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Sam and Dana meet on an adult dating site and take a liking to one another. They chance to meet after some time by way of a picnic at a local park. Fireworks ensue and shared dreams and fantasies are lived out.
This is a work of fiction, any similarities to persons known, or not, is purely coincidental. All characters are well above the age of eighteen years old.


“Let’s see… sandwiches, crackers, cheese, bottled water… check, check, check… and check! Napkins, table cloth and wash cloth… check”

Glancing at his watch, Sam saw that he’d better get a move on or he’d end up being late… again. Closing the picnic basket, he grabbed his keys and headed out the door. Out of his apartment and down stairs to his car. As he was putting the basket in the back seat, he remembered something.

“Damn!” he said aloud, turning to rush back up and to his apartment… and to his bedroom closet. Grabbing the two items he’d nearly forgotten, then rushing back out to his car to put the items in the basket.

“Whew! Dana would’ve been disappointed if I’d forgotten her surprise.” He thought to himself with a smile as he pulled out into traffic. “And she does love her surprises!”

The traffic and noise around him faded away as Sam thought back over the past month or so and his meeting Dana. That wonderful, soft hearted down to earth girl with a beautiful smile and sparkling eyes. So warm and pleasant and inviting, yet with a streak of sensuality that just keeps a man intrigued and wondering what more could there be? It didn’t hurt that she was so damned attractive and easy on the eyes too. Maybe not a model beauty that so many women try to emulate, more of a subtle and refined beauty that can only come from within. Oh, and what is within? Sam felt like he’d only scratched the surface yet. Dana intrigued him more and more every day. So many facets and unexpected secrets and desires. She just kept blowing his mind over and over since the first time he met her.

Sam was no novice when it came to women, he’d been around the block several times and had known quite a few women in his day. “Okay” He admitted, “I’m no Don Juan or Casanova.” But he’d been fortunate in being guided and taught many things by those women. Thank God they’d had patience with him… and he cherished his time with each and every one of them. Perhaps that’s something that keeps drawing him to Dana as well. That deep inner patience and warm sensuality that seems so rare in other women.

Sam met Dana online a little over a month ago. Feeling lonely and frustrated and simply tired of hopping bars and being fixed up by well meaning friends and family, he took it upon himself to check out some places he’d heard about. Most were blatant scams to get the money of so many other lonely or desperate people. However, he did find one site that actually seemed legit. So, he signed on and filled out his profile and started looking around. Several of the profiles of ladies on that site sounded interesting so he tried to contact them.

He really didn’t expect much if anything to happen, perhaps this site was like all the others after all. Sam had several women try to contact him asking for gifts of time or credits so that they may talk to him or send him pictures of themselves in return. Yet just as he was about to give up hope of meeting any genuine people, he received an email from Dana. And everything changed. They exchanged phone numbers and emails and that’s when the sun came out.

As nervous and hesitant as Sam had been about pursuing any kind of relationship from an online meeting, he was instantly and pleasantly drawn to Dana. The more he spoke with her, the more they learned about one another, the more he wanted to know. He found himself sharing his feelings and desires and dreams with her. Things that he had kept bottled up inside for so very long, things that he had shared with few if anyone else. And Dana… was sharing with him as well. What first began merely as curiosity, blossomed into friendship. A liberating, soul deep cleansing, joyful friendship with an added touch of spice and desire that Sam had only experienced twice before.

Of course, few things in life are ever completely carefree or simple. And Sam knew from the beginning that Dana, Sweet Dana, had her own troubles to deal with. She too had a cross to bear and was pretty much at the end of her rope with frustration and loneliness as well. Dana was married, that much Sam knew from her profile on the meeting web site where they had met. Most people on the site were after all… and all had their own stories and frustrations to deal with. In that, Dana was no different.

Dana was married to an older man who had medical issues that kept him from being able to do much of anything, from household chores to working, and even sex. Sweet Dana had to do everything, with no help or affection in return. Perhaps it was the frustration his part, or just thoughtlessness, but Dana’s husband was very controlling and demanding to the point of being petty and childish at best… or hurtful and cruel at worst. So, Dana had reached out.

And, as luck or fate would have it, she had seen Sam’s profile online and took a chance on him. And Sam had been thanking his lucky stars ever since. Now he longed for and looked forward to talking with Dana every day. And it didn’t matter what they talked about really, just sharing anything from the mundane up to and including sexual exploits and adventures… and fantasies. So many things that excited and intrigued one another. So much they both desired to feel and experience… with one another.

Their friendship grew and grew, their longing to hold one another in person also grew with each passing day. That longing becoming a tangible physical ache at times yet exciting and thrilling all the more. They had spoken on the phone whenever it was possible so Sam and Dana knew one another’s voice. They had exchanged dozens of photos so each knew what the other looked like, yet they had still not met in person. Today was to be that day… and Sam excited, nervous… even a little scared perhaps. Dana had told him that she felt exactly the same just the night before.

As it turned out, Sam was off work today, and Dana was actually able to get out from under the thumb of her husband to meet with friends for lunch. Of course, instead, she was meeting Sam. A picnic lunch at a nearby park with a lake for fishing. This time of year, it was still not too busy, but due to the unseasonably good weather of late there were a few people visiting the park to fish or as he and Dana, to have a picnic.

Sam had asked Dana what she would like for lunch and both laughed that they’d probably be too nervous to eat anyway so keep it light. As always, he marveled at her down to earth practical thinking. Sam did ask her for one thing for himself, however. He’d asked Dana to wear a pretty dress to show off her lovely lovely legs. Laughingly she had agreed.

An hour and a half driving, some of just to kill some time… but twice to empty a nervous bladder. “Damn” Sam thought aloud. “I haven’t been this nervous since I was a kid! Oh please. Don’t let me screw up or make a bad impression.” He whispered to himself.

At last, he found himself pulling into the entrance of the park. Same reached yet again for another shot of breath freshener. “Maybe I’m early?” Sam said aloud as he began a second trip around the park looking for Dana’s car. If it was there the first time, he might have missed it… but no, it wasn’t there.

Sam found the parking area for the shelter number where he had agreed to meet. Grabbing the picnic basket from the back seat, he walked to the shelter and picked a table of the nearby lake, and of course, the parking area. Spreading out the table cloth but leaving the food inside the basket that he put on the table. Sam took a seat on the bench facing the car park to wait.

The minutes passed, as did a couple of cars… but no Dana’s. Sam was starting to worry if something had happened or worse, maybe Dana had changed her mind. His stomach was in knots, and his mouth was dry as sand. It was while he was reaching for a bottle of water from the basket that Dana’s car pulled into the car park… and time froze.

Dana, with a shy and obviously nervous smile on her lovely face, emerged from her car wearing a light-colored floral print dress and sandals. Her hair was pulled back and loosely gathered into a pony tail. She seemed to float rather than walk, hesitantly, from her car to the shelter. Her hands and arms fluttering about as if unsure what to do with them.

Sam had seen every photo she had ever sent him, dozens of times… memorizing every line and curve of her face. Those sparkling soulful eyes… with and without the quirky glasses. That cheerful dazzling smile that made her eyes squint just ever so, and her cheeks… those adorable, kissable cheeks stand up whenever she smiled as well. As Dana floated nearer and nearer Sam could tell that she was blushing like a school girl.

Standing there at the table, frozen, with a water bottle held in hand still halfway from the picnic basket, Sam’s heart skipped a beat… then another. Unaware that he’d been holding his breath he nearly gasped as he finally inhaled a massive rush of air. Dana stopped at the edge of the shelter and looked a little unsure, worried even as she noticed Sam was not smiling.

“Sam?” She asked hesitantly. “It is you, isn’t it? Are you okay?”

Finally snapping out of the spell he was under Sam fumbled and dropped the water bottle he was holding. The bottle bounced once then rolled off the table and across the ground to rest at Dana’s feet. At last, smiling his happiest and brightest and possibly shiest smile, Sam came around the table to stand before Dana. Both blushing and smiling and stammering…

“Hi…” “Hello…”

And both bent down at the same time to retrieve the water bottle and in the process bumping heads… fortunately not painfully. Embarrassed, both began to apologize… giggling. Standing there awkwardly again, both searching one another’s face, smiling and blushing.

“Hello.” Dana said.

“Hi.” Sam replied.

Then as if a switch had been turned, both stepped hesitantly closer and into one another’s arms and embraced cheek to cheek holding onto each other… trembling with both trepidation and excitement.

“Finally!” They both whispered tat the same instant, bringing both a smile and a chuckle from each. Leaning back, while still holding each other, both searched the other’s face and smiled.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” Dana stammered. “I had to make lunch for the King before I could leave the house.”

“It’s okay.” Sam sighed. Smiling he took Dana’s hand and stepped back to take another look at her in the dress… taking it all in from head to toe. Dana blushed and fidgeted.

“My legs are so pale…” she began.

“Nonsense!” Sam said smiling. “Besides, everyone is, it’s still early in the year you know… come on over to the table and have a seat.” He offered.

Sitting facing the car park, Dana took a seat on the picnic table bench. Turning to go around the table Sam felt his hand being held back. Dana said…

“Please… sit next to me…”

And so, he did, still holding her hand in his own. Dana reached over with her left hand and clasped his hand in both of her, looking into his eyes smiling.

“I’m so happy to finally be here… together.” She spoke, her eyes shining with hints of tears welling up in them.

Sam’s heart skipped a beat again as he covered her hands with his other hand… smiling.

“And I am too.” He said looking into her eyes.

“It’s almost like seeing a friend who’s been away for a long long time… only different somehow. My heart is racing. Look… even my palms are sweating.” He said sheepishly.

“Are you sure it isn’t my hands that are sweating?” Dana asked with a giggle then looked away and biting her lower lip.

“Oh God!” Sam thought to himself, feeling his stomach flip… the sudden desire to take her face in his hand and kiss those lips overwhelming his thoughts and senses.

Dana looked back into his eyes with the same or similar thoughts. Leaning closer, Sam said.

“Dana… would you mind… I so very much would like to kiss you… I…”

Smiling from her very soul, Dana leaned into Sam, her lips barely parted, trembling… her eyes smokey and half closed.

Their lips touching softly and hesitantly, brushing one another… tingling with electricity. Pulling back slightly, both opening their eyes to gaze into the other’s. Both licking their lips… and in a blink they were again lip to lip reveling with eyes closed, in the softness, the warmth… the hunger for one another. Tongues darting and probing cautiously exploring each other’s breathless desire.

Dana sighed and Sam moaned softly as they both pulled back to breathe for a moment. Smokey half lidded eyes searching each other’s faces. Flushed and heated from a building urgent need for more. Without a word from either, both stood up and straddled the bench. Pulling each other into their arms. Sam inhaled deeply the smell of Dan’s hair, feeling her breast rise and fall against his chest. He nuzzled softly her ear and gently kissed her neck, drawing a gasp and a purring moan from Dana’s lips that were in kind, gently kissing Sam’s neck as she ran her hands along his back and shoulders.

Somehow or another, both ended up sitting down on the bench again, facing one another, still embraced. Hands coming together again between them. Dana pulling both of Sam’s to her chest, to her heart. Still smiling and leaning close together to kiss gently again, softly and gently, as if memorizing the sensation. Again, coming up for air, Sam and Dana searched each other’s face and smile… no longer embarrassed but both still flushed and breathless.

“Honestly…” Sam whispered. “Your lips are sweeter and softer than I could ever have imagined… and I have a great imagination!”

“And YOU… sir… don’t know how long I’ve been missing lips like yours… You are too modest.” Dana professed.

“What? I told you I like to kiss and was pretty good at it with the right girl…” Sam said.

“You call that ‘pretty good’?” Dana asked laughing.

“Oh… I can do better than that!” Sam said smiling and pulled Dana in again to demonstrate.

With eyes closing, Dana tilted her head up and slightly to one side accepting his lips willingly. Unclasping Sam’s hands and running hers up his chest and neck to gently hold the sides of his face as their lips and tongues pouted and played with each other’s. Sam’s hands drifted down Dana’s sides to her hips and grasped her gently but firmly, pulling her closer to himself. Their breathing was becoming faster and faster and in short little gasps as their kissing became more and more urgent. Lips hungrily seeking out each other’s between breaths.

Sam could feel himself hardening and engorging in his jeans. He could feel Dana’s breasts pressing into his chest. With his head nearly spinning he broke away and leaned back a little to look into Dana’s face. Gone was the shy smile she had been wearing. What he saw now was a serious determined lusty look with fire in those smoky eyes. Dana’s breath coming in panting little gasp, her chest rising and falling each time she inhaled and exhaled. Then she took on a sly little smile and reached down to her hips to grasp Sam’s hands. Pulling them away she brought first one, then the other to her lips and kissed them. Then lowered one after the other to her breasts and looking Sam in the eye, raised one eyebrow questioningly.

When Sam took one and then the other breast in his hand, gently squeezing them through her bra and dress he could feel her nipples on the palms of his hands. Rolling his hands around to cup the breasts with his fingers, he rubbed his thumbs against and around the nipples making them stand up and harden even more.

Dana let her head fall back on her shoulders as her eyes closed and a murmur of delight escaped her mouth. Sam felt himself twitch and begin to throb with anticipation. Then, he felt one of Dana’s hands brush gently against him as if hesitantly exploring. With a start, Dana snapped her head back up and with a look that could only be described as naked wanton desire, Dana removed her hand from his crotch and grabbed his right hand with her other. With her eyes locked on his, she used her free hand to slowly gather and pull up the hem of her dress. With her other hand she guided Sam’s hand to her own crotch to rub his fingertips through the pubic hair and onto her wet lips of her vagina. She gasped and her eyes half closed when his fingers rubbed across her aroused clitoris… Stammering in a low throaty voice, Dana said.

“I… uh… kind of left the house in a hurry… and well… maybe wanted to surprise you.”

“Surprise!” Sam thought with a start…

“I almost forgot!” Sam said.

“Forgot what?” Dana whispered in a breathy voice, still rubbing Sam’s fingers back and forth across her clitoris and now wet lips.

Taking a deep breath and reluctantly pulling his hand away to take hold of Dana’s shoulders, Sam looked into Dana’s slightly petulant expression on her face and asked her…

“Dana… I know it’s a little sudden but… do you trust me?”

“Wha… what?” She responded somewhat confused.

“You told me something once that stuck in my mind… It was something that you told me turned you on but it was something I’ve never done before.” Sam continued to explain.

“What do you mean… I mean yes, I trust you, you can see that can’t you?” She asked.

“Well, I had to ask first, that’s just the way I am… I wanted to surprise you with a fantasy… and… well… it’s kind of become sort of a fantasy for me as well.” He said.

“Okay…” Dana drawled curiously.

“So… if you trust me… let’s do it!” Sam said with a grin.

“Do… what?” Dana asked again as she tilted her head slightly to one side, still a little perplexed.

“I need you to stand up on the bench.” Sam said as he himself got up to give her a hand.

Dana stepped up on the bench. Sam led her around to face him, holding her by her hips. He leaned in and kissed her on her tummy, and was rewarded by a little chirpy giggle out of Dana. Looking up and smiling mischievously, he pulled down on Dana’s hips saying.

“Now sit down on the edge of the table.”

With one eyebrow arched and a curious look on her face, Dana complied, perching lightly on the edge of the table with her legs and feet on the bench.

“Easy now, lay back on the table and rest your hands and arms along your sides.” He instructed.

“Okay…” Dana said.

Sam ran one hand slowly up Dana’s left leg to her knee then even more slowly along her inner thigh to just short of her vagina… then back down to her knee. Dana arched her back slightly and sighed. Sam leaned over the table to the picnic basket and got out a small bundle. Unwrapping it he held up two straps. Smiling at Dana, he put one down and wrapped the remaining strap around her left thigh and fastened it closed upon itself… then pulled it snug so that it was tight and pressing into the creamy white flesh of her thigh. A gasp escaped Dana’s surprised lips as she raised her head up to see what Sam was doing.

Reaching for the other strap, he repeated the process on Dana’s right thigh… then reached up and gently took her right hand pulled her wrist down next to the strap on her thigh. He took part of the strap and wrapped it around her wrist and pulled it snuggly. Then, leaning over, he did the same for her left wrist and hand. Then he asked Dana to try to move her hands and arms. She pulled but her wrists were fastened to the straps on her thighs and therefore her hands and arms were restrained. Dana’s chest was steadily rising and falling faster and faster. She looked into Sam’s eyes and a timid smile began to form as she bit her bottom lip in anticipation.

Sliding his hands slowly down Dana’s inner thighs to her knees, Sam gently but firmly spread her legs enough to step over, then settle himself on the bench in front of her. Then again running each hand along the outside of her legs, this time from her ankles up to where her legs and buttocks were resting on the table. Sam gathered the hem of her dress and inched it up slowly uncovering first her legs, then her naked sex… and finally to her belly button. Sam smiled and looked down into Dana’s excited and hopeful eyes, her bottom lip still in her teeth.

Bringing both hands together, he pressed down gently but firmly on her tummy and drew his hands slowly back down through her pubic hair. His thumbs slid along each side of her clitoris and her now moistened and pouting lips until both hands were each on the very tops of Dana’s inner thighs. Sam’s thumbs began to gently rotate up and around and back in opposite directions… softly parting and pulling hairs and lips… opening and closing again as if flashing a beacon like a flower blooming for the bee.

Dana’s nectar was seeping out like honey, sweet and fragrant. Each time her lips were opened she moaned so softly as to almost not be heard at all. Inhaling deeply, that heady aroma of lust and excitement, Sam licked his lips and smiled at Dana as she looked into his eyes with an almost pleading want in her own eyes. Sam nodded and she closed her eyes laying her head back down on the table in anticipation.

Sam leaned forward and just touched the tip of his nose against the bare skin of Dana’s abdomen, right where the pubic hair began to grow. Then slowly lowered his face till his lips were brushing the hair… closer till they met her skin, gently kissing her… then blowing gently across the goose bumps that had magically appeared. From the corner of his eye Sam could see Dana clenching and opening her hands. He closed his eyes and searched ever downward, his chin grazing roughly over her clitoris drawing a sharp gasp and causing her thighs to clench on either side of him.

As his lips again grazed her clitoris, Dana arched her back up off the table driving herself into his lips, grinding her hips lustfully. With this, Sam stopped rotating his thumbs and slid his hands down under Dana’s thighs, grasping each firmly in each hand. Gripping them almost to the point of pain, he began lifting them higher and higher until her feet came off the bench. Her legs and knees passed the vertical and were getting closer and closer to her shoulders. Her hands were spread flat on the table top until her thighs went vertical… her ass was rotated higher and her legs spread to her sides. Sam marveled at how Dana’s Sex spread open invitingly and her honey like moisture beaded like dew.

Dana squirmed and panted in short ragged breaths. With her wet inviting flower open and waiting wantonly mere inches from his face, Same leaned in and traced the outer edges of her lips slowly with his tongue. Twice around, then a third time… as his tongue came to the bottom again, he stopped and then deftly delved deeply in to that soft heated wetness eliciting a louder moan.

In a long slow drawing motion, he moved his tongue up to Dana’s over sensitive clitoris that was now standing in rigid magnificence demanding attention. Gently lashing his tongue up and down, side to side and repeating again and again as if he were a single-minded machine. Dana, gasping and writhing while pressing herself into Sam’s face, suddenly went rigid. Her back arched high off the table, her legs were trembling as she let loose a squeal that started low in the back of her throat and rose to a loud pitch before she stopped and went limp… gasping for breath… panting and rasping… then she began giggling… that turned into laughing. She smiled with her eyes closed… a huge smile on her face.

Sam sat back smiling and lowered Dana’s legs back down so that her feet were once again resting on the bench on either side of him. Once more he gran his hands gently along her legs, over her knees along the tops of her thighs to her abdomen. He then raised his right hand and suddenly but gently slapped it down on Dana’s sex several times repeatedly bringing her back arching back off the table and rewarding him with a sudden gasp and another moan and giggling from her smiling lips.

At that, he stood up and reached again into the picnic basket retrieving another bottle of water and a wash cloth. Pouring some of the water onto the cloth he then wiped his face. Flushed and smiling he looked down at Dana who was watching him intently.

“Surprised?” He asked her.

“Delightfully!” Dana gasped wiggling her legs and flexing her hands still bound to her thighs.

“Ready for me to release you?” He asked feeling as if he was pushing his luck, never having done anything like bondage with anyone.

“I’m in no hurry… but I have an idea…” She said, smiling lustfully and licking her lips.

“Yeah?” Sam said. “I’m listening.”

“Well… I’m a little shaky just now, but if you would help me up and to sit back down on the bench…” She said as she scooted to the edge of the table so that she could ease into a sitting position again on the bench. Dana then lifted her feet over the bench and swung around facing the table. Her hands still secured at the wrists to the straps on her thighs. Looking up at Sam she said finally.

“Your turn my friend.”

Slightly perplexed Sam looked at her questioningly.

“Up! Then down mister.” Dana nearly growled hungrily.

Finally, getting the idea, Sam stepped up on the bench beside Dana and eased himself into a sitting position on the table facing her.

“Ahem…” She sounded… looking at his jeans and the flexing her shoulders and looking at her wrists then back into Sam’s eyes as she raised one eyebrow questioningly.

“Oh… OH!” Sam said, loosening his belt and wriggling his jeans down.

Smiling lasciviously, Dana licked her lips as she eyed Sam’s rigid manhood standing at attention as it pointed at her. The head swollen and the veins along the shaft pulsing with Sam’s every heartbeat. A heartbeat that was racing with his excitement… his breathing slow and shaky with anticipation.

Dana leaned forward until her slightly parted lips were just about to touch the twitching head of his tool. She looked up into Sam’s eyes and locked onto them. Inching forward she softly kissed the head. Pulling back just to break the contact… slowly… never leaving Sam’s eyes. Her tongue deftly eased out and traced the underside of the head, around and back up to the top to probe that singular opening in the crown where his seed would emerge.

Dana removed her tongue, returning it into her mouth as if to taste Sam. Then, parting her lips farther, she slid them completely over the head… tickling the underside once more with her wickedly talented tongue. She watched as Sam’s eyes rolled up into the back of his head and his mouth made a silent “Ohhh” Slowly, Dana took more and more of his shaft into her mouth, relishing its girth and the pulsing sensation until at last he was almost completely in her mouth.

Then, with one more forward thrust, her lips and nose were pressing against the skin of his abdomen. Dana swallowed over and over while holding her breath trying to avoid her gag reflex. At last, the need for oxygen won out and she withdrew with a gasp. A thin line of saliva drooped from her lips to the head of Sam’s cock. Sam gasped as well, as if he had been holding his breath too.

“Whew!” He exhaled opening his eyes and looking down once more, lovingly, into Dana’s lust filled eyes and mischievous smile.

“Like that did you?” She chirped.

“Oh Yeah!” Sam sputtered.

“Well hold on sailor… I’m just getting started.” She said and winked as she stuck out her tongue and traced the underside of his meat down the shaft and to his balls.

Taking the skin of his sack gently in her teeth and pulling… then letting go only to place her lips there and poke her tongue at first one then the other of Sam’s balls… rocking them back and forth. Without warning, she opened her mouth wide and sucked one of his balls completely into her mouth and heard Sam gasp. Looking up, she could see Sam had a dreamy expression, his eyes half closed but watching her every move. Not wanting to deprive its twin, Dana popped the ball out and bobbed her head to the other side of Sam’s cock and sucked in the other ball… marveling at how Sam’s sack was tightening up already… and how Sam’s eyebrows shot up momentarily. On a whim, Dana deftly sucked the other ball into her mouth so that both were now being tossed and teased and rolled around by her wicked wicked tongue… getting a groan from Sam.

Wanting to proceed… but prolong the inevitable for a little while longer, Dana popped out Sam’s jewels and leaned back once more to study his face and judge his reaction. Her own body was telling her she wanted more as well… SOON!

“Warmed up yet?” She teased Sam with a dazzling smile, the delight evident in her eyes.

“Holy… Dana, it’s all I can do to keep from grabbing you by the ears and exploding! Oh My God!” He exclaimed between heavy beaths.

“You don’t need to pull my ears, but you can help me… help you. Hold my head… when you get close you can speed me up or slow me down as you wish.” She told him.

“But how will you breathe?” Sam asked still a little hesitant at being seemingly forceable.

“Well, normally, I would swat you with one of my hands, but…” She said with a wicked grin. “I’ll just bite you!” She ended with a wink. Sam merely nodded and smiled himself.

Dana licked her lips once more and set to it again. No more teasing and experimenting for reactions. She locked her eyes on Sam’s and took him into her mouth once more sliding down his shaft nearly to the root… then backing off until just the crown of his head was in her lips. Then back in a bit, faster this time… back and forth, back and forth, falling into a hypnotic rhythm. Sliding him in and out of her mouth, tilting her head to one side then the other, breathing through her nose. Then she felt first one, then both of Sam’s hands on her head. Barely and gently touching her as if still timid and afraid to hurt her or worse, scare her off.

Sam’s cock was beginning to twitch in her mouth so Dana figured that Sam was getting close to climax. She sped up a little faster, in… out… in… out… Sam’s hands were not holding her head more tightly on the crown just above and behind her ears, moving in time wither own rhythm. In… Out… In… Out… Faster still… she could feel his hands holding tighter, she could hear his breathing coming in ragged gasps as if drowning.

And then… suddenly… the breathing stopped and his body went rigid and still. His hands stopped Dana’s head from pulling back, so instead, she lunged forward to the hilt taking him all the way in. Deep, deep in her mouth and throat. Grinding her mouth against him and swallowing again and again in with that Sam let out an animalistic growl from deep down inside of him.

Dana could feel Sam’s cock throbbing and spasming as his cum exited into the back of her throat. Still, she ground and swallowed and swallowed until she couldn’t hold her breath any longer. Sam’s hands were still firmly holding her head and pulling her into him… so she bit him… but not too hard.

He got the idea and released his death grip on her head as she pulled off his still pulsing cock, gasping for air. On last little thread of cum trailing from her bottom lip… matching the one hanging off Sam’s cock. Licking her lips between breaths, Dana leaned in and captured that little bit on his cock before looking up into the face of utter amazement.

“Oh… My… God!” Sam muttered. “Do you know what you’ve just done?” He asked.

“Uh… I think so… You didn’t want me to swallow?” Dana asked in return.

“Ha! No no no no, nothing like that… I mean well, I have never… EVER… be able to cum with anyone going down on me before… EVER!” Sam stammered half in wonder and half in amusement. “EVER!”

Dana herself then giggled but looked back at Sam’s cock, still perfectly erect if not even more rigid than before. Her insides trembled and she felt a tingling sensation spread from somewhere behind her knees right up to her very core.

“Um… Sam?” She looked up into his still smiling and amazed face.

“I think we have a little something else to attend to yet…”

Looking down Sam was surprised to see his member still standing at attention and ready for action. Sam looked into Dana’s smoldering eyes.

“Pull your hair?” He asked.

Dana’s eyes went wide then she smiled and they nearly closed as she let out a slow “Mmmmmm.” Dana stood up and stepped over to one side so Sam could get off the picnic table and to his feet. Fumbling with his jeans looking for the condom he was sure he had put in his pocket earlier in the day.

“Where is it? Damn!” He muttered.

“Where is what Sam?” Dana asked.

“I have protection… I swear!” He said in a panic.

“Sam… Sam!” Dana said, getting his attention.

“I don’t think I have it…” Sam said… Looking up in defeat.

“It’s okay… I trust you.” She said. “And I can’t get pregnant.”

“But… But…” Sam blubbered uncertainly.

“I trust you.“ She said smiling… and flexing her still bound arms at the elbows, reminding him of the restraints again.

“Okay then…” Sam said smiling.

Sam then watched as if in a trance as Dana smiled and turned away from him, lifting one foot and resting her knee and shin on the bench. Then doing the same with her other foot. She leaned forward, her breasts brushing the table cloth through her bra and the top of her dress. Looking over her shoulder at Sam, she wiggled her ass suggestively and squinted her eyes as if daring him to proceed.

Standing there with his jeans held up with one hand and his cock in the other, he took the bait. Stepping forward, Sam pulled the hem of Dana’s dress up and over her ass to lay across her back. Then he ran both hands, having dropped his jeans, over and around her creamy white cheeks. He squeezed one firmly in each hand making Dana wiggle and squirm with delight. Releasing her cheeks, he gave each one a firm open handed slap, stinging her flesh and causing Dana to yelp but not hard enough to leave a mark. Sam then bent over and gently kissed each lovely if reddened cheek.

Standing back up and moving closer still, Sam ran his left hand down the crack of her ass, glancing lightly across her tightly clenched little brown eye and into the dripping wet folds of her now aching sex. Dana arched her back a little higher and sucked in a short gasping breath. Sam guided the tip of his cock to those wet and waiting lips. He pushed down on Dana’s ass a little to get her to lower herself, so that he could more easily reach her.

Then, without any further warning or teasing, Sam plunged himself fully in to the hilt. Grabbing Dana’s hips to keep himself buried deep inside of her. After a moment, once she had gotten somewhat comfortable with the intrusion, Sam began to slowly rock back and forth a little at a time. Switching up with side-to-side motions, slowly going further and further and a little faster… then faster still. Dana’s hands fluttered like agitated butterflies along side her thighs, still bound by the straps.

Reaching up at last, Sam wrapped his hand in Dana’s hair, gripping her pony tail… lightly pulling back to start. Pulling Dana’s head up off the tablecloth. She looked back out of the corner of her wide wild eyes, her mouth open and panting. Faster and faster Sam moved now, feeling his own excitement as he himself neared another climax.

Faster and harder, plunging in and out with urgency. One hand, fingers hooked into Dana’s hooked fingers, the other pulling harder and harder sill on her hair. Both of their faces reddening and flushed… sweat forming on their skin. At last Dana gasped going rigid, her hand crushing his fingers, her vaginal inner walls grasping and clenching his buried cock. That sent Sam over the edge to plunge headlong into his own mind-blowing orgasm, bucking and twitching as he emptied his seed deep within her.

After what seemed like hours, when the tunnel vision faded and his eyesight cleared, Sam found himself draped over Dana’s back. One hand hanging limply along her left thigh… being tenderly stroked by the fingers of her left hand. His right hand still wound into her ponytail, but not pulling it as before. Dana was breathing steadily under him if slightly labored by his weight atop of her.

At that moment, Sam felt himself, slippery and wet, pop out of Dana’s still steaming hot and wet feminine cleft. She giggled a bit then lamented.

“Ohhh… don’t go…” And then she pouted.

Hearing that, Sam felt a twitch in his cock and said.

“He heard that! But I think he needs a break.”

“Ugh... me too, I think…” Dana replied with a sigh.

Sam stood up and then helped Dana turn around and sit on the bench once more. Sam looked down at his drooping manhood and then smiled as he reached down to pull his jeans up. Dana watched him with a dreamy smile on her sweaty flushed face. Once he’d fastened his belt, Sam reached for the water bottle and first tilted it up gently to Dana’s lips, and she sipped and swallowed then locked her eyes on his and began to gulp hungrily at the water, some escaping the corners of her mouth to run down her chin and then her neck to disappear into her cleavage. Again, Sam felt his cock twitch.

“Damn! This woman is HOT!” Sam thought. Looking up he said softly.

“Oh Thank You Lord, for this angel… Thank You!”

Then kneeling in front of her, Sam wet the wash cloth and gently wiped Dana’s face. There was a soft loving gleam in her eyes as her head tilted down ever so and those big beautiful eyes looked up into his… she softly said to Sam.

“No… Thank You my lover… My dear dear friend… Thank You! Now let me loose so I can hold you.” She demanded a little more forcefully.

“Oh!” Sam exclaimed.

“I forgot to show you, didn’t I? I’m so sorry… You could have released yourself any time you wanted.” Sam said as he took the fingers of her right hand and guided them to the Velcro closure on the thigh strap.

“Just pull this, and you are loose.” He said as he pulled it with a tearing pop.

Dana repeated it with her left hand, freeing it as well. Raising her arms, cuffs at the wrists, thigh straps dangling from them. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her hands on the back of his neck and head, and drew Sam into her moist waiting lips… to once more take his breath away with a long slow passionate kiss that seemed to go on forever. The kiss ended with both of them cheek to cheek, embraced in a passionate death grip as each, silently relived this their first meeting. Their picnic… passionate picnic.

Alas, all good things must end… and so too did the time of their rendezvous. Dana stood, patting down and straightening her pretty dress once more, then helping Sam fold up the tablecloth. Sam laughed when he saw the food still in the basket as he put the tablecloth inside.

“You were right… we didn’t eat.” He said, Dana smiled with a wink.

“Well… the food anyway…” and giggled. Then her smile faded as she looked at her watch.

“Sam…” She began.

“I know…” Sam replied likewise, reluctantly.

“You have to go now… I understand.” He said as he picked up the basket and offered her his other arm and walked her to her car.

Before getting into her car, Dana turned to Sam and said with downcast eyes and a sad little smile.

“Will you see me again… some time Sam?”

“Dana…” Sam gulped, trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

“I will see you in my dreams. I will see you whenever I close my eyes… I will see you anytime you are able and I am physically able. It would be my honor and it is my fondest wish.” He finished, smiling and holding her hand in his, bringing it to his lips to kiss gently.

Then with tears of sadness and joy mingling in her eyes, Dana gulped and gasped on a giggle. She leapt into his arms, crushing him in a hug and kissing him all over his face and neck… splashing him with tears until she finally ran out of steam and returned to standing, smilingly in front of him. Without another word, Dana leaned in and kissed Sam once more softly on the lips, then turned and got into her car and left.

Sam stood there watching her drive away as he tried over and over to swallow the lump in his throat. Tears prickled the corners of his eyes.

“Till next time my angel… till next time…”

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