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Sarah isn't the brightest of girls but when her parents are killed she quickly learns that she dislikes the clothes that her mother bought her and she wants to know all about sex.
Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

I was just finishing the ironing when Tom arrived.

“Come on Sarah, put some clothes on we’re going to the doctors.”

“Oh, yeah, what shall I wear, did you get me some new clothes?”

“No Sarah, you’ll have to put some of your old clothes on.”


“I don’t know, a dress and sandals or whatever you want.”

I ran up to my bedroom and grabbed an old summer dress that I hadn’t worn since last summer. It’s knee length and has a full top, sleeves as well. Mum called it a summer dress but it would keep me warm in the middle of winter. Not bothering with a bra or knickers I pulled it on, zipped it up and ran downstairs with my sandals in my hand. Then ran outside and jumped into Tom’s van.

“Phew,” I said, “what’s the rush?”

“You’re appointment’s in 5 minutes. I just hope that they are running late, they usually are.”

As Tom drove me there I told him that I was nervous, that it had been years since I’d been to the doctors and I’d never needed examined ‘down there’.

“It’s your pussy Sarah.”

“Yes, sorry, my pussy had never been examined before.”

“There’s no need to be nervous Sarah, it will just be a bit like what I did to you yesterday.”

“The doctor will make me cum? I’ve been trying all day but I can’t make myself cum like you and Mike did.”

“The doctor might make you cum, I don’t know, I’m not a girl so I don’t really know what a gynaecological examination consists of.”

“A what?”

“A pussy exam.”

“Will you come in with me like mum used to do?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“I do, please?”

“Okay Sarah.”

Fifteen minutes later Tom and I were walking into the doctor’s little room and saying hello.

“So, it’s Sarah’s name on the list of patients, what can I do for you Sarah?”

“I want to get the pill?”

“The contraceptive pill.” Tom added, “she’s starting to be sexually active.”

“I see.” The doctor replied.

He then asked me some questions and Tom had to help me answer some of them, then he told me that I would have to have a physical examination and he asked if I would prefer to have a nurse with me rather than my brother.

“No, I want Tom with me.”

“Okay, can you take all your clothes off please Sarah, you can go behind that curtain for some privacy.”

“I’m okay here.” I replied as I unzipped my dress, pushed it off my shoulders, then my arms and let it fall to the floor leaving me naked in front of the doctor.

The doctor looked at me then back to his computer screen, then said,

“How old are you Sarah, it says here that you are 18, is that right?”

“Yes, I’m 18.”

“Okay, can you go over to the scales so that I can weigh you.”

I looked at Tom and he pointed to where I had to go.

The doctor weighed me and measured how tall I was then told me to get on the bed that was in the corner. It was a funny bed, a lot higher than mine. I jumped up and sat on the side looking at Tom, he smiled a me and I smiled back.

“Can you turn and lay on you back with your head to my left please Sarah?”

After a quick think about which side was the doctor’s left I did, then looked up at the doctor and saw him putting on some of those blue latex gloves.

“I’m going to examine your breasts first Sarah, to make sure that you have no lumps anywhere. Have you had them checked before?”


“You should check yourself about once per month and if you find a lump you need to come and see me, okay?”

“Okay, can one of my brothers check for me?”

“Err yes, that would be acceptable.”

The doctor squeezed and pressed my little titties from every angle then he got hold of my nipples and pulled and twisted them causing me to moan.

“That makes me tingle.” I said.

“That’s good Sarah. Now I’m going to examine your pelvic region. Don’t be alarmed, it’s a standard medical procedure but first I need you to put your legs in the stirrups that I’m about to attach to the corners of the table.”

I watched as he attached some metal things on the bottom corners of the bed then lifted my feet up and lowered my lower legs onto the metal stirrup things. As my legs parted I could feel my wet pussy lips opening. It felt nice and the tingling got a little stronger.

As the doctor poked all around my stomach I wondered why he was doing that because Tom had told me that it was my pussy that he would be examining.

Then I gasped as his fingers touched my pussy, not inside me, just pushing my lips around. I moaned again and wondered if I should be moaning but I couldn’t stop myself. His fingers went either side of my clit and pulled up a little. I already knew that my clit had come out to play and I wondered if he was trying to see how big it was.

His fingers touched my clit and I nearly screamed as what felt like a bolt of electricity went from my clit to my nipples. I so wanted to put my hand on my clit to protect it, not that I had any idea what from, but my hand couldn’t get there so both my hands went to my nipples and started rolling and pulling them.

I saw the doctor look over to Tom and he shrugged his shoulders then the doctor said,

“Very good Sarah, now I need to examine you inside your vagina.”

He held up some sort of metal contraption and it looked way, way bigger than my hole.

“You’re going to put that thing inside me, it will never fit, you’ll kill me.”

“Relax Sarah, it won’t hurt, I’ve put this speculum in hundreds of vaginas, a lot of them into girls smaller than you and I’ve never hurt one of them. Tom, would you like to come over and hold Sarah’s hand?”

Tom came over and I had to take a hand off one of my tits for him to hold. As I watched the doctor smear some clear jelly-like liquid over the end of what I now knew was called a speculum. I tensed as I saw the speculum go towards my vagina then gasped quite loudly as I felt it touch and enter me.

Then I started moaning. The further it went into me the more I moaned. Somewhere along the way I realised that I’d pulled Tom’s hand to my free tit and somehow got the flat of his hand on my tit, my hand pressing onto his.

My moaning got even louder when I felt the speculum open up. That was far better than when Mike had put a finger inside me.

“Nearly done Sarah.” I heard the doctor say as I saw a long cotton bud go towards my hole.

“There, all done inside.” I heard as I felt the speculum shrink in size then get pulled out of me.

I let out a long breath and sighed. It was over but I didn’t want it to be over, right then I wanted an orgasm as good as my first one given by Tom. I pressed Tom’s hand harder onto my tit then heard the doctor say,

“Just one more thing to do Sarah and I promise that it won’t hurt.”

“It certainly didn’t hurt as one of the doctors fingers went to my clit and started gently rubbing his finger over it. I gasped then shuddered as an orgasm hit me. I was sure that the people in the waiting room could hear my moans as I shouted words that my mother had told me I should never use. I was pressing Tom’s hand so hard onto my tit that I feared that it would burst.

So many things that I was thinking in that split second as the orgasm hit me.

I soo wanted that speculum thing back inside me but it wasn’t to be. As soon as my orgasm exploded out of me the doctor stopped and turned and walked away from me.

My emotions were all over the place. I wanted more but didn’t know if I could take any more, but at the same time it wasn’t as good an orgasm as Tom and Mike had given me, it was just the place and by an almost stranger that had made it so good.

Finally my breathing returned to almost normal and I let go of Tom’s hand. I watched him as he waggled his fingers to make sure that I hadn’t broken any of them, then I heard the doctor tell me that I could get off the examination table and get dressed.

What I really wanted was the examination to start from the beginning again.

I went over to, stepped into and pulled up my dress. Tom was behind me and he pulled the zip up for me then I sat down and let out a long breath.

“Well Sarah,” the doctor said, “you are a perfectly healthy young woman, take this to a pharmacist and he will give you a supply of the contraceptive pill. Follow the instructions on the leaflet in one of the boxes and phone the surgery just before you are run out of them. Now, is there anything else that I can do for you today?”

There wasn’t and we both thanked him and left. As we walked out I said to Tom,

“Wow, that was amazing, not as good as yours but still good. Will he do that to me each time that I want some more pills?”

“Unfortunately no, I think that you have to be checked by a doctor every 3 years or so but they will tell you when you need another check-up.”

“Good, because I’ll forget. Can we go and get the pills now because I want you and Mike to fuck me properly.”

“We’ll get the pills on the way home but it will probably be a while before they are effective. In the mean time I’ll get some condoms, but we’re not going to fuck you until you are ready.”

“I’m ready now.”

“You think you are but you have more to learn before a cock goes inside your vagina.”

“Like what?”

“Like how to masturbate to a happy ending.”

“Happy ending? Am I supposed to laugh when I cum?”

“No Sarah, that was my bad choice of words. You have to learn to masturbate to a good orgasm first, as good as you say the ones that Mike and I gave you.”

“I’d better get started then.” I said as we got close to the pharmacists shop, “but will you show me how you did it to me yesterday?”

“Okay then, but you’ll have to wait until we get home, I’m not doing it to you here.”

“Spoil sport.”

When Tom was backing his van into the drive at home I saw Mr. Jones in his front garden. I waved to him as I told Tom that I’d talked to him earlier.

“I’d better make sure that you haven’t been upsetting him Sarah, you go inside and get tea started, I’ll be in in a few minutes.”

I waved to Mr. Jones again as I went inside, and I went upstairs and took the dress and my sandals off. I’d had enough of wearing my old, thick clothes for one day. Then I went back downstairs and got on with the tea.

I’d left the outside door open when I came in and I could hear bits of what Tom and Mr. Jones were saying. They were laughing a bit so I thought that I couldn’t have upset Mr. Jones. They were talking for ages and occasionally looking over my way. When I saw them looking I waved and a couple of times I got a wave back.

As I said they were talking for ages and I’d got the food ready before Tom came in so I went back out to tell Tom that his tea was ready. I stood next to Tom and smiled at Mr. Jones who was looking at my naked body again. The conversation continued and I watched as 2 boys on bikes rode passed and stared at me.

“Come on inside Sarah,” Tom eventually said, “better get you in before some prudish neighbour complains.”

We said goodbye and went in, me shouting for Mike to come down to eat.

As we were eating I Told Tom about the letter for him and Mike said,

“We’re going to get the postman wanting to hand every letter and package over to you personally Sarah.”

“That’s okay, I don’t mind.” I replied.

“But Tom gets lots of his plumbing stuff by post, you may well be showing yourself to him every day.” Mike added.

“That’s okay, you both said that I should be proud of my body and not be ashamed to let people see it and the postman is people. He’s a nice people as well.”

Then I continued,

“Tom, I overheard some of what you were talking to Mr. Jones about and you said that I was naive and had no modesty, what did you mean? Is that a bad thing?”

Both Tom and Mike laughed a little the Tom said,

“No Sarah, it’s not a bad thing, in fact for you it’s a good thing, it means that you won’t get upset if someone says anything nasty about you not wearing something that most girls wear.”

“No, I won’t get upset if someone calls me a nasty name if they see me like this, I don’t care, and why should I cross my legs when I sit down like mum always told me to, it’s uncomfortable, I’ll sit like you two do, that’s more comfortable.”

“It is.” Mike said.

“Have you read the instruction in your pills box yet Sarah?” Tom asked.

“No, I haven’t had the chance yet.”

“Well it will probably tell you to take them at the same time each day and I think that it will be best if you take them after you’ve cleaned your teeth every morning.”

“That’s a good idea Tom, I’ll read the leaflet after I’ve done the washing up.”

“Guys,” Mike said, “I’ve invited a couple of friends over later to play computer games, will that be a problem for either of you?”

“Mike,” I replied, “it wasn’t a problem when you invited them over last week so why would it be a problem today?”

“I just thought that with you not wearing any clothes you might not want any non-family people here.”

“To see me like this you mean?”

“Yes Sarah.”

“Well you’re the one saying that I should be proud of my body and not be ashamed to let people see it so why are you even asking?”

“I just thought.”

“Hey guys,” Tom interrupted. “Invite them as usual Mike, and Sarah, if you get a fit of shyness you can always go and hide in your room.”

“I won’t.” I said, “I didn’t run and hide when Mr. Jones saw me putting the washing out and I didn’t run and hide when Terry Harvey saw me bringing the washing in so 2 of your mates won’t bother me, but wait, does that mean that you won’t have the time to make me cum, I so wanted you to do that to me again, my pussy has been tingling all day waiting for you to do it.”

“Relax Sarah,” Tom said, “I’ll make you happy.”

“Thanks Tom, you’re the best.”

We’d finally finished eating by then so I cleared the table and started the washing up whilst Mike went up to his room and Tom started doing some paperwork. I picked up my boxes of pills, opened one and looked at the leaflet. As soon as I saw it I knew that it was pointless trying to workout what I had to do.

“Tom,” I said, “can you help me please?”

“Yeah, just a sec.”

It was a long second and whilst I was stood next to him waiting the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it.” I said and I went and opened the front door.

It was Craig and Ian, Mike’s friends. I’d met them a few times but they usually just ignored me. This time was different.

“Holly shit.” Ian said, “Is that you Sarah?”

“Wow,” Craig said, “Mike was right.”

“Hi guys,” I said, “Mike’s in his room, go on up.”

Tom had left what he was doing and came over.

“Hey, how’s it going?” Tom said.

“Hey,” Craig said, “what with Sarah?”

“Oh she decided that she needed a new wardrobe and that she wasn’t going to wear anything until she got it. What do you think of her now guys, is she the ugly duckling or the beautiful swan.”

“Oh definitely the beautiful swan Tom.” Craig replied.

“Definitely.” Ian added.

“There Sarah, what did I tell you? Tom said, “Mike’s up in his room guys, go on up.”

They did, but a lot slower than they usually did and they both kept looking back at me.

“Told you, be proud of your body.” Tom said, “now what was it you wanted?”

“These pills, I can’t understand the instructions.”

Tom took the instructions off me and started reading. After a couple of minutes he turned to me and asked me when my last period was.

“It started nearly a week ago.”

“Near enough, take the one next to the number one in the morning after you’ve cleaned your teeth and then the next day take the one next to the number 2. This type of pill has 28 so you take one every morning, can you remember that Sarah?”

“Yeah, easy, so when can you fuck me?”

“Actually, straight away but we’re not going to. Remember that I said that we would take your sex education slowly, and there’s things for you to learn before we fuck you.”

“Like what?”

“For starters you’ve got to be able to make yourself cum, then there’s blowjobs.”

“I remember the girls at school bragging about how many blowjobs they’d given. Sally Thornton said she had given more than a hundred.”

“I doubt that but you need to give a good one, and swallow, to Mike and me before we fuck you.”

“Sally Thornton said that she always swallowed but I never knew what she swallowed.”

“Don’t worry about that right now Sally. The other thing that I know you are going to enjoy is when we eat you.”

“Your going to eat me? Isn’t that canni something or other. I don’t want to be eaten.”

“Relax Sarah, like a blowjob isn’t blowing but sucking, eating a girl’s pussy isn’t actually eating her pussy, it’s licking and sucking maybe a little chewing. You’ll enjoy it, I guarantee it.”

“Silly names but okay, I’ll look forward to trying those, but will you make me cum right now Tom, I want to see how you do it, you’re just so good at it and I want to learn from you.”

“Okay then, but afterwards I want you to go to you room and practice, you probably won’t be able to give yourself an orgasm quite as intense as when a man does it to you but you should be able to get quite close.”

“Why’s that Tom?”

“I think that it’s because it’s someone else that’s doing it to you. Go and get a mirror then get on your back on your bed.”

I did, and as I was going into my bedroom I saw that Mike’s door was open. The 3 of them were all looking at 2 computer screens but Ian looked up and saw me, then I was gone. This time I got a better mirror, one with a flexible arm so that I could hold it better and angle it better. I didn’t even look into Mike’s room as I passed the door.

Back on the sofa I spread my legs as wide as I could and messed about with the mirror until I could see my pussy and all the moisture that was on it. Then Tom came and sat on the floor next to me and his right hand reached over to my pussy.

“I’m tingling a lot even before you touch me Tom.”

“That’s the anticipation, your pussy thinks it knows what is coming but it’s got it slightly wrong, I’m not going to fuck you.”

“Mike put a finger inside me this morning and that was really nice. He let me taste the juices that were coming out of me.”

“Then I will do the same, we’ll call that the next part of your education.”

Tom’s fingers were amazing, I wanted to ask him where he learnt how to do it but I decided to leave that question for another time. I had more important things on my mind at that moment.

I felt Tom’s fingers sliding up and down my wet lips, playing with my clit, and yes, his finger went in and out of my hole many times. I could feel that tingling get stronger and stronger. I realised that I was actually shouting begging Tom to keep going.

At one point my eyes went from the mirror and over to the door and I saw Mike, Craig and Ian watching and for some strange reason the speed that my arousal was increasing got faster. Shortly after that I thought that I was going to die and something seemed to explode inside my pussy.

I vaguely remember seeing my body jerking and my pussy felt a bit like when I try to squeeze that last drop of pee out of me. And I could hear myself loudly saying some words that mum told me never to use.

When I started to get back to normal I looked at Tom and thanked him, then looked to the door to see if Mike and his mates were still there but they were gone.

“Mike and his mates were watching us Tom.” I said.

“Did you see them just before you orgasmed?”

“Yes, the tingling suddenly got stronger then I died and went to heaven.”

“Well you didn’t die, but seeing men watching what you are doing often increases your arousal. I haven’t tried it but it’s supposed to work for guys as well, if a girl sees a man wanking and he sees her it’s supposed to help him cum quicker.”

“I can watch you Tom.”

“Maybe a bit later, but let’s concentrate on your education for now. How about you do a bit of practice. Get ready for bed then practice, you might fall asleep while you’re practising.”

“Like I did last night?”

“Yes, now I’m going to leave you to it, I need to get my paperwork done.”

I got up and went to the bathroom. As I was cleaning my teeth I looked at my boxes of pills and really looked forward to them doing their job. I wanted to know how to fuck.

As I passed Mikes room I saw that his door was still open but all 3 of them were staring at the screens. I didn’t bother closing my bedroom door in the hope that at least one of the guys in the house would come and watch me trying to have as good an orgasm as Tom had just given me.

I got on my back on the bed and put the mirror between my legs. I spent a couple of minutes adjusting the flexible arm so that I could watch what I was doing then got started.

As I felt the tingling get stronger I realised that Mike and his mates were in my room watching me. When Mike realised that I’d seen him he said,

“I can give you a different way of you seeing what you are doing if you want sis?”


“If you come and do that in my room I can fix up the webcam between your legs and you will be able to see yourself on the monitors. I can even get it to zoom in so that you can see every little detail and if you want I can record it all for you to watch later.”

“That sounds great, can we do that now please?”

“Sure, why not, I’m sure that Craig and Ian won’t mind leaving the game, will you guys?”

“No, carry on.” Craig said.

So we did, Craig and Ian looking at me all the time instead of helping Mike set things up.

I lay on Mikes bed with my legs wide open, the 3 guys standing at the foot of the bed with Mike moving the little camera around so that my pussy filled both of the monitors.

“Okay sis, go for it.” Mike said.

“Will you suggest ways that I can do it better as we go please Mike?”


My right hand moved to my pussy and within seconds Craig told me to play with my nipples with my left hand.

I started doing what I’d watched Tom do not so many minutes ago. The tingling got stronger as my fingers moved up and down me getting wetter by the second. My fingers circling my clit and dipping into my hole.

“Try putting 2 fingers in your hole Sarah.” Ian suggested.

I was doubtful that I could get 2 finger in me but I tried and was pleasantly surprised when I managed it, and it felt good.

“See if you can flick or rub your clit with your thumb while still fucking yourself with 2 fingers.” Craig suggested.

I did and I gasped as I felt what my thumb was doing and saw it on the screens.

I got into a bit of a rhythm and looked up at the 3 guys faces. All 6 eyes were glued to my pussy and the expressions on their faces was priceless. All 3 looked totally gobsmacked.

It didn’t take lone before I thought that I was about to cum but this time I tried to hold it back, to not cum. I thought that it was crazy but I wanted to do what I was doing for those guys to see for as long as possible.

I tried and I tried but after a couple of minutes of trying I suddenly shouted,


My body started shaking and jerking but somehow my right hand kept going and my left hand was doing its best to pull my right nipple right off my little tit.

After, I have no idea how long, the frequency of the jerks slowed down, my right hand stopped and I realised that my left hand was hurting my right tit. I let out a huge sigh and both my hands fell to the sides of my body.

I looked up and Craig and Ian were still totally gobsmacked. Mike however, was sat at his computer and I saw on the screens that he was zooming in even further on my pussy.

I could see my juices bubbling out of my hole which looked wetter than if I’d been in the shower.

“Oh my gawd, that was awesome.” I finally said. “Did you record all that Mike?”

“Every second, still am.”

“Good,” I replied, “Someone might just want to watch that video sometime.”

“Every bloody day.” Ian said. “You will be sending me a copy won’t you Mike?”

“If Sarah lets me.”

All 3 guys looked at me as I got up on my elbows.

“Yeah, why not, I’m proud of myself and I don’t care who sees it.”

“Good girl Sarah,” Mike said, “you’re learning.”

“Good.” I replied.

“Okay Sarah,” Mike said as he pulled a memory stick out of his computer, “Plug this into the side of the TV downstairs and it should start playing. You’ll be able to watch yourself at work on mum’s huge TV. You’ll be glad that mum’s eyesight wasn’t too good and dad had to buy that huge screen TV.”

“Thanks Mike, are you going to let Tom have a copy?”

“Already sent him a copy but if you leave that in the TV any of us can watch it at anytime..”

I got to my feet and left the room, smiling at Craig and Ian as I went. Back downstairs I went up to Tom and said,

“I did it, well almost. It wasn’t quite as good as when you diddled me but my hands aren’t as clever as yours.”

“Yet.” Tom replied, “but ‘practice makes perfect’.

“I’d better practice a lot then. The girls at school used to say that they frigged every day but back then I didn’t know what frigging was.”

“There you go then.”

“So I’ll make myself cum every day then.”

“That’s up to you Sarah, do it whenever you want to, not when we tell you to.”

“Will you keep doing it to me Tom?”

“If that’s what you want.”

“I do, and will you fuck me now?”

“No, I think that we’ll move on to blowjobs tomorrow. It will probably take you a few days to get good at that.”

“Have you seen the video that Mike sent you?”

“Not yet, is it good?”

“I think so, I’m the star of it. He’s put it on this memory stick so that we can watch it on the big TV”

“You’re the star in my life whatever you are wearing and doing Sarah.”

“I love you Tom.”

“And I love you too Sarah, now off you go and remember, in the morning you have to take your pill and shave your pussy. Try doing it yourself and then I’ll check to see if you’ve done it good enough to be as smooth as a baby’s bottom.”

“Baby’s bottoms usually smell.”

“True, but it was a figure of speech meaning very smooth.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Now go before I spank your bare bottom. You deciding to stop wearing clothes makes your bare butt and easy target.”

I plugged the memory stick into the TV but didn’t switch it on, then as I walked away I thought about saying that my lack of clothes was only until I got some new ones but I was starting to think that I liked not wearing clothes and maybe I wouldn’t wear any ever again.

Back in my bedroom I left the door open and then tried to repeat what I had done in Mike’s room. I did, even tasting the juices that my fingers in my pussy got covered in, although I’m not sure how much Mike, Crag and Ian standing in my doorway watching helped.

I fell asleep after I’d cum, without covering myself, or shutting my door.


The sun shining through my open curtained windows woke me the next morning and I got up quickly and went to the bathroom. I nearly took my first pill there and then but somehow managed to resist and wait until I cleaned my teeth after breakfast.

When I got my razor out to shave my armpit and legs I nervously lathered my pussy then started shaving that. I took it easy because I didn’t want to risk having an accident that might spoil my new found pleasures.

I was just about finished when Mike walked in (I hadn’t closed the bathroom door).

“Good girl Sarah.” Mike said, “after you’ve showered I can inspect your work if you want?”

“Yes please Mike. Do you want to share the shower?”

“Wow sis, I didn’t expect an offer like that.”

“It wasn’t an offer to fuck me, Tom says that fucking has to wait, but now that I don’t have to worry about mum’s rules I don’t see why we can’t share a shower. Besides, I can get a look at your cock, see what you’re going to put inside me some day soon.”

“Works for me sis, move over.”

I watched as Mike dropped his boxers and climbed in. I shouldn’t have been surprised that his cock was hard, but I was, maybe because I’d never seen a man’s cock before, only a baby’s when my aunty was changing a nappy.

As we soaped each other I kept bumping into his cock and it was making me tingle. He didn’t miss any bit of me with the soap and he made me moan a little as he soaped my pussy. When it came to me soaping his cock and balls I was a little hesitant but Mike told me to just do it. So I did. I spent what seemed like hours exploring his goodies, even circling it with my fingers and going up and down. I don’t know where I got that idea from as I’d never seen it done anywhere. I guess that it was just natural instinct.

Anyway, just as I was about to stop his cock twitched, he swore and this white, creamy stuff shot out of the end in squirts, and landed all over my stomach. I just stared as more blobs shot out and landed on me. As the blobs stopped Mike said,

“Well that wasn’t intended, but I guess that it was inevitable, you being so pretty and all.”

“Was that your cum Mike, your sperm?”

“Yes Sarah, it was, a lot of girls swallow that stuff when they give a guy a blowjob.”

“Tom’s going to teach me about blowjobs next now that I can make myself cum nearly as good a you and him.”

“Good, I’ll look forward to you practising on me. Haven’t you got some breakfast to get ready?”

“Oh yes, sorry.” I replied and quickly checked that all Mike’s cum had been washed off my front.

I got out of the shower, quickly dried then ran downstairs to get the breakfast ready.

I was in a bit of a rush and forgot to put the apron on when I was frying the eggs and bacon and the inevitable happened and the pan spat a drop of fat on my left tit, the nipple. It was just as Tom arrived there and he heard me swear.

“What’s up sis?”

“I got some hot fat on my left nipple.”

“You should have put the apron on, come here.”

I moved the pan off the flames and went over to Tom who looked closely at my nipple. Then he surprised me by kissing then sucking my nipple. I moaned the asked Tom what he was doing.

“Kissing it better.”

“You’re sucking it.”

“That’s how you are supposed to kiss a nipple better.”

“Oh, it’s nice, maybe I should splash hot fat on my nipples again.”

“What’s going on here?” Mike asked when he came into the kitchen.

“Fat splashed on her tit.” Tom replied.

“Okay, can I splash fat on your pussy Sarah?”

“No, that would really hurt.”

“But I could kiss it better.”

I said nothing, turned and got on with the breakfast.

After Mike and Tom had left for work I did the housework including taking the rubbish out to the wheelie bin and saw Mr. Jones who was also putting some rubbish in his bin.

“Good morning Sarah, It looks like it’s going to be a hot one.”

“Yes it does Mr. Jones, I might do some sunbathing later.”

“Will you be wearing that outfit that you’ve got on at the moment?”

I stared at him for a few seconds then realised that he was asking if I’d sunbathe naked.

“Funny, yes, I’m never going to wear my horrible one-piece swimsuit, that mum bought me, again.”

“I don’t blame you, Mrs Jones used to sunbathe naked as well, she’d lay there with her legs wide open teasing me and kept telling me that I shouldn’t be looking at her.”

“But you were her husband, you were entitled to look at her.”

“Yes, that’s right, it was a little game that we used to play.”

“Well I won’t be telling you or anyone else not to look at me, I’m starting to get proud of my body.”

“Good for you Sarah, the world needs more girls like you. Now you remember to lay out with your legs open so that your inner thighs get brown as well, and don’t forget to rub sunblock on your pussy, Mrs Jones used to hate it when her pussy got sunburnt and I hated it as well because she wouldn’t let me get anywhere near it.”

I remembered that my mum always had to rub the sunblock on me because I couldn’t reach part of my back, not that much of it was exposed because of the horrible swimsuit. Then without thinking I said,

“Err Mr. Jones, would you rub sunblock on me when I’m ready please?”

“I’d be delighted to my dear, it will be nice to touch some delicate female flesh again. Just give me a shout when you are ready.”

“Thank you, I will.”

We both went back in to our respective houses and I finished my household jobs. It felt a bit strange doing the vacuuming whilst I was naked and I giggled a bit when I did in front of the big front windows although I didn’t look to see if anyone was walking by.

It wasn’t the postman that knocked on our front door later that morning, it was a man delivering some plumbing bits for Tom, and I think that I gave him a bit of a shock when I opened the door but his face soon turned to a grin as he passed me the parcel.

When I was done with the housework I decided that I’d spend a couple of hours sunbathing. The tingling in my pussy had just about gone away but I wanted to practice making myself cum and what better place to do that than out in the lovely sunshine.

I got a towel and the sunblock then went into the garage to get a sun lounger out then put it in the middle of the back lawn. Spreading the towel over it I climbed on forgetting about the sunblock.

As I lay there I thought about how my life had changed over the last few weeks, and especially the last couple of days. Gone, well not quite, were my horrible, thick clothes that mum had bought me and Tom and Mike had taught me some amazing things about my body.

As I was thinking my right hand drifted down to my now bald pussy. I felt how smooth it was and decided that I would shave it every morning, just like I’d take my pill every morning. I was looking forward to my next sex lesson and eventually to being fucked.

Then I realised that my clit and nipples were tingling because my legs had drifted apart and my fingers we playing with my pussy. I decided to try for an orgasm and hoped that it would be as good as the ones that Tom gave me.

I closed my eyes and seriously started rubbing and finger fucking my hole. I did what Craig had told me to do with my thumb and I felt my juices flood my hole. I started breathing heavily whilst telling myself to work harder and at the same time splitting the sentence with moans and swear words.

The orgasm arrived and my body jerked and shook as my fingers tried to reach my stomach from the inside.

As the orgasm subsided I took lots of deep breaths then opened my eyes.

“Oh my gawd,” I said, “sorry, I didn’t know you were there Mr. Jones.”

“That’s okay Sarah, I didn’t mean to startle you. I heard you and decided to save you having to come over to get me to rub the sunblock on you. That looked like a good orgasm you just had.”

“It was, not as good as the ones Tom and Mike gave me but still good, especially as I had never had one until a couple of days ago.”

“You’re 18 and you only just had your first orgasm, that must be a record for this part of the world. I guess that you appreciate them more when you get to be an adult.”

“Tom says that I should practice making myself cum but my hand gets a bit tired after a while, you couldn’t help me with that could you Mr. Jones?”

“I’m sure that I could, but let’s get that sunblock on you first, I’d hate for you to burn. Shall I do your back first Sarah?”

“Yes please.”

I turned over and Mr. Jones did all of my back, arms and legs.

“Would you prefer to do your own bottom Sarah?”

“No, that’s okay, can you do it please Mr. Jones?”

As he rubbed the lotion on my bottom I let out a couple of moans and for some reason I moved my legs apart. Mr. Jones must have taken that as my approval for him to rub the lotion between my legs and all over my pussy. Instead of objecting, I just moaned and said that it was nice.

Mr. Jones ran a finger slowly along my slit, spreading it open and then over my clit. I gasped then let out a long moan.

“Sorry Sarah, I shouldn’t have done that. I’ll go and leave you to it.”

“No, no, please don’t go, you haven’t done my front yet.” I said as I turned over.

Mr. Jones looked down on me. I really didn’t want him to stop there, I wanted him to do my front, all of it, and to make me cum with his fingers. I looked up at him and said,

“Please Mr. Jones, do my front and my pussy, make me cum, please.”

“Are you sure Sarah, I’m old enough to be your great grandfather.”

“I don’t care Mr’ Jones, please make me cum.”

So he did, and I have to say that he was good with his finger, better than Mike, but about as good as Tom.

After my orgasm had subsided I lay there with a very satisfied look on my face. After a while of Mr. Jones just looking down on me he said,

“I used to take Mrs Jones dancing, she used to love her skirts rising up as she twirled around. She’d have that same satisfied look on her face after she’d twirled so much that lots of men saw her stocking tops and knickers, or more so when she didn’t put any knickers on. In those days it wasn’t like the dancing that you young girls do these days. Do you dance Sarah?”

“Mum would never let me go to places that there was dancing but I often put some music on in my bedroom and danced to myself. Do you want me to dance for you Mr. Jones?”

“No, no, I’d better be going, I’ve gone too far already.”

He left leaving me a bit puzzled. I wondered if I’d upset him in some way.
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