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Day 3 in Mexico for Luz wedding with Maria and friends. I see a different Maria after the wedding and every hole was open for me.
Day 3 in Mexico

I woke up alone in bed with the voice of Maria rubbing my back “Wake up Sleepy Head”. I looked up as Maria was in a sexy yellow bikini top that didn’t cover a lot. Nicole and I want to get some breakfast but Nicole don’t want to leave unless you come with us. She is still scared of that guy from last night. Ok, let me hit the bathroom and I will go with you. I walked toward the bathroom when the door opened Nicole started walking out in a sexy white bikini that I could clearly see her nipples through her suit. Good morning Mark as she gives me a kiss on the cheek. Good morning as I continued to walk to the toilet and then brushed my teeth.

Maria walked in and gave me a kiss on the cheek as I was brushing my teeth and told sorry about last night. Sorry for what? We didn’t have sex last night because I wanted you. Maria don’t feel bad because your family and friends are first over sex. I love you more Mark with them words as she kissed my cheek again. I finished my teeth and got another swimsuit on then walked out to the girls. Ready ladies? Maria ask Nicole “Which beer do you want later as my swimsuit had beer bottles on it”? I like that Budweiser bottle per Nicole and Maria says I would like to try them all but Budweiser first for me. I really like the location of that Bud on the suit too.

Let’s go ladies as I opened the door to the hallway as headed to restaurant for breakfast. We got to the restaurant and sat down at a booth table. The waitress came over taking the drink and food order. The food and drinks were served as we all enjoyed the breakfast. Maria asked if we want to go back to the nude beach? I told her I am good with either beach. Nicole said I am fine going back to the nude as long as it’s just us but we need be back by 2PM to get ready for the wedding at 5PM. I said we will get some waters at the bar before we go to the beach.

We finished breakfast and headed to the bar for the waters then to the nude beach. I will get some towels and as I was getting them I noticed the guy that attached Nicole last night. He was talking to the guy that bumped into M2 at the bar. Per my parents “Trouble hangs out with trouble”. I walked inside the resort and went to security desk telling him the guy from last night is right outside. Two of the security officers came with me as I told them the location and I told them I am going to the main exit if he runs. I was standing outside the front of the resort and about 3 minutes later I saw the guy running around toward me but he was looking back at the security offices chasing him. As he came running around the corner of the resort I closet lined him as he hit the floor. He was knocked out cooled after he hit the ground and the security officers ran up to us. I told them is all yours as they talked on the radio for the police to come to the resort.

I walked back to the girls sitting at the bar with drinks and bottle waters in Maria’s beach bag. I walked up to Nicole smiling and feeling great as I placed my hands on her shoulders. Nicole I just caught the guy from last night that attacked you in the hallway. Really? Yes! Maria asked how and where did you get him? He was standing right outside the two resort buildings talking to Luz fiancé best friend from Columbia. Nicole wrapped her arms around me hugging me so strongly as I wrapped my arms around holding her in the chair. She whispered in my Ear I love you for watching out for me and Thank you. Let’s go to the beach my sexy ladies as I held the towels. Maria gave me a quick kiss on my lips Thank you for making Nicole feel better.

We walked down to the beach and laid out the towels for us all. I watched Maria removing her top seeing her tan tits as she smiles at me then she removed her bikini bottom giving me a view of her shaved pussy right in front of me. Nicole spoke out Maria you have one beautiful body. Thank you Nicole and I hope Mark likes it all the time. I do and I couldn’t disagree with you Nicole. I am one lucky man to have Maria in my life. Maria started to get wet eyes looking at me eye to eye with her. Maria tells Nicole let us see your sexy body and Mark you are next.

I stood up to remove my shirt then beer swimsuit. Wow…someone looks happy per Maria as I had a semi hard on because my cock was standing right up. Nicole looked at me then to Maria saying you are a lucky woman. Yes, I am as she tells Nicole get that bikini off as Nicole removes her top. I was in shock as Maria reached over to feel Nicole’s right tit. Nicole your tits are firmer then my tits. Maria yours are a little bigger still…Yes, but you have some nice boobs…right Mark? Yes, I like both sets. Nicole he is a smart man too…as they both laugh together. Maria then gave me another shock when she reached just above Nicole’s pussy rubbing her saying I see you shaved. Nicole asked me what I think of it? Looks good to eat right with or with hair. Mark be good and don’t get Nicole all excited.

I slapped both butts and ran in the water as they chased me. I jumped into the water swimming away from the girls. I turned around to see them walking in the water holding hands as the water went passing the waist then to cover the tits. I swim toward them saying “Peace” please. Nicole tells me I will never hurt you Mark because you saved me last night. I moved up to both of them as Maria put her arm around my shoulders and I ask Nicole let’s forget about last night. Maria said yes let’s forget about last night and enjoy the beach with this hot guy as she kisses me on the lips with some passion and tongue. As we broke the kiss feeling a little weird kissing in front of Nicole.

I grabbed both ladies and moved out to deeper water holding them close to me. Nicole what color of dress are you wearing for the wedding? I have a tight green dress with some fake diamonds on it. Maria says you are going you so beautiful in it I bet with your black hair. Plus I have some black 3” high heel shoes. Wow…but I like what both of you are wear now. Both looked at me and Maria tells me I bet you wish you had a lot more of us too. Nicole said I bet he would like us to kiss? Maria looks at me again…So would you like us to kiss? Sure if you both want too. Maria and Nicole looked at each other as they moved in for a kiss. I was holding each one of them in each hand as I see there lips touch and held together. They parted to look at me…was that good for you babe from Maria? I just moved my head up and down they laughed. I told you Nicole he would like to see us kiss.

Nicole said I am going to get some sun and let you two alone. I let go of Nicole as I squeezed her booty as she walked to the towels. I held Maria in both hands as she asked me did you like me kissing Nicole? Yes, did you like kissing her? Yes, she has some soft lips. She leaned her head against my shoulder whispering in my ear “Have you every had a threesome”? No…Would you like to with Nicole? I pulled back to look at her and told only if it don’t fuck up our relationship. I love you to much and I would not like to lose you period. Specially to another woman! I understand because that scares me that you might fall in love with her. My heart is only for you Maria.

I felt her hand grab my cock and she wrapped her legs around me. I want you to fuck me because you turn me on so much Mark. I feel my cock moving between her lips as she moved her head on my shoulder “I love you so much Mark so please fuck me right now hard”. I moved my hips up into her as she gasped in my ear “Fuck me babe”. I was pumping myself in and out of her and feeling her hugging my neck breathing heavy in my ear. She was talking dirty in my ear telling me to fuck her harder and shot my cum deep inside her. After a good 10 minutes fucking her she told me she was going to be cumming any minute as I gave her long hard deep strokes in her. O Mark..O Mark..I am cumming and her words helped me to explode in her at the same time. You feel so good Maria and I Love you!

I held her with myself still in her with our heads resting on each other shoulders. I looked up at the beach seeing Nicole laying on her stomach with her ass in the air. Maria let’s go get some sun with Nicole as we walked up to the towels. We starting coming out of the water and I said that looks like a sweet booty that I like to bite. She wiggles her butt at us and I asked Maria if she could put some lotion on me. Maria started rubbing the lotion on my shoulders, back, and back legs. I got the lotion to rub some on her back and shoulders then gave her a kiss. Nicole you need any lotion? Sure, if you don’t mind.

I started rubbing some on her warm shoulders and back then got some more lotion on my hand. Before I rubbed her booty I moved my mouth on her left cheek giving it a little bite and kiss. Mark…you are so bad. I moved my hand over her butt as I looked over at Maria watching me. I squeezed her booty as I rubbed her inner thigh as my thumb rubbed over her pussy lips. Nicole tells Maria he has some good hands and mouth. Yes, and many other things that I can’t tell you in front of him with a laugh. I walked over to my towel and laid face down on my towel.

I fell asleep then I heard Maria talking to me rubbing my back “Babe wake up”. I got up and turned over as Maria tells me that I was sleeping for 20 minutes and didn’t want you burning your back. Thank you. I laid my head down with my eyes closed feeling her hand rubbing lotion on my chest and stomach. Then I felt extra hands rubbing my legs as I popped my head up seeing Nicole working on me with a smile. We need to keep are bodyguard happy and not sunburned. Maria gave me a kiss then told Nicole let’s go in the water.

I put my head back to rest thinking about the last two days and what is to come specially tomorrow. I looked up to see Maria and Nicole talking and laughing in the water with a touch on each other shoulder once in a while. I was looking around the beach and noticed two ladies walking toward us. As they got closer to see it was Jennifer and Christina in two bikinis.

Hi Mark…Hi Girls…coming down for some sun? Yes, we just want some more sun before the wedding so are you ok if we crash your beach? Sure, I don’t own this beach and if I did you girls would be allowed on it. I looked at Jennifer looking at my cock with her sunglasses thinking I didn’t notice it. Jennifer you like what you see? O sorry Mark it’s so nice and big. I agree Jennifer it’s nice but it’s not worth getting fired. Christina placed her towel out on the sand next to me and Jennifer was next to her.

Maria yelled out Mark can you bring us the bottle waters? I got up with the waters and walked to them with a semi hard on. Here you go ladies as I gave them the waters and asked if they needed anything more? Maria said I would love a kiss and Nicole said I would like one too. I gave her a nice easy kiss of the lips and then Nicole one as Maria got behind me. Maria wrapped her arms around me and grabbed Nicole pulling her toward me with Nicole moving her arms around me too. We have a meaty manburger right now as my cock rested against Nicole. I was feeling tits against my back and chest with me saying I like the buns around me.

I reached one hand around Maria’s butt and the other around Nicole’s booty squeezing them. Maria was whispering in my ear I bet you would love to have us both right now. Then I felt Nicole moving her waist up against my cock. Nicole tells me I wish you had a twin brother so I could have a clone of you. I split a finger to Maria’s asshole pushing it in her with her body allowing me as I used my other hand over Nicole’s pussy from behind. Nicole tells Maria I think he has us now. Yes, but I am fine with it if you are ok with it? O yes he has hold of my butt right now as I look at Nicole eye to eye moving my fingers in her pussy under the water.

Christina and Jennifer walk into the water as Jennifer says Mark looks like a hamburger right now. I moved both hands from them and then moved my arm around Maria held her close to me. She rested her head on my shoulder as Nicole, Jennifer, and Christina talked about the upcoming wedding. She whispered in my ear that she was going to get some more drinks and I told her to stay and I will get them. She gives me a kiss on the cheek then headed out of the water. Nicole asked me if I was leaving as she saw me putting on my swimsuit. No, going to get some drinks and Jennifer said wait a minute and I will come with you. I watched her come running out of the water with her tits bouncing and picturing her ass bouncing too.

We started walking to the resort bar after she got her suit on talking about her job at the firm. I handle real estate like Christina. Really? Yes, you don’t think we are smart? No, you both are so young. I am 26..Wow I was thinking you were 22 or 23. Thanks as she grabs my arm and thinking in my head does Maria see us. Mark do you want to go to my room? I would love to fuck your Latin ass but I am will Maria. Mark I would let you fuck my Latin ass and anything more you like to do to me. We get to the bar to order the drinks and some chicken nachos. You sure you don’t want to go to my room and come back for the drinks in a couple minutes? I would love to but I just can’t do it to Maria. You really love her? Yes I do! She is one lucky lady to have you and that meat package.

The bartender gave me a tray for all the drinks and told him I will bring back the tray when we return. Jennifer you carry the nachos and napkins as we started walking to the girls. So you like anal? Yes, I use my anal dildo almost every night to be ready for a man because I broke up with my ex a couple months ago. Why is he an ex? He will not let me have a threesome with two guys but it’s ok to have a threesome with me and one of his girlfriends. You had a threesome with his ex friend? No, it was a friend of his that was a girl that he knew she liked both men and women. Wow…you are a good girlfriend and I would be ok with you having a threesome with two guys. I like you more Mark.

Hi Ladies we are back as the nudists come walking out of the water to us. I let the girls grab the drinks from the tray and Jennifer held the chicken nachos. Maria feed me a chip as I grabbed a drink then I placed the tray on my towel. Everyone thanked Jennifer and I for getting the drinks and food. Maria laid down on her towel face down and the others girls did the same so I got up removed my swimsuit to head in the water. The water felt great as I turned around facing the beach looking at four booties up in the air. I was thinking in my head I wish I had a camera to take a picture of this view.

A couple minutes later Maria got up and walked toward me in the water. When she got to me wrapped her arms around me then told me I missed you when you were gone. She kissed me nice and easy at the start then I got some strong tongue. I held her as I felt her nipples against my chest. She broke the kiss and asked me if I wanted to go back to the room now. Sure, if you ok leaving your friends. Nicole already told me that if you were her’s you would still be in the room and hoping she didn’t walk normal again. So you want to walk funny at the wedding later? Maybe if you can do that to me as she smiles at me.

We started walking out of the water as we put on my swimsuit and she put on the bikini. Maria told them we are going to get out of the sun and Nicole said enjoy the room with a smile to us both. She grabbed my hand as we walked back to the resort and she told me she wanted to have some alone time. I opened the door as Maria walks in removing her bikini top then into the shower removing the bikini bottom. Come join me as I walked in the shower removing my swimsuit. She reached out to me as I stepped in grabbing her hand as she pulled me toward her body then kissed:me. After the she told me I have never had anyone in my life more then Marco. I love you so much Mark and I hope you know that already. Yes, and I feel the same way about you.

We made out for sometimes in the shower and felt each other bodies. Mark I want you in my life whenever you are ready and Marco has told me he loves you too. I love you all as I kissed her so strongly holding her body against me. I grabbed her ass kissing her so strongly with her hand grabbing me cock pushing into her pussy as my head broke her lips. Mark please fuck me and make love to me in this shower. I pulled her up right leg up straight up against me holding her in my arms kissing her. After we broke the kiss I told her yoga pays off in this position. She kissed me again then I broke the kiss and told her “I LOVE YOU” as I pumped myself in her as she moaned out.

We fucked in the shower until she released herself on me and then we dryed off to continue on the bed. We got in the bed as she got on top of me riding me reverse cowgirl with me finger her asshole. O Mark I love your cock in me and I want your seed deep inside me as she rode me. Maria you feel so good and I am the happiest man in the world to be with you. Mark you are the only man for me as she cums on my cock moaning out and hearing pushed me over as I cum inside her. O baby I love you as I shot my last stream in her.

We held each other as she laidback on my chest as my cock popped out of her. O Mark that was so good. Please don’t ever leave me! I will never leave you because I love you more then you love me as I kissed her neck. I held her feeling her body then she asked me to fuck her ass because she loves my cock. I will as soon as I get all my cum off me that you just dropped on me. I will clean you babe as she got on the side of me the started licking my cum off my stomach and cock area. She sucked me some more to get me fully hard again.

She moves to doggystyle position waiting for my cock to fuck her asshole. Mark I want you to fuck me as you wish because I love you so much that my body is yours. I moved my cock to her asshole rubbing it against it. Please fuck my ass Babe. My head broke her anus entering then I went deeper in her as she called out my name…MARK…O FUCK you feel so good. Mark please cum in my ass! She looked back at me telling me I want to feel your cum in my asshole now. I fucked her like so fast and hard that she was begging me to cum in her ass as fast as I could because she was hurting as I fucked her hard and fast. I didn’t want cum yet so I pulled out then popped it back in hard. O Fuck Mark…that feels good but hurts too.

About a good 15 minutes fucking her ass my balls gave me that feeling as I told her I was about to cum. Mark please give me all your cum and as deep as you can as I held her hips fucking her. O FUCK…I shot my first stream deep inside her then the remaining streams as she went to her elbows breathing heavy. I laid on top of her back with my semi hard cock still inside…..O fuck Maria that was great! I thrusted. My semi hard cock still in her ass trying to get it back to hard. After a couple strokes I felt the blood coming back to my cock still in her ass.

Mark are you getting hard again? Yes, your body does that to me and I want more of your ass. Mark I am not sure my ass can take more of you babe. You told me I can have you as I wish…Right? Yes, I I guess you want me walking fun tonight? Give me a couple strokes and if it’s to much please tell me you want me to stop. I want you to rub your pussy as I fuck your ass. Ok, babe.

I moved slowly deeply back in her as I hold her hips…O yes Maria..I love your ass! I love all of you Mark. You ok with me going faster Sexy ass? Yes, it’s yours as she moaned as she rubbed her pussy. Ok, feel my cock and I want to hear you cum rubbing the pretty tasty pussy. O Mark…Keep talking dirty to me. You like the feel of my cock in your ass? Yes…O fuck…I thrustEd myself in her ass as she moaned out. You like this big dick hitting you deep inside and you want my seed again? Fuck Mark I want all of you in me so fuck me harder with that small dick. Ok, now I will give you my small dick in your ass so don’t moan if it’s small.

I held her hips tight then rammed myself back and forth like a jackhammer in her ass because I was getting close to cumming again. O Fuck Mark….O Fuck…she yells out telling me she is cumming with her rubbing herself and me fucking her ass the fastest I could go. O YES comes from her mouth and that pushed me over as I shoot my second load in her ass stream after stream. Mark that was incredible feeling with you in my ass as I cum. I pulled out as she moved to the bathroom to lose my load inside her and returned to me. She returned to me as I was sitting up on the side of the bed. Babe I want more of you as she pushed me back as I laid on my back looking up at the ceiling fan.

She wipe my cock with the towel and started sucking my cock as I felt her smooth lips moving over my head. She had me fully hard in minutes sucking me then she moved on top of me pushing my hard cock back in her pussy. O Babe…you feel so big in this position as I see her move up and down on my cock. She moved her body down on me to kiss and I wrapped my arms around her back. I would thrusted my cock in her as she came down on me…O Babe I love that move you are doing as I continued doing it. O Babe I feels good so don’t stop do it. I held her hips up a little and started fucking her faster as she moaned out..Yes fuck my pussy babe. I did it for a good 2 minutes when she moaned out I am cumming then I felt her wetness over my cock with a tighter grip around my cock. I said in my head this girl is a cum machine right now and I love it.

We kissed some more then I moved on top of her fucking her in this position. I grabbed her legs pulling them up in the air as I watched my cock move in and out of her. Mark fuck me harder as she grabbed her feet pulling them closer to her head and I placed my hands to the side of her on the bed. I was slamming myself in her hot wet pussy for a couple minutes. I told her let’s try a new position and tell me if you like it? I pulled out and stood up on the side of the bed pulling her to the edge.

I popped my cock back in her as she laid on her side hold her as I fucked her moaning each time I went inside her. O Mark I like this position…me too as I slapped her ass cheek. Come on Babe fuck me harder and give it to me. I continued to slap her sexy ass cheek fucking her “O FUCK Babe I am going to cum again”. I pulled myself out with just my head inside then slammed it back her as she gasped out “O Fuck” again and again. I was feeling her pussy tighten up on my cock as she was looking at me gasping for air to her orgasm approached her body. O Mark, O Mark I am cumming as her eyes closed and still fucking her faster and harder holding her hip. She shaked a little as she came with her squirting then she opened her eyes like she was stoned out of her mind.

I kissed her and told her that I love you so much Maria. I know you love me Mark and you know I love you. Yes, I know Maria. I held her right shoulder with my right hand as I was moving faster in her pussy. She was breathing heavier with each stroke in her and I was getting closer myself. Mark are you going to cum soon because I want to feel your cum again because I love when you cum in me. I felt my balls give me that feeling and my cock exploded with all my seed for the day. I held her tight with my cock still in her and kissed her with a strong deep kiss.

We both went to the shower for a quick clean up and returned back to the bed. She rested her head on my chest as I had my arm holding her. Maria can I ask you a question? Yes. Where do you see us 5 and 10 years? I hope to married, kids, big house, boat for you, and everyone healthy for the remaining of our life’s. What about you? Yes, the same life with 5 kids and a successful business for us both. Ok, you seriously want 5 kids? I want as many as you want to pop out of the beautiful pussy and love equally. Well if you want 5 kids you better marry me soon because I am older then you. I grabbed my phone to set an alarm for 1 hour as I told her let’s take a little rest before the wedding as we both take a nap with my arms around her.

The alarm went off as I turned it off with Maria still in my arms. I gave her a kiss on her head and asked her if she wanted the shower first. We can shower together because I like washing your body as she looks up at me. Ok, sexy get that hot body in the shower now andI will be with you in 2 minutes. Maria headed to the shower as I watched her move her ass with little different walk that made my cock jump under the sheet. Maria how does your ass feel? I spoke out to her telling her I love your butt and how does it feel? She stopped as she turned her head back at me “It’s ok so I guess you didn’t do a good job on it” I am happy you like it because you can have it in the shower if you want it but bring the lube”.

I grabbed the lube and walked into the shower as she was washing her breast. I placed the lube on the shelf them moved my arms around her from behind. I moved my hands to her hands resting on her breast then moved my fingers over her nipples. O Mark I love your hands on me as I moved them over her nipples. I pulled on her nipples as she moved her neck back toward me as I kissed her neck. She turned around as my hands moved over her body to hold her butt. She gave me a strong passionate kiss as she pulled me closer to her body. After the kiss she grabbed my cock stroking me slowly then got the bar of soap to clean me. Mark I want to clean your body before get ready for the wedding.

She grabbed the lube to rub some on my hard cock in her hand looking at me. Mark please fuck my ass…Ok, turn that sexy ass for me. She turned around as she grabbed her ass cheeks spreading them for me. I moved my head against her sweet little asshole as she gasped out “be slow Babe”. I pushed into her slowly as my head started opening her ass up and sucking my head in. O yes Mark! I told her you push back against me as you feel you can take it for now. She slowly released her butt cheeks the layed them on the wall with the water hitting her shoulders. She turns the water off with her pushing back more to see three quarters of my cock in her. She moves her ass toward her as my cock moved out of her and she pushed back against me taking me fully in her now.

She told me that she loves my cock in her and is really likening anal more. Mark go ahead and fuck my ass as you wish because it’s yours. I held on her hips and fucked her slow at first but picked up speed as she requested me to do. Please fuck me harder Babe and when are going to cum pull out because I want it on my face. I will sexy ass! As I was fucking her she was telling me how she wanted it harder and deeper. She was pushing me closer to coming and I told her I am getting closer sexy.

I must have fucked her ass for 10 minutes then i pulled out stroking my cock. Maria turned around to her knees opening her mouth waiting for my seed. Here is comessss…I shot the first stream right to the right eye as she closes her eyes now. The second one hit her mouth, chin, and tits with the last streams of my cum. She moved her mouth over my cock with her right eye open looking up sucking me. She tells me I guess you got me babe as I tell her you wanted it sexy. Yes, but I love it still as I turn the water back on for us.

She cleans her face and chest then turns around to me as she gives me a kiss on the lips. Let’s get ready even if I love to stay in this shower all night with you. We stepped out to dry off and I went to the main room to get dressed in my new suit. I got in my suit then sat down on the edge of the bed. Maria was in the bathroom still with the door closed getting ready then the door opened as my mouth hit the floor. I was speechless looking at her walk out in the dress that was a tight to her body. You are beautiful Maria as I stood up as she walked toward me. She does a little turn for me to show off her dress and I walked up to her. Maria I am happy to be your man tonight for Luz wedding with you. I gave her a kiss on the cheek as Maria grabs my hand. You make me feel sexier when you are with me Mark.

We walked out of the room and headed to the wedding area facing the beach. Arriving we saw all the other ladies from the beach looking hot in the dresses. Christina was the hottest looking out of the four younger girls. M2 and Nicole has not arrived yet as we walked over to the four girls. Maria talked to them about how pretty everyone looked and they did the same to her. Jennifer said to me you are the best looking guy at the wedding Mark but I like your beach suit more. All the girls laughed and agree as Maria agreed with them. Christina tells Maria you are a lucky lady to have Mark. Yes, I know I am as she holds my arm close. I am lucky to have Maria more like it. Sue said here comes Nicole and Maria (M2) as we turned around to see. Wow…two more pretty ladies join us.

M2 gives Maria a hug and tells Maria she loves her dress and then asked “Did this man come with your dress because if so I am shopping with you the next time”? No, as the girls laughed out. Nicole said to me you look great Mark in that color and I hope Maria let you dance with me tonight. Sure, all of you can dance with him but I get the first and last one. All the girls said “Deal”! A man came over to us asking if we could take are seats for the wedding. Maria held my hand as Nicole wrapped her arm around my other arm…Maria can I walk in with you both and sit with you? Sure, I don’t think Mark wouldn’t mind having two ladies tonight again because he already slept with us last night. I looked at Maria as she smiles to me as my brain was spinning with her comment.

We walked up to the seats as Nicole moves into the row to take third seat. Maria asked me to go in because she wants to sit on the end to see Luz. We all sat down waiting for the wedding to start as both girls talked over me as I leaned back. The music started as the Groomsmen walked down the parents to the front row seating. I told Maria that Luz mother looks pretty in that pink dress. Yes, I hope her breast don’t pop out in that dress. I have no issue…Maria looked back at me..Yes, I bet you would like that too. Here comes the Bride music started as everyone stood up. Luz came down with her father and I couldn’t tell if she was scared or not sure she wanted to get married. Nicole whispered in my ear..”Luz looks nervous”. Yes, she don’t look happy for a bride getting married.

The wedding got all wrapped up and everyone started heading out to the cocktail area near the beach. I walked with Maria and Nicole on each arm and I asked the ladies what would they like to drink? They both said “white wine please” as they went to a standing table. I got the drinks for the girls and Sue came up to me asking if I need a drink? Maria told me go get us another round with Sue because Nicole just gave her drink to Christina. Ok, come on Sue as I walked behind her back to the bar. I stood behind her as we waited at the bar and she stepped back for someone to walk by us as she bumped into me. I placed my hands on her waist holding her and she joked around with me..”I need a less 1 drink in me before we go back to my room”. We don’t need a room or drinks as I smiled back at her.

We got back to the table to notice Maria glass was empty. Maria here is another one sexy as I gave her another glass of wine and Nicole one too. Thank you Mark from Nicole. The girls had 3 glasses of wine each with some appetizers before we walked into reception hall. We went to a table near the dance floor that sits 8 like all the others. The Bride and Groom entered and did the first dance as everyone watched them. Maria leaned over to me “I hope that is us one day”. I told her I hope it’s us one day too as she gave me a quick kiss.

The all the waitress started delivery the plates to the wedding party and then all the guest. We all started eating as the DJ tells everyone that the Bride and Father will dance then the Groom and Mother dance. Maria moved to go to the bathroom and Nicole went with her. I watched them both walk to the doors with a little slow wine walk “Getting Buzzed”. Christina came over to me asking if I would dance with her later tonight. Sure, I will dance with you all but I must dance with Maria first. Ok, I understand that if I was Maria too.

Nicole and Maria returns with 4 drinks and gave me 1. I need you to drink so all the girls can dance with you. The DJ made announcement that the dance floor will be open after the Groom/Bride have the first dance and would like all the couples to join them shortly. Maria grabbed my hand “let’s dance” as I got up to dance with her. We danced holding each other close and she told me I love you so much Mark. Yes, I know and you know I love you too. I am just telling you if you ask me to marry you it will be a yes. That is good to know I will get a “Yes” as I smile at her. Maria tells me that she needs to start drink water because she is feeling a little buzzed. Yes, I can see that to sexy but I will take care of you as I pulled her closer. I gave her a kiss at the end of the dance and walked back to the table.

I pulled out the chair for Maria and as I pushed it in Nicole stood up telling Maria I am going to dance with Mark now. Ok, enjoy he is all yours because I got the first dance. Nicole grabbed my hand to the dance floor as we danced freely to the music. Nicole look very hot in her green dress that was tight to her body showing it off including her tits. Nicole got close to me and I smelled her perfume. Nicole you look very sexy and smell really good as she smiles and tells me “Thank you”. I look sexy in my dress as she came closer to me rubbing her butt against me. No, you look fucking hot in it! She smiled at me as I placed my hands on her hips dancing. I wish you had a twin brother because he would get laid tonight.

The song ended as we walked back to the table and then Christina grabbed my hand as I was walking back. She started dancing grinding her small body against me as I held her hips with her ass rubbing my semi hard cock from Nicole. Mark you getting excited dancing with me? Yes, because your sexy ass is rubbing my cock. You feel good against my body and can only imagine what you feel like inside. You must be feeling good talking this way to me. Yes, Mark I feel very buzzed right now and I would take you to my room if no one would miss you. I guess that is not going to happen little hotty as she gives me a sad face. We walked back to the table as Maria & Nicole walked to the exit doors.

I sat down and drank some water and the body told me let go to the bathroom. I stood back up to head to the bathroom as Patty got up and walked with me to the bathroom. Mark you look so hot in that suit…Thanks Patty and you look very hot yourself. You want to go to my room for a quickie …with a laugh? Patty the last time you couldn’t handle it. Yes, but I am a little drunk so I will not feel the pain that much and you can fuck me as you wish. I would love to tap your ass. Yes, but I would love it more Mark. I grabbed her ass as we exited the doors to the bathroom. Yes grab my ass Mark and squeeze it harder. I did it again as we walked to the bathroom entering and parted away.

I went to the bathroom and came out waiting for Maria, Patty, and Nicole. About a minute later Maria and Nicole came with one arm wrapped around each other and Maria was kissing Nicole’s neck. I don’t think they were excepting me outside the bathroom as they both gave me a surprise look then smiled at me. Mark you should smell Nicole’s perfume? I see you both are having a good time. Yes, we are babe and I hope you are too. Yes, I am and just want to make sure you both are ok. Nicole gives me a hug and then Maria does the same. Let’s go dance out the liquor ladies as I hold both the girls on each side of me.

We got to the dance floor as the other girls joined us free dancing. I had a lot of bumping going on with ladies and then out of blue I had hands from behind me rubbing my chest. I heard the voice from Luz asking me if I was going to dance with the bride? I turned around to see Luz as I grabbed her hands moving back and forth with her dancing. We danced another song and then her mother came over to dance with me as Luz father danced with Maria and Nicole. Luz mother boobs bounced and I told her she is very beautiful in that dress. She gave me a hug after the dance and whispered in my ear “See you in Miami next week” as she tapped me on my butt.

Maria came back over to me wrapped her arms around to a slow song as I laid my hands on her butt. Sweet talked a little about the wedding and how much she wanted me tonight after this party. I squeezed her ass and she told me yes I want you to cum in that too. She gave me a passionate kiss as the song ends.

I thought we would be walking back to the table but we are heading to the ballroom exit doors. Come with me Mark as she held my hand to exit doors of the hall to outside. She turned around as the doors closed and kissed me so strong, hot, and passionate as I grabbed her in my arms. We started making out and the she broke the kiss pulling me to the side of the building with trees covering us. She moved down squirting in front of me undoing my pants as she pulled out my cock. She looked up at me to say I bet all the girls would love to suck your cock like me and placed it in her mouth looking up at me. I moved my hands to the back of her head in her hair. You was so fucking hot sucking me and she was possessed to make me cum fast. After 5 minutes sucking me I said “I’m going to cum any second” she looks up at me sucking me. As soon as our eyes met I shot my load in her mouth and she swallowed all of me looking up at me.

I looked up after that awesome blowjob to noticed Nicole dress walking back inside the door. Maria stood up lick her lips straightening out her dress then tells me you have the best tasting cum and so much every time. I have so much is because I am with the hottest woman in the world. She gives me a smile and a quick kiss then tell me let’s get back to the party. We walk back in with 2 new drinks as all the girls were dancing and Maria joined them. I sat down at the table trying to regroup everything back together and drink my Jack/Coke. Nicole comes back in and walks to the dance floor with all the girls.

Maria comes up behind me wrapping her arms around my neck “Come dance me and the girls”. Also dance with Nicole and try to make her happy because she don’t seem happy for some reason. Ok, I stood up and walked to the dance floor and walked over to Nicole. Would you like to dance with me? Yes, as she gives me a little smile as I reached out to her. We danced for two songs with and Maria walked over to Nicole giving her a hug then a quick soft kiss on her lips. That look so sexy and hot in my head watching them.

The DJ made an announcement for the final dance of the night as the Groom & Bride start the dance as everyone made a circle around them. I had Maria on my right arm and Christina in my left arm as moved back and forth in the circle. Christina squeezed my butt as I looked at her as she smiles at me so I did the same thing back to her. I squeezed Maria’s butt as she looks at me with a smile then whispers in my arm asking if I could help some of the girls back to the rooms? Who needs help? I think Christina and Patty might need some help back to room. I think Nicole and you need some help back to the rooms after all your drinks.

The song ended as we headed to the table to pick up everyone’s belongings but Christina missed sitting in the chair to hit the floor. I helped her up to her chair as she rested her head on the table. Nicole was standing holding on to the table as Patty and Maria finish up their drinks. I told them both you need to drink water and put down the wine. Ok, ladies ready to head back to the rooms now because the party is over. I helped Maria up as she told me she is fine and grabbed onto Nicole as they both walked to the exit. Maria tells me she will be in the room waiting for me but help the girls first.

I helped Christina up and then walked to Patty getting her up as we all walked back to their rooms. Sue and Jennifer were leaning on each other walking back as we followed behind them with M2 behind us. I was looking back a couple times making sure M2 was still behind us as we approached Patty and Sue room. I helped Patty in her room as she told me I should stay with her and Sue tonight as I laid her on the bed. We walked down the hall with Christina and M2 in my arms as Jennifer was in the best shape out of the girls on drinking.

Jennifer opened up the door as M2 stood against the walll in the hallway waiting for me. I helped Christina in the room as Jennifer when into the bathroom so I walked her to the bed. Christina grabbed me trying to pull me on the bed telling me that I am staying with her tonight. You are back in your room and I need to get M2 back to her room now so maybe another night Christina. Jennifer comes out and I tell her she is all yours now as I closed the door pulling M2 to my side. Mark I am glad you go rid of the other girls and we can be alone. Yes, you are the only one left to take to your room. Best for last right Mark? O yes Maria.

I got M2 to her room as I helped her open the door then walked her in. Mark please help me get this dress off..zipper in the back Mark. I unzipped her dress as she push it down as it hit the floor. Mark your turn to remove your clothes as she turns around with no bra on with a little smile. Mark please stay with me a little longer and I will make it worth it for you as she try’s to remove my jacket. M2 I bet you would give me a nice reward but I need to head back to my room now. Ok, but I want a Goodnight kiss. Ok, as she gives me a soft slow kiss on the lips then moves her arms around me fast then moves her tongue in my mouth. I placed my hands on her bare ass squeezing it as she moans in my mouth. In my head I wanted to feel her pussy as I reached more behind moving my fingers over her lips. She moans as I broke the kiss and told her goodnight as I headed to the door. Maria calls my name as I turned around seeing M2 bending over the bed giving me a sexy view of her ass as I departed her room closing it.

I got back to the room as Maria was laying on the bed in a sexy white linguine. Mark I am glad you made it back because I was not sure you would be coming back after dropping all the girls off. I will always come back to you and specially in that outfit as I walked closer to her. You are the sexiest woman in the world to me Maria. She moves closer to as she gets to her knees on the bed looking up at me. Mark I want you to do anything and everything you want to do with me tonight and any night. She kisses me deep and strong as we hold each other.

I leaned toward her as we both laid on the bed me on top of her kissing. I broke the kiss and told her I am going to make you feel so good in a couple minutes. I kissed her neck, nipples, stomach, and kissed her pussy lips. I felt her hands moving in my hair as I licked her pussy to hear her moan a little each time I licked her. I moved my thumb rubbing her clit as I continue licking the sweet tasting pussy. I noticed she put in the butt plug as I was eating her out.

O Mark that feels so good…don’t stop…don’t stop! I used my other hand pushing on the butt plug as she moaned higher each time I touched it. O Mark I am cumming as a flood of juices hit my face. I jumped back because I was not expecting that wave of juices. I looked up at Maria as she had her eyes closed with both hands grabbing the bed sheets. She opened her eyes as she looks at me with a smile..”Did I get you wet Babe”. Just a little but I love making you feel that good to squirt.

I get a towel to dry my face and dry the bed as much as I could. She comes over to me on her elbows to suck my hard cock as I stand next to the bed. I dropped the towel and placed my hand on the back of her head forcing my cock deeper in her mouth. I face fucked her faster and deeper as she was gagan as she looks up at me as I pull her head back off me to see her watery eyes. Keeping do it Mark I am yours to fuck your way. I moved my cock back in her mouth fucking her as I was getting close to blow. I slapped her ass pushing my cock as deep as it could go in her mouth and lasted about a couple more seconds as I blow my load in her mouth.

She swallowed everything she could as I gave her the towel from the floor to wipe her mouth and face. I told her to get on top of me as I laidback on the bed with a semi hard cock. She got on top of me and guided my cock in her very wet pussy. O Mark I love your cock as she moves completely down on me. She moved up and down me slowly as I sucked on her nipples with a little biting to them. We fucked in this position for a good 10 minutes when she yelled out “FUCK ME MARK” as she cums all over my hard cock. She falls completely on my chest breath heavy in telling me you are the best.

I kissed her and rolled her over on her back then started fucking missionary. I was popping my cock in and out of her hard with fast movement. Maria was moaning very fast as I slammed my cock as deep as it could go inside her as my hips hit her hips. Come on Mark fuck me harder…make it sore so I remember this night. I pulled myself out to my head then slamming it fully in her so I hit her hips driving her into the bed mattress. That’s it do it again! I did as she wished as I was getting the feeling in my balls so I just turned to fast fucking her. I gave her another 5 strokes and shot my seed in her deep as she clamped her legs around my back pulling me in.

Mark I feel your boys swimming in me and it feels wonderful. I would love to make you a Daddy one day when we are ready. Yes, I would love for you to carry our baby. I pull out and get the towel on the floor for her to catch my boys flowing out of her hot pussy. She used her fingers to scoop some of my seed and placed it in her mouth. It’s taste better with both of us together as she moved her fingers to my mouth again.

I need to get him back up for more fun so she turned toward me as I laidback and she started giving me head again. She had me hard in a couple minutes sucking me then she asked me what I wanted to do next? I want your ass. Yes, I want you in my ass. I told her to lay on her side as I stood next to the bed and I pulled her ass to the edge on the bed.

Sexy are you ready as I pulled out her butt plug then rubbed my cock against her asshole. O Yes Babe I have been thinking about this when I was giving you head earlier. I pushed my head to her pre-opened whole as my head breaks inside her anus. O Fuck Babe go slow until you are fully in me. Remember you told me I can have you anyway I want you. She looked back at me with a look of agreement on my words and she tells me “Yes, you are correct so do me as you wish”. I pushed myself slowly straight in completely as she gasped out “O Fuck”.

You ok? Yes, but don’t move for a second as I held myself in her ass for 5 seconds then slowly pulled back. I pushed back in her as she kind of pushed back against me. You fuck me now sweet ass as she looks back at me with a smile. She starts fucking me with moans each time she pushed fully against me and I felt my breathing getting heavier. Maria I love your ass and everything you do for me. I love you and specially your dick right now.

Please tell me when you are going to cum because I want it my mouth. You sure? Yes, tell me. Ok, it will not be long as I held her hip and I started fucking her. I pumped myself as hard and deep as I could go inside as I felt the balls give me that great feeling. I pulled out of her and she spins around to catch my load. She grabbed my very hard cock stroking me with her hand with a wide open mouth waiting for my streams of cum. She looked up at me with mouth open and that pushed me over as I exploded my load all over her mouth and face. She started sucking my head looking up at me that gave me chills because no girl has sucked after I ass fucked her.

She lets go of me and walks to the shower for a quick clean up as I follow her 5 minutes later. I enter the shower as she finishes cleaning herself and wrapped her arms around me I love so much Mark then gives me a strong kiss. Cleanup and I will be in bed waiting for you for more if you are up for it as she strokes my cock once again in her hand.

I do a quick clean up and brush my teeth but as I enter the room I see Maria sleeping already facing me. I get in the bed as I scoot up against her from behind pulling the sheet over us. I laid against her thinking how lucky I was to have a woman that was successful, smart, not jealous, great mother, cared for me, sexy, and was giving me the best sex in my life. I wrapped my arm over her and we both went to sleep.

I hope you liked it even if it was a little long in details.
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