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This is a revision from my original story "The King and His Forbidden Destinee" major differences David is now "25" I've made the story more coherent.
King David and His Forbidden Destinee

Late on a rainy and thunderous Thursday night, David is leaving work from downtown Cincinnati. He rushes from the building to his car soaking wet he quickly starts the car and pulls off to head home.

The storm is calming to him, therapeutic almost, yet he for sure wants to get off of the roads as it is becoming dangerous to drive with the strong winds, and heavily pouring rain.

Ten minutes into his drive he notices a woman walking on the side of the freeway, he's no fan of picking up strangers, but it's dangerous out, the least he could do is offer her a ride.

He slows down beside her as she walks slowly, her arms are crossed and tucked to keep herself as warm as she could, as she shivers severely. The look on her face is one of sadness and hurt.

"Excuse me ma'am would you like a ride home?" He asks, in a calm, deep voice.

She slowly began to stop walking and looks over to David…

"I, mean you no harm Ms. No one should have to walk out when the weather is this horrible."

"Okay…" She replies

David grabs his umbrella from the back seat, opens his door, and hurries towards her to help her in the car. He opens the passenger side door and covers her head with the umbrella and helps her in the car and gets back in himself and pulls off.

"Thank you…" she says softly, as her voice slightly cracks.

David turns up the heat on the passenger side of the car to give her warmth.

He can't help but notice how lovely she looks. There isn't much light out given it was late, but through the dimly lit night and low dashboard and interior lights inside the car he can make out her beautiful melanated light skin, and long soaking wet dark curly hair.

Her arms are still folded. She wears a red sleeveless, turndown neck-deep V-neck sundress. Her long slender neck is dawned with a gold layered plated paper-clip chain necklace with the letter "D" embroidered on the coin sitting comfortably between her wet, exposed cleavage.

Her nipple print is piercing through her dress as they are cold and hard. Which distracts him as he drives. He takes off his coat and reaches over to cover her.

"I can see you're freezing over there, here, take this."

"You don't have to do that." She replies softly

"Yes, I do. I don't like seeing you shiver like that and if I can be of service I will."

She looks over to him, and him to her. He sees tears streaming down her high cheekbones and delicate skin. A slight smirk resides on her luscious, thick lips and her shoulders sit back in relief at his kindness. She grabs his coat with her soft hands and white french tip nails. David put his eyes back on the road lest they crash.

"Thank you… I appreciate this. You didn't have to pull over and offer me a ride."

Her voice is filled with warmth and grief. She turns her head back to the window looking upwards at the sky.

"I know it's none of my business, but I must ask, how in the world did you get caught walking in this storm?"

"Well…." She responds, her voice shaking again "My… boyfriend… put me out…"

"In this storm?!" He objects calmly, yet angrily.

"Yes…" She answers.

David is pissed, he thinks to himself

*How the hell could a man put a woman out in a storm like this? What a bitch!*

"My God, I'm so sorry to hear that…" Shaking his head in irritation.

"It's, okay…" She exclaims.

"No, no that's not ever okay, but it will." He assures her.

"You weren't able to call an Uber?"

"He took my wallet when he threw me out, I barely was able to grab my cell phone…"

David is so pissed it began to show in his face.

"Do you have any family to call?"

"None that live in town, plus… It's complicated… I… Don't have anyone… or anywhere to go…" Her voice nearly breaks into a sob.

David's heart sinks, it deeply bothers him to see her in pain.

"It's okay, everything will be okay" He attempts to soothe her.

"What's, what's your name?" He asks, seeking to comfort her.

"D… Destinee'' She responds while wiping the tears from her eyes.

They come to a stoplight.

"Destinee? That's a lovely name. Destinee, my name is David…."

She looks to him, and him to her.

"Listen, Destinee?"

"Yes?" She answers softly

"I don't normally do this… But if you'd like… You can stay at my home tonight. Until we get things figured out."

"David… You don't have to do that, I don't want to be a burden, you've been kind enough just offering me a --"

"No, I insist. You have nowhere else to go and throwing you back out in this storm is unacceptable, trust me… You're no burden I promise!" He assures her, with compassion.

He gazes at her, and her to him. Her hazel eyes pierce his soul, He is uncontrollably smitten by her beauty, yet he restrains himself as best as he can.

She wouldn't normally do this, but she senses deep down, she feels she can trust him.

"Okay…" A slight warm smile rests on her face.

"Yes… I'll stay tonight."

David smiles back captivated by her.

"Perfect…" David responds.

They drive another 15 minutes in the car, silently, it isn't an awkward silence, but a peaceful silence. Now and then Destinee looks Davids' way observing him without being too obvious. She examines his mocha melanated skin. She can tell he is a well-maintained man from how well-groomed his full beard is, and his clean-shaven bald head. His spotless car elites a hint of vanilla caramel through the vents rendering a relaxing and therapeutic sensation, along with the smooth jazz quietly playing from the stereo.

They pull up to the driveway of David's home.

"Wow!..." She remarks

David's home is a nice two-story colonial-style home, with dark brick and black shutters.

"You must be doing well for yourself?" She says.

"I do okay, not where I'd like to be, but it'll do for now."

They pull into the garage. Before he gets out of the car he asks her to

"Wait right there please?"

He walks around the car and opened her door.

"Really?... You're such a gentleman."

"I do my best…" He answers with a gentle smile.

"Come with me, I'll show you around." David opened the door to the house, "Ladies first ma'am." He gestures his hand as a gentle signal for her to go before him and he holds the door open."

She has a shy smile, looks at him, and brushes her hair behind her ear with her finger."

"Thank you…. David" (she said handing him back his jacket) "You've been so kind…" As she enters.

His house was immaculate, not a thing out of place, very well decorated, a mix of art, family pictures, and decor.

"This is a lovely home, David…"

"Thank you, would you like something to drink?"

"Water is fine." Grabbing a cold bottle of water from the refrigerator he briefly shows her around and leads her to the living room.

"Here you go, have a seat in my chair. It's very comfortable, plus, I'm sure your feet are sore from so much walking?"

"You've been so kind to me David," she remarks as she sits down and takes her shoes off, "I don't know how to repay you for your kindness."

"No worries at all, it is the least I can do. I'll be back, make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back, look around if you'd like or rest here it's up to you."

David walks upstairs. While he does so Destinee figures she'll have a look around. Examining the art and pictures in his home she spots a frame hanging on his wall, a realtor's license stating his name "David, King."

She comes across a shelf of family pictures. Some of David's family members and friends. But one, in particular, stands out to her. One of David and another woman. Her arms were wrapped around him, they were both smiling. She wore a diamond ring, and he, a wedding band…

David coming from upstairs notices what has caught her attention.

"Having a look around I see?" He asks gentlemanly

"Yes…" she answers uneasily.

"David? Is there something you need to tell me? Because I don't want any trouble." A sense of concern is in her voice.

"No, nothing at all…"

"Are you sure it's okay if I stay here?" She turns to him as if she was preparing to hear an unsettling answer.

"Yes, it's fine why do you ask?"

"Well you didn't tell me you were married, that sounds like trouble for me, I've had enough trouble for the night…"

"If you're talking about the picture of Claudia and me, she's my ex-fiancée..." He informs her.

"Ex, what happened?"

"She died in a car accident three years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that… She was beautiful David… You two looked happy…" Her concern fades from her countenance and posture as she appears to be more at ease.

"We were… I've not been with anyone since I lost her." (He walked closer to her.) In fact, other than my mother, no woman has stepped foot in my home until now…"

She stares back at him, her gaze is fixed on him, admiring him, she searches his face with her eyes. "Three years no one?" She asks curiously.

"When I love… I love hard. It's not easy for me to fall in love, not usually…"

The thunder rolls through the house David can't resist admiring her beauty. She captivates him all the more as she gracefully stands before him with a shy elegance, hands behind her back one leg crossed over there other. The red sundress compliments her flawless skin for now, in the light he sees her.

"I'm honored Mr. King, though I wish this moment could've been conceived under different circumstances, if you were as kind to her as you've been to me this evening there's no doubt she was very happy indeed" Her voice is a sweet melody in his ears

"The honor is mine, by the way, you don't have to call me "Mr." (He smiled) I'm flattered but, it's not necessary"

"I'm just being polite, besides I was raised to respect my elders..."

"Elders? (He chuckled) I'm only 25, you can't be that much younger than me Ms.? '' He replies inquiring about her last name.

"Hill, Destinee Hill, well I'm 17 so…"

A look of shock plunders David's face

"WHAT?!" He says to himself conflicted.

"Is there a problem Mr. King?" She inquires with a grin on her face as she steps toward him.

"Uh, no, no problem at all."

"In fact, I brought you something, a towel, brand new toothbrush, washcloth and so on. If you'd follow me I'll show you where the shower is and your bedroom where you'll be staying tonight."

For a moment she looks disappointed, as though she is saddened to hear there is another bedroom…

"Is everything okay Ms. Hill?"

"Yes, all is fine." She answered.

"Okay, follow me if you would please."

He leads her to a spare bedroom.

"Here's where you'll be staying tonight. Plenty of space in here."

He walks to the closet and opens the sliding door. "I placed all of Claudia's clothing here, her perfumes, body washes, body oils, sleepwear, all of it here."

He closes the closet door and turns to find himself snared by her deep gaze. Like a lioness seeking to devour its prey, she peers at him fiercely.

The thunder rolls through the house more intensely than last...

His heart is fluttering, he senses a warmth rush over him, his body begins to tingle, he fights with all his might every sexual thought he has of this young teenage girl.

"What are you doing David? Be strong!" He vigorously persuades himself.

"Destinee?" He calls to her

"Yes?.." She whispers back unto him

Stepping closer to him.

"Is there anything else you'd like to… show me?.." She lustfully questions him taking another step.

"God DAMN … Hold it together David!" He objects in his mind.

"Yes, this way I'd like to show you the bathroom. This way please." He guides her with a hand gesture.

She stands before him, her eyes fixed on his eyes searching him, as to search the depth of his soul. He reciprocates, her peer is powerfully intimidating to him, almost as if she looks communicates:

"You can't resist for long."

She walks towards the door, as she does his eyes immediately fall to her feminine swaying hips, and slender waist, her thighs thick and strong, her ass firm and plump! She is built like a goddess!

"If you take a left here, there will be the bathroom you'll be using. If you need anything just let me know I'll be in my room just across the hall."

"You're not going to give me a tour of your room?" She asks in disappointment

"Maybe another time… Ms. Hill"

"Okay…" She responds. She smiles at him watching him step back and shut the door.

"I'll just give you some privacy now." He says closing the door tight.

"Woah!..." He releases a silent deep sigh of relief.

David goes to his room to take off his suit and get in the shower before he heads to sleep. doing so, realizing he left his cellphone on the kitchen counter he goes to retrieve it.

He walks into the hallway, he can hear the shower running, however, he can hear it louder than he thinks he should be able to.

He looks to the bathroom door to find it about a quarter the way open.

"I know for a fact I closed this door what the fuck?" He approaches the door, there she is, exposed fully in the splendor of her glory! Nothing to conceal her completely unveiled, the shower curtain is drawn back revealing soaking wet nakedness.

"FUCKING HELL, YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!!" He thinks to himself. Never has he laid eyes on such a masterpiece.

She gracefully washes her skin, soap suds and kisses her chocolate nipples, caresses her sweet navel, and onto her cleanly shaven smooth pussy flowing down her precious tight thighs. Her breasts are a perfect "C" full and perky just the way he likes. Her ass is toned, tight and plump it is evident she works out. Her rib cage was decorated with a tattoo of Tiger claw marks. He watches her slowly wash her magnificent body and run her fingers through her hair under the water. His desire for her magnifies his dick is thumping his balls tight, pre-cum leaks from his dick as her hands caress smoothly over her full breast and mouth-watering pussy lips...

She turns her back to him and gradually looks over her shoulder towards the door. David steps back from the door immediately to get out of sight.

She smiles to herself.

"What the hell are you thinking dude? She's SEVEN fucking TEEN! Wake up!" He berated himself burying his face in his hands.

He swiftly moves to his room to the master bathroom and takes a cold shower to bring his blood flow down. He finishes his nightly routine, a hint of cologne (Aqua di Gio) His neck wrists, and his lower stomach. Put on his tank top and silk pajama pants. He makes sure all of the doors are locked and heads back upstairs. As he is heading to his room

"David!" She reaches out to him with the sweetness of her voice.

"Yes, Destinee? Can I help you?"

He turns towards her where her voice calls to him, he sees her standing in the doorway of the guestroom, a designer white lace robe graced her curvy figure and loosely tied silk belt at her waist, her nearly exposed succulent nipples tease his lustful eye through the thin layer of cloth. Her soft belly is faintly hiding behind the open fabric, the floral edge of the night robe hardly veils her juicy lips...

"My God!" He tries to catch the words before they fly out but it is too late. She blushes with a shy smile and plays with her hair.

"That's Claudia's robe, but my God does she look better than she ever did it in!" He contemplates.

"Why yes, there is something you could help me with…" Her lips are full of seduction and passion.

Staring at him in his dark brown eyes she draws herself closer to him step by step. The already loosened robe belt comes undone leaving her breast half uncovered and lovely twat exposed.

"My God, why can't I move?" David ponders. Hypnotized by the alluring look in her face sent chills down his spine! His eyes are fixed on her. He examines her up and down his mouth is watering, body tingling, and hot his dick is hard as steel he began to slightly sweat down his back. There is a glory about her, and the intense weight of it invokes a paralysis upon him rendering him inextricably helpless.

She is within inches of him now, her hands on his muscular chest, he towers over her standing at 6'2 as she is 5'5. Her sweet savory scent of vanilla and strawberry intoxicates him. She stands on the tips of her toes and slowly leans into him… Her soft lips kiss his cheek.

Drawing her face back from his, staring him dead in his eyes. The thunder and lighting clash and roar as the rain pours forth and intensifies on the rooftop.

"You are enchanting…" He remarks in pure awe of her.

"I just want to say thank you David (the intense look in her eyes was breathtaking) no man has ever been this kind to me, I want to repay you…"

She draws her body into his, now she feels his warmth, the strength of his firm muscular body against the tender softness of her curvy, feminine body. His shoulders are broad and his arms are long and large. She can feel the rock-hard bulge in his pants, his penis pulsating on her body he trembled at her touch.

She wraps her arms around him gently nestling up to him as his arms were still at his side. She softly rubs the tip of her nose across his chest before kissing his sternum. Her tender fingers lovingly slide from his chest to caressing his neck.

David is breaking and she knows it. He closes his eyes and begins to breathe heavily.

"It's been so long….." He moans, inwardly he begins to acquiesce to her seductive embrace.

She whispers, "You smell so good."

"Destinee…" He calls out to her

"Yes?" She softly answers him, kissing his chest and pulling herself tightly into him.

"You don't have to do this." He lifts his hands to meet hers at his neck, his eyes are still closed enjoying her sweet touch, his neck twists and turn within her warm gracious hands. His strong hands flow from her fingers down her arms to her face.


"No… ( he interrupts) I don't want you thinking you have to repay me in any sexual way… I'm not even asking for anything in return. You owe me nothing." He compassionately pleads.

Her big eyes look up at him

"David… I want this… your flesh, on my flesh… And from what I can tell I'm not the only one who wants this." Begging for him she looks down to his bulging crotch and licking her lips.

He guides her head upwards to his eyes with his finger; she grazes her cheek against his hands, he lays hold of her hands kindly unlatching them from his neck, and kisses her palms as she watches him.

"Mr. King, why didn't you get in the shower with me?..."

"Destinee… You're 17"

"And?!" She responds

"Destinee, we could get into some real trouble."

"I left the door open for you… I could feel you watching me… Did you like what you saw?"

Lightning strikes the sky.

She places her hands on the outside of his, bringing them back to her face, closing her eyes she caresses the cheeks of her face in his strong large hands whispering "There's no one here but you… (she kissed his palm) and me… (kissing the other) No one has to know'' pressing her body onto his.

Nervously exhaling David refutes "I… I wasn't watching you…"

"Mmph" she chuckles, with a deviant sexy smile she whispers, "You're not a good liar Mr. King…" Still caressing her face with his hands, her long wet tongue licks the palm of David's hand triggering a shockwave of sensation through his body, he gasped and moaned in pure conflicted pleasure "Destinee! Please sto--"

Her faint, soft, lust-filled voice interrupted "No!…"

Tasting her way to his finger placing it in her warm mouth sucking him. A tear sheds from David's eyes down his face never has he been so conflicted in his life. "So lovely," she utters in lustful bliss, licking her lips. She enjoys every moment of it, her moist pussy lips throb. Her heart races...

The thunder roars! Vibrating the house David is losing himself. She uses his hands to touch her neck in ecstasy. She moans "So this is the touch of a real man?..." She trembles her body flowing with heat and light buzzing tingling throughout her.

"Destinee…" Though physically strong he can't resist her seduction. She is like a drug to him. "Shhhh, I want you, David." Slowly guiding his hands to her breasts.


She interrupts "And you want me…"

With everything in him, he pulls back

"Uhgn!" She gasps! Her eyes buck open glaring at him with an angry, fiery, burning passion, as though he had pulled her from the 3rd heavens of pure pleasure. Tears flow down her face, she bites her bottom lip.

"We can't!… Do this!…" his eyes close, another tear streams down his face.

Holding her hands together.

"David.. I've never felt anything like this before, PLEASE! Don't take this from me…" She speaks as if she loves him.

He looks confused and surprised, because he may feel the same way. But he can't admit that. Not now, and possibly not ever!

"Go to your room… Please, Destinee!"


She tears her hands from his firm grip and storms off to the guest room slamming the door.

He hangs his head then throws the back of his head against the wall "What the hell did I just do?"

Fall From Grace

Entering his bedroom, conflicted, and wrestling with himself he draws back the black curtain he lies down in the golden satin silk sheets of his California King canopy bed and covers himself in the heavy navy blue comforter and turns on his lamp.

Laying on his back staring at the ceiling all he thinks about now is her. Her touch, her scent, he can still smell her on him as if she was right next to him.

The storm intensifies and becomes more powerful and loud, the wind is crashing the rain hard against the windows as lightning strikes multiple times.

He contemplates "Why and how in the hell am I feeling this way? She's too young, and I don't even know her. But for some reason, it's like I do know her. Like I've known her for some time, and yet we've only just met tonight! And she's 17! But no way in HELL any 17-year-old looks and speaks like this…. Maybe she was right we don't have to tell any--"

(Knock, knock)

There is a knock on his door.

"Hello?" He responds.

"Can I come in please?" She pleaded.

"She just doesn't give up does she?" Thinking to himself.

She opens the door.

She steps in, the only light in the room is the night sky through windows. All David sees is her veiled silhouette through the curtain of the canopy.

"David, I'm scared…" sounding so sweet to him

Without hesitation, he attentively asks "Scared of what? Are you okay?"

"I'm scared of the storm… Can I sleep with you?... Lay… with you?"

A peaceful silence in the room, only the noise of the storm.

"Yes… You may."

"Thank you… Mr. King" she walks toward the bed, draws back the curtain, and covers herself with the comforter……. They lay there silently. Both wanting to speak but neither saying a word.

"Mr. King? Can you hold me please"

He lay there silently, nervously…

"Mr. King?" She cries out to him sweetly begging.

He answers "Yes… I will hold you…" he moves closer. Her back facing him he spoons her one arm under her body the other on her side… Immediately he recognizes she is naked in his bed.


"Shhhhh!!!" she objects snuggling herself tightly onto him. It is too late she ensnared him.

"I'm, sorry… I'm sorry for slamming the door on you. You didn't deserve that… I was angry and hurt… No one and I mean no one has made me feel the way you make me feel. You've been so good to me." She pulls him tighter into her, swiftly forcing his hands to grab her breast. His dick was rock solid and throbbing, she spread her cheeks to allow his steel hard dick to rest between her plump ass. He felt himself slipping. Her fingers interwoven with his as she made him grope her. "David... resist me no longer I can't stand it, I offer myself to you!" Pleading with him. She thrusts her ass into his pelvis grinding his dick slowly licking her lips "Please?!" she begged. "I promise, I won't tell ANYONE, Mr. King…. My King…"

"Permit me, your highness. That I may be pleasing to you, do with me what you will."

Chills shoot through his body enticed by her willingness and her burning desire for him. Like a man hanging for his dear life on the edge of a cliff, his grip is slipping.

Taking her hand and sliding it down his hard abs "Destinee!" He moans. His lips to her ear he begs knowing if she touches him it would be the point of no return for them… He would fall...

The storm intensifies and the strong winds increase.

"Your highness, permit me…" She slowly slides her hand lower.

"Please don't do this!" He helplessly whispers in her ear, she intoxicates him. "Permit me to be your destiny tonight, my King…"

His will to resist fades, for she has overcome him. Now he desires to fall trembling from the drug-like sensation she invokes upon him. His heart unfastens, his soul, now drowning in the raging river of love, he no longer restrains the burning fires storming inside of him but releases it with six words he embraces her call to Kingship:

"I permit thee, my sweet Destinee."

Like sweet music to her ears. Biting her lip and smiling she licks and spits on her hand and continues reaching into his pants…

"Yessssssss…" She hisses. She pulls his pants down over his fat 8-inch cock and grips it securely in her hand.

The storm is calming.

David melts, moans. "Aahh… fuck!"

Kissing the back of her neck he grinds his dick into her soft hands.

"Does this please you, my King?"

"Yes, baby… You please me." Her heart is filled with pleasure and joy knowing she pleases him.

"Take off your shirt my love I want to feel you." She asks.

He does as she asks. She loves the embrace of his skin on her skin.

"Your dick feels so good in my hand! I want you to feel what you do to me, my King." Grinding her fat ass onto his cock she spread her cheeks and thighs and slid his dick between the warmth of her thighs and dripping wet pussy lips and closed him in!

They both moan together being full of satisfaction.

"You drive me, wild love." Thrusting his dick into her warmth without penetrating her walls. Her moist lips glazed his shaft vibrating ripples of pleasure within them both!

Kissing her neck, he ropes and pulls her nipples with one hand and with the other latching his fingers with hers. With her free hand, she caresses the back of his head while he licks and sucks her neck. They are enthralled with one another. Giving in to the fire of desire letting it have its way with them.

"You quench my thirst, your highness!" She is lost in him.

"Your highness, I want you… To taste what you do to me!"

"Yes… My love, whatever you request!"

Spreading her legs to release his dick from her wetness, she rises to her knees, he lays on his back watching her every move intensely, carefully, lovingly… He was in awe of her.

"I yearn for you, I don't know how you make me feel this way." She straddles herself onto his belly, her dripping pussy smearing his stomach. With her hands she grabs his face, leans in, and passionately kisses him, he firmly grips her breast as her tongue plunges into his mouth he receives her love. "You're so good to me" She whispers in between kisses.

Tears flow from both of them. The sound of their wet kisses fills the air!

He looks deep into her eyes perplexed wondering "How could I be feeling what I'm feeling?" As she leans over him straddling him he grabs hold of her neck, kisses her cheek, licks her lips, and sucks her neck. Closing her eyes she tastes David's saliva from lips. "So delicious…" She whispers. He gathers her breast together bringing her nipples near one another, licking them in a circular motion kissing them tenderly. She kisses his forehead as he pleasures her... He sucks and fits as much of her breast in his mouth he could. "Ohhh babyyyy… Yessssssss! That feels so good"

"Come to me, I want to feast on you." His deep voice invites her.

"Yes, my King." Accepting without hesitation.

She sits on his face, he kisses her inner thighs and licks them, he can smell the fragrance of the vanilla oil she rubs on her supple thigh skin, he kisses each lip… and buries his face into her soaking goodness. She lost it!

"Ohh, yesssss!"

He tightly clenches her thighs, she clasps onto the headboard.

"Fuck!!!" She cried out gasping for air

He sucks her clit, his tongue swirling in a circular motion. The storm has calmed now there is only the sound of light rain and David slurping and feasting on her flesh as she shook uncontrollably "Baby!" She squeals " I think… I think I'm c--"

"Ohhhhhh!!!!... Yesssssss… That's it! Like a fountain, her love and desire sprang forth and gushing into David's mouth. "That's right baby cum in daddy's mouth mmmm so, so sweet"

He slurps and swallows her sloppy wet goodness. He sits up, but he keeps her on top of him. Her gyrating body slides down to his hard cock, "Not yet" he says. "Wrap your arms around my neck love." She obeys as best she can. She is losing control of her body as her leg is shaking non stop breathing heavily. He sits up to his knees spread open his heels under his ass for support, facing her. Tucks his arms under her thighs with his hands holding her lowering back, with his strength he lifts her and slowly lowers her pussy to the tip of his dick.

"Is this what you've been wanting, my love?"

More tears flow from her big beautiful eyes.

"Yes daddy, I've wanted nothing more than this…" Their eyes are fixed on one another, he slowly and gently penetrates her hot lips with just the tip…

"Ahhh!!" They both moan.

He lowers her further driving his meat deeper inside of her wetness.

"Oh! My! GOD!!" she shouts her nails digging into his back.

"Oh love you're so tight, baby… You please me so well, my love!" He whispers in her ear.

She is amazed at his strength to control her body at will.

He feeds her more of his meat stretching her…

"Daddy, you're stretching me so good! You're so good to me! I love your dick inside of my tight pussy daddy…"

His face still wet with her love he says to her "I want you to taste how lovely you are to me." Passionately he kisses her, licking all over her lips as he fucked her slowly. "Do you taste it, baby? Do you taste how sweet you are to me?"

"Yesssss, yes daddy, I taste it"

Their licking and kissing continue.

"You're so nasty, daddy…"

"Nasty… Just for you. Now open up …"

He stretches her cheeks exposing her tight ass hole and plunges his dick deeper into her while they kiss and licks delicious nectar from each other's lips.

"Oh Daddy, ahhh yes baby I needed this so bad!"

"You are so fucking sweet my love!" He declares.

"You're so big, baby, You stretch me soooo good daddy yessssss!"

She creams all over his dick.

"Say thank you daddy:" He commands.

"THANK YOU, DADDY…" She obeys.

"Thank you daddy for stretching my pussy:"


"Ohhh! My fucking GOD!! I'M CUMING DADDYYYYY!!!"

"That's right love, come all over daddy's dick!" He sucks on her neck and makes sweet love to her wet creamy pussy.

"BABYYYY!!!" She erupts in pleasure!!

Again her nails dig into him.

Her love explodes onto his fat dick stretching her out. Her pussy walls gripping his dick tighter and tighter.

"Yes! There's a good girl…" She is relinquishing herself to him. Her body shaking heart beating rapidly, she takes a deep breath, he pounds her tight sugar walls and she roars aloud with pleasure.

"Ohhhhhh!! Ohhh, My GOD!!" He can feel her tightening and massaging his dick and like a rushing river, her sweet liquids lavish his dick. They both exhale, moaning and panting. He lays her on her back and spreads her thighs wide.

They please each other's flesh...

"Can you hold your thighs for daddy baby?"

"Yes, my King, anything for you…"

She holds her thighs open for her King. He grabs his shaft, guides the tip to her clit massaging her clit with his tip.

"Please don't tease me, daddy… I want all of you!..."

"All of me baby?"

"Yes, all of you my King"… She licks her lips, her big eyes watering, passion fills her face.

"I… I… Love you, David…"

The look on her face is one of fear as though she accidentally spoke out loud they were both silent he lovingly strokes her hair, kisses her on her forehead reassuring her, comforting her.

"I… Love you too… Destinee"

Staring her in the eyes, he slowly penetrates her sloppy wet walls, she cries… He slowly feeds her more of him…

"I want you to feel my love deep inside of you."

"Yesssssss. Yesssss. Yessssss." Repeatedly she calls out and receives him.

"Can you feel daddy's love deep inside of you?"

"Yesssss daddy I feel it deep inside of me, stretching me, fucking me, loving me! Deeper daddy! Please?! Hold me tight baby!" she begs.

He pulls her tight into him. Sucking her neck and feeding her all of his dick.

"You're so pretty, baby."

She gasps at the beautiful pain of being stretched. "YESSSS DADYYYYY!!!"

"Hold on to me." He instructs her. She grabs the back of his neck, and holds his back tightly, sucks, and licks all over his neck!

"Oh yes baby, that's just what daddy needed!"

He keeps her thighs spread open and pounds her slow and hard.

"Daddy! I love you, you're so good to me!"

"Thank you for pleasing me, daddy!


"Yes, baby?"

"Daddy I want to taste your dick baby!! I want to feel your warm liquid love fill up my throat daddy!"

"Okay baby… Okay…"

He slows his stroke and keeps kissing her lips as she kisses him back.

"I love you, Destinee!"

"I love you too daddy." Responding sweetly.

On their knees they kneel before one another, touching each other. She kisses his neck, his chest, his abs, and places her soft hands on his chest to gesture to him to lie back.

He does so.

She licks down from his navel to his groin, grabs his shaft gently, admiring it and caressing her face with his dick

"This… Belongs… To me!" She whispers lustfully.

Slowly she kisses and tastes his tip.

"Mmmhmm, I can still taste my love all over you daddy!" She says watching him respond to her feasting on his big dick.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!!" He shouts!

Her tongue swirls around his tip, she massages his shaft and plays with his balls.

"Oh, that's so good Destinee!"

Her, mouth on his sensitive tip, she works more of him into her mouth,

"Yes, baby suck daddies dick!"

He watches as her thick lips wrap around his cock sliding up and down and slurp off a long string of spit that connects from his dick to her lips.

"Yes! My Fucking GOD YES!! She drives him wild!

She smiles. She loves hearing him in pleasure.

"Give me all of your love, NOW DADDY!

She stuffs his dick into her warm mouth hole he feels himself in the back of her throat as she twists her head back and forth.

He roars "Ahhhhhh! FUCK!"

His dick deep inside her right, delicate throat his balls erupt and explode. She slurps and gulps his cream down her throat and sucks his dick clean…

While he moans uncontrollably she climbs on top of him and lays on his flinching, shivering body.

"Did I please you, daddy?"

He tenderly wraps his hand around her throat pulling her face to his smothering her with a deep swirling tongue kiss.

"No one has ever pleased me more than you love… No one…"

They continue to kiss, wet, sloppy, slow kisses.

Both exhausted but drink deeply from the well of love tonight.

To be continued: Book 2, King David and His Forbidden Destinee: Love Unleashed
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