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This is the start of the story of Joy
My name is Gareth and I am 35, 6'1” and weigh 185lbs I have short black hair and a short beard. I am pretty fit as I workout 3 times a week and play soccer too. I live by myself in a small town called Blackport. Now I live by myself not through choice but I'm very shy around women and needless to say I've never been with a woman and I've pretty much given up hope that will ever change. I have a lovely little house, it has two bedrooms and two bathrooms and nice big back garden were I grow lots of different plants and vegetables. A couple of streets over lives my best friend Carl and his family. I work with Carl at the same company and this is where we met. Over the years we became really good friends and when I moved to live in the same town as him I was always invited to family functions and events and I'd often be round at their house or they'd be at mine. Carl and his wife Esther had six kids, 4 girls and 2 boys. The eldest daughter was called Joy and she was 19 and she and I got on like best friends and I have to admit I spoil her rotten mainly because I was infatuated with her. Joy was a beautiful young woman she is quite short at 5'4”, she has really long brown hair, fair skin and is on the slim side. Carl and Esther are very religious but they don't force they beliefs on others, however their kids do have a rather strict set rules and dating for Joy could be a problem, she had to be very careful with who she dated as the standard that was expected by her parents was rather high. It wasn't that they had to be successful but it was their behaviour that was more important.

I was invited to around to their house for a bbq. When I was there I noticed Joy wasn't there and I asked Esther where she was

“Oh er.... she'll be here soon she's er...fetching a friend” she said nervously

“Oh really a friend is that's what they call it” I said with a chuckle trying to break the tension

“Oh yeah it's like that, just be careful talking about around Carl he's not to thrilled” she said

“Oh dear, what's he like?” I asked a little worried myself knowing how I felt about Joy and I didn't want her hanging around some jerk.

“Well he's nice enough but he's not exactly driven, in fact he's a layabout, he doesn't have a job, smokes and drinks quite a lot” Esther says looking quite sad

“Oh man he sounds like a keeper” I said sarcastically, starting to worry myself now

Just then Joy walked around the side of the house with a young man and my god he looked worse than I imagined. He was going to meet Joy's parents for the first time and he looked so scruffy and to be honest he looked hungover. “Oh boy this is going to fun” I thought to myself. All eyes went to Carl and Esther.

Carl took one look at him and just shook his head and went inside the house slamming the backdoor. I felt so sorry for Esther she was trying to polite to him for Joy's sake but I could tell she was just as disappointed as Carl. Joy looked devastated that her dad just went and walked away and didn't even talk to him.

Now I'm a big softy and I think I would have at least spoke to him and given him a chance but then again I'm not her father so I can't really say what I would've done. However I went over and introduced myself to him.

“Hi I'm Gareth” I said and offered my hand

“Yeah, Luke” he said sounding completely disinterested.

“Hi Joy how you doing?” I asked her cheerfully trying to change the mood

“Hey Gareth I'm ok thanks, how are you?” she asked, but she was so dejected.

“Babe I'm going to get a drink” Luke said and walked away not even offering to fetch her one. “He's going to be disappointed” I thought, Carl and Esther don't drink so there wasn't any alcohol at the drinks table

“He seems nice” I said lying through my teeth just so I didn't upset Joy anymore, despite me wanting to tell her to dump him and fast.

“Thanks Gareth, he is once you get to know him, Dad just won't even talk to him” she said and I could see her eyes getting wet. I felt horrible seeing her like this, she doesn't deserve this, but then again she could do a hell of lot better than Luke that's for sure.

“Hey babe there's no booze” Luke said

“Yeah mum and dad don't drink and won't buy any” Joy said a little embarrassed and went to talk to her mum

“What? Who has a bbq with no booze am I right?” he said to me in a condescending tone I didn't appreciate

“Well it's their party if they don't want any here then they don't have too” I said

“Some party Jesus!” he sighed

“Come on” I said “Show a little respect will you, surely you know this family is religious” I said starting to see why Carl got so pissed off

“Oh great bible bashers” he laughed

“Listen if you're going to behave like that, it might be best if you go” I said hoping that maybe if he went he wouldn't cause a scene

“Oh my God you can't say a damn thing around this fucking family” he said getting angry “I'm off, tell her to call me” and he stormed off. I have to admit at this moment nothing would have pleased me more than to smack his head clean off his shoulders.

Joy came back over to where I was stood “Everything ok Gareth? Where's Luke?” she asked looking around

“Erm Luke left Joy, erm he said to call him” I said sheepishly

“What he just left?” she asked

“Yeah, I don't think he was to happy” I said

“What happened?” she asked looking at me right in the eye, I couldn't lie to Joy even if you paid me

“We had a bit of a disagreement” I said

“What about?” she asked looking rather cross now

“I thought some of the things he was saying about the family were a bit disrespectful” I said

“Oh no, not you too?” she sighed

“I'm sorry Joy, I didn't mean to upset him but I'm not going to stand around and let him disrespect your family” I said apologetically

“Oh please, you sound like my dad and where do you get off telling my boyfriend off huh, who do you think you are huh” she said raising her voice at me. She's never done this and I was taken aback

“I'm sorry Joy I didn't mean to upset him” I apologised

“Oh give me a break, you're just like them” she hissed at me

“Please Joy don't be like that” I pleaded with her

“What? You piss my boyfriend off, making him feel unwelcome, make him leave and I'm supposed to be ok with it, come on” she said angrily. I'd never seen her like this she was getting red with anger

I reached out to touch her arm and just as I made contact she jerked her arm back and slapped me across my face

“DON'T TOUCH ME!!!” she yelled at me and stormed off. Esther came running over to check on me, I just stood there dumbfounded, this was not the Joy I knew and loved, I have no idea who this was. Esther kept apologising to me, I just said that it's fine don't worry about it. After this the party broke up and everyone went home. I walked home trying to clear my head to little avail.

That evening I was sat at home trying to watch tv without much success, all I kept thinking about was what happened that afternoon. There was a knock on the door which brought me back to reality. I assumed it would be Carl or Esther checking up on me but when I opened the door I was surprised to see Joy. She was facing away from me with her back towards me.

“Joy?” I said softly

She turned slowly with her head down and because she had ridiculously long hair it covered her face so I couldn't see her.

“Hey” she said so quietly I barely heard her

“Is everything ok?” I asked starting to get a bit worried

“No” was all she got out before she burst into tears

“Oh Joy, come here sweetheart” I reached out and pulled her into me hugging her

I held her tight to me as she cried. After about a minute she started to calm down.

“Come in, let's talk about it” I said gently

“Ok” she sniffled

We went in and sat on the sofa.

“Do you want anything to drink?” I asked her

“No it's ok thanks” she said looking down. For some reason she wouldn't lift her head to look at me. All the time she'd been there so far she hadn't let me see her face

“What's happened Joy? Why are you so upset?” I asked

“I....I....” she stammered struggling to find the words she needed

“Joy” I said softly and gently put my finger under her chin and lifted her head so I could see her face. I gasped when I saw her face. She had a swollen lip and eye.

“Joy!!! What happened? Who did this?” I asked starting to get mad

“Oh god Gareth, it's all gone wrong” she blurted out and started to cry again. I pulled her to me again and held her as she cried.

“Joy, tell me what happened from the beginning” I said

“After the party earlier I went to talk to mum and dad again about me seeing Luke and we had a big row and a lot of horrible things were said and then dad threw me out telling me it's either them or him, I just couldn't give up Luke like that and then he threw me out saying they were done with me” she started to sob again

“Oh god Joy, I can't imagine what you're going through, but what happened to your face?” I asked

“Well when I left home I went straight to Lukes but when I got there he was really mad about this afternoon, I told him what had just happened and we started to argue too and he got really mad at me and then he....” she trailed off not wanting to say it

“Joy I'm only going to ask this once, did Luke do this?” I asked now I was angrier than I've ever been, I was trying to stay calm for Joy but it was a battle I was losing.

Joy just nodded

“That no good bastard” I was furious “Joy where does he live?” I demanded

“No Gareth please” Joy protested

“JOY!” I was almost yelling “That piece of shit is going to regret the day he met you, now for the last time where does he live” I demanded

“Gareth please don't do this” Joy started to sob again

“Joy you don't seriously expect me to do nothing” I asked

“Please I don't have anywhere else to go, if anything happened to you I don't know what I'd do” she sobbed I think she knew the effect this would have on me, she could wrap me around her little finger.

“Ok ok, but if I ever see him again...” I said giving in

“Joy you can stay here, that's no problem but I think I should let your mum know at least where you are so she knows you're safe, ok?” I said

“Ok” was all she said

I stood and went to the kitchen to phone Esther. I told her she was here with me and she could stay for as long as she needed to. I didn't tell her what Luke did, I thought that was up to Joy to tell them.

I went back into the living room and said to Joy “Come on let me show you your room and get you sorted” and held my hand out to help her up. She didn't let go all the way up the stairs until we were in the room.

“Here you go, the bathroom is just over the hall and I go get you some fresh towels, don't worry about using the bathroom I have one in my room so you've got it all to yourself” I said with a little smile trying to lighten the mood. I left to go get her some fresh towels from the cupboard.

When I got back to the room Joy had removed her coat and was sat on the bed. “Gareth I don't have anything to sleep in, do you have an old t-shirt I could use please?” Joy asked

“Yeah of course, it might be a big on you but I'm sure I can find something” I said and went to my room to get a shirt for her. I took an old soccer shirt to her and left her to settle in.

I went back downstairs and started to watch tv, after about half an hour Joy came back down stairs and came into the living room.

“You were right it's a bit big” she said with a little chuckle

I looked over to her and I think I may have been staring with my mouth open. The shirt hung off her, far to big but she looked so gorgeous right there. Her beautiful hair was up in a ponytail and her long legs looked amazing.

“Gareth hello!!” she said

“Sorry Joy, jeez that shirt has never looked so good” I said with a little chuckle

“Oh stop it” she said playfully as she plopped down next to me on the sofa. This I found strange as the sofa is a big L shape I wasn't complaining mind just found it odd she would do that given everything that had gone on. She was quiet for a while as we just sat and watched tv. After about 20 minutes she said very softly “Gareth”

“Yeah what's up” I said as I turned to look at her, she was looking down again

“About this afternoon” she started

“Aahh forget it, it was my fault I shouldn't have spoke to him like that, I can't help but feel I should be the one apologising for starting all this” I said feeling genuinely like all this was my fault.

“No no it's not your fault at all, don't say that” Joy said looking up at me placing a hand on my forearm. When she did this I looked down at her hand surprised and rather enjoying the feel of her soft hand on my arm.

“It's been coming for a while” she said quietly

“Joy has Luke done anything like this before?” I asked almost afraid to hear the answer

“He's grabbed me a couple of time but never hit me” she said softly

“Oh Joy what in god's name did you see in him” I asked feeling so low that Joy had been treated like this

“I know, I know but he could be so nice too” she said knowing it was hopeless he had just proven what everyone had thought that he was a waste of space

“Joy you know how I feel about him so I'm not going to sit here preaching to you, you're old enough to make your own choices, I just want you know that I'll always be here for you not matter what ok” I said

“Thanks Gareth, you're so sweet to me” Joy said and gave me a hug and then leaned back to watch the tv.

After a couple of minutes I looked over to her and notice she had curled her legs up under hear making the shirt she was wearing ride up exposing a large amount of thigh. I couldn't help but look. I know I'm painfully shy around women but I'm still a man and when a beautiful girl is sat next to you I can't help but look.

An hour later I was tired and said I was going to bed, Joy said she'd head off to bed too. About 45 minutes later there was a knock at my door that woke me up.

Joy put her head around the door “Gareth” she said quietly

“Yeah, everything ok?” I said a bit groggy

“I can't sleep, I feel scared” she said

I leant over and put on my lamp. “Come in” I said “Joy you're perfectly safe here no one can harm you”

“I know but whenever I close my eyes I feel scared” Joy said sitting on the end of my bed

“It's ok.... don't worry, would you like to talk?” I asked

“Well I was wondering, if you don't mind, could I possibly sleep in here with you?” she asked sheepishly.

“Of course, I tell you what why don't you sleep in here and I'll sleep on the floor” I offered not wanting to suggest we share the bed

“No Gareth you can't sleep on the floor, it's a double bed there's plenty of room” Joy said

“But Joy I haven't shared a bed before I don't want to do anything inappropriate” I said embarrassed

“Don't be silly” was all she said and got in to the bed

“Joy I'm not wearing anything other than my boxers” I said very nervous

“So I've only got this shirt on nothing else” Joy said looking at me completely unfazed

“What! Nothing else” I said with a gulp

“No” she said as she shimmied down getting comfy

I just sat there completely perplexed I didn't know what to do. Here I was in bed with a 19 year old beautiful woman who has just admitted to only wearing a shirt and I didn't know what I should do. Needless to say I felt pathetic at this point.

“Well, are you going to lay down?” Joy asked looking over her shoulder at me

“Sorry” I said and reached over to turn out the light. I turned onto my side with my back to Joy and tried to go to sleep.

Later that night all of sudden I was woken by a scream.

“Joy! What's happened?” I asked wondering what the hell just happened

“Oh god” was all Joy said breathing heavy

“Joy are you ok?” I asked concerned

“Sorry I just had a nightmare” she said

“It's ok Joy” I said “Come here” I said without thinking and held her. Only when I was holding her I realised how I was dressed and I tensed up.

“Gareth will you hold me as I go to sleep please? I'll feel safe then” Joy asked

How could I possibly say no “Of course I will” I replied hoping like hell I wouldn't get in an embarrassing state if you know what I mean.

“Thanks” she said and turned onto her side with her back to me. I lay behind her and and wrapped my arms around her, my left arm went under her and my right over her onto her belly. Joy took hold of my hand in hers and held it to the middle of her chest. I gulped when she did this. She sighed as I held her. Needless to say I had a hard time going to sleep but eventually I dropped off.

I woke in exactly the same position, however Joy had pushed her self back further into me and I could feel her ass pressing against my now hard cock.

“Oh shit” I thought to myself. I couldn't get out of this either. Joy still had hold of my hand and was laying on my other arm. Effectively I was trapped. A couple of minutes later Joy woke.

“Morning” I said

“Mmmm good morning” Joy said sleepily “Have you been watching me sleep?” she asked

“Well I have, but I'm kind of stuck here” I said with a little laugh

“It's a lovely way to wake up” she said giving my hand a squeeze and then got out of the bed, she looked back at me and smiled and then went off to the bathroom. I just lay there in disbelief at what she just said I mean I agree 100% waking up holding Joy was like a dream come true.

I got up and went and had a shower and got dressed before I went down to make breakfast. When I got downstairs Joy still wasn't down so I started to make breakfast. About 10 minutes later Joy walked into the kitchen.

“Hello, would you like a cup of coffee?” I asked

“Yes please” Joy said walking up behind me and giving me a hug “Thank you for last night”

I was frozen where I stood as she hugged me

“ problem” I stammered out

Joy took her cup of coffee and went and sat at the table. I set her breakfast down in front of her and sat the other side of the table.

We ate in silence, for one I didn't know what to say my mind was racing. Joy would look up at me and smile that wonderful smile that always gave me that butterflies in the stomach feeling. I smiled back at her not knowing what else to do.

“Gareth can I ask you something?” Joy said looking me straight in the eye

“Of course anything” I said genuinely

“Do you think I'm attractive?” she asked still looking me straight in the eye

“What? Are you serious?” I asked surprised, that one she would ask me this but also she would think she wasn't. Joy was drop dead gorgeous

“Yes” she said

“Joy I think you are an incredibly beautiful young woman who could have any man she wanted” I said and I meant every word of it

“Thank you” she said smiling again that sweet smile

“I mean it Joy, that's why I was confused why you were with Luke” I said. Knowing deep within me I wanted it to be the one she was with.

“Gareth can I ask you something else?” she asked looking down at her plate

“Of course” I said

“If you think I'm so beautiful, why haven't you ever tried anything with me?” she asked

I nearly spat out my coffee, I just sat there wondering what the hell can I say to that, I mean yes I genuinely believe she is the most beautiful woman I've ever been around and I'm absolutely crazy about her but she's my best friends daughter and I'm nearly twice her age for christ's sake.

“Joy there are a lot of reasons” I said now looking down

“Like what?” she asked

“Joy you're so young why would you be interested in a old fart like me, you should be with a guy your own age, someone you can have fun with and enjoy being young” I said

“What the hell does your age have to do with it?” she asked

“It's not just that Joy, there's your mum and dad, they are my best friends I really don't think they'd want me to be involved with you” I said trying to find something that might stop this

“No no that's not it” she said “No theres something else”

“Joy please” I pleaded

“No come on what is it?” she asked

“Please Joy don't do this” I begged

“No I want to know” she demanded

“Why, why is it so important?” I asked

“Because I need to know why” she said

I looked up at her, I knew I couldn't lie to her. She just smiled at me “Please Gareth tell me why”

“Joy it's quite simple really, I'm very shy around women when it comes to being more than friends. It's not that I haven't wanted more Joy I really want more, it's just I've never had any experience with women and I don't know how to make you happy and the thought of making you unhappy is just unbearable” I said with tears coming down my face “I....I....I've been in l....I've been....”. I stammered I couldn't say it

Joy reached across the table and took hold of my hands in hers and gave them a squeeze. I looked up at her and she smiled at me. “Say it Gareth” she said softly

“Joy I....I love.....I love you Joy” I stammered out starting to cry, saying it out loud seem to lift a weight of my shoulders.

“Thank you” Joy said softly and stood up and walked around the table and crouched down next to me, she turned my head with her hand slowly lifting my head so I was looking at her. She had the most beautiful smile and her eyes sparkled and made me feel a million dollars. I was like putty in her hands right now she could've walked me to the edge of cliff and pushed me off and I wouldn't have resisted her.

“I think I've always known” she said sweetly “You treated me like I was the most valuable thing on this earth, you never said no to me and have always been there for me”

I just nodded slightly I couldn't speak. She smiled again at me and her eyes never left mine. She leaned in and very gently put her lips to mine. When her lips touched mine I just closed my eyes and it was like fireworks going off in my head after all this was the first kiss I'd ever had. It only lasted 10 seconds but in my head it seemed to go on forever.

“Come with me” Joy said softly and took my hand and pulled me into the living room and sat me down on the sofa. “Now I'll hear none of this age business again or what my parents think, I think they've made their feelings about me pretty clear” she said determinedly “You said yourself I should be with someone who makes me happy and you make me happy so I choose you” she said

“But Joy....” I got out before she cut me off

“No I won't hear any of it, nothing you can say will change my mind”

I knew I wouldn't win this argument and 99% didn't want to either but there was that 1% that made me very nervous about the whole situation. I mean until 2 minutes ago I hadn't even kissed anyone how the hell am I going to make her happy and I mean truly happy.

“Ok but I need to ask you something” I said


“Please be patient with me, I know you know I'm not experienced at relationships so I'm bound to cock it up at some point but I promise I will give everything I have to make you happy” I said

“I know you will and that's all I ask” she said and smiled at me

“Joy you do know there will be people who won't like this?” I said

“To hell with them, it's none of their business, we are both adults and doing nothing wrong so I don't care” she said

“Well when you put it like that” I said with a laugh

“That's better you look really nice when you smile” she said to me almost making me blush.

“Thank you, you know what would really make me smile right now?” I asked her


“If I could get another one of those magical kisses” I said a little embarrassed

“Oh really, that would make you smile would it?” she said moving closer to me now only inches from my face.

“Yeah that would do it” I said looking right into her eyes, man I could look into those eyes for the rest of my life

She leaned in and softly placed her lips onto mine and kissed me, I was in heaven right now. Joy put her arms around my neck and pulled me towards her as she lay down on the sofa with me being pulled down on top of her. Being new to kissing I just tried to mirror what she was doing, I must have been doing something right as she moaned a little as we kissed. We stayed like this for about 10 minutes before we stopped, I looked down at her and said with a smile “I can't believe this”

“Well it's true sweetheart and I'm not going anywhere” she said with her arms still around my neck

“What would you like to do today?” I asked her “I have a couple of ideas”

“Mmmm I'm intrigued” she said with a grin

“Calm down cheeky” I said with a laugh “Option 1, we stay here all day just you and me or option 2 aahh to hell with option 2” I said laughing

“Yeah option 1 for me” she said “maybe we could spend the day up there” she said gesturing towards the stairs with her head

“Oh no young lady we'll have none of that until I've taken you out on a proper date first” I said firmly

“Oh spoil sport, but I do like the sound of that date, but I don't have any of my things and I don't think mum and dad are just going to let me walk in and get things” she said

“Listen you know your mum isn't as bad as your dad, I'll have a word and see if she'll let me know when they're out and we can nip round and grab whatever you need” I said

“Do you think she'll let me” she asked looking a bit concerned

“I think so, I'll give her a call while you get dressed ok?” I said

“Well I'm not in any hurry to get dressed” she said grinning at me and pulling me closer

“Oh really, what were you planning on doing instead” I asked smiling down at her

“Something like this” and she put her hand on the back of my neck and pulled me into a very passionate kiss. I was worried about her lip but she seemed completely oblivious to it.

We stayed on the sofa kissing and cuddling for several hours until we became hungry, so reluctantly I sent Joy off to get dressed while I called her mum and fixed us some lunch. The call went surprisingly well, although I didn't mention me and Joy. I told her Joy wanted to stay with me for a while and needed to get some things from home but didn't want to see them. When I said this I thought she would have kicked off but she was happy for Joy to go when they weren't there and agreed to call me to let me know when.

I told Joy about the call when she came back down and she was relieved to say the least. I had a feeling it would be on Sunday morning when the family would be at church.

So the rest of the day we spent on the sofa continuing our kissing and cuddling and I will freely admit I was in heaven. Our hands never went anywhere other than neck and arms, I think to Joy's disappointment but I was not going to go to far as I can only speak for myself when I say I don't think I would be able to hold back if we got to carried away.

When we went to bed Joy decided that we would share my bed again and that would be a permanent change to, I did not argue I can tell you. However when we started to get undressed Joy stopped me and said “Let me please” and gave that smile which I'm sure she knew that I couldn't resist.

“Ok” I said nervously hoping seeing me without clothes wouldn't be a disappointment, now I know Joy and me shared our bed last night but she only saw my chest as I never got out from under the covers.

She started by unbuttoning my shirt slowly, she then pushed my shirt down my shoulders and onto the floor. She then unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them down my legs and I stepped out of them. She stood and placed her hands on my bare chest making come over in goosebumps. She stood on tip toes and kissed me passionately moaning as she kissed me. Needless to say this had an effect on me if you know what I mean.

“Joy may I undress you?” I asked her nervously

“Mmm yes please” she said grinning at me

I reached out to unbutton her blouse and my hand was shaking a little but Joy never said or did anything she just patiently let me unbutton all the buttons and slowly push her blouse off her shoulders and onto the floor.

“My god” I gasped

Joy had on a black lace bra. “Do you like what you see?” she asked

I just nodded like a idiot. I was mesmerized. Joy didn't have big tits she only had small ones but I prefer them small and they looked perfect on her.

I then reached down and unbuttoned her jeans and slowly slid them down her legs revealing matching black lace panties. I was kneeling before her just looking at this goddess in front of me. I must have looked like a deer in the headlights as Joy put a finger under my chin and bent down over me and said softly “Come on let's go to bed”

The state I was in Joy could have walked me over broken glass and I wouldn't have noticed. We stood by the bed and kissed again, Joy put her arms around my neck again as I placed my hands on her tiny waist. She pulled me down on top of her and we carried on kissing. Her hands were running all over of my back and once or twice she grabbed my ass. I on the other hand being a shy moron only let my hands run up and down her arms and her thighs when she lifted her legs around my waist.

“Mmm that feels so good” Joy said as I kissed her neck

We kissed like this for about and hour until Joy said we should stop or she would want more.

We lay next to each other facing one another, I reached over and gently brushed some hairs from Joys face.

“You know, I really do love you” I said softly

“Oh I know and I am really falling in love with you” Joy said, this was music to my ears

I pulled her to me and she lay her head on my chest and placed a hand on there too. I kissed the top of her head and said goodnight and we drifted off to sleep. I can safely say at that point I was the happiest man on Earth.

Ryojin JakkaReport 

2023-08-04 03:13:53
I love this story and your other! Hopefully you'll continue them. Yours Truly, Ryojin

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