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Leaving Luna and Killen to get to know each other better the story shifts for a bit to Tempest and Brick. Brick is a Minotau warrior used in blood sport at the royal city. Tempest is a wolven princess that is fascinated by the mighty warrior.
"He is being held in the dungeons because of your transgressions now get back to your studies, Tempest."

"Yes father." She looked back down at the book before her trying to concentrate but her mind kept moving to the battle from the night before. The Minotaur that her father held for sport. Though she hated watching beast kind fight and kill for show she had become enthralled by him immediately. The raw power he held, the way even under a cloth his manhood swung. How even that appeared to have been a mighty weapon of it’s own. Her legs pressed together at the thought of such a brutish male taking her body. As he father left the room with one last warning to finish her potion before she retired for the evening she let her tan and white tail swish along the floor. at 5 foot 3 her long wolf tail drugg the floor weighted down by her cloak. the deep purple matched the sparkling irises of her eyes. as always with those of royal blood she held an almost eerily irradiance in her eyes. not only holding one color but many. after finished her potion and letting it sit for the next day for her father to approve her lesson she pulled the hood of her cloak over her long hair and folded ears. being what her father called a runt she still hadn't grown in to her ears even at the age of nearly 25 summers. normally by the age of 20 ones ears stood straight up, high and proud but hers didn't. she had been checked out thoroughly by the family physician and nothing had been found to be wrong with her. they claimed she was just a late bloomer. though he said it harshly her father held only love for his daughter as he called her a runt. she knew it was because part of him was glad she was still his little girl. she chuckled, yeah litle girl, she fantasized as she moved though the castle about the Minotaur that was in the cells below her paws. she glanced around and pushed open the door to the dungeon. "Hey Timber." she waved as she walked by the guard that stood in the entry.

"Come to gawk at the prisoners again?"

"yeah, its strange the raw power he holds he defeated 5 last night and still had barely a scratch to him."

Timber nodded, "It is quite something to behold. just be careful Princess should he deside to break free."

"The spells on the chains will hold, father cast them himself."

"Still princess becareful."

She nodded and headed farther in to the dungeon. she stopped at the dark doorway. she heard him sniff.

"I know you are there again." his gruff voice called out. it seemed like nearly every night she paid him a visit. she would speak to him for a time then leave not knowing it was her voice that comforted him with in his dark moldy confines.

Tempest pushed her hood back, "I watched you fight last night." she tild him.

"I know you where near the king. who are you?"

"No one special." she told him. she glanced down the hallway. "If I come in there will you try to hurt me?"

"How could I do such the king himself is the one that cast the spells on these chains."

her hand opened, "Unlock." she whispered. the bolt of his cell released and she slipped herbody inside. "It is fassinating to see you fight and leave the arena with hardly a scratch."

He looked down at her for the frist time he saw her face, she was a young wolf cub. perhaps just of age if not just over. he was probably 2 and a half if not 3 foot taller than her. her entire bodt about as big as his leg. he watcher her eyes drift over him. They where unsettling in the dim lighting. "What is wrong with your eyes?"

She looked away from him hiding her face, "Nothing it is a birth trait of my station."

"what station is that?"

"It doesn't matter." she told him from her robes she pulled out a few apples she had stashed, "I know they do not treat you well in here." she looked up at him his dark brown eyes watched her closely as she stepped right up to him his hands held high over his head by the chains. she offered the fruit up to him, "I do not care for apples but I saved them for you." she told him.

He blew air out of his nose. the gold ring in his septum rattled, "and how am I to eat chained as this?"

her small hand moved higher toward his mouth, "I'll feed it to you." he sniffed the apple in her hand wondering if he trusted her enough to sample the offered fruit but nothing they did now could be worse than being chained as he was so he accepted her offer.

her smiled intreiged him as she pulled her empty hand away, "They say you will fight again next week."

"I have been told."

"Do you enjoy it?"

"No." he told her, "But as I am a prisoner here I have little choice it is ither fight and perhaps live or be slaughtered for dog meat."

She grimiced. her eyes drifted down his body she watched fasinated as the cloth over his loins stirred. she licked her lips, "I have one more." she told him offering the second apple to him. once again he accepted her offering.

"Who are you to visit every night?"

"Just a young woman in the castle."

"You are more than that." he leaned as far as the chains would allow him to and sniffed her. she giggled when his breath fanned across her hair. "You smell of royalty."

"If I was?"

"Then I would hold you hostage for my freedom."

"Then I guess it is best I am not." she said. her hand moved up and touched the ring in his nose, "does it hurt?"

"No. It is a honor for my kind to have."

her hand closed around the thick gold ring, "what does it mean?"

"It is a sign of fertility and honor."

she swollowed hard, "Fer… Fertility?"

"yes." he noticed her hand still held the ring tight his nostrils flared as he sniffed her. the scent of woman. the scent of a female aroused and in need.

"A am a bull it is my duty to populate my kind. until I was captured by the kind I bred many a heifer."

"many?" her tounge moved over her lips again, "you must have a great deal of stamina."

he huffed his breath again blowing down over her hair making it move in to her eyes. she let go of his nose ring to move her hair, "Of course I have great stamina I am a bull."

"Minotaur's have always fascinated me. magic is rarely affective on them."

"I take it you are witch?"

She nodded, "My father teaches me at length, I am far greater than my older brother in my magic capabilities." her eyes were on his chest as she looked along his body. she tried to keep them off the stiring cloth over his man hood but it was with great difficulty.

"My kind are not suseptible to the magic arts."

"Then how is it those chains hold you?"

"Only the greatest of magics can hold my kind. the king is the most powerful cast in the lands."

She stood on the tips of her tiny paws and mvoed her hand ward attempting to reach the heavy chains that her father placed on him. unable to do she she sadly lowered herself. she glanced at the doorway. "I have to go… I will return tomorrow." she left quickly relocking the cell before she scampered down the hallway.

"What is it with your fascination with him?" her sister asked as they prepared for bed.

"I don't know he is interesting. and the raw power from him…" she shivered, "It's amazing."

"It's terrifying is what it is. Tempest, I don't think it’s a good idea you see him."

"It's only to look." Tempest answered as she laid down her hair brush. "Besides it is not like he can break free of the cells." she turned from her floor length mirror and looked across the room.

"Still." her sister sat on the foot of her bed, "He is terrifying. and the way he fights is unlike any other I've seen."

Tempest nodded. though she hated watching her father's blood sports she had been doing so since she had been a cub. her elder brother had held her tight as she hid in his robes from the sights. they both looked up at the door creaked open, "are you two sleeping to gether again?"

Tempest smiled up attheir eldest brother, "You wont sleep with us anymore."

He laughed and hugged each sister as they moved to his sides, "You are both far to old to be sleeping with me. I don't see why you would even bring that up."

Tempest smiled, 15 years younger than him the two where surprisingly close. though she loved her sister dearly Tempest had always favored him.

"Good night you two." he planted a soft kiss to each sister's forehead, "Actually sleep this time last time you two where up all night."

"We promise!" both chimed as he headed out of the room. both giggled as the door closed and launched themselves on Tempest's bed, "So how hard is father on you about your potions?" her younger sister asked, I'm getting ear full after ear full."

Tempest pet her own ears as she lay on the bed looking at the art work on the ceiling. "Not that bad. but I don’t dally in my lessons."

"They are so boring!" her sister whinned.

"They are not." Tempest smiled, "After potions are spoken spells. I'm getting really go at those."

"He's teaching you spoken spells? aww man!"

"I've been working on spoken spells for years." she rolled over to her stomach, "Alpine if you don’t learn potions you will never beable to support Torak in his rule."

"What does Torak need me for we both know he favors you."


"So I'm just the useless sibling. You just told him you only sleep with me cause he wont sleep with you anymore."

Tempest frowned at her sister, "Torak and I are close that is they way of our kind for siblingsto be close. should mother and father have another you would be closer to them than you are I."

"But they don't."

"Alpine we all live for hundreds of years you don't know they wont."

"I didn't say wont I said don't. I just feel left out when you and Torak are together."

"I’m sorry." she sat up on her haunches, "Oh I know! tomorrow is a free day in the afternoon why don’t you and I do something together."

"I can't father is making me take extra lessons."

"Oh." Tempest sat back disappointed, "Ok then.  


Brick's eyes moved up at the lock on his cell turned. it was still early in the day as far as he knew so he got ready to kick out at whoever come though the small cell's door. "I brought you apples again today." she told him and she entered the room.

he looked down at her confused, "Are are early today in your visit."

"Did you miss me?" she teased as she pulled a few apples from her cloaks. she handed one up to him this time he barely sniffed it before taking it from her hand. "I am free for the day my father has many things to do today to prepare for the celebrations next week."

he looked down at her, "Celebrations?"

"Yeah, it's the high moon festival next week. Humans hav been trying to stop us saying it a pagan thing and that their religion forbids such things. but security has gone up in mass and everyone is preparing for it wholeheartedly."

he snorted, "Not everyone."

She offered him a second apple, "I'm sorry. did you enjoy the festival?"

"I am not agsint attending them."

"If you want once I'm back ill tell you all about it." she smiled up at him, "It usually entertaining and Torak always lets me…" she took a sudden step back as he huffed gruffly. she realized her mistake.

"You are the one that put me here!" he pulled at the chains the wall hard, "You are the reason I fight for my life each week for sport!"

she flinched as the stone groaned as the chains pulled from the wall. she moved to run from the cell but he was on her in seconds wrappign the chain around her neck and pulling her agsint his chest. "I didn't mean to do it!" she choked out around the rusted metal around her small throat. she twisted and turned trying to loosen the chain but he pulled her tighter to him stopping all of her movements. she tried to draw in breath, "Please.. don’t kill me."

Brick loosened the chains but only enough for her to get in weak breaths, "It was because of you and Torak that I am here!" he bellowed.

"I'm sorry., I didn't mean to get you captured."

tears leaked down her muzzle as he hoisted her up using the chains. she clawed at her neck with her nails trying to keep from strangling to death.

Brick looked long and hard at her for the frist time. she was tiny maybe the size of his biceps. her small paws thrashed as she tried to not strangle from the height he held her at. her iridesent eyes sparkled with tears. Tears he had casued. his chest grew tight, each day she had been what kept him sane. but she was also the reason he was inprisoned for blood sport. her small ears didn't even have their full point yet. the tips flopped over halfway. She was a runt. he let her back paws touch the floor. she gasped as breath was able to go in to her lungs again. not knowing why he losenedthe chain enough for her to pull away but instead of leaving the cell she took a few steps back and collasped her hands on her thoat. Her hand moved out to steady herself but the heel of her palm landed on a fallen apple causing her to slip back and fall prone to the floor. he realized that there whree several apples now scattered along the floor. She had said she didn't like apples had she brought all these for him?

Her eyes watched him terified as he took a few steps toward her. she put her hand out as if it would stop him, "Please." she rasped, "I didn't mean to get you captured. when you charged though town as you did my sister was hurt. I reported it to my brother so that we could get her taken care of. I begged Father to release you." she coughed speaking though her neck was not injured. "because my sister had been hurt in your rampage he refused to forgive it. Torak tried ot speak to him as well but she is the youngest and mother's prized child." she flinched when his large hand moved ot her neck, "I swear it’s the truth. I tried to get him to see reason for your rampage. the humans are moving on everyone's territories. ever the wolf packs to the west are having a lot of trouble the high guard Killen's mate was nearly killed."

"do not speak." he said as his fingers moved along her small neck, he studied her fur a moment, "I do not think you are permanatly injured." he said after a moment.

Her eyes moved up to his, was that concern in his voice? her hand moved toward him still hesitant she grasped his nose ring, 'a sign of fertility.' she remembered him saying. her free hand moved to his still moving along her neck, "Release." she spoke as she touched the thick chain.

Brick pulled back as the thick wrist cuffs fell from his arms. he stood flexing a moment surprised by how easily she undid his bonds. "You know spoken spell?"

She nodded still on the floor. "My father the king teaches me daily." she moved to stand up her legs still wobbly. he reached down and caught her as she stumbled toward him. Her eyes moved up to his as his hand held her in place, "What is it like?" she caught herself asking.

"what is what like?"

"To be free of this place?"

"It is not something I have enjoyed in quite some time."

"But is it livable out there? without the guards and walls?"

He looked down at her closely, "I have always enjoyed the wide open freedom of the fields."

"If I find a way to free you take me with you."

"You are a princess you do not belong on my lands."

"Please. Tarok leaves to be wed soon. I'll have nothing left his bride to be hates me." tears weld up in her eyes, "take me with you and I'll do the best I can to free you. the harvest moon festival after your fight once they go to take you back here I'll come and free you it will be your best chance."

he looked down at the small wolf that clung to his arm. "I can not protect you."

"I can protect myself just please I will take your word for it. take me with you and I'll do my best to free you."

Brick nodded from his left nipple he released a gold ring and put it around her wrist, "On this I swear to you free me and I will take you with me."

Tempest smiled up at him, she put her hand around his nose ring, "I Tempest, Princess of Euphoria Ready swear to find a way to free you of my father's dungeons."

His nose ring grew hot for a split second before it immediately cooled, "what did oyu do?"

"It is the sacred promise of a princess. if I fail in my task of betray you in anyway it is my life that is forfit. and you will be immediately granted access to my dowery." her finger traced the small insription on his nose ring. "if I fail then have my father see this writing."

She looked over her shoulder, "Timber is coming, I have to bind you back."

he nodded and held out his arms she put the cuffs on him carefully her snout kissign each one as she did so. "I will still visit you."

after she left he nearly counted the hours until she came to him again. now able to move around the cell he sat somewhat comfortable on the floor. she opened the door gently three days after her promise she moved toward him. he lay half asleep waiting for her. "I'm early today." she said gently rousing him.

Brick looked up at her. "You said you like molasses. so I brought you samples from the kitchen for the festival." she sat down in his lap handing one up to him after carefully unwrapping it.

Brick accepted the sample and put it in his mouth, "To sweet."

"I thought so too." she said, "here try this one. it's to sticky but I liked the flavor better." she turned in his lap and moved her hand to his mouth. he accepted the sticky treat from her fingers. his long tongue darting out to lick the sugary residue from her fur. she smiled up at him, "better?"

"Much, but far too sticky."

"They are still trying." she told him. her now wet hand moved to the side of his face, "What is your name?" she finally asked him.


She smiled, her nose moved toward him she nearly had to stand just to get her face to his, "Brick." she whispered as she pressed her wolf lips to his.

Brick's arms moved around her, the rattle of the chain her only warning. her pulled her body against his returning her kiss. now she was standing as he sat on the ground. his thick arms around her tiny frame. After a time she pulled her face from his. His brown eyes watched her as she seemed to think about what she wanted to do. Her tongue moved out of her mouth and licked across the side of his face. her eyes darted down to the thin cloth that barely covered him from her gaze. having been sitting in his lap she knew he was at least slightly aroused. she took a step back from his arms and moved ot her knees.

"What are you doing?" he asked as her hand tentivly moved toward his groin. His hand captured hers in an instant. "Do not."

She licked her lips, "Surely it has been a long time since you found release and they bind you so tightly to provoke you in to combat." though his hand was around hers she still moved toward the cloth moving it to the side. she gasped as the sheer size and girth of the item the thin cloth hid. "It is a weapon all it's own." she mumbled to herself enthralled by his manhood.

"Tempest…" he watched as she moved her face toward him. her pink tongue moveing along his large testicles. He let go of her hand and let out a pained moan. between them he felt himself stiffen and grow even larger. Her tongue moved over him again. before he was hardly aware she nearly had one whole one in her delcate mouth. she moved from one to the other and back her hands moving along his engorged shaft. having been with out touch for so long he squeezed his eyes shut his hands moving to her head guiding her along his hanging parts of testosterone.

Feeling his hands tangle in her hair she moved her mouth to his shaft a few long slurps of her tongue she then chose to place him in her mouth. at frist she struggled to fit the girth of him in to her muzzle but after a time she was able to relax her jaw enough to fit him.

Brick looked down at her amazed that she had him with in her mouth. he groaned as she moved along him. her tongue massaging the underside of him as she bobbed her head. Her throat stretching and bulging from the strain of taking him in. his hands continued to hold her head though she needed no guidance. her eyes looked up in to his as his hips began to twitch sending more of himself deeper in to her throat. "Tempest…" he tried to warn her.

The urgancy in his voice spurred her on. she began moving long him with renewed purpose. his fingers tightened in her hair as he pulled her down farther on his shaft. his hips jerked from the floor as he groaned his release in to her belly.

her eyes remained locked on his face as he gave a few last jerky movements then collasped backward. his head leaning against the wall. she pulled her mouth from him giving him a few last loving licks of the tongue before she moved the cloth back in place. she gently moved herself in to his lap and leaned agsint his chest smiling. after a time he recovered enough to put his arms aorund her once again, "Do you have to leave me soon?"

She nodded agsint him, "tomorrow is the festival please be sure you win so that I can free you."

"I will win in your name little wolf."

She smiled and stood kissing the ring in his snout. "Once we are free of this place I will please you in other ways." her hands wrapped around his ring, her eyes telling him nothing but desire to touch him once again.


Tempest sat beside her father and mother as always for the blood sport. she watched as they brought him out. her stomach turned as they freed his chains and quickly left the arena leaving his standing in his massiveness. he looked around a moment she knew the moment he saw her. her hand clutched at the ties of her cloak. The ring in his nose moved as he took breath. her father laughed at her side. as his first was opponent was brought out her stomach turned. a huge Lion male stood at the ready. beside her her sister's hand too hers.

"It is frieghting isn't it?" her sister whispered.

"yes." Tempest agreed though for other reasons. she cringed as the battle bewteen beast raged on. her father picking up on her distaste for blood sport leaned to her, "Torak is not joining us tonight you may slip back to the fesivites if you wish. take your sister."

Tempest nodded and taking her sister's hand gently slipped them unseen from the arena crowd. She found Timber with other guards and left Alpine with them claiming she needed to run to the restroom and asking that they watch her sister for her.

she watched closely that she wasn't followed and slipped toward the exit of the arena. she waited in the shadow until she saw him being brought out. his chains once again in place. she made her move as she headed toward him a hand came down on her shoulder, "what are you doing?" a hash whisper asked her.

She span around, "Timber, why are you not with Alpine."

"She is with the other guard I am to take the Minotaur back to his cell. what are you doing?" he asked her again.

"I wish to see him."

"he is a wild beast."

"No." she shook her head. her eyes never leaving Brick. she knew he was watching for her. she put her hand out, "I'm sorry." she told Timber. he was a der friend and guard to her but she had sworn an oath. Timber's body slumped to the ground and she pulled him behind a few barrels from vendors in the streets. she moved toward the guard that held Brick's chains. her body sifted in to Timber's the only tale her eyes. She took his chains in her hands and pulled him along behind her saying nothing. she still didn't have that part of the spell right. she lead Brick though the back streets away from the arena until it was clear she turned to him her hand outcast at his. "Release." she whispered. she stumbled a few steps and the polymorph spell on her slipped.

Brick caught her as her knees gave way. "Tempest."

"Sorry, I'm not great at that spell yet." she told him.

He lifted her small frame in to his arms. she shifted in his arms pulling a cape from her robes. "here." she let the fine silk fall and moved it over his shoulders. "It's not much but should give you a bit of cover."

he cradled her form to his chest hiding her among the silk, "what way do I take?"

She pointed to her left, "that street there behind the stables is a barn inside is an old tunnel that is rarely used." she leaned agsint him heavily enjoying her feel of his body agsint hers. "It is used to slave and drug trade so no one will question us."

He nodded and headed that direction careful to watch his sorroundeings. it turned out that he had little to worry about as soon as he was in the barn and though the doorway the scent of alcohol hit him. no one took notice to him as he moved though the tunnel in to a shady tavern. she lookedu p at him, "order a drink." she whispered, "to not seem suspicious." she produced a few gold coin from her breast. he did as she said qickly downing the drink then heading out of the tavern. once clear and in the woods he let her to her feet.

"You are better?"

she nodded, "Sorry, mega power drain there for a bit." she chuckled.

His hand moved to the side of her face, "this is where we part."

she looked up at him surprised, "But… you promised. you swore you would take me with you."

"Tempest, a wolf will not make it on my lands. you do not know our ways."

her hands fisted in the cloth of the cape she had given him, "you swore to me… just as I swore to you."

He pried her hands from the cape, "I can not take you with me little wolf. as much as I desire to you will not beable to deal with life on our lands."

Anger and hurt grew in her chest, tears flooded her eyes, "Brick…"

"Tempest!" a voice called out. she jerked and span around. Timber stood frowning behind her, "I knew it!" her grabbed her wrist, "Your father will have both our heads for this what are you doing?"

"Timber please… claim you never found us."

"You swore a magic oath to him didn't you?"

she nodded, "I did."

Timber groaned, "If I did not see you as such a friend I would turn you over for this." he looked over his shoulder, "No one is allerted yet." he told her, "So you two go while you can." his hand touched the side of her face, "what do I tell Alpine?"

"what you must." she leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "Take care of her."

Timber nodded he looked up at the beast before him, "Do not betray her as you think to do in this moment. you break this oath she swore to you and I will hunt you down myself."

Brick groaned, "she will not make it in my lands. my kind are not fond of wolves nor royalty."

Timber nodded, "She looks younger than she is." he smiled at her, "she uses this to her advantage." He placed a dagger from his hip in to her hands. "I can not be your friend anylonger after this moment."

Tempest nodded, she pulled a silver necklace from her neck and put it in his hand in return. then she turned to Brick, "Now you must take me with you. I am now an enemy of my father just as you are."

Brink looked from Tempest to Timber, "and him?"

"he is a guard that was just paid off for our escape."

Brick nodded and lifted her in to his arms once again, "I can not protect you on my lands."

"Understood." her arms moved around his neck as he turned and began to go deeper in to the forest. he traveled for so long that she fell asleep in his arms. she dreamt of laying in the summer sun carrasing him manhood as they relaxed in a field of golden wheat.

Brick looked down at the sleeping wolf in his arms. she made little enticing moans every so often. the combination of her moans and scent drove him to stir beneith his cape. her eyes flittered open as day broke. he paused at the road side. careful to look around before he took the road and headed north.

"How far is it?" she asked.

"Still a few day journey."

"Don’t you need rest."

"There is no rest for the wicked."

"You are not wicked." she said her arms moving tighter around his neck. her tongue licked up his neck.

"I did not say I was. I meant you."

She smiled, "Then you are the one that needs rest." she said. "Find a place to do so and I will do what I can to help you."

He looked down at her. she smiled up at him her tongue still moving along his chest and neck. he felt himself stir even greater and found that if he did not stop he would surly die from lack of blood flow to his organs.

He leaned himself against a tree a bit off the road path. She knelt in front of him her hands already moving along his growing shaft. "Tempest…"

"Shhh." she whispered. as she moved along him. her mouth and tongue already pulling grunts from his chest. just as he thought she was about to bring him to the ultimate peak of pleasure she stopped. he looked down at her surprised as she moved her own robes.

"What are you doing?" he looked down at her. he was certain that she was not about to attempt to take him in to her body. but he felt her shift and surprisingly he felt the pop of her body accept him. she winced slightly as she slipped herself down him. her purity now broken she let her body sink until she could take no more of him. her hands moved between them grasping what did not fit in her body. she moved her hips attempting to slide herself up and down him but he was so large that she had no way of doing such.

Brick grasped her hips pushing her back. leaving her planted on him he lay her on her back in the soft dirt. "Tempest…"

she smiled up at him, "I have given you my oath as well as my purity… it is now p to you should you wish to breed me or leave me."

Brick groaned his hips flexed testing her depths. "why wold you do this?"

"From the moment I saw you in that arena something deep inside of me told me that I had to be with you always." her head rolled back as he moved his hips. pulling from her then pushing back in. "Oh goddess." she moaned.

His one hand was able to close around her waist. "I do not wish to harm you. you are very small."

She moaned when he moved again, "Wolves are sturdier than you think." she told him. "please take me." she begged.

He needed no further invitation. he began to move within her sliding more of himself in to her with each thrust of his hips. though she was still far from taking off of him he felt her tighten around him her mouth falling open in a silent scream. her eyes bulging out. he almost stopped but felt his ball tighten with the need to release in to the warmth wrapped around him.

She began to gasp as his movements picked up speed. his body driving hers deeper in to the fallen leaves and lose soil. She felt him twitch an thicken then a heavy current of seed flooded her insides. unlike wolves he did not have a knot to keep her in place but his head body over hers kept him there. deeply planted until he himself stopped gasping and groaning.

he pulled away from her. she lay still a long moment before tenderly she sat up moving her robes as best she could to keep them from absorbing the recent activates.

she thought to stand but her legs refused such movement. Brick stood after a time, "Ar you able to walk?" weakly she nodded, "Come then." he lead the way several yards to a small clearing, his hands moved along her cloak an robes gently but clumsily pulling the material from her. he tossed her clothing over a tree branch then lifted her naked body in to his arms and took her in to a small pond with him. his hands moved over her body washing the dirt from her light tan hair. and his seed from her legs. her hands moved over him in return. as lovers they washed each other clean in the pond before he stood lifting her from the water. he leaned back on the ground letting the autumn sun dry his fur. draping her over himself, soon he felt her body relax and she light dozing breath moved across his chest. her left hand still held the ring he had placed on her wrist. his large fingers moved it around a moment before he closed his eyes as well.
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