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I know I do not post regularly, I am a slow writer, but this one actually went together really quick. It is much shorter than most of my others and my last story was not posted here because of the format type just would not work in this medium. If people are actually interested though let me know. I do have more Ideas.
Please note the story tags, if you do not like one do not read. Creampie, Non-Consentsual sex, Pregnant, Rape, Sleep, Teen Male/Teen Female

The cold steel clinked as the last link of chains snapped into place. Jax vigorously rubbed his freezing hands together trying to bring feeling back to his numb digits. He ran back to the truck and into the welcomed warmth of the heated cab. With the chains in place, he could continue his journey. Although a journey would not have been the word, he would have used describe it.

The eighteen-wheeler he had finished putting the chains on was nothing more than a job and driving in this winter hell was simply a loathsome part of that job. The sun had not set yet but the blowing snow did a fantastic job of telling Jax otherwise. After a few minutes of warming his hands, he put the rig in gear and start to slowly drive into the blizzard.

He watched the odometer slowly tick up but he did not dare go any faster. With poor visibility and slick roads, it would be far too easy to slid off the road. Even if he wanted to get out of there quickly, going slow was better than being stuck and going nowhere.

"Great," he said to himself while rolling his eyes after hearing the radio. Apparently, the blizzard would only be getting worse. "Just what I need and I can hardly see as it is."

He had never been a fan of the cold and snow but he would have little choice. The thought of driving in this for hours, possibly days held no appeal for him. It would be slow, tedious, and exhausting. He shook his head and sighed, at least he had a full tank, food, and water should anything happen.

The time dragged by as the truck crawled through the deepening snow. He caught himself almost drifting off the road a few times, unable to see it. During one such time a black car speed past going much faster than he would have considered safe.

"Crazy locals," he said while the car quickly disappeared into the distance.

Another hour of this, Jax had had enough. His nerves were fraying with the extra attentiveness required to stay on the road he could no longer see, the worst part of driving in conditions like this. He would not be making into town tonight.

"Would have been nice to sleep in a real room," he said to himself after deciding to call it quits for the night.

With the poor visibility, Jax begin looking for a place to pull over where the snow drift would not be too high. He smiled when he saw it, a dark patch on the side of the road. Slowing down he got closer and lost his smile. Not a inlet but a car, a black one.

The car had slipped off the road and gotten stuck in the snow drift. He pulled over behind the car hoping not to get stuck too. He did not want to dig his way out although he figured he would probably have to in the morning any way.

The car appeared fine. It had not slid far and the exhaust was still billowing hot steam, whoever was inside would still have a heater going. He did not want to go out into the cold if he did not have to and thankfully, he saw the dome light flick on followed by movement in the car before it went out again. Whoever it was they should be fine for now.

He turned off the head lights but left the engine running for the heater. He saw nothing but snow out the windows with the lights out. The cab went black except for a few of the glowing lights on the dashboard. He got up and stepped into the back of the cab and stretched. Granted there was not much room but enough to stand up. Once comfortably stretched, Jax pulled the curtain between the front seats and the back of the cab.

Taking off his boots he turned on a little head lamp on the tiny bed and pulled out his laptop. Although early and not tired, the driving had left him mentally fatigued and he planned on simply relaxing and passing the time. With no internet here he was not totally sure what he would be doing and end up simply picking one of the downloaded movies he had.

The film was fine but left him wanting. There had been a steamy moment between the two main characters which only reminded him how long it had been since he had last masturbated or even longer had sex. Life on the road had taken a toll on his sex life.

The wind and snow continued to howl outside as Jax took off his pants followed by his shirt while he navigated to his porn folder. He had just started watching a short clip and began stroking himself when he heard it. It sounded like a car door.

Closing the laptop, he got up to look out the curtain and through the windshield to the black car. The billowing snow prevent him from seeing anything. He rolled his eyes almost deciding to ignore it and go back to his porn but he did not. Instead, he put his pants and shirt back on and stepped into the cab and turned on the headlights. His jaw dropped.

A young girl stood next to the open door of black car but she was totally naked. Jax's cock twitched for a moment but only for a moment. He quickly put his boots on and rushed from the warm cab of his truck while still putting his coat on. Meanwhile the naked girl had begun attempting to crawl under the car in the snow.

Jax grabbed her by the hips and pulled her up and started dragging her back to his truck hoping he had not been too late. He had heard of this before, in the late stages of hypothermia people would strip naked crawl into tight spaces.

He managed to kick the door shut on the black car that must have run out of gas long ago while he took the incoherent girl to the warmth of his truck and out of the blizzard. She shouted nonsense and fought him every step of the way but had little energy or coordination to hurt him let alone stop him.

Once inside the cab of the truck he took her to the small bed and wrapped her with a blanket which she tried to kick off. Her skin was ice to the touch and her lips blue. He needed to warm her up but she just kept fighting him. The easiest thing would be to simply force it and warm her himself. He undressed quickly before realizing he had not put his underwear back on but did not care at the moment.

He climbed in the bed took a sharp breath as he hugged the freezing girl into his chest and threw the blanket over the both of them. He could hardly believe how cold she was and Jax began shivering after only a few seconds of contact.

The girl still struggled but much less and her shouting had diminished into incoherent babbling. She got quieter with every passing minute as did her struggling until she stopped all together. She then began to shiver. At first just a tremor but as she warmed up the shivering became more violent.

Jax did not know if this was a good thing or not and held her close hoping for the best. She was unresponsive and slipped into a deep sleep, at least he hoped it was sleep. She continued to shiver for another hour before Jax fell asleep with her.

While he slept, he felt it. A familiar and splendid pressure surrounded his cock. The girl beside him gave him a smile as he opened his eyes. In the well-lit cab, he watched the girl. Knowing Jax was awake she deliberately pulled away and looked between them compelling Jax to followed her gaze. His cock had been partially inserted inside her pussy. It twitched and she smiled even wider hugging him closer as he penetrated a little more. Delighted to have such a pretty girl with him and willing to have sex, he thrust in even deeper.

Her eyes went wide as he began thrusting in and out of her while she silently worked her hips with him. The magic of sex took him and he lost himself in the pleasure. Every thrust brought them closer to the edge and he did not even try to hold back. It had been so long since he had last had sex he did not last long. A few more powerful strokes later he exploded in her pussy, flooding her with his cum. Her eyes rolled back as she silently screamed through her own orgasm. Jax's cock pulsed several more times into the silent girl as he also silently cried out in pleasure.

Jax's eyes shot open for real this time. It was still dark out but the wind had stopped, perhaps the snow had too. Weather conditions could wait though. He had more pressing matters. The girl hugged him closely and he could not make out any of the details of her face. He would have passed the whole thing off as wonderful erotic dream except there was no mistaking the familiar and splendid pressure surrounded his cock.

"Fuck!" he yelled before he could stop himself.

The girl did not react but he had a huge problem. A problem that had just been deposited into an unsuspecting and unconscious girl's pussy. His cock, still hard, twitched again leaving another drop of cum behind. He pulled out quickly before anything else could happen. He slowly stepped out of bed looking for his underwear with the dim light of his phone.

Whispering to himself, "what the hell man. You're in some deep shit."

After putting his underwear on he continued to look around the cab of the truck, "you've got to cover her up. Put her clothes on, now where are they?"

He stopped talking to himself and gradually lifted his head and looked up. Moving the curtain aside he sighed, "you didn't bring them in did you?"

He reluctantly dressed in his snow gear before venturing outside. It had stopped snowing and with the wind gone it felt almost warm in the snow gear. He waded through the snow to the girl's car and opened the door, which took some time and effort as Jax had to dig it out before the door would open.

"Finally," he said as the door opened. He nodded in satisfaction finding all her clothes in the front seats. No coat though, and they had been thrown in randomly as if she had removed them in haste. With her clothes bundled up in hand including her shoes, which were not meant for snow, he made his way back to his truck. Once inside, he removed his coat and boots first. His effort outside made coming back into the heated truck feel unpleasantly warm.

"What have we got," he said once comfortable again and examining the girl's clothes. He shook his head at his findings. The girl had a pair of jeans, with ice on them from stepping out into the snow. Her shoes and socks were no better. The only dry articles of clothing were her thin shirt, lace bra, and thong panties. Under any other circumstance, he would have been pleased to have a girl dressed in so little but not now.

"No wonder she was suffering from hypothermia," he said setting the frozen clothes in front of the heater vents and took the dry clothes to the back for the sleeping girl.

"Well," he said looking at the girl. "How are you going to do this?" After a moment of contemplation, he turned on the little head lamp, hoping the dim light would be enough to see but not wake the girl. Then again trying to dress her was more likely to do that than the light.

He uncovered the girl and for the first time got a good look at her. Despite the dire situation he could not stop his cock from twitching. Long hair, a pretty face, perky tits, smooth skin, and young. She could not have been much younger than himself and he had only moved out and started trucking a year ago. Her pussy remained obscured in the shadows of her folded legs. His eyes lingered longer than they should have and he shook his head, "that's not what we're here for."

He knelt down and with one hand picked up a foot and with the other started working the thong panties on. He attempted to be as gentle as possible but like it or not he had to tug the thongs over her hips with enough force to shake the sleeping girl. Her legs opened and he saw her pussy.

"Wow, it's so smooth," Jax said moving his hand to touch her. "I could tell she was shaved but I didn't think it would be so pretty."

He yanked his hand away when he saw his cum leaking from her pussy, "what the fuck is wrong you, you pervert! She is unconscious and damn it, I hope she's not pregnant."

He managed to avoid touching her pussy as he pulled the thong on and sighed with relief to have the tempting pussy covered and out of sight, even if just barely. The bra was actually easier which surprised him and figured it was just a favorable design for what he needed. The shirt though, not so much.

"Cannot believe she didn't wake up after all that," he said pulling her hair out of her shirt, completing the task of dressing the girl. He laid her back down and covered her with the blanket again and turned out the light.

"I wonder how much longer it will be before they plow the road," he said as he checked his phone. He face palmed when he saw the time, "12:34 AM? You've got to be kidding me. It's still that early?"

He picked up his lap top and went to the front to kill sometime. When he opened it, it picked up where he had left off early, in the middle of his porno. He quickly closed it. Last thing he needed was more sexual stimulus. For another hour he occupied himself with a movie but he kept thinking about the sleeping girl in the back. He also felt sleep creeping up on him and tried to relax and let it take him but he just could not sleep sitting up in the front seat. It did not even recline.

At 2:12 AM he stood up turning the laptop off. "This is pointless," he yawned. "I'll just have to go to bed. At least she has clothes on." He took his own off, except his underwear. "For once I wish I had boxers or shorts," he said looking at his briefs. "Well not like it can happen again."

He crawled into bed with the sleeping girl and turned his back to her. Despite his fatigue, he lay in bed a long time before he finally found sleep.

A gentle cooing roused him and the warm embrace of girl. Jax smiled back at the girl as he positioned himself at her entrance. He teased her pussy with the head of his cock, lubricating himself before he would inevitably enter. She silently laughed and pulled him into a kiss. He lovingly kissed back but something was wrong.

Her pussy was bare but he could not enter and he did not know why. Every thrust somehow missed. The girl did not mind and continued to rub her hands over his chest and kiss his neck. Jax meanwhile became more frustrated and guided his cock to her pussy again and again but never able to enter. Finally, he moved his hands between her legs wiggled his fingers in. It did the trick and he sighed with pleasure as he began diving into her pussy. Again, something felt wrong but what? It felt too good to be wrong. He rocked his hips in and out of the girl. He wanted to go faster but his movements were hampered, held back. His orgasm however was not. It grew quickly as did the nagging feeling that something was now very wrong. This feeling, that Jax could not place, began to take an ethereal form of dread. Something horrible was about to happen but what?

As Jax thrust deeper into the silent girl, he knew the dread and pleasure were connected but how could pleasure bring such terror? Unable to hold out any longer he hit his orgasm. Panic and pleasure racked his body as he began to squirt sperm into his silent lover. The dread finally took on a sold form and his eyes shot up in horror.

"FUCK! You have got to be fucking kidding me? Twice? Really?"

There was no denying in though. His cock had slipped out of his briefs and past the sleeping girl’s thong. It twitched once more as he left the second load of cum in the unsuspecting and unconscious girl's pussy.

Jax did not move for a long time as he simmered with rage. He had unintentionally raped the helpless girl twice.

"Not done yet?" he narrowed his eyes angrily at the fact his hard dick was still lodged in the girl's pussy.

"Well, you might as well finish you fucking rapist," he told himself as he began slowly thrusting into the sleeping girl.

"You like that? You sick pervert," the pleasure grew as he entered the slick channel of the cum lubricated pussy.

Still on the edge he continued for a few more strokes. He bottomed out and came for the third time that night. Although only squirting in a few more drops of cum, he quivered with pleasure.

His cock finally began to go limp and he pulled out. Jax got out of bed furious with himself.

"Finally, had enough you fucking rapist? You satisfied now?"

He threw his clothes on and flung the curtain open. He checked the girl’s cloths, they were still a little wet but at least warm. He folded her pants and socks before neatly setting them at the foot of the bed. Jax than put the rest of his snow clothes on and went out into the snow.

He had no idea what time it was nor did he care. He took the shovel out of the back compartment on the truck and began throwing snow off the girl's car. Fueled by his rage he unburied the car and a good path for his truck by the time the sun started showing its first morning rays. He had just finished when he heard the snow plow.

Jax stepped out into the road and waved for it to stop. An old timer with a wild beard and ushanka stuck his head out the window.

"Re ya stuck?" he asked in a grizzly voice.

"No, but the car is out of gas. Do you have any?" Jax asked.

The man spat out the window before getting out, "not much but should be nuff to get ya to next station."

He hobbled to the back and pulled out a small gas tank. A few minutes later the snow plow continued on its way and the black car had one gallon of gas. Jax walked around the car once more, satisfied it would be able to continue its journey he went back to his own truck.

He took off his coat, the interior sweltering compared to outside with all the physical exertion. He stopped when he opened the curtain. The sleeping girl had woken up.

She sat on the bed staring unblinking at Jax with huge eyes either from shook or surprise. Her fist clenched the blanket up to her chin preserving her modesty.

Jax broken the tension with a statement he would look back at later and wonder how he pulled it off so calmly, "before you say anything, it was you who took your clothes off and you would have frozen to death if I hadn't brought you in."

She looked away but said nothing. Jax pointed to her pants and socks, "they should be dry enough, although probably not warm enough. I also managed to get some gas for your car. Should get you to the next gas station."

She nodded her head and an awkward silence followed. Jax did not want to volunteer more than he needed but he would not lie if she asked.

"Well get dressed and you can be on your way. The road has just been plowed too, would be the best time to get out of here," he closed the curtain.

A few minutes later she emerged from the curtain and he helped her out of the truck carrying her across the snow. She still looked pale and shivered in the cold. He gave her a few energy bars and a water bottle. Before stepping into the car, she opened her mouth to speak but decided against it. She got in, turned it on and slowly pulled out of the snow.

Jax watched the black car drive down the road for a minute a frown on his face, "should I've told her? Do you think she knows?"

He only shook his head in response before climbing back into his own truck and heading down the road. He followed the black car for about ten minutes before the two diverged.

After losing track of the black car Jax let out a sigh, "I never even got her name. I hope she's ok."

A minute later, "I hope I'm ok."

It's all in my mindReport 

2021-06-15 04:10:19


2021-03-30 00:13:05
Short and enjoyable story


2021-03-19 19:14:07
Cool story!

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2021-03-18 17:06:00
No mention of pregnancy.....

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