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She is very sexually active. Here's one instance of intense sexual activity for two days when she was 31 years old.
This is a very interesting experiences she had this time. I’d never seen her act like an animal before. Lynn didn't ever know his name or his friends name. Lynn (she was 31 years old at the time) and I were at a local bar and Lynn was dressed in her usual lace top and sheer pantyhose. She had washed it once and it shrunk about a couple of inches in the length so it came just to the bottom of her butt. So, she found a pair of lace panties to wear with it so her dark pubic hair that showed through her pantyhose couldn't be seem as easily. The panties were just about as sheer as the top but they did make it so you had to be close to see her publics. It was really slow at our usual bar so we went to smaller bar that was in the same strip mall. We did that sometimes if nothing was happening at the usual one.

When we got there, she decided there were enough men there. so, before we even found our separate seats, I danced with her and did the usual things to let the guys know she was hot. As if they wouldn't with the way she was dressed. There were two guys sitting in a booth by themselves. When we finished dancing, I escorted her to a chair close by them. Not on purpose it just happened that way. After the band got back from their break one of the guys from the booth ask Lynn to dance. After a couple of songs, they had progressed to the point he was holding her tight up against him and she was grinding her hips as hard as she could against him. When they finished dancing, he took he back to the booth with him. Fortunately, the booth was at the end of a row so I could stand next to it and drink. From there I could hear pretty much everything they said and see a lot of what they did. Lynn was sitting between them. The guy on her left was pretty drunk. The one that Lynn was dancing with was almost sober. He and Lynn did a lot of dancing. When they danced, he would pull up her top in the back and put one hand on each cheek and pull her tight against him. In between dances both of the guys were rubbing her thighs and her crotch. she was getting very aroused. Both of them were beat red from passion. The drunk one was to waste to ask her to dance. Besides his friend wouldn't let him dance with her. After one of the dances the sober one tried to pull down her pantyhose underneath the table. she cooperated but there just wasn't enough room to get them all the way off. At the break Lynn told them she had to go to the restroom. The sober guy pulled her face close to his and kissed her and said, " Take your panties and hose off while you’re in there". I thought she'll never do that but I underestimated the effect of the passion and the drinks on her. While she was in the restroom the drunk one said, "What are we going to do with her". His friend said, " you're going home and I'm going to screw the living hell out of her". About 5 minutes later Lynn came out with her pantyhose and panties rolled into a small ball in her hand. I was amazed. If you looked close even when she was standing you could now see her pubic hair. When she sat down in the booth both of them immediately starting playing with her legs and fingering her VJ, now bare, under the table. The sober one told his friend he should be getting home. Amazingly the guy actually left. That left Lynn and her partner alone in the booth. I believe he had Lynn so hot by this time she had totally quit thinking and was allowing her body to take charge of her and do what he wanted her to do. After about 15 more minutes of his fingering her and she was desperately pawing at his crotch and now rock-hard penis.

When the band was starting to play their last song. He told her I've got my camper in the parking lot. I'm going to take you out there and screw you until you beg for mercy but first, I want to dance the last dance with you. He took her on the dance floor and again pulled the back of her lace top up and grabbed her butt. the difference as she didn't have her panties and hose so everyone still there could see she was naked from the waist down. Several gave a wolf whistle. The band had already packed up so he played had to play a song on the jukebox. So, there were not many people left in the bar at this time and fortunately no women and only about 10 men. They might have objected to her being almost nude but none of them did, not even the bartender or the bouncer. The bouncer did go over and close and lock the doors. I guessed at that moment it was to keep the cops from coming in which they did occasionally at closing time. Everyone just stood and watched them. He had his hands on her butt as usual although this time it was completely bare. After the dance was over, he did notice all of us standing around. The band was gone by that time. It must have been about 2:15am. He told her before I take you out to my camper why don't you get up on the bar and do a dance for us. We all applauded. He put some more money in and when the song started, he helped her up on the bar. She was a little tipsy so I got close in case she fell. It was a slow song and when it started, she stared slow undulating her hips back and forth. Since she was on the bar and we were all on t floor we could see everything but her boobs. the bartender said if there is anyone that wants to leave, please do so. No one moved. Lynn's date got up on the bar and started moving against her. He then slowly started unbuttoning Lynn's top. When he was done, she shrugged her shoulders and it fell on the bar. I then begin to realize what was going to happen. She was standing there totally naked. She said, " Which one of you is going to be the first to fuck me". I told her she can’t let anybody fuck er unless they’re wearing a rubber. Fortunately, the bartender did have a box of condoms which he put up on the bar. Lynn told us we didn't have to user them if we didn't want to. She was much drunker than I realized. Her boyfriend got up on the bar and told her to lay down. He then took his pants all the way off. He had a huge hard on. He came almost as soon as he put it in her. By that time, another guy had gotten up on the bar and had his pants off. All of our judgment were clouded by the booze and raw sexual desire on Lynn's part. Pretty soon we all had our clothes off. Lynn was so aroused she was moaning and crying to give her more. We all took turns with her on the bar. Then a couple of guys went for seconds together. Before morning came, I think we had all had her at least five or six times. The bartender was giving us drinks. the bouncer was a really big guy. He picked Lynn up and held her above his head and said let’s all give it to her at once. He then put her down on the floor. Well, she didn't have enough places for everyone. I stayed out of it to watch and so did two other guys. Lynn ended up with one guy inside her pussy, one guy in her ass, one in her mouth and one in each hand. that was five guys at once. The three of us watch as they went after her. She couldn't maneuver were well but no one seemed to notice. After they were all done the three of us went after her. Boy was she a mess. she was still crying for more when we finished. It seems all of us had forgotten about using the condoms somewhere along the line. She had cum al over her body. Dripping down her legs. She had swallowed must of what she had gotten through oral sex. About 5:000am she was totally exhausted. She couldn't even walk. I ask the bouncer to carry her out to my car. He ask what I planned to do with her. She's no good for sex for a while I told them she's my wife and I'll take her home if everyone is through with her. He picked her up and she was laying across his arm on her back still totally naked and barely able to move. The bartender unlocked the door and the bouncer took her my car. I had to go back into the bar to get her top, panties, and hose. Most of the guys were still there. When I picked the panties and hose up from the booth one of the guys said how could you let your wife do that? Is she a slut? Some of them still couldn't believe she was my wife. They wanted to know why I let her do it. I told them she a big girl and can do what she wants. They all remarked about what a great body she had even though she was now about 150#. They all said they enjoyed her. A couple of them called her a slut. I said watch it. Even though she had sex all night with eight guys she is a sweet and loving person. When I got to the car, I found the bartender had just laid her across The hood on her back because he couldn't get the door open. It was just starting to get light. I had to go back into the bar to ask the bouncer to put her inside. She was too heavy for me after all that sex. One of the guys said lets have one final round. All but me voted to do that. So, the bouncer went out to get her. When he brought her back in, she said what are you going to do with me. He told her we are all going to fuck you one last time. I couldn't believe it she said bring it on. She seemed to get more energy with each succeeding guy. BY the third guy she was screaming for more and saying give it to me harder. She was actually able to move her hips. After that everyone was too tired to go anywhere so we laid her on the bar on blanket someone found and we laid down in the booths. Thanks goodness it was Sunday and the bar wasn't open that day. By the time we all settled in it was about 6:00am. the bartender suggested we take Lynn off of the bar because she might roll off. The bouncer and I grabbed her shoulders and ankles and laid her on the floor and covered her with the blanket. I had to get home because the kids would be waking up soon. So, I and a couple of guys left and the rest went soundly asleep. When I got home, I was exhausted so I set the alarm of about 10:00am and went to sleep. I woke up at ten and called a neighborhood teenager to come baby-sit and I headed back to the bar to get Lynn. The back door was open. when I went in Lynn was still asleep on the floor. The bartender was just waking up. The other guys from last night were still asleep. The bartender and I talked for about an hour. He ask me all about Lynn and why I let her do what she did. I gave him the things I've told you about her past. How I knew if I told her no it probably would cut down on the number of men, she slept with but she still have to have it. She'd end up cheating on me anyway and I couldn't stand that. Besides, I had learned to enjoy doing the threesomes and watching her with other guys. I left to go get us some breakfast at McDonalds. I told the bartender don't let anyone wake her up until I got back. He ask me if I minded him making some pictures of her with Polaroid camera he had behind the bar. He said in the excitement of last night he'd forgotten he had it. I said to bad you didn't remember it you could have gotten some good ones last night. He got the camera and went over and gently took the cover off of Lynn. She was still sleeping like a baby. she was sleeping on her side. He made several pictures from different angles. What surprised me was how gentle he was with her. I reminded him, to not disturb her until I got back. He said he wouldn't. He hadn't even counted the money in the register. I was gone for about 30 minutes. When I got back and was walking in, I heard Lynn saying Oh, Oh, Oh Oh God at the top of her lungs. You could hear her from the parking lot. Much louder than last night even. when I went in the other two guys were awake. Nobody could have slept through that noise. Lynn was up on the bar on her hands and knees. A guy that was not there last night was screwing her from behind. One of the guys that had left when I did was back and he had brought two other guys with him. One of them was on the bar in front of Lynn fondling her breast. I ask the bartender why he'd let them wake her up. He told me the new guys were just standing over her discussing her body when she woke up. He said she was yawning and stretching and showing off her body from different angles for them. She then just got up and walked over to the bar and got up on it and said, "Who's first". Her energy had apparently come back. I remarked about how she seemed to be enjoying it even more than last night. the bartender told me that when Lynn got up on the bar and got on her hands and knees when one of the guys that was fondling her entered her from behind and she got going well and taking in deep breaths. The guy that was screwing her popped an Amyl Nitrate under her nose and it sent her into fits of orgasms. I'd never seen Amyls used before. It sure worked well on Lynn. I told the bartender that it looked like it might be daylong session. He said yes. Just then the bouncer and a friend of his walked in. The bouncer said did we know she could be heard all the way out in the parking lot? I said yes, I had heard her too. He closed the door. Lynn and the guy having sex with her both came about the same time. Lynn was still on her knees trying to catch her breath. she hadn't seen me yet. someone had turned the lights back down and it was pretty dark since the door was closed. the other new guy had been sitting in a chair watching them. He got up on the bar and dropped his pants and put it into her. She moaned softly as it went in. As he started thrusting in and out Lynn was getting going again. The other new guys got back up on the bar and got in front of her and told Lynn to take a deep breath. when she did, he popped another Amrlys under her nose. Lynn went into a spasm of orgasms and was moaning at the top of her lungs. This time the bartender didn't forget his camera. He turned up The lights and started making pictures of Lynn. He got one really good one from in front of her. She was still on her hands and knees with her head thrown back in the middle of a big orgasm. Her breast were swinging back and forth. It was a great picture. it was about noon. everyone there took their turns with her and then several at once. By that time, several new guys had showed up. Apparently one of the guys already there had called and told them what was going on. At one time I counted ten guys in the bar. I don't know for sure how many guys Lynn had that day because men were coming and going. Lynn still didn't know I was there. The bartender and I were sitting in a dark corner. I wanted to see what Lynn was like when she thought I wasn't around. I couldn't believe how much stamina she had. where she had been doing it in a fog of alcohol last night now, she was pumped up on Amies. Finally, I took my turn with her and she didn't even realize it was me. This went on until about 4:00pm. She was finally starting to get sore and tired. I told the bartender I was going to take her home. He said, "let us keep her for another hour". I said I don't know if she can last that long. We all had taken breaks to let her go to the bathroom. The last time she could hardly walk again. She was almost exhausted. The guys were getting to rest but she was constantly going except for the breaks. she had spent most of the time up on the bar. At about 4:30pm the bouncer picked her up and put her on the floor and got on top of her. She really couldn't hold herself up anymore. I'd never seen anyone so used up with sex before. when the bouncer had finished with her, he must have taken over 20 minutes with her. I told the bartender I've got to get her home. He said ok after I do it with her one more time. When he was done it was a little after five. Lynn was totally exhausted. she had gone from about 2:00am until about 6:00am and then from about 11:00am to 5:00pm of almost constant sex. There were six guys still there so I announced to everyone that I was taking her home. I said she can't take anymore and she can't even walk. Three of the guys wanted one last time with her. I said OK ask her but after that she's going home even if she doesn't want to. I started looking for her top, panties, and hose. I couldn't find the top or the panties. I found her pantyhose but they were torn up. I suddenly realized that she had nothing to wear at all. Beside even if they were still there, she couldn't go home in them. I called the babysitter and told her we were going to be late and would she take the kids over to her house and feed them and keep them over there. Fortunately, she said yes. So, there she was in the bar with no clothes. She couldn't walk because she was so exhausted and there were three guys on her at once. I told the bar tender I couldn't find her clothes so I'd have to wait until after dark to take her home. It was about six then. I told Lynn what was going on and she said good they could have her as long as they wanted. While one of the three guys was still doing it to her the guy with the Amyls said I think it safe to give her another one now. She was still be laid on her back. She couldn't even get up on her hands and knees. He leaned over her and told her to take a deep breath and popped her again. I couldn't believe the e difference it made. She started responding again to the sex. She was moaning again. When he finished, I told them I'd might as well take another turn. I told her to get up on her hands and knees. I enjoyed the way she looked when she was getting it that way plus the bartender still had a couple of picture left. After UI was through another new guys walked in. He didn't say anything to anyone he just dropped his pants and got on her from behind. She collapsed on the floor. He still didn't say anything he just rolled her over and got on top of her and said give me an Aimee. The guy that had them said I don't know if it's safe to give her another one. I had 10 when I got here and I've only got two lefts. Lynn gasped let him have one. the new guy started on her again and he give her another one. It didn't have as much effect as the others. I guess because Lynn so exhausted. When he finished, I told the guys I've got to take her home. It still wasn't quite dark yet but I was afraid to leave her there any longer. Fortunately, The bouncer was still there. He picked Lynn up to take her to the car. The bartender used his last picture to take one of her stretched out on her back across his arms completely limp. As he was taking her to our car a couple of more guys pulled up. We told them she was going home. The said well at least let’s get a good look at her. the bouncer carried her over to their car. They felt her and felt her for a minute. the bouncer then took her to our car and put her in the back seat. It wasn't until then I realized that I'd never be able to get her out of the car by myself. the bouncer said I'll go home with you and get her into bed. He ask me when I could bring me back. We left and I said it won't be dark enough when we get home. He said I'm hungry let’s stop by the drive through at Jack in the Box. I said Lynn is in the backseat laying full out on her back totally naked and you want to go through a drive through. He said well we could park and go inside and leave her here. She's asleep anyway. We parked out in the corner of the back. We discussed whether to roll her over on her stomach or leave her the way she was. He said well she'll still be buck naked either way and beside if we try to roll her over, she'll probably wake up and want to screw again. We left her on her back. When went in to eat. We had been in thee about 30 minutes and had just finished when a kid about 16 or so came in and told a group of boys at a table near us about seeing Lynn. He was excited. He told his buddies "hey guys there a naked woman in a car out in the parking lot. they were up and out of the door in a flash. I said to the bouncer "We'd better get out there". We had forgotten to lock the door. When we got there the kids had opened the door and one of them was feeling Lynn up. We told them they'd better get out of there. They were scared of the bouncer so they left. He said, "Well we could have let them have her, they would have been so horny they'd cum as soon as they put it in". He was kidding of course. When we got her home, it was fully dark and we got her in the house and into bed without incident. I told the bouncer I really appreciated his help. I told him he call anytime. He said no thanks. He enjoyed her but she was a little to chubby for his taste. By the way I found her clothes stuffed under the front seat when I was washing it the next weekend. I had put it under there when I was going to take Lynn home the first night. I guess because of all th


2024-01-11 06:50:55
learn to use paragraphs


2021-07-26 07:42:09
Please write me a note with comments. I need to improve my writing. Without your comments positive or negative I can't do that. It doesn't have to be long. just what you thought.

Thanks, TrueWriter

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