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This is not based on a true story or anything. Just something the bi author fantasizes about sometimes.
Frankie gave me the signal, so I proceeded towards the concession stand. I had just come from the woods in the dark of night, although I didn't have to walk through them very far since the soccer field wasn't too far from my apartment. This was probably my twelfth venture so far out to the abandoned concession stand at midnight, so I was familiar enough with how to get there in limited visibility.

There were going to be eight guys plus Frankie there tonight. A good reminder that, sometimes, Craigslist was a pretty great way to get what you want. As usual, I was the bitch tonight, so I'd have to keep these nine men very happy for the next few hours. I was always the bitch because that's what I was looking for. Or at least, that's what I had put in my ad when Frankie responded.

The concession stand had been abandoned for about a year now, so it was by no means run down. It was actually pretty nice in there. The best part is, it included a locker room, some showers, and a bathroom with a toilet and urinal. Its water was shut off, so unfortunately we couldn't use them (a missed opportunity I'm still sore about). It had no electricity either, so we had to light it up at night with some camping lamps. That gave it a bit of a creepy vibe, but I trusted these guys enough that I was never afraid.

It made a great location for these meetups because it wasn't on any major roads, and it wasn't really visible to any of the nearby houses. Which is probably why the whole soccer field failed as an adult league field. For one thing, this is America, so soccer is quite niche. For another, out of the few homegrown Americans in the area that actually like soccer, it's mostly a thing they get their kids to do at school. Not something adults would want to do regularly enough to justify having a field specifically for an adult soccer league. So naturally, nobody ever used the field, and they ran out of maintenance money, so now the field and concession stand are officially abandoned. A lot of money sunk into a pointless venture. Anyway, I'm giving too much detail about things that don't matter.

I hurried across the field and eventually met up with Frankie at the door. He let me in, we made some small talk about things, and he resumed watching for the others while I helped myself to some drinks from a cooler Frankie brought. I was the first one here, which I kind of prefer since I don't exactly fancy making small talk with a bunch of guys whose dicks were soon to be in my mouth.

Frankie was keeping watch because he had this system to ensure the safety of everyone who comes out to play. Even though the concession stand was well out of view and earshot of any houses, he still tried to make sure that not too many guys approached the stand at the same time. So if two guys arrived at once, they would signal to Frankie, and he would signal to let one of them in. Then he'd wait a few minutes, and signal for the other to approach as well. He just didn't want a bunch of men swarming the place at the same time to risk calling too much attention to the stand. He also didn't want to be opening the door too often and exposing the electric light inside the stand. He tried to make our goings-on as incognito as possible.

All this was in addition to demanding medical proof that all members of our little club were STI-free. He also had a rigorous entry test that helped ensure that everyone who joined the club was like-minded. The test was designed to weed out guys who were too aggressive or who might not be fully committed to the lifestyle. He was actually an extraordinary man and I respected him quite a bit. He was a community leader, held a six figure job, and had a very positive outlook on life. He also liked plowing dudes in the ass in the middle of the night in abandoned buildings and has been doing so for a while now. He's the one who discovered the abandoned concession stand and started organizing nightly get-togethers in it.

The rest of the men arrived bit by bit. Some started undressing and fooling around, and some just sat in folding chairs to drink some beers and quietly talk, waiting for everyone to get here first. I didn't really talk to anybody, and I had a feeling that the few new guys present knew I was the bitch. Frankie quietly clapped his hands together when everyone was here. “All right, we're in business. Gentlemen, thanks for joining us tonight. This here is Tyler, and he's our bitch tonight. Some of you have met him before, but Tyler, go ahead and introduce yourself.”

Ugh, I always hated this part. “I'm Tyler. I'm 28.”

“Come on, dude. We like to know stuff about the guy we're going to be having fun with for the next few hours.”

“Uh, you know, I do IT. I like video games and anime. I live on my own. I have a Volvo.”

“Show us your dick,” one of the guys mockingly said in the back.

“OK,” I said, and pulled my pants down.

“Fuck yeah,” one of the new guys said. “Kid's pretty big.” Which wasn't entirely true, I was rather modestly sized, but I think he was just being polite.

“Well OK, gents,” Frankie interrupted “I know we're eager to get started since we don't actually have that long, but we have housekeeping to do. Big rule number one is, watch your volume. No loud talking, no loud moaning, and absolutely no yelling of any kind. Also make sure we don't rock the house as it were—this place isn't made of solid brick, so we have to be careful not to fuck too hard and rock these cheap ass walls. Rule two is be respectful. If Tyler says he's uncomfortable at any point, or anyone else for that matter, then back off. Or me and Rocko over there will have to deal with you.”

Frankie and his good friend Rocko were pretty big, so everyone seemed to take this threat pretty seriously. Not that I think anyone would necessarily be like that here. I've played with most of these men and they were all very friendly. Frankie's screening always seemed to help weed out the pricks, so to speak. Nobody was allowed to be mean spirited in the least here.

Frankie listed out some other housekeeping rules, and then, finally, we got started. I found myself on my knees and surrounded by nine penises. Most of the guys were probably in their 30s. Frankie and Rocko were in their 40s. A few were probably a bit younger than me, in their early 20s or around my same age. And we were in a fairly diverse area in southern Oregon, so the men were of a few different races. Cocks large and small, cut and uncut, were soon poking me in the face as I struggled to suck them all. I absolutely loved this part, being on my knees and trying my best to give equal treatment to so many dicks as they all demanded attention.

This sucking usually lasted pretty long before we branched off into other things. They would take turns trying to shove two or even three dicks into my mouth at a time, which was probably my favorite part of the night. Trying to keep three pulsating cock heads in my mouth for as long as I can is quite the enjoyable challenge. I would also stroke two cocks at once with my hands, so the game basically was, try not to let any cock go too long without attention.

Some of the guys would whisper “oh yeah” or just lightly moan as I took them in my mouth. I liked getting this kind of feedback and it helped keep me extra horny. And sometimes if I was doing especially well, a guy would briefly grab my head and force my mouth up and down his cock for a while while everyone else watched. My dick was so hard it hurt in a pleasurable kind of way. It was throbbing and usually stayed this hard for the entire night. Although I never relieve myself here. I until I get home for that. If I came at any point, then that would kill my mood, and I'd have 9 fairly disappointed men on my hands. I'm actually a bit more into women than I am into men, so I have to be really horny to keep sucking dicks and swallowing sperm for a whole night.

The salty, sexy taste of several different cocks filled my mouth as I sucked each guy off over and over, spending a bit of time with each one in the circle. I especially liked when a guy was long enough to really tickle my throat. This one guy whose name I can't remember was my favorite because he had a long, thin dick and liked popping it completely out of my mouth, and then shoving it all the way to the back of my throat, and then repeating that a bunch of times. I liked seeing the wet mushroom head for a second before it buried itself balls deep in my mouth. He also had long balls, so they would slap my chin each time. Ugh, I just loved being treated like that and having a rock hard pecker slam my tonsils over and over again. I don't know how obvious it was that I returned to his cock the most often.

I also reveled in the feeling of having a warm dick in each hand, knowing that I was giving it my all to keep each of these men hard. I would know how well I was doing because if I took a dick in my hand, and it was still wet with my own saliva, that means I'm covering each cock quickly enough. If the saliva has time to dry, then I need to do a better job of getting to each cock.

Occasionally a guy would pull my head off his penis to indicate that he was getting to close to coming. That would put him out of commission for a while, so it makes it less fun for everyone. So they made sure I didn't get too far. Now, I always made sure to get a load out of each guy before daylight, it's just best if it's saved for last. I don't think I've ever failed to work a hot, salty load out of a guy for as long as I've been doing this. Sometimes it's deposited directly down my throat (which I think was my favorite way of receiving it), sometimes it's shot into my open mouth from a few inches away, sometimes it's shot into my ass, and sometimes it's shot onto my face. Sometimes it seemed like they'd intentionally aim up my nose or into my eye, but that was kind of fun.

I would usually still grab the white globs of semen with my fingers and drop them into my mouth when someone came on my face. A huge part of the fun of these meetings is swallowing all the come. It's always been a huge fetish of mine for some reason. Sometimes a guy would use his dick to scoop up the sperm from my face and feed it into my mouth. That always kept me super horny just thinking about it for days after.

The guys would all usually have pretty big loads too. Frankie always instructs them not to masturbate for a few days before our late-night gatherings. Some nights there would be one or two other bitches in addition to me, so I had to share the dicks and come. In some ways, that was nice because it was kind of hot to be on the ground sharing dicks with other guys. But in other ways, I kind of wanted all the dicks to myself. Even though I usually hated being the center of attention in real life, in the concession stand, I wanted to be in the center all the time.

Sometimes the guys would start to break off and fool around with each other for a bit, but I preferred when they all stuck to the opening suck session for as long as possible. So I always tried to do the best possible job of sucking to keep the men's interest and keep them in my face for as long as possible. Later on, we'd do some fucking and have fun in the locker room and bathroom areas, but since this was my favorite part, I tried to make it last as long as I could.

When I next got to Frankie's cock, he grabbed my head and said “watch this, boys”. I knew what was coming next and took a big breath. His large dick filled up my whole mouth as he forced my head all the way down to the balls. My eyes filled with tears and I tensed up as I tried to maintain his girth and keep from gagging. His cock also had a pretty strong taste which made this maneuver pretty difficult, but make no mistake. I love when Frankie does this.

He then proceeded to take one step at a time to wrap both his legs around my head, and then my head was pushed back as he straddled my face while still standing. I was on my knees, with my head pushed back into an awkward position, my hands leaning against the cold ground for support, a giant dick clogging my mouth, and strong legs putting pressure on my head as Frankie worked his waist up and down, fucking my throat. He then pinched my nose closed and said “let's see if we can go 20 seconds this time.”

The men all quietly cheered Frankie on and counted as he rode my face. I was trying my absolute best to fight my gag reflex and keep the cock in for as long as I could, but after 7 seconds, I lost that battle and started choking on his dick. Frankie kept riding, though, with his fingers stopping my nostrils the whole time. My every reflex was desperately fighting for air and I made all kinds of gagging sounds and tears flowed from my eyes, but I stayed in position, eager to make it to 20 seconds.

We got to 23 seconds before I finally couldn't take it anymore and wrestled myself free from him. He fought to keep me in position, and it was still a good 10 more seconds before I was completely free from him.

“You OK, big guy?” he asked with a big smile on his face.

My voice was hoarse as I squelched out a “yep” and gave a thumbs up. Frankie actually did this to me all the time when we were alone at his house, and I usually had him do it over and over again. He knew my limits and we had a comfortable rhythm maintaining the difficult position.

“We'll give him a minute and then Rocko can go.”

Despite being a huge, muscular gym rat, Rocko actually had a pretty small dick. So it wouldn't be as much of a struggle to make it to 20 seconds with him. But I hoped some of the other guys with big dicks would want to straddle my face after him as well. While I caught my breath, the guys started playing with each other's cocks. I noticed this and sat back up on my knees to at least rub two cocks while we were all waiting for me to catch my breath all the way. Didn't want the guys to start moving on quite yet.

Rocko then straddled my face the same way that Frankie did and though it was much easier to make it to 20 seconds with him, it was also less fun. I liked the struggle. Feeling like I'm being forced into a difficult position and having someone mercilessly fuck my face as I gasped for air. I guess I like it because this is such a safe place. I wouldn't actually like to be raped of course, but it was fun to pretend like I was for a bit. I liked the humility of it, the feeling that I'm not in control. It's always something I've been attracted to sexually. I like having someone else push my boundaries and control me. It's just the way I am.

A few more guys wanted to take turns straddling my mouth after Rocky was done. I made it to 26 seconds with his four inch dick in my mouth. The long-dicked guy who was my favorite took his turn next and it was extremely uncomfortable holding his length. He was even more merciless than Frankie, and really thrust himself deep into my throat. Tears were flowing from my eyes as he plunged my sore throat over and over, and I was only able to make it to 15 seconds with him. I wish I could have gone longer.

When he pulled off of me, I rasped “all right, get someone else on me, come on.” I didn't want a break. The men paused for a second, but another guy stepped forward and took his turn deep straddling me. He also held my nose closed and I made it to 16 seconds, still being out of breath from long-dicked guy.

A few more took me in this position, and then they all gave me a break and eventually an older guy said “should we take him to the urinal now?” Everyone seemed to agree and four guys picked me up from the ground. They carried me over to the bathroom area and I was placed in front of the urinal. I was expected to put my head into the base of it, hold onto the sides, and stick my ass out. The next round was to have the guys line up and take turns fucking my ass. I wasn't so much into anal, so I usually just took this part quietly and waited for it to be over. It was always part of our ritual and everyone knew it wasn't my favorite, but I also didn't hate it. I just liked the submissive aspect of it, and it was kind of hot to think about having a bunch of guys line up and take me while my head was shoved into an out of commission urinal. I even let girlfriends peg me sometimes. I just had to get through this and then we'd move onto the locker room and do more fun things. We still had a good few hours of darkness left before we had to call it a night.

Continued in part 2.
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