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I was still able to see Kaitlyn now and then but she always held her cards close, keeping our interactions friendly but very business like until one day after visiting the Starbucks where she worked, I got a text message from her.
I never thought it would happen, I never thought she’d contact me again, but she did and when I got the text message from her, I was excited but cautious.

Kaitlyn was always on my mind, wanting to see her, almost needing to see her, I continued to visit the Starbucks where she worked. There still seemed to be some tension and even though I tried to flirt with her, our interactions were strictly business. I really liked seeing her and maybe it was just me, but I sensed she was hiding her feelings.

One day however, when I happened to visit, hoping to see her like always, Kaitlyn wasn’t there. I didn’t think anything at first, figuring it was probably her day off, but when I asked the manager where she was, he explained that she had transferred to a kiosk closer to where she lived.

Acknowledging him, I accepted it, but as I left I thought, “Maybe she’s trying to give me the hint that she doesn’t want to see me anymore.”

She had voiced this before and I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that’s what she was doing. However, I knew where this other Starbucks location was, and it was actually on my way to work, well kind of. As I considered it, I thought about how easy it would be for me to swing by, but I didn’t want her to think I was stalking her, and so I decided to stay away, but I wanted to see her.

In an attempt to twist the narrative I thought, “Maybe in some way, shes trying to see if I’d come find her,” and after convincing myself that it was okay, I eventually decided to casually swing by to see if she was there.

I knew Kaitlyn usually worked afternoons so I felt this would be my best bet to run into her. As I headed home, I was nervously wondering what kind of reception I would get when and if, we saw each other, but I had to take a chance.

Taking a deep breath as I got out of the car, I innocently went in. At first I didn’t see her but as I looked around there she was, coming out of the back. She didn’t recognize me at first but as she got closer, and she saw me, she looked excited, but as she got even closer, she seemed guarded saying, “Hi, how can I help you, “ as she went behind the counter.

Smiling, I ordered my usual drink, and as I waited for her to make my coffee we were friendly. As we made small talk, I tried to carefully keep the conversation as easy going as possible. Kaitlyn’s had a great smile and her pretty blonde hair and steely blue eyes were mesmerizing. She of course was wearing the usual black polo shirt that she liked to wear unbutton all the way down hinting at showing some cleavage, tight black slacks that accentuated her butt, and that damn loose fitting green apron. As always, I couldn’t help but “check her out” every time she looked away or bent over, kneeling down. It was really nice to see her and when she casually mentioned that she had moved to an apartment, I listened attentively.

She was excited as she explained it was a one-bedroom apartment on the second floor, in a nice area. I tried to appear excited too, which I was, and seeing her smile, caused me to ask, “Where is it?”

This made her cautiously pause, but seeing I was genuinely interested, she pointed and eagerly tried to explain to me where it was. I knew the general area and as she handed me my coffee, she felt comfortable enough to say how happy she was to be on her own.

As we smiled at each other, I nodded as I thought about how nice it would be, to be alone with her again. However, I knew I had to tread lightly if I was ever to have a chance, but I felt without actually saying it, she was almost suggesting she wanted me to come by. I continued to try to keep the conversation innocent and realizing I didn’t want to overstay, I decided I should go. As I started to leave I smiled and casually said, “It’s really nice seeing you.”

Smiling, she said, “Me too.”

I didn’t actually want to leave and before I headed out the door I turned and asked, “When are you working next?”

Turning her head, she explained with a sheepish smile that she’d be working afternoons the next few days. It was nice to be able to talk with her, because she seemed so much more personable. Maybe it was because she was in a different location away from the “regulars,” but in any way, she seemed happy and more open to talk.

The next time I visited her at Starbucks, she was again excited to see me, but immediately became very professional as she came up to me at the counter. I wasn’t sure how to perceive her demeanor, but when she asked what I wanted without looking at me directly, I could see she was a little nervous.

Not wanting to let on, I innocently ordered my usual. I was concerned that maybe she had a change of heart seeing me as she remembered what we had done worried her. In any case, it still confused me.

Leaving, I quickly headed home, wondering what I might have done, and as I drove, I decided to again stay away for a little. Sitting at home and continuing to think about Kaitlyn, I suddenly got a text, it was Kaitlyn!

I first tried to figure out how she got my number, but excitedly, I opened it and as I read it, she was trying to explain her awkwardness saying, “Sorry for being so short,” and then asked, “See you tomorrow?”

Hesitant to respond, but wanting to see her, I eventually texted her back saying, “Don’t worry,” and continuing by telling her, “Yea, I’ll see you tomorrow,” with a smile emoji.

I didn’t want there to be tension between us, but knew Kaitlyn was having mixed feelings about what had happened. The rest of the night and even the next day, she was all I could think about and so immediately after work, I quickly headed over to the Starbucks where she worked.

Seeing each other, she smiled but then seemed to become distant again as I approached the counter. Not looking directly at me she asked, “Do you want the usual?”

Pausing, hoping she’d look up, I said, “No, let’s change it up,” trying to get her attention.

As she looked at me, I immediately looked up at the menu board and said, “What do you suggest?

Looking at her, she smiled and suggested I try one of the new drinks. She suddenly became more excited, a little more personable and after paying, I simply thanked her and turned to leave.

Coming out from behind the counter, she said, “Thanks for coming by.”

This made me turn and as I looked at her, I nodded and simply asked, “How’s your new place?”

It surprised her I think, but I also think it was the opening she was looking for, because with a big smile she simply said, “It’s great.”

Continuing to look at her, it seemed she wanted to say something else, but what, and as I again turned to leave, she suddenly asked, “Maybe you’d like to come over sometime,” and then trying to make it appear an innocent request she continued by saying, “You know, just to see it.”

I was taken aback, not knowing what to say, but turning and pausing to think about what she had just asked, Kaitlyn then said, “I understand if you can’t or don’t want to.”

Immediately, I snapped out of it and excitedly said, “Sure!”

This made her again smile and when she said, “I get off at 7:00, do you wanta come by this evening?”

Of course I did, but I didn’t want to appear desperate, even though I was, I said, “That sounds good,” and then asked, “What’s your address?”

It was set, and as I reached out my hand, we smiled at each other and I asked if it was okay to come by around 7:30 as we politely shook hands. Kaitlyn happily nodded, but then seeing a couple walk in, she quickly went back behind the counter.

As she greeted them and took there order, she glanced over at me, casually rolling her eyes with a smile as she started to make their drinks,. Smiling back, I waved and said, “See you later.”

I had a big smile on my face, excited that I had a chance to be with her again and after quickly running home to clean up a little, I waited impatiently. As I sat there, I started to worry that she’d text me saying something came up or to say she couldn’t for some reason, but she never did.

As I pulled up to her apartment building and parked, I was apprehensive about going through with it, but I was there and so I took a deep breath, and headed up to her apartment.

It was a nice com-plex, clean and well kept, and as she answered the door, I tried to put on an enthusiastic smile. As she opened the door and I saw her smiling, it made me feel good that I had decided to risk .

I was excited to see her and being with her again at any level was what I wanted, what I needed.

She was wearing one of her low cut, paisley peasant top that really didn’t show anything being she didn’t have big boobs, but of course I looked. I did however see her thin pink bra strap as it ran along side the spaghetti strap of the top, which made me excitedly think, “I so want to hold you.”

Looking back up, she smiled slyly, and turning, she inviting me inside. Facing away from me for a moment as she started to close the door, I turned to see what else she was wearing. Looking down at her legs, I could see she was wearing a pair of faded and frayed blue jean shorts that were cut short enough to show the pockets, and it made me think, “What great thighs.”

She really had great legs, and as she closed the door and turned to face me, I quickly looked up not wanting to get caught staring, but it was too late. Kaitlyn looked down briefly to see what I was looking at, and realizing I was checking her out, she looked up at me smiling. Stepping toward me, she lean into me and gave me a hug. It startled me at first but as I hugged her back, she seemed to not want to let go, but when she eventually did, she stepped back shyly, and smiling, she quickly directed me toward the couch.

Looking around, her apartment was modestly decorated. It had an open floor plan, with one bedroom off the main area, and as we sat down, we looked at each other. There was an awkwardness and so trying to break the tension, I remarked how nice her apartment was, which made her smile and say, “It’s really nice you could come over.”

As we made small talk, it was hard to not look down, wanting to see her chest and check out her thighs. I wanted to hold her again and after constantly getting caught checking her out, she politely said, “I’m really glad to see you,” attempting to change the air.

Nodding and smiling as we looked at each other, I simply replied, “Thanks for letting me come over.”

Smiling sheepishly, she stood up and as she moved toward the kitchen area she asked, “Do you want anything to drink?”

Pausing, I asked what she had, and knowing she enjoyed drinking beer, I already knew what she would say. I think this was an attempt to regain her composure, and as she came back over to the living room, and handed me a beer, she suggested we try to find something to watch on TV.

Agreeing, she grabbed the remote and as she fumbled through the channels, we eventually found a movie to watch. As we sat back and watched the movie, we continued to talk, as we nervously polished off a couple beers. Our conversation eventually lulled, and when it did, Kaitlyn suggested, “How about we order out?”

It was a good idea, not only to help keep our conversation going but to also keep us from getting too drunk, too soon.

I was genuinely enjoying being with her, and yes I wanted to take advantage of her, and when I occasionally caught her curiously looking over at me, I wondered why, but realized, like me, she was wondering if I might make a move.

We decided on pizza, which was easy and after laughing and talking about what we wanted on it, we went into the kitchen area where she quickly called the pizza place close by. After placing the order, Kaitlyn grabbed a couple more beers from the refrigerator and as she handed me one, I quickly downed the one I already had.

Kaitlyn led us back out to the living room now and as we sat on the couch, she moved closer. Looking at me giggling slightly, she casually put her hand on my thigh. She was obviously feeling no pain, and as I put my hand on hers, she looked at me as I held her hand. Quickly glancing back up and seeing me looking at her, she leaned toward me and we hugged. Instinctively, I kissed her on the head, which made her sit up and as she looked at me suspiciously, she smiled and asked, “What was that for?”

Looking at each other for a moment, I took a chance and blurted out, “I’ve really missed seeing you.”

Smiling, she leaned into me again, and as we again hugged, she leaned up kissing me on the cheek.

There was an awkward pause as we looked at each other, but then impulsively, we ended up kissing on the lips. As we held each other, Kaitlyn seemed to hold me extra tight again, and when she quietly said, “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me anymore,” I gave her a big hug.

Holding her away from me now, we looked at each other, I sarcastically said, “I’ve thought about you way too much.”

This made her smile but she seemed nervous, realizing she had obviously betrayed her real feeling, and needing to slow things down, she took a big drink from her beer. Quickly standing up, she asked if I needed another, as she headed toward the kitchen area.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I figured it was the pizza guy, but I felt a little uneasy not actually knowing. After looking at each other curiously from across the room, she smiled and said, “That’s probably the pizza.”

Walking to the door and opening it, she greeted the delivery guy, and as she handed him some money I said, “Wait, let me pay for that,” as I stood up.

Moving toward the door, trying to pay, she closed it and smiling said, “I got it.”

Following her into the kitchen, she put the pizza on the table and handed me a paper plate. I was too excited to eat and I think she was too, but we each ended up taking a slice. Moving back over to the couch, we quickly scarfed down our slices and after finishing another beer, I asked to use the bathroom.

As I stood up and she pointed me toward a door off the kitchen, I hurried off to pee. I needed to regroup, I needed to try to create an opening to make out with her, but I was apprehensive.

Returning back to the living room and seeing her laid out, hogging the couch I smiled at her and asked, “Now where am I supposed to sit, hmm?”

I wanted to just climb on top of her, but smiling she sat up, putting one foot on the floor and keeping the other leg on the couch, bending it slightly at the knee. As her leg lay flat on the couch, I couldn’t help but look down, because she unknowingly had her legs spread enough, exposing her crotch. Seeing her inner leg muscle tensed and the edge of her panties just faintly past her pockets as they hung down, I quickly had to look up at her.

Kaitlyn unknowingly looked down now to see what I was looking at, and as she did, I leaned forward, and putting my hands on her legs, she looked up at me again. Smiling at her, I quickly kissed her and when she closed her eyes, I laid her back to one side on the couch.

Moving down until I was kneeling on the floor, I leaned over her, and when she opened her eyes, I gave her another kiss, which quickly turned into us tangling our tongues in each other’s mouth. Holding her by her waist, I gradually slid my hands up until they were both on her rib cage, and as we continued kissing, I gradually moved my hands up until they were just under her boobs. Kaitlyn instinctively gasped, and opening her eyes and looking at me, I could feel her mouth smile as we kissed. It felt so good to be with her and she seemed to be enjoying it too.

Putting my hands directly on her boobs now and gently giving them a squeeze, she took a deep breath as we continued to kiss. I wanted to keep things going, seeing if she was receptive, I gradually started to inch her top up, and I moved my hands up under her top, we stopped kissing. When my hands eventually found her bra, she looked at me cautiously. Smiling at her, I gently gave her boobs another squeeze, which made her lean up and kiss me.

In the heat of the moment, as we held each other, I reached around her with one hand, quickly unhooking her bra with a simple pinch. Surprised, Kaitlyn hastily grabbed at her chest trying to hold her bra in place, but as I moved my hands up under it, she relented as we again kissed.

Feeling the cool skin of her little breasts and her hard little nipples was a turn on, and wanting to see them, I stopped kissing her and tried to lift her top up, hoping to see them. Kaitlyn stopped me and as she pushed my hands down, I found myself immediately trying to undo her shorts.

Unbuttoning the top button, she again stopped me. Leaning away from her slightly, she smiled slyly, and dropping her hand, she grabbed at my crotch as I knelt there. Instantly feeling my hard on, she looked at me, and sarcastically smiled saying, “What’s this?”

Smiling back, kind of embarrassed, I again tried to undo the rest of the buttons on her short, but as I tried, Kaitlyn again moved her hands up stopping me. Looking at her, she smiled cautiously and suggested, “Let’s go to my bedroom,” as she sat up.

Continuing to look at each other, I leaned back on my heels, letting her stand up. Smiling, as she adjusted her top and her shorts, she held out her hand.

Taking her hand and standing up, she quickly led us into her bedroom, and as we went through the door, I playfully spun her to face me. Seeing her smile, I backed her against the edge of her bed and quickly lifting her up onto the bed, she giggled slightly. Wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me close, we again kissed.

Trying again to unbutton her shorts and pull them down, she laid back, helping me. Her panties inadvertently crept down slightly and as I looked at her pussy pushing against her panties, Kaitlyn immediately reached down adjusting them. With her leaned up on her elbows, I reached up and putting my hands on her tits, we looked at each other.

Pulling her top over her head now, she sat up and as she raised her hands over her head, I easily slipped it off and cast it aside. Her bra, being undone, hanging off her, she adjusted it so it was a least covering her boobs, but as I casually slipped my hands under it to feel her tits, her bra slid off her shoulders.

Looking at each other, she let her bra slide the rest of the way down and as she tossed it off the bed, we kissed. Kaitlyn had nice little firm boobs and when I again reached out to feel them, she instinctively put her hands on mine, but didn’t stop me.

Feverishly making out, she suddenly pushed me away slightly and as she grabbed at my shirt trying to pull it over my head, I smiled and happily helped her take it off. Kaitlyn now felt on my chest and then looking down, she reached for my shorts and as she tried to undo them, I reached down helping her. Getting the button undone and the zipper down, Kaitlyn watched intently as I lay to one side, pulling them down the rest of the way.

Pushing them down with my feet and kicking them off the bed, I quickly adjusted my boxers as I looked at her. When I sat back up again, we held each other and as we kissed, I moved her up on the bed further.

Kaitlyn again groped for my cock, wanting to feel it, but as we continued to kiss and I felt on her tits, I eventually went down, kissing her chest, before sucking and tonguing her little nipples.

Looking up at her briefly, I continued on my way down, until I was nuzzled against her panties. Kissing and feeling her mound through her panties, Kaitlyn leaned up as I closed my eyes and started mouthing her warm little pussy.

It was so hot to be here and as I pulled her panties to the side, I moved down until I could dip my tongue in her slit. She was wet and the smell of her sweet little pussy excited me so much, I quickly tugged at her panties with both hands, pulling them down. Looking up at her and seeing her smiling, I pulled them over her feet, and immediately went back down to eat her pussy.

Kaitlyn now bent both her knees, and as I spread her little lips with my one hand, she squirmed a little, spreading her legs more as I continued to lick and eat her. I wanted to be in her, and so I eventually stopped and moved back up, excitedly trying to pull my boxers down. Kaitlyn now leaned on her one elbow watching, and as I smiled at her and leaned to one side, I hastily pulled them down over my feet.

Kicking them away, Kaitlyn feistily pushed me to my back, and after looking at each other briefly, her eyes immediately looked down as she reached for my cock. Grabbing it, she sat up and as she looked up at me, she kissed my chest as she slowly stroked my cock. Laying back as she moved down, I could feel her kissing and mouthing my cock. It felt amazing and when I happened to glance down, and she looked up briefly for reassurance, we smiled at each other.

Kaitlyn’s attention though, immediately shifted as she looked down, and then as she rubbed my cock again, she closed her eyes, and mouthed it. Smiling to myself, I laid back; I couldn’t believe it, but wanted it and as she continued to rub my cock, she suddenly took it in her mouth.

It felt so good, and as I laid back, I wanted to cum, I didn’t want her to stop, but really, I wanted to fuck her, and so I reached down stopping her. As I pulled her back up, she quickly licked her lips and smiling asked, “What’s wrong?”.

Not saying anything, I smiled and as I pulled her on top of me, she gave a little laugh. Yea, I had wanted to get her off first, but right now, I really didn’t care, and as she straddled my waist, she realized what I wanted. Reaching up to feel on her tits, she smiled and as I gently pinched her nipples, she reached back herself, feeling for my cock. I was rock hard thinking about being in her and as she moved a little trying to get comfortable, I reached my one hand behind her, and tried to guide my cock into her pussy. Kaitlyn then took hold of my cock, and moving it up and down her slit, she raised up and then sitting back, she pushed it in.

Kaitlyn’s face told the story as my cock slowly went in her. Grabbing her by her waist as she started moving up and down on, letting me goin and out of her, she suddenly smiled and leaning forward she kiss me.

As we continued kissing, she again tried to move so my cock was going in and out of her, but it suddenly slipped out. Looking at each other, Kaitlyn smile and as she reached back again, trying to put my cock back in, she seemed to struggle.

Seeing her frustration, I told myself I was going to try to fuck her either way and so I said, Here,” as I moved her off me roll off me having her lay on her back. Smiling, I got on top of her and as we looked at each other, I asked if she was okay. She seemed to be very relax, simply nodding, I hurriedly reached between us, grabbed my hard cock, I immediately tried to push into her.

Kaitlyn pushed on me telling me to go slow, and as I slowly ran it up and down her slit, I leaned up kissing her, as I pushed it into her a little more. Looking at her, she seemed to grimace a little, and grabbing the covers now with both hands, I tried to move in and out of her, hoping she’d relax again.

Kissing her as I started to fuck her, she put her hand on my ass as I pumped my cock in and out. Vigorously fucking her now, I held he tight and told her, “I’m going to cum.”

Making sure I didn’t stop, she forcibly helped me move up and down and said, “Cum for me.”

Desperately trying to focus my thrusts now, wanting to cum, I suddenly stopped. Holding her down as my cock started to jerk inside her, Kaitlyn continued to try to keep me moving until I had to say, “Stop!”

Kissing her as cum continued to spill out inside her, I slowly started moving my cock in and out of her again. It felt good, but when I felt her body go limp under me, I started to worry. However, when she suddenly reached up and put her arms around my neck, and we kissed, I found myself smiling.

I was done and as I looked at her and my cock slipped out, I rolled to my side out of breath. Putting my hand on her stomach, trying to catch my breath, I asked, “Are you okay?”

When she didn’t say anything, I leaned into her more and jostling her, I again asked, “Are you okay?”

Nodding her head, I kissed her shoulder and said, “That was amazing.”

Climbing out of bed, she hurried to the bathroom, leaving me to wonder. Standing up myself now, I moved over to the bathroom, waiting for her to come out. When she finally opened the door, it surprised her that I was standing there and as she stepped out I said, “Excuse me,” as I stepped passed her, going into the bathroom.

When I came out, she was in bed. Seeing her smiling, I knew things were good between us, and as I moved over to the bed, Kaitlyn pulled the covers back, obviously suggesting I get in. Smiling, I quickly climbed in, threw the cover back over us and gave her a hug, kissing her.

It was late now, and as she tried to convince me to stay, saying I had been drinking, I eagerly agreed. We eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms, but in the morning, something was different. I was feeling great about what had happened, but I sensed some apprehension on her part, again seemingly concerned about what had just done.

Feeling I needed to get going, I got dressed and kissing her, I left. “What had happened,” I thought, “was is my age or?”

It was confusing, but I finally came to realize that it was a need for both of us I think, to be with each other for closure.

I continued to go see her over at the Starbucks, and yea, I flirted with her like I used too, all the time thinking about how badly I wanted to be with her again. However, one day while I was visiting her at Starbucks, she excitedly told me she had a new job opportunity and said, “I’m never going to have to work for Starbucks again.”

Smiling, I tried to appear excited for her, but a feeling of uncertainty came over me, knowing I might never see her again. She told me when her last day was going to be and when I asked where she’d be working, she told me it was a finance company that was in town. She really was excited, and as I continued to try and be excited too, I think she knew I’d miss her.

I didn’t want to not see her and I thought about visiting her at her new job, but I also felt it was probably inappropriate. Lately, I’ve wondered if she actually wanted me to come find her, to signal my true feeling for her, but at the time, I thought it would put her off. Later I heard from one of the other baristas that Kaitlyn had a new boyfriend and that she was going to get married. When I heard this, I knew for sure we’d never again be intimate.

I still think about Kaitlyn and I feel she must think about us as much as I think about her. I continue to hope that we might run into each other one day, but as of yet, it doesn’t seem very likely. I know she’s trying to move on, and I know that the thought of what we had has got to be on her mind too. I really wish I could see her again, but for now all I can do is reminisce.
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