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Sara is asked to befriend a new girl in town. It leads to a night she won't quite remember.

This is a sequel to Sleepover, it isn't 100% necessary to read the first part but I'm sure it helps.
Sara woke up the next day and was surprised she didn’t see any texts from the friend chat. Deciding to be proactive she texted the girls, “Last night was crazy, I can’t believe you brought those guys back… You two seemed like you could handle them so I ducked out ;)” Sara then went back to her computer and began downloading the footage from all the various cameras. She also sent a message to the guys to get their photos. Around noon she started to get responses. It took all of her self-control not to start playing with herself while processing these files.

Finally her phone chimed and she saw a message from Shelby, “OMG you missed out. I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk right for a week. We have tons to tell you” Sara laughed at how desperately Shelby was trying to own her mistakes. She texted back and forth with them, making sure that they didn’t have any suspicions. Sara was surprised that she hadn’t heard back from the last guy and texted his number directly. She desperately wanted the photos he’d taken since those were the most perverse.

Over the next couple of weeks she processed the videos and files, trying to make a complete video and a curated photo collection. Sara wasn’t planning on doing anything with these but the process of revisiting that night was enough to get her going. Out of the blue on Tuesday night she gets a text back from the last guy, “Hey, I have a favor to ask” Sara was curious what he wanted to do next but didn’t want to seem overeager. She waited a couple hours and shot back “Sure, just send me your pics and I’d entertain this favor” Sure enough she was emailed a link to all his photos. She downloaded them all to her “Work” folder and messaged him back, “We’re good, so what are you interested in?” His request confused Sara but she decided that she might as well see where it led. The guy wanted Sara to befriend a girl named Anne who just moved to town. He sent Sara a picture of her and listed some of her interests. Sara kinda figured where this was leading but wasn’t sure how she’d make contact with a random girl in a city of five hundred thousand. The guy said he knew Anne would be at a specific bar Friday night and all Sara would have to do is meet her.

It was easy enough for Sara to convince her friends to go out, and although the bar was a little out of the way they had all been there before and liked the place. The girls got there around nine and Sara noticed Anne immediately. She had an athletic build, not especially attractive but clearly fit. Sizing her up, Sara figured that she would probably be rated a 5 or 6 because of her slight under bite. It actually kinda surprised Sara since most women in this town would have gotten that fixed. Anne was by herself nursing a drink, constantly checking her phone.

The girls got a table and Sara offered to get the first round since she’d picked the place. Sara walked up to the bar, right next to Anne, and ordered three vodka limes. While the bartender left to make the drink Sara turned to face Anne. They made eye contact, Sara smiled and said “Hey, that top really shows off your arms. Are you an athlete?” Sara knew Anne had played D3 basketball in college and used to coach.

“Haha, thanks. No not really, I played basketball in school but nothing too serious.” Anne put down her phone and chatted with Sara till the drinks were served. Once Sara paid she turned back to Anne, “Hey my friend and I are parked over there, want to join us?” Anne checked her phone again, frowned slightly and looked back to Sara, “Sure, sounds fun.”

As they walked over to the table Sara saw that Anne got a text. Anne exhaled and shrugged and put her phone away. Sara didn’t want to push Anne away but she still ventured to ask “Hey everything ok?” Anne smiled and chuckled a little, “Yeah yeah, just family stuff. Nothing too heavy.”

They approached the table and Sara introduced Anne to Shelby and Kay. Pretty soon all four of them were drinking and laughing and getting along fine. By the end of the night they’d exchanged numbers and the girls were going to show Anne to a much better bar the following night.

Sara made her way home and was surprised that the guy hadn’t followed up or anything. She was in bed when her phone buzzed. She rolled over and took a look, “gj, keep this up and we’ll see what’s next” Sara was hoping for an explanation but figured she’d go with it for now. She couldn’t sleep and decided to watch some of her home video again. Between the video on her vibrator she was orgasming in minutes. Feeling more relaxed she quickly fell asleep.

The next couple weeks were more of the same. Anne fit into the group pretty smoothly, which was more of a testament to her patience with Shelby and Kay than anything else. Sara noticed she didn’t really drink too much, and when they were out she never once hooked up with a guy. Shelby noticed this too and eventually brought it up in her bitchy blunt way, “Anne, so are you a virgin or something? You clearly are interested in guys but you never go home with them no matter how hot their bodies are. With your tight ass I’m sure you could pull in some D.” Anne was turning bright red before Shelby had finished her statement. She stuttered a bit and finally responded, “I’m not a virgin, I just like to get to know a guy first. None of these guys have really been my type anyways.” Shelby scoffed and heckled Anne a little more before dropping it. There was something in the way Anne had said she wasn’t a virgin that hit Sara as a lie.

That night Sara texted Anne, “Hey Shelby can fuck herself, most of the guys she hooks up with are dogs anyways”. Anne thanked her for the sentiment but clearly didn’t want to talk about it. Sara was thinking that maybe the guy knew Anne was a virgin, or he was turned down by her before, and that this would all lead up to him finally fucking her. Sara was sure she’d figured it out and rested easy.

The following Tuesday, Sara finally got the text she was anticipating. “You think you could put together another sleepover Friday night?” Sara’s heart was racing. She quickly sent out a text to the friend group, “Girl’s night Friday? Getting tired of bars.” A couple minutes later the responses rolled in. Shelby wasn’t sure she’d be able to make it but everyone else was down. She waited another hour and responded to the guy, “Yeah, I think I can put something together. What were you thinking?” He responded almost immediately, “I was thinking you set up the get together and make sure your cameras are ready. I’ll fill you in on the details later.” Sara was a little confused but didn’t know how to ask without saying what she meant, “So nothing special I need for the girls?” She waited a couple of minutes and got her response, “I don’t think so, details later.”

Sara went with it and began firming up the plan. Since Shelby was going to be out they needed a new place to host. Much to Sara’s dismay Anne said she was staying in her brother’s spare bedroom and couldn’t host and Kay had a bitch roommate. Wednesday, deciding that she wouldn’t host either she reached out to the guy, “Hey look, we can’t find a place to host so we’ll have to reschedule.” She immediately got a response, it was a screenshot that showed a text to Shelby’s and Kay’s numbers the text read “These are going online and it’s Sara’s doing” below she could see that he’d attached several pictures. The guy followed up the screenshot with, “I don’t want to send this to them and ruin our fun, but if you really can’t figure it out then I don’t have any use for you.” Sara’s heart was racing, she knew he had messed around with their phones that night but he didn’t think he’d use it like this. She didn’t have any way to show that this was blackmail without incriminating herself. She decided she’d just have to leave her apartment and let the creep in to violate her friends on Friday night. Reluctantly she texted back “Fine asshole, I’ll figure something out, I’ll text you the address” All she heard back was “good.”

Friday rolled around and no miracle had freed up either of her friend’s places so Sara sent him her address and the door pin. They arranged that he’d be coming by sometime around 10 and that all Sara had to do was make sure that the other girls had at least two drinks of whatever Anne was bringing. Once that was done all she needed to do was set up the cameras and let him know.

Anne cleaned her apartment, hid her vibrator, and set up the hidden cameras again. She only had a studio so it was easy to capture the entire place with her cameras. Before she knew it Kay showed up. They had a couple drinks and gossiped a little. They had just opened a second bottle of wine when Anne arrived. Sara expected her to offer a bottle of wine or something but Anne didn’t, she just gave Sara a hug and entered. Not wanting to seem off, Sara rolled with the surprise and pretty soon they’d polished off the new bottle of wine. An hour later they were halfway through Sara’s third and last bottle she’d bought for the night. Everyone was feeling it but Sara knew it wouldn’t be believable if they were to black out at this point. Sara needed to raise the stakes, “Hey, let’s play a game. Kay when was the last time you played never have I ever?” Kay shrugged and said it had to have been college. Sara saw her opening, “Well Anne if you’re up for it we could play high stakes never have I ever. I still have a bottle of that nice vodka, and for each question you have to take a sip of vodka, and if you go two questions without being able to say you have, you also have to take a sip.” Kay enthusiastically agreed to the idea while Anne was much more hesitant. Kay went first “Never have I ever sucked a professor's dick for a better grade.” Sara knew this was coming and took a drink. Anne looked surprised, but quickly took her turn, “Never have I ever had a one night stand.” Kay yelled prude as she took a big sip, Sara just quietly took a small sip. It was Sara’s turn, “Never have I ever taken it in the butt.” Kay made a show of reluctantly drink a sip. Sara was quick to remind Anne that she had gone two questions without being able to answer and needed to take a drink. She took a surprisingly large gulp and the game continued. Twenty minutes later it was clear that Anne was very inexperienced and that Kay was a bit of a slut. Sara reflected out loud that Anne didn’t drink for a single question. Kay turned to Anne, “Wait, so Shelby’s bitchiness aside, you can be straight with us what’s your deal? Like are you just asexual or something?” Anne blushed and reached for the vodka cut that was now empty. She reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of raspberry schnapps, “Why don’t we have a drink? My brother bought me my favorite drink.” Sara’s ears perked up a bit as this all fell into place. Anne poured a drink for each of them. Kay downed hers quickly and Anne followed suit. Sara got up to get some water and process what she had involved herself in. There wasn’t any real separation between her at the sink and the two girls on the couch and Sara heard Anne explain herself, “Boys were never really that interested in me and I don’t know, things just never worked out. I’ve only kissed a couple of guys in my life, and yeah, I haven’t slept with any of them.” She was clearly distraught and Kay went to comfort her, “Hey, don’t worry about that. I’m sure we can find you a good guy. We’ve just been having you look in the wrong places. Between the four of us we can get an attractive guy who’d be okay with your inexperience.” Sara was a little overwhelmed with the kindness Kay was showing. Maybe the ordeal Sara had put Kay and Shelby through had changed her. Anne poured two more shots and she and Kay downed them. Sara returned to the couch and it was clear both the girls were losing it. Relieved that this night was about to be over, Sara texted the guy, “Hey big brother, they’re out cold.” She almost threw her phone but instead gathered herself and got her tripod and main camera ready. Before she was done she got a response, “Ok, set up for me and take a couple shots. I know you’ll try to refuse me but I’ll just hit send on that text and call it a night.”

Sara’s heart dropped. She knew she didn’t really have a way out. Even if she left he might do what he wanted and send the texts anyways. If she stayed what’d she do? Confront him? Convince him not to send the texts? How? By giving him her body? He held all the power and the easiest out Sara had was to just sleep through it. She went over to the table and picked up the shot Anne had poured for her. Taking a deep breath she downed the shot. She didn’t feel anything immediately and decided she still had a little prep to do. She cleaned off the coffee table and threw out the wine bottles, knowing what he might do with them. Not sure what to do with what was left of the tainted schnapps she poured herself a second shot and put the bottle in the back of her freezer. She put out some condoms, lube, and a note asking that he makes sure there was no trace of him when he leaves. With that she sent him a text, saying “Done” and she took her second shot. She sat in the chair next to the couch with her sleeping friends and quickly fell asleep.

When Sara came too her head and body aches worse than any hangover she’d had before. She was in her bed, and she quickly realized she wasn’t alone. Anne was there but Kay was nowhere to be found. Sara checked her phone. The only text she had was from Kay to the group chat thanking Sara for the fun night and saying that next time they need to try a sober slumber party.

Sara leaned up and looked around the room, it was clean and there didn’t seem to be any obvious signs of what had happened the night before. As she sat up in bed she almost yelled from the pain from her ass, both inside and her cheeks. It was also at this point she realized she was naked. Checking quickly she saw Anne was also undressed. Sara hurried to the bathroom and before throwing on some clothes looked at herself in the mirror. Her tits were covered in welts and as she turned around she saw her ass was black and blue. She even had some dried blood that had leaked from her ass. She cleaned herself up and threw on some clothes. Anne was stirring when Sara walked back in. Anne didn’t seem to realize that she too was naked and got up from the bed before turning beet red and grabbing her clothes off the ground and quickly dressing. Sara noticed that Anne didn’t have any marks on her and was a bit jealous. Breaking the silence Sara cleared her throat and said, “Well I think we found our limit on how much we can drink.” Anne laughed nervously and agreed. She didn’t stop getting her stuff together until she was ready to leave. Anne said in a hoarse and quite voice, “Last night was fun but we’ll have to take it easier next time.” Before Sara had a chance to respond Anne was gone.

Sara took a couple ibuprofen and started collecting the cameras to see what had gone down the previous night. The guy had stashed her main camera in the closet and she decided that was a good place to start. She popped out the SD card and slipped it into her computer. Within minutes she was watching a video showing her and the two other girls sleeping in her apartment. She fast forwarded for a couple minutes till another figure entered the frame. Here he was again. Sara watched as he looked the three girls over and gave each a little shake. He was surprised when he gave her a hard slap across the face.

He put down the bag he had and looked at the little note she left. He crumpled it up, rolled it so it was long and thin and he went back to Sara. He unceremoniously shoved the note into her mouth. Holding her jaw open he pushed the note down her throat, ignoring her gags. He eventually poured the closet drink down her throat and got back up. Sara watched as she coughed on the screen a bit and went still. The man had already turned his focus to Kay. Using some care he picked her up and deposited her on the bed, going slightly out of frame. She could barely see him running his hand down her pants and stopped abruptly. He pulled out his fingers and looked at them. He shook his head and then to her surprise said out loud, “Tonight’s your lucky night Kay, you get to lay back and relax while Anne, Sara and I have some fun.”

Sara gulped but felt herself start to get a little wet as she watched herself get undressed by this man. He was rough with her but that just got her hotter. Soon she was naked in the chair as her legs were propped up on either arm rest. She watched as her pussy was eaten out till it looked like she orgasmed. She was definitely in the mood now and went and recovered her hidden vibrator. She’d forgotten to pause the video, and when she came back he’d already moved on to Anne. She could see the hesitation in the way he touched her. Also, now seeing them side by side the resemblance was unmistakable. He delicately worked her top off exposing what might as well have been a training bra. Sara knew Anne had small tits, heck she’d just seen them, but this just drove the point home. He ran his hands down her tone stomach and unbuttoned her jeans. He fumbled with them for a minute but soon she was lying there in just his underwear. He’d taken out his phone and snapped some pictures of her. Sara was almost disappointed that he didn’t take any of her while she was still propped wide open on the chair.

Putting his phone down, he began working her bra off of her. Seeing her relaxed Sara could see that her breast tissue barely obscured her pecs. She had perfect tiny nipples to match, which he was quick to start sucking on. After a few minutes of that he readjusted and began working her panties off. Soon Anne was completely naked. He grabbed his phone again and began taking pictures. He started with far away ones and worked his way closer and closer up, until he spread her virgin pussy apart and took pictures of her pink hair covered lips. Sara was confused by how hairy Anne’s pussy looked. It wasn’t the best angle but Sara was sure Anne had a bald cunt this morning. She kept watching as he began eating out his little sister. Sara felt a little sick but she was already nearing a climax. She could see Anne’s small chest heaving and soon could hear little chirps coming from her mouth. Soon she left out a small cry and he stopped. He adjusted Anne from a sitting to a lying position and got undressed. He left his clothes in a neat little pile and turned the camera so Anne was in the center of the frame. Ignoring the condoms, he got on top of Anne. He leaned in and kissed his sister on the lips, pulling back he announced “Now you’re finally going to lose your cherry little sis.” Sara couldn’t hold it in any longer. He raised one of Anne’s legs up to her chest and spread the other out wide. Through his legs and past his dick and balls he could see Anne’s glistening virgin pussy. She watched as he guided his cock into her and began fucking. Three pumps in and Sara was cumming. It hit her so hard she collapsed to the side for a couple moments. She wondered what polite chase Anne would think of losing her virginity, while passed out, to her brother.

She came out of her daze and watched a bit more. She was surprised how long he lasted in what had to be a tight snatch, but sure enough she watched as he spasmed on top of her and collapsed.

When he finally did get up he stepped out of frame and returned with a spoon. Sara had seen this before and knew where it was going. He spread Anne’s legs back apart and collected the juice that was flowing from her snatch. Sara watched as he turned the camera back to her passed out body and poured the fluids down her throat. Sara was upset but knew it was to be expected. What she didn’t expect was the slap that came next. She felt her face, surprised that there wasn’t a mark. She watched in a mix of horror and arousal as her body was moved from the chair to begin draped over an arm of her couch, faced down. She couldn’t quite tell but she was pretty sure her face was in Anne’s crotch. He went back to his pile of clothes and removed his belt from his pants. He made sure Sara’s fat ass was squarely in the camera frame and took a position above and to the side of her. Looking into the camera he let out smile, “Sara, I know we haven’t really talked but I want to make it clear to you that you shouldn’t question what I tell you to do.” He pulled back and beat her ass a couple times with the belt. Welts already began showing. Sara felt sick watching this. He continued, “Next time I tell you to do something you better agree right away.” He returned to beating her ass. “I mean you’re the one that wanted all this, so you should be more grateful.” He move to her other side and started swinging. Sara say welt after welt building up on her ass, and she subconsciously reached down to feel them. “Don’t even get me started on how bad of a friend you are. I mean we wouldn’t be here if you weren’t such a sadistic bitch.” Sara wanted to turn it off but couldn’t. He suddenly left the frame. A minute later he returned with an unopened bottle of wine from her pantry. “You thought you were smart by throwing out the bottles? If I could I’d shove this up into you without lube, sadly that's not really physically possible.” He reached for the lube on the table and poured some onto her red ass. He aggressively forced his fingers into her asshole, and as soon as he thought he had her loose enough he grabbed the bottle and lubed it up. “I’m just happy you were able to give me and my sister this special night.” He turned back to Sara’s ass and began forcing the bottle into her. Sara was surprised to hear herself cry out as he rammed the neck of the bottle into her. He briefly put the bottle down and stepped away. He was out of frame for surprisingly long and he returned with something cupped in his hand. He turned back to the camera, “A gift from Kay” He held up a bloody tampon and put it in her mouth, tying it in place with a dish towel. Sara gagged as she watched him return to her ass and keep going. She felt new pain around her hole as she watched and sure enough when he finally did stop and step back she could see that he’d torn her a little. Sara noticed that he was getting hard again. He put down the bottle and rolled Sara to the floor, letting her fall in a heap. He picked up Anne and walked out of the frame. A minute later he grabbed the camera and brought it to the bathroom.

Anne was seated on the toilet with her legs spread apart. He looked around the bathroom for a minute until he found what he was looking for. Sara wasn’t big on shaving, and instead used at home wax strips, she now saw the box and knew what was going to happen next. He carefully applied the strips and one by one ripped them off. She let out little squeaks each time. When he was done he stood up next to her. His dick had softened a little but as he put a finger in his sister’s mouth Sara saw him grow. He adjusted his stance so the camera captured Anne’s face from the side as he began thrusting into her mouth. Sara felt herself building up again. Grabbing her toy, she teased her clit as Anne’s throat got violated. Sara could see Anne gagging slightly and he adjusted his grip on her head so one of his thumbs was holding her jaw down. It didn’t take him long before he seized up and expelled his seed in her face. Sara watched as he delicately removed his cock, making sure Anne kept all his cum. He washed some water down her throat and gave her a kiss.

Sara lost her momentum as the camera was moved again and they were back in the main room, this time pointed towards the bed. He pulled back up Kay’s pants and moved her off the bed and out of frame. He pulled back the covers and manhandled Sara onto the bed. As she lay there he began feeling her juicy tits. At this point it wasn’t surprising when he gave one of them a hard slap. Sara hated the sound of his voice at this point, but it didn’t help when he explained, “Tits like these are one of the reasons my beautiful sister is so fucking in her own head.” He began kneading them aggressively. If she’d been awake she’d have been crying out. “All this stupid fat, women can be hot without it.” He got up from the bed just to return with his belt. Sara cringed again as he started beating her tits. She could feel her tits burning as she watched him release his rage on her. It was over almost as quickly as it began, but the damage was done.

As he stepped back Sara could see how bad her tits looked, she was comforted that they didn’t look that terrible this morning. He left the frame and returned again this time carrying Anne. He deposited her on top of Sara, adjusting her till she was lined up face down on top of her. He retrieved the lube and began to delicately play with his sister’s tight asshole. Sara knew this was partially him showing Sara how delicate he could be if he wanted to. He kissed the top of her ass as he slowly worked his lubed up thumb into her. Sara felt herself building once more. She skipped the vibrator and wanted to play with her pussy hole while watching him play with his sister’s asshole. She was glued to the screen as she began running her finger into her surprisingly moist pussy.

Sara watched as he switched from his thumb to his point and index finger. Creating a rhythm with her body he slowly stretched her open. It wasn’t long before he lubed up his cock and mounted Anne. It was weird seeing him fuck her in the ass, knowing that he limp body was underneath it all. Somehow though it made Sara feel like she was a part of this incestuous family. Sara felt her pussy seizing around her finger. He pounded his sister’s ass as hard as he could, only taking the occasional break to kiss Anne’s mouth. Sara could tell he was about to climax and she pulled out her finger and began vigorously rubbing her clit. She climaxed as she watched him collapse into a heap on top of the two of them. When he finally did get back up he pulled his spoon trick again. He removed the gag from Sara’s mouth and fed Sara the cum and lube leaking from his sister’s ass. He rolled Anne off of her and to Sara’s confusion propped her up and put his fingers into her mouth. Sara then remembered the tampon and felt sick. He returned with a glass of water and continued forcing the object down until she stopped coughing and was breathing normally. He turned and winked at the camera. He got up off the bed and Sara could hear him shuffling around the studio apartment. All of a sudden the video ended. Sara assumed he must have turned off the camera and stowed it. She would be able to see what he got into after he turned off the main camera when she went through the rest of her footage but she was pretty satisfied.

She was pissed that she had been used the way she had but she also felt a weird sick bond with Anne now. She was determined to get Anne laid. She wanted to see her getting fucked again but Sara wanted her to be conscious for it.

As Sara briefly daydreamed about watching Anne’s tight little body getting fucked her phone chimed. Sara picked it up and saw a lengthy text from Anne, “Hey Sara, First I wanted to say thank you for being my friend these last couple of months, I don’t know what I’d do if you hadn’t approached me that night. What happened last night however is way out of my comfort range. I know we had a lot to drink but I blacked out and am not completely sure what we did together. I still want to be friends but this all has been very confusing for me. I feel the need to talk to somebody but you’re my best friend and I’m not sure I can talk to you about this.”

Sara was worried as she read the message. She couldn’t let go of Anne just yet, there had to be a way to keep her on the hook. Sara smiled as she typed, “I value our friendship too and embarrassingly enough I blacked out last night too and can only piece together a few events all of which I could see crossing a line. If you can’t talk to me, maybe you can talk to your brother. You don’t need to get into specifics but I’m sure he can provide you some advice and if nothing else provide some comfort. I really don’t want to lose you as a friend.” Sara hit send and smiled to herself. Through her hangover and badly bruised body she felt good and excited about where this might lead.
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