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An abandoned sewage treatment plant has a surprise for horny females.
Tracy loved her cigarettes but her mother had one rule; no smoking inside and that was fine with her because she liked to walk to the far back of their property and enjoy a couple cigarettes before bed. She also loved early summer because with it came the warm odors of the swamp in the night air and how fertile everything seemed. With the feel of cool grass under her feet and the night sounds of the insects and amphibians, it gave her a sense of calm. Being 15 and having been born and raised in the back bayou country, she loved the feeling of freedom it gave her. And with their closest neighbors a quarter of a mile away, she dressed simply in a short thin blouse and nothing else. And here on this very warm, humid and moon-lit evening walk however, her world was about to change in ways she couldn't have imagined.

She'd been warned by her mother not to venture too near the swamp ever since she'd been a little girl and for the most part heeded that warning without question. This evening though, she'd pondered again for the 100th time the reasoning behind her mother's warning. Stopping her walk near the edge of the swamp as she finished her first cigarette, she turned for home and lit another when she thought she heard something that sounded like the faint call of a small girl. Tracy stopped and strained to hear it again but couldn't. What she did notice was a distinctly sweet pungent smelling breeze coming from an opening into the swamp that felt warmer than the surrounding air.

As she took in a deep breath of the odor, goose bumps immediately arose on her skin, her nipples fully hardened and her pussy went totally wet. Tracy then took a long French inhale drag on her long cigarette and orgasmed as she exhaled a long thin stream of menthol smoke into the moon light above her. Transfixed on her spot, she then felt herself lose control of her bladder as pee cascaded down between her legs and soaked her feet. As she peed, she sucked down another deep inhale and exhaled slowly through her nose. When she'd finished wetting herself, she noticed the sticky sweet odor again and it seemed slightly stronger than before.

Coming back to senses a bit, Tracy considered what had just happened and what to do next. Amazed but not frightened, the thought of returning home though was overcome with finding the source of what she thought she'd heard and even more so in locating the intoxicating source of the odor. Walking steadily now on a trail that seemed to open before her, she entered the edge of the swamp towards a softly moon lighted area ahead. The strangely warm ground beneath her now was becoming wet as mud squished between her toes. As she continued, the trees and vegetation became thinner towards an open area that was slightly more illuminated than the area around her. Tracy noticed that she was now mid-calf in a grayish green mud but continued towards the opening's center which was about 30 feet across.

Stopping when she'd nearly reached the middle, she found herself mid-thigh deep in the warm and slimy ooz. Another wave a horniness suddenly gave her the feeling that she wanted to submerge herself and she sank to her knees. She loved the sensation the warm mud gave her as it enveloped her ass and ample tits. Keeping her hands above the mud level, she opened her pack of cigarettes and lit one. As she drew in her first drag, she felt the unmistakable and urgent need to poop. Thinking this would be the perfect time and place, she relaxed and began pushing a sizable soft load from her ass. As it made its prolonged exit, she took a long drag from her cigarette and while exhaling, she had yet another powerful orgasm. Bewildered as to how she'd had cum twice now without as much a touching herself, she continued to smoke and take in the surreal scene around her. With the moon light pouring down and the sounds of swamp, she felf perfectly one with the earth now around and below her.

Finishing her cigarette, Tracy rose to her feet, gazed down and was almost giddy as she thought about what a mess she'd made of herself. Slimy ooz clung to her skirt from her tits down. "Guess I'll have to wash off with the water hose when I get home." she thought as she turned to leave and it was then when she felt something at her ankle. Thinking she'd twisted a foot in a vine or a root, her left ankle was actually being entwined by a soft tentacle which began to move. Trying to pull away but to no avail, Tracy felt another tentacle wrap itself around her right inner thigh from behind and extend its way up and around her waist. Twisting around in trying to unwind herself, Tracy felt yet another one quickly snake its way under her skirt upward encircling her tits and upper torso. With her mind a wild blur, another knobby and rubbery tentacle rose up between her legs which began a back and forth motion perfectly rubbing her labia and clit as it did so. At the same time, the suction cups of the upper one latched themselves around her nipples and began to pulse. Almost unbeknownst to Tracy, another thin tentacle entered her anus about 4 inches deep and released its seed. At that point, Tracy gave up her struggle and gave in to her rapidly approaching orgasms. A warm calm feeling deep within her told her to relax and enjoy them which she did for the next three full minutes.

In the relaxation of her post-orgasmic bliss, she began to pee and as she did, she felt the tentacles begin to uncoil and withdraw to wherever they'd come from. Tracy then turned and retraced her steps back to the edge of the bog. Feeling a huge sense of relief when she'd re-entered the back of her yard, she lit a cigarette and slowly made her way to her home. Once there, she hosed off as best she could and hid away her skirt in the hog barn. Good thing her mom was a very sound sleeper as she showered and slipped into the bed for a long sleep.

What Tracy also didn't know was that the bog was part of a long abandoned sewer treatment plant and was where all of the community's untreated sewage first arrived at the facility. Though the place had been shut down for 40 something years, many old raw sewer mains had continued running into it for years afterwards until their use was discontinued. A new treatment plant with new mains finally had come into full use about the time Tracy was born. As the years passed though, many varieties of native and non-native plants including some small exotic marine animals were left unto their own to breed with some surviving and some not. Regardless, this had been the reason Tracy's mother had warned her not to go there.

Tracy had long strange dreams that night. She dreamed the most about belonging to something there that had attractive powers. Seductive smells of reproduction such as flowers and warm earth filled her dreams. She even dreamed of being very pregnant with something familiar but she knew not what it was. She also thought about losing all desire to return to her human ways being free to spend the remainder of her life as a new creature of the bog. She woke in a sweat thinking how warm she felt. She also felt the unmistakable wetness beneath her that told her that she'd wet the bed. "Oh shit, I haven't done that in like forever. Mom will kill me if she finds out." As if thinking it into existence, her mom walked in to tell her good morning.

Having thrown her covers off her when Tracy woke, her mom noticed right away what had happened. "Tracy dear, you've wet the bed. Are you feeling well? And you're completely nude" she said as stared at her daughter's naked form noticing for the first time how much of a woman that Tracy had become.

To Tracy's astonishment, her mom wasn't mad but more concerned than anything. Embarrassed Tracy quickly tried to cover herself in her piss soaked sheets. "Mom, I'm sorry. I'm feeling ok I think. I just must've been really tired last night when I went to bed. I'll clean everything up I promise." Tracy's mom Diane gave her a smile and said it'd happened to her and not to worry about it finishing up with "Let's go have coffee on the deck." which is where Tracy and her mom had their morning coffee and cigarettes. Tracy stripped her bed and put everything in wash not bothering to get dressed. She then went back up stairs, had a shower, put on a long tee-shirt and joined her mom on the deck.

As Tracy sipped her coffee and lit up her first cigarette of the day, she noticed her mom watching her intently. "What?" she said to her mom. Diane responded with "I don't know, you just grew up so fast. You've seemed to have matured right before my eyes and you're quite attractive too I might add." Tracy blushed and said "Well, I come from good stock." and smiled back at her mom. Tracy also thought that her mom looked good for being 35. "Mom you look great yourself." she said and it was Tracy's mom's turn to blush. Tracy also had an idea at that moment to tell her mom what had happened last night since she was in a good mood and might understand.

"Mom, you know I've always been honest with you so I have to tell you something that may not make you very proud of me." Diane took a cigarette and lit it now looking concerned at Tracy. "And what might that be?" she queried. "Well," Tracy started, "you know you've told me not to go into the swamp but last night I did. It was like the smells there had me in a trance or something."

Diane stopped her by asking a question she already seemed to know the answer to. "And what did you do there?" Tracy took a long drag on her cigarette before answering. "Mom, I'm embarrassed but I actually felt like I wanted to get muddy, dirty and..." she trailed off. "And what else, come on, you can tell me dear." Diane gently prodded. What Tracy hadn't noticed was her mom's hand was now under the table firmly messaging her clit through her thin panties.

Tracy continued, "Uh, I had like an incredible urge to poop, and well, you know, when I did, I, I like came at the same time and some more after that." Now she'd said it and felt relieved.

"Is...there...anything...else?" Diane said haltingly as she went through two mini orgasms on her own. "Mom, are you ok?" Tracy asked. "Great actually." she answered. "Just wanting to know if was anything else is all." she said in a more normal voice."

Tracy looked down and dragged hard on her cigarette before continuing. "Well, I felt something kinda' grab me, kinda' like some rubber vines but they didn't hurt me or anything. Kinda the opposite really. I mean they kinda' rubbed me on my privates and my boobs and I had well, you know, I kind of, ahem, came a lot. It was crazy but I peed and they just let me go and I came home."

Diane gritting her teeth came hard again. Tracy, expecting her mom to say something, noticed that her mom's face was sweaty and that her eyes were glazed-over, It was then that she knew what was going on. "Mom, did you just like...". Diane cut her off and said, "I've going to take a shower. We'll discuss this later if it's ok with you darling." She smiled at Tracy and went inside. Bewildered, Tracy watched her mom's ass as she left and saw a big brown and dark wet spot in her panties. "Whoa, what was that all about?" she thought.

Tracy quickly thought whoa again when she lit a cigarette and her bowels cramped and rumbled for several seconds. Looking down at her tummy, she noticed a slight bulge that hadn't been there yesterday but before she could think more about it, she said aloud "I've gotta go now!" and quickly thought of going inside but two things made her change her mind. One was that she wouldn't make it and two was that she'd just lit her cigarette and mom didn't approve of her smoking inside.

"Fuck it, I'll just go here in yard and stepping off the side of the deck, squatted down by the hose that she'd used the night before. In her haste though, she didn't realize that she'd trapped her long tee-shirt with the back of her knees which tightly wrapped it around her ass.

With her bladder aching as well, she took a long drag on her cigarette and her wet squishy poo began to flow in earnest. As she slowly exhaled, she noted the not only the quick speed of her shit's flow but the girth and volume. It was when her tee-shirt began to pull down across her tits and arose her nipples that she'd realized that she just shit in the back of her tee-shirt. "Fuck, too late now. and "Damn, I've never shit that much before." She took another long drag on cigarette when she noticed it slowing down. She'd pooped full on for one minute. Then her bladder gave way and she'd peed for another two minutes. Realizing too that when she stood up that it would all run down the back of her legs, she inhaled again and the warm poo slid down the back of her legs and surrounded her feet up to ankles. "Wow, that felt amazing." she thought as she looked down at what looked like three gallons of shit. As she padded around, It squeezed between her toes.

Suddenly feeling horny and dirty again, she pulled her tee-shirt over her head leaving a foot-wide shit stain over her ass, up her back and through her hair. Now completely nude and half shit covered, she said down in her large paddy of poo. Grabbing hands full of shit, she smeared her tits and tummy. Repeating with two more hands full, Tracy smeared her hair, face and arms. Getting up on her knees in a squatting position, she began furiously masturbating by jamming three fingers in and out her cunt and three more up her ass. As she orgasmed a minute later, she fell tits down in her pile of filth writhing in ecstasy. With her mind numbing cum behind her, Tracy began to realize what she'd done but not that her mom Diane had seen the whole thing through the bathroom window right above where she lay.

Diane, after excusing herself from her conversation with her daughter after she orgasmed, went inside to shower. As she was about to turn on the water, a movement outside caused her to look out the window and see Tracy squatting and shitting in her tee-shirt just below the window. With a perfect view of the scene below her and Diane broke her own rule and lit a cigarette as she began masturbating herself. She couldn't take her eyes off her daughter as she smeared her nude self in her own shit. Dragging non-stop on her cigarette, Diane came three times back-to-back as her daughter did the same. As she watched Tracy rinse herself clean with the water hose, she wet herself through her panties not caring that she made a large puddle of piss on her bathroom floor. "I guess I'll have to tell her." Diane thought to herself as she finally took her shower and cleaned up her mess.

Tracy did her best to clean herself up and her messy poo paddy in the back yard before hurrying inside to put the finishing touches of her clean up in her own bathroom. As she passed the hall bathroom her mom was in, she smelled cigarette smoke. Wondering aloud she said, "Hmmm, wonder what that's all about?" but quickly continued on not wanting her mother to see her in case she wasn't perfectly clean.

Having finished her shower, Tracy was toweling off when she glimpsed her profile in the mirror and almost dropped her towel in shock. Thinking that after the size of her bowel movement in the yard that the slight bulge in her tummy would be gone, she saw an even larger bump. Staring in disbelief, she rubbed where her previously flat belly had been. Her hand moved over her nearly half pregnant looking form and wondered what had brought about the sudden change but nothing came to her at the moment. It felf ok. Kind of like she needed to poop again but nothing seemed wrong. Something else changed too that she hadn't seen. Her tit's looked as though she gained about two cup sizes. She cupped them with her hands and noticed the heft in them. She loved the way they felt and she noted that they were very sensitive and she almost came on the spot. Regardless, there wouldn't be much hiding either condition especially if they keep growing and she knew her mom would see it and say something. "WTF do I do now?" she thought.

Diane was cleaning the kitchen when Tracy came in and sat down. Both spoke nearly at the same time with Tracy saying, "Mom, there's something else I have to tell you." and Diane saying, "Tracy, there's something I have to tell you." After an awkward moment and "you go firsts" Tracy began by telling her mom that something didn't seem right.

"Mom, just after you went inside, I, well, like, had to poop real bad and well, like I I...well I wanted to get dirty again and, and you know, like do stuff again, you know, like my...yeah my hormones are like making me crazy. Tracy stood and turned sideways to show her mom her tummy bump. "I feel like I'm pregnant too. This," cupping her hands around her bulge, "wasn't here yesterday but I swear I'm not." Feeling relieved again, Tracy reached across to and grabbed for her mom's cigarettes on the table but remembering her mom's rule, withdrew her hand. Diane noticed and told her to go ahead and opened the back door. Warm air rushed in and Tracy's nipples grew half an inch as she lit her cigarette as she inhaled her first puff deeply before exhaling above her.

Diane watched her and saw that her daughter's nipples had prominently stuck out of her tee-shirt. She was also envious because she'd also noticed Tracy's tits were pushing out heavily in her tee-shirt as well though she was still very well endowed. It'd also brought back memories of how she'd gone through the same thing and how'd it awakened her sexuality. Her own pussy flooded her panties at these thoughts as she also lit her cigarette.

"Tracy, first I believe you but I also understand what's going on and this may be a little hard for you to understand but I'm telling you as I have no choice and you're just going to have to trust me.. Remember me telling you to stay away from the swamp? Well, I have to confess that when I was maybe a year older than you are now, I went there too and got into the same predicament that say, you're in now. Everything. The struggle in the mud, the uh, the orgasms, the horny feelings, later being pregnant, everything. Diane drew deeply on her cigarette and exhaled fully before continuing. "What you don't know is that it will pass on the full moon which is tomorrow night. You're lucky as I had to wait a almost month before the next full moon before it came out."

Tracy finished smoking her cigarette while listening to her mom but the more Diane spoke, the more confused with questions she'd become. "Wait, what? Full moon? Come out? What came out? What happened and why?" Diane went on to explain about the sewage treatment plant, the "thing" that lived there, what it did to procreate, etc. "You mean that's I'm pregnant with some kind of shit monster's baby? Motherfucker!" Tracy blurted out as she couldn't help saying it even if it was in front of her mother.

Diane continued, "Tracy, I know this is a lot for you to take in at once but I'll be with you through the rest of this and we'll never have to speak of it again if you don't want to I promise. And yes, you'll have to deliver what's in you to the thing tomorrow night and then you'll be back to normal. In the meantime, just enjoy it because you won't be able to do much else."

Dragging on her cigarette, Diane took a chance and said, "Think of it this way; it'll just be like what you did by the deck a while ago except there will be a lot more of it and that's it." Tracy flushed totally red realizing that her mom must have seen the whole thing from the bathroom window. Tracy let out a little whistle as she leaned back in her chair. "Mom, I'm sorry, I just don't know what came over me. I guess you think I'm some kind of deranged little shit slut or something."

Diane quickly went around the table, got Tracy to stand and gave her a tight hug saying, "Nonsense baby and never be embarrassed in front of me. I've already told you that everything you're going through happened to me and that I'm here to help you get through it and enjoy it. I tell you a secret. I enjoyed it very much if that'll make you feel any better." Tracy hugged her mom back and said "Mom thanks, you're the best."

As Diane withdrew a little from hugging Tracy, she saw her daughter's face change from smiling to concern. "What is it baby?" Diane asked. Without answering, Tracy looked down to see both her now huge tits had leaked milk wetting her tee-shirt and her mom's too. "Oh fuck mom. I'm so sorry." Tracy said still staring down at her soaked tee-shirt with her long fat nipples clearly visible. Diane smiled and said, "Forgot to tell you that would happen. Might be some other details I left out too but don't worry about them now."

"Mom, I think those are happening now." Tracy again said while looking down at her feet over her bulging stomach while piss was streaming down her legs. Diane smelled it before Tracy could tell her that she was rapidly and totally filling up her panties with a large warm load of shit. "Go outside and finish your thing." Diane insisted. "I'll clean up in here before you make a bigger mess. Oh, and don't forget to go take care of the hogs and your little piggies in the barn. It's past 7 o'clock already you know."

Tracy grabbed her mom's cigarettes off of the table and headed outside pooping all the way. By now, her panties were overflowing with poo and sliding down the back of her legs. Tracy lit a cigarette and relaxed a little that she was outside. Then she had a idea.

"I'll take care of the hogs and myself too." she said as as she walked into hog barn and stripped naked leaving her soiled clothes in heap just inside the door. To most anyone else, the stiflingly hot and humid smell of a hog barn would've been overpowering but today it made Tracy even the more horny.

"Soooouuuueee." she called out. Immediately from the lot behind the barn, the pigs came in unison led by the big boar. Tracy scratched him behind the ear as he neared her and he grunted in appreciation since he'd gotten a ear scratch from her almost everyday since birth. "How you doing today Arnold? she asked. Tracy broke up the hogs into separate stalls by feeding them separately mostly sorted by size. They knew the routine but she keep the two smallest piglets and Arnold for last.

Tracy lit another cigarette and let it dangling in her mouth. She led the boar into a stall where the mud, pig shit and piss was nearly a foot deep and she got down on all fours. Arnold came up behind her and sniffed her pussy and nuzzled her ass.

"That's it. Want some? Good boy. Fuck me in the ass." Tracy encouraged him. He walked up and over her as he mounting her. She hunched down so his cork-screw cock would enter her ass as he pushed all the way in and began pumping in quick in and out thrusts.

"That's it. Cum deep in me stud boy. Fuck me full of that pig sperm." she said as her tits and big belly dragged back and forth through the muck as the big hog pumped her. She dragged on cigarette as she had a hard orgasm and the boar fully unloaded his hot cum deep into Tracy's bowels which went on for about half a minute. "Good boy." she said as she exhaled through her nose.

As the boar's cock slipped from her ass, it hosed the back of her legs with about a gallon of hot piss. Then she heard and felt something more solid plopping down in the mud while the hog unloaded a huge paddy of wet shit between her ankles.

As the hog backed out of stall, Tracy turned around and repeatedly scooped up two hands full of the hog shit and smeared her hair, face, tits and bulging belly with it until she was totally covered in it. The hard rubbing of her tits made her nipples leak milk. She relaxed her pelvis area and began to both piss and shit hard for about a full minute finally giving her bladder and bulging belly some much needed relief. With the boar gone, the two little piglets entered the stall while Tracy rolled over onto her back sinking back down into the warm muddy and shitty filth.

"Come see Pinky and Cutie." as she called them. "Mommy needs her titties sucked now." She wiped her areolas and nipples fairly clean as the piglets, one on each side, latched onto her fat sensitive nearly inch long nipples and greedily began nursing which quickly led her to three more mind numbing orgasms. Finally dragging heavily on the last of her cigarette, she plunged 3 fingers deeply in her cunt pumping in and out until she reached a shuddering climax and could take no more. "Time to clean up." she thought. "And what a fucking shit slut I've become and I like it. No, I love it."

Pushing off the piglets and pulling herself up by the stall railing, she moved out of the backside of the barn looking for the water hose by the water trough. It took a full 10 minutes of washing off to become clean enough to go back to the house. After that, she gathered up her things inside the barn and walked back up to the patio deck where her mom was outside smoking. Diane looked up and said "Well, aren't you a sight. Looks like you've been doing something other than taking care of the hogs." Tracy looked down at herself and though her belly and tits weren't as distended, there were still traces of muddy shit still on her here and there. The only other thing she could tell was that her nipples were more red and puffy than before. "Uh yep, you could say that. I'm going in to take a shower and then a nap." which she did.

Later in the early afternoon after she woke up, she found her mom in the den and said, "Mom, can we talk? I've been thinking about, you know, the thing in the swamp I've got to do. I'm starting to bloat again and want to know more about what to expect." she said. "You ready for this to end?" her mom answered. "Well, uh, yes and no. The yes part is that I'm nervous about what I've got to do which I'm hoping you can tell me more about but the no part is that I've really enjoyed being in this, uh, condition. It makes me feel, well, you know, really, uh, horny." Tracy said as she furiously blushed.

Diane thought for a few seconds before answering. "Ok, first is that it is tonight, well actually tomorrow morning as I read that the moon will be exactly full right after 2am. Second is that I'll be there with you. The last thing is that you'll go to where you were before and the thing will stimulate you until your condition just kind of leaves you and then it'll be over. It won't hurt too much nearly as much as it'll make you feel good I can promise you that. You'll will be changed from a girl to woman for sure. Where you leave it or take it after that will be up to you.. Honey, I hope that helps. I did it alone and was really scared but hey, I'm still here and I'm sure you'll be just fine."

Thinking of what her mom said, Tracy could feel a rush of wetness gush out of her pussy before asking, "You mean the thing will fuck me and then I'll drop whatever it is in me?" "Something like that because it was almost twenty years ago for me. Now let's get supper ready." Diane finished. She helped her mom cook dinner but didn't eat very much then the two went out on the deck to smoke as they watched a beautiful huge full moon rise above the tree line.

Looking like she was well over 9 months pregnant, she sat in a hard plastic chair just off the patio so that a now constant small stream of milk, piss and shit wouldn't fall on the deck where her mom looked on. No longer having any secrets to hide and having any embarrassment, Diane masturbated while Tracy was in almost continuous orgasm as the two smoked their cigarettes. With a particularly large load of shit pushing out between her legs and over the edge of Tracy's chair plopping to the ground, she said, "Mom, I don't know but I think it's about time we leave." Without saying a word, Diane walked through the house to garage and brought around their golf cart. "Jump in." Holding her daughter's hand, the two drove to the swamp.

Tracy got out first on shaky legs and began waddling to the opening with her mom right behind her. Just as she noticed a couple of nights before, the even stronger and warm intoxicating smell of the bog reached out to her. Diane noticed it too and as the smell filled her nostrils, she felt her cunt go totally wet followed by rivulets of pee. Tracy said, "Let's strip." and they did.

As they reached the mud pond's opening, the two stopped for moment to take in the scenes and sounds of it. The moonlight was extraordinarily bright as were the calls of the small amphibians that were their only audience.

Diane reached out and put a hand on Tracy's shoulder. "I'm here so don't be afraid. Relax and enjoy it." Tracy turned to her mother and said, "I love you." and gave her mom an opened mouth French kiss. Diane responded with her tongue and rubbed the front her daughter's long milk-soaked tee-shirt and beach ball shaped belly. Tracy pushed out another huge load of wet hot shit which just slid down the back of her legs and shuddered as she came. The two made out for a couple of more minutes with her mother cumming too.

Finally coming up for air, Tracy said two things, "I guess it's time and I need a cigarette." Diane lit one for her and one for herself too. Tracy took a hard inhale and followed with a long thin exhale before she turned to move to the center of the mud with her mom following a short distance behind her. Once she thought she found the right spot, Tracy squatted onto her knees with the mud coming just above her titties. Feeling incredibly horny, she brought her right hand down to her pussy to masturbate while keeping her left hand out the mud to smoke with.

Meanwhile as Diane watched and smoked her cigarette, she too felt the urge to squat down in the ooz just behind her daughter. Feeling her mother there, Tracy said, "Mom, give me your right hand." Taking it, she pulled her mom's hand down to her spread cunt and pushed her fingers into it. Diane got the hint and began stroking her daughter's clit as Tracy reached back and began stroking her mother's cunt in unison. After maybe a minute, both women came nearly at the same time.

Tracy turned around to face her mom and spoke first, "Mom, milk my nipples. My tits feel like they're going to burst and they really need relief." Diane was almost shocked when reached up to cup her daughter's bloated left tit and gripped rather than felt her nipple which was more like a small but erect 2" cock. Tracy rose up a bit which lifted her tits out of the ooz and as they cleared, her mom squeezed the penis shaped nipple producing a hard cum-like stream which totally coated Diane's face beginning at her forehead down to her chin. Watching this caused Tracy to cum violently as a huge load of poo simultaneously pushed passed her now totally dialated asshole. Nonplaused, Tracy's mom licked her lips and let out a soft low moan and said, "You taste delicious." and without another word, sucked her muddy nipple into her mouth and began slopily gulping down at least a pint of her daughter's milk before coming up for air.

"Wow, that feels wonderful," Tracy said "do the other one." Diane looked at the other tit and said "I'll try but I might get full before I can finish it." Tracy lit a fresh cigarette and gave her mom a drag before saying, "Please at least try. If you can't, just waste it in the mud." Diane sucked this nipple firmly into her mouth until it almost reached the back of her throat and began swallowing quickly but gave it up only after a few seconds as she began gagging on the over-copious flow. Tracy then watched as she milked it like a cow's utter where it sprayed a hard stream onto her mom's own tits. This triggered Diane's own orgasm as she was secretly playing with her own clit under the mud. "Whew, that was intense." she said as she took another drag off her daughter's cigarette.

The two rested a minute just taking in the surreal scenery around them when Tracy said, "Listen." Diane did so and looked at Tracy as if to say, "Yes, there isn't anything making a sound." Pouring with sweat now, Tracy seemed to sense something was about to happen. Seeing the look on her face prompted her mother to quietly again say, "Don't be afraid. It'll be over soon." and almost simultaneously, a small tentacle gently wrapped itself around Tracy's ankle.

Giving out a small yelp of surprise, Tracy said, "It's got me." as another two larger tentacles entwined themselves around her, one just under her tits and one pushing between her legs from the front through to the top of her ass. Yet another with large suction cups attached themselves to her distended nipples and began nursing. Tracy felt the milk quickly draining from her still engorged tits and swooned as another orgasm overtook her. Laying back in the mud with her feet in front of her, Tracy felt herself submerge nearly up to her chin. The one between her legs began sawing back and forth between her cunt lips with its enlarged tip entering her ass. Almost continously cumming now, Tracy barely felt the one around her torso begin to contract as if to squeeze the lifeform out of her.

Diane, only a couple of feet away, looked on in amazement remembing that she'd gone through the same thing and thought that it was like watching a video of her event. As she dragged on her cigarette, she felt her bowels shift and pushed a heavy wet load of her own shit past her sphincter which plopped into the muck just below her ass. As she slowly exhaled through her nose, a strong torrent of piss flowed out of her pussy and puddled above the mud around her thighs. She reached down behind her and scooped up a handful of shit and rubbed it across her tits. Pinching her nipples made her knees go weak and she sank back down in mud to continue watching her daughter in front of her masturbating as she did so.

Still eriely quite, except for the soft moaning of Tracy going through another orgasm, Diane put her cigarette to Tracy's lips. Instinctively, Tracy inhaled and deeply sucked in a creamy white ball of smoke into lungs. Diane leaned in a gave her daughter a tongue filled kiss as Tracy exhaled and came yet again.

"Everything going ok?" her mom asked. Tracy opened her dream-like eyes to see her mom smiling down at her and smiled back. "Yes." she said finding her voice again. "I could stay cumming like this forever." "Could have told you." was Diane's smiling reply. She gave Tracy another drag from her cigarette while rubbing her now somewhat smaller tits but still very bloated belly. Diane leaned down and started making out again with Tracy as she exhaled blistfuly from her nose.

As their kiss broke, Tracy felt the large tentacle under her tits contract hard as another giant poo pushed past her anus and hot piss squeezed past her cunt lips. "Oh fuck!" Tracy shouted through rapid short breaths as she felt her whole body rise up and suspend horizontally just above the surface of mud. The monster then squeezed its tentacle even harder again only this time lower across Tracy's abdomen where she felt like a six semi-soft softball sized lumps fall out of her ass making a plopping noise into the steaming mess below her. As she opened her eyes she felt the tentacle release her a little and begin a sweeping motion from under her tits to her cunt and back again. As it did this, Tracy felt quart after quart of hot wet shit and piss extrude from her now dilated asshole and pussy bringing her great relief. It then softly lowered her back down into warm slimy ooz as it uncoiled itself with the others and returned to wherever it'd come from.

"Wow fucking damn! That was just incredible!" Diane heard Tracy say in a slightly hoarse voice as she drew closer to to see if her daughter was ok. "That's putting it lightly but let's get home before that something changes its mind. We've got a hell of a mess to clean up and I'm sure you're totally exhausted and I am too." her mom said as Tracy made a great effort just to stand. The two looked back across the bog somewhat longingly as they reached the edge knowing that some day that one or both of them would be back.



2024-10-25 08:53:45
The story is good but why does she have to be 15 years old. Could has just as easily be 18 years without compromising the story.

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