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It's such a surreal sensation, remembering when I used to "feel."
Horseback riding. That's where I was. When I closed my eyes, that's where my mind took me. Doing my best, but never quite fully succeeding, in convincing myself that my thighs were actually hugging a saddle. That my body was moving up and down, matching the steady strides of a horse taking me far, far away. But every time I came close to convincing myself that I actually was being taken away on a horse, his thrusts would outpace my stallion’s hooves, and then my savior would disappear from my mind as my captor flooded my womb, and I succumbed to my reality.

It's such a surreal sensation, remembering when I used to "feel." Now I feel nothing. I don't imagine my horse. I don't try to escape. No. Now I just lie here, on my back, legs spread, staring at the moon outside our window, as your hips thrust into me, and eventually fill the empty shell of a human you created.


I was 16 the first time you crept into my room, thinking I was asleep. But I wasn't. Petrified and frozen, I felt your fingers gently touching me. I heard your breath catch in your throat as you climaxed. I smelled your cum as it soaked into my panties. Apparently raising me by yourself had finally taken its toll on you.

The next night, your lust could no longer be contained and my scream as you ripped thru my hymen startled you. I fought with all my might but you're so big and I'm so petite, so keeping me subdued with your body weight on my back and your hand around my mouth was nothing to you. Oddly enough, all I remember is your whispering voice in my ear, pleading.. "please baby girl...please...daddy just needs this one time....just one time baby girl...please..."

Though your words did little to comfort me, I almost, ALMOST felt a shred of pity for you for a very brief moment. But reality snapped back into place as your thrusts became more pointed and a few grunts later, your seed was flooding my unprotected pussy, despite my continued struggles.

You didn't give in to your lust for another week. In fact, you carried on as if it never happened and you acted so incredibly normal, I genuinely wondered if it was just a really realistic nightmare. And then, exactly one week later, you caved under the pressure of your needs, and I woke up once more with a scream as the head of your rock hard cock plunged into the tiny opening of my cervix. But this time you were prepared, and your hand muffled my scream before it rang from my throat.

I began the useless struggle against your weight on my back again, and your pleas as you tried to fully subdue me were less pitiful and more forceful this time. Finally, and with quick succession, your free hand moved to my throat, freeing up the hand covering my mouth to pull one of my knees up, effectively giving your hips the room to force your remaining inches inside me. I tried to scream again but your massive hand cinched around my throat rendering my vocal cords useless.

You held your cock deep inside me as you made slight adjustments to get comfortable, leaving my poor battered cervix stretched around the first few inches of your shaft. I could feel your staggered breath at my ear as you pressed your cheek to the back left side of my head, relaxing your grip on my throat a little. You finally acknowledge my sobs by gently whispering "shhhhh" in my ear and stroking my throat with your thumb. "Just be a good girl for daddy...please baby...just be a good girl...."

You slowly start pulling your hips back, "...daddy needs this..."

And then push back in, "...daddy needs you..."

Again, this does nothing for my tears. "Daddy ple-!"

You don't say anything, you just flex your fingers again, closing my throat and continuing your thrusts. And at the end of every thrust is a little extra "umph" ensuring the first few inches of your shaft penetrate my cervix. After several minutes of this, I can barely take it anymore. And as soon as I notice that you're so lost in your thrusts and your hands are more and more relaxed, I take my chance.

My elbow cracks hard against your temple, knocking you out of your lustful stupor and I start struggling again. "Get the FUCK off me!!" But this was all I managed to accomplish before you quickly regained control, turning me on my side and forcing my throat to bear the full weight of your upper body. Your cock never even left my pussy.

You grab my shoulder with your free hand and simultaneously pull me into your hips as you thrust them into me, violating my poor cervix with each stroke. You never open your eyes to look at me, as you plead with me thru gritted teeth, ignoring my hands around your wrist. And just as my vision begins to get fuzzy, you slam into me a final time harder than you ever have and your orgasm literally takes your breath away and your eyes roll to the back of your head as your cock pumps a massive load directly into my uterus.

It was again a week later when you assaulted me for the 3rd time. But this time was different....

I woke up to you rolling me over from my stomach to my back. Seeing an advantage to fighting back for once, my brain told my limbs to move, however I quickly learned that that communication was being blocked somehow. You begin removing my shorts but never make eye contact.

"You know baby, I learned something about myself. See, for me, its definitely about the control, but not so much about the struggle. I need to control you. I need to own you."

I swear my heart is going to beat clean thru my chest..

"I need you to obey. I need you to let daddy take what's his." You gently lay my limp body back down after removing my tank top and cup my cheek in your hand as you lean over me.

"Don't worry baby. This isn't permanent. It’s a drug that was supposed to be a muscle relaxer slash sedative, but it never made the market because it only caused temporary paralysis of the skeletal muscles. No relaxing or sedating effects. But luckily for me, the research lab still has copious amounts after cutting the trial short, and it's exactly what I need."

You release my cheek and my face falls to the side allowing me to only see you thru my periphery as I stare at the wall across the room. You move between my legs and for the first time, your tongue tastes my pussy making you moan. And after several minutes, I feel your cock slide inside me to the hilt in one stroke causing an "ohh godddd..." to escape your lips. The pain is immense and I can do absolutely nothing about it.

You start long, slow thrusts in and out. "Oh baby....oh my god's so nice to actually be able to see my baby girl as she takes daddy's entire cock..." Your hands find my full c cup breasts, nipples fully erect. It's only a matter of seconds before your mouth closes over one of them as you continue your thrusts into my helpless body.

At some point, I felt the tears rolling out of my eyes and down the side of my face. Your grunts and expressions of your pleasure slowly fade into distant background noise, and the reality of my life going forward drapes over me like a thousand pound blanket. This was the first time my mind tried to leave my body and take me far away by horseback. This was also the first time you used me more than once in a single night, and the first time you slept in my bed until morning.


As time went on, your visits became more and more frequent, until eventually you were drugging me and fucking me every single night. And by two and a half months in, it suddenly occurred to you that you've never had to remove a tampon or clean my blood from your cock after fucking me. So the next day, when I came home from school, you made me take a pregnancy test as you watched.

Three minutes later... positive.

You immediately had to adjust your instant hard-on, but you somehow still kept your composure.

"Huh." You're still staring at the test, one arm across your chest, supporting the elbow of the other as you rest your chin on your thumb and forefinger, weighing your options. I fall against the wall behind me, my heart pounding. You finally turn to me.

"I will take care of this baby girl. No one ever has to know, ok? ...OK??" I finally bring my eyes to yours and give a small nod.


2 weeks later, my heart skips a beat when my teacher approaches me in the middle of 4th period and tells me my dad is here to pick me up. I immediately convinced myself you were finally taking me to "take care of it" and I rushed out of the school. I pull my tiny 5ft tall body into the cab of your lifted pickup and settle into the passenger seat.

"Please tell me it's finally time....."

You look at me with a half smile on your face as you shift to drive, "yeah baby girl. It's time."

I turn to look straight ahead and say "good" in a firm, monotone voice. I can't even stand to look at you anymore. I hate the person you've become and I absolutely hate how normal you act during the day. I spend most of my days anymore fantasizing about when I'll finally be free from you...

And then suddenly, out of nowhere, I feel a stinging in my left arm and look down just in time to see your thumb pushing the final bit of liquid from the syringe into my flesh. "What the fuck are y....." my voice starts trailing off as my body almost immediately starts filling with hundreds of pounds of lead. Or, at least, that's how it feels. But this time, I also feel drowsy. My eyes get heavy, and your palm rests on my thigh as you tell me to get some rest, that it'll all be over soon....


I wake up and it's pitch black in the room save for a tiny bit of a glow from the moon outside. I try to sit up but you enter the room right at that moment and turn on a small lamp, allowing me to take in my surroundings. I notice the bed and dressers as yours, but the room itself is different.

"What’s going on??" I'm pathetically trying to get up.

"Shh shh baby girl. It's been a long day. You need to stay in bed and continue resting." You gently push me back into the bed and sit next to me, handing me a glass of water.

"You'll need to stay hydrated sweetheart, drink up. I'll explain everything in the morning when you're more clearheaded, ok?"

I realize trying to fight would be entirely useless so I drink the water, assuming I likely do need it after... ugh. I can't even say the word to myself. I hand you the now empty glass and resign to laying back down and, in what felt like mere seconds, I was fast asleep again.

My night was filled with restless sleep and bad dreams that felt all too real though. I thought I felt you thrusting inside me, I thought I felt the pain of your fleshy battering ram slamming into the depths of my vaginal canal. I remember thinking to my dream self, 'no, he wouldn't possibly... not after the appointment... is godda just be cramps....' But it was all just bad dreams. It had to be.

I woke up the next morning still groggy from my shitty sleep. I attempted to roll over but was quickly stopped by cuffs secured to multiple parts of my body. Mustering what little strength I could, I began struggling and tugging hoping one would break free.

"Good! You're finally awake!" You walk into the room holding a tray of food.

"What is going on???? Why did you tie me down???" The panic in my voice is thick as I continue to pull on the cuffs.

You let out a sigh as you set down the tray. "Well, short answer sweetheart: because frankly I can't keep drugging you constantly."

"OK then stop!! God dammit what the fuck is going on!? Please just let me go!!!" My frustration and confusion boil over and I begin sobbing as my attempts to break free grow weaker and weaker.

"Let's eat breakfast and I'll explain everythi-"

"I'm not fucking hungry!!!" My outburst is met with a backhand across my face. I lay there stunned. You've never hit me before.

You silently pull up a chair next to me and sit. "All I have is cereal and toast right now. Which do you prefer?"

I refuse to even look at you.

Annoyed, you put down the spoon you're holding. "Ok. Fine. Well sweetie, like I said, I can't keep constantly drugging you, but I have to make sure you will obey me and stay in the house. Speaking of the house. I sold our house in town and bought an acreage a few hours from the city, which is where we are now. I informed the company the majority of my work was going to be remote going forward, so I'll be here with you the majority of the time. I also informed your school that we are moving to be closer to family and you'll be finishing high school in a different district. Oh, and this house is also where you'll be giving birth."

My head snapped in your direction, eyes and mouth both wide. Dumbfounded and speechless, I manage to choke out a few half words here and there, but I can't even bring myself to form a complete sentence.

You lean over and rest your hand on my tummy, "you didn't think I'd actually let you abort my baby, did you? Oh sweetie, no no no. I am absolutely thrilled to watch your beautiful tummy grow! We won't be keeping it of course. That might interfere with my needs and we can't have that can we??"

You smile and chuckle at that last sentence. Feeling like I just got the wind knocked out of me, I sink into the depths of my mind begging myself to wake up from this nightmare. But waking up never happens. I am already awake. Accepting what is now my life is my only option. The weight of that thought consumes me, and all I can do is cry.

Part 2 "You sure you don't want breakfast baby girl? No? I understand....this is a lot to take in." You pull down the covers exposing my naked body, climb between my legs and lean over me, holding your face only a few inches from mine. You caress my cheek with your hand. "Hey, I'm going to build a beautiful life for us out here ok? I promise. I'll do everything I can to make you happy." Your voice is barely above a whisper.

You press your lips to mine for an unrequited kiss, and begin kissing a trail over my jawline, down my neck, to my nipple which you briefly take into your mouth, and finally landing on my belly. You plant several soft kisses across my lower abdomen and ending in the center. Your breath is hot as you part your lips and sink your tongue as far as you can into my deep belly button. A small moan escapes your mouth as you swirl and flick like you do to my pussy.

You abruptly end this assault on my tummy and bring your face level with mine again and I feel your throbbing cock head graze my entrance as your lips land on mine. You manage to pry my lips apart with your long tongue and start searching for mine as your cock slowly enters me. Once you get a nice slow rhythm going, you break the kiss and start talking to me.

"I can't wait to show you around. I really think you'll like it here." One of your hands gently caresses my side and stops at my slightly swollen tit, gently massaging and tugging on my nipple. "It's got everything we'll need. One of the rooms I'll convert to a birthing suite for you, of course you'll still sleep with me every night before and after giving birth, but this way we won't soil any of our bedding."

You sit up between my legs maintaining your thrusts, but going just a bit harder, and place your hand on my tummy. "Oh god.... you know... it really doesn't... take much for me anymore... knowing my baby girl... has her daddy’s baby... growing in her belly..." You squeeze my thigh and let out a final moan as you thrust into me one last time, pumping a hot load deep inside me. You catch your breath as your cock deflates, eventually pulling it out of me to get up.

You throw on a t shirt and sweat pants and walk to the closet, pulling out a mint colored floor length silk robe and return to my side. "Let's stretch your legs a bit, yeah? I can show you around?"

"Yes, please. I'd like to get up." I’d also like to slash your throat, but I keep that part to myself.

"I thought you might." You smile and pet my hair before you begin loosening the thick strap that's buckled across my rib cage. Next my wrists, followed by my ankles. You help me sit on the edge of the bed and instruct me to sit there for a minute before standing.

Once I confirm I'm feeling stable, you hold the robe up for me, but I simply just look at it before looking up at you. "Can't you go grab a pair of my sweats and a t shirt instead?"

You look at me almost puzzled. "No honey. I didn't pack anything like that for you from the old house."

"What? Why not??"

"Why would I silly girl? This is the only thing you'll be wearing while here. Look," you walk back over to the closet and my eyes follow you as you open the door and turn on the light. "Plenty to choose from." And you show me a closet full of silk robes. In all different colors, some floor length, some thigh length.

Too exhausted to do anything else, I just give in and allow you to slip the robe on my arms and I tie it closed. You then extend your elbow and I take it reluctantly.

"So I guess we might as well start with the room we're in. This is actually a spare room, I wanted you to wake up with some familiarity but our bedroom is actually down the hall-"

"Where's all my stuff then?"

"Save your questions for the end baby."

You ignore my blatant annoyance and lead me from the room and walk down to the last door at the end of the hall. You open the door to a bedroom that's bigger than I've ever seen, bigger than any sane person actually needs. In the center of the left wall is a California King draped with a black duvet and multiple over stuffed pillows at the head, surrounded by a solid oak frame. A frame which I can only imagine will ultimately be used to aid in my capture.

On the wall opposite us is a set of French doors leading to a small balcony. You quickly walk over and open the doors and turn to look at me, almost excited. I approach and carefully cross the threshold, gently placing my hands on the top of the railing. I look down and wonder how badly I'd get hurt if I just jumped off and tried to run away, and my grip involuntarily tightens. My deep thought is disrupted by your hands snaking over my waist and resting on my tummy.

"This might just be my favorite thing about this house." You point in front of us at nothing in particular, "That's west. We can watch sunsets together. Watch storms roll in..." Your voice trails off and I take in the vast field ahead of me and I feel a lump rising in my throat. In another life, I'd love those things. But the things you've done have only cast a very dark shadow on everything that once brought me joy. I'm once again pulled from my mind by hands, this time caressing my very hard nipples. "Let's go. Lots more to see and its chilly!" Truth be told, I feel so numb, I didn't even notice.

We step back inside and you show me the en suite bathroom on the opposite wall of the bed. This room, again, is bigger than anyone really needs. His and hers sinks, a walk-in shower and a deep clawfoot tub. And at the opposite end, a walk-in closet that's big enough to be its own bedroom. It's suddenly occurring to me that your position at the Research and Development company you work for afforded us a lot more luxuries than I ever even imagined. I always knew you made decent money, but our semi-modest living in the city is a far cry from this farmhouse I'm standing in.

"Do you like the tub?? I was on the fence about replacing it with a Jacuzzi tub but I wanted to ask you first.."

"No, it's...fine.." I'm absentmindedly responding, still taking all of this in.

“And I’ll move your wardrobe from the other closet to this one too. I just wanted the options right there available in case you wanted something different.” I just nod in response.

You continue the tour, back down the hallway. "This will be your birthing suite," you push open the door to an empty room, "It’ll have everything you need when the time comes."

The reminder of the fetus growing in my belly suddenly makes me feel like I swallowed a boulder, and another lump rises in my throat. I think you feel this new tension, so you quickly move on, keeping up your almost cheery demeanor.

"This will be my office." You stop in front of another doorway and I look into a room with a desk, a chair, a large desktop monitor, a couch, and on one wall, a MASSIVE television screen with a grid of about 25 feeds from surveillance cameras. Of course you have fucking cameras everywhere. Fucking asshole.

The rest of the tour is a bit of a blur. A huge modern kitchen, fit for hosting parties every single night. A living room with a huge, overstuffed sectional adjacent to a large TV with a large square overstuffed footrest in between. A full finished basement which is mostly empty except for the wet bar and kitchenette off to the one side. I think you mentioned putting an exercise room down here or something.

You finish the tour by showing me the 3 car garage, and the barn set further back on the property, though you don't walk me over there, citing the chilly fall air and promise to show me when it's warmer.

"So?? What do you think baby girl??" The excitement dripping from your words makes me feel nauseous.

"Where is my stuff?" I asked again ignoring your question.

"What do you mean sweetheart? All of our stuff is here. We have everything we-"

"No! MY stuff! Where is MY stuff??? My clothes. My bed. My phone. My books. My laptop. My everything???"

"Amelia." Your tone turns cold as you look me dead in the eye. "We have. Everything. We need. Do you understand me?" Seeing my defeat, you flip the switch back and warmly tell me, "we'll turn this house into our home in no time."

"But what about school?? You can't just force me to drop out of school!"

"Sweetheart you don't need to worry about that. I'll support you just as I always have, and you'll be serving my needs going forward. It'll just be like…husband and wife."

"I'm not your wife I'm your fucking daughter!!" Your hand flies up causing me to wince and recoil, terrified of being backhanded again.

But you don't strike me this time. "Consider this your first and final warning. You will obey me. You will serve me. And you will not raise your voice to me. Is that clear?"

I hang my head in defeat yet again and tears start falling from my eyes. You stand at my side running your hand over my tummy briefly before pulling my face up to meet your eyes. Being a full foot and 4 inches taller than me, my head has to nearly go all the way back to make eye contact when you're this close to me. You stroke my jawline with your thumb as you softly kiss my lips for several seconds before telling me that maybe a shower would make me feel better.

It won’t. But I agree as a means to get away from you for a while.

I walked into what can best be described as a tiled room with a drain in the middle, and turned on the dual shower heads with the digital pad mounted on the wall. I turn the water up much too hot and let it run over my body from both sides. After several minutes, it was so steamy, I could barely see two feet in front of me, not that my eyes were open anyway. I was soaking up the heat, feeling the stinging on my skin, trying to reconcile my new life with that of my old life. My own father was trying to erase me from existence. He stripped me, quite literally, of anything that reminded me of who I once was. I was no longer an individual with a mind of her own. I was his slave. His property. His doll to fuck and breed whenever he wanted. No one would ever look for me. No one would ever question him. I'll never be able to escape...

Parts 3 & 4 coming soon...


2021-05-06 16:17:42
The first one took like a week, the second two only a couple of days


2021-04-23 05:06:38
Good Job! I myself have recently posted a story that has some similar theme to it. Curious? How long does it take for the story to post once published?

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