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Solar time unit = year

planetary time unit = day

Sam could only shake his head, a thought warrior. He had tried to go through his memories to find exactly what it was.

"I'm sorry," Sam told Fino. "I can't seem to recall what they were."

Fino took a deep breath; this was going to take a bit to explain. "It was more of a secret arm of the protectorate. They had been conditioned so that they could protect. Unlike most of the population, they could actually act out to violence with violence. It was basically in response to the discovery of the Tetricon elite."

Sam was nodding this much he had pretty much guessed. "If they were needed so badly, why wasn't something done to help them? It seems obvious that the conditioning unbalanced some of them."

"It wasn't that east Sam, those that could help them couldn't. They couldn't take the number of violent ideas that the thought warriors had. The few that tried had near mental break downs." Fino replied.

"I'm sure that eliminating all of them wasn't necessary." Sam said then looked at Fino, "Oh I see. Rather than fix the problem that you people created, you just got rid of them. No matter that they weren't showing signs or not. Shit! Here you called the Tetricons barbaric!" Sam spit out.

"You have to understand Sam, we had no choice. The simple fact that, I was a part of that, left an extremely bad taste in my mouth. I never want to have to do anything like that again." Fino said a look of horror on his face.

Sam could only shake his head, so far everything that he remembered about the Cliverstone people, was true. Then again, this thought warrior was of his most concern at the moment, that plus the power mad Tetricons, the pissed off Thantas. Then, there was these elites that seemed to want no part of what the council wanted. Then there was the elite's captured offspring. Oh yeah! Let's not forget the new power he was still feeling.

Fino watched the emotions play across Sam's face. He could really sympathize with Sam in that respect. There were many times that, the full weight of the world seemed to be on his shoulders. In this case though, there really wasn't much he nor the others could really do to help. Well, all but one, one that might be the death of all of them if they lost control.

Finally, Sam decided that he wasn't going to solve all the problems right now. He put away all that there was nothing he could do at the moment.

"I have to go, I am hoping that all of you can help defend this world, if they decide to try and take it." Sam said then turned to check on the others.

Not far away he entered a tent like enclosure. There, he saw that both Drivas and Thellus were laying on the cots he'd left them on.

"So, what's the prognosis?" He asked his mother, Triann.

Triann turned to Sam a slight smile on her lips. "I'm not sure how you have done it, they both are continuing to change. Thankfully, it appears as if they are only progressing one percent every few hours. Much more conducive to their health than the large jumps they made earlier."

Sam blew out a breath, he'd hoped that this would work when he started it. "I'm glad, I wasn't sure that it would work when I initiated it."

Triann nodded as she watched Sam closely, Sam's concern for both the females was heartening to her. Hmmm, she thought, perhaps, the newest generation of the Cliverstone race was closer to reality than she thought.

Walking to the tall blonde, Triann ran a small black box over the blonde's body. "This one I am reading at ninety five percent Cliverstone. Another day she should be complete. This one," Triann walked to the Auburn haired Thellus. "I am reading at ninety three percent Cliverstone. The first almost complete converts in nearly six hundred solar time units. Possibly another day and a half she should be complete."

Triann was about to speak further when Mellos burst in. "YOU!" She shouted at Sam who was rolling his eyes. "I am ready to go with you, I am as strong as you, don't deny it."

Sam sighed, "I don't..." Sam started, then found his self, flying through the wall of the enclosure. Following close on his heels, flying behind him, was Mellos with an angry look on her face.

Damn Sam thought, that actually hurt as he rubbed his chin. Dropping to the ground, he stood his ground as Mellos came at him full speed. Her fist in front of her, she tried to fly faster when she saw Sam on his feet. Growling Sam doubled up his fists swinging at Mellos almost full strength.

The blow caught Mellos by surprise sending her flying backwards. A small smile crossed her mouth as she felt her power increase several percent. Good she thought, let him deny me now, ah shit was her last thought as the world went dark.

Sam looked down at his bruised and tender hands, Shit, that had been like hitting a brick wall, she was most definitely a hell of a lot stronger. Might have to take her up on that offer, he thought as he watched the bruises start to fade.

Not far away, Thantas was floating beside a still unconscious Triot, whose face was still in the dirt. Thantas rolled her eyes, it was obvious to her that the two of them liked each other. They must as they both had the power to seriously hurt the other.

For some strange reason, she had a swelling of pride in her chest. She briefly shook her head why she thought? They weren’t family, though she did have a massive amount of gratitude for Sam saving her.

Once again as before, there were memories right at the fringe of her mind. At least this time, she wasn't plagued by the earth-shaking headaches like she had before.

Distracted a moment, she didn't see Sam turn her way the make his way toward her. Sam stopped next to her, looking at Triot. "Still unconscious huh? Sam asked.

A small smirk came to her lips, "yes, I intend to keep him that way as long as possible. Though," her she looked down at Triot. "I have no qualms about ending his existence, uh... if he acts up."

Sam was nodding his head, "I can only ask you not to if possible. I still have questions for him, though not too many."

Thantas was nodding her assent when Triot groaned. A wicked smile crossed Thantas' face as she drew back her foot kicking Triot in the head. Looking at a slightly astonished Sam she said, "what?! Just making sure he stays quiet"

"I want you to watch over all of them, I have a meeting with the elite and another that I have felt. It also has a great hatred of the council as the elite do. We need to come up with a plan to free their offspring." Sam told her. "Oh, Also, I think that Mellos is ready." Rubbing his chin, Thantas smiled.

"I know, I saw that hit she got in. She might be as strong if not stronger than I am. Though," here Thantas looked in the direction she last seen Mellos flying. It might depend just how long she's out. You did put a lot into that last hit, not sure I could've resisted it." Thantas said a warm smile on her face.

"Ha!" Sam said with a smirk. "She's a lot stronger than I thought, has been the whole time."

Thantas shook her head, "if she's that strong why did you refuse her help?"

"Unlike you whom I wanted to grow stronger before we did anything, she caused me doubts. You know how she was, the killings, stealing, being a general nuisance. I wasn't sure 'til I did the last healing if it was going to actually help her. Dealing with the mind is something I am completely unfamiliar with. I..." Sam was saying when he was interrupted.

"It is really bad form to discuss someone, while they are standing right here." Came the snide voice of Mellos.

Sam rolled his eyes as he turned to see Mellos there with her arms crossed.

"I'll apologize later, for now I'd say you're ready. The thing is we are going to meet Tetricon elites. They haven't had contact with the ones here in a long time. I have already spoken with them, the only oddity in all this is the other elite that was recently revealed." Sam said noticing that Mellos just nodded as if she was completely aware of the situation.

Hmmm, Sam thought, something is going on here. I'm really not liking being kept in the dark like this. Here he thought that he could honestly depend on her. Now, he was starting to have doubts again. This time it was Sam who crossed his arms as he stared at Mellos.

"What?" Mellos said uncertainty on her face.

"You want to go with me, expecting me to trust you when I can see that you are clearly lying to me. I can put up with a lot from you Mellos, not this. Your reaction to the news that there was another elite out there was far too accepting. So, wanna explain? Or do I just leave you here, as you know I can." Sam slightly growled at Mellos.

A look of astonishment on her face, suddenly dropped to concern. "I suspected a few that I met, so I am sure that it was one of them. Though at the time none of them showed that much power. Which one it is though I am unsure."

Sam could only stare at her; she was a hell of a lot closer to disclosing the whole truth though not completely. Still, Sam just stood there his arms crossed as he waited for Mellos to continue.

"I am still not so sure you are telling me the truth. With all that we have been through, you still can't trust me? Here you want to help me, AND have me trust, you? I'm going to need a hell of a lot more, if that is going to happen." Sam said sternly to Mellos.

"I can't really be sure," Mellos said. When I was so unstable, I often suspected my helper. There were times that his power would spike I was so certain he was one. Just as suddenly, it would drop to nothing, as I said, I suspected though wasn't sure."

"See?" Sam said. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?"

Mellos released a deep sigh. "It was far harder than you thought. I have been 'bad' so long, untrusting so long, it was hard, still is. Damnit Sam, I am just starting to adjust to how I am, here you wat to push it? You have a hell of a lot more confidence in me than I have."

Sam was agreeing up to the last part. "I know what you are capable of, now. I can also see all the changes that have taken place within you. Confidence? No, I know, so get used to it! No, I have an appointment to keep, if you want in, be ready."

Mellos nodded her head as her eyes opened wide. A moment later Sam nodded to her, then Thantas as he leaned close to her patting her on the shoulder. "Watch them well, with luck we should be back in less a day."

Thantas nodded when Sam walked to Mellos, then they both shot skyward. A small sigh escaped her lips as she turned to look at Triot, then the others. Strange she thought as she started to feel as if something slipped in her mind. What the hell she thought, grasping her head she started to have an overwhelming flood of memories in her mind.

Not far away, Triann was watching the whole exchange. The moment Thantas grabbed her head, Triann had to fight to hold herself back. Triann also felt a great pang in her chest, if what was about to happen, happened, they might see Thantas lose control a few moments.

Alerting her mate, Fino appeared a moment later concern etched on his face. Shaking her head, she pointed toward Thantas who'd now fallen to her knees. "I fear that the time is drawing near my mate." Triann told her mate

Fino's mouth had dropped open as he could only nod his agreement. "If he did what it appears he did then, I am afraid I am in complete accordance with you."

Fino held his mate close whispering, "it is hoped that this, doesn't mark the second possible death of our race."


Then Doctor laughed evilly watching the two offspring of the elites scream. He'd never thought of using this invention on his own kind. Ah! The screams they were issuing were so refreshing.

The oldest of the two young Tetricons, gripped what his female parental unit had slipped it. It was taking all its power to keep the pain from effecting it. The siphoning device it clutched tightly was working perfectly. Unfortunately, 'til its parental units attacked again, it wouldn't be able to use it. Already it could see that the power capacity was at half, though they would need it full if this was going to work.

Looking beneath it, the older sibling was taking almost all the pain being forced on it. This was the only thing the older one could see to do, its younger sibling was after all two hundred solar units younger.

The doctor left them a few moments later, he had to check on the joined council. Without his supervision there was no telling what trouble they could get into. One last look at the offspring had the Doctor feeling that everything was finally starting to go his way.

Traveling the many miles in minutes, the Doctor laughed at the terror that these simple humanoid beings were feeling. Ah! It was so good to be free of that accursed humanoid body, to feel his full power as it throbbed within the body, he was meant to be in.

Inside the council chambers, several emotionless techs, stepped aside to allow the Doctor to observe the readings they were getting. The Doctor nodded as he moved around the room to see each and every readout.

The Doctor reached out feeling the melded council. {I need a report now, where are you?} The Doctor's thoughts said.

A moment later the image of the melded council appeared before the Doctor. "Lord Doctor, we followed the Cliverstone 'til he escaped back into Queen Triada's Triad. We then started to follow the elites as ordered. At the moment they are holding station near the border of said Triad. The other that you felt was moving away from the triad far faster than we could follow. We lost his energy signature within moments."

The Doctor's eyes went wide, they had lost it? Only a full Cliverstone or an elite had that kind of speed. "I suggest that you continue to look for it. Though I do advise caution. If this is another full Cliverstone we might have a problem. If it is as I suspect another elite we have missed, then perhaps it can be persuaded to join us."

"All will be done as you command. Do you wish us to continue to watch the two elites? They have grown quite powerful in the last few planetary time units. Should we not enact their destruction codes before they discover them?" The melded council asked.

The Doctor was in thought a few moments before he answered. "No, it doesn't really matter if they do. Once they are inserted, they can never be removed. The only way to prevent it, is to deactivate them. As I am sure you know those codes died with our planet."

A truly wicked laugh came from the melded image a moment later. "So, whether or not we activate them, we will always have the threat over them. A very astute solution to this problem."

The Doctor's eyes were wide, then he nodded. Perhaps they weren't as apparently stupid as he had at first thought.


Just beyond the border of Queen Triada's Triad, both elites were waiting. They had already been in contact with Sam so they knew what to expect.

Both Mellos and Sam accelerated toward the portal quite a distance from the border. Both elites felt the energy build up then nodded to each other. They also accelerated, seeming to disappear within seconds.

It was a mere hour later that Sam and Mellos exited the portal. Feeling the direction, they had just been, Sam could see that the elites would take at least another hour.

Sam let Mellos know as he, then she, descended toward the planet. Landing with a slight thud, Sam started to feel for the other that he'd talked to not long ago.

Mellos was looking everywhere for the source of power that she was feeling. She could swear that the energy felt like the male that used to help her. She'd seen her destroyed space craft, having thought that the male had perished with it.

Sam was watching Mellos closely, if as she thought this was her helper, this could go bad real fast.

A movement near a body of water had Sam on guard. He'd had enough with those he'd just met trying to destroy him.

"Alright," Sam said his voice slightly raised. "I'm here, the others are on their way, shouldn’t be long now."

A slight movement from the water caught Sam's attention. A large black body arose from the depths of the water, then walked toward them.

"So," the creature said slowly. "you are the one that traced me here. I had thought that no-one could do that." Then the creature looked closer at Sam. "Are you... what, is called a Cliverstone?"

am looked back at Mellos then nodded yes, "actually we both are."

"Both?" The creature asked looking around Sam espying Mellos. "You!" It started staring at Mellos. "You I know, though I can't seem to recall your name. Then again I can't seem to recall mine neither."

Mellos stepped forward, taking a deep breath. "If you are whom I think you are, I remember you saying a name once." Mellos stopped, not wanting to continue 'til she was asked to say it.

The creature shook its head, a slight feeling of stabbing pain in its head. "I..." the creature started then fell flat to the ground pain apparent in its voice.

Mellos sighed as she waited, for some strange reason she felt she should wait. They both watched as the creature struggled to beat the pain.

Just as suddenly the pain faded, the creature looked at Sam then Mellos. "I had a great many memories open up. I remember back before you found me Mellos. whether or not you believe it you saved me. I was dying when you happened by that planet. I am glad you were as you were, without the cruelty I know I would have expired."

"Here I thought you would be angered at me." Mellos started. "I..."

At that moment several bolts of energy struck the ground around the creature. Both elites dropped from the sky between the creature and both Sam and Mellos.

"So, you abomination!" Hissed the female, "you survived. It figures a coward like you would. Let us dispense with this putrid piece of flotsam. She said to Sam and Mellos.

"Wait!" Sam yelled causing both the elites to hesitate. "This one has no real memory beyond ten years ago. I understand you take care of your own, though I ask you to reconsider a moment."

Both elites whirled to stare at Sam, what was going on? This coward had run when the fighting had started, well what little of it there was.

"I found him a few years ago, almost dead on a planet I visited. Even in my sick condition, I could tell he would be an asset to me. It took a while to get him better, at that time he had no memory, still doesn't actually." Mellos explained.

Both elites stared a moment then started to scan the one Mellos had talked about. "So, you didn't run, you were following orders, though fake they did appear to be very real." Turning both elites nodded to Sam. It appears that this one was used then discarded as so much flotsam. This feels like the doctor's work."

"If it is as you say, then he has as much distrust of the council as we all do." Sam said.

"Well," the male started, "it is there though. He has a great part of his mind wiped, or so it seems, the fact that he has regained the last ten solar time units is promising." Here the male place it appendage on the head of the one without much memory.

"You might want to step back this isn't going to be pleasant." With that said, the male's appendage started to glow. A few moments later the male without much memory started to scream, with increasing volume.

The elite male withdrew its appendage. "I am not sure if it will open any more. Without more of his memories, I am afraid he won't be able to access most of his power. Not a good end for an elite." The male elite stated. "I..." The male stopped looking at the sky.

Sam's head snapped toward the sky also as he stretched out his hands. "Go outside the atmosphere. I want this to look as if you are trying to get through, GO!" Sam urged the two elites as they rocketed skyward. "You are going to have to add all you can to this shield. I am still not powerful enough to hold all nine of them off."

Scared a moment Mellos stretched her arms out as Sam was doing. Then she felt what Sam was doing, a broad smile on her face as she almost doubled what Sam had put up.

"Looks like the war starts now Mellos, I hope you're ready." Sam told her, then he noticed that she had almost as much power as he had. Damn this ought to be interesting.


2021-04-23 03:01:13
love the sam series

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