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An uptight manager always liked teasing her employees. A mistake one night leads her into a compromising position, luckily she’s given an easy way out.

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Emily cleared her throat as the elevator rose. She adjusted herself a little bit, making sure her pencil skirt was perfect and her blouse captured her great figure. Her forty fifth birthday was two weeks ago and she was determined to not let it show. The elevator slowed and the doors opened. Emily drove forward with purpose, nodding as she passed people, just to let them know that she was aware of their existence. She knew that the men in the office wanted to stare at her shapely ass and tight body but none were willing to put up with the consequences of such an action. Emily always brought the hammer down at the slightest hint of sexual harassment and now that she was running the branch nobody dared step out of line. Today she was trying out something new.

She’d seen it online and thought it’d be perfect for her perky C cup breast. She was wearing a purple blouse that blended shadows well and underneath a cupless bra. The satin felt amazing against her nipples and every time she moved she felt a little arousal. She was having a management team meeting today and really wanted to get the guys riled up. She knew that with this get-up every dick in the room would be rock hard as the men did their best to stare at the conference table. To add to her arousal she’d also decided to skip wearing panties today, going commando also made her skirt look that much better.

Once she had settled in she decided to make her rounds. Between her Barre classes and her yoga she had become quite fit and graceful, moving from desk to desk. She’d check in with her employees, making sure she was bending over enough to temp glances down her blouse. If any guy had been so bold they’d have been handsomely rewarded. Emily almost felt sad that she’d pussy whipped them all into a spineless bunch.

Her rounds were cut short when she saw that the carpet near the copying room was covered in dust and debris. She turned to the closest employee, a middle aged man who she’d watched get fat and sad over the years. Emily planted her hands on her hips, opened up her chest a bit and pointed with her toe, “What is this?”

“I’m pretty sure that's from the renovation crews, the building management has been working in here at night.” He barely looked up from his desk when he talked. Emily smiled internally and scowled at him.

“Get this cleaned up and I’m going to have to have a talk with those animals.” Emily headed back to her office to get a contact for the work crew. She didn’t make any headway and soon it was time for her meetings.

The rest of the day flew by. Between her normal workload, talk of a new branch opening up and one of the company’s VPs was scheduling a visit she barely noticed when five o’clock rolled by. What brought her attention back was that she heard some people come in and start playing music on a radio.

Emily shot up from her desk. She hadn’t had a chance to scold an employee today and this might be it. She was a little surprised to see that it was two young men with safety vests on. She made sure she looked composed and walked over to the two men. They both seemed to tower over Emily’s 5’4” frame, but she was used to being shorter than men and wouldn’t let that get in her way. As she approached the two guys put down the brooms they were carrying and gave her a long look up and down. Emily could practically hear their erections straining against their dirty jeans.

“Are you the slobs that have been leaving my office a mess?” Emily planted her feet and put her hands on her hips. She was pretty sure her nipples were poking into the blouse and she was beginning to feel unsure if her normal tactics would work on these guys. She guessed they were in their early twenties and both were fairly jacked.

“Well good evening to you too Ma'am. We’re the guys who are cleaning up the mess thank you very much.” The taller of the two spoke with more confidence than Emily had heard in this office in ages.

Emily could feel her control of the situation slipping a little and wanted to regain it. She saw an especially large piece of debris on the carpet and bent over to pick it up. Out of habit she bent at her hips and gave the guys a brief glance down her blouse. Both men let out signs when she bent over. Emily returned to standing and flicked the debris at the guy who had talked. “You don’t seem to be very good at your job then.”

The guys stepped back a little. Emily bent down again to get another piece. She was closer to the guy who hadn’t spoken yet and didn’t notice as he moved behind her. While she was still bent over, Emily felt a pair of hands grab her hips and pull her against a body. Emily could clearly feel an erection through his jeans and instinctively gave it a little rub with her ass. She heard a moan behind her.

As she slowly rose one of the hands caressed her body stopping at her breast. Emily was now looking directly at the guy who had first spoken as his friend felt up her tight little body. She still felt mostly in control but knew that she was getting too horny to maintain a position of dominance.

The guy behind her began working her blouse up. She got her arms out of it but he bunched up the blouse and only pulled it partially from her head, effectively blindfolding her. She shuddered as she felt a tongue begin to grace her left nipple. It took all of her self-control to stifle a moan. Both her tits were being squeezed as he went back and forth between her nipples. The guy behind her started to grind his cock harder into her ass. Emily fumbled her hands down to the zipper on her skirt and released it in one fluid movement.

She backed off of the guy behind her and tried to unzip his pants. She got them loose enough that she could run her hand down his hard cock. While Emily had been briefly blindfolded and distracted by the nipple play, both workers managed to start recording the scene on their phones. They’d propped them on the closest desks in reach and were getting two angles of the scene.

Emily was disappointed when the mouth left her nipples. As the frustration and lust built in Emily her blouse was finally lifted and she saw the man in front of her was buck naked with a raging cock. Emily bent forward at her hips and began licking his shaft while keeping her ass on the other guy’s dick. She felt him back off and disrobe and soon enough he was back up against her, rubbing his dick against her wet snatch. He found his mark and slowly entered her shapely body. He had begun pounding into her as Emily began really sucking on the other guy’s dick.

Not since college had Emily been spit roasted and that was back in her sorority days. She had a trick though that she’d never used back then but wanted to test out now. She moved her right leg in so it was right under her body and slowly lifted her left leg and twisted her body, opening up to a standing split up against his body.

This new position gave the guy getting his dick sucked a great angle to start kneading her perky tits. The whole scenario was getting Emily hotter than she’d been in a while. The guy was deep throating her at this point and the slightly choking sensation was causing her orgasm to build..

The guy in her pussy began rubbing her clit at he hammered into her, bringing her over the top. As she began cumming she tightened her core and pussy, breaking the guy’s stamina. As she was hit with the first wave of her orgasm she also felt him release in her pussy. In another second she felt the other load blast down her throat.

Without saying a word she dismounted from the two guys, made an audible swallow, and gathered her clothes. She went back to her office and got dressed. By the time she was done, both the guys were gone. Emily was a little disappointed she’d given in like that but it had felt so good.

The rest of the week Emily made sure she left a little early to avoid crossing paths with those guys again. She’d almost forgotten the incident over the weekend. The following Monday she arrived in the office and found a manila envelope on her desk. She turned it over and read a note that was attached, “Looks like you had fun last week. Those guys were nice enough to share the experience with us :)”

Emily’s heart dropped as she opened the envelope and pulled out the pictures. They weren’t the best quality but it was clear that it was Emily getting railed by the two guys. The last shot was a great one showing off her standing splits. Emily walked quickly to her shredder and dropped the envelope in.

Emily was shaking as she sat down and looked out into the office. She wasn’t sure who had the pictures but knowing how she’d treated these guys she was sure it had already made the rounds. She tried to push this all out of her mind and focus on the upcoming week. She was still dazed when the VP in charge of her region showed up. She went through the motions with Charles but it was clear she was a little off.

Towards the end of the day Charles approached Emily in her office, “Hey is everything okay with you? YOu seem a little off today?”

Emily put on her fake smile, “Yeah, I’m just feeling a little off.”

Charles shrugged, “Well I was planning on taking the team out for drinks tonight, and you’ll be joining us right?”

The idea of sharing drinks with her coworkers sickened her. “I don’t think I could make it, not tonight. Sorry.”

Charles passed it off and left her alone. When he left a couple minutes later most of the office followed him. Emily was relieved by the quiet and left early for her home. It took a couple of drinks but eventually she calmed down and was able to get some sleep.

Emily felt a little better the next day and tried not to think about all these guys looking at her naked body. She buried herself in her work for most of the day. Shortly after lunch Emily looked up from her computer and noticed Charles standing in the door way. He smiled and cleared his throat, “Hey Emily, one of the reasons I’m here is that we’re looking to make some personnel changes and I’ll be doing a final once over of you and your performance before we start drafting the assignment letters.”

Emily was slightly confused, it sounded like she was going to be moved but the new office opening up across town was going to be smaller and borderline a demotion. Had management heard what happened and decided to punish her? Charles chuckled at her confused face and closed the door behind him, “Don’t look so worried. The management team was unsure of having you run both this office and the new one so they’re bringing in Jodi from Chicago. This means that the Chicago office needs a new lead. Is that something that’d interest you?”

Emily couldn’t help smiling. This would be her way out of this office and a way to start fresh with a group that wasn’t aware of her issues. She took a deep breath in, “Yes, that would interest me very much.”

Charles looked down at his feet and then locked eyes with Emily, “Good to hear, we’ll start the paperwork right away. There is another matter I think we should talk about. I understand some pictures have been going around the office.” Emily gasped slightly but Charles continued, “I need a favor and I think you need one too. A couple of my friends from business school are in town and we have a bit of a tradition. We take turns bringing in some entertainment for a night and this trip it’s my turn to deliver. The catch is that we’re supposed to bring somebody willingly from our respective companies.”

Emily began shaking her head, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Charles didn’t skip a beat, “What I am offering is to have IT permanently delete all copies of those pictures from our servers, email, and phones, and tag the file so if it is re-uploaded a notice will go to HR that the employee has put pornographic material on company property. I’ll also personally make clear to the people who currently have the pictures that they will be fired and blackballed in this industry if they are caught sharing it again.”

Emily began to realize that even if she did move to Chicago, without the photos being deleted they’d just follow her there. This was her way out. She just needed to let some of Charles’s friends fuck her. “Who are these guys, are they with our company?”

Charles knew he was in, “No, after we all graduated we went pretty different ways, so you don’t need to worry about them popping up down the road. How about you take the afternoon off and go to a spa, on me. Think this over and if you’re interested then meet me at the Fairbanks Hotel Bar at eight thirty.” Charles put his credit card on her desk and left the office.

Emily left the office shortly after that and headed to her favorite downtown spa. She decided to get the works, a massage, manicure, pedicure, a wax, and she even decided to try getting her asshole bleached, just to see what it’d be like. She grabbed a light dinner on Charles’s card and thought briefly on the proposition. She knew she was going to take him up on it, there was no other real way to continue her career at this firm. She needed to nip this scandal in the bud, and with a VP in her corner she was sure it could be done.

She didn’t have a chance to return home before heading to the hotel but figured the men weren’t going to be there for her clothes. As she walked into the hotel she marveled at how nice it was. She quickly guessed that Charles had gotten a suite and it was easily costing the company over two grand a night. She made her way to the bar and found Charles. He bought her a drink and laid out how the night would work, “You’re here so I’m guessing you’ve decided to help me out.” Emily nodded and Charles continued, “For everyone’s privacy I’ll be blindfolding you for all the activities, this keep my friend’s identities safe, and it’ll keep your identity safe.”

Emily nodded again, this was actually a relief, she really didn’t want to have to face these men and feign interest in them all night. She absentmindedly finished her drink. When she put her glass down Charles got up, “Looks like you’re ready to head up. Don’t worry, nobody is here yet, it’ll just be us.”

Emily followed him through the lobby to the elevators. Soon they were alone and headed up and Emily started to get cold feet. Charles could sense her nervousness and knew he had to ease her into this a bit. After they were in his suite he turned to Emily, “You’ve been quite so I’m guessing you’re a little nervous. You really shouldn’t be. How about you undress and I’ll make you another drink.”

Emily shook her head, “No drink for me, I think that’d just have the opposite effect.” She began pulling her blouse from her skirt. Charles left to get the eye mask and some silk scarves. When he returned he was greeted with the view of her beautiful tits hanging as she pulled down her skirt and panties. He was impressed with how quickly she undressed and that she had chosen to keep her heels on. Charles saw she was staring at the scarves, “These are more for decoration than anything. I’ll be tying you to the table, this’ll help keep things orderly. And don’t worry I won’t tie them tight, just enough to stop anyone from trying to drag you off to the bed.”

Emily hadn’t been tied up in a while and wasn’t entirely comfortable with losing control like that but she kept reminding herself about Chicago and a clean slate. She walked over to the table and sat on the edge. Charles came over and laid her down on her back. He spread her legs into a split, which she managed with ease. Charles felt the pressure building in his pants. He tied her ankles to the legs of the table, the knots were a little loose but firm, ensuing she wouldn’t lose circulation but she also wouldn’t be able to get out. Emily relaxed into the position as Charles came around to the other side of the table and tied wrists in a similar fashion. Once she was tied down Charles grabbed two throw pillows from the couch, he put one under her neck and head, providing her support and allowing her to relax he head down over the side of the table, she knew she’d be getting face fucked and appreciated that Charles had taken her comfort into account. He put the other pillow under the small of her back and adjusted her a little more. Emily’s heart was racing. The eye mask was soft but let a lot of light through, so Emily wasn’t surprised when she felt a scarf being wrapped around her head, plunging her into total darkness.

Charles broke the silence, “I’m going apply some body oil to you, it’ll provide some relief to you, trust me. I’m also going to lube you up a bit and leave the bottle out.”

“Okay,” Emily was more nervous than she thought she’d even been. The cool oil was poured across her chest and down towards her sex. Soon she felt Charles’ hands rubbing over every inch of her body. The massage-esc nature of his touching helped relax her and soon she was even enjoying it a little. She heard another bottle open and felt Charles dribble a liquid on her pussy lips. She knew this was coming sooner or later but she still tensed up a bit as she felt Charles begin to press his cock against her snatch. He used his cock to spread the lube around a little and began working it between her lips. He started slow and even though she thought there was sufficient lube he pulled out and reapplied some to his dick and her pussy. Once he reentered her he began to fuck her vigorously. Emily wasn’t too thrilled with the experience, it all felt a lot more sterile than she had imagined.

It only took a couple minutes of Charles fucking before she could tell he was nearing his climax. She thought he was there when he suddenly pulled out and shuffled around the table. Emily opened her mouth and let him finish down her throat. She almost chuckled to herself. If this is all it takes to get through the night it was easily worth it. “Oh, damn. You really have a great pussy. I’m sure the boys will get a real kick out of it tonight.”

She heard Charles move around the room and put his pants back on. “I’m going to go get them now, don’t be too worried, we have a bit of a pact about not talking so other than some grunting you won’t be getting to much conversation tonight.” Emily felt as a blanket was draped over her and before Emily could say anything she heard the door open and close.

Charles went to the lobby and met with the nine guys who took him up on his offer. Over half the male population of the office was a pretty good turnout. He walked through the ground rules again, “No talking once we go upstairs, when you enter the room you get fully undressed, only I will take photos, if I see a phone come out the nights done, here are your raffle tickets, we’ll have each of you go through once and then it’ll be a free for all, if any of you speak of this night I will bury you. Understood?” Everyone nodded in agreement. Charles had already laid most of this out for them the night before so it wasn’t really news to them. They still weren’t sure who’d they’d be fucking but it must be a minor celebrity or a really expensive call girl for all these measures to be taken.

Nobody really chatted in the elevator and soon they were standing outside the door to the suite.

It felt like an eternity as she laid there in what felt like total darkness. She finally heard footsteps outside the door and started to get excited and scared at the same time. Her heart was pounding again as the door opened. Charles was the first in the room and immediately turned to the others and put his finger to his lips shushing them. They all eagerly undressed and tried not to look at each other too much. In the center of the suite was a table with something underneath it, they could make out some of the form and it was obvious she was breathing.

Charles walked over to the table and picked up a tripod and a poster from the ground. He set the tripod up near the table and with a flourish set the poster on it. It took a second for everyone to realize what it meant, but the poster was a life size copy of Emily’s corporate photo. The same photo they saw on every snarky and condescending email.

With another flourish Charles pulled the blanket off the table, revealing the gorgeous blonde’s tight little body to the crowd. The picture had almost prepared them, but several guys still had to muffle their gasps. Charles put a small bucket near the table under Emily’s ass and cunt. The bucket had “Drink Up” written on it in marker. Charles reached into a nearby bag and pulled out a raffle ticket. He showed it to the guys and a small guy from accounting was the lucky winner.

He practically ran up to his bitch of a boss. Without wasting any time he buried his average cock into Emily. He reached up and grabbed ahold of her nipples as began pounding into her. Emily was caught off guard by how quickly things went from calm silence to getting sloppily fucked. The pulling on her nipples was a nice touch, but she knew this fuck wasn’t going to get her to where she wanted to be. Charles walked around getting a couple pictures of Emily getting fucked. He made sure to get one including the guys face and one with Emily’s headshot in it. Almost as quickly as it started she felt the cock explode in her pussy. The accountant pulled out of her and whipped his dick with his hand and then wiped his hand onto the inside of the bucket. A little cum also began to leak from her snatch but Charles was already pulling out the next ticket.

After showing off the ticket a fat older man stepped forward, everyone there was a little bit surprised at how well hung he was. He knew what his momma had given him and he strutted up to Emily with his nine inch dick fully erect. He got up against her tight body and laid his cock against her stomach, letting Emily know what was about to happen to her. Charles was happy to get a picture of that for posterity's sake. Emily tensed up her stomach as she felt the warm member rest on her oiled up crotch. She thought the workers she’d fucked were big but neither of those compared to the heft of what was being pulled down towards her waiting lips. She’d never really cared about size much, but she was a little excited as she felt the large head begin to part her lips.

Emily was regretting that she hadn’t been warmed up better before this. If only they’d given her a once over with a vibrator she’d be able to fully enjoy what was happening to her hole. The cock was only about five inches in when if had become clear that more lubricant was needed. The man pulled out and lubed up his cock. He also took the open bottle and put the tip in Emily's eager pussy.

He gave her an extra little squirt and lined his cock back up with her. Emily couldn’t wait as she felt his cock about to re-enter her body. He paused for a moment and then began pushing himself back in. He got eight inches into her before hitting resistance again. He settled that this was as good as he’d get and he began pumping into her. Emily had used a toy this size before but she was worried about stretching herself out and abandoned that. Now feeling this cock bashing into her pussy made her long for feeling this full every night. As he worked into she felt her pussy begin to relax a little around his member and soon she was all the way inside of her. He didn’t show any signs of slowing down but Emily knew what would make him remember her for the rest of his life. The next time he thrusted forward Emily was ready, and the moment after he was fully buried Emily squeezed her abs and cunt. As he pulled back he let out a surprised moan. He slowed his pace and Emily effectively took over. The onlookers couldn’t really tell but Emily was carefully milking his big cock with her well trained pussy. Less than a minute after she started the guy began cumming. To nobody’s surprise he delivered her a big load that she squeezed from her hole once he’d stepped back. His seed plopped down into the bucket. The room was dead silent as Charles pulled another number.

The night continued and soon Charles was pulling the last number. Emily had milked all the previous cocks but was tiring out a bit. She’d thought this’d be over sooner but every time a new cock arrived she tried her best. Her only real gripe was that none of this fucking had gotten her off. She just laid there as the next guy fucked her. She was surprised at how short he lasted and figured she could have probably given him her special treatment too. Charles put up his hands and had everyone step back from the table. He took out a vibrator and rubbed in on Emily’s used up pussy. Once he was sure it was sufficiently lubricated he turned it on and began working her clit. Emily had been waiting for this. She immediately began grinding her hips against the vibrator and couldn’t help being vocal with her moans. After all the fucking she didn’t need much to put her over the line and soon she was relaxed and panting.

Charles smiled and gestured to Emily’s body. Emily hadn’t even caught her breath when another cock entered her pussy. This felt hastier than the previous fucks, but soon there was a cock being jammed down her throat. She tried to scream but the cock was too deep. She realized that she should just relax and let them finish themselves off. She appreciated that her tits were getting some attention again, and somebody had started to massage her clit with the vibrator again. This continued for another thirty minutes, Emily had no idea how many times she had orgasmed nor how many loads were blown in her. She just knew she was a used up slut.

If she could have, she would have cried out in excitement when she felt the distinct girth of the big dick return. As soon as he was all the way inside of her she squeezed down with her remaining strength. She was unsure that she’d be able to provide the grip and release like last time so she just held on for dear life. The vibrator was bringing her up to another hard orgasm as her vaginal cavity was mauled by his member. Emily could feel her body shaking as she lost awareness of what was going on. When she came to she was being fucked by a different dick and she was pleasantly numb to the situation.

She wasn’t sure how much time had passed but she realized the fucking had stopped. Charles had waited till everyone had come in her at least another two times before he motioned them back from the table. He took the bucket from beneath Emily and set it on a side table. He brought out a glass and a spatula and worked the loads into the glass. The guys had filled it about three quarters of the way up.

Emily was a little confused with the stop in fucking and even more so by the fact that she could hear movement but she was pretty sure nobody had left. She felt her arms get untied from the table and instead tied in front of her. She didn’t resist but was hoping that her time was over and she wasn’t just being moved to a different position. When her legs were untied she slowly closed them and was happy somebody was helping her to a sitting position on the table. She moved her body a little, working out some of the cramping. She was handed a warm glass.

She instinctively knew what this was. She was at the end of the night and now these men wanted to put her in her place as their slut. She didn’t need to be told by Charles to know these guys had been thinking about this all night. Emily hadn’t ever been a fan of swallowing but she had always done it when she wanted to make a point about what she could handle. Without another thought she lifted the glass to her lips and began pouring it into her mouth.

What was normally a brief unpleasant taste was now a mouthful of their warm seed. She swallowed once and was amazed that there was still more. It wasn’t until the fourth swallow that the cup seemed to stop draining. She finished and did her best to hide her disgust. The room was silent and she knew now was the time for a flourish. Time to show these guys that they threw everything they had at her and she took it like the boss she was. She took the cup in one hand and wiped the inside with the other. Emily licked the residue from her bound hand. With all the cum gone, she lowered the glass, “Is that all you boys had?”

There were gasps in the room and Charles had trouble keeping everyone silent. He motioned for them to get dressed and they did. In a couple minutes he was back out in the hallway with them. He had taken the headshot off the tripod and was passing it around for signatures. Everyone took the opportunity to write a little something and sign their names. He looked at them and in a hushed tone laid down the rules, “Like I said, you talk about this and I’ll bury you. I took plenty of pictures and when the little lady retires or quits you’ll all get them. Until then things go back to normal till she leaves. Get the word out that anyone who has seen those photos needs to meet in the conference room first thing in the morning. Now have a good night.”

Once they were headed to the elevator Charles returned to the room, hid the poster, and began untying Emily. As he removed the eye mask he couldn’t help but exclaim, “I don’t think any of them were expecting that. Easily the best one of these we’ve had.”

Emily rubbed feeling back into her legs, “I really want those pictures buried. It’ll be great having a promotion and a clean slate.” She got dressed without saying much more and was out the door. She got home and fell asleep almost immediately.

As she walked back into the office the next day she saw Charles was meeting with the bulk of the men from the office. She was pretty sure he was putting the fear of god into them. When their meeting ended the guys sheepishly exited the conference room and it was like nothing had happened. Emily smiled at her little victory and got to work.
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