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Kurtis has to please the rakshasa queen!
The Son of Lust

Chapter Eighteen: Pleasing the Rakshasa Queen

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2020

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story.

Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith

My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the queen.

Dawn peeked through Princess Lavhi's window. My sisters, sex slaves, and I had been up all night first taming Princess Naryu and then breaking the treacherous Princess Lavhi into a pleasure addict. She whimpered on the floor with the vibrator buzzing away in her cunt.

I didn't want to see the queen. She was dangerous. A capricious rakshasa. My mind needed rest. I wanted to be heading back to the Treasure Box and sailing away from Ankush and Naith. I had accomplished my goal: to breed a rakshasa princess. Two, in fact. And I was even keeping them as my sex slaves.

Breeding members of the all-female reaches that my father, Las, had spawned was a goal of mine. Mermaids, lampades, and now rakshasas were down. But there were others. Werewolves in the Haunted Forest, nagas and lamia in the Empire of Shizhuth, and more. I had to go to the Empire to speak with the Serpent Oracle and find some clues on how to save my father. Along the way, I would fuck and breed as much as possible.

“Let us dress, then we'll be heading there,” I told the servant who brought the summons.

“Hurry,” she said and bowed out of the room.

The guards glanced at Princess Lavhi lying on the floor, trembling in ecstasy. They served her. “Are you okay, Mistress?” the chief guard asked. Korvan was missing one eye, giving him a fearsome look. “Do you need help?”

“I'm wonderful,” she moaned, her gold collar about her throat. “The vibrator's buzzing away in me. Yes, yes, yes. Master gives me pleasure.”

“Master?” Korvan asked, staring at me.

I winked at him. “Close the door. Right, Lavhi. Tell them to go.”

“Yes, yes, do it,” she moaned. “Just... I... Oh, that's so good!”

She rolled onto her back, her big tits jiggling as she squirmed through her pleasure. I smiled at the rakshasa broken by pleasure. My sister Lasla looked proud of what her toy had accomplished. Then worry crossed her face.

This next part would be dangerous.

I pulled on my blue robes, my sisters their green and purple robes, while my dragon-mother her red robes. Nephi didn't wear any clothes nor did I let the two princesses get dressed. Naryu purred as she knelt before me, ready to crawl like my kitten. Lavhi took more work to get into position.

I ripped out the vibrator. She gasped, “No, no, give it back to me! I need it!”

“Then crawl before me like your cousin,” I growled.

“Yes!” she moaned and fell into a crouch next to Naryu. “Just please, please, please put the vibrator back in my cunt, Master.”

“Will you be good and obey?” I asked.

She nodded eagerly, her black hair spilling about her dark-brown face. She looked human right now. “I will, Master. Always. Just... please, the vibrator. I need it. My pussy is empty.”

I slammed the buzzing shaft of gold back into her cunt.

She groaned and arched her back. She wiggled her hips and then crawled forward before I even gave her a command. The end of the vibrator thrust out of her shaved pussy, her cunt aimed right at me. So was Naryu's, both dripping wet.

“Let's go,” I said and Naryu crawled forward to catch up with her cousin. Then she opened the door.

We swept out into the hallway. The guards stared at me with shock. I just winked at them and followed my two rakshasa-princesses. My royal sex slaves crawled down the corridor, Lavhi moaning and groaning the entire time. My sisters flanked me and my dragon-mother and Nephi followed behind us.

“This is going to be dangerous,” said Pyrriah. “We should race for the ship and get out of Naith.”

“Queen Athirmi will hunt us down if we flee, won't she, Princess Naryu?”

“Oh, yes, my mother will not be happy. She will send every soldier and champion she has after you.”

“He's going to seduce her,” said Lasla. She glanced at me, a pensive look on her face. “Right?”

“Do I ever fail to seduce any woman?” I asked.

“You've never tried to seduce a queen,” she said. “A woman who rules with more domination than you have in you.” She shifted. “I don't mean to make that sound like an insult. You dominate perfectly, but Queen Athirmi is a tyrant. She inflicts cruelly and suffering on those who displease her.”

“Mmm, she does,” Naryu said. “You must be careful around my mother. Guard what you say. She will seek to gain any advantage she can while denying you anything to use against her.”

“I'll be careful,” I said as we moved through the red brick hallways.

There were more servants now that the Ziggurat was waking up. Not the royal rakshasas, but their minions scurrying about. Some were bringing in trays of food. Others looked exhausted like they had been up all night satiating their mistress's pleasures.

They all gasped at the two rakshasa-princesses crawling before me. Then they stared at me. Whispers echoed behind me. I loved the attention. Everyone here knew what I'd done. They would tell stories about me.

The man who collared two rakshasa-princesses, one the queen's own daughter

We climbed stairs and ascended several floors. I hoped it wasn't a mistake to have tamed the two princesses. I could have just bred them and left the city before I was summoned to the queen. But I wanted to have some pets, especially after Princess Lavhi had tried to manipulate me.

The path led us outside the Ziggurat onto a terrace that faced the east. The sun was rising over the city, the golden disk already a dozen finger's width from the horizon. The days heat swelled but the cooling wind blew up here, unlike down in the stifling warrens of the city. Ankush sprawled around the Ziggurat, a maze of streets, the vast majority of buildings made of white stone.

The terrace led to a set of stairs that climb up to the peak. From here, it was clear that the top level of the Ziggurat was open to the sky. Queen Athirmi must like her view. I swallowed as I followed the princess-slaves as they ascended the stairs. My sandal-clad feet smacked on the black rocks as I marched up after them.

My gaze crested the top of the stairs and swept over the room, a series of columns supporting the pinnacle of the Ziggurat above her head It was larger than I thought, reminding me just how immense the Ziggurat was. A mature and beautiful woman sat on the throne, her legs crossed. She wore diaphanous robes of purple trimmed in gold, her lush body peeking through. The familiarity to Naryu was there in the features, my slave just blossoming while her mother had become a perfect flower.

Unsurprising, she wasn't alone. Two centaurs flanked her throne. I had heard of legends of the creatures. An all-male race birthed by Las. These two were similar in shape and build, their human torsos muscular and strong, but were otherwise different in appearance. One had a beige coat and pale-olive skin, his black hair and beard thick and curly. He had a sword hanging from his waist. The other had ebony skin that flowed into a midnight-black hide. He held a spear, his eyes hard.

Kneeling before the throne were three figures. On the right side were a pair of twin sisters, naked and cuddled together with obvious intimacy. Both had orange hair and green eyes while their skin was the same pale-olive eyes as the centaur with the sword. Their eyes were shaped like almonds, too, their faces young and with a vixenish quality to them. Hungry and playful. The other was a lamia. I could tail by the cat ears thrusting out of her black hair and the tail swishing behind her. She had a gold collar about her neck that the queen held in an idle hand.

Leaning in the shadow of a column, was a pale-skinned woman. She was hard to read, only the form of her figure easy to make out. She watched with eyes that made me shiver. I ignored her and turned to the last two figures standing behind the throne.

Both were warriors. One had the gnarled build of a troll. I was shocked to see one of those brutal monsters here. He had long arms, hide like bark covering his body. Beside him was a tall and swarthy woman with a muscular build and big breasts. She wore only a kilt, her body gleaming with oil. She had bone piercings thrust through her nipples.

An orc. Like my hero, Thrak.

The two princess-slaves and pressed their faces lower, though Lavhi moaned and whimpered, the vibrator buzzing away. I felt the queen's eyes on me. I knelt on one knee, my sisters following suit.

“You summoned me, Your Majesty,” I said, staring at Queen Athirmi with hunger.

“Indeed,” she said, her fingers drumming on the armrests of her throne. “I am greatly intrigued by what you've down, Kurtis.”

“I am honored to receive your attention,” I said, rising to stand before her.

“I am curious why you have traveled to my city,” she said. “It is not the destination of those who do not have goods to sell or buy. Outsiders do not come for a visit.”

“Isn't it enough that I wanted to enjoy the pleasures of your city?” I asked. “After all, your daughter and niece are exquisite.”

“I can see that,” she said, staring at them. “You are a bold man to try to collar one rakshasa let alone two.” Her lips pursed in tight. “And now you're here before me. Are you plotting how to collar me?”

“Of course not,” I said. “The two princesses are enough souvenirs of Ankush for me. It's time for me to move on.”

“That is wise that you do not risk my enmity.” She stared at me, her fingers drumming louder. The sound echoed through the throne room. You'd think it was just me and her from how quiet it was.

“I would never risk that, Your Majesty,” I said.

“Mmm,” she said. “Still, I wonder if that is all you are here for. Just two tame two princesses and, what, leave?”

I shrugged.

“Where will you go next?” She shifted on her throne. “I am curious where a man like you would choose to travel. I understand your ship, the Treasure Box, waits in the harbor. Normally, that vessel comes to this city to trade. However, they've done precious little of that as they wait on you. Where do you need the ship to take you?”

“The Shizhuth Empire,” you say nonchalantly.

The lamia hisses in shock. The twins stared at me. I heard one of the centaurs snort in disgust.

“The naga empire...” purred Queen Athirmi. “Why?”

I hesitated for a second. Then, what did keeping it secret matter? “To see the Serpent Oracle.”

Queen Athirmi leaned back, her large breasts jiggling beneath her diaphanous robe. She recrossed her silky legs while something glints in her eyes. Her tongue flicks feline across her lips. “That's bold, Kurtis.”

I shrugged.

“And dangerous to go there.”

I put my hands on the heads of the two rakshasa princesses. I scratched them, both of them purring. “It was dangerous to come here. But I didn't mind taking risks to get what I want.”

The queen's eyes slid over my other women. “Still, the nagas are not nearly as welcoming to outsiders as I am.” A dangerous smile spread on her lips. “And I am sure you can tell how friendly we are.”

That would be a problem.

“The naga are xenophobic and close-minded. And if they lean you have two collared rakshasas, one of them my daughter, well... What shall they think of you allying with their enemy.”

“Enemy?” I asked. Why would they be enemies? They didn't even share a border. Weren't even on the same landmass. We were on an island continent while Shizhuth dominated the eastern end of the northern continent, or so I had seen from studying the charts on the Treasure Box.

“You don't know?” Queen Athirmi asked. “Why, economics.”

“That's... trade, right?” I had learned that people outside of the island where I'd grown up were obsessed with trading bits of gold, silver, and copper. They seemed to think this was worth something. It was useless. Sure, it was pretty, but it wouldn't feed or clothe you.

“Slaves are such a necessary parts of both our nations' economies,” the queen said. She glanced won't at the twins and the lamia kneeling before her throne. “And there are only so many of them in the world.”

“I see,” my voice flat. I found the taking and trading of slaves to be abhorrent. It wasn't like dominating a woman and making her into your sex slave. They had to surrender to it willingly. These slaves were stolen from homes by force, beaten, broken, twisted. It was barbaric.

“Privateers from both our nations sail the seas looking for the opportunity to take from the other.” Queen Athirmi continued. “Our ships war. It's not an official one, but it still is sanctioned by both myself and the empress. And then there is the matter of the Oracle. The empress has her scaled tail coiled tight around her Serpent Oracle. She is a jealous naga.”

“Well, I'm sure I can lose those coils,” I said and gave her a roguish wink.

She arched an eyebrow and straightened even more in her throne. “My, my, what a bold one. You are confident you can seduce the Empress of Shizhuth.”

“Of course,” I said without a hint of doubt. I stepped forward, grinning at her. “After all, I'm seducing you, Your Majesty.”

She squeezed her thighs tighter and purred, “Are you?”

I grinned as I stopped right before her throne. I could feel the lust stirring in her. It had been building since I had stepped before her. No, no, she had an itch in her that led her to summon me after she heard about my actions.

“And just how do you plan on doing that,” she purred, amusement in her voices. “You think that I'll swoon like my daughter and niece? That I will succumb and be collared.”

“I told you,” I said. “I have no plans of collaring you. But fucking your hard, well, that is something I'm eager to do.”

“You haven't convinced me.”

“Because I haven't made you cum,” I declared and then fell to my knees before her. “Your Majesty, enjoy.”

I pressed her thighs apart. She didn't resist. Her thin robes rustled. They were nearly open, only loosely held close by a cloth belt. The scent of her sweet twat filled my nose. It was a stimulating and intoxicating aroma.

Beside me, the lamia and the twins shifted. They stared at me with shocked interest. I could feel everyone looking at me. I smiled as I pushed her thighs further apart and stared at the queen's royal cunt adorned by a thick bush of black hair.

I glanced at the twins with their slanted eyes and fiery hair. “Suckle on your mistress's breasts.”

My command, pushed with a touch of my sexual power, had the twins half-rising before they froze and glanced at Queen Athirmi. They swallowed, their bodies pressing tighter together as fear appeared in their eyes.

“You may obey him,” said the queen, and then she opened her robes. “He thinks to show me something I've never experienced before.

“Oh, you've experienced it,” I said, shrugging. “I just know you'll love what I give you.”

The two twins rose, one walking behind me. They perched on the throne's wide armrests and ducked their head downs. Queen Athirmi's breasts, the same swarthy hue as the rest of her, were large and pillowy. She had a mature figure, a woman in her prime.

The twins grabbed their mistress's tits and leaned down. They latched on and suckled with hunger. Their hips wiggled back and forth as they did. They had fiery bushes that beaded with dewdrops.

I grinned and left them to their suckling. Queen Athirmi let out a throaty purr that turned into a gasp as I nuzzled into her bush and found the lips of her pussy. I licked at the folds of her tangy twat, and enjoyed a flavor similar to her daughter's.

My tongue fluttered up and down the queen's snatch. She yowled and whimpered as I feasted on her. I licked with hunger, my tongue sliding through her thick folds. Her silky bush rubbed on my face. Her thighs squeezed about my head, holding me to her cunt.

I thrust my tongue into the queen's pussy. I wasn't here to dominate the queen—the risks were too great—but to let her allow me to leave the Ziggurat. I would suffuse her with passion. I would make her gasp and yowl and cum. She would be buzzing with so much joy, she would allow me to depart with my conquests.

Her news about Shizhuth, though, was disturbing.

I ignored those fears. I had a queen to make cum. I needed her gasping and moaning. I wanted her crying out in ecstasy. I thrust my tongue to the hilt in her cunt. I swirled around in her. I caressed her with hunger.

She whimpered and moaned, her passion echoing through the throne room. I loved the sounds she made as I licked at her. My tongue darted around her folds. She quivered through the pleasure that I delivered to her. Her juices grew hotter and hotter.

“Yes, yes, yes!” she yowled. “Pater's cock, you are a dangerous man.”

“I know,” I growled and fluttered my tongue up her folds to her clit.

“So dangerous,” she groaned as I caressed her bud with my tongue.

I danced around her pearl then I sucked on clit. She gasped and moaned, her thighs squeezing tighter about my head. Her orgasm built in her. It had to be a stronger one, though. It had to explode through her.

I thrust three of my fingers into her cunt.

The rakshasa-queen gasped as my fingers penetrated her royal pussy. I thrust my digits in and out of her snatch while I suckled on her clit. She yowled and growled as I nursed on her bud. I sucked on her with hunger.

“Mmm, Kurtis!” she growled. “Gods, that's it. You are bold. I like that.”

“You want to see bold?” I asked and then curled my fingers in her cunt.

I suckled on my clit as I searched for that very special spot in a woman's pussy. That place that when you massaged it made a woman explode. I needed that from the queen. My instincts guided me right to the place.

Her pussy clenched down on me as I massaged that spot. I rubbed my fingers up and down that naughty spot, wanting to make her gasp and moan. She would cry out with such sweet release once I was done with her.

Queen Athirmi squeezed her thighs tight about my head. She held me to her and humped against me. Her moans grew louder and louder. Then her head blurred. Fur sprouted. Her true visage appeared, the proud tiger's head.

She roared her passion as her orgasm built and built. I rubbed at her special spot and suckled on her clit. Her pussy clamped down hard on my digits. Her entire body quivered with her impending passion.

I knew this was it.

“KURTIS!” roared the Queen of Naith.

She came.

Her pussy convulsed around my digits. I abandoned her clit to lick up the tangy flood. I felt the detonation of bliss bursting through her. The rapture swept through her body. My dick throbbed in my robe as she tossed her feline head.

“Kurtis,” she growled, my name distorted by her inhuman jaw.

I kept licking and lapping up her cream. I savored the flavor of her juices flowing down my throat. They ran down my chin, too. It was an incredible treat. A magnificent delight. I groaned, drinking down the flood of her passion.

“Oh, Kurtis,” she growled as her orgasm hit its peak. “Oh, that's good. That's so good. Yes, yes, yes.”

“Your welcome, Your Majesty,” I growled, pulling my fingers out of her snatch.

“Mmm, your tongue was amazing, but your fingers...” She stared at me with her feline eyes. She licked her chops, whiskers twisting. “Stand up and strip naked. Let me see you.”

I grinned at her and rose. I unknotted the belt holding close my robe, my hard cock popping out. I slid out of the garment and stood tall and muscled before her. She flicked her eye sup and down my cock and then paused at my girth.

A shiver ran through her.

She glanced at the centaurs then back at my dick. It was clear that, besides those two, she had never seen a cock as big as mine. Her whiskers twitched with more excitement while the twins kept suckling at her tits.

“Stop nursing,” she commanded.

The twins slid off her armrest and knelt down before her. The lamia stared at my dick with hunger in her eyes. She licked her lips, her tail twitching back and forth. I had planned on fucking a lamia in the Shizhuth Empire, maybe even keeping one.

They were sexy.

“Well, Your Majesty,” I said, grabbing my cock and shaking at her. “Shall I plunder the royal vault?”

“Bold and impertinence,” purred the queen. Her legs spread wider and draped over the throne's armrests. Her big boobs jiggled. “You have shown me something delicious. Let's see if your cock can compare. I haven't been satisfied with a human male in a very long time.”

I winked at her.

It would be stirring to see a centaur fuck her, but I had to get my dick in her right this moment. I had to ram into her and make her gasp and groan. I smiled, my dick twitching with the wild beat of my heart.

I stepped up to her, dick throbbing and aching. Her thighs swiped out and hooked me. She pulled me to her and grabbed my cock. She still had her tiger head. She had sharp fangs that could rip my throat open.

I had no fear. I could feel her passion. Her desires.

She pressed my dick right against her hot folds. She rubbed me up and down them. I groaned, savoring the kiss of her snatch on my cock. The silky delight was amazing. Then I thrust into her cunt. I buried hard into her royal twat.

She held me with her lithe thighs as I sank to the hilt in her cunt. Her juicy flesh squeezed about me. She purred in delight as I was in her. My hands grabbed her breasts while I buried my face into the side of her furry neck and breathed in her wonderful musk, her silky hairs caressing my face.

Queen Athirmi purred as I pulled my back my hips. Her cunt clung to my dick. She held me tight in her silky embrace. I shuddered, savoring that heat. I pumped away at her snatch. I pounded her as my hands kneaded her tits.

“Mmm, Your Majesty,” I groaned. “What an honor to be in your radiant embrace.”

“An honor?” she purred.

I rubbed my face up to her whiskers as I drove my cock to the depths of her cunt. Her silky flesh squeezed about me. She held me tight while my cock buried to the hilt in her twat. I slammed deep and hard into her. I plunged over and over into her snatch, my balls smacking into her.

I stared into her eyes and growled, “Oh, yes, an honor and privileged to fuck you, Your Majesty. To be in your pussy. It was a delight I had hoped to experience, but I thought it was slim odds that I would get the chance of enjoying your passionate embrace.”

She purred louder. “You are going around fucking dangerous monsters, huh? Like that sphinx.”

“Yes,” I growled, slamming deep into her cunt. “It was my great privilege to dominate her and tame her. Now she's mine.”

“And the blue-haired woman,” groaned the queen, her cunt squeezing about my dick. “What manner of dangerous beast is she.”

“My mother,” I groaned, slamming hard into Queen Athirmi's cunt.

“Truly?” The queen stared at me with amusement in her feline eyes. “And you collared her.”

“And bred her!” I growled, slamming hard into her cunt. I squeezed the queen's big and soft tits. “I have a fondness for mothers. They're so sexy.”

“Mmm, is that why you're pounding me so hard?” She licked my lips with her thick, rough tongue. “You've had my daughter and wanted to see what I was like.”

“Partly,” I growled. “And partly because you're the most beautiful monarch in the world.”

Her fur blurred as she threw back her head. Her human features returned as she burst out in delighted laughter, her cunt clenching down on my cock. Her fingernails raked down my back. I savored the pain as I pumped away at her motherly pussy.

“Mmm, I like being flattered,” she moaned.

“It's the truth,” I said. I certainly had not seen a more beautiful monarch than her.

She kissed me. Her lips claimed mine. Her tongue thrust past my lips. I growled into the kiss, fucking into her hard and fast. I groaned, savoring the way her snatch squeezed about my cock. How she held me.

Pleasured me.

I buried into the rakshasa-queen's cunt, savoring every moment of her hot flesh squeezing about me. She held me tight. That tight snatch clenched about me, bringing me closer and closer to erupting. I would have such a mighty orgasm. Just a big burst of pleasure that would sweep out of me.

But not before she climaxed.

I thrust my tongue into her mouth, my hands squeezing her tits. I kneaded those big mounds, knowing the pleasure was feeding down to her twat gripping my cock. I buried into her snatch again and again, my balls smacking into her taint.

Everyone watched me. My sisters and mother, my sex slaves and the queens. Those centaur warriors and the troll and the orc. They were all witnessing me ravish the Queen of Naith with my big dick.

I plunged into her snatch over and over again. She moaned into my lips.

Her fingernails raked my back. Burning lines of fire that spurred me to slam my cock deeper into her cunt.


My massaging fingers found her nipples. I gripped them. Pinched them. I twisted them. She gasped in delight as I buried into her cunt. Her twat held me tight. Her cunt massaged me. It was such a treat to enjoy this bliss.

I broke the kiss and tweaked her nipples. She purred, her cunt clamping down on my cock. Her silky flesh massaged my dick. I grinned, pounding into her snatch. She humped back up into me, her dark eyes burning.

“You're going to cum hard, aren't you?” I growled low, my balls smacking into her taint. “You're going to cum like a queenly slut on my dick.”

“Bold,” she purred.

I nuzzled into her ear. “Let me feel that royal cunt celebrating my cock. I want to feel your queenly snatch writhing like a whore around my dick, Your Majesty.”

She groaned, her fingernails raking across my back. I hissed at the pain and slammed my cock into her tight snatch. I buried into her over and over again. I pumped into her hard and fast. I rammed into her with passion.

My balls smacked into her taint. They smacked over and over into her hot flesh. I groaned as she squeezed about me. She held me tight. I loved it. I savored the way her cunt gripped me as I pumped away at her snatch.

“Cum like the queenly whore you are, Your Majesty!” I growled, pumping my dick hard into her snatch.

“Oh, yes, you are so bold, Kurtis!” she growled, her twat holding me tight as I pulled back.

Her orgasm built and built in her. I squeezed her big tits and slammed to the hilt in her snatch. She shuddered, her thighs squeezing about my waist. She nuzzled into my ear and licked my lobe. Her tongue caressed up me.

“You are such an intriguing man,” she groaned. “Gods, yes! I'm going to cum like a whore on your dick.”

“Good!” I groaned. “Everyone woman I fuck deserves that bliss.”

“Yes!” she hissed and then bucked.

Her pussy went wild around my cock. Her hot flesh convulsed around my dick. It felt incredible. I loved it. I buried into her snatch and then I erupted in her cunt. My jizz fired out of me. The pleasure slammed into my mind.

I basted her with my spunk. I pumped her full of my jizz. It was incredible to experience. Her twat rippled and writhed around my cock. Her twat suckled at my shaft. I groaned as she worked out my all my seed into her fertile depths.

I bred the Queen of Naith.

“Las's big dick,” I groaned as I pumped the last of my cum into her fertile snatch. “Gods, how did you like cumming like a whore, Your Majesty?”

“Mmm, I loved it,” she purred into my ear. She licked it. Her hand stroked up and down my back, her fingers hot and delicious to feel. “Even if you got to Shizhuth, there's no guarantee you'll ever step foot before the empress.”

“Oh?” I asked. Where was she going with this?

“She's surrounded by her shadow knights and the scheming members of her court. The nagas are just as vicious as rakshasa but not nearly as... adventurous.”


“She won't be curious and invite you into her presence to find out if you are as skilled as you appear.”

“I just have to get to her presence,” I said. “I can do it.”

“Her shadow knights are deadly and loyal, but...”

“But, Your Majesty.”

“I could make you my ambassador. Then she would have to see you.”

I paused. “Why would you do that? Seems too important to give to just anyone.”

“Mmm, you're not just anyone.” The queen nibbled on my earlobe. “You tamed my daughter and my niece. That's interesting.”

I shrugged. “Make me your ambassador and I'll make sure that the empress accepts your terms.”

“I'm sure you're very skilled at that, but I have to know you're capable of representing Naith.”


“Only one of strength and cunning will prevail. I have to know your mettle. Test you to see if you have what it takes to withstand negotiating with the naga and all the threats and dangers they will bring to bear on you.”

“How do you do that?” I asked, my dick throbbing in her cunt.

“I created three trials to find if a candidate is what I need.” She rubbed her cheek against mine in a feline manner. “They are the Trial of Pleasure, the Trial of Steel, and the Trial of Pain.”

I didn't like the sound of that last one.

“Now, since you tamed not one but two royal rakshasas, I think you will succeed at the Trial of pleasure.”

“I think I just did,” I told her. “How hard did you cum, Your Majesty?”

“Very,” she moaned, her pussy squeezing down on my cock.

“So that leaves the Trial of Steel and the Trial of Pain.”

“What's the Trial of Steel involve.”

“You will have to show your combat prowess in the arena against a champion of my choosing.” She shuddered beneath me.

“Oh. Okay.” Could I do that? “And the Trial of Pain?”

“You will face one of my skilled slave trainers. If she can break you, you weren't worthy. If you can endure, you will be it.”

“I need time to think about your offer,” I said and then I slid out of her pussy and rose. My cock thrust out before me.

“Don't take too long,” purred the queen. “I don't like to be kept waiting.”

“I'll make it soon,” I said and bowed.

“You may use Lavhi's quarters to rest,” the queen said. “They are larger than Naryu's.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” I murmured then turned and headed to my women.

Pyrriah and Lasla rushed up to me. Concern painted across my women's faces. They stared at me, swallowing. I smiled and cupped their faces. I could tell they were both brimming with questions about this decision I had to make.

“I'll explain,” I said. Then I turned back to the queen. She was sitting cross-legged again, her pussy brimming with my cum. “Your majesty, who will I have to fight in the arena.”

“What?” Pyrriah hissed. “Fight?”

“Solja, my troll,” said the queen.

My eyes fixed on the gnarled hulk. My blood ran cold at the sight of the monster. His race was born from Las's cum, too. But trolls were vicious rapists. Their seed would take root in a woman and she often died in childbirth.

“He is the current ambassador. Defeat him in the arena and—”

“NO!” Pyrriah shouted.



My outburst resounded through the open throne room. Everyone looked at me, the queen's eyes narrowing and fingers drumming on her armrest. The centaurs stamped their hooves. The woman in the back straightened, the shadows cloaking her. The orc and the troll continued to watch, but they looked different. Ready to fight.

“This is madness,” I gasped. I didn't understand why Kurtis would even want to fight in the arena. “Fight a troll?”

My brother glanced at me.

“You're getting good, but you don't have the skill,” I said.

“I haven't deiced to or not,” he said.

“No, you have,” I said. “I can see it in your eyes.” I did. It was always there. That drive to face challenges. You want to prove and prove and prove yourself. You always are looking for new challenges to conquer. But this...”

“Is needed,” he said.

I shook my head. “What about our task? You could die in the arena. Then what about...” She lowered her voice. “Our father.”

“We need to get to the oracle. This will let us move through the Shizhuth empire with ease. Gain an audience with the empress. This is the quickest and safest—”

“Fighting a troll is not the safest way!” I gasped. “I won't let you do this. I won't let you get killed.”

Shock ripped across my brother's face. “Let me, Pyrriah?”

“I'm not one of your slaves. I'm your sister! I won't let you get killed. I've barely taught you anything about fighting.”

“Sister?” Queen Athirmi asked. “Interesting. You talk to your brother like he's your husband.”

“He is!”

The queen smiled. “And what skill do you have, Pyrriah? What makes you think you can judge your brother's fighting ability.

“I have many skills,” I answered.

“How fascinating.” The queen leaned back, her large breasts quivering. “You know, Solja has a sister, too. Tharaka the Orc. She's a gladiator of great skill and renown.” The queen licked her chops. “We could make this very interesting. A two-on-two bout in two weeks' time. If you agree, Kurtis.”

“I agree to do it, Your Majesty!” he snapped without thought.

“What!” I gasped, looking at him in shock.

He turned to me and grinned in that cocky way of his. “You'll be there to watch my back.”

“Idiot,” I hissed even as a pleased flush washed through me.

Chuckling, he scooped me up into his arms. I gasped as he did that, my eyes wide. I stared at him in shock as he turned back to face the queen.

I whispered, “What are you doing.”

“Carrying you to bed,” he answered back then said louder, “Your Majesty, we shall be in the arena in two weeks' time.”

“I can't wait to crush you,” the troll growled from the back. “I will make jam out of your flesh and whittle your woman's bones into flutes.”

Kurtis just shrugged and then whirled. Lasla scurried at our side, looking as worried as I felt as he carried me down the stairs and back into the Ziggurat. I held my tongue as we navigated through the structure. Only speaking once we were back in Lavhi's quarters.

“This is madness!” I hissed the moment the door was closed. He kept walking to the bedroom.

“Idiocy!” Lasla added. “We can just go. You've bred the queen.”

“You cannot,” Naryu said. “Right, Lavhi.”

Lavhi lay on her side and moaned, “Cock! Need cock, Master!”

Naryu rolled her eyes. “My mother won't let you go. Not now.

“He's not going,” said my dragon-mother. “We are doing this, daughter. You'll be at his side. You have those skills at fighting for a reason. Perhaps Las saw this moment and readied you for it.

“Then we train,” I told him. “We train so much. I won't let you die. I won't.”

“After we sleep,” he said and then threw me down on the bed. He opened my robes with skill. “Mmm, you need to relax. Lasla, why don't you suck on her nipple. Mother, you, too. Naryu and Nephi, you're on guard.”

“Yes, Master,” my dragon-mother said. She crawled onto the bed and then sucked my left nipple into her mouth.

I gasped as she did. Lasla glanced at our brother and then she sighed and took off her robe. Then she crawled on the bed and latched onto my other nipple. My brother smiled and then he crawled onto the bed. He parted my legs and dove into my cunt.

I was wet. Horny. Itching for a cum after watching him with the queen. It wouldn't take long to get me off. I shuddered as he licked at me. His tongue danced through my snatch. He caressed me and tasted me. I squirmed, my heart pounding in my chest.

He brushed my clit while my dragon-mother and sister suckled at my nipples. I moaned and whimpered. Lavhi begged for cock on the floor, but she was ignored. My face scrunched up as my brother's tongue fluttered up to my clit.

He sucked on it.

I gasped at the feel of his tongue dancing over my clit. The pleasure flashed delight down to my cunt. I shuddered, my heart racing. This was incredible to feel. My heart pounded in my chest as he fluttered his tongue up and down my bud.

He knew I was close to cumming. He was giving me my orgasm fast.

“Yes,” I moaned, my red hair already flickering with my inner fire. “Oh, Kurtis!”

He suckled hard on my clit while my mother and sister nursed on my nubs. Their passion shot down to my cunt. I groaned, my pussy clenching. I shuddered, loving this bliss rippling through my body. It was incredible.

I humped against my brother, my orgasm swelling faster and faster. I gasped, my face scrunching up. He sucked. Then he nibbled. He nipped with his teeth and my bud burst with pleasure. I gasped as ecstasy swept through me.

“Oh, yes, yes, brother!” I moaned and bucked as the pleasure rushed out of my cunt.

He licked at me. He lapped up the juices gushing out of my cock. I groaned, savoring the bliss while my sisters kept suckling at my nipples. Delight shot to my pussy that convulsed and writhed. It fed the rapture sweeping through my body.

I bucked and groaned on the bed, my hair burning bright. My thighs squeezed about my brother's head. I held him to my cunt. It was such a delicious treat. I whimpered, my orgasm hitting that wonderful peak.

Then he ripped his head from between my thighs. He stared at me, my cream dripping down his chin. He was strong. Could I train him? I had to. He wouldn't back down, the stubborn fool. I swallowed and then he was lowering to me.

Our dragon-mother and sister pulled their heads away. Kurtis slid onto me. His hands caressed my body. Then he kissed me on the mouth. I shuddered, tasting my tangy pussy. I groaned, my body trembling beneath him. My boobs rubbed into his chest.

His cock nuzzled into my pussy.

He thrust into me. My cunt welcomed my brother into my pussy. I trembled, my arms and legs wrapping tight around him. My hair flickered with fire as his cock filled me up. He was incredible. I loved holding him in my cunt.

He drew back. My snatch clung to him. Pleasure rippled through my body. He groaned as he buried back into me. My nipples throbbed against his chest as he pumped away at me. He fucked me with force. He buried into my twat again and again with that thick dick. His balls smacked into my taint.

I climbed towards my orgasm. I rose closer and closer to that moment of ecstasy. He pumped away hard at me as we kissed. Our tongues danced. My twin brother and I were united. One flesh again. I savored the incestuous bliss.

I broke the kiss to moan, “Kurtis!”

“My fiery Pyrriah! “he groaned, driving his dick to the hilt in me. “Gods, yes!”

“Las's big dick, I'm going to cum!”

“Good!” He grinned at me and slammed his cock into my pussy.

I clung to him. I massaged him while I rose to my own orgasm. I would have such a huge one. I groaned, my body trembling beneath him. He buried more and more of his dick into me. I shuddered, so close to that moment of ecstasy.

That moment of bursting on my twin brother's huge dick.

It would be amazing. I loved cumming on his cock. My pussy clenched down on him.

“Kurtis!” I squealed.

He thrust hard into me. I shuddered beneath him, clutching tight with arms, legs, and cunt. I held my brother. My nipples throbbed against his chest. Then it happened. My pleasure burst out of me. This hot delight swept from my body.

It was intense. Wonderful. I quivered through the bliss, the rapture sweeping over my mind. I trembled there, loving every moment of my pussy convulsing around my brother's cock. My hair blazed bright as he drew back.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned as he slammed back into me. “Oh, Kurtis! Oh, yes, yes, I love you!”

“And I need you!” he groaned and buried into me. His cum erupted.

Hot jizz pumped into my pussy. I gasped and shuddered, his seed spurting into me over and over again. My cunt writhed around him. I bucked beneath him. I groaned, my tits rubbing into his chest while the pleasure drowned my mind.

“I need you, Pyrriah,” my brother moaned.

“You have me!” I moaned, clutching tight to him. My orgasm surged through me, my pussy rippling and writhing around his cock. I milked him. I worked out every drop of cum he had in his balls as I groaned, “I'll be at your side. Idiot.”

He smiled at me and kissed me. I shuddered, kissing him back and knowing that two weeks was not enough time to train him. Not enough time at all.

To be continued...
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