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I flashed a smile at myself that sent a shiver down my spine. It was like controlling someone else, but it was now me.
Years ago I was in a workplace accident back home where several of us suffered life threatening injuries. To this day I continue to suffer from post concussion syndrome. I had only recently started to feel things might be getting better. I had gone through phases where I thought I might be getting well only to suffer setbacks. One little tap on the head and I would be right back where I had started. The mental haze and anguish just couldn't be sustainably managed.

It felt best to be alone, in the dark. So I spent the better part of the years locked away hoping and waiting for something like a monk. I pushed everyone out of my life and closed myself off. My parents had passed away long before any of that and I had no siblings or friends to speak of. Things seemed like they would never get better and I would often consider death as a sweet release.

It was on that note that I recently moved to New York. If the change of scenery didn't do me some good, there were still better doctors. My mind was feeling a bit less foggy these days and I felt I may have made the right choice coming here. Neural pathways were firing off like they once had. For the time being I was not employed, but the money from the settlement was dwindling now. I needed to get better soon, or die trying.

I was standing in a busy subway car as it sparked apong the tracks towards Broadway. People were packed inside like sardines and I was amongst them. I had resolved to get out more and live a little and maybe even meet some people and so I was going to see a play. I watched the passing tunnel walls and neon ads as they blurred together into a single visual portrait. It was exactly like my vision would often do after the accident.

In the radiant smear of glowing life passing by me, I gradually became aware of a young lady standing behind me. Her silhouette was reflected into the window I was so transfixed on. My mind strained a bit as I stared but she was a pleasant image. Nearly twenty years my younger, probably 19 or 20 years old. She had long blonde hair and stood about 5'4", weighing about 100 pounds. She wore a skirt but was put together respectably. She didn't look cheap, or poor. I guessed she had spent a while getting ready though. As the cars ripped along a turbulent section of the track I felt the woman slightly bump into me from behind.

My mind went adrift and I wandered off into my thoughts. I imagined her reaching around me and slipping her hand slowly under my waistline. She grasped onto my manhood and gently groped me in her hand. The train started slowing down as I focused again on her reflection in the window. Completely transfixed, it was then that our eyes first met. As she stared back at me through the glass, I was sure we had had a moment. A sultry smile formed from her youthful lips, even if only in the reflection.

We had arrived at the next stop and people hustled off the car. My head spun slightly and my lovely muse scampered off the train. It was then that I noticed something familiar in her hand. As the doors shut tight I confirmed that my back pocket was indeed empty. "That little bitch!" I said, leaping up to my feet as the doors closed.

I hit my head on one of the vertical grab rails. Everything went white. A crushing pain like a jolt of lightning struck through my head. Blinding light wove through my mind like a spider web. I grabbed at my skull and then I clutched at my heart. I was standing outside the car now watching myself drop to my knees. It felt like something of an out of body experience. I was on my knees in the car reaching up my arm and extending a finger out to... me?

My outreaching body collapsed to the floor. A senior pulled the emergency brake before the train even got going. My motionless body lay face down on the greasy subway car. "So this is death", I thought. Glancing down I came to an uneasy realization that this may in fact not be death. There was now a purse on my shoulder... A chill swept around my bare legs beneath the skirt I was wearing. I looked further down and realized my feet were painfully strapped into a pair of red high heels. Overwhelmed I finally noticed the crimped blonde hair skimming over my cheeks and nose.

"What?" I awkwardly said in mispronounced syllables. I could see and hear better than before. "I-" I began with an unmistakably different voice. "Well ain't this some shit?" I spoke aloud. "Do you know that guy?" There was a transit cop standing next to me. I swung my head towards him maniacally. He backed up as he surveyed the scene on the train. "", I replied, dumbfounded. I stood there looking on.

An unusual rush of emotions swirled about inside me. My head felt better than it had in years, the fatigue was gone. I felt a great deal of loss though. Was I okay? It gradually dawned on me that I was now the girl whom I had been watching. This head on these shoulders felt sharper and lighter. I was completely without the answers I needed. What I lacked in physical baggage I now made up for in utter bewilderment. It terrified me a great deal. This was some weird shit, to say the very least.

Paramedics arrived and attempted to resuscitate me for some time. He had pointed to me, or I to her, or whatever. Was I pointing at the thief who had stolen my wallet, or was she pointing at her body, taken or given to me? I had a thousand questions. They pronounced me dead and I got on the northbound train shortly after. For lack of a better plan, I was headed back to Queens.

Everything was strange about this. There was this breeze on my legs and up my skirt. I had phantom feelings of my dick swinging against my legs. There were no balls between my thighs. Instead I felt a gap where my junk had been, a fucking gap! Clip clop, clip clop the high heels went. I didn't dare take them off though. I learned on the fly, even as the breasts on my chest tipped me off balance. A cold wind blew down on me and I felt my young nipples tighten as I rushed down the final streets toward home.

I looked at everyone like they were criminals as I clutched the purse in my right hand. I suspected every man and woman of having bad intentions. Or that they all could see me for who I actually was. I trusted no one.

Back at the subway station, I had never considered seeking help for this bastardization of self. Now I was pretty worried. I was so angry. Then, finally, there was quiet in my mind. I had just stood idly by and watched things unfold. Now though, panic was setting in. While my head was pain free, my own ideas felt somewhat foreign. It even felt like sometimes I was not the author. I was now in the mind of a young woman.

My hand began to cramp from the strain of clutching this purse. I knew full well I didn't have the strength I did before but I slipped off the heels and crammed them into the purse as I approached the dumpster just inside the alley separating my building from the next. Most unladylike I then ascended the garbage bin and reached up to the fire escape while simultaneously flinging my purse onto it. It took everything this body had to pull myself up.

I raced up the stairs, around and around to my 3rd story window. As I had remembered it was half open. I awkwardly tumbled inside. Home sweet home. The place had a smell and I wondered if it had always been there. I shut the window tight, drew the curtains closed, and double checked the lock on the door. I stood still staring at the lock.

I was breathing heavily and the lights were still off. Dropping the purse to the ground I watched as my own breasts heaved up and down in the halter top that covered them. I took off the jacket I was wearing and dropped it next to the purse. I dropped to my knees and I started to cry. Waves of emotions washed over me like a tide. I leaned back up against the wall and rested my eyes. Blank space in my mind… It was so quiet... perfect.

I woke up hours later and flipped on the light above me. Spilling the purse out on the floor I found makeup, more makeup, keys, a few papers and my stolen wallet. I opened up one of the papers and examined it. It was a phone bill for Jane Brooks, with a billing address. Getting to my feet slowly I walked into the bedroom and finally looked in the mirror. The reflection in front of me was that of a drop dead gorgeous teenage girl. I ripped the shirt over my head and pulled the skirt down around my hips to the floor. I was confused, but I was a man, afterall. I felt a tingling inside me.

Normally I would feel myself swelling from an erection as these thoughts swirled around in my mind. My manhood would harden and I could reach down and grip it firmly in my strong weathered hand. Instead there was a growing warmth and a feeling of butterflies inside of me. It felt utterly exhilarating. I struggled with my bra and pulled it up and over my head like I had the shirt. My firm c cup breasts stood at attention with nipples as hard as diamonds. They had not yet succumbed to gravity on this young body.

I flashed a smile at myself that sent a shiver down my spine. It was like controlling someone else, but it was now me. I cupped my breasts and started to knead them gently. After a few minutes of blissfully exploring them I picked up the pace slightly and tried pinching my nipples. "Holy shit" I said aloud as I pinched and pinched and winced and made pouty little faces.

I uncupped my breasts from my hands and slowly looked down. I dug my fingers inside the waistband of my cotton white thong and looked inside. I half expected to see a dick hanging there but there was only a trimmed tuft of hair leading downward like a red carpet. I slipped the thong down over my round bottom and they slid down my sleek legs to the floor. They fell gracefully to the floor and I noticed a moist spot in the center of them. I lifted my feet out and held the thong up to my face. The wet spot was right up to my mouth and nose as I drew in a long, deep breath. It had been some time since I had been with a woman, but I had not forgotten that unmistakable scent.

Pure lust was overtaking me as I looked into the mirror again. A stark naked vision of a fertile goddess looked back at me with a burning stare. Wetness was visible on the short stubble around the gap between my thighs. With my left hand holding the panties to my face I moved my right hand down grazing over my toned midriff towards this private place. It is said that curiosity killed the cat, but having already watched myself die today, I was willing to explore this little kitty.

My hand skimmed over my tender bits. As I stood there petting my loins in the center of the room my legs were starting to feel shaky under me. My head and chest were feeling warm. I took a step back and sat on the edge of the bed with my heart now racing. My fingers were now tracing around my labia and spreading my own womanly juices across all my lady parts. "Was this heaven?" I wondered.

Dropping the thong, my left hand went back to kneading my breasts and nipples. I started to rub at my clittoris with my wet fingers and couldn't help but thrust my pelvis up and down into my hand. This flashed familiar images through my mind of how on any given day I might be tugging up and down on my throbbing member with an iron grip edging myself closer as I coerced the skin up and down my rock hard shaft. A milky explosion would inevitably fire up from deep within my swollen balls below it. On this day however, I was edging closer to a new kind of finish. I laid my head back onto the bed as I massaged my hand over the warmth.

I was so very hot and bothered. I had never felt so heated up while masturbating. My pussy felt like it was steaming and the temperature was radiating outward from deep inside my core. My fingers sloshed around across my hardened clit pushing the hood up and down and brushing the nub from side to side. I swirled my fingers around and around and around and around in the same repetitive motion while bucking my lower body and smushing my fingers down harder as my body tensed and tensed and tensed.

It was like riding up a mighty wave. Up and up I mentally and physically ascended until finally, finally! I felt myself tipping over the crest. Like a colossal wave crashing down from heaven upon my tiny heaving body. Every muscle in my athletic form began to tighten from my vagina outward. My hairs stood on end and my back arched. Quivers went through my thighs and my toes curled up to my feet. My pussy contracted tightly and then pulsated outward like an explosion of waves shooting pleasure outward to every nerve ending in my entire body only to clench up and release again and again and again.

Each wave gushed fluid from within my vagina followed by another eruption of pleasure as my love tunnel clenched inward and electric pleasure then blasted outward. Earth was shattering around me and I let out a long guttural moan "Ooooooooooooooooooooo!" trailing off as I gasped in a much needed breath of air only to clench my teeth and scrunch my nose again in yet another powerful extended wave of ecstasy. I had never experienced pleasure like it in my life.

Nothing as a man could have prepared me for the powerful joy extruding throughout my entire body from just that tiny clit. Where I would have normally pumped out the last several juts of salty cum and released my deflating cock from my hand I was still here and now spasming in the middle of a lengthy pleasure crescendo. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed through pouty lips. I was sure that the pleasure would end too soon, or never end at all.

"Ohhhhhh… Oh god!" Then after about 45 seconds my body seemed to relax. I stopped the frantic rubbing of my clit and just held my hand firmly over my whole soaking cunt. Small intermittent contractions continued inside me, slowly becoming weaker and weaker. I relaxed my back, my toes straightened out, and I exhaled a colossal breath of relief.

I felt exhausted and energized at the same time. I had experienced what no other man had ever experienced and the exhilaration was overwhelming. If there was one thing I had always been good at it was silencing the voice inside my head. After all, what good were questions that I was beginning to acknowledge nobody alive could answer. What help were fears and doubts that would only serve to undermine the unique pleasures and youthful reinvigoration I was experiencing? However long it was to last, whether it was even real or not and whether I would be punished for it all later, I was going to enjoy this. I already was.

I dared not go anywhere as the sun came up over the city. I hadn't slept so well in years or as far as I could remember. I felt rested and reinvigorated. I kicked the sheets off the bed and pranced my little naked body towards the bathroom. I cupped my own plump bottom in my hands and squeezed as I stole a look into the mirror. My ample breasts were a sight to behold and I flashed myself yet another devious smile that seemingly didn't belong to me. I leaned into the shower and turned on the faucet.

Like a little deer I held my foot out checking the water before I climbed in and felt the hard water jetting across my sensitive chest. My nipples stiffened and I could hardly contain my own excitement knowing what I wanted to do in there.

I went through the same steps I'd enjoyed the night prior. Rubbing my breasts, pinching my nipples, stroking my body, palming my lady parts, rubbing my clit, stroking my clit, frigging my clit, until I was practically slapping at my clit. Hunched over in the shower leaning into a corner with drool dripping out of my mouth and a steady flow of lady juice dripping from between my legs I cautiously pressed the tip of my middle finger into my very tight and very warm body. It was much hotter than doing it to someone else. I could feel it and enjoy it all at once.

Pulling back and pressing forward several times I was able to bury the whole finger up to my knuckle. My other hand feverishly rubbed my clit and I held my finger perfectly still inside me as my legs started to tremble. My finger was being constricted by my orgasmic contractions. My eyes were fluttering half closed and my knees weakened. "Fuck!" I yelled in a deep sultry woman cumming kind of way.

Another day passed before I was willing to venture back outside. I walked down the apartment hall swinging my hips from side to side. I felt sexy and I could not remember ever feeling like this before. An old man was gleaming at me as I strolled onto the street wearing the only clothes I had. I glanced back to see his gaze set upon my round ass tightly framed beneath the skirt. "Fucking pervert", I muttered. I had decided to finally man up and investigate the address I'd found. It turned out to be only ten blocks from home. My feet were already paying for it.

It was an aging apartment building not unlike my own. The bill listed her at 6D. I fumbled through the keys as someone else approached the front door. "I can never remember what key it is", I said. She was old and crass and replied "ahhhh, like you never remember your rent". She pushed in front of me and opened the door before holding it for me. I squeezed past her in the door frame and then approached the elevator. "Still broken" chimed the old bird.

Trudging up the stairwell I was at least confident that I was in the right place. I was completely unaware of what to expect though so as I opened the stairway door into the 6th floor, I paused. It was quiet. I stepped cautiously into the hallway and started making my way through the letters up to D. Here I was.

I couldn't hear anything through the door and started trying keys. The 3rd key was the charm. The deadbolt clicked open and I turned the handle freely. I took a deep breath and swung the door open to destiny. It was a dusty old one bedroom. The kitchen was also the living room and the living room was also the bedroom. There was pretty much no furniture aside from an old bed and rickety chest of drawers. Like a quiet home invader looking for loot, I ransacked through things invasively.

I wanted nothing more than the simplest of explanations. Was this some divine intervention or a hilarious accident in space and time? There were several voicemails. "Beep… June that's the last time I cover your shift. You're fired, checks in the mail". I dumped out drawers, shovelled out the closets with my feet, swung open the cupboards. It was just clothes, a few dishes, there was nothing here. I was getting desperate and sad. "Beep… June it's you, don't forget the rent".

There was a gym bag that I started to pack some of her clothes and shoes into. I wasn't sure where I would live or what I would do as I layed back onto her bed and stared up at the roof. I knew full well there was more to being a woman than finger banging one's self. As I sat back up I felt something uneven beneath me. I stood and lifted the edge of the mattress and there it was. Jane's own journal. It chronicled several years of her life with references to her past.

Jane had been raised in Massachusetts and had lost her parents at a young age. In and out of foster homes until she turned 16, she had run away and basically lived on the streets for 2 years. That is how she had come to New York City. She had jobs on and off, and friends on and off. She was virtually a ghost, just like me. the type of person nobody would ever notice was now a man inside. I decided I would likely pack up my things and move them into Janes before people started asking questions.

Things were no longer feeling the same anymore. Tonight I would go down to my familiar pub to try and rekindle my sense of self. I walked through the door and recognized some of the patrons. The employees I knew quite well. On staff tonight there was August, the middle aged beer wench who didn't take no shit from anybody, and Theo, the Scottish man who was built like a brick shithouse.

"What can I get you?", Theo asked. He already seemed more attentive than usual. "Rye and Coke" I replied. He set about pouring the glass and I studied him in a way that felt foreign to me. He was about 30, 6'4", 240lbs. I watched his body move and quickly did a double take when I traced the outline of a big fat juicy cock through his jeans. "What the fuck?" I thought to myself.

I had never had a gay thought in my life. I was as hetero as I had seen. The bulge in his pants however was just so forthright. I couldn't seem to look away! You could almost see the details of a flaccid bulbous purple head and enormous veiny shaft leading to his humongous wrinkled horse sized balls. "God damn it..." I muttered to myself. "Sorry, what's that?" Theo asked as he placed my drink in front of me. "This ones on me dear" he informed me.

I felt as though I was reaching some sort of turning point. It was all happening so quickly. I had butterflies in my stomach. The idea of this hulking sweaty fucker pounding that freakishly large cock into my tight teenage body was intriguing me a great deal. Him hovering over me breathing into my ear while dripping sweat onto me while his throbbing manhood is slipping in and out of me… in and out, in and out.

Needless to say, I was thinking a lot. "Thanks so much!" I replied. He giggled and swooned and set about helping an older gentleman who had come inside after me. "August you're on your own".

I stepped off the elevator, opened my old apartment door and stepped inside. It was all too familiar. A dude was coming to fuck me in my pussy though. That was very very different. I had brought a number of women back to my apartment over my time in new york but none of them had this type of potential. I would lord over them like a medium sized god nailing them in their bottoms. Now though, I wanted something… different.

I was still daydreaming just inside the door as he knocked. I opened it up and he was quick to introduce himself "I'm sorry love, but I do not believe we've been properly introduced" he started, but I interrupted "you're Theo and I'm Jane, now shut up and kiss me" I urged him and then pulled him inside while I closed the door. I stood on my tiptoes and leaned my chest up against his stomach. He leaned in and met me for a kiss as his arms wrapped sturdily around me. Maybe I really could be a woman… his lips instilled confidence in me. They also melted me in lust. His big hands scrolled up and down my limber back as our tongues broke through each other's lips and swirled around in a perfect snake like union.

His hands grasped my butt and I leapt up with my arms around his neck and my legs then wrapped firmly around his waist. We tongue fucked one another's mouths for a few minutes until he finally sat us back in my easy chair. I was now straddling him on the chair as we continued making out. "I'm kissing a dude" I briefly thought before suppressing my consciousness and returning just to the moment. I backed up off of him and got down on my knees in front of him. I reached out my delicate hands and strained as I unclipped his shiny belt buckle and undid the jeans button below. I smiled as I unzipped the zipper.

Up until this point I still felt I was a man in a woman's body. Beyond now I began to seriously question my own motives. How much of this was hormonal, biological, phycological? I slipped my little hand through the fly of his pants into the cut in his boxers and curled my fingers partially around his swelling shaft. I tugged it out awkwardly, half bending it just to guide it out flaps. I had just presented myself with the biggest dick I had ever gazed upon in person. It made my hand look even smaller.

It was completely handsome and reminded me of how my own dick had been. Only this one was fantastically large. Nine full inches and as thick as my girlish wrist was before me. It was not too shiny or veiny or wrinkly, just a big 'ol clean dick. I found myself admiring it. I inhaled sharply as I leaned forward and ran my tongue across my lips. "What the hell am I doing?" I wondered. Just then his big dick twitched in my palm and once again I was back in the moment.

I stuck out my tongue and touched it beneath his swollen tip. It was warm and real. I swirled my tongue around and proceeded to lube him up with my mouth. Like I had seen in so many pornos and had done to me by others many times. As best I could I took to bobbing my mouth on him. I treated him how I liked to be treated. It must have been exactly what he wanted too, as my tongue swirled beneath his glans and I powerfully sucked up and down his shaft while cradling his big balls in my tiny hands. "Oh girl! I don't know what I did in me' last life to deserve this" Theo reassured me as his hands planted themselves on the back of my head.

He started running his callous mitts through my long hair and gently massaging my skull. It wasn't long however, until he was thrusting into my mouth and literally fucking my pretty face. I didn't appear to have much of a gag reflex and the cock head was so big that I certainly couldn't swallow him. He just rammed into the back of my mouth over and over again. I had drooled all over his manhood and he was increasingly dripping precum like he was a wild stallion. I could taste the viscous liquid on my tongue and continued to let him use me.

My tongue kept swirling and my lips stayed tightly wrapped around his tremendous girth. In and out, in and out. Loud slurping noises started escaping my mouth as I gave a man a thorough blow job in my own apartment. The sounds escaping my mouth only made me hornier and more lost in the moment. "Was this all real?" I thought.

Theo exhaled a great sigh of relief and suddenly slowed his thrusts. His body relaxed with his breath and he sunk back deep into the chair. As I cradled his balls his hairy testicles tensed up to his body before a stream of cum pulsed through his lengthy shaft and shot out from the tip into my lustful young mouth. It had somehow managed to surprise me as it splashed against my throat and draped over my tongue and teeth like a blanket of snow.

I wrapped a hand around the base of his shaft and quickly gulped his seed down while his big dick stayed in my hot mouth. The big balls dropped and then raised up again spraying my mouth mechanically with juts of thick cream as I frantically consumed what I could in an attempt to manage the situation. Some spilled out of my mouth and I started to suck harder now and gripped his massive tool with my right hand as hard as I was able to. I was squeezing the cum out his tool with forceful pumps of his shaft up and down. Theo had released my head from his grip now as I continued coaxing his throbbing meat. I had always felt porn exaggerated the amount of cum one man can produce, but cum was literally escaping my mouth and I had been made a believer.

The glorious contractions of his balls were pointedly detailed in my left hand where I lovingly cupped his heavy stones as they spastically introduced man gravy to my mouth. Pheromones likely played a role in my mental state as I inhaled the musky odors of his cock and balls. It dawned on me I was tasting this man's cum. I had never even tasted my own cum before, but It had a slightly salty flavour and while I couldn't decide if I liked it, it seemed to make me even hornier thinking about it. I traced my tongue all around his engorged tip and dragged it firmly up and down the sides of his rigid piece.

I was cleaning him up and swallowing everything I could find. His massive manhood had stopped its throbbing and as his climax completed he finally started to go limp in my mouth. I could see myself in my mind's eye with cum on my chin and cum down my shirt. I was kneeling in front of this beast of a man, a practical stranger of sorts having just sucked him off and swallowed all of his cum. "A cum slut now", I thought to myself as I released his softening monster from my grip and scooped the cum off my chin and into my wanton mouth. I did this as I batted my eyes at him with a little tease.

Whatever the cause for my lack of inhibitions, be they physical or mental, there was no denying that my thin cotton panties were soaking wet from one leg to the other. A scorching fire had been lit within my loins and I needed him to toss one more log into it. Theo was smiling from ear to ear. Not a word was spoken as I pulled my tank top over my head and I started unbuttoning his shirt. He unclasped my bra and his smile only broadened as my C cup breasts spilled out and bounced for him. I leaned in and our mouths entangled again. He was not reluctant to put his mouth where he had just placed his steaming cum. His great big cock lay still across his left leg and I climbed back on top of him and started grinding my crotch against it.

"First young lady, let me return the favour". His power was on display as he stood up with me still in his lap and turned us around placing me down in the easy chair where I had just sucked him off and passionately swallowed all of his load. He pulled off my socks and leaned in to pull off my yoga pants and panties. There was now a large visible wet spot soaked right through my pants that made me feel a tad bit embarrassed. He tugged them both off my long slender legs and then stepped out of his own unfastened pants and boxers. "Dear god I'm paying for this in me' next life" he gleaned while staring at my freshly shaved and now completely nude young body. He arched his shoulders back and his shirt fell to the floor behind him.

He was a hulking figure to say the very least. He was as thick as he was wide. I didn't need to ask to know he was captain of some rugby team somewhere. He had a hairy and muscular body. There was no fat on this man except maybe around the fat dick that proudly swung between his tree trunk looking legs. It was not a sight for sore eyes but rather a sight that made my eyes sore. "God damn you're big" I finally spoke. He just smiled and got down onto his knees in front of me just as I had done for him.

My slender legs had goosebumps as his hands caressed the backs of thenof and he planted kisses up and down the inside of my thighs. Then he plantes kisses all the way down to my feet. He carried on stroking and kissing my tender body while groping my ass in one hand and kneading my tits in the other. He massaged my stomach and sides and every time I thought he would bury his face in my cunt he just paused over it breathing in the sweet aroma. I knew all too well what he was smelling and the virulent power that this small young girl held over him, a giant beast of a man. He kept on like this for what felt like an eternity. I closed my eyes and sunk back into the chair as I reached a serenely relaxed state. I was just a rag doll being loved.

He worked his kisses back around and finally dragged his rough tongue alongside the outermost edges of my swollen labia and then back up the other side. His hot breath seared over the wet trail he was leaving and all along the steady flow of womanly fluid that dripped down the crack of my plump ass from out of my sweltering sex. My pussy was throbbing now as he started kissing his way back down my legs and over my feet sucking on a few toes as he did. I had reached perhaps the highest peaks of lustful horniness I had ever reached in either of my lives. As his convoy of kisses worked its way back up my legs I started to buck my hips in a wild display of impatience that I hoped might convince him I had suffered at his hands long enough.

He planted a kiss squarely on my wet pussy and then ran his tongue up and down my inner labia. A finger suddenly pressed it's way inside me ever so insignificantly. I bucked my hips again trying to get it further inside of me but he wasn't having it and pulled the tip of his finger back out. He was in control here. He kissed my thighs and then placed his big mouth completely over my mound. His tongue flicked up and down my pussy and then inside me. He was passionately french kissing my most private of places. His tongue darted in and out of my vagina as his hands caressed my thighs until suddenly he lurched forward and munched directly onto my clittoris.

"Oooooooooooo" I wailed in a deeply sultry voice as I reacted to the shock of raw pleasure that I alone had not yet received from this sultry partnership. It was like a deep aching within me, only pleasurable. "Oooooooooooo" I wailed loudly as he lapped away at my little bit. "Don't fucking stop, don't you fucking stop" I yelled while grinding my hips inti his strong unmovable face. To his credit he did not stop and he did not move an inch. I used his mouth like a cheese grater, raking my clit over his buzzing lips. He was doing everything right. This was how to please a woman. He was a perceptive and experienced lover and not in a woman trapped in a man's body kind of way. "God is his cock big…" I pondered as I reached my first orgasm. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck" I grabbed onto his head and gyrated my clit into his mouth as hard as this young girl could.

Fireworks started going off from inside me. He was sucking so tremendously hard on my little clit, his tongue flying around it like a paint brush. Subtle and then pronounced jabs at my nub of nerve endings were causing the world around me to close in and flash before my eyes. I could not believe or control the pleasure I was feeling. I dug my nails into the back of his head and forcibly fucked my womanhood down on his mouth. Theo just kept flicking his tongue about while his lips sucked harder. It felt like it would go on forever.

It was the longest orgasm I had experienced. Several minutes passed of purely orgasmic, stomach twisting, toe curling, full body stiffening, pussy squirting pleasure contractions. I just continued wailing and forcefully gyrating. "Uh huh uh huh uh huh", the sound of a desperate animal caught in a trap echoed throughout the walls. Here sat a young woman wailing in the throes of tremendous ecstasy. As the contractions slowly started to subside my clit became extremely sensitive. I pushed his head off of my sex and heaved in and out catching my breath. He stood up in front of me and in an instant I was face to face with that throbbing baseball bat between his powerful thighs.

Before I could go back to work on his beautiful cock he leaned over and scooped me up into his arms. We locked lips again and this time it was my turn to taste my juices from him. He carried me through the open bedroom door and placed my body on the edge of the bed. He was eager, rock hard, and wasted no time trying to fuck me. His body towered over me supported by one of his muscular arms. He kept his feet on the ground and his opposite hand encompassed his manhood and slid it up and down my yawning wet pussy. I had never been more ready for something this size, but I was in no way ready. This body had never tried anything like what Theo was bringing to the fold. Although my box was gaping in anticipation and dripping like a wet dog I was still going to be stretched like childbirth.

"Childbirth?" I mused to myself. I hadn't really considered it. To be honest, I hadn't intended on ever fucking a guy. Between the Rye and Cokes and the sudden feelings I'd gotten stealing glances at the outline of Theo's package through his pants I had arbitrarily talked myself into trying something. Something, but sex? A child? Pregnancy? An odd thought- "eeeeee" I squealed out as his bulbous tip squished at my swollen cavern. I clenched my loins as tight as I could and then let it all relax as he moved forward and backward until the head awkwardly pushed inside of me.

In slow miniature thrusts he gained and lost fractions of an inch. I was expanding around him patiently as he bored a hole into me the exact size and shape of his wicked cock. "Half way", I thought as he had reached nearly a third of his length. His arms were resting on either side of my head and chest like a big cage trapping me down. I was barely even visible under him as his huge torso hovered over me. We embraced in constant tongue swirling kisses as his cock kept digging and drilling deeper into me. He was actually half way into me now and started giving me proper thrusts. Drawing his throbbing mass out to just the tip and then pistonning back into me. I gave him a satisfactory grunt, "Uhhhh!", with each inward thrust he claimed a little more property for himself.

There was discomfort involved and I wondered if I was eve going to enjoy it. I resolved to see it through and it helped that my pussy was freakishly wet. "Uhhhh!", "Uhhhh!", "Uhhhh!", I took him deeper and deeper as his body got closer to mine. That colossal bone now pounded forcefully into this tight little bitches hole. This was like nothing I had done before. The feelings were so foreign, but so comforting. Being full of someone… it strangely satisfied some primal new desires.

"Ohhhhh fuck you're big", I blurted out as his thrusts picked up pace and his cock penetrated even deeper. His huge hairy balls kept swinging and were now tickling my butt. The pain had all but disappeared with the exception of some of the harder thrusts. This big dog was close to finally burying his bone. He kept up slamming into me, ravaging the young pussy I had gifted him. Heavy balls started to slap audibly against my rear and I smiled and wrapped my legs around him. The sounds and feelings this stud was producing put my mind at ease. I finally relaxed my pelvic region and just like that his next thrust put him all the way in. I felt his thick tip mashed up against my cervix while his balls mashed firmly against my ass. He had put 9" of the thickest cock I've ever seen into my small young body.

"Holy shittttttt!" I cooed as he held it in me briefly. He pulled back out all the way to his tip and easily slid back into my depths stabbing futiley against my cervix again. As his pace quickened dramatically, the slap of his balls turned into a thumping from his thighs against my body as he held back no longer. He slammed down into my tender insides. In and out of my pussy he was stretching me out like a fist. I was shamelessly pushing my hips up to meet him even harder. I took it like this for what seemed like forever before he transferred his weight onto me and put his big hands beneath my ass. He was totally dominant now as he jackhammered into my pussy. Like a machine, he forced in and out until he finally reached his apex, "ahh fuck I'ma' cum soon". "Do it!" I whispered into his ear.

I could feel every last thick inch of him inside me as his heavenly cock thrusted to a halt. Impaled beneath him I felt a powerful throb coursing upward through his thick shaft that suddenly jettisoned into me. A hot flooding sensation spurted directly up into my cervix from his nuzzled up tip. His seed was spraying perfectly into my womb and streaming throughout my vagina around his cockhead. That was all I could handle, and as his warm jets of spunk filled me, I finally climaxed.

My teenage body started convulsing around this huge invader. I clawed into his back with my nails and clenched my teeth while I squeezed around his neck like I was trying to choke him. We were cumming together in a blissfully pleasurable union. There, mated, both throbbing and contracting. "Oooooooo" I whined over and over with each breath. I was completely full and his massive manhood was completely enveloped by my pussy. His weight was crushing down on me now and he was in complete control emptying his load inside me. It drove me wild to be stuck there under a big man with my chest pinned and his feet locking my ankles as he bred me. My pussy squeezed rhythmically on his big dick as he came.

I found him amazing in that he was again producing so much cum. It flooded into me forcibly through his long, virile cock. He stayed inside me for several minutes as we locked lips and ran our hands through each other's hair. As the last of my womanly contractions depleted and his cock started to soften inside me, he lifted up his torso and tugged gently on his cock. He pulled it slowly from my pussy and my lips clung desperately to his tip before finally letting him go. A gush of our combined fluids oozed out from inside my gaping hole all over the bed sheets below.

Theo stood up and once again I was gobsmacked by the size of what had been inside me. I leaned back up and sat in the puddle of our lovemaking as I reached out and grasped him by the cock again. I licked up and down the shaft, licked his big balls and took him into my mouth again as I sucked my own taste from off him. Leftover cum trickled out of him and I quickly sucked it up. "Insatiable" Theo said, "That was the best sex of me' whole life". I let go of his cock and stood up. Theo wrapped his powerful arms around me and we hugged one another. Maybe I was a woman now. "Why shouldn't I be?" I conceded.
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