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Marion starts her life as a ruler.

Luke had just planted his explosive when he felt the first arrow find its way through his armor and hit his leg, but he had no time to think about it for the explosive would be going off in fifteen seconds. He made sure that it was planted right and turned to run. That’s when he felt the second hit. This one was serious for it was in his abdomen. Before he could get out, he was hit once more in his leg. He fought through the pain to make sure that he was out of there in time. He ran out and dove into the open door of a nearby building. As he was passing through the door the charge went off. Normally he should have been far enough away to be safe, but where he took cover at was right in line with the entryway and the thick stone of the castle wall directed part of the blast back at him. The blast was powerful enough to shake the stone of the building loose. Before long Luke had been pinned under a large piece of rubble. Slowly more rubble came down and Luke admitted to himself that he wasn’t going to make it through the day. He was pinned and bleeding. He couldn’t even reach his wounds to bind them so instead of struggling he decided to send the rest of his life thinking about his beautiful wife and adorable child. He prayed that he had taught enough people enough; so that Marion could led them to a much better future.

Slowly he felt his life drain out of him. He was becoming delirious. He had to be for he could hear Marion calling for him and she sounded frantic and panicked. ‘That can’t be her’ he thought. Marion had been so pissed at him the last time he saw her that she cursed him out and ordered him not to touch her ever again. He began to see more light reaching his eyes and he finished preparing himself to finally leave this cruel world. He felt himself getting lighter and he was amazed by the sensation for it felt like he was being lifted up to heaven, but he had to admit that he would much more likely end up in hell. ‘Oh well, I am a devil dog after all’ and he smiled weakly at that thought. He felt a pair of warm, soft hands on his face and heard Marion’s voice again. As his face turned toward the light, he fought to open his eyes. There was an angel looking down at him with a warm smile on her face and tears streaming down her face. It had to be an angel for she was beautiful, timeless, and had a halo.

It was Luke’s eyes that had moved for Marion could now see the blue of his eyes. Those eyes that she loved so much; more than land, or power, or money. He was alive but barely. She wanted to do nothing more then pull him out of there and take him to bed, but the medical training that Luke had pounded into her head ever since they met; stopped her. She knew that he might have a broken back or other injuries. One of her men found part of a door that they could slip under Luke to lift him out. As they lifted Luke’s massive body out Marion knew that he most likely would die for nobody survived those kinds of injuries. As she was holding his hand, she felt it go slack. She was finding that it was increasingly hard to hide her tears and so when she seen one of the men that had helped her get Luke out of the rubble break down in tears, Marion could no longer hold it back. She cried and cried. She didn’t care who seen her and didn’t know for how long she cried. She didn’t even know when she finally stopped, but the next conscious thought that she recognized was that she was back in her old room in the castle. She was still in her uniform and still had Luke’s blood on her.

As she swung her feet off the bed, she realized that she felt like shit, she was thirsty, hungry, her hands were killing her, and she was worried about Mackenzie. By now she had admitted to herself that she wouldn’t see Luke until she made it to heaven. She stubbled to the door and opened it. The two guards by the door came to attention and presented arms. She saluted and asked them:

“Where Gabriel was at?”

“She was in the great hall the last time I seen her ma’am”

“Ok” as Marion began to walk that way another thought came to her. “One more thing, what day is it?”

“10 March ma’am”

“I was out for three days?!?!”

“Yes ma’am. The Coronal gave orders that you were not to be disturbed unless your life was at risk ma’am”

“I see. Thank you”

With that Marion was off the find Gabriel. Every soldier she passed came to attention and saluted her with military precision. As annoying as it was Marion was starting to feel a growing pride in her army. They were becoming professionals and had now won two battles against forces of superior numbers. Question was could that trend continue with Luke gone. When Marion got to the great hall, Gabriel wasn’t there, but one of Marion’s female bodyguards was. The guard snapped to attention. Marion actually heard the guards boot heels clicking together. The guard was as stiff as a board, her breast pointed straight forward and her dirty blond hair in a French braid that was barely visible under her helmet.

“Do you know where Gabriel is at?”

“Yes ma’am. The Coronal just stepped out to get some news. I believe she is probably still in the telegraph room ma’am”

“Telegraph room?”

“Yes ma’am. It’s in the small room through that door other there with the two guards on it.”

Marion turned to see Gabriel coming through the door. Her uniform was clean and crisp. Her steps were even and she carried herself with pride. Gabriel hadn’t seen Marion because she was busy giving orders to a courier. As soon as Gabriel sighted Marion, she stopped, snapped to attention, and saluted. Marion returned the salute and walked up to Gabriel.

“Come Gabriel, we need to talk.” They walked into a small room nearby and closed the door.

“So, what all has been going on the last three days?”

“I gave orders to bring the prisoners, from the first battle, to town right after the battle here ended. I figured that they would be much easier to guard here plus we need as much manpower as we can get our hands on so we can get the large number of chores done. I also requested that Alice send every person that she could spare but instead she brought the entire unit. Pollyanna came through the battle without a scratch so she has gone out with a strong escort to map the rest of your lands. We found Cecilia’s treasure hoard and I have been using it to pay the civilians in town to help clean up the town and clean away rubble. I also have been looking into installing plumbing into the castle and eventually through the entire town.”

“What about causalities?”

“Not as bad as it could have been. So far, we suffered eighty dead and a further one hundred wounded. Almost all of them came during the storming of the town. I think that it would have been far worse if we hadn’t gotten here so quickly. So far, we have counted twenty-three hundred dead or wounded out of Cecilia’s army and the rest are prisoners. Seems to be that most of the ones taken prisoner were ones that she had forced into the army. Speaking of her, Alice told me a little while ago that she expected Cecilia to recover.”

“Can you send word that my daughter is to stay where she is at. I don’t want to risk her health by bringing her to this filth hole until we can get sewers installed. Next, set up watch post on our borders for I suspect that the other local nobles will be wanting to take away everything we have won. Then we need to see to the army’s refit and they will of course need some rest, for I expect to be attacked within a week or so.”

“Yes ma’am”

“Gabriel, you’re my lover. There’s no need to call me anything other than Marion when we are alone or with our close friends.” Gabriel gave Marion a warm smile and a quick hug.

“I suspect that you’re right about the surrounding nobles attacking us, Marion. I do know that several of them have had representatives here over the last couple of days asking about you. They remind me of vultures. You know what has truly surprised me, Marion?”

“No, what?”

“That you haven’t asked about Luke yet.”

“Why should I concern myself with the dead?”

“Oh Marion, my darling, you need to follow me, and as your lover I order you to follow me so I can show you something.” Marion smiled and giggled as she followed Gabriel. As they walked, Marion’s eyes were pulled down to Gabriel’s swinging hips Marion was sure that she was exaggerating her hip swing on purpose. Marion checked to make sure that they were alone before she reached down and grabbed a handful of Gabriel’s ass. Gabriel jumped and giggled for Marion had quickly pinned her to the wall. Their lips quickly interlocked as they moaned into each other’s mouths. Gabriel was able to break off, she still had to show Marion something. Taking Marion’s hand Gabriel told her:

“Come on you naughty girl. I really do have something that you need to see.”

“Yes, you do” purred Marion as she rubbed Gabriel’s mound.

“Want am I going to do with you?” laughed Gabriel. “I know. You deserve to have your hot, bare ass spanked!”

“You promise?” asked Marion with a hopeful look on her face. After seeing Gabriel’s ass swinging in front of her had reminded Marion that she hadn’t had a good lay in almost two weeks and that was after she had gotten used to getting fucked several times a day. She just hoped that Gabriel could keep up with her.

“Come on Marion.” Marion and Gabriel walked down the hall, hand in hand. Marion was confused when they stopped in front of the old infirmary.

“It took Alice commanding almost a hundred workers a day and a half to clean these rooms to her standards when she got here.” Gabriel said as they were acknowledged by the guard and let in.

Inside Marion was amazed at how clean the room was. Not only that but there was bed after bed all down the length of the room. Each one had someone laying in it and each one had a chart at the foot of the bed facing the isle. Not only that but each bed had clean sheets on them.

“There’s beds for one hundred in here and they have round-the-clock care from two nurses and a doctor.” Explained Gabriel. “The person you need to meet though is through here.”

Marion followed Gabriel through several rooms of wounded men and woman. Finally, they came to a door. Gabriel flashed Marion a smile as she opened the door and stepped through. When Marion stepped through, she froze. She noticed in passing that she was in an old storage room that had been cleaned, but that wasn’t what had her attention. There in front of her was a single bed with a very large person laying on it and resting comfortably.

“NO! NO! IT CAN’T BE!!” Marion cried “I FELT HIM DIE!! Gabriel if this is a joke, I swear to God that I will fucking kill you with my bare hands!” screamed Marion.

“No joke my dear. Luke survived. What you felt was just him passing out. Alice guesses that it was from pain or blood loss. He will be confined to a bed for at least a month and will be weak for a while afterwards but Alice is confident that he will recover.”

Marion collapsed to the floor and sobbed. She cried harder than she had ever cried before, because she was so happy. Even when she had gotten married, she wasn’t this happy. Gabriel helped her up and into a chair that was next to Luke’s bed. Once Gabriel was sure that Marion was ok; she quietly left the room and made sure that the door was shut.

Marion sat quietly next to the man that she loved more than anything. The man that had saved her life numerous times before and had given her something that she had never had before, hope. Hope in the present, hope in the future, and hope for her people. As she sat there, unconsciously grabbed Luke’s hand and held it tight. She could feel his heart beat and his warmth. She didn’t know how long she sat there but she did remember a nurse coming and going a few times to check on Luke. Eventually, Alice came in. She was wearing her uniform of course, but over it she wore a white overcoat. She looked just what she was, a military doctor. Alice gently patted a sleeping Marion on the shoulder and she stirred. Marion’s eyes were bloodshot from her crying and her constant dozing off.

“Come on Marion. You need to get some real sleep.”

“NO! I can’t leave him again.” Alice gave her a warm but tired smile.

“Marion. Look at me. Look into my eyes” Marion turned to look into Alice’s bright green eyes “I promise that he will be here when you return. His vitals are good and there’s no signs of infection so far. He might develop an infection later, but for now he needs rest and so do you. Oh, before I forget, your sister has been asking for you.”

“Where’s she at?”

“Down the hall, although you might want to clean up before you go see her. You look like shit.”

“Gee thanks.” The ladies shared a laugh. “I guess I should clean myself up. I do kind of smell.”

“Aye. I’ll say you do and “kind of smell” is an understatement.”

Marion stood with a small smile on her face. She kissed Luke on the forehead and left to return to her chamber. When she got there, her bed had been changed and all her extra clothes were hung up. Additionally, Gabriel’s and Luke’s clothes were there as well, and Marion smiled to herself. Suddenly she heard a voice coming from one of the other rooms. She drew her sword and advanced. She burst through the door and found a naked Gabriel bent over a tub with hot water. She stood up and turned when she heard Marion come in. As always, Marion was struck by her beauty. Gabriel’s eyes were shimmering and her long hair was loose, but Gabriel had it draped over one of her shoulders and covering her left breast.

“Well, you going to join me sweetie?”

That was all the encouragement that Marion needed. She had to have Gabriel help her with her uniform for Marion was stiff from sleeping in the chair by Luke’s side. In addition, all the blood on her uniform was hard and crusted. After Marion was naked, she climbed into the tub with Gabriel. The warm water was making her dizzy. They used some soap that Gabriel had brought with her to wash each other. They took turns holding the bar of soap and tracing each other’s bodies. They washed each other’s hair and made sure to comb each other’s hair so they didn’t get tangles and to make sure that all the dirt was out of it. Eventually the water was cold, so they helped each other to stand up and get out. Gabriel went and got some extra water that she had sitting nearby to rinse off with. They made sure that every square centimeter was clean of dirt and soap. After they had dried each other off, Gabriel got a pair of scissors and had Marion lay back on their bed. She then proceeded to trim Marion’s pubic hair. Gabriel then went and got some more hot water and soap. Marion was confused but things were cleared up when she seen the straight razor in Gabriel’s hand. She shaved not only Marion’s pussy, but her legs and underarms as well. After she was done, Marion felt cleaner than she had felt in a very long time. She then returned the favor to Gabriel. Marion had more work to do for Gabriel had a thicker bush than Marion; had but all this meant was that Marion got the stare at Gabriel’s pussy longer. As Marion shaved Gabriel’s pussy, she could see the moisture forming on her pussy lips and Gabriel’s inner lips were getting red and swelling up. Marion was sure that hers were doing the same thing. When they were done, they cleaned up all the loose hair; which wasn’t hard because they had put a towel down first.

Their time together, in bed, that night unleased a whirlwind. Marion and Gabriel poured all their passions into each other. Since they were in no hurry, they could take their time with each other. They started with light kissing that slowly became more and more passionate. As their kisses became more involved, so did their hands. They both really loved the feeling of their partner’s bare cunts. As they were getting more into things, Marion suddenly had an idea. She moved to where she could lick Gabriel’s cunt and Gabriel could lick hers at the same time. As soon as Gabriel asked what she was doing; she figured it out. Soon they were licking and kissing each other’s pussies and driving each other wild. All too soon they exploded in mutual orgasms that left both of them exhausted. It had really been too long since they had been together. As they recovered, Marion started to think. Their clits were like tiny penises so Marion wondered what it would feel like to rub them together. When she explained this to Gabriel, they both agreed that they just had to try it. It took them a few minutes to find the right positions but when they did; the sparks started flying. They got the new heights that neither of them knew existed. Together they climbed higher and higher. Neither of them wanted to be the first one to cum so they both fought off their own as best they could while trying their hardest to make the other cum first. After almost ten minutes of sheer pleasure, they exploded. They both sprayed all over the other which caused them to cum yet again. Eventually they stopped cumming and they were now beyond exhausted. They couldn’t even untangle their bodies and fell asleep with their legs still wrapped around the other and their pussies still pressed up against the other.


The next morning came way too soon for either Marion or Gabriel for a bugle call woke them up at sunrise and they both felt like they had drunk an entire bottle of strong wine. They had to take a few minutes just to untangle their bodies and unstick their skin for their juices had crusted overnight and they woke up stuck together. When they finally managed to get up, Marion skipped into the bathroom and brought back a wet towel. She kneeled in front of Gabriel and thoroughly cleaned her pussy. After Marion was done, she planted a kiss on Gabriel’s pussy and jumped back up to her feet. Gabriel then signaled Marion to spread her legs and she returned the favor. After they were both squeaky clean; they both got dressed for the day. Marion of course carried her pair of short swords and Gabriel carried her pair of revolvers, a K-Bar knife, and two throwing knives that Luke had made her. She carried one pistol on each hip, and her overcoat hide them very well but left them easy for her to get to in a hurry.

Marion had a huge amount of business to take care of today, but her first stop was the hospital of course. She stopped in and seen Luke. He was still sleeping, but Marion could tell that he looked just a little better today than he had yesterday. Marion’s next stop was to see Cecilia. She was awake of course and as she always did, had a frown on.

“Well good morning dear sister.” Chirped Marion. She was really in a good mood.

“Aye fuck off bitch” was the response.

“Aww is that any way to greet your favorite sister?”

“Favorite sister is it? I would rather be Satan’s sister then yours’s. You usurper!”

“Well, if you were actually capable of being a proper ruler then the people wouldn’t have rebelled and threw your ass out. Now would they?”

“The people didn’t rebel bitch; you did!” snarled Cecilia. Marion gave her a warm smile that pissed Cecilia off even more.

“Well, I’m afraid that I must be off for I have a lot of land to administer. Oh, by the way, we seized all the money that you made by making others suffer and we’re using it to rebuild with so you are now broke but at least the people are getting paid for their labor now.”

“YOU FUCKING CUNT!!! I SWARE TO GOD AND SATAN AND ANYONE OR ANYTHING IN BETWEEN THAT I WILL KILL YOU BEFORE I DIE!!” Cecilia screamed at the top of her lungs. When she finished her face was blood red and she was breathing very hard.

“I love you too sis. I have to be off but I’ll try to stop back in before I turn in tonight.” With that she patted Cecilia on her shoulder, got up, and left.

Marion had a very hard and long day ahead of her. She had to basically rebuild the entire province for Cecilia had sucked almost all the wealth out of it. She spent almost the entire day at her desk reading reports and issuing orders. It seemed like everything needed tending to at this very moment. At least Gabriel had done a damn good job at running things until Marion recovered from her meltdown or she might have had another one. Gabriel went back to her familiar role of head guard and in a pinch, Marion’s enforcer. In her first day on the job, Marion heard complaints from everyone it seemed: from noblemen asking her for her hand in marriage while they were whining about all the things that Cecilia had stolen from them, to clergymen complaining about church lands and money that Cecilia had seized, to commoners begging for food and seed to plant for Cecilia had taken everything in taxes from them. It was these people who Marion helped first. She had one of her guards make a list of farmers and what they needed so they could plant their crops. A different guard took the complaints of the nobles and clergy. Marion would check to see if anything that Cecilia had illegally taken from them could be tracked down. Marion also made sure that the church would at the very least get back the land that their churches and cemeteries set on. She doubted that the church would get back any of their commercial interest and in fact she would make sure that they didn’t. In between hearing complaints, Marion worked on laying the groundwork for setting up schools and improving the sanitation system. She would have to wait until Pollyanna got back to start serious work on the road network. Thinking about roads, she sent a message to Bard, asking him to come in for a meeting with Marion.

Bard had always been somewhat of the oddball of the group for he was a mediocre fighter at best. While he could fight, he would go out of his way to avoid it. When Luke put him in charge of the metalworks however, Bard found his calling for he was a natural at business. While Luke built Marion’s army; Bard built the metalworks up to the point that within three months of him being put in charge, York Metalworks were the best known in the Isles. They were known for innovative farming equipment and really fancy swords mostly. On the armory side is where the real innovation was at; however Marion had banned from selling to anyone but her for the time being anyway. Marion’s army created enough demand anyway that the armory could barely keep up anyway.

Gabriel had made sure that Marion had half an hour to eat the lunch that she brought her. It was just a sandwich with some fruit and a pint but Marion was thankful none the less. After dealing the huge mess that Cecilia had left, Marion was famished. After lunch, Marion was back at it until after dinner. Finally, it was time to call it a night. Everyone that was still waiting were put on a list for the first thing in the morning and offered a room for the night. Everyone was taken back for this was unheard of. Marion told them to get used to it for this was how things would be from now on. Everyone would have to wait their turn and nobody would get special treatment because of who they were.

After Marion had ate, she went down to see Cecilia just like she had promised. Cecilia was still in a terrible mood and Marion’s cheerful but tired mood made it worse. She just couldn’t stand seeing Marion happy. It really pissed her to think that Marion was doing a better job than she did. When Marion went into Luke’s room, she got the surprise of a lifetime for Luke was awake and looked right at her with a smile when she walked in. She ran to his bedside and kissed his so fiercely that he thought that she might rip his lips off. Luke didn’t know how long his wife kissed him but he didn’t care for he was so glad just to be alive and with her again. When they broke their kiss, Marion had tears streaming down her face.

“Oh my god Marion! Did I hurt you? I’m so sor…” That was as far as he got before Marion put her finger over his lips.

“Luke as much as you’re different from any other man that I’ve ever met, in one regard you are like all the others for no man that I have ever met can properly read a woman. I’m crying because I’m beyond happy Luke. I thought that I had lost you forever and that thought was crushing me. I actually lost it for three days. The last thing I remember is lifting you out of the rubble of that house. The next thing I know, I’m back in my old chambers here in the castle; still wearing my old soaked uniform. I had accepted that you had died and went to heaven. That was the only thing that enabled me to climb out of bed and not jump from a window. Then I find out that you’re still alive, and now despite your wounds are awake. Seriously I think that I’m one of the luckiest women ever to live. I love you with all my heart; Luke and I always will. I am so sorry about what I said back…”

That was as far as she got before Luke pulled her down to him and started kissing her. They kept kissing until they heard someone clear their throat behind them. They found both Alice and Gabriel standing there wearing cat ate the bird smiles.

“Marion, seriously don’t kill my patient by putting too much strain on his heart.” Said Alice trying her best to be serious. Marion started to turn red, then Gabriel just had to pile on.

“I for one, thought that there was only one person in that bed until Marion turned around.”

Everyone in the room laughed and Marion’s face got redder. She swiped Luke’s pillow and threw it at Gabriel. It hit Gabriel, only because she was laughing so hard at Marion’s embarrassment that she couldn’t really move without risking peeing her pants. After a couple of minutes of laughing, Alice was able to get down to the business that had brought her in here in the first place. It was time for her to check Luke’s wounds and change his dressings. She allowed Marion to stay as long as she promised not to get sick. She quickly promised and watched with interest as Alice changed Luke’s bandages. His wounds had started to heal but he still had a long way to go. Alice explained that the arrow that hit his abdomen hadn’t pierced any internal organs and that the dust and rubble from the house probably saved his life for the dust had partially sealed his wounds plus the rubble acted as a tourniquet, slowing down his bleeding. Alice didn’t see any infection and didn’t smell any either. By now she had developed quite a sense of smell when it came to infections. After putting on fresh dressings on Luke’s wounds, Alice left and had a nurse bring Luke some soup. Marion despite being tired refused to leave and in fact insisted on feeding Luke herself. It took him a while but he got the soup down. Marion gave him another kiss and Luke was back to sleep before she was out the door. Just before she closed the door though she and Gabriel stopped and looked at him once more with warm smiles. After all it was Luke who had brought them together and it was Luke who had built the army from the ground up. When they got back to their rooms, Marion was too exhausted to do much other than to curl up in Gabriel’s arms. Within minutes Marion was passed out and snoring lightly.

Gabriel looked over slightly so that she could see Marion’s face. She looked much like an angel now then she usually did. Gabriel was moved to tears for she knew just how damn lucky she was. First Luke had kept her from being raped by Richard. Then Marion had taken her under her wing and both Marion and Luke had taught her how to fight. Luke not only taught her to shoot, but had made two handguns, a repeating rifle, and some knives for her. But most of all she had found someone with an open enough mind to accept her for her and not criticize her for loving another woman. Although truth be told, if Marion hadn’t been in the picture, Gabriel could have easily have fallen head over heels for Luke, and she suspected that she loved Luke almost as much as she loved Marion. She also knew that Marion’s first and greatest love was for Luke and she gladly accepted that fact. Eventually Gabriel pulled Marion a little tighter to her and fell asleep as well.


This had set the general pattern for Marion, for the next week. Wake up in Gabriel’s arms. Get dressed and grab some breakfast. Go see Luke and Cecilia in the hospital then spend the rest of the morning dealing with a multitude of problems. Gabriel would bring her some lunch and make sure that Marion ate. Sometimes, while Marion ate her lunch, Gabriel would eat her. This bit of naughty fun always made Marion cum quickly and helped relieve some of her stress. Then Marion would be back at problem solving until dinnertime. Anyone still there at dinner would have their names put on a list in the order that they arrived for the first thing next morning. After dinner, Marion and Gabriel would go spend some time with Luke and talk about their day. Luke always asked about how Mackenzie was doing. Before the big battle Luke would always make sure to take the time to play with Kenzie as he was prone to calling her. As feared as Luke was by the adults he met, he was loved by the kids for Luke would always take time to play with them or answer any questions that they might have. All the kids knew about Luke’s big rule; anything they discussed with him would stop at him unless they told Luke it was ok for Luke to talk about what the children talked about.

It was now Friday and a week and a half after Marion took York. Her work load today was lighter than it had been and she had actually able to get some serious work done in regards to rebuilding York. Pollyanna had been sending back regular reports. Her escorts had eliminated the rest of Cecilia’s troops and they had released a large number of captives that Cecilia had working in the mines. She had included in the reports where all the captives had come from and had sent all of them back to York for medical treatment. Some of them were down to skin and bones.

Today at lunch Marion was feeling horny and decided to give Gabriel one hell of a surprise. When she walked in with Marion’s lunch; Marion was buck naked and spread eagle on her desk. Gabriel almost dropped everything that she was carrying; she was so surprised.

“See anything you like?” Marion asked in a sultry tone that almost made Gabriel cum from the sound of it.

“That depends, anything for sale and can I try before I buy?” Gabriel asked matching Marion’s sultry tone.

“As long as you don’t damage the merchandise. If you break it you buy it.”

Gabriel smiled as she locked the door and started unbuttoning her shirt. “Well in that case, I guess that I should be gentle.” Gabriel finished unbuttoning her shirt as she reached Marion. She started kissing Marion’s feet and worked her way up. Gabriel just loved Marion’s now baby smooth legs and so did Marion for that matter. Gabriel continued to work her way up Marion’s extremely toned legs. When she got to Marion’s honeypot, Gabriel went around it much to Marion’s aggravation. Gabriel made sure to speed time around Marion’s belly button, the only place that Marion was ticklish. As Marion started laughing and rolling around Gabriel pinned her down by laying across her. Gabriel then continued to work her way up. Coming to Marion’s still perky breast, Gabriel made sure to spend extra time here. She knew that Marion could have orgasms from have her tits sucked and Gabriel was determined to give one or two to Marion before playing in Marion’s erotic zone. It took a few minutes of sucking, licking, flicking, and twisting but Marion had cum and she cum hard. It was a good thing that Marion had cleaned all the papers off the desk first because they would be ruined now. After Marion recovered slightly, Gabriel worked her way up until her and Marion’s tongues were wrestling for space and their lungs were fighting for air.

Without warning, Marion flipped Gabriel over and pinned her down to the desk. It was time to return the favor and tease Gabriel. While she had been working that morning, Marion had herself an idea and now was a good time to try it out. Marion started out with Gabriel’s neck. This was her ticklish spot and just like she had done to Marion, Gabriel was now pinned while Marion was nibbling. Gabriel was laughing and wiggling but Marion wouldn’t let up. Eventually Gabriel was crying and only then did Marion let up on her neck for before Gabriel could even that a breath, Marion was working her breast. As soon as Marion touched her breast, Gabriel started cumming. This produced one hell of a wet spot in Gabriel’s pants for she hadn’t a chance yet to take them off. This was quickly followed by another one as Marion worked Gabriel’s breast like a fine violin. As Gabriel was busy cumming and trying to keep her voice down, Marion had unbuttoned her pants and slipped her hand down into Gabriel’s pants. When Marion’s fingers made contact with Gabriel’s clit, Gabriel sucked in her breath. Marion had caught her by surprise and just by touching her clit, Marion made Gabriel cum yet again.

As Marion continued to work her way down, she worked Gabriel’s pants off her hips and down her shapely legs. Marion kept her one hand in Gabriel’s cunt while she worked her way down with her other hand and mouth. Gabriel was now having almost non-stop mini orgasms as Marion continued to work her. As Marion neared Gabriel’s flower with her mouth, Gabriel stuck back by spinning around so that her mouth was buried in Marion’s cunt and Marion’s mouth in hers. They both began to tongue one another. Higher and higher they climbed and then just as Gabriel was about to have the mother or orgasms, Marion stopped. At first Gabriel was confused and she whimpered when Marion got up and opened a desk drawer. When Marion stood back though Gabriel was stunned for Marion had a piece of wood shaped like a giant cock in her hand. The thing had some leather straps on it that confused Gabriel, but not for long as Marion used the straps to attach the cock to her.

Marion was climbing up between Gabriel’s legs when Gabriel opened her mouth to ask what the hell was that. Marion silenced her with a finger over Gabriel’s lips and using some of her saliva as lubricant slipped the wooden cock very slowly into Gabriel. The stars that were usually going off in Gabriel’s eyes when she and Marion were together had been replaced with supernovas. Gabriel felt this new tool stretch her out and she had never felt so full. Gabriel grunted as Marion finally bottomed out. Marion held still for about half a minute and during that time they stared into each other’s eyes. As Marion started to shift her hips, Gabriel did as well. This was simply too intense for Gabriel not to participate. She tried talking but all that came out of her mouth was ohhs and ahhs and moans and groans. Gabriel’s hips sped up even as Marion didn’t and before long Gabriel was fucking herself on

Marion’s strap-on. Marion was prepared for this though and just before Gabriel was able to cum, Marion stopped and pulled out until Gabriel was able to calm down some. As Gabriel was calming down, Marion pulled her off the desk and spun her around. Marion then pushed Gabriel until she was bent over the edge of Marion’s desk. She didn’t even give Gabriel a chance to speak before she rammed her wooden cock back into Gabriel’s soaking cunt. Using her hands, Marion pinned Gabriel down to her desk as she sawed her cock in and out of Gabriel. Sometimes as Marion would thrust in, their clits would come into contact and sent electric shocks through both of them. As they went, Marion made sure to move so their clits would continue kissing. This was driving both of them to the brink and Marion got there moments before Gabriel. It was now Marion’s turn for supernovas. Just as Gabriel started to cum, Marion pulled out too far and, in her haste, to get back in; accidentally drove her cock into Gabriel’s virgin ass. Thankfully Marion couldn’t thrust too far into Gabriel for that could have led to Gabriel getting seriously hurt. As it was, Marion’s mistake was painful enough and Gabriel went from singing like an opera singer to crying like a baby. Marion had the strap-on off of her in a second and had Gabriel wrapped up in her arms. Marion stayed there and cradled Gabriel until she was cried out and then it was Marion’s turn to cry for, she could have hurt her lover and she couldn’t stand the thought of ever hurting her.

“You know Marion” started Gabriel “that thing is almost as amazing as the woman wheedling it.” This made Marion smile a little “Next time you want to plow that thing up my ass though we might want to look into using something like lard for lube. I think that once I get though the pain that might be really, really good.” Marion was now amazed for here was her lover talking about willingly taking it in the ass. “What, I think that it might be fun to experiment; after all, just think about what would have happened if we had been prudes like everyone else when Luke introduced us.”

“Aye you’re right sweetie.” Marion said after thinking for a second.

As the woman were getting ready to resume their gentle kissing, someone knocked on the door

“Yes, what is it?” asked Marion

“Message from Coronal Pollyanna marked urgent.” Said the voice

“Just a minute” Marion and Gabriel quickly put their clothes on, made sure that they were decent and definitely made sure that their new toy was put away.

“Enter” Marion said after quietly unlocking the door.

The messenger was obviously in a hurry and Marion recognized him as one of Pollyanna’s most trusted lieutenants. He handed the message to Marion who read it:

“Have spotted possible enemy troops entering from the northwest. Forces consist of approximately one thousand infantry and five hundred cavalrymen mostly man-at-arms but also fifty or so knights. Wearing colors consistent with the lake district. Keeping forces hid and unknowns under observation.

Coronal Pollyanna, Corp of Engineers”

Gabriel read the message over Marion’s shoulder.

“What do you think ma’am?” asked Gabriel. When it was business, Gabriel always called Marion ma’am

“What I think is irrelevant. Just having those troops so close is a serious threat.” Turning to the messenger:

“Take this order back to the Coronal. Keep under observation as long as you can do so without being spotted. Will need updates as you can give them. Under absolutely no circumstances are you to engage but do everything in your power to slow them down. Will need a day or two to mobilize the rest of the army.

Marion of York”

Marion gave the messenger the orders and told him to get a fresh horse and a quick bit to eat before leaving. The man left and Marion called her orderly.

“Gather the regimental commanders in the war room. I will be holding a briefing in thirty minutes.”

“Yes ma’am” and the orderly sped off like a gazelle.

“Sounds like you’re going to be earning your pay again sweetie. I want you at the briefing as well so you better get going. I’m going to see if Luke is well enough to join us.”

Gabriel snapped to attention and giving her salute, turned on her heel and shot out of the room. Marion left moments later, closing the door behind her. Moments later she was in Luke’s room. To her surprise, he was up and getting dressed. He hadn’t got his shirt on when Marion came in so she could easily see the arrow wound on his abdomen and his arm was in a sling. Before she could even speak Luke asked her:

“How bad?” Marion was surprised at first but with Luke she half expected that.

“About fifteen to eighteen hundred men headed this way. Possible they came from the lake district.”

“Probably heard about Cecilia being crushed.”

“Honey you keep forgetting that armies in this day and age can’t mobilize that fast. I bet they started mobilizing when they first heard that Richard had been killed and with winter thrown in there that would make perfect sense.”

“Ya, guess so. Also, I bet that they were waiting a bit for the grass to grow and to see what happened between you and Cecilia.” Marion nodded “When is the briefing? I’m assuming that’s why you’re here in the middle of the day.”

“In about twenty minutes.”

“Can you help me with my shirt then please. I’m still a little sore.” As Marion was helping with his shirt Luke said “You also might want to wash yourself up some, you smell of hot girl sex; and you might want to hurry and tell Gabriel as well.”

Now Marion blushed fiercely for she didn’t realize that she smelled of sex. Luke didn’t help her any either when he came in for a kiss. Marion thought that he was going for her lips, but at the last second, he swerved and got her neck. His whiskers tickled Marion to no end and she loved it. He then whispered in her ear:

“So how do I compare?”

“There’s no comparison between the two of you and you know it Luke. There’s no way that I’m getting rid of you, after all you are my world.”

Luke smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss. Come on we need to get to your meeting. At the door, Luke had to stop and tie a shoe. He was finding that he was still having problems doing most things for himself. He waved to Marion that she should go on and he would catch up so Marion walked through the door to her war room. Inside all her regimental commanders were already there.

“Why did you call this meeting?” asked one of them. It was obvious that he was annoyed. The door behind Marion opened and he sounded like he had swallowed a shoe sideways when he seen Luke enter in uniform. ‘Oh, fuck this is serious’ was the thought that was going through everyone’s minds.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I won’t be keeping you long but we have been invaded. I got a message from Coronal Pollyanna about half an hour ago. She has sighted just short of two thousand troops entering our lands from the northwest. Current evidence suggest that they hail from the lake district.”

All the commanders swallowed for they knew what would happen should those fuckheads got into York. Marion then continued.

“So far we don’t have too much intel but I have already ordered Coronal Pollyanna to keep them under observation and to do everything she can do to slow them down without engaging. You all have until this time tomorrow to get your troop mobilized and ready to march. I want to be headed out of town before dawn Sunday morning. Now if there are no questions...” Marion looked around and nobody said anything. “Then dismissed.”

The amount of noise increased drastically as everyone got up and headed for the door. Soon Marion, Gabriel, and Luke were alone.

“Sounds like you’re going to be earning your pay again Gabriel.”

“You know your wife was just saying the same thing.”

“Well, you know they say evil minds like alike.”

“Hey, I’m not evil; I’m the good one. Don’t you see my halo?” protested Marion

“Aye being held up by horns.” Snickered Gabriel

“Gabriel!!!” shouted Marion as she punched Gabriel in the shoulder. Luke laughed then cleared his throat

“I should be getting going to so I can get the artillery ready.”

“You’re not going anywhere but back to bed mister.” Growled Marion. Normally with anyone else that would have been the end of the discussion, but Luke was the exception because he wasn’t afraid of Marion. Luke just gave her a look. “Gabriel, help your boss out will you please?”

“Nope. I might be brave and crazy but I’m not stupid. One; there is no way that I’m getting involved in anything between you and Luke. Two; I think that you’re going to be needing his help anyway and he does know the artillery better than anyone and we haven’t replenished all of the powder yet. Hopefully in a month or so we will be able to keep up.” Marion knew when she was beat.

“OK Luke. Get going. Just make sure to save some energy for me tonight.”

“Yes ma’am.” Luke snapped to attention every centimeter looking like the marine he was and saluted as best he could. Marion returned the salute and Luke was off. Marion actually shed a tear watching Luke turn and leave.

The rest of the day flew by for Marion. She had so much to do and not much time to do it in. She did make time to go and try to talk to Cecilia to see what she might know.

“It’s God’s will. They have the best army in the north and they will crush you like the bug you fucking are” snapped Cecilia.

“Somehow I doubt that.” Knowing that anymore was a waste of time, Marion went to find Alice to give the news.

“Fuck!” was Alice’s response and she started mobilizing all of her resources so that they could deal with more casualties.

By the time that Marion had got back to her rooms for the night, she was exhausted. Gabriel was already there and lightly snoring. Marion smiled to herself as she undressed and climbed in behind Gabriel. They snuggled against each other and Marion passed out.


The next morning, Luke still hadn’t come to bed and Marion was a little concerned so she got out of bed before Gabriel and while she was getting dressed, Gabriel woke up.

“What’s up?” asked Gabriel still trying to get the sleep out of her eyes.

“Luke didn’t find his way up here last night and I’m curious as to why.”

“Ok well give me a couple of minutes and I’ll come with you.” True to her word, Gabriel was dressed a couple of minutes later and they were off to find out what happened to Luke. Their first stop was the artillery barracks and they found them a beehive of activity. Every soldier was already up, dressed, and preparing for action even through the sun wasn’t even up yet. When asked they said that Luke had woke everyone up almost an hour ago and gave everyone a list of things that he wanted them to get done before lunch. Marion looked at one of his lists and was amazed at how long it was and how many of the things on that list that she would have never thought of.

The next place they checked was the armory and that too was a beehive of activity. Luke had been there too and left them with list. Only theirs was even longer than the artillery list. The third place on the ladies list was suggested by one of the guys in the armory. He told them that they should check out the powder mill for Luke seemed to be pissed with both the quantity and quality of the new powder. When they were still almost a half a block from the brand-new powder mill, they could hear Luke bellowing and he was beyond pissed. They quickened their steps so they could get there and hopefully defuse Luke’s temper before the whole mill blew up.

When Marion came through the door, she stopped so suddenly that Gabriel ran right into the back of her and fell on her ass. When Gabriel looked up, she could see why Marion had stopped. Luke was white as a sheet in his anger. They watched as his fist went right through a barrel of powder. Neither of them had ever seen Luke this mad, but as they listened, they began to understand why. This powder was almost useless for it had been mixed wrong and Luke had left very exacting instructions on how to make the powder. Apparently, the guy that Marion had put in charge of the mill was some kind of alchemist and thought that he knew better then Luke. Luke was finally slowing down in proving to the idiot that he was indeed an idiot. The guy was trying his best to get away from Luke; and Marion actually wondered if the guy was going to catch on fire given Luke’s full command of several languages.

Eventually, Luke seemed to relax but nobody else in the building did. After all Luke had always seemed like such an easy-going person and now he had just gone thermonuclear on someone. Luke had barely calmed down when he told the idiot to get out of the building and never come back. As the guy was hurrying out of the building, Luke yelled at him once more:

“And don’t even think about taking this or ANY other formula that you might have learned here to anyone else for if I find out you do; I will hunt you down and rip you to pieces with my bare hands.”

The poor man was now so scared that he pissed himself as he ran from the building. Marion was about to vomit for Luke had scared her shitless as well. Gabriel meanwhile was just standing there in absolute shock. Luke however wasn’t wasting any time. He sent a message to the artillery barracks saying that they were all to forget the rest of their list and report immediately to the powder mill. He then started reorganizing the remaining workers. To say that resistance was muted would be an understatement. Luke was so into his work that he didn’t even notice Marion and Gabriel turn and leave, hell he hadn’t even noticed that they were there in the first place.

After the artillery unit got to the mill and Luke had instructed them on what he wanted them to do, he had all the remaining powder gathered up so he could see if any of it could be saved. Thankfully most of it could be saved but it would take some time. Luke worked tirelessly the rest of the day and into the night. It was after midnight before Luke managed to find his way back to Marion’s rooms. There he stripped down and passed out in a comfortable chair. He didn’t want to lay down in bed because he was beyond dirty with gun powder. He had put in a long day but he thought that as long as they were careful, they should have enough powder to get by.

The rest of the day the girls were busy as well. Marion got several updates on the approaching army’s progress. The fact that they were hostile was no longer in doubt when they caught a village unprepared and slaughtered everyone in it except the young women. Pollyanna reported that she was destroying bridges in the army’s path and downing trees across the road to help slow them down but they were moving fast. Marion and Gabriel did make sure that they both took the time to make sure that their personal weapons were clean and ready. By this time, Luke had managed to also make a revolver for Marion and she was actually a somewhat decent shot. All that day Alice had the doctors and nurses and anyone else she could round up making bandages and sulfa powder. She made sure that her alcohol supply was topped off and all the instruments were clean and sharp. That night when Marion and Gabriel were finally able to turn in, they found Luke snoring in a chair, half dressed. It seemed that he was so tired that he couldn’t get any further. Marion finished undressing Luke and covered him with an old blanket for he was filthy and he stunk. By this time, Gabriel had got them some warm water and they cleaned each other off with rags. After they were reasonably clean, they went to bed as well.

The next morning, an orderly woke the three of them up before dawn. It was time to finish marshalling the troops and head out. Marion made sure that she left enough troops in town to protect it and keep the prisoners from Cecilia’s army under control. The fact that Marion had them all moved to more secure areas of the castle helped. She also ordered all the wounded that could be safely moved out of the hospital be moved as soon as possible.

It was just after dawn had broken when the army marched out of town. Everyone that could had turned out to cheer on Marion’s army even through it was a Sunday. Even though she had only been in charge for two weeks, she was extremely popular with the entire population. Most of the people were even starting to slowly gain some weight again. The trip out was uneventful much to Marion’s relief. It seemed that Luke’s forethought was saving the army a great deal of time and many headaches. Luke still cautioned her:

“Remember the great saying my darling, “In war everything is simple, but the simplest thing it difficult”” Karl Von Clausewitz. Luke was full of sayings like that “Amateurs study tactics, Professionals study logistics.” “An Army marches on its stomach.” “War is hell.” And many others. Marion had heard them all before and she tried her best to take them to heart. After all Luke had been a professional soldier for years and he had experienced all of these things firsthand. Thankfully Luke had a couple of books that helped Marion become a general. One was The Art of War and the other was On War. Marion had read and reread both books to the point where she almost had the damn things memorized.

A few times when they were riding, Marion did have to admit to herself that she did led an impressive army. By now it was almost 2200 hundred men and women strong. It had highly advanced weapons All the infantry carried single shot bolt action rifles that shot a prepared cartridge and had an effective range of almost eight hundred meters. Every one of them were also equipped with a bayonet and a K-BAR combat knife. All the cavalry carried two cap and ball six shot revolvers, a saber, and a carbine rifle. The artillery was the most impressive for they were armed with twelve pounder smoothbore cannons and 3-inch ordinance field guns. These guns were light and made of cast iron. The soldier’s training in many ways was even more impressive. Every man and woman had been drilled until they could do their jobs in their sleep. Then they were drilled some more. Luke had also seen to it that they were all cross trained, especially the cavalry. Luke had also seen to the creation of a highly effective supply line that could keep the army well supplied in the field without having to resort to foraging.

One of the first rules that Marion had put in place for her army was that civilians and prisoners were not to be mistreated without orders. Luke convinced her to put that last bit in for he knew what kind of weapon fear was. There would use it when a town wouldn’t surrender. The choice for the town was simple: surrender and allow the army to march in and the town would be protected or if they fought back, the town would be sacked.

Every village and town that Marion’s army came to surrendered without a thought of fighting. In fact, as the army marched through many of the civilians would come out to watch and some would cheer. In many of the larger settlements, Marion would leave a company of infantry and a cavalry squad with orders to keep the peace, ensure the supply line, and finally to start improving the local infrastructure.

After three days of marching, Marion’s army came into contact with the invaders. Marion had known where they were at all times, thanks to Pollyanna’s reports. When Pollyanna and Marion finally met back up, Marion immediately ordered Pollyanna’s engineers back to camp. They were to eat, sleep, and clean up for they had been living on cold food and sleeping on the bare ground for almost a week. Marion was going to give her tent and bed over to Pollyanna but she refused saying that she would stay with her unit. Marion did order that Pollyanna’s troops were to have first dibs on supplies and beds for they were all exhausted.

It was late afternoon when the armies had met sort of. Marion’s army could see the enemy but the enemy had no idea that Marion’s army was in the area for they were not maintaining adequate scouting. As far as Luke was concerned so much the better. Marion’s commanders spend the rest of the day finalizing their plans. The enemy had already bedded down for the evening. Apparently, they were in no hurry for they only moved maybe eight miles a day. Marion’s could move almost twenty miles a day when they wanted to. By dusk the plans had been finalized, the main attack would come from the East as the sun was rising. Before the attack, the cavalry would circle around to prevent anyone from escaping. Now the hard part began, the waiting for the attack.
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