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The story picks up after Mary’s son Travis forced himself on her.
# A Willing Participant 3

The third installment in the story of Mary, a loner, and a deviant single mother addicted to sex, embroidered in a troubled and often abusive, incestuous relationship with her son. Immersing herself in bizarre sexual fantasies, Mary explores a growing interest in public masturbation to distract her from her desires for her son.

Be warned, this is a very lengthy story, a two-hour read that could have been easily broken into several shorter stories, but, this is how I wrote it, and, being lazy, I chose not to break it up. I hope that someone takes the time to read it.

Although references are made to events in the first two stories in the series, this story can be enjoyed on its own.


The story picks up shortly after Travis, Mary’s son had forcibly raped her.

Chapter 1, Drama

Hours later...

Travis came out of his bedroom expecting to find his mother exactly how, and where he'd left her, lying naked and unconscious on the living room floor with cum leaking out of her ass, his cum, but she wasn't. She'd gotten up, putting back on what she'd been wearing as pajamas, the skimpy little shorts, and the too-small tee-shirt he'd torn off her earlier.

She was now sitting at the kitchen table hunched over an orange juice cocktail with her head in her hands and her long dark hair hanging down over her face. She looked as though she was physically and emotionally drained, lost in her own troubling thoughts.

Knowing that he'd be in trouble and feeling the tension, Travis stood cautiously at the entrance to the kitchen.

She must have sensed his presents because she didn't look up when she spoke.

"You should leave." She said flatly never looking up from her drink.

"What do you mean?" He asked defensively. Her comment was like an angry jab in the stomach.

"You should go live with your father." She said, still not looking up at him.

"Is that what you want!? Do you want me to move out!?" He asked in an angry, accusing tone.

"Yes... No... I don't know... I just know that if we stay together in this house it will happen again."

"No!... Why?!... He doesn't want me! No! This isn't my fault!" He said with the tension and frustration rose in his voice. He sounded angry, but enough of a childish whine came through reminding Mary that despite the forceful fuck he'd dealt her, he was still more a boy than a man.

"I'm not saying it's your fault. We're both responsible. It's as much my fault as it is yours, but if we stay together in this house it might happen again. It WILL happen again. I know it will."

Mary couldn't voice it at the time, but she feared her own weaknesses and obsessions more than his. He'd just brutally forced himself on her, but the truth was she made it happen. She, with her outright flirting and inappropriate dress, had intentionally created the sexually tense environment that encouraged his forceful aggressions. And the brutal rough sex? She'd loved every second of it, but was ashamed to admit it.

Travis was devastated. His mother even suggesting that he moveout hurt him deeply. He felt rejected. Stunned, he couldn't believe his mother was doing this to him.

"NO! I'm not leaving! You can't make me! This is all your fault! You made this happen!" Travis yelled at his mother then spun around and stormed back into his bedroom slamming the door behind.

This mess was her fault. Mary couldn't deny that. That was exactly how she felt.

Travis threw the door open and yelled from his bedroom: "If you weren't such a fuck'n slut this would never have happened!" He then again slammed the door shut.

He's right, Mary thought with regret. I am a fuck'n slut.

Chapter 2, Coping

Mary never went through with her threat. Outwardly she tried her best to conceal her incestuous desires, but secretly, she indulged in wild perverse fantasies. Fantasies that didn't always, but very often included her handsome young, and impressively hung son.

She had never thought of him in that way before, not before that night in the woods, that night when she and her son were abducted and Mary was forced into having sex with not only her sadistic abductors but also her unwitting son. Now she couldn't stop fantasizing about him. She was obsessed, thinking about her son constantly, remembering the incredible sex she'd had with him, and continued to hunger for. The memories not only haunted Mary but also aroused her.

True, once released by their abductors and returning home safely, it wasn't long before Travis forced himself on her. But she could have stopped him if she'd truly wanted to. In fact, she had driven him to it, and it was her son's forcefulness that aroused her so much.

After Travis had forcibly fucked her, Mary believed that he'd be forcing himself on her all the time, but quite the opposite happened. After their argument, their unresolved issues created a barrier between them, weeks went by and Mary hardly saw him. She knew that Travis had taken the threat of being thrown-out hard, and that he was doing his best to avoid her, and that he was leaving the house early morning and returning late in the evening just to avoid crossing paths with her.

A couple of times, she waiting up for him so that they could talk and hopefully mend their damaged relationship, but all that got her was a door slammed in her face.

Desperately searching for a way to fix their damaged relationship, Mary wrote her son a note and taped it to his bedroom door where she was sure he would find it.


I love you and I'm sorry I got so upset. And I'm sorry if I hurt you. I admit that it was all my fault. I just want things to get back to the way they were. And I want you to know that no matter what happens I'll never make you move out.

Love, Mom

After reading the note, Mary took it down thinking it sounded too much like an invitation, and that she was giving in to him. She then taped it back on his door.

Maybe she was giving in...

It wasn't much, but she hoped it would be a start. After that, she decided to give him his space.

Mary regretted the rift she'd created. The accusations that her threats implied were unfair. It WAS her fault, she believed that. Just to satisfy her own selfish needs, she had irresponsibly and incestuously teased, taunted, and encouraged her son's forceful advances.

Now, lonely and frustrated, she longed for the closeness they had once shared. She missed how they used to tease and flirt with each other. But it hadn't taken long before things escalated and got out of control.

She tormented herself, thinking that she should have predicted what would happen. Perhaps she had known but just didn't want to admit it.

Her own son had forced himself on her, and she couldn't stop thinking about it. The memories of what happened disturbed and aroused her and she couldn't stop reliving them in her mind.

Regret, shame, and longing turned to lonely bitter frustration. Mary had been so sure that her son would again try to fuck her, and knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist him, she accepted and even eagerly anticipated the role she would play. So when his advances never came, she felt rejected and disappointed.

Why was it so easy for him to ignore her, she wondered, torturing herself trying to answer that question. Maybe she wasn't the great fuck she'd thought she was. Maybe he was grossed out by her big fat old ass. Or maybe he'd come to his senses, as should she.

She tried to fight it, but ugly jealousies fed by painful insecurities crept in. Where did he go and who was he with all the time he was away? Was he fucking some skinny little high school slut? Even if he was, that would be perfectly normal and she should have been happy for him, but she wasn't. The thought was making her crazy.

FUCK HIM! She thought with festering animosity. I don't need him. I got my toys and my imagination that's all I need. That's all I've ever needed. They're bigger and better than he'll ever be! She told herself but didn't truly believe it. At least they'll never disappoint or leave me, and they always manage to satisfy me. He was just like all the other men who had passed through her life, once they got what they wanted, they left her lonely and frustrated, she thought bitterly.

As she had for years, to dull and ease the pain of her frustration and anxiety, Mary turned to her toys, and to obsessive and sometimes self-abusive masturbation.

The vicious cycle rolled on.

Chapter 3, Managing Obsessions with Productivity

Mary had always masturbated, A LOT! But it was starting to get out of control. Fueled by aching needs and perverse fantasies, she was now masturbating compulsively, often 10 to 20 times a day. She masturbated obsessively, and not only at home but also at work and anywhere else she could get away with it.

Her life, her 'self', and her psyche were twisting into a perverse expression of her obsessive dark desires. Possessed by thoughts, memories, and fantasies of deviant, often incestuous sex, she lived in a near-constant state of desperate arousal where she was starting to lose touch with reality.

Controlled by the demands of an insatiable need, Mary began masturbating in increasingly inappropriate places. The more inappropriate and risky, the more it excited her, heightening the experience.

Masturbating in the privacy of her own home wasn't enough for Mary anymore. And to that end, she often held off masturbating or at least cumming before leaving the house, preferring to get herself off during her morning commute. There was something about exposing, and wildly fingering herself while driving down the highway that satisfied some deep need in Mary. Becoming quite practiced at masturbating behind the wheel, Mary often came several times before even reaching work.

At work, Mary was no longer frightened by the lights going on and off by themselves in the vacant upstairs restroom so she spent most of her free time, naked in a stall, wildly fingering herself to multiple, exhaustive orgasms.

Her compulsive need to masturbate brought a wardrobe change. Nothing slutty or overly eye-catching, she just rarely wore pants anymore. Instead, she opted for skirts and dresses which gave her quick and easy access whenever she had the opportunity and needed to touch herself.

Along with the dresses came a change in undergarments, NONE to be exact. She stopped wearing underwear altogether, no bra, no panties. Underwear just got in the way of her obsessive masturbating.

Not wanting to attract any unwanted attention by the obvious fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, at work she always made sure to wear a lightweight sweater over her dress or blouse to help cover and conceal her huge, ever erect, protruding nipples.

Unable to confine her workplace masturbation to the vacant upstairs restroom, Mary had become emboldened enough, that when no one was around, to masturbate in her cubical while sitting at her desk.

It had become a thrilling challenge to discreetly get herself off in that semi-private, yet still a very public place, and she got quite good at it. Able to conceal her orgasms, she would cum several times a day while sitting at her desk pretending to be working.

Once, Mary even had an orgasm right in front of her bitchy supervisor Susan.

While sitting at her desk with her eyes on her computer monitor, trying to appear busy at work, Mary had her hand up her dress and was secretly flicking and rubbing her big fat throbbing clit.

She was almost there... almost ready to cum... when Susan walked up and surprised her.

Mortified that she'd been caught, Mary froze!

Susan, self-absorbed and clueless to what Mary was doing under the desk, stood on the other side of the low cubical wall, droning on about the pressing need to finish up some bull-shit reports before the end of the quarter while Mary rubbed her clit.

And Mary couldn't stop!

She had been so close to cumming that she just couldn't stop rubbing her fat throbbing clit! Realizing that Susan had no idea what she was doing, Mary sat there calmly, secretly rub her stiff erect clit under the desk while pretending to give Susan her full attention. With one arm resting casually on the desk, and the other seemingly resting in her lap, Mary wildly flicked at her swollen clit while maintaining complete composure.

She had gotten so practiced at discreetly concealing her orgasms that she climaxed right in front of her supervisor, and the bitch never had a clue. At the peak of her climax, Mary did convulse and moan just a bit but skillfully concealed it with a clearing of her throat, and a well-timed shifting of her legs. After Susan left, Mary calmly got up, went to the upstairs restroom where she spent the next fifteen minutes masturbating.

The only thing Mary remembered Susan saying was, that Mary had four personal days that needed to be used before the end of the quarter or she would lose them.

There was no denying that Mary's excessive masturbation was starting to affect her work. At the end of the day, she dragged herself home exhausted. Not only had she sexually exhausted herself, she still needed to get her work done. She had no choice but to stay late and make up for all the time spent obsessively masturbating.

It was that way every day.

Chapter 4, Daily Chores

Mary had spent the weekend, as usual, cleaning, shopping, and masturbating, and not necessarily in that order. She liked to keep a clean house, but even that was starting to slip. Not that anyone ever came over except for Travis's friends and she hadn't seen any of them in a while. Housework was becoming more and more a chore because anymore, all Mary wanted to do was to masturbate.

Mary's compulsive masturbation not only affected her work but every aspect of her life, even normal daily activities like going to the grocery store, where, while walking the aisles of her local market, she found it exciting and stimulating to touch herself in that public place when no one was watching.

While browsing deserted store aisles, Mary would nonchalantly squeeze and sometimes, very briefly, exposed her breast, pinching and pulling on her big nipples, then quickly cover-up. Sometimes she would slide a hand up her dress, and push a probing finger into her wet pussy, then draw the wet finger up over her throbbing clit before quickly fixing her dress.

Up and down the aisles she would wander, throw a few things in her cart, then expose and touch herself when no one was around. She moved quickly and very discreetly. Mary never had an orgasm doing any of that, it was just the growing compulsion to touch and stimulate herself in public.

Mary wasn't an exhibitionist. The last thing she wanted was to be seen touching herself in public. It was the RISK that excited and aroused her. It was an addictive high that she couldn't get control of.

On one particular shopping trip...

By the time Mary had gathered up the few groceries she needed, she'd gotten herself so worked-up, that as she approached the checkout, her heart pounded in her chest, and her breathing was shallow and labored. Her face was flushed with arousal, and her nipples were painfully hard and erect; her hugely erect clit throbbed demanding immediate attention, and her pussy was so wet that juices were beginning to run down her thighs.

Just by chance, working that day at the grocery store was a bag-boy she liked, and who was also the subject of more than a few of Mary's fantasies. His name was Adrian. He was young, about her son's age, quite tall and lean with very wide shoulders, though not overly muscular. He was handsome with dark skin and long wavy black hair. Mary guessed he was of Middle Eastern descent.

He wore his wavy dark hair long and parted slightly to the side, which caused it to hang partially over his face, reminding Mary of when she was a teen and boys wore their hair longer. He also had a faint English accent that reminded her of Harry Potter from the movies, even though he looked nothing like him.

As Mary's groceries were being rung up, the boy as always, engaged her in pleasant conversation. As he efficiently worked and talked, Mary amusingly noticed that the boy's gaze kept returning to and darting over her ample cleavage.

Despite her good looks and abundant attributes, Mary was very shy and insecure by nature, a trait that worsened after her divorce. Hence all the lonely nights masturbating. Despite her tendency to be introverted, Mary was very attracted to this boy and welcomed his eyes upon her. Turning towards him, she leaned in his direction, giving him the best view she could discreetly offer.

After she'd paid for her groceries, the boy dutifully stood behind her cart asking if he could help her out.

From anyone else, she would have politely declined but she happily accepted his offer.

As the two walked through the parking lot towards Mary's car, despite his apparent efforts NOT to stare, the boy's gaze kept irresistibly returning to and languished upon Mary's bouncing breast. His obvious interest gave her the confidence to talk with him and ask where he was from.

"I was born in London." He said. "My parents are from Iraq. They moved to England before I was born, and we moved to the U.S. when I was ten."

He recited it like he'd said it a million times, and Mary was sure he nearly had, but still, he managed to make it sound pleasant.

Far into the expansive parking lot, well past where most of the other customers parked, Mary apologized, "Sorry I'm parked so far out. You know shopping carts..." Mary lied, as there was nothing special about her 2009 Ford Taurus. It was far from flawless with plenty of scratches, dings, and dents. She'd parked in the deserted, far reaches of the parking lot for another reason.

After Adrian loaded the bags of groceries in her trunk...

Nothing happened.

Mary offered him a dollar tip, which he at first politely refused, then quickly took from her hand before running back to the store pushing the empty cart ahead of him.

Sitting alone in her car, in the far reaches of the parking lot, Mary had a wet longing between her thighs, partly from fondling herself in the store, and also from the brief encounter with the exotic young man.

Watching in the rearview mirror as the boy ran back towards the store, Mary wished she had the nerve to seduce the boy, but sadly, she lacked the self-confidence.

Sitting motionless for a moment in her car and after taking a deep breath, Mary psyched herself up for what she wanted to do. She then nervously reclined her seat, and with shaking hands, excitedly untied the sash of her wrap-around dress.

Chapter 5 In Her Head

Behind the shadowy vale of tinted glass, Mary opened her dress. Without any underwear on, she exposed her nakedness in the deserted parking lot, and while entertaining an elaborate fantasy of seduction, she began touching herself.


I open my purse pretending to look for a tip. I lie, saying I don't have any cash. He of course says it's no problem, but I insist.

"Wait!" I say. "I have some cash in my car." Again he says it's not necessary, but I insist. I tell him to get in the car, and he just looks at me confused. "Come on, get in. Get out of the sun." I say. "Sit in the car while I look for some cash. It'll be cooler."

He looks unsure and reluctant but gets in anyway. The customer is always right, even though it wasn't cooler.

After coaxing the boy into the passenger seat of my car, I lean over him, resting my arm on his leg as I pointlessly rummage through the glove compartment. I know there's no cash in there but I keep pretending to search, and as I search, I purposely push my elbow between his thighs. I feel him tense, and then relax, and can sense his nervousness.

With my arm pressed between the boy's thighs, while pretending to search the glove compartment, I slowly inch my elbow back into his crotch. There I find exactly what I was hoping to find, his big stiff erection pressing against the back of my arm. I smile to myself as I close the glove compartment.

Rising up, I lean in close, putting my hand on his thigh, very close to the hard cock I know hides there. "I'm sorry. I guess I don't have any cash after all." I say with a sheepish grin!

The boy stares at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.

As I'd been leaning over searching the glove compartment, the front of my dress fell open, nearly exposing my big braless tits. I hadn't planned it, it was just a happy accident.

The boy's eyes are transfixed. He can't tear his eyes away from my opened dress. After a moment he manages to mumble, "Aaaa, that's okay. No tip... It's okay."

His eyes are glued to my tits! My nipples, very hard and erect are barely covered by my open dress. I make no attempt to fix my dress or to cover myself.

"No. I want to give you something. You've always been so helpful. You deserve to be rewarded. I want to give you... something?" I say as I arch my back and stretch, making my already big tits even more prominent.

He stares at my nearly exposed breast looking even more confused and more than a little shaken.

With a mischievous grin, I ask the boy, "Do you want to see?"

With his eyes still fixed on my tits, all he can say is "hu?"

"Do you want to SEE?" I ask again. "Do you?"

This time he manages, "Do I want to see? What?"

He pulls his confused gaze away from my tits, just for a moment to look me in the eyes.

"My tits! Do you want to see my tits? You haven't been able to take your eyes off of them. Do you want to see ‘em?”

His jaw drops open and he looks around nervously, and then back towards the store. And for a moment, I'm nervous, afraid I've misjudged him.

He then turns back, and looks at me with a big hungry grin, and nods his head. I return the smile, excited and relieved that I haven't made a fool of myself.

Seductively, I tease the enthralled young man by slowly pulling aside my dress, revealing one of my breasts.

As he stares in amazement, and I can feel the young bag-boys excitement. It's contagious and arousing as hell!

Gently I run my fingers over my swollen breast, toying with my stiffening nipples. His eyes widen when I pull my dress completely open, letting it slip off my shoulders, displaying my big tits to the wide-eyed boy. Teasingly, I squeeze my breast and seductively twist and pull on my fat-puckering nipples. Not only am I turning the boy on, but I'm also making myself horny!

"Do you want to touch them? You can if you'd like." I say in a sultry voice, unable to hide my arousal and desire.

Cautiously he reaches for my tits, touching them gently with his fingertips. His touch feels nice!

"You can hold them, squeeze ‘em if you'd like... hard if you want. I don't mind." I say breathlessly.

I moan when his strong hands squeeze my tits. It feels so fucking good!

"HARDER! You can squeeze 'em hard! I don't mind!" Responding to my plea, he enthusiastically manhandles my tender swollen tits, squeezing them HARD!

"Oh fuck! That feels good! PULL MY NIPPLES! PULL EM HARD!" I beg. "It's okay, please, I like it hard!"

Encouraged by my pleas, he pulls and twists my giant hard nipples. It feels so good and I'm so turned on, and the more he pulls and twists, the stiffer and more erect my nipples become!

"UGH FUCK! YES! HAAARDEER! PULL THEM HARDER! I groan as the wide-eyed boy enthusiastically twists and pulls, cruelly tormenting my engorged nipples. "OOOH FUA YES!" I moan. "SUCK EM!" I demand startling the boy! I then manage to get control of myself and plead in a softer tone, "Please! Please suck my tits... if you want! PLEEESE!"

With hungry lust, he opens his mouth and leans towards my swollen breast... But before he can chomp down, I stop him and warn him shyly: "My tits are very... milky, and they're about to start... flowing. I hope that doesn't freak you out."

To my delight, he doesn't hesitate. Leaning over, he draws in my fat swollen nipple and sucks hard and deeply. His warm wet mouth feels so fuck'n good and I can feel his hot tongue flicking and swirl around my swelling nipple!

"Oh fuck yeah, that feels good! Suck ‘em hard! HARDER!" I groan as he squeezes my big tits, and sucks hard on my painfully engorged nipples. The feeling is incredible as the pressure in my swollen tits begins to release and the milk flows into my young lover's hungry, gulping mouth! With his wavy black hair curled through my fingers, I hold his head to my aching breast, as he squeezes, slurps and drinks deeply from my milk swollen tits!

He's sucking HARD, and it feels wonderful, and at times, wonderfully painful! I can feel my already huge nipples swelling, growing to an even more gigantic size in his hungry mouth! It feels as though my nipple is going to burst! It's dizzying! It feels so fucking good that my head is spinning. It's making my dripping wet pussy throb, twitch and pulsate! I'm about to have an orgasm from just having my tits sucked!


Chapter 6, Reality Check

No. No. No. Mary thought as she released her nipple from her mouth with a wet slurp. That's not how it would happen. It was a nice fantasy, but more like a fairytale. It would never go down like that.

Mary's fantasies needed to be grounded in some reality. If nothing else, Mary knew herself, what she was capable of, and what she wasn't. Mary knew she was far too shy and introverted to pull off such a seduction, it was just too far out of character. She needed to be led by someone forceful and controlling.

It was a part of her personality that developed at an early age. She had been very awkward and shy as a youth with no real friends. She wasn't lonely, just a loner. Not feeling comfortable around other kids, she preferred solitude over the company of others.

Despite being what some might call a shy 'nerdy' kid, Mary became sexually self-aware at a very young age, and with that budding sexual awareness, came self-exploration, and in young Mary's case, some very lewd, dark, and demented fantasies.

Although young and insecure, loner Mary became quite perverse, indulging many deviant fantasies. One of her favorites, and one she revisited often, was where she's forced to submit to the sexual will of someone stronger and more dominant than she, someone powerful and controlling. The thought of being used to fulfill another's perverse pleasure, excited Mary!

Young Mary, alone in her bedroom, at an alarmingly regular rate, acted out ever increasingly demented fantasies of being forcefully dominated.

It often began with her lounging naked on her bed, touching herself as she flipped through the pages of the latest tabloid magazines.

I'd let him fuck me. She'd think as she fingered her dripping wet pussy while flipping the pages. And him... and him too. She would give them all her pussy, she'd excitedly think as her pussy got wetter and hotter... and anything else they wanted.

She would eagerly and willingly do anything they demanded, no matter how perverse. The more perverse the better, Mary thought as she pushed her wet fingers into her tight ass-hole! She would let them exploit her in any way they wanted. The thoughts of the dirty acts she'd be forced to perform excited and aroused Mary.

For young Mary, not being very outgoing or adventurous herself, the idea of being used for someone else's pleasure was the perfect means to fulfill her own disturbingly perverse desires without having to sum up the nerve to pursue on them her own.

Young Mary, naked and alone in her childhood bedroom, lost in dark fantasies, explored the new and wondrous sensations that her maturing body had to offer.

After all those years, somethings changed... but some things never change.

Chapter 7, Second Thought

Reclining alone in her hot car, in the deserted parking lot, Mary cracked the window to let in a little air.

The breeze felt cool on her hot sweaty flesh as she took her fantasy in a different, darker direction.


"Sorry I parked so far out. You know, shopping carts."

He looks at me suspiciously, and then at my dinged-up car and rolls his eyes as he says dismissively "Okay?"

After he finishes loading the groceries in my trunk, I search in my purse for a dollar bill to tip him, but I can't find one.

"Hold on. I think I have a buck in the car." I say as l open the driver-side door and lean in with my ass sticking out.

After fumbling around unsuccessfully, I rise out of the car and turn around. To my surprise, I'm face to face with Adrian, or face to chest, as he's much taller than me. He has one hand on the open car door and the other on the roof of the car, effectively trapping me within the space of the open car door.

Nervously I say, “Sorry, guess I'll have to get you next time."

Looming over me, he grins looking down my dress at my braless tits, and I can feel his eyes on my flesh.

"There won't be any next time. Why don't you just let me have a look instead?" He says.

"What? Have a look? What are you talking about?" I say naively.

"Oh come on, you know." He says grinning, blatantly staring at my tits.

"NO! Are you out of your mind?" I exclaim when I finally get it.

"Oh come on! Are you going to deny that you tease me every time you come here? Let me see!" He says demandingly, staring at my huge erect nipples with a hungry grin.

"NO WAY! Are you nuts! I don't think your boss would approve."

"Fuck him! I quit this shitty job two weeks ago and this is my last day!"

I just stand there, stunned and speechless. I don't know Adrian very well, but this isn't the Adrian I thought I knew. I can't believe he's talking to me like this.

Lowering his arms, he relaxes his stance, and also his tone, "Come on, just a little peek. I'll be going away to school soon and, I thought we were friends, and that you might give me something to remember you by. If you're going, to be honest, you have to admit, we have been flirting for a long time and you have been flaunting it."

He's turning on the charm, and the British accent doesn't hurt either. And he's right, I have been flaunting it.

"You want me to show you my tits, right here in the parking lot," I say with disbelief.

"Sure! Why not! No one's around. Who will see?"

I look around the parking lot, and he's right, there's no one near.

"I can't believe I'm actually considering this," I admit to Adrian.

Exaggerating the English accent he says to persuade, "Come on, give us a little peek."

Giving in to his charm, and the excitement of the daring exhibition, I decided to go for it and give us both a thrill. Thinking it will be a quick and easy way to have a little fun, I pull aside my dress, exposing one of my breasts to the handsome young man that I'd been flirting with for so long.

“Oh fuck! Beautiful! You have beautiful tits!" He exclaims excitedly as he stares wide-eyed at my exposed tit.

Even though we're behind the cover of my car, in a deserted part of the parking lot, far from the entrance to the store, I quickly get nervous standing there with my boob hanging out so I move to fix my dress.

"No! No! No! Please wait! Just let me get a good look! Please! Let me see 'em both! Come on, no one's around! No one can see!"

Again I give in to the pressure and the pleas of the handsome boy. After looking around to make sure no one's near, I pull open my dress exposing both my breast.

"Fuck! You are so HOT! You have the most beautiful tits I've ever seen!"

I know he's exaggerating, but still, I'm flattered. Adrian's excitement is infectious, and admittedly, I'm getting caught up in the moment and the thrill of exposing myself in public!

Adrian seems more than just excited. He's becoming VERY VISIBLY aroused! He's groping and rubbing at his crotch, and even threw his work apron, I can see the shape of his big hard cock! And I have to admit, the sight of his huge bulge is exciting me!

"Dam you're making my cock so fuck'n hard! He growls as he rubs the stiff rod in his pants.

He's starting to move aggressively, and it's making me nervous, and I'm afraid he's going to lose control. Thinking that I should put an end to this peep show, I move to fix my dress, but before I can, he grabs me and forcibly turns me around, pushing me hard against the car, and holds me there like a cop apprehending a criminal.

"Adrian, stop it! What are you doing! Let me go! You asked me to give you a look and I did! Now stop this, please! Not here!" I say looking over my shoulder at Adrian who now has me pinned against the side of the car.

"Shut up! People are going to start looking! No one's gonna see shit if you keep your mouth shut!"

With my exposed boobs squished against the rear-side window, I look at the people far across the parking lot coming and going from the store. They're too far away to notice what's going on, but near enough that I could call out for help. But I don't. I could scream, I could fight, I could make a scene. But I don't. I offer no resistance.

Caught off guard by his sudden aggression, I'm startled, but also exhilarated. I let him take control as he pushes me around. I don't resist. He's strong and forceful, and despite my fears, I'm strangely stimulated and very aroused!

From behind, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me tight against his chest. He then reaches up and grabs my tits, groping and squeezing them hard. I don't resist.

“Please Adrian don't! Someones going to see us!” I moan, but he ignores me. He's rough and forceful and I like it! It hurts, but at the same time, it feels so fucking good! Pulling on my fat nipples, he twists them cruelly, and I groan aloud in a mixture of pain and pleasure. I begin to feel wetness on his hands from my milk swollen breast. He squeezes painfully hard, and I cry out as fine streams of milk spray from my fat engorged nipples, splattering onto the car window.

Spinning me around so that I'm facing him, he pushes me back against the car, then leans over and starts sucking on my fat, milk-dripping nipples.

“Adrian please, not here!” I say but don't try to stop him as he sucks on my swollen nipples. My head spins as I feel my milk flowing into his hungry mouth, back and forth, he squeezes and sucks, draining my tits! “Oh fuck! That feels so good!”

As he feasts, he reaches down and grabs my crotch, squeezing my pussy. As his fist clinches my fat clit, I begin to lose control and groan in an intoxicating mixture of pain and pleasure, "OH fuck Adrian, what if we get caught!” Adrian rubs and massages through my dress. “Oh my god! That feels so good!” I groan, “Oh, fuck yes! Squeeze it! HARDER!"

My low moans become loader. Hearing distant voices, I slap a hand over my mouth to muffle my uncontrollable cries as Adian lifts my dress.

I’m not wearing any underwear and my hairless pussy is dripping wet. Adrian must think I'm a slut. I am a slut, I own it, it's what I am and what I want to be. I want Adrian to know that I'm a slut because I want him to use and abused me like the dirty slut I am.

Opening my legs, I invite his exploring, probing hands, and as he sucks on my tits, he fingers my dripping wet pussy. With his fingers deep inside me, I uncontrollably rolling my hips, humping his hand, forcibly driving his fingers deeper and harder into my gaping wet hole!

“Oh fuck, Adrian please, we're going to get in so much trouble!” I groan grinding myself against his hand.

“Ssssh, don't worry. Were fine. No one can see.” Adrian whispers then kisses me and I taste the milk in his mouth. “Your pussys so fuck’n wet! It's awesome! I love it! I knew you were a horny slut! Fuck my fingers! That's it, fuck ‘em! Oh yeah, that's so fuck’n hot!” Adrian says, encouraging me to thrust myself against his hand, fuck his fingers, push myself towards a rapidly approaching orgasm.

With my hand still firmly clamped over my mouth, I groan into my sweaty palm as I cum, ”Oh fuck! I'm cumming! I can't believe it, I'm fucking cumming out here in the fucking parking lot! Aaaugh!” My whole body shakes and my legs twitch and jerk, as I grunt, obscenely thrust myself hard against Adrian's deep-penetrating fingers.

Adrian kisses me again, then whispers, “That was fuck’n awesome! See...” He motions to the parking lot, “no one’s looking! Now get down on your knees!" He says. It was a demand, not a request.

“Oh my god! My head is spinning! Adrian, I don't know, out here! This isn't a good place for that!”

“This is a great place! I know you want it. Now get down on your knees!” Adrian says as he urges me down onto the blacktop.

Kneel in front of Adrian I'm keenly aware of the hot gravel asphalt digging into my knees. I know it should hurt, but I'm oblivious to the pain. Excitedly, he pulls off his apron and throws it away! He then opens his pants, releasing his enormous cock! “Oh my god!” I gasp at the sight. It’s standing straight up, stiff and long, and I quiver with excitement. My mouth waters with anticipation as I lick my lips. He's right! I do want it! I’m desperate to have his hard cock in my mouth, throbbing against my tongue!

"Suck it! Suck my cock!" He commands aggressively as he grabs my head, shoving his big hard cock in my face.

He's still demanding, rough, and forceful, and that does something to me! I want it like that. I need it! I want to be controlled and dominated. And I'm eager to do whatever he demands! Without hesitation, I wantonly take his cock in my hands and excitedly lick and stroke his stiff twitching rod! His cock is big and hard and stiff, and I can't help but groan in excitement as I willingly rub his cock on my face.

“Oh my god, you have a nice big cock!” I say as I lovingly rub his cock on my cheeks, then lick the length of it, getting it wet and slippery then run my lips up and down his stiff throbbing shaft.

“Suck it!” he says grabbing a handful of my hair, forcefully tilting my head back. “You like sucking cock, don't you!”

“I do!” I say licking the head of his cock, tasting the pre-cum leaking out. “I love cock! I want you to fuck my mouth! Please, fuck my mouth!” I beg, sticking my tongue out and he slides his cock into my open mouth. His cock is so big, long, and hard, and tastes so delicious! I bob my head, wildly sucking and stroking, mouth fucking his stiff wet throbbing cock, eager to have him explode in my mouth!

"OOOH FUCK YEAH!AAAAUGH!" Adrian cries out as his stiff long cock pushes down into my throat! His lustful cries excite me as I take the entire length of his cock down my throat until his big churning balls rest against my chin! "Oh fuck that's good! AAAAAAHGERR!"

In broad daylight, on my knees in the grocery store parking lot, as the young bag-boy rams his amazingly big cock, down my throat, I keep a hand free for myself, fingering my sopping wet pussy, and rubbing my fat throbbing clit!

I pull my head back and take a much need breath. Slipping Adrian's long hard cock from my mouth, gasp and rub his long slimy cock on my face!

"I want you to cum!” I say looking up at Adrian “I want you to cum in my mouth!" I say hold holding his wet, slobber-covered cock against my cheek. "I want you to cum down my throat, fill it with cum! Please! I love it! I want your cum!"

On my knees in the grocery store parking lot, with Adrian's long hard cock shoved balls deep down my throat, I wildly finger myself to another groaning orgasm. Fortunately, my cries of ecstasy can't be heard, they're choked off by the long hard cock shoved down my throat, and all that can be heard are Adrian's cries which drown out the pitifully desperate gurgles coming from my cock filled throat.

With a fistful of my hair, he suddenly pulls me to my feet. My face is a mess, cum is leaking out of my nose and dripping off my chin. Adrian turns me around and pushes me facefirst onto the hood of my car. Sprawled across the hood, I'm mortified to be this exposed in broad daylight.

“Adrian, NO! This is too dangerous!”

“Shut-up! You know you want this! I know what a freak you are! I saw you exposing yourself in the store! You're a fuck’n exhibitionist!”

“Oh fuck! You saw that! Shit! Adrian, I'm not an exhibitionist! Really! No one was supposed to see that! Please, Adrian, let's go somewhere else!”

“Bullshit! You're a dirty exhibitionist slut! And I'm going to fuck you right here on the hood of your piece-of-shit car.”

“Oh my god, Adrian, what if someone sees!”

“Good! Let ‘em fuck’n watch! And then they can have you when done! How does that sound you exhibitionist slut!”

Looking across the parking lot, I see people in the distance coming and going from the store. Thankfully they seem unaware of what's going on.

I don't fight or try to escape. I'm frightened but also exhilarated! Maybe he’s right, I am an exhibitionist slut.

As he lays me face-first across the hood of my car, he flips up the back of my dress, and slaps my bare ass hard several times, he then pushes his stiff rod up against the entrance to my gaping wet pussy!

“Well? What's it gonna be?” he taunts me, rubbing the head of his cock over my wet pussy lips. “Do you want my cock? Do you want me to fuck you right here so the whole can watch and see what a dirt fuck’n slut you are?”

"Yes! I want it! Fuck me! Fuck my pussy!" I say reaching back, grabbing his big cock, guiding him into my desperate hole!

"AAAAUGH! FUCK!" We both cry out together as he rams his big cock deep into my gaping wet cunt! Holding me tight around the waist, he pounds me, fucking me hard and fast! And as he fucks me on the hood of my car, he repeatedly slaps my big round ass, punishing my backside as fucks me. Rapidly he jack-hammers me, grunting loudly with each vicious thrust, ramming his long hard cock deep into my dripping wet cunt!

He's driving me insane, fucking me crazy, hammering me hard and fast with his huge cock! “Oh my god! You're stretching my pussy!” I groan. “Oh my god! Yes! Stretch my fuck’n pussy! Hurt it! Hurt my fuck’n pussy! Pound it hard and fuck’n hurt it!”

I'm losing my mind, getting hard fucked on the hood of my car in broad daylight another orgasm builds, "Oh god yes! Don't stop! Fuck me! Fuck’n hurt me! Fuck my pussy! Fuck it hard! FUCK IT! FUCK IT! FUCK IT! HARDER! AAAAAAHG! HARDER! HARDER! AAAAUGH! OHFUK! OHFUUUUK IMCUUUAA!" I cry out as Adrian pounds away on my dripping wet fuck hole.

It's a warm day and the hood of the car is hot! We're both dripping wet with sweat from the heat and the long hard fuck. I'm a wet mess, my ass and thighs are covered in cunt juice that's running down my legs, plus my tits are leaking profusely getting the hood of the car all wet slippery, and as Adrian fucks me, I'm slipping and sliding, and flopping around uncontrollably on the hood of the car!

For control and leverage, Adrian pulls my arms behind my back and continues to pound away on me, viciously with his long, hard cock.

"AAAAAAHG! FUUUUK!" I cry out loud, as Adrian's hard-pounding cock drives me into a long series of hard quaking orgasms!

Looking over to the grocery store, I see there's a group of boys standing near the entrance. They're pointing and laughing. My last outcry must have attacked their attention, and I think they're moving this way. I'm excited, but I'm also dizzy, helpless, and weak, exhausted and spent from the brutal rough fuck and the repeated intense orgasms, and I don't know if I can handle much more.

As the boys begin to slowly walk towards us through the parking lot, Adrian pulls his wet slimy cock from my dripping wet cunt, and rubs it between my ass cheeks, then stabs it back into my dripping wet hole. Repeatedly he does this, getting my asshole wet, slimy, and gooey, and ready to be fucked.

It's a long walk from the store entrance to where I'm being fucked on the hood of my car, and the boys, strolling slowly, appear to be heading this way.

"Oh fuck yes! Do it! Fuck me in the ass!" I say looking back at Adrian with pleading eyes. "I want it! Oh, fuck yes! I want to feel your big cock in my ass! I want you to fuck my ass! FUCK IT HARD AND DEEP!"

The boys, not yet near, but their getting closer, moving cautiously, looking closely to see what we're doing.

Wantonly, I grab my plump cheeks with both hands and shamelessly offer up my ass. Gritting my teeth, I try to contain my cries of both pain and pleasure as Adrian's big cock stretches my tight ass.

The boys are close, and they're moving faster. And it looks like one of ‘em has their cock out!


Chapter 8, Crashing Back

Sitting alone in the grocery store parking lot, Mary indulged in a lewd fantasy involving the young bag-boy. With her dress laid open, she was more or less naked with only the dark tint of the windows concealing her from the world around as she publicly masturbated. Although she was very much apart from that world, she was deeply immersed, lost in her perverse fantasy.

Mauling her breast, pulling it up to her mouth, and sucking hard, she drank deeply from her fat-distended nipple. As she fed on her own tit, she spread her legs wide, and with wild abandon and with no regard for the public location, fingered and rubbed herself to multiple intense orgasms...

For a moment afterward, after cumming several times, as she sat alone in her car in the grocery store parking lot, as her final thunderous orgasm retreated, the world around her seemed very still and quiet. Her breathing began to ease, but her heart was still pounding in her chest. And even though her heart hammed in her ears, there was a quiet after the storm of climaxes that even the sounds of cars driving by on a nearby roadway did little to disturb her calm.

Then, all of a sudden, as Mary's arousal dissipated and reality began to return, like a rude bucket of cold water being dumped over her head, she suddenly felt very self-conscious and sickeningly aware of her surroundings! She felt painfully aware of her nakedness and vulnerability, and the dangers of the inappropriate location that she had chosen to act out her fantasies, and the very possible, and dire consequences if she were to be caught.

Hurriedly, Mary brought her seat upright and hastily fixed her dress. In a noticeably conspicuous manner, Mary spun her head around scanning the area for witnesses. Thankfully there appeared to be none.

Starting the car, Mary sped away quickly fleeing the scene.

Once home, Mary ate a frozen microwavable meal for dinner and then went to bed lonely. Still shaken and adrenalized by her risky antics at the grocery store, she laid in bed restless, unable to sleep, absentmindedly touched herself. After a while, she heard her son return home. Lying in bed, she listened anxiously as she pictured his movements through the house. He was in the kitchen... at the fridge... and then at the sink, she could hear the water running.

With her bedroom door lying wide open, she laid in her bed atop the covers with one hand under her tight teeshirt and the other in her thin, skimpy shorts, openly touching herself. Feeling lonely and very distant from her son, she had purposely left her bedroom door open, hoping that he might visit her as he had in the past.

Hoping to again see his shadowy figure in the doorway, she pulled up her teeshirt exposing her breast in the darkness but then felt foolish and ashamed. She thought to call out to him, even if to just ask how he's been doing but knew she had ulterior motives, and couldn't bring herself to act upon them.

The lights went out in the living room, and she heard her son's bedroom door close. The house went quiet, dark and lonely, and Mary felt just as lonely and dark. Rolling over, she felt sadness and a growing bitterness as she sought refuge in sleep.

Chapter 9, Restless Mind

Taking advantage of the extra days off, Mary slept in. When she finally did awake, Travis was long gone.

As always, she awoke horny but also felt a strange uneasiness, a restlessness that she couldn't explain, and for some unknown reason, the empty house made it worse.

Walking down the hall, Mary felt a strange angst she wasn't accustomed to. It didn't dilute, but mixed with, intensifying her need for stimulation.

Pausing at the hall bathroom, she looked inside. It was the bathroom primarily used by her son. His only duties were to keep his bedroom and this bathroom clean, and as she feared, it was a disaster.

Dirty, wet, smelly towels and laundry covered every inch of the floor and the wastebasket was piled high, overflowing with trash. The toilet was disgusting, covered with yellow splatters and streak, and a frightening multicolored mold ring hung in the bowl as though it had resided there for generations. The vanity was littered with combs and brushes, assorted hair care and acne products, deodorants, colognes, and disposable razors in varying states of use. The lower third of the mirror was so splattered with God knows what, Mary could barely see her reflection.

Studying her obscured reflection in the filthy mirror, she was surprised to see that she had one hand in her pajama shorts and the other under her shirt. She was unconsciously touching herself and hadn't even realized it.

Had she ever done that in public? She wondered. She didn't think she had. Should she be concerned?

Turning to the side, she examined her ass in the mirror as she pulled up one side of her tight little shorts into her butt crack. True it was big, but had a nice shape and was still nice and smooth without any cheese.

Pulling up her shirt, she examined her tits in the mirror. These big beauties can still turn heads, she thought, they sure caught the young bag-boy's eye, he wasn't able to stop staring.

As she watched her reflection in the dirty mirror, Mary began to squeeze and fondle her taught swollen breast. She then pulled aside the crotch of her shorts letting her meaty pussy lips dangle, and began massaging the layers of flesh between her legs. Becoming more aroused and stimulated, she pulled off her tee-shirt and shorts, and tossed them onto the floor, adding them to the pile of dirty laundry.

Standing naked in her son's bathroom, the sight of her nakedness added to her arousal. She liked looking at herself in the mirror and liked watching as she touched herself. She liked her big, full pointy tits topped with big, ever erect nipples. Watching through the filthy mirror, she squeezed her tits and pulled on her fat nipples, gently at first, mesmerized by the reflection, then becoming rougher and more self-abusive, pulling and twisting hard, until she cried out in pain.

Lifting an erect nipple to her mouth, she sucked with a voracious hunger while squeezing. Then with a 'pop', she released the swollen nipple and again cruelly twisted and pulled at it, eagerly trying to coax her milk to flow.

As she tormented her nipples, she spread her legs admiring the reflection of her pussy in the splattered mirror. She liked her BIG, hairless pussy with long meaty lips that hung down like two fleshy curtains, and her big clit that stood out from between two puffy mounds of flesh.

Standing with her legs bowed and hips rolled forward, Mary turned her attention to the dangling folds of flesh between her legs. Watching her reflection, Mary spread apart her long, full pussy lips, twisted, pulled, and stretched, cruelly amusing herself, testing the limits as to how far her meaty lips could be stretched, and how much self-inflicted torment she could endure.

Grabbing hold of her big fat clit, she pinched the fleshy hooded bundle of nerves between her thumb and forefinger. Squeezing and stroking her stiffening clit like a small erect penis, she pushed herself to the edges of sanity until crying out from the intense sensation.

Standing naked in her son's bathroom, she watched her reflection in the mirror as if watching a porn and she was the Starlet in a solo performance, excitedly teasing and tormenting her own flesh.

As milk began to drip from her swollen nipples, she squeezed, deviously spraying streams of milk onto the filthy mirror. She then turned her squirting tits towards the clutter of toiletries scattered about the countertop, spraying them with breast milk.

Noticing her son's toothbrush standing in a plastic cup by the sink, Mary snatched it up, and with mischievous delight, stuck it in her mouth and sucked on it as she continued to maul her breast and fingered her wet pussy. For some reason, she imagined the toothbrush would taste of her son but was disappointed to discover it only tasted of stale toothpaste.

Putting the toothbrush to her fat, milk drippy nipple, she squeezed her tit, flooding the bristles with milk, then put the dripping toothbrush back into her mouth and sucked.

Here's a little something to remind you of me, she thought bitterly as she repeatedly drenched her son's toothbrush with milk then sucked it dry.

In a growing state of arousal and agitation, Mary took the toothbrush from her mouth and pushed the handle into her pussy. Unfortunately, she could hardly feel the narrow handle of the toothbrush in her big pussy which only added to her frustration. Taking it out, she turned it around trying bristled end in her pussy, but still didn't find much satisfaction.

Becoming frustrated and desperate, she lifted her right foot onto the vanity, she then reached around with her son's toothbrush in hand, and pushed it into her ass!

"Oh Fuck!" She groaned as she pushed her son's toothbrush in, the prickly bristles brushing against her tight ass-hole! That she could feel!

"AAAAUGH!" She moaned as she pushed the toothbrush all the way in and swirled it around! That, she could definitely feel!

Standing naked in her son's filthy bathroom with one foot upon the sink, Mary watched herself in the mirror as she worked the toothbrush in her ass while fingering and rubbing her wet pussy.

"OOOOGHHH! FUUUUK!" Mary groaned, and It wasn't long before Mary, with her son's toothbrush up her ass, made herself cum!

After cumming, she removed the defiled toothbrush from her ass, and with a 'Ker plunk', dropped it back into the plastic cup where she'd found it.

Leaving her son's bathroom, Mary moved down the hall.

Travis's bedroom wasn't as filthy as the bathroom, but close. Looking around, she found the note she'd written him lying on the dresser. It was wrinkled like it had been crumpled and then smoothed out.

After examining the wrinkled piece of paper, she wiped it on her wet pussy, then wiped her ass with it, then put it back on the dresser where she'd found it.

Hopping onto Travis's bed, it somehow felt wrong to be lying naked on her son's bed, it felt nasty and forbidden, and she liked it, it excited and aroused her.

Looking around, she examined the posters covering the walls: some were from bands that she'd never heard of, others were of sports teams, and there were several girly posters. It was the half-naked girls in the posters that interested her.

In one of the girly posters, there was a gorgeous model with big tits, sitting topless on the hood of a custom car, in another, there was an equally gorgeous woman sprawled topless across a custom chopper, in a third, two topless women stood back to back while holding up guns. And the last one was of two topless women in an embrace in front of a tropical backdrop with their oiled breast pressed suggestively together. One woman was looking seductively into the camera while the other was kissing her on the cheek.

Studying the poster of the two women pressing their big oily breast together stirred something in Mary!

She could go in that direction, she thought if she ever had the chance.

Lying naked on her son's bed with her nose in his pillow, she could smell and almost taste his essence as she spread her legs and began touching herself again.

Rolling around on her son's bed, she began squeezing her tits and fingering her pussy. As she rolled about, she noticed the wireless controller to his beloved PlayStation on the nightstand. Its sleek black surface and boomerang shape intrigued her.

Snatching up the controller, she began rubbing it on her big wet pussy. And as she rubbed it up and down, the controller parted her thick, long, full lips. Soon she was teasing herself with the controller, rubbing it over and around her stiffening clit. And as the controller became wet and slippery, she started pushing it into her gaping wet hole. It went in amazingly easily, and as Mary began pushing the controller deeper and deeper, into her gooey pussy, she managed to work the entire controller into her cavernous hole.

Sprawled naked on her son's bed with her son's game controller buried deep inside her pussy, Mary arched her back and groaned loudly as she frantically rubbed at her fat throbbing clit, bringing herself to thrashing orgasm!

After cumming, Mary carefully removed the slippery wet controller from her gaping pussy, and returned the slime-covered item, back to where she’d found it.

Lying naked on her son's bed, Mary started feeling uncomfortably self-conscious. Fearing that she might be discovered "trespassing" into his private space, Mary left her son's room, "almost", as she found it.

Making her way naked into the living room, Mary took notice of the exact spot where her son Travis had forced her to the floor and raped her.

Had it been rape? Technically it was, she thought, but she wanted to be raped again. Carefully stepping over the spot where her son had raped her as if it were some sort of hollowed grown, Mary felt excited and aroused by the memory.

Plopping down on the sofa in Travis's usual spot, Mary reminisced about when they use to sit together and watch TV. She missed those days when she would lounge on the loveseat, and Travis would sit on the sofa with remote in hand endlessly flipping through channels.

She also remembered the mischief they had gotten into in that living room, and the night things got carried away when her son masturbated in her face.

Putting her feet up on the coffee table and spreading her legs wide, Mary rubbed her very wet pussy.

Still painfully restless, agitated, and incredibly horny, all she wanted to do was to make herself cum over and over again. Sitting naked on the living room sofa, Mary continued to play with her wet pussy, pulling on her stretchy lips, and fingering her hot throbbing hole.

Seeing the TV remote sitting on the coffee table, Mary snatched it up and examined it. It must have had thirty buttons on it and she had no idea what most of them did. She could barely turn the TV on and off with it. No wonder Travis guarded it so closely, never letting her touch it.

Instead of trying to master the mysteries of the remote control, Mary rubbed it on her wet pussy, then pushed the long, wide, button-covered remote into her gaping wet hole.

Grasping the end of the remote, Mary began fucking herself furiously hard and fast! Grunting and groaning, with each hard shove, pushing it in deeper and deeper, until finally, her giant pussy swallowed the entire remote control!

Sitting naked in the living room on the sofa, with the remote control buried deep in her pussy, Mary squeezed and sucked on her milky tits while frantically rubbing her stiff erect clit, bringing herself to another loud, thrashing orgasm.

After cumming, Mary carefully extracting the remote from her pussy, and returned it, gooey, slimy, and wet, back to where she found it on the coffee table.

She then strolled into the kitchen...

Standing in front of the open fridge, the cool air felt good against her damp fevered flesh. Reaching in, she grabbed a plastic bag of groceries that she'd carelessly tossed in the day before. Not since Mary was a young girl had she experimented with so many unusual objects, but that day she was in a mood.

Chapter 10, Youthful Experimentation

In her youth, Mary liked to experiment, inserting many different objects into her tight little pussy, different bottles of various sizes and shapes, kitchen utensils, fruits and vegetables, sausage meats, and even a doorknob!

It was with the doorknob that she first experienced the true melding of pain and pleasure.

Intrigued by the size and shape of the knob on her bedroom door, she was eager to add it to the growing list of items she'd inserted into her pussy, and made herself cum with.

Home alone, with the whole house to herself, mary had hours to get into mischief.

On her first attempt at fucking the knob, she was mostly unsuccessful. Standing naked on a stool so that she could reach her pussy up to the knob, Mary wrapped one of her legs around the edge of the door and rubbed her horny little snatch on the knob, but sadly, no matter how she tried, her young pussy was too tight and she couldn't quite get it in. Frustrated, even though she did achieve a nice wet orgasm from rubbing her clit on the knob, she still felt disappointed, and that the doorknob had much more to offer.

The next day, she was far more motivated and determined to insert the knob in her tight young pussy as she again stood on a stool and straddled the edge of the door. Again grunting and groaning, she pushed with all her might, working her tight wet hole against the knob. She could feel her tight little pussy beginning to stretch, but she couldn't quite get it to penetrate.

Undaunted, she pushed harder, pushing her tight pussy against the doorknob as hard as she could, twisting and turning, this way and that, desperate to feel the big round knob inside her, but despite all her efforts, she couldn't get it in.

The only thing she was doing was driving herself crazy with frustration, making herself insanely horny and even more desperate and determined to squeeze the big knob into her tight little hole.

Suddenly, without any warning, her foot slipped off the stool and the weight of her whole body came crashing down hard, shoving the entire doorknob into her young, inexperienced pussy.

Thankfully no one was home to hear her screams of agony as her tender young pussy was painfully stretched to new agonizing limits. Hanging by her pussy from the doorknob, she clung to the edge of the door desperately trying to support her weight, trying to keep herself from being torn open.

Kicking her legs, she frantically tried to regain a footing on the stool, but as she kicked, the door swung on its hinges making her howl in pain and fearful desperation.

After a minute that seemed like an eternity, Mary finally found the stool and got her weight back onto her feet, but to her dismay, she found it impossible to extract the bulbous knob from the tight grasp of her pussy.

In a moment of panic and desperation, she pushed hard, trying to push the door away to free herself. She howled in pain, it was excruciating, and no matter how hard she pushed, her tight little pussy seemed to be holding on, refusing to release its grip.

It was stuck! She could believe it! She had a fuck’n door knob stuck in her pussy! Grunting and groaning from the exertion and pain, she frantically pushed as hard as she could, but even when it seemed as though it was starting to loosen, her tight pussy sucked it back in. Despite her strenuous effort to free herself, she was stuck, and the harder she pushed, the more it hurt.

Horrified that she might be discovered in that embarrassing predicament, she was desperate to free herself from the knob! She needed to think! She needed to get that fuck'n doorknob out of her pussy!

Think-Think-Think. Realizing that her parents wouldn't be home for hours, she took a deep breath and tried to relax and not panic. Thankfully, in the minutes she'd been stuck there, the pain seemed to be subsiding, and her knob-filled pussy didn't hurt nearly as bad when she wasn't pushing on the door. She thought if she could calm herself, and relax her tight, spasming vaginal muscles, hopefully, she'd be able to free herself from the bulbous knob.

After a few anxious minutes of deep breathes and trying to relax, she again tried pushing on the door attempting to free herself from the knob. Again she cried out, but that time, it wasn't just from pain, but also an unexpected, deep, and intense pleasure!

Mary had made herself cum with many objects, but that was an intense sensation, unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. Her hands began to shake uncontrollably, and again she pushed at the door, and then relaxed, letting the doorknob slip back into her tight, throbbing pussy.

"Oooogh Fuck!" She groaned. The feeling was intense and good! VERY GOOD!

Frightened, excited, and exhilarated, with a white knuckle grip, she began pushing and pulling on the edge of the door, fucking herself with the doorknob that was stuck in her pussy. The feeling was incredible! It still hurt, but it also felt good, so good that she couldn't stop! Rolling her hips, she started humping at the doorknob, driving herself against it as she pulled on the door, actually taking it deeper and deeper into her tight little pussy!

For a moment, she thought she might never free herself from the knob but didn't care. Losing her mind, she began wildly humping and bucking her hips as she pulled on the edge of the door, insanely ramming the big round doorknob into her tight little, dripping wet, fuck hole...

"Oh Fuck! Oh, Fuck! Oh FUCK!" She cried out in a mixture of pain and desperate pleasure.

Not until she'd experienced the best orgasm of her young life, did her tight grasping pussy finally, with a wet slurp, release its stubborn grip on the doorknob.

What started as a frightening and somewhat traumatic experience, ended in a tremendous orgasm, reveling exciting new sensations and also, something about herself and her demented desires.

Afterward, she lay on her bed soothing her sore pussy, thinking how glad she was that the doorknob hadn't broken off inside her. Not only would that have been horribly embarrassing, but her Dad would have been pissed.

In the weeks that followed, she revisited the doorknob several times, but it soon lost its appeal. Even in her youth, Mary was clumsy, and fucking a doorknob could be difficult and frustrating at best, plus being attached to a door, it didn't penetrate very deep. Through frequent exploration and experimentation, Mary found many other objects to satisfy her growing perverse needs.

Chapter 11, Home Alone

As Mary fondly reminisced about youthful misadventures, she stood naked in her kitchen with a cucumber in one hand and a carrot in the other, both of which she'd "experienced" although not in many years.

It felt strange running around the house naked, not to mention masturbating in nearly every room of the house. Although home alone, it still made her feel daring and adventurous as those were activities she normally kept to her bedroom. It made her feel like an exhibitionist in her own home, which added to her excitement and arousal.

Her long meaty pussy lips dangled and dripped as she stood in the kitchen with her legs spread, her feet wide apart. The cucumber felt cold against her hot wet flesh as she teased herself with the large green vegetable, rubbing it up and down, parting her moist, swollen lips, and rubbing it over her stiffening clit.

Pushing the cold cucumber into her hot steamy hole, she gasped, not only from its length and girth but also from the chill. She then, as she slid the cucumber in deeper, with a trembling hand, reached around with the carrot and pushed it into her tight asshole.

Momentarily stunned, Mary stood shivering in her kitchen with the cold vegetables inside her. Then with trembling hands, Mary began to excitedly touch and feel the phallic vegetables that obscenely protruding from her orifices.

Slowly, in and out, she began working the vegetable, alternating the carrot in her ass and the cucumber in her pussy. Standing with her legs bowed, she began fucking herself at an ever-quickening pace, harder and faster, and quickly getting more and more carried away!

Without removing the vegetables, she carefully lowered herself to the floor, easing herself onto her knees, working the vegetables, and as she knelt on the kitchen floor, fucking herself hard, plunging them into her gaping holes, grunting with each strenuous thrust.

"AAAAUGH FUCK!" Mary cried out desperately, kneeling on the kitchen floor, bringing herself to another wet orgasm with the green and orange vegetables.

Fucking herself with the carrot and cucumber was fun, but not quite as good as she remembered from her youth. She'd made herself cum, and cum hard, but the chill of veggies left a little to be desired. And with an extensive and varied collection of "big girl" toys at her disposal, Mary thought at her age, she didn't need to mess around with cold vegetables.

Now in a near frenzied state of arousal where no amount of orgasms would be enough, Mary tossed the slimy veggies onto the kitchen counter, then went to her bedroom to find something more to her liking.

From her nightstand drawer, she ***********ed two realistic cock-shaped dildos. Eyeing the big toys with eager excitement, she examined the many ridges and veins on the bulging shafts, the flared heads, and the big balls, and she couldn't help but compare them to her son's impressive cock.

Both dildos were from "The Porn Star Collection", supposedly cast from the real thing. The website where she bought them was having a sale, Buy One, and Get the Second for Half Price, she couldn't resist. Mary couldn't remember the names of the "Stars" that the dildos had been cast from. She'd just ordered them because she liked their size and shape.

Both dildos had suction cups molded to the base that she'd never really utilized before but had always been curious about. That day she was in a mood to find out!

Happy with her ***********ions, she returned to the kitchen.

Before entertaining her new "toy friends", Mary opened the blinds on the kitchen window that looked out into the backyard. Even though the yard was fenced, and she felt confident that the neighbors couldn't see into her house, having the kitchen blinds open added a certain element of risk that excited Mary.

Feeling somewhat more exhibited, with a loud "plop", Mary stuck one of the porn star dildos onto one of the wooden kitchen chairs, and then sat on the chair, letting the toy cock jut up between her legs. Fondling and stroking the dildo, she playfully imagined what it would be like to have a cock. And as Mary imagined jerking herself off as she stroked the dildo sprung up between her thighs, she took the other pornstar into her mouth and began licking and sucking it.

As she played with the dildo between her legs, she pushed it against her wet pussy and began rubbing the rubbery dong back and forth over her big throbbing clit.

Her pussy was dripping, and the slick dildo was getting wonderfully wet and slippery. Desperate to cum again, she wanting to fill her horny wet pussy with the pornstar dildo and fuck it hard! Lifting her ass off the chair, she positioned herself over the chair-mounted dildo, and then, with a loud groan, lowered herself down onto the latex Porn Star replica.

"Ooooh, Fuuuck!" She exclaimed as she sat down, letting the big rubbery dick filled her insides.

Groaning, she slowly rose up, then lowered herself back down. Oh, I like these suction cups, Mary thought. I like them a lot! Why hadn't she done this before, she wondered.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" She grunted as she pumped her legs, working herself up and down, fucking her Porn Star faster and faster!

"OH! OH! OH!" She moaned as she began to bounce harder and faster. And as she bounced, her big round ass slapped wetly against the kitchen chair.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

As Mary bounced, impaling herself on the chair-mounted dildo, she began playing with her tits. And as she squeezed her big milk dripping tits, milk squirted onto the kitchen table in front of her.

The sight of the milky splatter on the dark wooden table enthralled Mary. As she bounced, she grabbed both her big tits and squeezed, adding to the abstract milky display atop the kitchen table. She then began to rub her tits on the table, smearing her big swollen breast in the milky mess she'd made on the tabletop while continuing to bounce on the pornstar dildo.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Naked in her kitchen, bouncing wildly on a chair mounted dildo, grunting like an animal, her big ass slapping rhythmically against the kitchen chair, while she insanely smearing her tits in the wet milky mess that she'd made on the kitchen table, Mary had a sudden, and disturbing mental image of the perverse spectacle that she was, and wondered...

What would happen if Travis were to come home unexpectedly and find her like that?

Stunned by the disturbing thought, Mary instantly ceased her bouncing, halting with the dildo buried deep inside her, petrified by the embarrassing thought. The pause was short-lived and the brief moment of panic quickly transformed into something else as she imagined the encounter and wondered...

Would it disguise him, or would it turn him on? Would it make his big dick hard to discover his mother naked in the kitchen acting like a pervert?

Slowly, she continued to rise and lower herself on the dildo. Excited by the possibilities, she began to fuck the dildo harder and faster than she’d been before, her big round ass, again slapping rhythmically against the wet chair, keeping time with her grunts and groans, as a tremendous orgasm wells up inside her.

Would he want to watch? She knew from experience that he liked to watch. Would he excitedly take out his big, beautiful dick and start stroke it?

Now humping wildly on the chair mounted dildo, moaning like a whore, pushing herself incessantly hard and fast, Mary's legs began to burn from the exertion they weren't accustomed to. The suction cups were great but they had a downside, she had to work for it, and she wasn't in shape for that kind of activity. Her legs were starting to ache but she couldn't stop. Pushing on through the pain, she was urged on by the tremendous, mounting climax and the image of her son, witnessing her performance, excitedly stroking his beautiful long hard cock in her face.

On the edge of climaxing, Mary imagined her strong, domineering son, grabbing her by the hair, and pushing his cock into her mouth, forcefully shoving it down her throat!

"AAAAAAHG! FUUUUK!" It was with that thought that she came, moaning and groaning on the chair mounted, Porn Star dildo!

Exhausted and left shaken by the intense orgasm, Mary grunted as she lifted herself off the dildo. Trying to stand on shaky, cramping legs, too weak and wobbly to support herself, Mary feared that she might collapse, so she carefully lowered herself to the floor.

Sitting on the floor, she was eye-to-eye with the chair-mounted dildo. The dildo was wet and slimy, and there was a puddle on the chair. Leaning forward, she licked the dildo, tasting it, savoring it. The dildo tasted of pussy, her pussy. Opening her mouth she took it in and began sucking on the tasty dildo.

It was crazy, insane, she was exhausted but needed to cum again.

Kneeling on the kitchen floor, sore and tired, Mary slid a hand between her sweaty thighs and began fingering herself while licking and sucking on the kitchen chair mounted dildo. Still insanely horny, she needed to cum again.

Maybe Travis won't be alone... she continued to imagine. Maybe he'll have one of his friends with him...

Maybe they'll both want to fuck me! Mary fantasized!

Reaching up, she searched around the milk smeared table until she found the second porn star dildo that she'd been neglecting, and with a loud slap, stuck it onto the tile floor between her quivering thighs.

Even though her legs were on fire, and her pussy was sore, she rose up on her knees and with a groan, lowered herself onto the second dildo.

Lost in a perverse, incestuous fantasy that involved not only her son but also one of his young friends, Mary began humping on the big floor mounted dildo while sucking and licking the wet messy dildo, stuck to the chair, that she'd just fucked.

Humping, fucking, and grinding without end, Mary's fantasy became more and more twisted as she imagined herself being brutally gang fucked by her son and a whole group of his horny young friends!

Reaching up, she felt around the countertop, blindly searching for something else to torment herself with.

She found the cucumber!

It was big! But she could take it, she thought excitedly! Desperate to recreate the closest thing to a gang fuck that she'd ever experienced, the brutal fuck she got from the two deceptive strangers and her all too willing son, she pushed the large green vegetable against her tight, spasming ass hole.

With her pussy full of the pornstar dildo, it was a challenge and took some effort and maneuvering, but she managed to push the big green cucumber into her tight ass.

Lost in a deviant fantasy, imagining herself the center of a brutal gangbang, Mary knelt on her kitchen floor, bouncing on the floor-mounted dildo, pushing a cucumber up her ass as she bobbing her head on the kitchen chair mounted dildo.

Insanely fucking every opening in her body, Mary pushed herself past the point of exhaustion.

Soaking wet with sweat, she continued to incessantly bounce, fucking the floor-mounted dildo as she mouth fucked the dildo on the chair, while the cucumber lodged in her ass, thumped hard against the floor, sending shock waves up her spine.

Huffing and puffing, she drove herself on! Burning hot and dripping wet, her long dark hair saturated, clung to her face, neck, and back. Overheated from the exertion and the intense multiple orgasms, the sweat dripped off her like rain! And still, she could not stop the grueling test of endurance, pain, and pleasure.

Exhausted, gasping for air like a marathon runner nearing the finish line, she continued to bounce.

"Oh fuh! Oh fuh! OH, Fuuuh!" She huffed as a tremendous, all-consuming orgasm began to overtake her.

"Oh fuck! OH FUCKING GODDAMIT! I'M FUCKING CUMMING!" She screamed aloud in the empty house, as she shook violently, and convulsed frightfully...


As the waves of paralyzing orgasms began to recede, Mary exhaled deeply, and finally felt a sense of relief. Sexually and physically spent, she rolled off the dildo onto her side, letting the cucumber in her ass worked its way out, landing on the floor with a "thump".

Even though she was sore and exhausted, the angst and frustration she'd felt all that morning seemed to have miraculously vanished.

As she lay on her kitchen floor barely able to move, thinking with some remorse that she'd overdone it that time, she was finally satisfied, and at peace, and could get some much-needed rest.

"I just need a minute." She said aloud to herself as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Chapter 12, Tossed Salad

It was the pain and discomfort that awoke Mary. Her shoulder and hip hurt from lying on the hard kitchen floor. Rising up, there was something different she thought as she looked around. The room looked different.

Everything was the same, as it had been, but there was something different. It was the light! The light was different! She then realized that hours had passed and the sun was low in the sky.

"Oh fuck! I fell asleep! How long have I been lying here?" Mary jumped to her feet and looked around at the scene. The room was full of incriminating evidence of her recent depravity.

There was a dildo stuck to the still wet kitchen chair. There was another dildo stuck to the floor with a puddle surrounding it. There was a slimy cucumber on the floor, and a soiled carrot sitting suspiciously on the countertop, and the usually clean kitchen table was smeared with drying milking.

Suddenly she wasn't so thrilled with the idea of being discovered like that.

Momentarily frozen with indecision, Mary just stood there stunned not knowing which evidence to dispose of first. Grabbing the cucumber, she threw it in the sink along with the carrot.

She then grabbed the chair-mounted dildo. Expecting to run off with it, she was surprised to discover that it remained firmly stuck to the chair, and when she lifted, the chair came up with it. Rattle, she slammed the chair back down to the floor. Placing a foot on the chair to hold it down, she again yanked on the dildo. After a couple of hard pulls, it finally released its grip unexpectedly causing her to nearly topple over backward. She had the same difficulty with the dildo stuck to the floor, as it also took a couple of hard tugs before it let go.

With a sticky dildo in each hand, Mary ran naked through her house, tits flailing and ass jiggling, towards her bedroom. Leaping across her bed, she had the dildos back in their drawer before she bounced twice.

Spinning around, she leaped off the bed.

"I got to get some clothes on!" She realized. "My clothes? Where'd I leave my clothes?"

Remembering. She ran down the hall to her son's bathroom. Retrieving her clothes from the pile of dirty laundry, she hurriedly put them back on.

Finding a hand towel on the floor that didn't seem too overly soiled, she wet half the towel at the sink and then hurriedly moved to her son's room where she cleaned and dried the game controller that she'd used indecently on herself, then quickly wiped off the nightstand where it had been lying.

Scurrying into the living room, she did the same with the TV remote and coffee table.

Back into the kitchen, she frantically wiped up the messes she'd made on the kitchen table, chair, and floor. She then grabbed the cucumber and carrot and threw them back into the fridge. They're fine, she thought, groceries are getting expensive.

Finally, she exhaled a sigh of relief. All the evidence of her wild sexual rampage had been erased.

"Oh shit! I almost forgot!" She said as she took off running.

Back in the hall bathroom, she threw away the defiled toothbrush that she'd shoved up her ass, and replaced it with a new, clean one from a stash under the sink.


Later that night, as she lay in bed listening as her son came home. She could hear him in the kitchen, opening the frig, and then some drawers and cupboards. He was getting himself something to eat.

An evil grin spread across Mary's face when she heard, the recognizable sound of "Crunch, Crunch, Crunch," and knew that her son was enjoying a bowl of salad, a salad that she’d made using the same carrot and cucumber that she'd used on herself earlier that day.

Chapter 13, Cool Seats

The next day, Mary decided that she needed to get out. Staying home, masturbating all day wasn't healthy. Although, her plans wouldn't be very high on anyone's list of healthy activities either.

For her outing, she chose a sleeveless, low-cut wrap dress. It was a lightweight summer dress, with wide diagonal white, turquoise, and black stripes that matched the diagonal cut of the hem. The flowing dress could be very revealing if she wasn't careful, especially since she wasn't wearing any underwear.

Once in the car, before even leaving the driveway, she had the dress untied, but left it draped loosely over her breast as she drove through her neighborhood. Once on the highway, with tinted glass hiding her nakedness from fellow motorists, Mary laid the dress completely open, daringly exposing herself as she drove.

Finally figuring out how to use the Cruise Control, she set it at a modest speed, sat back, and touched herself. Masturbating as she cruised down the highway, the risk and danger of the activity aroused and excited Mary, and before getting to where she was going, she'd wildly fingered herself to a groaning orgasm. It was a nice way to start the day.

Once at her destination, Mary fixed her dress and sat nervously in the parking lot. Her whole body shaking with excitement and anticipation. She couldn't believe she was actually going through with this.


The young girl at the ticket counter was cute but snotty and indifferent, and Mary hated the little bitch instantly.

The boy in the lobby who took her ticket was a different story. Smiling broadly, he welcomed Mary as she approached with big tits bouncing.

The boy was tall (everyone was tall to Mary) with a slight acne problem, but wasn't unattractive.

It was a warm day, too warm for Mary to wear a sweater to cover-up her big braless tits, and the cool air in the air-conditioned movie theater was making her already huge nipples stand up exceptionally tall, hard, and very noticeably erect!

She wasn't purposely trying to attract attention. It was just a hot day and she thought she could get away without wearing a sweater. She truly didn't think anyone would notice, but the boy who took her ticket sure took notice, and he was staring at her hugely erect nipples!

Long ago, petite, yet curvaceous little Mary gave up try and make herself appear taller and leggier by wearing high heels. She was just too clumsy and top-heavy to wear heels, so as she approached in her flat comfortable shoes, the tall, pimple-faced boy got a good look down her loose, low-cut dress.

As he took her ticket, the pimple-faced boy was so enthralled by bodacious little Mary, he couldn't pull his eyes away from her big tits with hard erect nipples.

Horny! Nervous! Excited! Standing in the theater lobby, Mary was a bundle of conflicting emotions.

Before even arriving at the theater, Mary had already cum once, and she was still horny as hell! As she stood in the theater lobby, her wet throbbing pussy was screaming for more attention. She hadn't gone there to see a movie. She was there to act out her growing obsession to masturbate in public. And the attention and lustful stares of the teenage boy only served to heighten her excitement and arousal.

As Mary had hoped, the Multiplex was quiet that early on a weekday. Besides the snotty girl at the ticket counter and the horny, overly attentive usher, two other kids were working the snack bar who appeared to be doing more talking than working. By all appearances, she seemed to be the only moviegoer in the theater.

After taking and tearing her ticket, the boy eagerly asked, "Theater number six. Can I show you the way?"

"Sure, why not!" Mary said, politely accepted his offer.

As he leads the way, the boy kept looking back at her, staring at her bouncing boobs as if hypnotized by their movements. He wasn't watching where he was going, and Mary feared that the distracted boy might trip, or walk into something.

Fortunately, they made it to theater number six without incident. Holding the door open, the boy produced a small, surprisingly bright, penlight from his pocket and offered to help her to her seat. With her imagination already winding up, she thought of the lurid possibilities, but politely declined the boy's help.

In the dimly lit theater, previews of Coming Attractions played as Mary cautiously made her way up the steps. The theater was nearly empty with only two couples sharing the theater with her. Perfect, she thought as she moved up the steps to the back of the theater.

As she took her seat, her heart raced with excitement, but she was also very rightfully nervous and apprehensive, questioning her own sanity.

While an animated short played inviting moviegoers to visit the snack bar, another couple entered the theater and sat about halfway up. With only six other moviegoers in the whole theater, everything was going as Mary had planned. She'd intentionally chosen a 'Dog' of a movie hoping there wouldn't be much of a crowd and it seemed she had chosen well.

Mary sat by herself in the very last row of the dark theater as the featured film began to roll. She had the whole rear half of the theater to herself. Leaning forward in her seat, she reached down between her ankles, then sensuously ran her hands up the length of her smooth legs, laying open her dress as she went until reaching the warm wet folds of pantyless flesh between her indecently spread thighs.

Excited and aroused, Mary nervously untied the sash of her dress, then slowly laid it open exposing herself in the dark theater and to the unwitting moviegoers below.

With her dress open, she was fully exposed. She sat there trembling with fear and excitement, with her hands in a white-knuckle grip on the armrests.

Indecently exposed in the darkened theater, she was too afraid to breathe, much less touch herself as she scanned the moviegoers below, anxiously searching for the smallest sign that someone might be aware of what she was doing.

After a few minutes, she began to relax, and was finally able to take a breath, and slowly ease her grip on the armrest. To give herself more room, she lifted the armrests out of the way, ever so slowly and quietly, fearful of drawing any unwanted attention to herself.

Even as she gained confidence, Mary kept a watchful eye on her fellow moviegoers below. Cautiously, she began touching herself, gently brushing her fingers over her large nipples stiffened by the cool air of the theater and gently rubbing the thick moist lips of her pussy. Becoming more at ease, realizing that her fellow moviegoers were hardly aware of her, she let herself become aroused and began squeezing her milk swollen breast and tormenting her stiffing nipples. Becoming more daring, Mary, sitting by herself at the back of the theater with her thighs spread wide, began rubbing her fat, erect clit, faster and harder...

Chapter 14, Imagination Theater

Oblivious to the movie playing on the big screen, a much darker and more lurid film played in Mary's demented mind...


I'm startled by a mysterious light heading towards me down the dark and secluded back row of the theater. I immediately recognize it as a beam from a flashlight. FUCK! I'm busted! How did I not see them coming!

Hastily, I close my dress, but they're moving quickly and I don't have time to tie it properly. I need to make an escape. Holding my dress closed with two tightly cinched fistfuls of fabric, I leap to my feet and attempt to flee in the opposite direction from the quickly approaching beam of light. To my surprise, I run headlong into second, flashlight totting usher that snuck up on me from the other direction. FUCK! I'm trapped!

As the first usher closes in, unseen hands on my shoulders push me down into a seat and the two ushers sit on either side of me. As they turn off their lights, I try to stand and flee, but gripping hands hold me down in my seat.

"Ssssh." I'm shushed by one of the ushers. There's just enough light in the dark theater that I recognize Pimple Face from the lobby. "Relax." He whispers. "We're not here to bust you. We saw what you were doing, and we just want to watch."

From either side, I feel tugs as the two punks try to pull open my dress. My grip holds firm, and I again try to stand and push my way past, only to be shoved back down into my seat.

Pimple Face whispers threateningly in my ear, "Hey! If you want, we can call the sheriff and tell them we got another pervert in the theater. Believe me, we see this kinda shit all the time, except the perverts don't usually look like you. That's why we're giving you a break. C'mon. It's up to you. What's it going to be?"

Again I feel tugs on my dress from either side. I have no choice but to relent and loosen my grip.

The two young thugs pull open my dress, and I don't bother trying to cover myself. Surrendering, I let them have what they want as they look me over, excitedly examining my exposed body.

"Fuck! You have awesome tits!" Exclaims Pimple Face in a hushed voice. The other, I recognize as one of the boys working the snack bar, he's shorter and stockier. He just snickers.

Each boy grabs one of my wrists and forcibly holds it down against the seat restraining me as they both begin to maul my breast with their free hand. Sitting on either side of me, they squeeze and fondle my swollen tits, pinching and twisting my big stiff nipples.

I sit there, letting the boys maul my tits. It feels good, stimulating. I feel wetness on their hands, and it's not long before both boys lean over and start sucking on my milk swollen tits. With one on each tit, I moan out loud unable to contain my cries as my milk begins to flow into their hungry sucking mouths.

Pimple Face stops sucking just long enough to shush me, then returns to hungrily feasting on my dripping nipple.

As both boys feed on my tits they grab my legs and pull them apart. I resist, attempt to hold my knees together, but my resistance is weak and the boys easily pull open my legs. As they suck on my tits, their searching hands slide up my thighs to my shamefully wet pussy.

In the darkness, I don't know who's doing what as unseen hands grope my crotch and exploring fingers fill my wet pussy and rub my fat throbbing clit.

Again I hear myself moan, but I catch myself and bite my lip. Giving in to the forceful boys, I slide down in my seat and spread my legs, obscenely opening myself, making it easier for the boy to suck my tits as they pinch, grab and pull, cruelly on my thick meaty pussy lips, stretching them open so that they can shove their fingers deep into my sloppy wet pussy.

I try to restrain myself but it's impossible. With both boys hungrily sucking on my big, milk swollen tits, as they thrust their fingers into my gaping hole, and pinch, rub my fat throbbing clit! I arch my back and groan through clenched teeth, "Oh fffaaa, I'm cumming!"

Pimple Face covers my mouth with his hand and whispers angrily, "Shut the fuck Up! You're going to get us all in trouble!"

Because of my outburst, the three of us sit up straight like statues, nervously scanning the theater for signs of discovery. Thankfully, all eyes remain on the movie, unaware of what's going on in the back row.

Again the boys grab my wrist, but this time, they pull my hands over to their laps, and I'm surprised to feel warm stiff cock flesh!

When did they open their pants? I wonder. I hadn't noticed. It must have been when I was cumming.

With the three of us sitting up straight and my hands placed on their cocks, I don't respond right away, I just let my hands lay lifelessly on their hard cocks. But I don't pull away either, my willpower is dead, and their young hard cocks feel irresistible. After a moment's hesitation, I begin to slowly move my hands, feeling their hard cocks, first with just the back of my hands and fingers. Within minutes, I take both of their cocks, one in each hand, and begin stroking them off in the theater.

In my right hand, Pimple Face's cock is long, incredibly hard, and stiff with a big flared head. In my left, Stocky's cock is just as hard and stiff but not as long, but very THICK!

Willingly I stroke both cocks, and soon the boys are groaning softly, their cocks getting wet and slippery with precum.

In the dark movie theater with the boys sitting to either side of me, I’m stroking both of their slimy eet cocks, and then, without warning, Pimple Face grabs me by the back of the head and shoves my face down into his crotch.

Suck it!” he growls as he pushes his cock into my face. Without hesitation, I hungrily, take his cock in my mouth and suck and like his long shaft.

Holding me by the head, Pimple Face begins to thrust his hips upward, fucking my mouth as I suck him. After a minute or two, he allows me to come up for air, and then Stocky grabs me by the hair and pulls me over to his cock, and I willingly take his big fat cock in my mouth and let him fuck my face!

Back and forth I'm pulled by the two horny boys, and I willingly suck and stroke them both, bobbing my head, taking their cocks deep until they're pushing down my throat. I want them to cum, desperate to feel their big cocks swell and explode in my mouth.

As I'm pulled back and forth by the two forceful boys, their hands are all over me, squeezing my tits, grabbing my ass, and fingering my pussy. As they grope at my flesh, they pull at my dress, until it's pulled completely off.

Now naked in the dark theater, I continue to excitedly suck off the two boys. Back and forth I'm pulled by the greedy boys, their hands all over me, groping me, feeling me, fingering me! I suck the boys until finally I'm rewarded with a big wad of cum! Pimple Face is the first to cum, followed shortly by Stocky! They both, in turn, cum, emptying their big youthful balls, filling my mouth with hot cum!

I try to swallow it all, but there's too much, and the cum leaks from the corners of my mouth make a sticky wet mess of my face.

With gobs of cum dripping from my mouth and hanging from my chin, I'm pushed out of my seat, onto my hands and knees, onto the dirt, sticky theater floor.

Both boys join me on the grimy floor. Our seats flip up automatically and we have all the room that the dark and dirty back row of the theater has to offer.

Pimple Face kneels behind me and I wantonly reach back between my legs and grab his youthful, still hard cock. Gripping Pimple Face’s slimy wet cock, I guide him into my gaping, wet, needy pussy as Stocky shoves his big, fat, cum dripping cock into my face. And as Pimple Face fucks me from behind, Stocky fucks my mouth, ramming his cock down my throat!

Naked on my hands and knees on the filthy, sticky floor of the last row of the theater, the boys fuck me from both ends. Over and over, back and forth, twisting and turning me, taking turns fucking my hungry, cum swallowing mouth, and shoving their hard cocks into my dripping wet, gaping, pussy!

Endlessly it goes on throughout the movie, the boys tirelessly ram their big hard cocks deep into my needy holes, fucking me hard and forcibly, making me cum, again and again, and...

Chapter 15, Out of Her Head

Sitting by herself in the last row of the theater, nearly naked and fully exposed, Mary masturbated through the entire hour and a half move, imagining all the possible hows and ways she could be fucked in the theater.

Cautious and nervous at first, but as the movie played on, she got bolder and bolder until she was sitting with her feet up on the chair in front, her legs spread wide, ramming her fingers into her gaping wet hole! In the movie theater, she made herself cum repeatedly until her arms and wrists ached from the strain and exertion!

At one point she became so wildly emboldened that she stood up naked in the back of the theater with her breast pulled up to her mouth, and her hand working feverishly between her bowed legs, almost daring the audience in front to turn their heads and witness her obscene performance!

Lost in her perverse fantasy, she didn't even notice the move had ended until the credits began to roll.

That's when Mary felt the wetness in her shoes. It felt like she'd walked through a puddle but they were dry when she entered the theater. She then felt the same wetness on the seat, it was soaked.

It was then that she realized that she'd pissed herself!

Mary was mortified! She'd been doing that more and more, masturbating so much and cumming so hard that she was pissing herself.

As the lights came up and people began to leave the theater, Mary fixed her wet dress the best she could. The whole back of the dress was soaked! She was horribly embarrassed, almost to the point of tears, but she couldn't break down!

Waiting until the theater was empty before standing, Mary quickly headed for the lobby. She needed to get out of there, quick!

In the brightly lit lobby, Mary was momentarily dazed and disoriented, not only from the sunlight streaming in the large windows, but also from the intense multiple orgasms she’d had, and the time spent in the dark, long separated from reality.

Several other movies in multiplex had let out at the same time, and Mary was caught off guard, disturbed to see so many people milling about the crowded lobby. Panic began to set in and she had to resist the urge to make a run for the exit. Not only was the back of her dress soaking wet with piss, but her breast ware leaking milk, making large, telltale wet spots on her dress, and dripping through the thin fabric! With anxiety pounding her like an angry storm, she moved quickly through the lobby, desperate to get out of the theater.

As she hastily made her way through the crowd, she ran into the same boy that had taken her ticket on the way in. Pimple Face! She tried to avoid him and make a discreet exit, but the boy spotted her.

"Hey! How was it?" He eagerly called out to her as she tried to hurry past unnoticed.

Just for a split second, her guilty conscience played tricks on her making her think, "Oh my God! He knows!?" but she then realized that he was only asking about the movie.

As she sped by the overly eager boy, she turned, and trying her best to smile and act normal, said, "It was just okay."

"Yeah, that's what I heard!" She heard Pimple Face call out to her as she left the theater, and never looked back.

Safely in her car, Mary sat for a moment, caught somewhere between laughing and crying, shaking from the whole experience.

She then wiped her tears and began to laugh. She'd gotten away with it!

It was crazy! It hadn't gone exactly as planned, but she'd gotten away with it!

Never having gone to a movie by herself before, Mary always thought that was something lonely losers and weirdos did. Turned out, she was right.

Mary didn't waste any time making a hasty get-away!

As Mary drove away from the theater, she planned to head straight home so she could change out of her wet dress. Feeling the dress, it was soaked. Reaching between her legs, her thighs were slick. Spreading her legs, she ran her hands over her fat wet pussy lips.

Maybe it was the adrenaline or some other hormone, but Mary began to do more than just check herself for wetness.

She had just masturbated to the point of pissing herself in a public movie theater, her dress was soaking wet, and still, she couldn't 't keep her hands off her pussy.

At one point, as she drove down the freeway fingering herself, Mary got so carried away urging on another orgasm, that she swerved, almost sideswiping another car. She hadn't even realized that she was out of her lane until she heard the other car blaring its horn. Shaken and fearing that she might get in an accident, Mary had enough sense to pull off at the nearest exit.

Looking for privacy in an unfamiliar rundown part of town, Mary turned off the street into a dingy, dumpster-lined, back alley.

The alley looked deserted. Desperate to finish herself off, Mary parked between two big green dumpsters.

She had been close to cumming so it wasn't going to take long, and the deserted alley looked like as good a place as any to have one more orgasm before heading home.

After reclining her seat and opening her dress, Mary closed her eyes and quickly got to work on herself.

Unlike in the theater where Mary had to exercise a good deal of restraint, in the deserted ally, she was able to totally let loose. Sitting in her car, Mary wildly rubbed her pussy and tormented her incredibly erect clit, while squeezing and milking her tits until she was crying out uninhibitedly, and adding to the arduous clamor, her juicy pussy made an incredibly loud, sloppy wet sound as her fingers flipped rapidly over her long thick, pussy lips!

Just as Mary had thought, it didn't take long before she was having an intense, prolonged, groaning as if being tortured, orgasm!

With her heels dug into the floorboard, she arched her back, lifting her ass off the seat, thrusting herself upwards, until her big tit nearly pressed into the headliner as she cried out in unrestrained ecstasy...

After her screaming ceased, and her trembling eased, Mary reopened her eyes to discover that she wasn't alone in the dirty alley. There was a witness to her exhibition.

Standing just a few feet in front of her car was an old homeless man with a shopping cart full of his worldly possessions. He had one hand on his cart while reaching into the dumpster with the other. Wide-eyed, the poor old guy stared at Mary through the front of her windshield, which had no concealing tint.

Frozen, Mary and the homeless man stared at each other in a sort of stand-off.

Mary was alarmed, but the bum looked even more afraid of her. The decrepit old guy wore a threatening look, as though he feared bare-breasted Mary might be there to prevent him from diving for treasurer buried in the dumpster, or even worse, she might want to steal his shopping cart.

After a long anxious minute of staring each other down, Mary started her car and very slowly pulled up next to the sad and frightened derelict of society. He appeared to be of no real threat and looked more afraid of Mary than she was of him. Mary rolled down her window and was greeted by such a foul stench of garbage and urine that she almost gagged. With her dress still laying open and her tits exposed, Mary handed the poor old bum a 20 dollar bill. The bum, without changing his expression, looked Mary over warily, then slowly lifted a hand so grimy, it looked as though it had never seen soap and water, and cautiously took the bill from Mary's hand.

As Mary drove away, she had the sudden troubling realization that she might actually have a serious problem with masturbation.

Once home, Mary immediately went to the kitchen and made herself a stiff drink. Rattled and concerned for her state of mental and emotional health, Mary chugged down the vodka and orange juice hoping it would calm her nerves. She'd just masturbated to the point of pissing herself in a public movie theater, and then, felt the need to masturbate in a dirty ally with a filthy bum in attendance. She definitely had a problem she thought. In the need to satisfy her ever-growing obsession, she was becoming careless and foolhardy.

After finishing her drink, Mary stripped out of her damp dress right in the kitchen discarding it on the floor, then, standing naked in the kitchen, made herself another strong drink. As Mary began to get drunk, she started fondling herself.

What the hell was wrong with her, she wondered. She couldn’t stop masturbating. It was her answer to everything. If she was sad, she masturbated. If she was happy, she masturbated. If she was upset or depressed, she masturbated. It was an obsession and Mary knew it, but couldn't stop!

As she began to get buzzed and aroused... "If I can just get control of myself and stop masturbating in public... it'll be okay. I just need to stop masturbating in public." Mary said out loud to herself as she began fingering her pussy.

After making herself another drink, Mary retired to her bedroom, and her drawer full of toys...

Chapter 16, Skating By

Mary awoke to the bright morning sunlight filling her bedroom... and a pounding headache.

Late into the morning hours, Mary had drunk herself into a stupor, while repeatedly masturbating until finally passing out, drunk and spent.

Waking with a horrible hangover, as the fog from the previous night's excess was pushed aside, she found her nightstand drawer hanging open and empty, and every toy she had, every dildo, every vibrator, every instrument of pleasure she'd collected over the years lying about her bed. That night, as she'd gotten so drunk that she’d repeatedly masturbated for hours, giving all her toys a workout, over twenty in total, using them all in various ways and multiple combinations.

"SHIT! FUCK! SHIT! FUCK!" Mary cursed when she saw the time on the alarm clock. She was late for work.

She had been so preoccupied the night before that she had forgotten all about going to work, and more importantly, setting the alarm. She was now late, sore, and hungover. She could call in sick, but that would be too obvious. Despite all her extra-curricular activities as of late, her standing at work was improving and she didn't want to ruin it by calling in sick.

Leaping out of bed, Mary was forced to suddenly stop to steady herself as her stomach rose in her throat and her head spun out of control. After taking a moment to pull herself together, Mary jumped in the shower for a quick rinse, after which she hurriedly pulled on a dark gray skirt, white button-down blouse, and a lightweight sweater. She then ran out of the house while still tucking the blouse into her skirt as she leaped into her car and sped off to work.

During her morning commute, Mary needed to drive with an unusual purpose and determination in a race against the clock, forcing her to keep her hands on the wheel, not allow for her usual drive-time masturbation. Despite her "Indy" worthy driving, Mary arrived late, and the parking garage that served the office building where she worked was packed, forcing her to park in one of those spots on the inclining ramp between levels, which she hated because it made her feel like her car was listing to one side, as though it was going to roll over.

After all her efforts, she still clocked in five minutes late. Mary hoped it would go unnoticed, or at least, hoped that she wouldn't have to hear about it as her attendance and punctuality had been much improved as of late.

Arriving at her cubical out of breath, she found her desk piled high with files all needing to be updated. It was demoralizing. It felt like she was being punished for taking a few extra days off. It looked as though no one had picked up the slack in her absence, and she was going to have to complete a week's worth of work in one day. If she didn't get it all done, she would have to work the weekend, and Mary hated working on the weekends. Hunkering down, and despite her hangover, Mary got to work on the daunting task.


Much later that evening...

It had been a Herculean task but she got it done. There had been no time for the usual fingering herself under her desk, her hands needed to stay busy pounding away on the keyboard. There had been no time for her usual lengthy lunch break in the vacant, upstairs restroom, wildly masturbating to multiple orgasms. She needed to take her breaks at her desk, working in earnest.

It was an accomplishment to be proud of, and she hoped the higher-ups took notice of her dedication and hard work. She had to stay very late to do so, but she finished.

Late that evening, long after everyone else had left for home, the parking garage was deserted, and it appeared Mary's was the lone car remaining in the entire structure.

Looking out of the shadows from within the parking garage, the sunset looked exceptionally dramatic, a beautiful array of oranges, golds, blues, and purples. Standing at the rear of her car, Mary leaned against the trunk, taking a moment to admire the brilliant sunset.

Everyone that worked in the building had long ago left, and the usual bustling parking garage seemed unusually peaceful and quiet, and she felt as though she had the whole structure to herself.

She squeezed her breast and pinched her stiffening nipple.

It was fate rewarding her for her hard work with a beautiful sunset and a beautiful opportunity. She worked hard that day and deserved a treat. The parking garage was empty. It wasn't like she was doing anything in public, not really. It was safe, she thought, no one's around, no one could possibly see.

She'd often thought that the parking garage might be a good place to masturbate but always found it too risky with so many people coming and going. Her hangover had long past and she was feeling much better, great even. The place was deserted, she thought as she lifted her skirt, exposing her hairless, panty-less pussy to the vacant parking garage.

Mary stood at the rear of her car with her skirt pulled up around her waist, squeezing her tits and running her hands over her hot throbbing pussy...

Then nerves began to set in. The parking structure seemed empty, but caution still demanded she at least take some precautions. Moving to the front of her car, Mary leaned against the concrete wall with a very large 4 painted on it and stood between two concrete buttresses that supported the level above. There, she felt somewhat concealed from view. Partially hidden and feeling more comfortable, Mary unbuttoned her blouse, exposing her tits in the parking garage.

With white her blouse open and her gray skirt gathered up around her waist, she squeezed her big, milk swollen tits, causing droplets of milk to form on her huge, erect nipples. The setting sun bathed everything in an orange hue even causing the milk dripping from her nipples to look like orange juice, which made her laugh because of all the Screwdrivers she'd drank the night before. Lifting a milk/juice dripping tit up to her mouth, she sucked on her succulent nipple, drinking her milk as she began rubbing her moistening pussy.

Her pussy lips felt incredibly swollen and tender, perhaps from the excessive abuse, they'd seen the night before or maybe just because she was extremely horny. She also noticed that her clit seemed unusually big and hard, as stiff and erect as she'd ever felt it. Pinched her huge erect clit between her thumb and forefinger, Mary began stroking it, and her groans of pleasure could be heard echoing through the parking structure as she began rubbing herself off.

Then suddenly, her moment of bliss was interrupted...

Mary heard a sound!?

She froze! At first, she thought it might be a car. But it couldn't be! It was a strange sound, like nothing she'd heard before. It was frightening! The sound seemed to have a source or direction; it seemed to be coming from all directions, all around her. And it was getting louder! Getting closer! FAST!

Terrified, Mary tried but couldn't picture what was making the horrible sound. It was a rumbling, scraping, chewing, grinding sound that seemed to make the whole building shake!

Trembling with fear, Mary tried to make sense of the frightening sound that was getting louder and louder! Was it an earthquake? Was the building falling? Were the Russians attacking? Were nuclear bombs exploding? Was a crazed, suicidal terrorist flying a plane into the building? Were aliens attacking?


Then it was upon her. Mary discovered the source of the blood-chilling sound that reverberated through the parking structure.

A teenage boy sped by on a skateboard with his knees bent and his arms out for balance as he navigated the slopes and turns of the parking garage. Then a second boy sped by... followed by a third, and then a fourth.

Mary stood petrified under the giant 4 with her blouse open, cupping one of her tits, and her fingers still stuck in her pussy as she watched in disbelief as the skaters flew by. Frozen in that position, she listened as the sounds of the skateboards gradually diminished and then finally faded away.

Even though silence had returned to the parking garage, Mary's calm was destroyed. After gathering her wits, Mary quickly pushed down her dress and started buttoning her blouse as she jumped in her car.

"Fuck'n skateboards! Are you fuck'n kidding me?" Still reeling from fright, Mary was having trouble calming herself. Her heart was racing and she was shaking.

Had they seen her? She’d been standing there half-naked with her fingers in her pussy as the boys raced by! But they went by so fast, and so focused on the road in front of them, and not one of them turned their heads towards her so Mary didn't think they'd taken any notice of her.

Sitting in her car, she began to pull herself together as she started to laugh. "Just a bunch of kids! God, I'm a fuck'n idiot!" Mary thought as she laughed at how crazy she'd gotten.

The boys were gone. Mary lifted her skirt and spread her thighs. Her pussy was soaking wet! The fright had given her an incredible adrenaline rush and she was horny as hell. She began rubbing her stiff clit, but then, closed her legs and fixed her dress.

It had been a close call, and maybe fate was telling her something else, telling her that she should go home to masturbate, and Mary thought that she should listen.

Starting the car, Mary put it in reverse and backed out of the slanting parking space, and left for home.

As she exited the parking garage, she was suddenly eager to get home to her toys!

Mary had a new fantasy in mind that included four skater punks!

Chapter 17, Colliding

When Mary arrived home, she was surprised to find Travis sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. He'd been avoiding her for so long that his unexpected appearance was a very pleasant surprise. Cautious yet hopeful, Mary approached her son in the kitchen.

"Hey! How are you! It's nice to see you!" Mary said truly enthusiastic as she entered the kitchen.

"I'm good," Travis replied dully without looking up from the paper.

"How have you been? I haven't seen very much of you lately. I've missed you!" Mary said unable to hide her excitement.

"Yeah, I've been super busy with school and practice."

Mary was excited to see her son! And they were talking! Maybe things were going to get better, back to the way they were. Mary was so excited they were finally taking again that she could hardly contain enthusiasm.

Mary noticed that Travis was wearing the red shorts and tank top of his basketball uniform and that the uniform was wet with sweat.

"Were you were practicing?" Mary asked, genuinely interested, desperate to keep the conversation alive.

"Naw. Just pick-up games. The coaches had some kind of meeting or something."

"How are your grades? You know if you don't keep your grades up they won't let you play." Mary said with motherly concern.

"Oh, thanks a lot! Like I don't hear that every fucking day from the coaches!" Travis snarled sarcastically.

Mary turned away from her son. Maybe she'd been overly optimistic that their relationship could be on the mend.

Hearing the sound a split second before she felt it, "SMACK!" Mary felt the warm sting of a slap on her ass.

Spinning around, Mary's heart raced! She wasn't angry. She was excited, thrilled even! Hope returned, maybe there was a chance. Travis had slapped her ass!

"What was that for?" Mary asked almost playfully.

"Just for fun... and I like the way your ass jiggles," Travis replied with a smirk.

"Are you saying I have a fat ass?"

"Yeah! I'm saying you have a fat ass!" Travis said matter-of-factly.

"Thanks a lot!"

"I like your ass! Let me see it!"


"Come on! Lift up your skirt and let me see it! Show me your ass!"

Mary was caught off guard by that sudden turn of events, and by her son's sudden boldness. They hadn't even talked in quite a while and now he wanted her to show her ass.

Despite her initial excitement, Mary felt the need to voice some restraint.

"Things have been pretty calm between us lately, don't you think we should try and keep it that way."

"Fuck! Why do you always have to be such a fuck'n cock tease'n slut?"

Mary was stunned and confused by Travis's unexpected outburst! What was going on? What had she done? Under the circumstances, and the fact that he'd practically raped her, she thought she was being very gracious. Why and the fuck was he talking to her like that?

All the bitterness, frustration, and anger she'd been storing up and living with suddenly came to an explosive head as she retaliated.

"Why do YOU have to be such a MOTHER FUCKER!" Mary verbally lashed back at her son before slapping him hard across the face!

Unlike the last time she'd struck her son, Travis didn't tear up.

Leaping to his feet, Travis angrily grabbed his mother by the arms and turned her around, and then forcibly walked her out of the kitchen into the living room. There, he simply released her, and Mary, unsure of foot, fell from her own clumsiness to the floor.

Perplexed for a moment, Travis looked at his mother crumpled on the floor. He hadn't tripped or pushed her in any way. Awkward and top-heavy, she'd just tripped over her own feet.

Looming over his petite yet curvaceous mother, Travis pointed down the hallway and yelled bitterly: "Why don't you just go to your bedroom and play with your fuck'n toys if that's all you ever want to do!"

He then spun around and stormed back into the kitchen.

Mary sat on the living room floor wondering what the hell had just happened. Everything had been going so well. She'd been so happy and filled with hope at just seeing him, and in an instant, it had all turned to shit. Tears began to well in Mary's eyes.

When she'd fallen to the floor, she'd thought that he was going to forcibly rape her again. And in that instant, she'd even calculated how much, if any, she was going to resist him. Maybe that's why she went down so easily. So when he turned and left her sitting alone on the floor, she felt an ugly pang of disappointment. Feeling guilty and shameful, tears began rolling down her cheeks.

Sitting on the living room floor, sad and dejected, she thought about what Travis had said to her: "Go to your bedroom and play with your toys!"

She loved her toys, but at that moment the thought of masturbating alone in her bedroom, made her feel sad and pitiful.

She thought about what she wanted... what she REALLY WANTED, what she'd wanted since that first time she'd experienced her son's cock. She thought about all the obsessive masturbating and her risky public behavior, and the dark desires that haunted and contributed to her behavior. She thought about the perverse, violent fantasies of incest and gang rape.

Drying her tears, Mary picking herself up off the floor, and went back into the kitchen where her son had returned and was now sitting, brooding over the newspaper.

Returning to the spot where Travis had slapped her ass just moments ago, Mary turned her back to her son, leaned with her stomach against the kitchen counter, and lifted her skirt, exposing her bare ass.

There was a tense, awkward moment of no reaction with Mary just standing there with her skirt gathered up around her waist, wondering if her son had even noticed how she was displaying herself.

She'd expected, hoped for, some reaction from him. She was giving-in, submitting, doing as he asked, surrendering to his dominance. She expected him to slap her bare ass, or at least pinch, grab or feel it.

She wanted him to touch her ass. Looking back over her shoulder, she looked to see if he had even taken notice. He had. He was sitting there glaring at her ass with a puzzled look on his face.

Mary flinched when she heard the chair scuff on the floor expecting to feel the sharp sting of a blow across her ass. But to her surprise, Travis got up and stepped into the kitchen, eyeing his mother with suspicion.

Opening one of the kitchen drawers, he pulled out a spatula, one of those inexpensive black plastic spatulas made for nonstick cookware, and handed it to Mary.

With her skirt still held up around her waist, Mary took the spatula. She was confused. Did he want her to cook something? Even though the spatula had been kicking around for years, it looked brand new. A testament to Mary's lack of home cooking.

Holding her skirt up and the spatula, Mary watched as Travis retook his seat and watched her expectantly.

It took a moment, but it finally came to her what her son wanted. Reaching back, she slapped her bare ass with the spatula!

"Is that what you want?" Mary asked looking back over her shoulder. Travis finally broke the faintest smile.

"Yeah! It IS what I want!" He said as though he hadn't known it until he saw it.

Raising the spatula again, Mary gave her ass five more quick hard whacks! The first couple wasn’t too bad, but the last one really stung.

"Aaaugh!" Mary cried out in pain with the last whack as her ass began to burn.

Again she looked back over her shoulder at her son and could see the "tent" beginning to rise in his shorts! He was getting turned on! She couldn't help it, seeing her son's cock getting hard excited her.

Switching hands, she gave her other ass cheek ten whacks before having to stop, crying out in pain.

"Spread your legs. I want to see your pussy." Travis demanded as he casually lounged back in the kitchen chair. He then added. "And touch yourself! I want to watch you touch your pussy while you spank that fat ass!"

Looking back at her son, he had a full hard-on rising in his shorts. The sight of her son's huge bulge made Mary's heart race!

Spreading her feet, Mary felt shameful, knowing that in position, her seated son would be able to see EVERYTHING and that she was willingly putting herself on exhibition. She knew that bent over with her legs spread her son would have the perfect view of her twitching ass hole, her gaping wet pussy, and her long full, dangling lips.

For a brief moment, she felt a stab of guilt as she reached back between her legs, and willingly spread her swelling pussy lips, displaying her hot wet hole to her son. And as she looked back, seeing the huge, bulging cock in her son's shorts, made it easy for her to let a more powerful feeling of lust and desire blanket her shame.

Bending over at the waist, resting her big tits on the kitchen countertop, Mary had both hands free to inflict both pain and pleasure on herself for her son's amusement.

Mary fingered and rubbed her wet pussy, bringing herself to the edge of an orgasm, then struck herself with the spatula, denying herself that pleasure. Alternating between rubbing her fat clit, and spanking her big shapely ass, Mary repeatedly brought herself to the edge of climaxing, then beat it back by viciously spanking herself until her ass burned like fire.

Over and over, she tormented herself while her son watched intently. Spanking, then rubbing her clit, wildly fingering herself until even the cruel sting of the spatula couldn't stop the explosive orgasm building inside her.

With her hugely erect son watching, Mary brought herself to a tremendous, howling orgasm. And when it was all over, Mary's ass was on fire, but before the pain could ease and redness fade or the sexual fog had a chance to lift, Travis sprung from his chair and grabbed his mom. Forcibly spinning her around, and began tearing at her blouse, popping the buttons off sending them clattering across the floor, ripping her blouse open exposing her tits.

After pushing his mom's tattered blouse off her shoulders, he grabbed her big milk swollen tits and squeezed hard, cruelly pulling and twisting on her huge erect nipples. Crying out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, Mary submissively kept her arms at her sides, letting her sadistic son punish and have his cruel way with her tits.

Squeezing his mom's tits until the milk began to squirt from her fat, enlarged nipples, he asked in a mocking tone: "No bra? No panties? What the fuck have you been doing?"

The questions caught her off guard. Mary never even considered that her lack of underwear might raise some suspicions. She couldn't exactly tell him why she wasn't wearing any underwear. Maybe she could, but she chose to lie.

"The air-conditioning's out at work and it's been really hot. I'm just doing whatever I can to stay comfortable." It was the only thing she could think of on the spot.

"You've been fuck'n around, haven't you?"

"What...? NO! Of course not! You know better than that!"

"Bullshit! How many dicks did you suck today? I know what a horny slut you are! I know how much you love cock! I know what a cum love'n Whore you are! You've been getting some cock somewhere else, haven't you? "

His words were mean, but his tone was playful, and Mary quickly caught-on that he was just teasing her, giving her a hard time, which he often did, even though it was sometimes had to tell if he was joking or being serious. Mary decided to play along.

"Maybe I have. I'm allowed. And what do you care? You haven't been around lately. I haven't even seen you in weeks"

His tone suddenly changed, and for a minute Mary thought that he sounded jealous.

"Really!? With who!? Where!? How many!? More than one at a time!? Come on, tell me!!"

Mary then realized it wasn't jealousy she detected in her son's voice, but genuine interest and curiosity.

He truly wanted to hear all about her possible sexual exploits.

"Oh yeah! It was ten or twenty, I forget. And they each gave me a dollar."

"Huh?... What?... No really. What's going on?"

"Nothing's going on. You know that."

Travis returned to his sardonic tone, and as he did, he tore at the remnants of his mother's clothes, pulling off her white blouse and pushing down her gray skirt, stripping her naked in the kitchen.

"What I know..." Travis continued. "is that you're a horny nympho slut, and how much you crave cock! That's what I know!"

They had hardly spoken in weeks, and Mary was surprised by how her son was talking to her but was also aroused. Mary made no attempt to halt the degrading treatment or the language he was using on her. He was obviously enjoying hearing himself talk, plus the dirty talk was affecting her as well!

After stripping her naked, Travis handed the spatula back to his mom, then retook his seat wearing a satisfied grin and a huge bulge in his shorts. He was breathing heavily, not from exertion but from arousal as he eyed his mom's sexy, bodacious body, her big tits, her curvaceous hips, and her full, meaty pussy.

Even though still hidden in his shorts, it was obvious to Mary that her son had a huge hard-on, and that he was enjoying humiliating and making a spectacle of her, which only added to Mary's arousal and excitement, satisfying some depraved need she had.

"Go on, keep going! Make yourself cum. Again! I know what a horny slut you are!" Travis said fiendishly.

"Spank your tit! Spank'em hard! And your pussy... spank that too!"

Standing naked in her kitchen with a spatula in her hand, Mary watched her son as he patiently waited for her to perform. He was rubbing his long hard cock through his shorts, squeezing it and slowly stroking the huge bulge up and down.

“C’mon! Punish yourself! I know what a Pain-Freak you are!” Travis taunted his mother.

He was right, Mary thought, I am a freak. The sight of her sadistic son touching himself ignited a fire in her, releasing that self-abusive freak in her.

Cradling her breast in her palm, Mary brought the spatula down hard with a loud "Whack!" then struck her big tit three more times in quick succession. She then did the same to her other breast. Back and forth she abused her tits for her son's amusement, striking herself hard with the spatula. Not only did she beat her tits, but she also abused her big nipples, pinching and pulling, and painfully twisting them. From all the abuse, Mary's swollen tits began squirting on their own, spontaneously spraying milk from her huge erect nipples.

As Mary continued to torture herself with the spatula, she obsessively fingered and rubbed her sloppy wet pussy.

Standing naked in the kitchen with her tits squirting, at her son's command, Mary began peppering herself with the spatula, not just her tits but all-over, striking herself hard, on her legs, ass, and thighs. Beating herself while frantically rubbing and fingering her pussy.

Bringing herself to the very edge of cumming, she then brought the spatula down hard on her sensitive pussy.

"Aaaaugh!" She cried out and shook in pain.

Again she rubbed and fingered her sore, abused pussy, then hit it again! Hitting, then rubbing, hitting, then rubbing, she tormented her flesh. Soon she was just hitting, beating her inflamed lips, and swollen erect clit, insanely torturing herself for her son's amusement.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

"Aaaaugh! Fuck!” Mary screamed, not from pain but from an inexplicable orgasm, making herself cum beating her pussy

After Marys's masochistic orgasm, Travis left his seat and approached her.

Mary's was dazed and twitching, her head was spinning and her flesh was on fire.

Travis took his mom in his arms, and holding her tightly, pressing her big, abused, squirting tits against his chest, he grabbed her sore ass and lifted her off the floor.

Mary's abused tits stung as they press against her son's chest, and her tender, inflamed ass burned squeezed by her son's grasp. And she could feel his hard cock poking her ass.

Spinning around, Travis set her on the kitchen table, and then took a step back. Mary winced from the pain of her sore ass against the hard table.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." Travis said with a smirk as he hurried out of the room.

In the minute he was gone Mary had time to think. She'd gotten what she wanted... Hadn't she? Things were back the way they were, and then some. She was sitting naked and abused on the kitchen table, eagerly awaiting the return of her son and his big cock. Moments ago she'd been laying on the living room floor in tears... Yeah, that was exactly what she wanted... Wasn't it? Was she sick-in-the-head, crazy? Undoubtedly.

Travis returned with a big mischievous grin on his face and hiding something behind his back. From behind his back, he brought out one of Mary's pornstar dildos.

He's been into my things, Mary thought momentary indignant, but then quelled her objections.

Slapping it down, Travis stuck it to the table next to his seated mom; he then pulled out a chair and sat eagerly anticipating her actions.

"You want me to... "Mary said as she touched the dildo. Travis nodded with an evil grin.

Travis now had his hand in his red shorts, and Mary could see the shape of her son's fist moving up and down along the shaft of his stiff cock.

As she watched her son stroke his big meaty cock, Mary cautiously got onto her knees atop the kitchen table, and straddle the pornstar dildo. Kneeling on the table with her son watching just an arm's length away, Mary let out a sound that could have just as easily be mistaken for pain as it was for pleasure, as she lowered herself down onto the dildo.

Wide-eyed Travis watched her ride the dildo, staring as her wet pussy swallowed the rubbery cock. Slowly at first, but soon she was bucking and bouncing, humping and grinding the dildo, putting on a wild exhibition for her cock stroking son.

While Mary fucking her pornstar dildo, she rubbed her fat erect clit and squeezed and sucked on her milk streaming tits, pleasing herself as she performed.

After several, Mary cried out: "Oh my fuck, I'm going to cum again! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! OH FUCK!" Screaming out as approaching orgasm overcame her!

Her impending rapture was momentarily interrupted as Travis stood, his shorts, comically distorted by the huge hard-on. From behind his back, he produced a second pornstar dildo that he'd been hiding.

Grinning widely, Travis held up two fingers as he handed her the second dildo.

Mary rose her dripping wet pussy up off of the dildo stuck onto the table, and then after a slight adjustment, lowered her ass down onto that same slippery, pussy slimed dildo. The gooey wet dildo easily took-up residence in her very experienced ass. Mary then took the second pornstar dildo from her devious son and filled the void in her gaping pussy. The suction cup of the second dildo easily attached to the large wet puddle that had formed on the table, and Mary began riding both dildos, bouncing up and down, and rolling back and forth, double penetrating herself for her son's amusement.


After a long, intense exhibition, a fuck session with her son as the audience, after a long series of loud, expressive orgasms, Mary finally, exhausted and spent, had to roll off the dildos onto her side atop the kitchen table. Travis rose and approached his mom.

Mary, seeing the huge rise in her son's pre-cum speckled shorts said out of breath: "I'm sorry baby. I know what you want, and I want it to. I can't deny it anymore, but I don't think I have anything left in me."

Travis just laughed and said: "I never thought I'd hear you say that!"

Picking his mother up off the table, Travis cradled his exhausted mom in his arms and carried her into her bedroom. There, he didn't gently lay in bed; he instead hefted her up high and threw her on the bed.

Mary landed on her back with a hard bounce, and as she bounced, all the toys from the previous night's debauchery leaped into the air in unison, then came pattering back down. Despite her recent exhibition in the kitchen, she felt embarrassed by all the dildos and cursed herself for not having put them away. Mary came to rest with her legs, perhaps unintentionally, yet invitingly spread.

"Are you gonna fuck me?" Mary asked seeing the hungry look in her son's eyes.

Travis didn't answer his mother. He just stripped out of his uniform, displaying youthful athletic physique and his huge, stiff cock, and then jumped on his mom.

Chapter 18, Hate Fuck

Travis fucked his mom with unexpected anger and vengeance, punishing her with his dick, stabbing her as if his long, hard, stiff cock were a weapon.

Mary willing took her son's abusive fuck, absorbed it, needed it, took all he could dish-out, and craved more!

Not only did Travis brutally hate fuck her for a tortuous, exhaustingly long time, he also forced her to continue to use her toys on herself, never allowing her to have a single vacant hole. If his dick wasn't in a hole, then he made sure that she had one of her toys in it, including her mouth. And as he sadistically rough fuck her, he continued the abuse, slapping her around, whipping her ass, and cruelly spanking her leaking tits.

He was hard and forceful, and Mary relished every minute, cumming over and over again.

The brutal fucking went on and on, and Travis continued to fuck his mother long after she’d become physically depleted. Twisting and turning her limp, worn-out body around like a ragdoll, he continued to punish her, fucking her every perverse position he could twist her.

Spent and exhausted, Mary was falling into a stupor, barely clinging to consciousness. And when it seemed she was going to pass-out, Travis cruelly brought her back by slapping her face, ass, or tits, or pulling on her hair.

Taking years of frustration out on his mom, Travis continued to brutally fuck his, seemingly without end. And although Mary was exhausted and nearly depleted, she not only took her son's abuse but continued to have orgasms, repeatedly cumming intensely.

Not only did Mary continue cumming, but her orgasms were also becoming more extreme, to the point of being severe, like gut-wrenching contractions that were turning her insides out. Adding to Traviss's amusement, Mary began pissing herself, squirting like a fountain each time came, encouraging him to continue his abuse of his piss-soaked mother.

Exhibiting astounding stamina, even though he’d already cum twice, shooting big loads down his mom's throat and a second in her ass, and even though his mother had gone limp, Travis continued to hammer away on her, strenuously working hard towards a third orgasm.

Pounding away tirelessly, holding her up by her waist to her keep her from slumping over, he fucked his lifeless mother from behind, incessantly ramming his long stiff cock into her gooey, leaking pussy.

Ass up and face down against the bed, Mary had finally passed out. Unconscious Mary had a dildo in her ass, but the one in her mouth had slipped out of Mary’s drooling mouth.

Travis slapped his mother’s ass hard trying to bring her back, but no matter how hard he slapped, she was unresponsive. Even though his mother was non-responsive, he continued to fuck her lifeless, unconscious body.

Not until after cumming a third time, (mostly a dry fire), did Travis finally take his leave of his unconscious mother, leaving her crumpled on her bed surrounded by soiled toys.

He was done with her... for awhile.

Chapter 19, Exhausted

Mary awoke the next evening after being out for nearly twenty hours. Despite her long sleep, Mary awoke sore, stiff, and tired. Her muscles ached as did her ass, pussy, and throat, and the bed where she'd been laying, was wet with all sorts of bodily fluids, both hers and her son's.

Getting out of bed, she stumbled around the house like the naked un-dead, searching for her son. He was gone.

In a harsh reminder of what had happened, in addition to her wet mattress, and all the dildos scattered about the bed, Mary found her tattered clothes in a pile on the kitchen floor, and the two pornstar dildos still stuck to the kitchen table. She just left things where they were.

It had happened again, Mary thought with aching regret. And that time, she'd offered herself up, nearly begging for it.

After a drink of water that washed down some goop lodged in her throat, Mary went back to bed. After kicking the littering of dildos onto the floor, she found a dry spot and went back to sleep for another eight hours.

Chapter 20, Lost and Lonely

The next morning Mary managed to shower and to put on some clean pajamas, she also changed her bed clothing. Travis still hadn't come home. Where was he, and who was he with, and what was he doing? Mary anxiously wondered.

She needed him!

Chapter 21, Breakdown

That night when Travis finally returned, he found his mother sitting on the sofa hugging her legs, her knees tightly drawn up to her chest. She was staring at the blank TV set, it was off. There was an empty carton of Rocky Road ice cream on the coffee table along with an empty package of chocolate chip cookies and a half-drank cocktail that Travis imagined had been filled and emptied a few times.

Seemingly drawn out of a daze by the appearance of her son, Mary turned towards him and yelled, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?"

Caught off guard by his mom's sudden outburst, Travis responded, "I spent the night at Mike's. We had an all-night C.O.D. tournament. And since when do you care!?"

Not even sure what her son was talking about, Mary continued, "OH SURE! YOU FUCK ME, AND THEN YOU JUST TAKE OFF AND LEAVE ME HERE ALL ALONE!"

Thinking his mom was joking, but when she began to cry, he realized she was being serious. Travis could tell she was truly upset. Recently, he'd seen a lot of different sides of his mother, and himself, but he'd never seen her like that. It concerned and even frighten him.

Sitting beside his mom he asked: "Are you okay? What's going on?"

Mary began to sob uncontrollably.

Travis put his arm around his mother and held her.

"Are you alright? I know the other night things got pretty wild. I'm sorry I left you. Talk to me." He said as he tried to comfort her.

"Do you really think I'm a freak?" She asked in tears.

"No! Of course not!" He said holding her. "You can get a little freaky, but you're not a freak." He said trying to lighten the mood but it wasn't working.

As Mary's crying intensified, Travis tried a different approach. "If you're a freak then I guess I'm a freak too, and I guess we're lucky to have each other."

That was the kindest, sweetest thing he'd ever said to her, Mary thought. Never had he seemed so caring and concerned, at least not since he was a little boy.

Breaking down in tears, Mary confessed to her son all the crazy things she'd doing. Like opening up a flood gate of admissions, she told him about everything, all masturbating and how it was getting out of control, about the public masturbating, confessing that she'd been masturbating at work and while driving her car, and told him what she'd been doing at the grocery store and what she did in the parking lot afterward, and she also told him about masturbating in the movie theater and even about the bum in the alley.

Astounded and intrigued by his mom's tearful confessions, Travis listened to her revealing accounts with great interest.

With watery eyes, Mary gazed at her son as she told her story, and despite the wild, and often rough and brutal sex they'd shared, she'd never felt closer to him. She kissed him tenderly.

Their loving embrace and tender kisses quickly became passionate and lustful, and as they kissed, Travis held his mother's breast, rolling her stiffening nipple between his fingers tips. And Mary, while sucking on her son's tongue, squeezed and stroked the growing erection in his pants. As they kissed, Mary thought that it was the most gentle, and tender, and loving moment they ever shared.

Then all of a sudden, like alarms going off in her head, Mary thought, this isn't right! It's all wrong! This isn't how it was supposed to be! Mary suddenly broke off their kiss and pulled away.

"What's wrong?" Travis asked confused. His mother had a very strange look on her face.

Mary then, without warning, slapped her son hard across the face.

"What the fuck! Why did you do that!?"

Mary then jumped up and straddled her son. Sitting across his lap, she again passionately kissed him, but that time, she bit his lower lip hard enough to draw blood.

"AAAAH! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Travis yelled as he leaped to his feet knocking his mom onto the floor.

Rearing up onto her knees, Mary lunged at her son grabbing him around the legs, and like some crazed vampire, sunk her teeth into the bulge in his crotch!

"AAAAAAHG! FUCK! YOU FUCK'N CRAZY BITCH! GET OFF OF ME!" Travis cried out as he grabbed his mom by the hair and threw her onto her back.

Standing over his mother shaking his clenched fist, he yelled, "YOU STUPID FUCK'N CUNT! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCK'N MIND?"

He was angry, enraged, on the verge of violence. Mary turned and tried to retreat by crawling away on her hands and knees.

In an explosion of aggression, Travis pounced on his mom as she tried to scurry away. Pinning his prone mother face down to the floor, he pulled down her pajama bottoms revealing her backside that still showed signs of abuse. He then opened his pants releasing his stiff cock!


With her ass up and her face down against the floor, Travis couldn't see it, but his mom had an excited smile on her face.

The End.


2021-03-24 22:05:30

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