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Melissa was a very fortunate young woman. Virtuous, Handsome financially secure with a hansom fiancé and a wedding to plan as soon as he returned from the new world,.

Melissa Garforth-Thomas was a very fortunate young woman some twenty and three years of age.. Virtuous, Handsome financially secure She had received a very generous gift of property in her Great Aunt Melissa’s will due to her parent’s foresight in naming her after the old lady and her parent’s subsequent divorce which the old lady abhorred. Hence Melissa was very well set up with a handsome fiancé and a wedding to plan as soon as he returned from the new world.


One morning Melissa was sitting in her parlour reading quietly when her maid Rosie rushed in.

“Miss, Miss the “Majestic’s” in she shouted.

The “Majestic,” with Tom Moore, her intended husband aboard had arrived on the tide and was now moored at the town quay.

“Oh my lord, quickly I must get dressed,” Melissa cried and she rushed around aimlessly as Rosie looked out her best walking out dress.

An hour later and transformed into a vision of loveliness Melissa was able to relax and await her beau’s arrival.

She waited, and waited. Evening came and went and the morning saw her again dress in her best clothes to await him.

By noon her patience was exhausted, she put on her walking shoes, took her parasol and clasp bag and set forth for the harbour.

Majestic was lying battered and bruised against the harbour wall, her sails stained and torn, new timbers inserted where old ones had been swept away and left unpainted and generally tired and wan.

Stevedores struggled to unload her. Melissa watched from a distance before approaching the matelot guarding the aft gangplank.

“Could you pass a communication to Mr Tom Moore please,” she asked politely.

“Cap’n’s busy mam, but if thee has a note I’ll see he has it.” he replied.

Melissa swiftly wrote, “Tom, why have you not called on me?” she put and signed it.

She slowly made her way homeward only too aware of the lustful stares of the sailors who have been deprived of feminine company for weeks if not months.

She had not been home long when a letter arrived, “My dearest Melissa” she read, a few lines of platitudes followed and then “Must unfortunately due to my own indiscretion end our understanding and betrothal,” She stared in utter disbelief.

“Aggghhhh!” she wailed.

Rosie came running, “What ever is it Madam?” Melissa handed her he note. “I can’t read Miss.”

“He has scorned me for another,” Melissa explained angrily.

“What overseas Miss?” Rosie asked, “Maybe he turned queer Miss, all those lovely big manly men.”

“Oh really you fool.” Melissa snapped.

“Well I expect he needed to get his end away like gentlemen needs to," Rosie suggested.

“What are you wittering on about?" Melissa demanded.

“Gentlemen miss, they balls fills up wi spunk and they has to let fly or they might burst."

“Don’t be so ridiculous!" Melissa cautioned.

“Me ridiculous?” Rosie gasped, “What do you know, you never fucked no one, well I have, I 'ent wasting the best years of me life saving me maidenhead is I, I reckon you’re the fool Miss if I may say so no disrespect mind.

“Don’t be impertinent Rosie,” Melissa warned, but she felt angry, an empty feeling spread within her, hope of companionship, children, love and passion drifting away leaving an aching void within her. “What is it like?”

“Well first time it hurt like hell but it were worth it,” Rosie said.

“Worth it?” Melissa asked.

“Well he paid me a guinea for me honour,” Rosie said, “And after why I could stick me fingers up or a rolling pin and pleasure me self.”

"That's disgusting!" Melissa cried.

"Should have held out for more but I were of age so it weren't wrong, legal like, and I wanted to see what it were like, like.

“Oh, so no love or passion,” Melissa queried.

“Oh don’t get me wrong miss, when there’s a nice live cock up me and a Gentleman holding me crushing me whatsits against his chest whispering sweet nothings that’s like heaven on earth.”

“Really, and when you get caught with a child?” Melissa enquired haughtily.

“I know’s a gypsy Miss,” Rosie said enigmatically, “You want’s to lose your honour and have some fun miss!”

“Get out you impertinent wretch!” Melissa snapped. “Keep out of my way if you know what’s good for you.

It was not Rosie’s impertinence but the truth she spoke which riled her. Melissa often suffered at the hands of a yearning to fill the void within her. Her teats would become roused and secretions intended to help ease a member within would leak uselessly from her.

Melissa wandered to her bed chamber and angrily began to undress. She was had nowhere to go so she slipped off her jacket and long skirt and shouted for Roise to help her with her tightly buttoned blouse and her tight corsets.

“You said I should keep away,” Rosie reminded her.

“Hold your tongue and help me,” Melissa ordered.

Rosie busied herself placing the jacket and skirt on a hanger before undoing Melisa’s corset lacings. “Oh that’s better,” Melissa exclaimed as her bosoms were released from the up thrusting corset. “Help me with my leggings, they are very fine silk and we must not tear them,” Melissa added.

“All this fuss for a man,” Rosie chuckled, “Then he don’t want you,” she added as she gently peeled the silk stockings down Melissa’s legs, “Stupid thing is a man would far rather thee hadn’t no leggings nor nothing on anyroad, no pantaloons just a smock he can lift up to get to thee's whatsits and give thee a seeing to.”

“Just because you roam the streets entirely bare under your smock doesn’t mean all men want their women to be such easy conquests.” Melissa observed.

“Well if you’d have spread your legs for Captain Moore you’d have been wed be now, at least common law wed.” Rosie pointed out.

“With child and still abandoned more likely,” Melissa replied.

“No, I knows a gypsy I tell thee,” Rosie sighed, “You needs a good seeing to miss and till you loses that honour of yours' you’ll never know what you missed.”

“Yes I thank you for that, obviously you have no notion of what honour is to the civilised classes,” Melissa said.

“And you has no notion of how nice tis to be fucked, fact it’s high time you was busted open misses hoity toity.” Rosie retorted.

Rosie was still pulling down Melissa’s left legging when she saw red, “Tis time you was busted open and that time’s now!” she snapped, as she wrenched Melissa’s leg to one side and reached up towards Melissa’s hidden conch,

“Stop that,” Melissa ordered but Rosie had reached inside Melissa's pantaloons and taken a firm grasp of her pussy mound.

“Thee likes it really,” Rosie chuckled as she pressed her thumb between the as yet unyielding pussy lips making Melissa gasp in surprise as she tried to deny the pleasure she was deriving.

“Dear god stop or I shall be ruined,” Melissa exhorted but Rosie’s thumb was relentless in its pressure and slowly fraction by fraction it slipped into Melissa’s void.

“That’s just a thumb imagine a cock ten times the size,” Rosie laughed, but in truth Melissa was now ruined, Rosie’s thumb had unimpeded access as the membrane tore, “Oh my god you’re soaking, you needs it so bad don’t thee miss?”

“No I don’t!” Melissa protested, but Rosie had reached for the hearth brush with its slender ebony handle and withdrawing her thumb Rosie was able to slide the handle between Melissa’s virgin pussy lips and deep into the waiting warm wet softness of Melissa’s womb.

“Stop!” Melissa cried but it was too late, she was ruined, and impaled, and the feeling was exquisite.

Rosie went to remove the brush but Melissa stopped her, and instead pressed the handle even more firmly inside herself.

“Oh god you evil wench what have you done!” Melissa protested but her feelings were running wild, her teats were enlarged and begging to be sucked but Rosie felt she could not be so forward as to oblige so she merely watched as Melissa clumsily approached her first ever climax.

“Just imagine if that was a nice warm cock and he filled you up with nice warm cock juice!” Rosie looked on in amazement.

“Why should I deny myself,” Melissa demanded, “What do I need with a husband when I could just have a man please me when I desire it?”

“That ‘ent natural miss,” Rosie exclaimed, “Fine woman like you needs a husband.”

“That’s not what you said a minute ago is it?” Melissa insisted.

“You still want’s a man to provide for thee.” Rosie added.

“But I have an income and a house, if I wed the property becomes my husband’s,” Melissa explained.

“I suppose it does,” Rosie agreed, “I never thought of that!”

“So where shall I find such men?” Melissa asked.

Rosie thought a moment “They queues up outside the bawdy house down the docks, big lusty sailors who hant had a wench for months.”

“You are suggesting I become a whore?” Melissa challenged.

“Well thee has the looks for it,” Rosie admitted, “But thee asked where thee should get a man, three should have sold thee honour really.”

“Oh get out of my sight!” Melissa snapped and Rosie scuttled away.

Which left Melissa with the hair brush. She idly rubbed her pussy with the bristles before deciding decorum was required whereupon she bolted the bed chamber door to afford some privacy before once again easing the handle of the brush inside herself . It was too slender, she decided, so she tried her fingers, but they were too short. She needed a man. Or at least a cock, maybe two, or three. Life was passing her by. It was time to take action.

“Rosie where is my caligraphy set!” Melissa shouted abruptly.

Rosie came running but found the bed chamber door bolted

“In the parlour Miss!” she replied.

“Good,” Melissa agreed and went down to start her master plan.

First she drew up with her own quill pen a letter requesting a room for several days commencing at the earliest time at an Hotel adjacent to the town quay, one frequented mainly by Matelots, as sailors were then known, who generally hired the room by the hour and by fallen women who preyed upon the Matelots.

Then with calligraphy brushes she she created on small segments of thick card a great number of cards with her name upon them offering a great variety of carnal services, leaving the address blank. It was late into the night when she capitulated to weariness and the failings of her lamps and completed the task.

She bathed and went to her bed whereupon after a few moments of pleasure afforded by her own thumb she fell into a deep slumber.

With the dawn she had Danvers here elderly and completely impotent Ostler/ driver/ handyman /general factorum/ man servant accompany Rosie to deliver the letter to the various hotels at the town quay and book a suitable room.

Poor Rosie was mortified, but with the morn only busy stevedores loading and unloading ships and hard working Matelots engaged in ship maintenance were to be found abroad while a few drunken spent Matelots sprawled in corners as prey for pickpockets and Jenny men and worse.

Rosie secured a room at the Grand Praed, yes that is how they spelled it, Hotel and hurried back to the House.

Melissa swiftly added the address and room number to her cards in thick pencil and instructed Rosie to deliver them to the area of the Town quay and especially to the Majestic and Tom Moore and to have Danvers accompany her.

Melissa sat back and waited. In her nightdress, brush in hand, legs apart, experimenting with pressing the brush handle outwards and her thumb inwards against her nub until tingles engulfed her entire body.

Rosie returned presently, “You going to spend all day wanking miss?” Rosie demanded.

“I may well, why?” she asked

“You ought to draw the curtains then as folk can see in and see your whatsits and that, you'll frighten the horses.” Rosie replied.

“Don’t be so impudent, find cook and have her prepare a late break fast if you please,” Melissa ordered.

A pleasant morning ensued, Coffee, toast with jam, a racy novel, a gentle wank and day dreams of what a large rampant well muscled cock would feel like inside her took her easily until lunch time of very near when suddenly with a sound like thunder she found her front door assailed vigorously.

Danvers answered only to be swept aside the moment the bolt was withdrawn, and a very angry, red faced Tom Moore stormed past Rosie and burst into the drawing room completely un announced. “What in gods name is the meaning of this?” Tom demanded brandishing one of Melissa’s cards.

“My new business venture,” Melissa explained, as she sat in her arm chair dressed in only her night gown. “Do you approve.”

“Are you quite mad?” he asked.

“Her is sir, quite mad,” Rosie agreed.

“No sir, I need a man, and it seems sea men have such needs for women that they pay for the privilege,” she explained as if to an imbecile,” Therefore I intend to indulge my needs for a man and grow rich at the same time.”

“What in gods name has got into you?” he demanded.

“Her hair brush, she been wanking wi ' it all morning,” Rosie replied, “Her stuck it up herself and lost her honour when you scorned her sir.”

“I didn’t scorn her, I have been with another,” he pleaded.

“If you don’t want me there are thousands who do,” Melissa exclaimed. “I am afraid I don’t receive gentlemen her generally, but as you are obviously in some distress Rosie will take your two guineas and we can do the deed forthwith.

“Two guineas!” Tom exclaimed.

“Cheap at the price considering she never had a cock before,” Rosie piped up, “You can do me for sixpence!”

“You astound me!” Tom exclaimed.

Rosie took Tom’s purse which was secured to his belt and took two golden guinea coins, “There that’s Madam paid for, her en’t wearing no pantaloons so drop thee trews and get stuck in.”

“Rosie!” Melissa exclaimed.

“Damn you all I shall do just that!" Tom cried, and though he was slowed considerably by having to remove his sea boots and thick sea trousers he soon stood before Melissa naked from the waist brandishing a thick rampant cock some eight to ten inches long.

Melissa’s nerve almost failed her but Tom grabbed her like she was a sack of grain and positioned her on the edge of the chair, her legs spread wide and thereupon he speared her.

Her untrained muscles protested the intrusion, but his warm live well muscled cock was all she had imagined and more. He thrust urgently within her, weeks of abstinence driving his passion until with a supreme effort he expelled copiously within her.

“Oh, is that it?” Melissa exclaimed as he withdrew long before she had a chance to reach her peak.

“Sorry,” Tom apologised, “I don’t know what came over me.”

“He’s too eager miss,” Rosie opined, “Give him a few minutes and he can try again.”

“Try again, I want a man who can satisfy me!” Melissa complained.

“Well,” Rosie exclaimed. “You could always do what as you said and come a harlot, have them queueing outside the door so when one’s done some other can have a go?”

“Rosie!” Melissa rebuked her.

“Don’t be so stupid, I forbid it entirely!” Tom exclaimed.

“You sir have no say in the matter,” Melissa declared, “Indeed if you have not recovered within on quarter hour I shall avail myself of the first available rampant member I encounter as I venture forth to the town quay.”

“Don’t worry sir, I’ll aid thee,” Rosie declared. She took the water jug from the bedside table and taking a cloth she carefully washed Tom’s sadly deflated member before kissing its flaccid tip.

It remained unmoved so she cupped his testes and grasped the shaft firmly. It began to move very slightly so Rosie knelt before him and ran her tongue up the ridge on the underside of the shaft. The enlargement swiftly became a full return to rampancy.

“There you are sir, you may mount my mistress again,” Rosie chuckled.

“And what if I desire to mount you instead?” Tom asked.

“Oh sir you are a tease!” Rosie laughed, “Mistress would sack me.”

“Oh no, you may mount her if you prefer,” Melissa simpered.

“No Melissa, I want you!” Tom explained.

“My fortune perhaps,” she conceded, “Well you shall not have it, I shall take pleasure with you when you are in port and with who so ever I shall choose when you are abroad.”

“I,” Tom replied but then he let his member do the talking as he stepped forward and guided it unerringly into her waiting cavern.

“Kiss me,” Melissa demanded as Tom’s member thrust against the far extremity of her womb.

“One does not kiss whores,” he retorted,

“Then I shall charge four guineas, two per entry,” she replied.

He grasped her cheeks in his hands and kissed he passionately.

“That’s better, much better,” Melissa agreed, “I could easily become accustomed to this.”

“So you’ll wed me?” Tom asked.

“Good Lord no,” Melissa replied as she wondered if a slightly shorter member of greater girth might please her better, “We shall tell people we were wed abroad, but no legalities, no, leave my side and I shall find comfort elsewhere.”

“So when I sail away?” he asked.

“I shall seek another, or some others,” she simpered, “Now show me why I should retain you as my lover.”

Tom’s head was spinning, Melissa’s lover? He wanted her fortune, not her body, though in truth she was far from unacceptable physically, quite beautiful and trim, and to his utter shock she was gloriously rapacious.

He shut his mind and before he knew he was swimming in a sea of expended seed as Melissa gasped with pleasure.

“That was rather pleasant,” Melissa admitted, “Shall you stay for Luncheon? I may have need of you later.”

“I must oversee my ship, I am sailing on Thursday,” he explained.

“You may choose, sail on Thursday or stay with me,” Melissa suggested, “For I shall not deny myself if you sail.”

“Damn you woman!” Tom exclaimed and even as his member slid from Melissa he lofted her gown over her head to bare her entirely. Next he discarded his shirts and completely bared he lifted Melissa and deposited her further up the bed where she could slide beneath the bed covers.

“The ship can wait I need a rest,” he declared as he slid in beside her. Maybe she would come round in time, he thought.

Melissa lay beside her man sated for the moment. She pondered, perhaps slightly more girth and more stamina would be preferable, but she would wait. And when he sailed away. Then perhaps she would find that elusive wider and less easily exhausted member.

The matter was firmly in his court.

He laid his head on her breast and then idly turned over and began sucking her left teat.

And Melissa?, well for now she was content
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