather than portraits. He has works hanging in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, the Prado Museum in Madrid, the Accademia Galleries in Venice and here, in The National.”

“Have you heard of a series of paintings called, ‘The rising of the Fisherman’s Sun?” I asked now I had her complete attention

“Oh yes,” Sara replied, a touch of excitement on her face. It seemed that, along with sex, this was definitely a favourite subject of hers. “It’s four paintings depicting the fishermen sailing out of the lagoon. The four paintings together make one scene; of boats being loaded with nets in the first and fourth pictures while the middle two show the boats sailing out sail out towards the sunrise. They have nearly always been in private hands. They were loaned out to the Bagatti Valsecchi in Milan about twenty years ago but only for a couple of years. Wait a minute.”

She pulled her phone out and started to type a web address.

“You can Google just about anything nowadays but my work portal has all the information not in the public domain.” She logged in and started to read out more information to us.

“The rising of the Fisherman’s Sun. Painted around 1502. A commission for an unnamed person, probably a rich Viennese merchant. Although they have been in private hands for most of their existence, they have been on display in various museums and galleries over the past 100-150 years. They were last sold five years ago as a set to a private buyer for eight million Euros with a gallery in Paris acting on the sellers behalf.” She scrolled down the page and continued. “The seller and the buyer retained anonymity and the whereabouts of the paintings are currently unknown.”

A few more taps in the phone and she held it up for me, Manus and Jay to see. It was a picture of the four paintings together, side by side making up the whole picture, the photo being taken at an art gallery display. They looked smaller than I expected them to be, each about two-foot square. They did look good though. Sara expanded the frame and the details were amazing.

“Why do you ask?” Sara said, returning her phone to her bag.

I proceeded to tell her everything that Kylie had told us about her dad buying the pictures, his death, her mums remarriage, and death followed by Kylie being kicked out by her stepdad and the paintings left behind.

“And this girl says she has provenance? The sale receipt and photographs of her being given the paintings?” Sara asked, wide-eyed and excited, now taking a very keen interest in the matter

“That’s what she told us,” I replied.

“Well, if all that checks out then the courts would certainly give her ownership. Does this Neil know the importance of the paintings?”

“I don’t think so. Kylie never said he knew.” I said looking at Jay who was nodding in agreement.

“And your hotel housekeeper told you all this?” asked Manus

“Yeah, this morning.” I replied.

“While she was cleaning your room? She just came out with all this information?” asked looking from me to Jay. “Why was she cleaning your bedroom with you there?”

“I wasn’t in the bedroom; I was in the bath.” Jay replied,

“So, the girl told you all this while you were in the bath and she was cleaning your room?” Asked Manus.

“No,” Jay replied. “She was in the bath with me.”

Both Manus and Sara sat back in shock, mouths agape as they looked at each of us.

“And where were you?” Manus asked me.

“I was sat on the toilet.” I answered.

“What?” gasped a surprised Sara.

“No, not on the toilet itself. I was sat on the seat, naked.” I replied.

There was a moments pause before Sara asked me,

“Why were you naked?”

Jay replied for me, a little too loud as the drink was clearly starting to have an effect,

“Because he had just fucked her.”

I looked at the shocked look on both of their faces as they took in this information. They sat, mouths open, probably trying to think of what to say. I had to say something in my defence so I stated,

“Only because she,” indicating with my thumb to Jay, “had fucked her first.” I sat back and took a long sip of my pint. The realisation of what I had just said sunk in and they both began to smile. Manus lifted his drink with a silent ‘cheers’ to me while Sara leaned very close to Jay and with a smile said,

“I am so going to spank you hard later, you naughty, naughty girl.”

We ended up telling them the whole story of how we had both fucked Kylie and how we had set her up for a date with Paul the following evening when we would act as chaperones.

Another round of drinks were bought and the details of everything that had happened over the last twenty-four hours were run through again. Both girls getting excited with each detailed de***********ion that Jay provided of what had been done to her and how she enjoyed every second. She used her hands in some of the telling, Sara’s eyes watching them the whole time.

“Tell me Jay,” said Sara who had resumed holding and caressing Jays hand. “Do you think that the spanking you received was enough punishment for your indiscretions? Because I don’t think you’ve been punished enough and, judging by your more recent antics, a spanking won’t be enough. You need some humiliation. Steve, if it’s okay with you, I am going to humiliate your lovely wife. Would you like that Jay? Do you think you need to be humiliated?”

Jay was now getting quite drunk. She giggled into her drink then replied.

“No. That spanking wasn’t enough. I think I do need to be humiliated.” She looked into Sara’s eyes and asked in a husky tone, “What do you have in mind.”

“Well,” she replied with a wink to me. “If we were back home in Amsterdam, I would really humiliate you. Maybe I would lead you around the streets on a collar with a ball gag in your mouth, only dressed in your underwear with a big butt-plug in your arse.”

Jay giggled and took a sip of her drink while Sara continued.

“and then spank and whip you in the middle of a packed bar. All the patrons can have a turn also.”

Jay had stopped giggling and was now wide eyed and listening closely.

“Or take you to a dogging spot and have a couple of men fuck you over the bonnet of a car.” Sara reached over and started to run a hand gently over Jay’s breast, squeezing it and stopping to rub the nipple slowly and gently before continuing.

“Or, even better, since you have been a very naughty girl, I would take you blindfolded and naked to a forest we know, one that has a reputation for doggers and sexual perverts, and tie your hands around the base of a very large tree and leave you there so anyone can come along and do whatever the fuck they want to you.”

Jay’s breathing had altered. Her hands were getting fidgety and one had slowly disappeared under the table and I could just see it travel under her dress.

“They’ll all fuck you but I reckon a couple will piss over that pretty face of yours.”

It was obvious to the three of us that Jay was getting more than excited. Her body language gave away a tensity that made me and Manus sit up and take notice. Jay’s hand was now fully under her dress.

“Hmmm…it might be raining though” Sara continued squeezing Jay’s nipple harder making her give out a tiny squeak. “I could book you into a hotel, blindfold you and tie you to the bed and take pictures of you so I can put all the pictures, the hotel and room number on a swingers site and let a train of men come in and fuck you, one after the other.”

Jay had started rubbing herself. I casually looked down and saw the dress pulled up above her thighs and Jay’s fingers in her G-string where she was trying to wank without anyone notice.

“Or maybe I would take you to our swingers club, tie you to the swing and fuck you with a strap on, in full view of everyone.”

Jay was clearly wanking herself now and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by all three of us. Her arm was moving up and down as she worked herself up, her breathing getting deeper and little gasps coming from her. Sara knew that Jay was working herself up and it was the next statement that made Jay cum.

“Of course, I could be kind and organise a twenty-man gangbang at our place. Each man fucking you, two, three or four cocks in you all at once, fucking you, pinning you down so you can’t resist, not that you would want to, and each man cumming in you. Cumming on your face, cumming in your mouth, cumming in your tight pussy and in that gorgeous arse of yours. Cock after cock after cock”

Jay came. She let out a yell that made a few people look around at us. She slapped the table with her free hand then clamped it over her mouth as she finished bringing herself to orgasm with the other. Her rubbing was frantic and the three of us watched and waited as she completed her, not too obvious, wanking.

“Oh fuck,” she said from under her hand as she finished cumming “Oh fuck, oh fuck. Do it, fucking do it.”

I looked around. Nobody had really noticed what had gone on and those who had heard something had now looked away to carry on their own discussions.

Jay eventually stopped moving and removed her hand from her mouth.

“I’m…sorry.” She said quietly.

Sara held out her hand to her saying, “Give me your hand.”

Jay bought her shaking hand up from under the table. It was wet and glistening but Sara took it and one by one put the fingers in her mouth and sucked them clean.

“I promise you all that and more if you ever come to Amsterdam.” Jay’s eyes were wide and she tried to compose herself as we all visibly relaxed. “But we’re not in Amsterdam and, as we discovered yesterday, you have no gloryholes we will have to make do with whatever is to hand.”

Sara downed her wine in one go and indicated that we should all finish our drinks. Once the glasses were empty, Sara looked around the pub. It was starting to get busy; all the tables were taken and plenty of people were constantly entering and forming groups stood around the bar and any free space. Sara stood up and said,

“Right, let’s go.” Jay moved out from the table and smoothed her dress down and we made our way through the growing crowds to the exit. Sara led the way and as we tried to get past a group who were standing around a full table she stopped, turned around to Jay who was behind her and in one swift movement using both hands, pulled down the top of Jays dress, releasing her tits for all to see, her hard, red nipples poking out of the firm flesh. Jay went to cover herself but Sara had grabbed her hand and was pulling her along through the crowd saying in a loud voice, “Excuse me please,” to bring everyone’s attention to a topless Jay being dragged through.

The place went silent with the realisation that a topless woman was being led by the hand through a packed pub. There was a shout of ‘ay, ay,’ from someone followed by cheers, laughter and whistles, people pointing and some even clapping. A few people managed to get their phones out and snap as many pictures as they could. Sara pushed the exit door open and let go of Jays hand who immediately stopped and pulled her dress up to cover her modesty. She wasn’t happy

“I can’t believe you did that,” Jay shouted adjusting her dress and smoothing it down. “People saw my tits and were taking pictures. I feel so…”

“Humiliated?” asked Sara as she approached and put her arms around Jay to hug her.

“Yes.” Jay replied quietly. Sara leant close to Jay’s ear and said,

“Exciting, wasn’t it? Everyone in their seeing your lovely titties. What do you suppose they are thinking now? That they would have liked to have touched them? Squeezed them? Sucked on your nipples? Cum over them? You may feel humiliated but you’re just given a good load of men, and probably some women, something for them to wank over for the next few days. So, I will ask you again. Did you find it exciting?”

Jay looked at Sara and slowly nodded

“Good. Because we have only just started.” Sara lent in and kissed Jay slowly and softly. After a moment, Jay opened her mouth to receive Sara’s tongue and they stood, locked in embrace, tongues starting to frantically explore each other’s mouths. They only stopped when a group of young men walked past and shouted, “alright girls?” and carried on laughing and looking back.

Sara let Jay go and held her hand as we all walked down Greek Street before stopping at the corner.

“So,” Sara said addressing me. “You have no gloryholes here?”

I shook my head, “None that I know of.” I replied.

“That’s a shame.” Sara replied stroking Jay’s face. “Because I would love to see this pretty face covered in cum.” She moved her hand down Jay’s tits and down, slipping her hand under the tight hem of her dress and touching Jays cunt, making her jump.

“And here.” Keeping her hand under Jays dress she trailed it around to her arse and must have touched her arsehole because she continued, “And here.”

Jay stood still and was, I think, a little shocked but she said nothing. She didn’t resist to Sara’s touching and showed no signs of resistance

I looked at Manus who smiled and shrugged. Sara’s behaviour came as no surprise to him.

“We need some very horny perverts,” Sara said looking around and up and down the streets. Plenty of people were out and about enjoying the warm summers evening but none that fitted Sara’s de***********ion. She turned to me and said,

“Let’s go back to that sex shop. They’ll be lots of perverts in there.”

I looked at Jay who shrugged her shoulders and nodded, permission given for whatever Sara had in mind.

We stopped off at an off licence on the way so Sara could go in and promptly returned with a small bottle of Vodka. She took a swig and passed it to Jay who took a mouthful and coughed a bit. Spirits really wasn’t her tipple, but she took a couple more, building up courage for whatever was about to happen, I assumed

We arrived at the sex shop and Sara walked in, telling us to wait outside. We watched as she approached the shopkeeper and had a quick discussion with him.

“Should I be concerned about this?” I asked Manus.

“No, no. Nothing to worry about. Sara won’t let anything bad happen.” He replied casually. “She’ll make sure that Jay will enjoy herself.

A short while later Sara returned and leading Jay by the hand, walked in and stood by the magazines. The shopkeeper recognised me and Jay. He nodded and winked in recognition then went back to serving a customer. We stood at the front of the store. There was about ten people in there, mainly men and a couple of woman. They paid no attention to us, concentrating on flicking through magazines or looking at the DVD’s.

Sara whispered something in Jay’s ear and a surprised look came on her face. She listened then turned to face Sara and nodded. She ran her hands down her dress and reaching under, pulled down her G-string and put it in her bag. This didn’t go unnoticed by several people in the shop. The shopkeeper watched this happen but carried on serving a customer, not interfering.

Several people looked at Jay and gave her the once over. Jay’s nipples were really pointing out of her dress and this was drawing a lot of attention. Sara slowly reached down and lifted up the sides of Jay’s dress to just above her crotch; The tightness of the dress holding it up, her pussy lips clearly on show. She then took Jay by the hand and walked her slowly up the middle aisle while we followed a short distant behind. She would stop, pick up a vibrator and show it to Jay and as if they were on a normal shopping trip.

Several men and both women watched this, their eyes following Jay’s arse as she moved up the aisle and a couple of men had got ahead up the other aisles and were watching Jay from ahead, eyes clearly on her cunt. The girls would walk a few paces, stop, and admire more goods, the crowd behind me and Manus now getting bigger as I heard whispered, complimentary voices. Sara pointed to a vibrator on the bottom shelf and, Jay bent over, parting her legs to slowly look at it. There was a clear gasp from around us as her cunt and arse was shown clearly to the crowd. I moved to one side to give those behind us a better view, not letting them pass me though. They walked a few more paces and, as they did so, Sara ran her hand around Jay’s arse then gripped a cheek, allowing her fingers to enter the crack and rest against Jay’s arsehole. Jay gave a little start but didn’t resist, allowing Sara’s hand to stay there and her fingers to caress the hole with all of us behind following and watching.

I looked behind me and there was a crowd of about seven men and both women. They ignored me and Manus and slowly followed us as we followed the girls to the back of the store where they turned into the S+M section. I noticed some men on quickly moving up the aisles either side of us, the small crowd behind us moving quicker as me and Manus sped our own pace up. We reached the end and saw Sara standing behind Jay facing us. Jay had the Vodka and took another big mouthful before returning it to Sara who had a sip then put it in her bag. Jay was stood, dress hitched up, legs apart and cunt on view. Sara slipped her hands around Jays neck then dropped down her front and slowly pulled the dress top down. Jay’s tits came out and sat over the top of the dress, her nipples big and aroused. Sara reached around and squeezed both nipples and rubbed both breasts. Her fingers gripped them and fondled while we all watched. Some of the men around us had their hands either deep in their pockets or blatantly down the front of their trousers, clearly gripping hard cocks and rubbing, probable wishing they could feel her tits or cunt.

Sara turned Jay to face the wall and bent her over, Jay holding on to the wall for support. Sara looked around and picked up a small crop. She held it up to the crowd with a questioning look on her face.

There were nods all around, giving Sara approval for her choice. She tapped it on her hand a few times, swished it through the air then stood to one side of Jay and hit her gently on her arse. Jay gave a little gasp and a jerk and moved her body slightly forward before bending over again. Sara hit her again, a little harder but Jay still didn’t resist, her gasps getting a little louder as her arse started to turn red with each stroke. She hit her again and again, getting harder each time, louder gasps starting to come from Jay as the sharp sting of pain became apparent. Sara then took a big swing and hit her really hard. Jay let out a cry and flattened her body against the wall, her hand shaking behind her telling Sara that that was enough. Sara ran her hand over Jay’s now reddening arse cheek and whispered something in her ear.

She slowly stood Jay up, turned her around and kissed her, their tongues becoming evident to all watching as they switched from side to side and the kissing became more passionate. Jay reached up and pulled down Sara’s dress top, her tits now on show along with Jays. They were slightly smaller but perfectly round without being fake and small, erect nipples hat I noticed were pierced with small rings running through them. Jay leaned down and took a nipple in her mouth making Sara yelp with joy as she sucked it hard and nibbled gently with her teeth. She tugged on the ring, stretching the nipple out and Sara gave out a yelp. Jay moved her mouth and teeth to the other nipple and did the same, Sara holding Jays head in place, head back and eyes wide shut in pleasure as Jay moved from nipple to nipple with her teeth and tongue, sucking and pulling on the rings.

She moved her hand to under Sara’s dress and lifted it revealing that Sara was not wearing any underwear. Sara parted her legs to show her own bald cunt to the crowd as Jay began to rub the lips while forcing her tongue back into Sara’s mouth. Sara reached down to Jay’s now wet cunt and rubbed a couple of times before entering a finger, making Jay squeal in mid-kiss. Jay entered her own finger into Sara, followed by another and finger fucked her as Sara added another finger to her own. Both girls were stood, legs wide apart and finger fucking each other in full view of the crowd around us. Sara ran her other hand around Jays arse and, judging by Jays reaction of a jump, had pushed a finger in her arse. That did it for Jay. She held tight on to Sara’s back with her free hand, let out a yell and came, squirting over Sara’s fingers as she did so, droplets flicking on to the floor and their shoes. Her legs shook with the spasms and she yelled out several times as her body shook before retracting her fingers from Sara’s cunt and collapsed to kneel on the floor, puffing to get her breath back.

The crowd around us then did something unexpected. They started clapping and there was a few cheers. Jay looked up, her hair tousled over her face, smiled, and then began to laugh, along with Sara who helped her to her feet. Sara held her hand and they both gave a theatrical bow to the applauding and appreciative crowd.

“Thank you,” Sara said between laughs, her free hand presenting Jay to the crowd. “You’ve been a great crowd. Thank you.” She adjusted her dress to cover herself as Jay did the same and said to the crowd smiling as they became silent,

“I didn’t know she would cum so quick,” indicating Jay with her thumb, who was running her fingers through her hair to tidy it. “But that’s all for today. It’s a shame you don’t have any gloryholes here otherwise the show would continue.”

“But, we do,” said one of the women in the crowd. A short, very attractive young blonde girl, with amazing blue eyes, who was obviously with the only other woman in the shop. All eyes fell upon her and she added in a quiet and somewhat embarrassed voice,

“A friend told me.”

“Where is this place, sweetie?” Sara asked approaching the now embarrassed girl.

The girl looked around at the listening crowd and said,

“It’s a small place, recently opened. Not many people know about it because of sex laws and all that. It’s next to an old peep show not far from here. There’s a red door with a bell. You ring it, they check you out on the CCTV then buzz you in. You pay thirty quid and stay as long as you want. Woman go free. It has about ten booths, quite narrow, but long with porn on a screen. There’s a small cinema in there with a few couches and futons and they sell soft drinks and snacks. Not many woman go there but always plenty of horny men…”

She looked around at the crowd who were now taking a big interest in what she was saying before adding,


Sara lent forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, “Thank you gorgeous.”

The girl replied, “That’s alright.” and leaned forward to return the kiss, except she misjudged it and got Sara on the lips. Sara didn’t react at the accident. She leaned forward and kissed the girl on the lips, slowly and tenderly. The girls eyes widened at the touch of Sara’s lips and I’m sure she went to continue as her mouth started to open, her tongue perched but was bought back to the earth when she realised everyone was watching, the girl with her especially. She backed back a bit and pretended to look at some anal beads. She looked up at me again and our eyes met. She stayed looking up at me and was starting to smile when her friend took the beads off her, reminding her that those were not what they had gone in here for, took her by the hand and led her away.

I watched her go. She was beautiful. Naturally beautiful. As she reached the far end of the aisle she briefly looked back at me and smiled before leaving. I was bought out of my reverie by Sara who turned to me and asked,

“Do you know this place? This peep show?”

“I think so,” I replied, trying to remember the peep shows of my youth and their locations.

Sara took Jay’s hand and said, “Let’s go.”

As we went to leave the shop, the shopkeeper stopped me and slipped me a card.

“Great show mate,” he said smiling, having apparently watched it on CCTV. “Your friend asked me if it would be okay and I’m always fine with things like that. On the card is my number. I sometimes help people out, couples and that, who want some filming done. Give me a shout if you and the misses ever fancy doing one, for yourselves of course.”

“Thanks,” I said and pocketed the card.

We left the shop and I led them to where I thought the peep show was, a short walk away. The peep show was open, a big elderly woman was sat behind a counter, reading a magazine just in the doorway, ready to supply change to the punters. The red, anonymous door to the gloryholes was to the right, a bell sat in the middle and a CCTV camera above pointing down at whoever rings it.

I reached up and pressed he bell.

To be continued in part seven, cumming soon.
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