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After a long day of adventuring, a female elf satisfies the sexual desires of all the members of her party.
We lurked in total darkness for what felt like hours, hidden behind a pile of gold.

The beast could have come back at any moment. Tamiel, the halfling druid, was squirming in my sleeve. His whiskers tickled my wrist, but that didn’t make me laugh. I was too nervous. We all were.

Behind me, Rogor and Fusteg had twisted their body to occupy as little space as possible. If they had been born with each his own body, they would have still towered over any human. Joined as they were, they scraped the ceiling of the cavern with their heads while standing up, and they had to crawl in to enter.

I would have given them my magic ring, but it was way too small for their fingers.

Finally, Oocovrop, the doppleganger wizard, turned its skin colour to the darkest black he knew, and held its breath in silence.

Then, we heard him approaching. His claws scratched the floor as he stomped his paws towards us. His scaly tail shuffled on the rocky floor. The echo of its screech filled the whole grotto. He had returned from another hard day of pillaging and slaughtering. It would either be his last, or ours.

My elven eyes were the only ones that could see him in pitch darkness. He stood over 10 feet tall on his four stubby legs, which dragged the body of a giant snake at a sluggish pace, as his bat-like wings were too large and cumbersome to allow him to fly in the cave.

I gave the signal. We were ready to strike the dragon.

I wore the magic ring on my finger. The robe I wore vanished in thin air, and so did my hands. I wouldn’t have been able to tell where my arm was anymore, if it weren’t for the mouse that was still clinging onto it.

Then the mouse leaped forward and grew a hundredfold in size. His legs grew taller, his fur grew thicker, and his nose turned into a beak. Tamiel now had the body of a bear and the head of an owl.

He dashed towards the dragon and scratched his legs with his razor-sharp claws. The dragon roared in pain, startled, and frightened. Tamiel turned his head all the way around, looking for Oocovrop. And while he couldn’t spot the doppleganger, he saw the flash of light coming from its fingers, and towards him and the dragon.

Tamiel docked just in time to avoid having his fur being burnt by the lightning, which struck the dragon’s wings.

Then the dragon fought back. He unhinged his jaw, letting out a stream of fire from his mouth. The flames burned brightly, revealing his hideous head, like that of a fish with the antlers of an elk.

Now inside the cave was as bright as day. We had lost the advantage darkness provided us. Only I remained invisible amidst the flames.

I drew my bow, trying to aim at his head. As soon as I fired, an arrow appeared out of nowhere, but instead of hitting the target, it disappeared just a few feet from it, engulfed and consumed by the flames.

I had just revealed my position to the dragon. He couldn’t see me, but he could tell where I was. He redirected his torrent of flames towards me. If He hadn’t missed me, I wouldn’t be here to tell this tale.

Now I was trapped between him and a wall of fire. I backed away as the dragon slowly approached.

The twins were biding their time until the dragon was just on the right spot. Then they pushed with all their might, and the mountain of gold came tumbling down, burying the dragon beneath it.

The dragon raveled under his fortune, but he wouldn’t yield yet.

His fire melted the gold that restricted him, and as he writhed, he scattered scorching shards of the precious metal around.

Rogor and Fusteg braved that inferno, rushing towards the beast while swinging their four giant axes wildly.

Such was the power of their blows that each of their weapons broke like a twig, yet they could not pierce the dragon’s scales.

Deprived of their trusted weapons, the twins grabbed the dragon with their four arms, trying to wring his neck. Yet the dragon’s scales made him slippery like an eel, and he broke free from their grip.

The dragon unhinged his jaw again. He sunk his teeth into one of the twin’s arm and breathed fire.

In a matter of seconds, the entire twin’s body was engulfed in flames.

Tamiel charged at the dragon and rose on his hind legs to peck his wings, munching and chewing his flesh. The dragon let go of the twins to scream in agony. Rogor and Fusteg rolled on the ground to extinguish the fire.

Another lightning struck the dragon, this time on his back.

Meanwhile, I realized that I couldn’t aim my bow properly without being able to see where the arrow was pointing. I tossed my magical ring to the ground and returned visible. The dragon saw me, and he headed towards me.

I drew my bow and pointed an arrow at his head, but I didn’t fire. Keeping the bow drawn was straining my arm and tearing my muscles. Still, I waited.

I only had one chance to hit him. I had to make it count.

The beast was above me. He arched his back, His chest glowed brightly. His lungs were full of fire.

He unhinged his jaw. I let go of the arrow. Before he could exhale his fiery breath, the arrow struck the inside of his mouth, much softer than his outer scales, and pierced through his head. The dragon’s skull burst into flames and he collapsed to the floor in violent spasms.

He was dead.

We were all exhausted, but we had no time to waste. We had to hurry, or all our effort would have been for nothing. We weren’t in it for the treasure. We weren’t in it for the glory. We were after power.

Oocovrop began to chant, and the cave began to shake. At the dragon’s feet, a large ravine opened up. Tamiel sliced the beast’s belly, pouring its blood in the newly created crevasse.

The dragon’s blood was very watery, but when dried it would have been harder than diamond. Hard as mithril, to be precise. Just as iron flows in a human’s veins and silver flows in my own, a dragon’s blood is full of the rarest and sturdiest metal there is.

This is the reason an old dragon is much more dangerous than a young one: the more injuries it has suffered in its battles, the more scabs are on his body.

That was our goal: to have our bodies caked in his blood, to become invincible.

I tied a rope to the dragon’s head. It was heavy enough to hold all our weight combined. Well, except for Rogor’s and Fusteg’s. But they were already climbing down the crevasse with their four arms and legs, like a spider would do, while carrying our equipment.

We reached them at the bottom. The pool of blood was deep enough for us to swim in. Safe for Rogor and Fusteg, who had removed their armor and were rolling over in the pool, splashing us with blood.

Coating fabric or metal in the dragon’s blood would have been useless. While it would have made our clothes and armor indestructible, they would have become too stiff to be worn. We had to take our bath naked.

Everyone turned their gaze on me, the only female in the party.

I flipped them off and wore my ring on the middle finger, vanishing in thin air. Now I could strip down. My clothes turned visible as I tossed them around.

Disappointment was written all over their faces.

Tamiel became a dog and shook his clothes off his fur. He was too shy to show his real naked body to others. He would even turn into a dog whenever he had to pee.

Oocovrop was the last one still dressed. And it did something I could never have expected. Its face turned white like snow. Freckles sprouted on his cheeks. His eyes turned brown like oak wood. He grew long and curly red hair, and pointy ears.

It had transformed into my exact copy, and I found it mesmerizing. I wasn’t alone. Everyone’s eyes were fixed on it. Then, it unbuckled its belt and dropped its vest in the pool.

The spell was broken. My naked body was a lot prettier than that. Oocovrop couldn’t have known it, but my tits were small and perky, while Oocovrop’s were large and floppy, and its nipples were brown, while mine were red and looked like ripe strawberries on top of hills of panna cotta. While its pussy was completely shaved, I had always trimmed my bush to look like a red maple leaf, so that when the time would have come to pop my cherry, my blood would have looked like syrup being harvested.

Everyone but me was aroused by that spectacle. Tamiel couldn’t stop chasing his tail and the twins were clapping their four hands together. Had they seen what my naked body actually looked like, they would have fainted then and there, I thought. I even had half a mind of removing the ring that made me invisible from my finger, but I was just too frustrated.

Oocovrop then turned into its original shape, with its junk hanging out, and laughed. Tamiel let out a wail of disgust, but I still preferred it over that gross approximation of my beauty.

As the sexual tension dropped, Rogor and Fusteg went back to splashing. Up above, the dragon’s flames dwindled. Soon, his blood would have dried up. They had to hurry and cover every inch of their body.

Tamiel and Oocovrop swam down the ravine, away from the giant sibling’s splashes.

I stayed there, trying to make peace with my mind. I had never been so confused and aroused before.

We elves don’t bathe during the day, for all of us who did, drowned trying to kiss their reflection.

My heart hadn’t stopped drumming in my chest ever since I saw my copy. What was that feeling? Was it the love I heard about in bard’s tales? Was it the lust the forest’s elders warned me about?

A huge red wave hit my face, bringing me down to earth. The twins were still at it.

While they couldn’t see me, I could see their naked body. Before I knew it, I was staring at them. I felt bad for it, but I didn’t care. Maybe the idea of me peeking at them was arousing for them too?

It wasn’t a nice spectacle though. Their one singular body had been deformed since the day they were born.

Like all two headed giants, they were born from a giant father and a human mother. I couldn’t imagine: what lust could drive a human to have sex with a giant, knowing she would never survive giving birth to his offspring?

In Rogor and Fusteg’s case, it was even worse. Not only did they grow up without a mother, but they had to fight each other even before they were born for what little space there was in their mother’s womb. The day they were born, they ruptured it from the inside and crawled out of it in their conjoined body, left to fend for themselves.

And how did they get all these scars? I would have never thought they could get hurt while wearing an armor made of tower shields tied together with rope. Yet even when they got hurt, they wouldn’t hesitate to charge headfirst into battle while I remained hidden and away from danger.

As I was immersed in my thoughts, the giants calmed down. Rogor’s eyes closed, and He fell asleep, while his brother remained alert and vigilant as always.

They had finished coating their body in the dragon’s blood. Now they just had to let it dry on their skin. No blade or spear in this world would have ever been able to pierce it anymore.

And that’s when I remembered: I was still a virgin. My hymen was still intact, and soon it would have become unbreakable.

The joys of sex, still unbeknownst to me, would have been lost for the many centuries I had yet to live.

I pressed two fingers against my hymen and pushed in with all my might, but with no luck. Was it normal? Had the dragon’s blood already dried up on my hymen? I didn’t know.

All I knew is that I needed a tool. Something sharp, such as my knife, which I had thrown haphazardly in the pool just a few minutes ago.

I dived in. I couldn’t see anything. Not my body, nor anything around it. Only red blood. I kept touching the rocky floor in search of my knife. My hands felt something I could grab, and I emerged.

What I was holding wasn’t my knife, it was the waterskin which Oocovrop had carved from a pumpkin.

I decided to try it anyway. Having to drink from something I had put in my pussy would have been a well-deserved payback for what Oocovrop did to me earlier.

I pushed it against my hymen. A few drops of blood joined the pool below.

I knew that pain. It was like being stung by a hornet. But I couldn’t stop. Something far more powerful than pain compelled me to continue. A rush of excitement, like the one I had felt countless times in battle, yet different.

My instincts were telling me I was vulnerable, but I knew no one could see what I was doing. The fear of being discovered only added to the tension. I had to get more comfortable to let my guard down.

I swam up to the wall and held my back against it, spreading my legs between two rocks just over the surface.

I didn’t mind the rocky texture on my thighs but I couldn’t see what I was doing and that was really distracting. I closed my eyes, letting my mind drift away.

I was no longer inside a cave, fucking myself with a pumpkin. I lied in an empty space, surrounded by darkness.

A being made of shadows, which towered over me, stepped in from the darkness and approached me with a grin on his face and a raging boner in his hand.

As his bulging cock penetrated me, I twirled my wrist, copying the movement of his hips.

No matter how hard I tried, his cock still felt like a pumpkin.

I came back to my senses with only one desire in mind: I would have tried a real cock.

I silently swam up to Fusteg, sneaking up on him from the back.

I opened my arms and hugged him, pressing my pointy nipples on his skin.

Startled, He turned around and stood up, almost tripping on me.

Stretching my arms, I held my palm against his chest until He had calmed down.

Using my finger, I wrote “I am Amelia” on his chest, slowly enough for him to “read” it with his touch.

Then I drew a heart on his belly button. He nodded.

We stood silently for the most awkward minute of my life.

My heart skipped a beat as I gazed upon by the giant twins’ penises, which were both thicker than my arm. I was awestruck.

Unable to see me, He didn’t dare to move, afraid as he was to crush me or hurt me.

I had to take the initiative.

I climbed his leg, rubbing my clit on his knee. It felt amazing.

One of the two dicks grew significantly bigger. I knew it was Fusteg’s. I reached out to it, yet my hands weren’t large enough to grip it properly.

On top of that I wasn’t tall enough to kiss him, even while He was sitting down.

I pinched his love handles, pulling the weight of my body upwards. Then I grabbed his chest and moved my foot on his penis to climb his body.

It was stiff enough to hold all my weight. I tried to balance on top of it, but it wasn’t solid footing.

Fusteg put his arm around my shoulder and stuck his tongue out. I no longer feared losing my balance.

Standing on my tiptoes, I opened my mouth wide, almost unhinging my jaw. I licked his chin and I let his tongue enter my mouth.

I repressed the urge to puke as I gagged on his tongue, which hit my uvula with each thrust.

I moved my feet back and forth, pulling his foreskin.

I stared deeply into his brown eyes, and felt as if He was staring back, even though I knew He couldn’t see me.

I couldn’t shake off the feeling I was being watched. I couldn’t help to look down.

Right below me, his cock was being stroked by my invisible feet. It seemed to have a life of its own. And how lively it was! I had to make it mine.

“Let me go” I wrote on his chest. His tongue retreated and I gasped for air.

I climbed down with my thighs spread apart and I wrapped them around his dick.

As I slid my pussy back and forth, it got wet with his precum.

My bush looked like a red leaf covered in dew.

That was too much to handle for him.

He grabbed his dick and pushed it against my asshole. I was terrified. There was no way it could enter my ass without breaking me. I was about to scream. I wasn’t worried about being discovered anymore.

Thankfully, He realized his mistake. He found the entrance of my pussy just by touch, and He gently put the tip inside.

But no matter how gentle He was, his dick was just too big. The walls of my pussy were stretched twice their size and I had him wait several minutes before moving his hips. My cunt was wrapped tightly around his shaft and my whole body became rigid, paralyzed with fear and excitement.

When I felt comfortable, I grabbed his dick at the base and pushed it further inside me, little by little.

As his cock penetrated me deeper and deeper, the pleasure grew more intense, but so did the pain. I sucked on his thumb just to keep my mouth shut, suffocating my moans.

When the tip of his cock hit my cervix, it wasn’t even a third of the way in.

As he reached the bottom, He began moving back and forth, hitting my womb like a battering ram on a castle’s door. His thrusts became longer and longer. His dick went all the way back to the entrance of my pussy then as far as it could go inside. He moved his hips slowly, synchronizing it with my heartbeat. Or was my heart beating to the rhythm of his pounding?

In his frenzy, He pulled out his dick completely, and a thunderous queef erupted from my cunt.

Rogor grunted and scratched his nose. His eyes opened wide and fixed on me. His cock grew twice its size. It was even bigger than his brother’s.

“There’s no way He found me out, right?” I thought.

I was wrong. He grabbed my neck tightly in his hand and grabbed his cock with the other.

Fusteg held my arms down with his hands and plunged his dick back in my pussy.

Rogor was looking for another opening. His glans was rubbing against my butthole.

He thrusted it in without warning, tearing my asshole apart.

My scream echoed throughout the whole cavern. The pain was so sudden I thought my tailbone was had sundered.

He couldn’t care less about my suffering. He ruthlessly thrusted hid dick back and forth inside my ass, which was gushing blood like a fountain.

My sharp ears felt something above my screams: the sound of footsteps and splashes closing in.

Oocovrop came charging in, galloping atop a white horse, wand in hand.

The giant’s stopped moving and I fell to the ground.

Oocovrop dismounted and approached me. Again, it changed its appearance into my own. But this time, it was accurate to the smallest detail.

The sight was mesmerizing for me. No elf can resist the lust he feels for his image. We elves are forbidden to bathe in the light, for all of us who had seen our image reflected in the water, drowned trying to make love with it.

Still shaking, I tried to stand using my arms. I was taken aback when I saw them. They were soaked in the dried dragon’s blood, completely visible.

As soon as I had managed to stand, I jumped at Oocovrop, pinning it down to the floor, and shoved my tongue inside its mouth.

Oocovrop spread its thighs apart and did the same to its pussy lips using its fingers. I copied its every movement and lowered my groin to meet its own, hugging its thighs with my legs. It looked like I was rubbing my cunt against a mirror, if that makes sense.

Fusteg, Rogor and Tamiel were standing around us in circle, each with his cock held tightly in his hand. Tamiel had abandoned his horse body and transformed into a small monkey and was jacking his tiny dick furiously. Neither of them could tell me and Oocovrop apart. Not wanting to have sex with Oocovrop by accident, all they could do was watch us.

While the fear of being found excited me, the certainty of being watched was even better.

I pushed my fingers inside my slit while rubbing my clit against Oocovrop’s. I had never done that before, but I was a natural. I came closer to climax with each movement.

Oocovrop whispered something which sounded like gibberish, and its hand became transparent, like that of a ghost. Its fingers passed through my belly button, without leaving any trace or scar, like my body was made of air.

Its fingertips became solid. I felt its digits right on my cervix, which they could have never reached by entering my pussy. I craved more.

Oocovrop rolled on top of me and tied me in a leglock, its pussy against my own. Its clit grew an inch, then two, then five, then ten, slowly penetrating me as it grew. It wasn’t a clit anymore. It was a giant cock.

Restrained in its leglock, I struggled to move my hips back and forth.

Instead of thrusting its dick inside me, Oocovrop inflated it and then shrinked it in rapid succession. The walls of my pussy were pushed and pulled, until its cock was molded in their shape.

Its dick shrunk again, and so did its body. Its face and ears became rounder, its eyes darker, its nose larger, its mouth thinner, its hair shorter and brown. The monkey stopped wanking. I was staring at Tamiel’s grinning face.

Oocovrop lessened the grip of its leglock. I could have moved away if I had wanted to.

I didn’t.

Its mouth opened wide, and its tongue went in my mouth. Its dick was tiny, but it moved precisely to my weak spots. It felt good.

Oocovrop pulled it out, stood up and backed away, leaving me wanting for more.

The monkey shyly came forward on his toes. I welcomed him with open arms, ready to hug him.

Tamiel reverted to his real form. It was the first time anyone of us had seen him naked.

As a 40 year old (about 16 in human years) I always knew Tamiel was older than me. Yet his appearance is that of a child, and I had often treated him as such.

I was ready to make a man out of him.

His dick was really huge.

At least for a halfling. Even fully erect, it was barely longer than my finger, yet almost as large as his arm.

Tamiel leaned forward, aligning his hips to my groin, and his lips to mine. He didn’t reach them, so He settled for sucking my nipples instead. He looked like a hungry baby trying to suck milk out of me.

He slowly pushed the tip of his penis against my pussy lips, trying to penetrate my urethra.

The rest of the party busted out in laughter. Tamiel’s face turned red with embarrassment.

I spread my labia apart and pushed a finger inside to show him the real entrance. His nimble fingers joined mine. He tickled my clitoris and slid into my slit. Two of his fingers and two of mine worked together to bring me to extasy. He slowly twirled his fingers around the upper walls of my vagina, following my rhythm.

His fingers were nimble, yet harder than steel. The dragon’s blood had dried.

It was fun, but I wanted more.

I grabbed him by the wrist and pushed on his elbow towards me.

His hand was inside me up to the wrist. He clenched it in a fist, on instinct. His knuckles were stuck between my pussy folds. He opened his hand and explored my cunt, rubbing it with the open palm.

I allowed him to take control and use me as He pleased. My hands were busy squeezing my tits as He pushed his arm further inside me.

He was struggling to push his elbow through. He twisted his arm as if he was throwing a punch and pressed forward. His elbow slid in and his fingers reached my womb, tickling it. At this point, his whole arm was inside me. Only his shoulder was still outside.

He slowly pulled out his arm from me. His cock was eager to take its place. In a single thrust, He was balls deep into me and He shook his hips back and forth. I could barely feel anything. And He noticed.

He shoved his testicles inside me too. And still, nothing. I held back a yawn. He was visibly frustrated.

Suddenly, his cock grew tenfold, his body covered in purple feathers, his hands turned into paws, his feet into talons, and his mouth into a sharp, curved beak.

The owlbear gripped my shoulders tightly in his paws, but He couldn’t sink his claws in my Mythril-hard skin. I felt no pain from his rough caresses, only pleasure.

He was as gentle as an owlbear can be. I rolled to the side, prone and facing away from him. He ravaged my cunt for minutes on end, his claws cupping my breast. The feathers on his dick tickled me. He opened his beak to let out a frightening shriek. I opened my mouth wide to let out moans of pleasure. I had no fear. My tongue intertwined with his. It was slippery and oddly cold and tasted like raspberries.

His movements got slower and more sporadic. He was about to cum but we both wanted it to last longer. I crawled away from him and he pulled out. Changing position would have helped him edge for a few more minutes. Better yet, He changed shape.

A large grey direwolf stood where the owlbear once was. His tongue was sticking out and I wanted him to stick it in me. I spread my thighs and offered myself to him. He came to lap pussy juices from his favourite bowl. The texture on his tongue was rough like the bark of an old willow. It adhered to my cunt better than an elf’s tongue ever could, but it would have left scratches had my skin not been impenetrable.

He rolled his tongue in the shape of an U and pushed it inside me. There, it unrolled and twirled and twisted back and forth like a hurricane. I closed my eyes and laid back, forsaking all my senses to focus on the pleasure. I was going crazy.

His tongue split in half inside me. It grew longer and thinner. I raised my head and opened my eyes to find a rattlesnake the size of an anaconda in front of me. The tip of his tail looked like a rosary, only each bead was the size of an apple. His tongue hissed frantically, vibrating within me.

Tamiel raised his head and stared me in the eyes. I didn’t want his tongue to leave me. He crawled around me and wrapped me in his coil. I felt his scales climbing my body, hugging it tightly. Between my thighs, on my chest, and around my neck.

I felt suffocated. He wrapped me so tightly that I couldn’t contract my diaphragm. I couldn’t breathe. I opened my mouth gasping for air, and He seized the opportunity to force his forked tongue down my throat.

The end of his tail was pressed against my cunt. His rattle vibrated against my clit, sending shockwaves of pleasure across my body. But He wasn’t aiming at my slit. He was aiming at my ass. He pushed a bead in. Then two, then three. I couldn’t feel any pain, but my mind was going blank from the pleasure and the lack of air. After all the effort I had made to become invincible, I thought I would have died there and then.

His mouth was open wide. All I could see were his venomous fangs. He wrapped my tongue with his own just like He had done with my body. I was at his mercy. Thankfully, He decided to spare me.

Just before I fainted, He let me go and I collapsed to the floor. Exhausted and out of breath.

When I came back to my senses, I was tied to a gigantic spider web, my arms and legs spread apart. It was sticky like the sap of a jasmine leaf. A spider twice my size was dangling on a thread of silk as thick as a rope, hanging from the ceiling. The spider climbed down his thread and jumped on the web I was tied to, making it shake violently.

The spider got on top of me and lowered his abdomen. His precum coated dick looked like a giant sting oozing poison. As it came and went inside me, his hairy legs brushed against mine. The echo of my laughs filled the cave as Tamiel tickled me this way.

His pedipalps rubbed my breast as we fucked, spreading saliva all over my tits.

He folded his web around me, trapping me like a cocoon. I was covered in spider silk from head to toe. And the saliva He slobbered on my breast was starting to itch as it dried. My moans of protest were muffled by the silk rope I was gagging on.

The need to scratch my chest was as great my desire to finger myself. I tried to break my arm free from the web, but to no avail.

As his thrusts grew more intense, I sank my teeth deeper into the silk I was gagging on. I figured that munching it little by little, eventually I would have cut it.

It took me longer than I expected, but it worked. I munched on the web which restrained my arm too. Finally, I was free to scratch my tits.

I grinded my nails on my mithril hard skin until my nails broke, and the itch stopped.

Meanwhile, Tamiel’s thrusts were becoming less intense. He was about to cum again. So, He pulled out.

The cocoon I was in slowly descended back to the ground, then the string it was tied to was severed.

Falling from such a height, even encased in silk, would have definitely killed me if it weren’t for the dragon’s blood.

Dozens of sleek black tentacles and sharp jaws tore my cocoon apart. The creature Tamiel had turned into was a tangled mess of tentacles, whose many eyes emitted a faintly glimmer as they popped like pimples before turning into gaping mouths.

The creature came forward, crawling on his tentacles, like a pit of snakes moving in unison. His mouths hungry to have a taste of my flesh.

Up close I realized his tentacles were all coming from his mouths, and they weren’t tentacles at all; just really long tongues.

Each of those tongues then engulfed me completely. Every inch of my body was being licked. Each of my limbs was covered in saliva.

I stuck out my tongue like a thirsty bitch and immediately three tongues came to explore my mouth. Two others were busy twirling around my hard nipples. Four others were sliding across my slit. Out of these four, three entered inside my pussy and lubed it with spit. As they twitched and twirled inside me, they became intertwined.

That was my breaking point. My heart felt like bursting. A raging fire built up inside me. I knew if I had tried to extinguish it, it would have consumed me and turned me to ashes. Tamiel was taken aback and returned to his original form. My whole body twitched and was shaken in convulsions. I just knew I had my first orgasm.

I came repeatedly, panting and screaming at the top of my voice, until I was out of breath.

All of my companions gathered around me in a circle, each beating his own dick furiously.

Tamiel was first. He came mostly over my chest. I couldn’t believe someone so small could have so much semen in his body.

Oocovrop came second. I held my mouth open for its load. Ropes of cum were flung at my face and filled my mouth.

Then came Rogor. His dick erupted all over my body. A few drops landed on my head and sticked to my hair like a gel.

Finally, it was Fusteg’s turn. I observed him rhythmically beat his meat to me.

I began licking the cum off my skin, just to tease him. It was hard to tell whether it was Rogor’s or Oocovrop’s or Tamiel’s. It tasted both sweet and salty.

With the cum stuck to my hair, I fashioned myself a new hairstyle and smiled at Fusteg. He smiled back.

I spread my legs and gave him a sign to come forward. He looked shocked.

“Are you sure about that?” He said.

“Yes, this is what I want” I replied.

“But how will you be able to deliver it?”

“It will be ok. My skin is pretty tough, you know? The dragon’s blood will protect me.”

That was all the convincing He needed. With his final thrust, He pushed his dick inside me as it ruptured. Jizz filled my womb and pussy and overflowed down my slit to my ass cheeks.

It has been 8 months till then. I had to stop going on adventures for the time being. Even if I am invincible, the babies inside me are not. Besides, with a belly this big I can barely walk around.

I live in a small hut with Fusteg and his inseparable brother.

We still haven’t decided what to call our sons. They will come soon.
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