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A student kidnaps his teacher and helps bring out her passion.
Today was the first day of my high school senior year. Throughout the day, I listened to the customary teacher introductions and syllabus reading. One teacher after another of dull routine, "Hello, don't be annoying in my classroom, read this syllabus." While walking to my 5th-hour calculus class, I checked my schedule for the teacher's name, "Ms. Taylor." I hope she teaches math well and doesn't just dump us with homework that we have to figure out ourselves.

As I walked into the class, a stunning female teacher greeted me with a wide smile and joyous welcome. I entered the room and chose a desk near the front. She held my attention during class as she introduced herself and what her class would entail. I admired her faint quirks as I watched her speak. Her subtle fidgeting, cute snickers when talking, and when assisting a student, a genuine sense of caring. As days passed, I grew a crush, a love, an obsession.

Entranced by her, every day in class I admired her and drifted off into her eyes. I think she started noticing my habitual gaze when every so often our eyes met, followed by her promptly looking away.

After school on Friday, I walked into her classroom once her final hour's students had left.

"Hey Ms. Taylor, I was wondering if you could help me with some of the problems on the pre-Calc review?" I said as I walked to her desk.

"Yeah of course, it can feel like a while since you learned this last year." Taylor said, motioning for me to sit by her desk.

I sat down with Ms. Taylor and worked through the problems I told her I didn't understand. For as long as possible, I had her elaborate on anything she didn't explicitly explain to me.

"Is that all you had questions about?" Taylor asked me weakly with a tired expression.

"Sorry I wasted your time miss, your family is probably wondering where you are by now."

Taylor straightened her back, "No, it's fine, it's my job to teach students. And well, it's just me at home so that isn't a problem."

"Just you? Not even a pet?" I asked with a smirk.

"Nope, never got around to looking for a pet... or a... yeah." She replied awkwardly.

"That's a shame. You deserve someone to come home to."

"Uh, thanks... well... if that's all you needed, I do need to get home." She stammered, standing up from her desk and getting her things together.

Leaving my seat, I waited for her to finish packing up so I could walk out with her. By now most people had left the school, leaving the parking lot nearly empty. Arriving at her car, she turned and gave me a warm, caring look and wished me a good night. Taylor turned to her car and searched her purse for her keys. I didn't move an inch. With eyes unfocused, I stood silently as she had her back to me. Clicking out of a daze, I had made up my mind. Reaching into my backpack, I crept up directly behind her. Pulling out a knife, I pushed the dull side to her throat. "Don't speak, don't move." I whispered into her ear.

Not giving her time to process what was happening to her, I forced a gag into her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes. Grabbing her wrist and waist, I started directing her away from her car. When I pulled her, she instinctively flinched and grabbed my hand, stopping me. While gripping her arm, I told her in a low voice that it would be best for her if she came with me willingly. After giving me a trembling nod, I led her several rows over to where I had parked my car.

I opened the passenger side door, sat her down in the seat, and reached over her to put on her seat belt. With Taylor secured, I entered the driver's side and drove towards home. Looking over to check on her, she was expectedly jittery. As we sat in silence, I processed that I had really just done this and chuckled to myself. Hearing me, Taylor seemed to become even more frantic and tried to say something through her gag, but it just came out as anxious garble. After telling her she would be ok, I resumed focusing on driving. As I drove the rest of the way home, I made sure she didn't try anything, though she seemed too scared to risk it. The driveway was empty since my parents had left this morning to visit my grandparents. Pulling into the garage, I parked the car and turned it off.

"Alright, rides over, time to get out." I told her and went to open her door. Leading her into and through the house, I brought her to the basement stairs and nudged her down the first step. After stepping down, Taylor froze in place. "nnnnyyyooooo" she pleaded, grabbing onto me. "Come on, just a bit further and I'll take off your blindfold and gag." I told her in a reassuring voice. Seeing that she wouldn't move, I sighed and grabbed her, bringing her the rest of the way down. At the bottom of the stairs, I closed and locked the basement door. Without her hearing, I opened a desk drawer and hid the key in the back.

I brought her to the couch in the middle of the room and sat her down. Sitting next to her, I turned her to me and laid my hands on her shoulders. I slid my hand up and across her cheek and lifted her blindfold off. With dilated eyes, her vision met mine as I reached behind her head, unhooking her gag.

"What are you going to do to me?!" Taylor spat out, finally able to speak.

"Is that really your first question? It kind of spoils the fun if you know what will happen." I joked, leaning on the couch.

"What the fuck… just… just please don't hurt me."

"Don't worry, I don't want to hurt you. As long as you don't give me a reason to."

Seeing me reclined against the couch, Taylor's eyes stealthily darted between me and areas around the room. I closed my eyes to blink, and as I opened them I saw Taylor sprint to the door. She lunged at the doorknob and twisted and pulled, but it wouldn't budge. "No no nooo." Taylor desperately looked around for a key. As she searched for the key to her only way of escape, that's when she noticed my presence looming over her. She turned around. "No wait stop!" She yelled.

I grabbed at her arm, but she pushed me back. Irritated, I darted forward and wrestled her to the ground. Struggling against her flailing limbs, I managed to pin her arms above her head. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she cried. "What did I just fucking tell you!?" I roared, striking my hand across her face. Taylor's face was knocked to the side as she laid sprawled out on the floor. She slowly turned back, looking up at me, shocked. Laying over her, we stared into each other's eyes as we caught our breath.

"Apologize." I said flatly.

Taylor gave me a confused look. "I… I'm sorry… I shouldn't have run away." She stammered.

"Try harder."

"I… it was wrong to run from you. It was stupid of me to think I could escape." Taylor grumbled.

Smirking down at her, I calmed her uneasy expression. "It's fine. You'll have to prove to me that you'll behave though." I said getting up. Walking back to the couch, I sat down and exhaled. I decided I wanted to embarrass her, see how much I could affect her. "Come over here." I said, waving her over. Taylor slowly stood up, cautiously walking over to me. "Sit down on my knee." I said, eyeing her standing before me.

Taylor paused as she looked at me, then sheepishly looked away and mumbled that she couldn’t possibly do something like that.

"C'mon, this isn't the worst thing I could have you do." I grinned.

Standing there fidgeting, Taylor reluctantly looked at me and nodded. I watched gleefully as she turned around and lowered herself onto my leg. With her crotch pressed against me, I dismissed the amusing thought of bouncing her on my leg. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pulled her to me so that her back pressed against my chest.

"Why me? Why out of all people did you choose me?" Taylor asked, turning her head, face to face with me.

"You are a beautiful, pure, and lovely woman. You show great compassion and I wanted you to be mine. I was presented with a perfect opportunity to have you, and I decided to take it." I told her as I slid my hand under her shirt, caressing her stomach. She began to ease against me but continued watching my movements intently. Kissing down her neck, I told her how I wanted her to enjoy this, I wanted to explore pleasure with her. I took her chin in my hand and turned her face to mine. Looking into her spellbound eyes, I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. Taylor stayed still until she realized there was no stopping this, and she gave in, softly kissing back.

Sucking on her lip, I gently bit down, earning a squeak and shudder from her. I slithered my hand up her chest and slipped under her bra. Cupping her breast, I touched and squeezed her gently, turning her breathing ragged. Not breaking the kiss, I had Taylor turn around fully to face me, with her leaning forward as she sat on top of my legs. I teased her by circling her areolas with my fingers, building up her anticipation. Taylor leaned her head back, the stimulation leaving her mouse open. Taking her by surprise, I clamped my fingers onto her nipples, rubbing them up and down. As I squeezed and pulled on her nipples, she exhaled a loud passionate moan. She fell forward, leaning her head on my shoulder.

Letting her catch her breath, I slid my hands from under her shirt and rested them around her hips. Once she had calmed down, I told her there was something I wanted her to do. I lifted her onto her feet and left her in front of the couch. Walking back, I sat down and smiled. "I want you to strip for me."

At hearing that, Taylor's face turned bright red. She had never imagined having to do something like this. Her mouth opened, but she didn't think there was anything she could say to get out of doing this or change my mind. She knew she couldn’t run or refuse. As Taylor wondered if I wanted her to strip while dancing or just sexily take off her clothes, I cleared my throat. Realizing she had kept me waiting, Taylor decided she needed to start already.

Sitting back, I watched as Taylor started by taking off her shoes and socks, then hooking her fingers under the hem of her shirt and start to inch it up her body. Pulling the shirt over her head, she revealed her plain white bra and smooth stomach. Taylor glided her hands down her chest until she reached her tight jeans. Slowly unzipping her pants, she took glances up at me, checking if I was enjoying the show. As Taylor yanked at her jeans to get them down, she wondered why she was caring so much about what her kidnapper thought of her.

Kicking her jeans off, she exhaled and quickly unclipped her bra, then pulled her underwear down her legs. Standing completely nude, Taylor started to tear up and tried to cover her body with her arms.

"I can't do this." she cried. "I don't know what I'm doing. I can't pretend to be sexy. Why did this have to happen to me? I… I… I…"

Rushing over to Taylor, I embraced her in my arms. "Shhh. You were wonderful. You’re a very attractive woman. I chose you, out of all people in the world, I chose you. So don’t question your beauty or value. Don't think so hard on what you're doing. Just go with your instincts, go with what feels good, or follow my lead and I'll tell you what to do." I soothed her, holding her head to my chest.

Taylor was unsure with my reasoning. "It's so weird being talked to and treated like this by someone your age." she told me, nestled against me in my arms.

Leading Taylor back towards the couch, I rubbed her back, moving down periodically. "I think I'm a bit overdressed, wouldn't you say so?" I said as I stroked her ass. Giving her butt a squeeze, Taylor jumped and made a half frown, half smirk at me. I let her go and crossed my arms, pulling my shirt over my head. She quickly turned away, but after a second timidly looked back, watching as I removed my clothes.

Standing with her arms crossed over her breasts, Taylor gazed with a guilty curiosity. After taking off my pants, I sat down and pulled Taylor into a kneeling position in front of me. I yanked down my boxers, the final piece of clothing between the both of us. I let my amusement show as my teacher, this pure woman, stared at my dick with locked eyes. Tearing her arm from her chest, I wrapped her hand around my penis.

"Do you think you can manage jerking me off? Or do you need me to show you how?" I teased her.

"Shut up, I'm not stupid. Of course... I can do that…" Taylor said as I released my hand from hers.

Feeling my penis in her hand, she felt its soft skin with her thumb and gently squeezed it. She gulped and started stroking it up and down its length. As Taylor tried different ways of rubbing me, I played with her face. I touched her cheeks, rubbed her earlobes, and held her jaw. Holding her head, I pulled her jaw down, letting me see her with her mouth open wide.

"What are you doing?" Asked Taylor, confused and somewhat nervous.

"Just playing with my cute little toy." I replied.

Taylor gave me an irritated look and squeezed my dick hard.

"Ay ay ay." I said and reached out pinching her nipples, getting her to stop.

"Aaaah. You didn't have to do that." Taylor whined, letting go of me to try to get me to stop.

"Don't be mean. I'm just trying to have some fun here. I'll ease up on your tits, but only if you start working my dick. With your lips."

Taylor winced and leaned forward, planting her lips on the tip of my dick. She tilted her head and trailed down, kissing her way down my shaft. Taylor looked up at me, her breasts giving her pleasure as I rewarded her effort by fondling her nipples with a more comfortable pressure. Taylor began to feel intoxicated from my arousing scent and had a certain desire to prove she could be good at this kind of thing. Sticking out her tongue, she licked me from my base all the way to my tip. "Mmmm. God, you're so cute. You're amazing." I said, taking my hands off her body, making my cock her full focus.

I think she liked the compliments because the next thing she did was grin as she slid my tip into her mouth, dancing her tongue over and around it. She fit as much as she could into her mouth and worked her tongue along the bottom. I placed my hand on her head, stroking her hair as she went up and down my cock, catching her breath every so often.

Having this beautiful naked woman go down on me had nearly brought me to climax. Though right as I was building up to cum, Taylor withdrew to rest her jaw. She took some breaths and realized I was staring down at her. Unsure of what to do, she looked up at me and smiled.

I smiled back at her, and with my hand on the back of her head, pushed her head down onto my cock. Sliding my dick deeper into her than she had been willing to do herself, I fucked her mouth. Taylor held onto me and moaned as I stuffed her mouth full.

Ramming myself in and out of her wet mouth, I approached my orgasm. Holding her head down, having her take my cock into her throat, I came and emptied my load deep inside her. I pulled her back, spewing a shot of cum onto her tongue.

Taylor fell back, coughing as she had to swallow what filled her mouth and throat, with some leaking out and flowing down her face. She laid on the floor, exhausted and catching her breath.

"Sorry about that. I think you deserve a break for tonight." I said, squatting next to her. Hoisting her up, I brought her into one of the downstairs bedrooms. Sitting her on the bed, I left and brought back a glass of water and a sandwich for her. Taylor grabbed the water, drinking most of it, and proceeded to eat the sandwich in silence.

As Taylor ate, her mind was blank from shock. After she was finished, I grabbed her hands, bringing them above her head as I leaned her back. Taylor snapped back into reality as she realized her hands had been zip-tied to the bedposts. As I left the room, leaving her there for the night, Taylor yelled for me to wait and to stop.

In the living room, I picked up my clothes and got dressed. I put Taylor's clothes into a drawer and took her keys. Walking out the front door, I went to get Taylor’s car and drove it back to my house. While I was out, I also ended up purchasing a few things I needed for what I had planned for tomorrow.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of crying. Adjusting my eyes, I stretched and rolled out of bed. I trudged down the hall and headed downstairs towards the noise. Walking into the bedroom, I began to speak. "Will you be q…" I stopped, not expecting what I saw. There was Taylor, and at her crotch were sheets soaked in piss. Since she couldn't go to the bathroom, she was forced to piss herself and lay in it until I found her.

As I came in, Taylor noticed me. "You fucking asshole…" She said and turned her head away from me.

"Ah, did wittle baby wet the bed?" I chuckled, walking up to her.

"You didn't let me go to the bathroom, of course this happened. Please release my hands so I can get out of this bed."

"As smutty of a situation this is, just so you know, I didn't plan for you to piss yourself. I'm going to have to put the sheets in the laundry, and I don't exactly want you to smell like this all day."

"It's your fault, not mine." She said bitterly. "... All day? Wait, how long are you keeping me here?" Taylor asked, worried.

"You can calm down, you'll be able to leave tonight." I reassured her.

"R...really?" Taylor looked up at me.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm not going to keep you trapped here forever. I don't usually live by myself, and I do need you to teach when I go to school. And well, I don't think you are going to tell anyone what you did this weekend."

Taylor was unsure of what to think of the last statement, but was relieved I was going to let her go. I went and got some scissors, cutting the zip-ties around her hands. She rubbed her wrists where they had been tied, then awkwardly lifted herself up. Taylor cringed as she got off the bed; her legs, crotch, and lower back were soaked wet.

I directed Taylor toward the bathroom, with her happy to take a shower. After telling her where everything was in the bathroom, I went back to the room she slept in to collect the sheets. I pulled them off and carried them upstairs as carefully as I could to not get anything on the floor. "Hope the smell of these sheets won't be noticeable anywhere in the house." I thought to myself. "Seriously? That's what I'm thinking right now?" I thought, chastising myself. In my hands were sheets soaked in my teacher's piss! My nose had been filled with this strong smell from her body, I wanted more of her. I loaded her sheets into the washer, then walked to the stairs and composed myself.

As I headed back downstairs, I heard that the shower was now running. I tossed off the boxers I had worn last night and walked up to the bathroom door. Opening it slowly, I snuck into the bathroom and to the curtain, stepping into the shower. Taylor was facing away as she stood under the water, wetting her hair. Her body looked amazing as she washed herself. Water and soap poured down her glistening features. I stepped behind her and placed my hands on her sides, gliding them over her slim hips. Taylor yelped from the sudden touch and whipped around, finding me standing with her under the water. She hit my chest as she whined for me not to do that to her. "Aww Taylor, I'm sorry." I cooed teasingly while pulling her to me.

As I caressed her sides, Taylor's eyes began wandering up and down my body as streams of water flowed over me. The touch of my hands stroking her produced a wave of tingling to flow through her skin. Taylor breathed in sharply and looked up at me, making me smile as I watched her sensitive reactions. I tilted my head and leaned in close to her, bringing our lips only inches apart. She could only stutter in response as she stood still, before I pressed our lips into a kiss. Taylor had been knocked back into a realm of uncertainty over how to feel about her situation.

My lips clasping around hers, Taylor stepped back as we kissed until she became pressed between me and the shower wall. My hands moving over her chest triggered her to part her mouth wider for me. Sucking each other's lips, Taylor wrapped her arms around me, holding me close. While she embraced and kissed me, she felt my hand traveling down her body until it slid between her legs. She broke the kiss and turned her head to breathe. As I traced my fingers across the lips of her pussy, she swayed her head back and forth against the shower wall.

Leaning forward, I whispered into her ear, “I know you’re enjoying this.” I gently rubbed over her entrance. “So if you want more, find me upstairs when you’re done with your shower.” After slowly withdrawing my hand from her legs, I stepped back and left her standing by herself. As Taylor calmed down from the passion forced upon her, she sighed and ran her hands through her hair.

Taylor continued her shower. As she rubbed her hands over her body washing herself, she knew that her mind was already made up. Taylor turned the shower off and stepped out. Drying off, she rubbed the towel against her body and hair. While ruffling her hair with the towel, Taylor looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She inspected her face and turned to her side to admire her curves. She felt proud of her body. She finished up, fixed her hair, and left the bathroom, coming upstairs to look for me.

Looking through the upstairs rooms, she saw me and stepped inside. "I knew you would come find me." I said, walking up to her. "Well I..." She muttered. "You don't have to explain." I said as I walked up to her. Placing my hands on her elegant body, I led her to the room's bed. She sat down and let me push her onto her back. Taylor watched me bring my mouth down her body to her nipples, dancing my tongue around them till they stood up stiff. I closed my teeth around her nipple and gently pulled. I tugged and tweaked her nipple while groping her other breast. Groaning from the assault on her sensitive parts, she twisted from the pleasure. I released her nipple and kissed down her body and inner thighs. I moved my tongue along the sides of her entrance and nibbled up and down.

As I ran my tongue through her pussy, Taylor spasmed and lifted her crotch up, pushing against my mouth. Placing my hand over her pussy, I pushed her down and spread her open with two fingers. Brushing a finger over her hole, she gasped out and begged me to do it already. I eased the finger in until it was fully slid inside. I bent down to her clit, licking and sucking it as I pushed my finger in and out of her. "Oh god! Uhhh" Taylor moaned and held her chest. Curling my finger inside her, I rubbed her insides and eased a second finger in.

"Now tell me, tell me what you want me to do to you." I said while thrusting my fingers in and out of her. "Mmmm… I… I want… um… well…" Taylor looked away with an unsure, nervous look on her face, while at the same time rhythmically pushing her body back against my fingers. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a condom I bought last night. Holding it up, Taylor's expression changed slightly, and she fidgeted around for a second. As she laid there trying to find her words, I steadily increased the speed I pumped into her. "I… I want to have sex. I want you to fuck me!" Taylor blurted out as my fingers rammed inside her. I leaned down and kissed her while sliding the condom on. When I broke the kiss, Taylor's mouth was left parted as she looked longingly into my eyes. "You ready?" I asked. Taylor nodded her head. "Definitely."

Holding my cock, I rubbed my tip through her lips and lined up to enter. I pushed forward, letting out a moan as my cock entered the soft tightness of her vagina. Taylor gripped her legs and held them open as I entered deeper and deeper inside her. Pulling back, then pushing in, I began fucking her slowly. My hands roamed over her stomach, chest, and sides as I slid my cock through her pussy. Quick sounds of pleasure escaped Taylor's lips every time I hit her depths. "Mmm mm uhh yess!" Taylor moaned every time I thrust in.

Taylor being pounded with waves of pleasure barely noticed my arms slide under her body. I wrapped my left hand around her shoulder and my right above her ass. I lifted her up suddenly, holding her facing me, and dropped her so she slid to the base of my cock. "Uhhhh!" Taylor exhaled and set her chin on my shoulder.

I held her to me and resumed fucking her by bouncing her up and down. As Taylor experienced the feeling of being stretched and opened, I felt her tired breath on my skin with her collapsed against me, blindly enjoying herself. With her relaxed on me, I roamed my hands over her and gripped her cute, soft ass. I kneaded and spread her cheeks. Moving in between them, I placed a finger against her butthole, causing her pussy to tightly clench. Taylor squealed and brought her head up as I circled around her asshole. "Wait.. I don't know if I-" Taylor sputtered. "It's ok." I said and picked up a small bottle on the bedside and opened it. "I bought lube." "Ahh!" Taylor said as she clenched in response to me rubbing the gel over her hole.

I told her to try to relax her body, and she looked at me somewhat scared and unsure. Taylor shivered and clung to me as I started pushing my finger through her butthole's soft entrance. Making circles along her walls and pressing inside her tight hole, I was able to fit most of my finger inside her. As I pulled out and plunged back in, her breathing turned to groans. With her ass now being entered, Taylor felt unbelievably full, with her pussy already entirely stuffed. As I finger fucked her as deep and hard as I could, I hooked my finger, pushing and rubbing against her walls, stretching her hole. I could tell she was reaching her breaking point as her mouth hung open, letting out long lustful moans, and from how she began mindlessly grinding her hips against me.

“Uh uh, I’m almost there.” Taylor moaned out.

“Yess. Say it. Say it to me.” I increased my speed, slamming my cock into her hard.

“I.. I.. oh god.. I’m cumminggg.” Taylor screamed.

I could feel her pussy spasming around my cock. Taylor wrapped her legs around me as she let out whimper-like moans. Pulling my finger inside her up, I stretched her asshole open, causing her to throw her head back. Yanking my finger out of her, her body went limp and rested sitting at the base of my cock. I lowered her back onto the bed as her pussy clenched every few seconds. Taylor sprawled out on the bed, breathing hard and covering her eyes with her arm. I moved backwards, slowly pulling my cock out of her, then pulled off the condom.

I let Taylor rest for a bit then said, “We’re not done yet.”

Taylor lazily lifted her head, “What?”

“I haven’t came yet. You don’t get to be the only one that has an orgasm.”

Taylor propped herself up on her elbows, “So what d-”

“Turn over onto your stomach.”

Taylor stared at me, unsure of what I was planning. Lifting up, she turned herself over and laid on her stomach.

“Now lift up and move your knees under your chest.”

Doing everything I said, Taylor scooted her legs underneath herself. With her ass now sticking up in the air, Taylor turned her head back to me with an expression of “is this good enough for you?” I grabbed the lube bottle and poured some onto my dick. “Alright, now bring your arms back and pull your cheeks apart.” Taylor looked at me wide-eyed. After a bit, she warily brought her hands up to her ass and pulled her cheeks apart, presenting her ass to me. As I stroked my cock and moved up behind her, she asked me to please take it slow.

I squeezed a glob of lube onto my thumb and pressed it against her waiting hole. Taylor held her eyes shut as I smoothed the lube over her hole and pushed my thumb inside her. I rotated my thumb around, coating her insides, and popped my thumb out, earning me a quick gasp from her. Taking my cock, I positioned it over her spread ass and touched my tip to her hole.

I started forward and pushed against the resistance of her butthole's muscles. Breaching her entrance, my tip pushed into her ass. My cock pushing against her butt's tightness caused Taylor's fingers to start shaking as she desperately held onto herself. I halted my movement and rubbed my hands over her back. "You can let go Taylor."

Taylor's arms fell to her sides, then she turned her distraught face back to me. I leaned down to her and wrapped my arms around her chest. Turning my head on her shoulder, I opened my mouth, moved up to her neck, and closed my jaw around her. Taylor became frozen still as my teeth wrapped around her neck. Holding her neck between my teeth, I resumed my entry by partially pulling out, then thrusting into her with a new piercing force. Latched in my animalistic grip, Taylor only let out soft whimpers as I thrust myself inside her.

I snaked my hand around one of her breasts, kneading it, then played with her nipple, flicking it back and forth. Releasing my teeth's grip around her, I rose myself up so I could increase the speed of my thrusts. The grunts that I made when slamming into her ass were soon joined by Taylor moaning with me. With each time I moved in and out of her, I felt myself getting closer to orgasm. I wrapped my hands around Taylor’s thighs and lifted her up. I leaned back and laid her on top of me. With my left hand I clasped her shoulder, pulling her body down onto my cock and thrusting up inside her. I fucked her as hard as I could and using my other hand began rubbing her pussy back and forth.

Taylor kicked her legs and screamed out in pleasure as I darted my fingers across her clit. I dug my fingers into her pussy and felt her tighten around them as she arched her back and reveled in a powerful orgasm. Taylor clamped her legs shut, tightly rubbing them together around my hand. As her asshole tightened and gripped hard on my cock, I tensed up and pulled Taylor down my shaft. Thrusting my cock to its base, I groaned as I shot cum deep inside her. Taylor twisted her body and curled her toes at feeling the sensation of being filled with cum.


I placed my hand over her and drifted along her chest and stomach. Taylor slowly calmed down as she laid on top of me. Turning so that we were on our sides, I slowly pulled myself out of her tight hole.

We ended up laying together on the bed with my arm wrapped around her until we fell asleep. When we awoke and helped each other out of bed, we cleaned ourselves up, got dressed, and ate lunch together. I learned a lot about her, and her a lot about me as we sat together talking. Taylor questioned me on my intentions and what would happen now. After talking and spending time together for a while, I led her out to her car and watched as she drove off.

I showed up at her house on Sunday and Taylor invited me in. I kissed her and she told me she had been grading schoolwork. Going to her room, I ended up helping her with grading because of the time she had lost being with me. Every once in a while when we were working I leaned against her and started touching her or caressing her leg. We spent the afternoon together, with each of us pulling the other to the bed throughout the day.

We spend time together as much as we can, mostly me coming to her house or short visits in her classroom. She appears to still have some amount of fear towards me. Though that simply adds to the thrill of our relationship.


2021-05-10 21:32:25
I think this story should come with a warming. Do not try this at home. This is a very fake story. Kidnapping anyone and raping them will not get them to fall for you or become a willing partner and you will go to jail. It's about as real as any adult woman becoming intoxicated by the crotch of a male teenagers scent. (that part was hilarious)

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