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Was it her father or uncle?
Miranda caught her daughter trying to sneak out half an hour after she had been sent to her room with no dinner for flunking two classes on her report card. Math and English- two of the most important classes needed to get into college. And on top of that, Miranda knew where her daughter was trying to go.

The girl had a date with a boy from her school, a kid named Darren. Miranda had never met him, but she had seen the texts exchanged with her daughter. Photo texts, too.

While Mandy's texts had been innocent enough, the one the girl had received back had been of the boy's exposed manhood. Miranda had to admit; he looked impressively big, but her daughter getting texts like these? That was wildly inappropriate, and punishment for the girl was in order.

She went to her boyfriend and showed him what her daughter had been doing. He looked at the woman, surprised.

“You're her mother; you take care of this.” he said. “I'm not her father; what do you want ME to do about it?”

“Do you love me?” Miranda asked, sounding weary. “Do you love her?”

“Of course I do.” he replied. “I love you both! I'm very much in love with you, and I love her like she was my own.”

“Then help me with her.” Miranda said. “Remember all the stuff we used to use when we were first dating, the stuff I made you put away when we moved in here so Mandy wouldn't find it?”

“Yes.” he replied, remembering how much he had enjoyed the bondage he and Miranda had enjoyed together, back in the day. It had been several years, though, since they had played such games, because Mandy was older now and Miranda didn't want her daughter exposed to such things.

“Do you still have any of them?” the woman asked, closing her eyes and smiling a little at the memories it brought up.

“I still have all of that stuff.” he said, thinking about the big cardboard box tucked away at the bottom of the closet on his side. “It cost a lot of money; too much to throw away, and some of it was handmade.”

“Get it out.” Miranda said, smiling a little. “I want you to use it on Mandy and show her all the stuff men do to women. Perhaps that will slow her down a little and motivate her to improve her grades. If she doesn't get into a good college, I'm afraid all that will be open to her will be a life of prostitution.”

“You want me to show her everything?” he asked. “I thought she is still a virgin?”

“As far as I know, she is.” Miranda smiled sweetly at him. “I trust you to break her in properly. You can use her mouth, too. Even her asshole, if you think it necessary, to break her rebellion properly.”

“Really.” he said dryly. “And where are you going to be during all of this?”

“I'm going to be there with her!” Miranda said, smiling. “Everything you do to her, you will do to me, as well. “

“Any safewords?” he asked, referring to Mandy's needs, not Miranda's. He already knew the older lady wouldn't use them even if she had them at her disposal.

“No.” Miranda said smiling again. “I don't want the little bitch getting out of this! It's punishment, after all.”

“You know not having any safeword is against my code, right?” he asked. “I'm not a rapist.”

“It won't be a rape, honey.” Miranda told him. “I'll be right there next to her!”

“You think she's going to consent to the things I want to do to her? To the things I'm going to have HER do to me?” he asked. “I bet she's never even seen a cock before, and I'm going to put mine in her mouth!”

“She'll consent.” Miranda said confidently. “She'll consent to protect me!”

“She will, huh?” he laughed. “You think she loves you more than her own virginity?'

“Let's find out.” Miranda said with a secret smile. “Come with me to her room.”

“Right now?” he asked, surprised.

“Sure.” Miranda said. “This way, we'll have all weekend with her.”

“I thought her friend Cindy is supposed to be coming over tomorrow so they can go out shopping?” he asked. He looked at Miranda, surprised by the wink he'd given her. “Cindy, too?”

“Those two do everything together.” Miranda said, shrugging nonchalantly. “They can do this together, too.” The woman let out a little laugh at the look on his face.

“Oh, I can see just how much you hate this idea!” Miranda laughed, chuckling as they made their way down to Mandy's room and entered without knocking first. They caught the girl on her bed, reading a book, dressed in a bluejean skirt and a white cotton blouse.

“Mother!” said the girl, protesting the invasion of her privacy. “Hey, what are you doing in here!” she said to Chris, her mother's boyfriend. “You didn't knock!”

Miranda went over to the girl's bed and grabbed her wrist, making her get up. “Come with us, little lady! You have some explaining to do. I saw the text Darren sent to you!”

“Mom, I didn't ask for that!” she yelled. “I'm not responsible for what he does.”

“You are if I say you are!” her mother told her, and the girl's face paled in fear. She knew full well what the last picture he had sent her was of, and she didn't want to be blamed for it, even though she knew she would be. “Have you ever seen it in person?”

They entered her mother's bedroom, the one she shared with the man who had followed them inside and closed the door. He stood in front of her mother and smiled at her, having to look down slightly, because he was more than a foot taller than she was.

Mandy shook her head. “No, of course not!” she said vehemently. “I've only seen that picture, and I was even more shocked and angry about it than you were!”

“Well, guess what, little girl?” her mother said sweetly, looking at her daughter from behind this... MAN, standing in front of her. She reached out and took ahold of both Mandy's arms, just above her elbows and held her firmly in place. “You're about to see another one! And this one won't be a picture, either. This one will be close enough for you to touch it, and it's even bigger than Darren's.”

“What?” Mandy gasped. “No!” The girl struggled to get away, but her mother had been expecting the fight and held her firmly in place as Chris dropped his pants and bared his hardness to the young girl standing in front of him. “Let me go!”

Mandy looked down at him and froze in fear. It was the very first one she had ever seen in real life, and it certainly did look bigger than Darren's, even though all she had to compare it to was that one picture. Now, her mother had both her hands on the girl's shoulders and was pushing her down, making the girl kneel right in front of him!

“Mother, what are you doing?” Mandy asked, in a scandalized whisper. The fear was abundantly evident in the girl's voice. “Mother? Why are you doing this to me?”

“You're flunking out of school, little lady, and you know what happens to girls that flunk out of school?” Miranda hissed at the girl, holding her in place even though his erection was almost touching her cheek.

“N-no.” Mandy whispered, more afraid now than she had ever been in her young life. She had her eyes tightly clenched shut to avoid looking directly at the erect cock almost touching her face. “What happens to them?”

“They have to become prostitutes.” her mother told her, and Mandy looked up at her in shock.

“They- they do?” Mandy whispered in dread fascination. Becoming a prostitute was the very worst fate that ever become a woman, her mother had told her many times.

“That's right.” her mother said grimly. “Guess what prostitutes have to do?”

Mandy didn't have to guess; her mother had two handfuls of the girls hair and was making her face the erection, with was less than an inch away from the girls lips now.

“They have to suck cock!” Miranda said firmly. “And guess what, little lady?”

Mandy was afraid she knew what was about to happen. She could feel her mother firmly pushing her face closer and closer, and no matter how hard she tried to turn her face aside, Miranda was always there to make her face it again.

“Open up, little lady, it's time you learn!” said her mother, but Mandy was more scared now than she had ever been before. She kept her eyes tightly closed and tried to ignore the thing that was rubbing insistently at her lips. She moaned, the sound of terror, pure fear.

“Look at it.” he said gently, drawing it back an inch to give her a break for a moment. Miranda kept a firm grip on the girls hair, though, keeping her firmly in place so she had no choice but to face it. Mandy shook her head and kept her eyes shut. “Okay, then, look up at me.”

Mandy did as he asked, trying to ignore the massive erection right in front of her. “I promise not to hurt you, beautiful princess.” he said, using his old nickname for her, one she hadn't heard him say for several years. “I promise.”

Her heart twisted in her chest, hearing him say that. “You promise?” she asked. “You really mean it?”

“I really do.” he said, and she could hear his love in his voice. “Just open up and suck it, my beautiful princess. I promise, it won't hurt.”

She began to cry. “I don't want to!” she wept. “Please, don't make me do it; I really don't want to!”

“I know you don't want to, my little princess, my beautiful little princess, but your mommy says you HAVE to, and so do I; so we have to. We have to do what your mommy says, right?”

Mandy sobbed harder at these words, but she nodded. “Why do I have to do it, mommy?” Mandy asked tearfully. “Why?”

“Because you're flunking out of school, that's why, and you know what happens to girls who flunk out! You have to learn!” Miranda said sternly. “Now open up! You have to learn!”

“Mommy, no!” she begged. “Please don't make me? I promise I'll do better; I promise!”

“Too late.” her mother said grimly. “You didn't graduate high school, and you won't be going to college, so you know what's going to happen now. Open your mouth so you can learn how to suck a cock!”

“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but please don't make me do this! I'm scared!” Mandy sobbed, and then his cock was touching her lips again.

She kept trying to turn her head to the side and avoid it, but her mother wouldn't let her.

“Mandy.” he said softly. She looked up at him, hope in her eyes. His cock was still touching her lips. “I promise, this won't hurt. Just open your mouth and suck on it, beautiful princess. I promise it won't hurt.”

She took a deep breath through her nose, looking up at him trustfully, then let it out in a sigh, and allowed his cock to enter her mouth.

“Suck on it, princess.” he whispered, so she did, giving a little suck and allowing about half to enter her mouth. He brushed her mother's hands away with his own and caressed the back and sides of her hair as he looked down at her with love in his eyes. She gave a little more suction with his encouragement.

“Good girl!” he told her, and she could hear the affection in the tone of his voice. “You like doing this, don't you? I can tell.”

She thought about a long moment, letting him move it in and out as he fucked her mouth. It wasn't as bad as she had heard about, she guessed. On reflection, she guessed she actually did like doing it. What she liked most about was hearing him sigh with the pleasure she was giving him, so she allowed it to go a little deeper each time until she was doing the whole thing

“You're quite good at it, my little princess.” he said approvingly. “I had a feeling you would be, back when I first met you, all those years ago. I'm so glad we get to do this together now!”

She took her mouth off it to speak. “I was only eighteen when we first met!” she said.

“I know.” he replied. “But you're eighteen now. I always knew it about you, my beautiful princess!”

“You wanted me to do this back then?” she asked, taking him in her mouth again.

“You weren't old enough back then.” he told her, vastly enjoying the feel of her mouth on him. “You are now, though, and I'm glad this day finally came. I'm going to enjoy ALL of making my little princess into a beautiful woman!”

“Chris, I'm not ready to go all the way yet!” Mandy said stridently. “How can you even say something like that?”

“Oh, I know you're not.” he said, reassuringly, as he stroked her hair some more to sooth her riled up feelings. “But your mother says you have to learn, and who better than me to teach you? Darren?” He scoffed at the idea. “He's far too immature. Just think about how childish that pic he sent you was!”

“Are you ready to suck on me some more?” he asked her, smiling down at the pretty young girl. “I'm ready to finish, and I want you to swallow as much of it as you can. Let the rest spill out of your mouth, and don't worry about it getting on your shirt. It will wash right out with no staining at all.”

Mandy had heard horror stories about how bad a guy's stuff tasted, and she supposed she was about to find out about the flavor firsthand. She just hoped it wouldn't be too awful and make her throw up. She would be mortified with embarrassment if that happened. Chris had told her what a wonderful job she had been doing, and it made her feel all grown up. She didn't want to spoil his opinion of her now.

“Oh, swallow it, princess, I know you can do it, swallow it, swallow it!” He grunted loudly several times, and her mouth was filled to overflowing with hot, sticky juice that had a very strong musky flavor. Mandy didn't mind it so very much, so she swallowed repeatedly, until her mouth was clear.

“Oh, very good, my beautiful princess, you made me very happy!” he said, smiling warmly at her. Her heart filled with pride, and she glowed under his praise. “Are you ready for your next lesson?”

She swallowed once more to make sure her mouth was clear before trying to speak. “My next lesson?” she asked., confused. “I thought we were done?”

He smiled at her, looking her dead in the eye. “Oh, sweetie, we're just getting started! You see, your mother wants you to learn everything today, and I must say, I'm very much looking forward to teaching you!”

Mandy looked at her mother, a question in her eyes. “Mother? I thought the lessons were over for the day? I mean, I swallowed his stuff, wasn't that good enough?”

Miranda laughed coldly. “Hell no, little girl!” she said, a steely glint in her eyes that Mandy didn't care for at all. “You will not be a virgin after this, I can tell you that for free!”

Mandy stiffened in horror; her worst nightmares had just come true. She looked at Chris, and he smiled gently back at her. “No, please don't! I don't want to!” she whispered, moaning with fear. A tear fell from her eye and she wiped it away angrily, ashamed she had shown emotion in front of her abusers.

“Don't worry, beautiful little princess, I promise to to hurt you.” he said, whispering in her ear. She looked at him gratefully. “I love you, little princess, you have nothing to fear, I promise.” He kissed her forehead, and when she hugged him, instead of taking his lips away, he tilted her face uo with one finger under her chin and kissed her mouth.

She stiffened with fear at the intimacy of it, but instead of stopping the kiss, she felt his tongue licking her lips, seeking entry into her mouth.

“Kiss me back.” he instructed gently. “You know you want this, right? Someone who loves you?” He whispered so that only she could hear him. “You want someone who loves you to make love to you.”

Her face screw up as more tears gushed forth, and she nodded. “I wouldn't have stayed with your mother so long if it wasn't for you, Mandy.” he said, kissing her mouth again. “Will you let me love you?”

Her breath caught in her throat as she looked him in the eye, searching for any lie in his words. She found nothing but love there, so she nodded, afraid to speak. She didn't trust her voice.

“I love you, Mandy, but there's something I need to do before you give your virginity to me. I want to taste you.” he said, pulling her jeans open and sliding them down her legs as she lifted her butt to make it easier for him. When they were all the way off, he looked her in the eye again. “Take your own panties off for me, Mandy, then open you legs and kiss me again.”

“You... you want to taste me?” she asked. “What does that mean?”

He smiled at her, gently, liking her naivete. “It means I'm going to lick you... down there.” He saw the look on her face and smiled again. “Don't worry, beautiful princess, I prpmise this won't hurt, either. On the contrary; it will make you feel VERY good!”

He took her by the ankles and tipped her back, so that she was laying prone with her legs in the air, together. “Take your panties off for me, sweetie. I promise this won't hurt, not one bit!”

Mandy bit her bottom lip, but then slid her panties off her ass and slid them to her knees, where he took them and removed them from her feet.

“Open up, little princess, let me look at you, okay?” he asked. “Don't be shy, you are my beautiful little princess, and I promise not to laugh.”

Slowly, shyly, she allowed him to open her legs as she bent her knees and rested her feet on the bed. He kissed each ankle as he let her set them down, then he was kissing the insides of her thighs, then her lower belly. Her breath caught in her throat as he kissed her outer labia, and then flicked his tongue several times over her clit. Lastly, he put his mouth over her opening and suckled at the juices that were seeping out of her, stroking her legs with both hands to keep them open, despite her instinct to close them and protect her innermost self.

She moaned as his mouth brought her pleasure like she had never felt before. She had never even suspected that she could feel this good!

He lifted her legs even higher and began licking her asshole, pushing his tongue inside her tight opening and making her giggle.

“That's not my pussy!” she said with a little laugh. “What are you doing?”

“You like it though, don't you?” he asked. She thought about it for a moment.

“I guess so.” she said. “Do it some more; I certainly don't hate it!”

He grinned and pressed his index finger firmly against it as he went back to licking her pussy, and by the time her orgasm had finished, his finger was all the way inside her back entrance as he wiggled it around a little.

He left it in there long after she finished, then pulled it out just as she was about to speak and silenced her by placing it across her lips. She tried to turn her face away, but he used his hand to follow her head and slipped it inside, despite her frown of protest.

“Suck it clean for me, princess.” he whispered, and the use of her secret name did something inside her. She didn't want to disappoint him so she did as he asked, sucking his finger, even though it tasted somewhat sharp and bitter. She sucked his finger clean.

“Why did you make me do that?” she asked, keeping her voice low, as if she were ashamed of herself.

“Training.” came the answer, and it confused her.

“Training for what?” she wanted to know. “Why on Earth would I need to know how to do THAT?”

His wordless smile told her all she needed to know. She turned to her mother in desperation. “Mother? What does this mean?” she asked, her voice a meek whisper. Mother's smile told her the exact same thing, and her heart failed her.

Mandy collapsed into a mess of sobs, because she knew she was going to be used anally, and nothing in her life had ever prepared her for this. Anal was for... Mandy choked back an internal sob at the thought of it. Anal was for... sluts!

Mandy's heart broke as she saw the look in both the adults eyes looking back at her. She saw the truth in them. How could her life have taken such a drastic turn and gone downhill so fast?

“Are you ready for what comes next, princess?” he asked softly, stroking her hair out of her eyes. “Are you ready to give me your virginity?”

She choked back a sob and nodded wordlessly. She still didn't trust her own voice.

“What position do you want?” he asked her tenderly. “Missionary, so that we can kiss?”

“Can I be on top?” she asked shyly. “That way, I can control how deep you go and how fast.”

“You can start out that way, sure, but I'm going to have you several different ways.” he told her, still smiling into her eyes. My beautiful princess can have whatever she wants.”

“I can?” she asked startled. “Well, what I really want is to stay a virgin! Can I have that?”

“You want to stay a virgin?” he asked, smiling at her in a very friendly manner. “Is that what you truly want, my beautiful princess?”

“Yes, please, I'll do anything else you want, just please, let me keep my hymen!” she begged. “I'll...I'll suck it again, even! You liked that, didn't you? I mean, I sucked it good, right? I actually wouldn't mind doing it again, because I rather liked it...i didn't even mind the taste of your stuff.” she admitted, shyly.

“Yes, sweetie, you sucked it very well... but I have something else in ming to protect your precious cherry... if only for an hour or so, but you'll do it, right? You DID promise me anything, right, and my precious princess isn't a liar, is she?” he asked, looking at her quizzically.

She shook her head. “I'm not a liar, especially to you!” She looked up him as she went to her knees and began opening his pants. “I... I think I'm in love with you.”

She whispered this last so that her mother would not hear.

“Hands and knees, sweetie.” he said, smiling at the girl. She looked confused, but she obeyed. “You promised me anything to save your virginity, right?”

She nodded. “Yes.” she said, looking up at him as he moved behind her. “What are you doing?”

Her jeans were still off, and her panties were well below her knees, but they kept her ankles from moving too far apart, so he freed on of her feet and opened her legs even more, pushing her face and shoulders down to the floor and holding them there with one hand firmly on the back of her neck.

“What are you doing?” she asked stridently, feeling him moving his cock up and down her labia and gathering her copious moisture on the head, along with the remains of his spit that remained after bringing her to such a rousing orgasm with his mouth. “NO! Not like this; you promised I could be on top at first!”

“I'm not taking your cherry yet, little princess,and you CAN be on top when you give it to me.” he said, then moved his cockhead up an inch and pressed it firmly against her little asshole.

“NO! Oh God, not there, please, not there!” Mandy shouted, but to no avail. She felt him push harder, and then it popped through, and he was INSIDE her, fucking her in the way only sluts got fucked, and she knew in her heart he would never see her as a good girl ever again, even if he DID still call her a beautiful little princess. Those words had forever lost their specialness to her, taken as he bottomed out in her ass.

“Oh, Mandy, you feel so good like this, so good, but you'll never be my little princess again, will you?” he whispered into her ear, making it true for both of them as he fucked her ass with long, full strokes that used all of his inches inside her. “Do you still want to start out on top?”

“Do whatever you want, bastard.” she said bitterly. “I don't love you anymore!”

“You never loved him to begin with, you little hussy!” her mother said, spitting out the words. “If you did, then we wouldn't have had to FORCE you to suck his cock; you would have been eager for it!”

“I had never done it before, mother, I was scared!” Mandy said defensively. Then she moaned out loud; Chris was still fucking her ass, and it was starting to feel good. Her voice had betrayed her.

His cock was beginning to feel really good moving in her ass like that, and when he reached around her hip to fondle her clitoris for a long moment, she came. Over and over again she came, despite her every effort not to. She came at least twice while he fucked her ass and played with her clit, and when he pulled it out, he hadn't come and was still rock hard.

He let her curl up on her side for a long moment, then brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek tenderly.

“Don't touch me!” she moaned. “Get away from me, you rapist!”

“Oh, don't be like little princess.” he said, and she could hear the love in his voice, but she didn't believe it. He had taken her asshole without permission! “Let me make it up to you; I only did it because your mother made me do it.”

“How are you going to make it up to me?” she asked, curious.

“By letting you be on top for as long as you want, princess.” he told her.

“Don't call me that anymore.” she said dejectedly. “It's a lie. I'm not your beautiful little princess; I never was!”

“Would you rather be my beautiful queen?” he asked. She held her breath and nodded slightly, afraid to look at him. “You know the difference, right?”

She shook her head, confused. “What's the difference between a princess and a queen?”

“A queen is a woman, and a prinvess is a little girl.” he told her, and understanding flooded her face, making her blush.

“I'm not a woman yet.” she said, the hope in her face crashing down around her in shards and pieces.

“You can be, today.” he told her. “I can help you with that, if you want me to. I really DO want to, Mandy; I still love you.”

“You do?” she asked, hardly daring to hope. “Even after all the things I said? Even after I called you a... a rapist?”

“I forgive you, Mandy.” he said, and her heart was filled with hope again. She smiled brightly and threw her arms around him in a nearly suffocatingly tight hug. “On one condition.”

“Anything!” she promised. “I'll do anything you want, even... THAT!” she said, touching her butthole tenderly. “Just love me again, and I'll do anything!”

“Will you let me be in love with someone else, too?” he asked gently, and her face fell. “

“My mom?” she asked, hoping against hope that it wasn't her.

“Well, I'm already in love with her, but I was hoping for a different person, too.” he said.

“Who?” Mandy asked, curiously, wondering who could have sparked his interest. “Who else do you want to love?”

“Your best friend, Cindy.” he said, smiling. “We can do everything when she comes over tomorrow, instead of going shopping.”

“Cindy?” Mandy asked, her mouth agape. “You want to do this with... Cindy?”

“You won't be able to keep any of this a secret from her, so why not get her involved in it as well?” he reasoned. “That way, you two can keep the secret together.”

“Yeah.” Mandy said, thoughtfully. “Good idea. We don't have any secrets from each other anyway, so this can be one we hide from everyone else!”

“First thing, though, is to make you a woman, my beautiful queen.” he said, and she giggled as he lay her down on her back. She let him open her legs, and all of a sudden, it became real when she felt his hard cock laying on her belly, going up almost as far as her bellybutton.

“It's going to be inside me this far?” she asked, marking a spot on her tummy with one hand.

“Yes.” he said, smiling down at her. “Just think about it, Cindy is a lot shorter than you are, so it will be inside her even further than that!”

“Don't hurt her!” Mandy begged. “Please, don't hurt my friend!”

“That's so sweet, thinking about your friend at a time like this!” Miranda said, smiling at her daughter as Chris got his cock into position.

Mandy felt it split her labia open as the head of it went inside. “No, wait, I'm not ready!” she yelled out, but he smiled down at the young teen under him.

“Yes, you are.” he told her, then let his hips go down and entered her more than half his length, breaking through the flimsy barrier on the way. He pulled it almost all the way out, letting her catch her breath after that gasping scream, then pushed it all the way in, not stopping until his balls rested on her tight ass cheeks. “Oh, and I was ready, too!” he said, smiling down at her as he fucked her very tight pussy with long strokes.

He kissed her again, not letting her turn her face aside, but kissing her mouth and tasting her tongue with his own.

“Mmph!” she moaned into his mouth, looking with fear into his eyes as he kept fucking her. He smiled down at her, looking back into her eyes, and kissed her again.

“Did you think this morning, when you got up and ate your cereal, that you wouldn't have a virgin hole left before lunch?” he asked her, his grin becoming a little colder. “Wait until tomorrow, when I fuck Cindy the same way! You won't be the only whore in your class, will you?”

“Oh my God!” she whispered, realizing just how much she had been used and taken advantage of. She resolved in her heart not to let it happen to Cindy as well. Her best friend deserved better! “You're going to do this to Cindy, too? Please, no, she's a good girl!”

“So are you.” he whispered, then kissed her again. “Doesn't this feel good?” He pushed it into her, then dragged it slowly back out again. “Don't you want your friend Cindy to feel this good too?”

“Oh my GOD!” Mandy cried out, lost in rapture. A new thought occurred to her, one put in her mind by something he had said earlier. “She's so little!” she said, still moaning. “Will it even fit?”

“She'll be tight.” he said, agreeing with her. “But babies come out of there. My cock will go in, no problem!”

“Oh my God, are you going to put a baby in her?” Mandy asked.

“No.” he answered, then looked at her seriously. “Are YOU on the pill?”

He was still fucking her, and with that question, he pushed into her as deep as he could go and held it there. “No.” she said, suddenly scared. “I'm a virgin! Why should I be on the pill?”

“You're not a virgin anymore, are you?” he asked, and sudden realization flooded her face.

“NO!” she screamed, pushing up on his chest, but he remained inside her, balls deep, and all of her pushing did nothing to change that. “Please, I don't want to be pregnant! Please, please, take it out; I'll suck it again, you can even do it in my ass, but please, don't get me pregnant!”

“Your mother hasn't gotten pregnant from me; maybe you won't either.” he said, and she could feel his cock twitching inside her, and knew he was coming. It seemed to last forever, even though in reality it was much less than two minutes. It just felt like an eternity to her, as she felt her future slipping away.

“Oh God.” she moaned, as he finally pulled out and rolled to the side of her. Miranda came over and kissed her forehead.

“Don't worry, baby, we'll take good care of you! You'll never want for anything again, I promise, until you've delivered another daughter for Chris to fuck or a son to fuck you as well. Won't that be nice?” her mother said, smiling, but Mandy didn't trust that smile. Not one bit.

“That's incest!” Mandy protested, and her mother scoffed a laugh.

“Who do you think your father was, little girl?” her mother asked, laughing. “He was my brother! If that wasn't incest, I don't know what is. You know who Chris is to me, right?”

Mandy was shocked. “N-no.” she stammered. “Who is he?”

“My youngest brother.” she said, smiling sweetly. “You just gave all three of your virgin holes to your uncle! How does that make you feel?”

Mandy leaned over the side of the bed and tried to vomit, but nothing came forth but a retching sound. She felt very close to tears, but they wouldn't come forth, either.

“Oh my God!” she said, tears evident in her voice, but not in her eyes. “That's incest!”

“It is.” her mother said, jubilantly. “And guess what? Cindy is more to you than your best friend; she's your half sister!”

“What?” Mandy cried out. “But I know her parents, both of them! We're not related; we can't be!”

Her mother laughed again, scornfully. “Really? Next time you see her mother, say the name Richard to her and see how she reacts. You'll see!”

“Oh my God.” Mandy said softly. Richard was her father's name and the name of Miranda's brother. “Your brother is Cindy's father?”

“That's right.” Miranda said proudly. “We had quite a threesome one night! She was on her hands and knees, eating my pussy when he came inside her and knocked her up higher than a kite! She had to put out for her loser boyfriend the very next night and tell him the baby was his, so they got married two weeks later. Ever wonder why Cindy doesn't have brothers or sisters? It's because that little dicked hubby of hers is shooting blanks, no doubt.”

“No, it can't be!” Mandy moaned. “She's my best friend; she just CAN'T be my sister!”

“Oh, but she IS your sister.” Miranda smiled. “Which means everything you did with her already is incest, is it not?”

Mandy froze, thinking about the time she and Cindy kissed and where it had gone from there. It had gone a LOT further. Mandy suddenly remembered the way her friend tasted and the way it had felt when Cindy licked her. Mandy shivered and hung her head in shame, blushing.

“Not even denying it, I see how it is.” Miranda smirked. “Want to invite her over to spend the night? I know Chris would enjoy it!”

“No.” Mandy whispered, her face getting pale as the blood rushed back out. “Please, she's my best friend, not that!”

“Ha! She's more than that, and you know it!” Miranda laughed, making Mandy blush again. “She's your lover, and your sister.”

“Please...” Mandy whispered, begging for no.

“Okay, it will be me who calls her, then.” Miranda smiled, and picked up the phone and began dialling.

“No, wait!” Mandy begged, but it was too late. Someone had answered.

“Hello, this is Mrs. Anderson. Mandy would like to invite Cindy over to spend the night tonight and tomorrow.” A long pause. “Very good, will you bring her, or should we come to pick her up?” Another pause, during which Mansy was silently shaking her head, but her mother was smiling and nodding in response. “Very good, we'll be expecting her, then.” She hung up the phone and smiled at her daughter.

She looked at her daughter and smiled sweetly. “She'll be here in an hour, and will no longer be a virgin in an hour and a half, and if you do anything to try to prevent it, you will be grounded until you need a wheel chair. Got it?”
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