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True til we got off the bus
Pamela's Transformation by Andy

Pamela's Transformation

Just saw a great short 14-second clip. A thin woman is seen bent over under a
large horse. She is nude but you can only see her outer thighs, arms and small
breasts with protruding nipples. She has a couple of bangles on her arms that
are kind of funky. I like this woman very much because of what she is doing.

This raven-haired beauty is holding a horse's very large penis in her hands as
she inserts the head of the animal's cock into her mouth. After sucking hard you
hear the horse whinny as he fills the woman's mouth with horse come. The woman
gags on the copious spend, removes the horse cock from her mouth, spits out a
large mouthful of the insipid semen and with the cock still throbbing and the
stallion jism still hanging from her chin, reinserts the giant member into her

I've always been fond of women with no self-respect when it came to sex. After
bouncing around with various relationships, I sank to the bottom to find the
tramp I wanted. I was riding on a bus in Manhattan after having scored some
blow. Naturally I had fired up and was nicely lit. It was a real hot day in the
middle of August and I didn't want to walk 15 blocks to my train. I was sitting
in the back when a black woman got on. This woman was tired-looking, disheveled
and spaced out. She had on a dirty cotton skirt that barely reached the middle
of her thighs. What made me notice her was that she was wearing a zippered
jacket in this steam bath atmosphere.

Well this woman sits directly across from me and the first thing she does is
drop down in the seat exhausted. Her legs were spread so wide that I actually
could see her cunt. My prick got hard and I realized that she noticed me adjust
my hard on so that it would point upwards rather than straight out. The woman
looked in to my eyes tiredly and opened her legs even further. A woman sitting
next to me noticed too and got off the bus in a huff. The open-legged girl gave
the woman the finger.

I had my eyes riveted to her cunt when my stop approached. As I got up to leave
I reached into my pocket and gave the woman a $100 dollar bill telling her that
she looked like she could use it and to thanked her for showing me her vagina.

I got off the bus and the bus started to pull away and then stopped again. The
black woman got off and stood next to me. She thanked me for the money and asked
me if I would like to spend some time with her. I really had nowhere urgent to
be so I asked her if she wouldn't mind coming to Jersey with me. She agreed
instantly and we must have made quite a sight. I looked immaculate in a suit and
tie and this washed out black woman was hanging onto my arm.

Well we made it to my car and I opened the door for my "date". Before I could
say anything she told me that she wanted me to use her in any way I chose. I
told her that I was glad she felt that way and gave her another $1000 dollars to
tide her over. She said that she had no place to put the money and would I hold
it for her. I suggested that she roll the bills into a tube and insert them up
her ass. She did so immediately and we had a good laugh over it.

I asked her why she was wearing a jacket on such a hot day. She told me it was
because she had nothing on underneath it and did not want to get arrested again.
Her name was Pamela Brown and she was doing her best to enjoy the moment. As we
talked I assured her that if she had no where urgent to be I would buy her some
clothes give her some money and that she needn't worry.

Pam stated that she felt real good and that we would have a good time. The
air-conditioning was on and the windows were tinted. I suggested that Pam remove
all her garments and throw the rags in the back. She pulled down the zipper of
the jacket and revealed a very large bust. These fuckin' cans hung down to her
waist. They came from the sides and literally exploded into view. Pam
immediately cupped her bust offering them to me. I told her she had the most
perfect bust that I had ever seen. She removed her skirt and asked me if she
could keep her shoes on.

So before long I was heading for my apartment with a large busted, open legged
whore in my car who did not have anything except high heels on. As we had
another 40 minutes of driving time ahead of us I told her what I expected of
her. When I started telling her that she would not be hurt in any way, she
stopped me. She told me that there were some forms of pain that she enjoyed as
long as she trusted the person she was with. Pam mentioned that she liked to
have lit cigarettes put out on her bust. I stubbed out the Marlboro I was
smoking on her left breast and she cooed nicely. She then mentioned that she had
to go to the bathroom and wasn't sure how long she could hold it.

I had Pam open the glove compartment and remove a 12 oz glass that I had in
there. Urinate in the glass if you don't mind as I can't yet justify you walking
into a rest area naked. Miss Brown then says that she would go anywhere naked
for me regardless of what happened to her. Anyway she was worried that her urine
would mess up this beautiful car. I assured her that it would only enhance the
car and so what.

Pam placed the glass under her vagina and filled it to the top in an instant.
She said, "Oh fuck, I still have more to go."

I had her hand me the glass and I guess she thought I was going to chuck it out
the window. I raised it to my mouth and downed her hot salty piss in one gulp
smacking my lips as I burped urine breath into the car. Pam was staring at me
wide-eyed. I asked her if she was upset with what I just did. She answered me by
grabbing the glass from my hand and repositioning it under her cunt. She peed
again until the glass was full. Then without taking her eyes off me, Pam raised
the glass to her mouth and drank her own hot urine. I could swear that she truly
enjoyed this as I realized I had to stop for a light. When the car came to a
halt, Pam reached over to me and kissed me on the lips, openmouthed, passing a
little urine into my mouth. We embraced kissing deeply as the people behind me
were honking their horns.

I pulled away thrilled and speechless. Pam broke the silence by telling me that
she had never been hopeful of meeting someone who would play piss games with
her. She told me that she would drink her own urine often but that she rarely
got even a droplet of any human piss. I asked her why she said human piss. She
seemed a little embarrassed but told me that she hoped I wouldn't be turned off
but that sometimes she put her hands in fresh dog urine when she saw them peeing
on the street and tasted it.

I assured her that I thought she was wonderful for being the kind of person
honest enough to admit to it. I told her that I thought it was proper behavior
and that she shouldn't be afraid to tell the right people. I told her that in
addition to urinating in her mouth myself, I had access to dogs, horses, pigs
and monkeys that we could have a lot of fun with.

She was laughing out loud and I could see the transformation of her personality
as she became totally comfortable with me. At this point it was time to cross
the last remaining bridges with her. I told her that I loved urine games, animal
sex and was also a devotee of shit. I explained that I ate my own shit and loved
anyone that would join in shit-eating. Pam told me that she was afraid to
mention that deep-rooted desire but that she had never had the opportunity to
try. She had liked the smell of her own shit but had been afraid to try the
taste test. I asked her if she had to shit now and she said that she had to go
badly. I mentioned that we were approaching the apartment and that she should
try to hold on a little longer.

I pulled into the garage and Pam and I got out of the car and walked into the
apartment. I went in first so that my two Doberman's wouldn't feel afraid. Pam,
much to my surprise was very comfortable, even though she was naked and bent
down and let the dogs smell her hands. Soon she was petting them and they
nuzzled her.

I grabbed a couple of beers out of the fridge and tossed one to my new woman. I
had the feeling that this would be a magnificent time. Pam wolfed down three
quick beers in a row and told me that she couldn't hold in her shit any longer.
I had her squat on the kitchen table and I placed a large platter under her ass.
In no time at all she was expelling large brown turds onto the plate. It was an
incredible amount and when she passed the last wind she looked flush with

I removed my clothing and revealed my large cock and balls to Pam for the first
time. She drooled over it and quickly festooned her mouth on my cock. I started
to fuck her hot mouth just to get the mood started. The smell of the shit began
permeating the kitchen. I stopped Pam's sucking and motioned her to sit down at
the table.

I grabbed some silverware and a few large 32 ounce goblets. I proceeded to fill
to entirety, one whole glass with my urine. Pam had recently just pissed in the
car and I was ecstatic that she reached for a goblet of her own and proceeded to
fill it to the top. We set our glasses of micturation directly in front of us on
the kitchen table. I reached under my ass and filled one of my hands with a
large hot turd. I took the shit and bit off a mouthful showing Pam how I was
eating my own shit. I made sure to chew it all and show her that I indeed
swallowed the entire handful. I drank some of my own urine to wash it down. Pam
was cupping her bust and frigging her cunt rhythmically.

I then took a fork and filled it with Pam's excrement. I asked Pam is she was
still afraid and she showed me by guiding the forkful of her own shit directly
into her mouth. She chewed slowly as I had moaning in ecstasy all the way. I fed
her about ten forkful's before I had her wash it down with her choice of urine.
She got up and went to where I kept the glasses, got another and made a half and
half mixture of both of our urine's. She drank the mixture in one gulp.

At this point I wrapped my arms around her and we embraced tenderly. Our mouth
stunk from our meal of waste but it was a garden of wonderful aromas to us.

I went into the bedroom and had Pam try on clothes that I had accumulated from
various women friends. We outfitted this woman into the most perfectly adorned
goddess you could ever imagine. She had chose a short tight fitting black wool
dress that reached only to mid thigh. Her bust was bursting through the strands
of material but were perfectly situated to reveal the heaviness and contour of
this now beautiful woman's giant breasts.

I picked out some diamond earrings and a necklace for her as presents. We then
went out to eat and drink. Heads turned as I walked into my country club with
this black narcissus on my arms.

We ate a fabulous meal of beef and chicken along with starches and breads all
designed for later use. We had 4 bottles of champagne between us and were
totally soused when we left.

When we were leaving one of the other member's wives that I knew intimately came
and introduced herself to Pam. Wendy Tiffany was a large busted dish-water blond
whose husband didn't understand her one bit. When I inquired about her mate,
Wendy said that he was away on business. Before I could even think that far
ahead, I was pretty shit-faced, Pam asked Wendy if she would like to come over
to our place. That quickly, the three of piled into the car and took the short
ride home.

As soon as we got inside I whipped out some blow and dusted off my guests. Just
so Pam would understand perfectly I immediately took my cock out of my pants and
walked over to Wendy. Mrs. Tiffany knew exactly what to do. She opened her mouth
and waited until I was urinating down her throat. Pam was instantly naked and
waiting for her turn. I gave Wendy about five good mouthfuls and moved over to
see what Pam would do. Pam squatted down between Wendy's leg waiting for a
drink. Wendy didn't keep her waiting long as she urinated directly into Pam's
mouth. Pam did not spill a drop. We stripped our clothes off and watched as
Wendy stuck her hand down a throat and made herself vomit. This fetid puke
splashed all over her bust. After barfing, Wendy started picking up chunks of
puke and reinserting it into her mouth. Pam situated herself so that Wendy's ass
was over her head and face. Wendy shit directly into Pam's mouth. As Miss Brown
was eating her new girlfriend's waste, I plunged my very hard and hurting dick
up Pam's ass and urinated until my piss forced its way back out.

After I emptied my bladder in the Pam's ass, she got up and situated her asshole
and cunt over the white slut's mouth, face and hair. Pam covered Mrs. Tiffany in
torrents of turds and a mixture of shit stained urine from her ass and fresh
nectar from her own cunt. Wendy was so thrilled she came at least three times in
a row.

At this point I allowed the Dobermans into the room. Rufo's cock was already
erect. His dog member measures 17-inches long and 5 around. The base of the
dog's animal cock was as large as an onion. Driller was not quite as long in the
cock area but was equally ready and awesome.

When Pam saw the dog's giant cocks she reached out for them. I had both women
sit with their backs against the couch. I had the dog's mount their thighs until
their nails drew blood. Both women relished the pain. The dogs did not commit
until I commanded them and just stayed there with their giant cocks dripping,
hanging in front of the women's shocked faces. I told the women to open their
mouths and prepare for a sacrament. They did so with great joy and gusto
laughing nervously. I then commanded the dogs to INSERT. The mutts jammed their
cocks into the women's mouths but did not move. I told the women not to suck
their cocks just yet. I then gave the PLUNGE command. The dogs started to pound
furiously into the slut's mouths. The women were gagging but relishing every
moment. "STOP!" I ordered. I then had the dogs dismount the women. They were
aggravated but attentive. I told them not to worry, I was just going to create a
little more pleasure for them.

I then had Driller stick his cock up Rufo's ass. The dog fucked his partner up
the ass until his cock was covered in the Doberman's shit. Off course I reversed
the position until both of the dog's cocks were covered in each other's shit.
Then I had the dogs remount the women and reinsert the now dog-shit covered
cocks in the women's hungrily sucking mouths. Before long the dogs were
ejaculating large loads down the both of my tramps throats. They swallowed every
drop and had a little left to smear on their faces. I saved my surprise for
last. The girls were still licking the limp cocks when I commanded them to PISS.
The dogs filled both women's mouths with hot gamey dog urine. After the women
swallowed every drop of dog piss, I shit in their mouths. Pam chewed a very
large turd until it was between her teeth and gross. She smiled at me as I
became her toothpick.

After they finished eating my shit, I ate thiers. The dogs fucked me in the ass
until they came copiously. Rufo urinated directly into my mouth. The women were
eating more food and drinking bottles of liquor to reload.

This was our first date as we collapsed into each other's arms contently. The
next day we all drove out to the farm. Pam and Wendy refused to wear anything
while they were in the car. They both had made up their faces with an expert
makeup job punctuated with high gloss yellow lipstick, yellow contact lenses and
long hoop earrings. They had also used a piece of wire to keep their large busts
in the cupped mode. What they did was to tie a tight loop around each breast
tight enough to turn their busts blue. In turn this highlighted the veins. This
small wire was then draped around the neck so as to uplift the bust making the
breast bottoms visible and magnifying the contour of the bust for viewing. I
wanted both women to sit in the back to which they each protested that them I
would be sitting up front alone.

After explaining my reasoning, the girls sat in the back keeping their legs
open. I stopped for coffee for all of us. People peered into the car and gawked
at the sluts sitting there open-legged.

Before we left I installed butt plugs in each of their rectums to inhibit and
build up the shit in the bowels. I also attached urine-restraining clips to the
urethras of my women.

It took us three hours to get to the farm and when I pulled into the gate the
first thing the girls saw was a very large black stallion galloping in the
corral with his giant semi erect penis dangling as he ran. The shudder in both
women was audible. When the car stopped it was a wonderful sight to see two
large busted, naked women running to the corral, hopping the fence and
approaching the stallion with a combination of caution and exuberance. Suddenly
Wendy slipped on horse-shit and fell on her ass into a pile of gamey sticky
horse pucky. She laughed and realized that her hands were buried in the shit.
Without hesitation Wendy grabbed the largest ball of shit she could get her
hands on and smeared it all over her face and bust. Then she stuffed the
stinkin' horse filth into her mouth and chewed and swallowed the entire pile. I
was so transfixed by this sight that I didn't even notice that Pam was trying to
lie down under the stallion as he was grazing.

I asked Pam what she was trying to do, and as she lay there with her legs wide
open and her large black bust cupped, she told me that she was hoping the horse
would urinate. I told her that the best way to get the horse to urinate was to
put her mouth around one of the horse balls and to bite down hard enough to draw
blood. She did so apprehensively at first but soon warmed to the task and bit
down. The horse did not react violently but instead started to drizzle his
insipid urine until it became a veritable downpour. Pamela placed her open mouth
right in front of the horse's pulsating penis and directed the horse's urine
directly into her mouth as she swallowed furiously.

She had swallowed at least a full bucket of this gamey piss and there was no end
to the stream. By this time Wendy was lying next to her friend with her mouth
wide open and was also gulping down huge amounts of horse piss.

Pam was sitting up and started to vomit deeply. Long gut wrenching gags produced
torrents of the swallowed horse urine. Wendy glued her mouth to Pam's and
started to drink her friends vomit. Pamela was throwing up into her hands and
rubbing the pungent puke into her hair.

I coaxed my lovely women from under the horse and led them into the house with
my arms around each of them tenderly. At this point I asked them if they were
glad that they still had their butt plugs and urine inhibitors on. They laughed
and suddenly realized what was in store for us all.

We were going to sit down to a formal supper. I would be wearing a black tuxedo
complete with complement. I showed the women where their wardrobe of finery was
and had them pick out stylish outfits.

Wendy chose a long tight tube type shift with that accentuated every curve of
her body. Her hair was perfectly styled by appearing as messy as possible but
perfectly so. Her black outfit highlighted her skin to perfection. Pamela wore
the exact same outfit but in yellow. If you can visualize this beautiful brown
and olive toned goddess with her very large bust bursting from her top, her
yellow contact lenses, her yellow lipstick topped by the tight bright yellow
dress you can imagine how stunning she was.

I called for my servants whom the girls did not know I had. My chief valet was
not a man but a single mother of two young girls, 12 and 14. Her name was Rita
and she had been with me for 3 years. Rita was a 50-year-old woman, with a large
bust an a penchant for the filth that we all reveled in. She was an expert
house-keeper and I could not live without her. I took care of all her family's
needs. She trained her girls to fit in with the spinage of the house.

When I rang for Rita she came in and I introduced her to Pam and Wendy. Rita
greeted each of my friends warmly and bowed down. Rita mentioned that she would
cook them the most delicious meals that were geared towards providing their
bodies with the necessary content to produce the best shit possible. She would
concoct the proper diet to produce the best shit for their eating pleasure. Rita
mentioned that she would also provide the proper liquids for the necessary urine
production. My maid then called in her daughters and introduced the 12 year old,
Barbara, and the 14 year old, Susan. Both of the children were nude and reposed.
Their young breasts were quite large for their ages and their vaginas were
incredibly hirsute for such young girls. Rita said that the girls would perform
ritualistic acts of any kind and that they were assigned to Pam and Wendy for
their use.

Pam chose Barbara, picked up the busty little vixen and tongue kissed the little
trollop tenderly. Wendy did the same with Susan. Rita asked me if it would be
all right if she removed her clothing and functioned naked. I strongly agreed
and helped her remove her things. Rita weighed 174 pounds but had the largest
bust I'd ever seen. Her bust measured a full 126 inches in circumference and the
cup was gggg. They hung down to her svelte hips with ease.

Our dinner party was about to get under way. Cameras were set up throughout the
house so that nothing went unrecorded. Every angle would be seen, every depraved
act would be taped and photographs would be posterized and hung all over my

Rita instructed Pam and Wendy in the proper way to handle her daughters. They
loved rough degrading treatment. For example this is the way you treat them, she
said. She walked over to Barbara and Susan and grabbed handfuls of each of their
hair. She told Barbara to put her mouth on her mother's ass. She shit a large
turd into her daughter's mouth, waited until her girl ate the bomb and filled
the young girl's mouth again and again. The girl ate her mother's shit smiling
all the way.

At this point the dinner was about to be served. My menagerie sat at the table
and a feast of veal, chicken, beef with potatoes and corn was served with heaps
of gravy and copious amounts of beer, wine and coffee. Each person had quart
bottles of amyl-nitrite (rush) to snort at will. We took two hours to consume
every morsel and every drop of liquor. We finished off 7 cases of beer, 12
bottles of wine, 2 bottles of scotch and a gallon of coffee. Everyone was 1 inch
from bursting.

The second course was about to begin. We had the finest china and crystal placed
before us. I sat at the head of the table. Pam was to my right with young busty
Barbara to her right. Wendy was to my left with her Susan right next to her.
Rita was outside selecting beasts for our pleasure. When she returned the girls
were stunned and exhilarated to see what she had brought us. My maid had 5 male
Shepards with huge dangling cocks stationed next to each seat including her own
at the opposite head to my own chair. Rita had the large stallion tied up in s
sling and raised 6 feet off the floor, on a winch, to make it easier to access
his ass and cock. She also brought in a few female Dobermans, 2 Mandrils with
big cocks, and a large pig with the largest corkscrew cock I'd ever seen. The
party was planned perfectly so nothing was done haphazardly. That is why we were
drugged. There was no rush, no time limit, no nervousness, no anxiety and no
pressure. We were all ready to enjoy everything while waiting to join in

Rita announced that the second course to be prepared would be pig urine
cocktails. She bent down under the grunting pig and bit down on his ball sack.
The pigs corkscrew cock escaped from the sheath and soon pig urine was flowing
from the porker. Rita calmly filled the beaker she had in her hand and got up
and came to the table and filled each cocktail glass marked pig urine up to the
top. The piss was a milky white and had a acidic odor. By the way each glass was
an 8 ouncer lest you think that the drink was just a sip. Each of us grabbed the
pig urine cocktails and applauded each other as we swallowed the pig piss one at
a time.

The next course was a little more robust and was prepared to get the evening off
to the right start.

All 5 of my goddesses were required, one by one, to remove their clothing and
squat in the center of the table. They were ordered not to release the entire
contents but rather to concentrate in releasing a salad plate full of shit only.
Susan and Barbara squeezed out the exact amount to perfection. Rita had taught
her daughters well. Pam and Wendy were perfectly lewd by inserting their fists
into their rectums and actually pulling out a large lump of their own shit and
manually placing it in the dish. Rita stuck her fist up my ass and I rewarded
her my first farting in her face and then by letting one right sized shit ball
to expel from my ass. Rita filled her dish with a warm pasty concoction that was
equal to chocolate pudding.

I then went around and poured a large shot of grappa into each dish. Rita blew
snot into each dish. We were advised to sample one fork full from each dish
each, both chewing and swallowing the crap. We would then vote on the foulest
tasting waste. Explanations had to be given as to why a particular selection was
made. After finishing the last of the shit salad, we eventually that Wendy's
shit was the most aromatic. Barbara's shit was the firmest. Pamela suggested
that Rita's shit pudding was the tastiest because you could drink it right down.

It was entree time. 3 large industrial sized cooking pots were brought into the
room. Everybody would have to empty their bowels completely. The fucking horse
had just dropped a large load on the dining room floor and Susan and Barbara
collected enough to fill the bottom third of each pot. Each of the dogs were
fucked in the ass by me causing my prick to bleed. This in turn caused each of
the dogs to shit into the pots also. Horse, dog, pig and monkey urine was
drained form the animals and a mixture was made.

Rita took a large handful of this disgusting mess and smeared it into her hair.
Wendy, Pamela, Barbara and Susan did the same until their hair was matted and
smelled awful. I took a large handful and also covered my grey hair until it was
brown and filthy.

We than began to feel the beauty of directive basality. The youngest girl,
Susan, lay on the floor as I straddled her mouth with my ass. I shit turd after
turd into the little girl's mouth and watched her a she ate every bite of my hot
steamy shit. Rita filled Pamela's mouth with the pudding shit until she was
gagging. Barbara shit into Wendy's mouth. Then we switched.

When everyone's asshole was completely emptied I had the women get on their
knees and I commanded the dogs to mount them and urinate directly into their
asses. Wendy also took this opportunity to eat the female Doberman's vagina. The
lady mutt filled Wendy's mouth with her salty dog urine. Each dog then mounted
the women and inserted their pricks into the woman's cunts and were commanded to
fuck until the vaginas of my family had been ejaculated in.

We had vomit and menstrual blood daiquiri's for desert. Rita had managed to get
the stallion 47-inch penis into her cunt. The horse ejaculated in her vagina
with such force that she was expelled across the room.

At this point we were ready to retire for a little rest. Each of the women had
not yet urinated.

There would be a contest to see who would be the toilet. Pamela said that she
had a better idea. We should fill up as many glasses of piss as possible and
drink our own urine first and then mix the remainder into one giant elixir and
all of us could down that.

Pamela peed into 5 16 ounce tumblers. Wendy did 4. Susan did 3 1/2 and her
sister did 3 even. I managed to fill 6 glasses and Rita did a little more than
I. Susan remarked that this was great because we could each drink at least one
full glass of our own urine, pour one glass over our heads and have plenty of
urine left for the rest of us.

After we had doused ourselves with this flood of urine, the girls decided that
it was time to make plans for the next day.

comments/suggestions/share some depravity with me.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-03-03 14:51:13
good story.cummed two times reading this.6/10


2009-07-30 11:10:03
Very Good story; I've always wanted to read a story I can imagine myself taking part in !!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-06-26 19:16:37
Very good. I was always looking for a story like this. Excellent. My girlfriend enjoyed reading the story also while she shit her pants and pissed everywhere.


2008-10-05 16:37:59
Great story.Very nasty,but excellent.

Anonymous readerReport 

2008-06-09 22:46:29
wow a little to much..... 4/10

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