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18 year old tomboy discovers that she likes showing herself to her mates then decoded to become a naturist for the summer.
Showing Myself

by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

Dad woke me at my usual school day time. I was still on my back on my bed with my legs spread wide.

“You look like you’re wearing a pair of crotchless knickers Lea.” He said straight after our morning greetings.

I instantly knew what he meant but I didn’t close my legs until I had to get up. It was a normal morning until I had to get dressed for school. No more school uniform but what to wear? I decided on my denim miniskirt thinking,

“At least I can get some sun onto some of my thighs.”

I went to my underwear drawer, opened it, looked in then closed the drawer thinking,

“I’m already wearing a bikini. Okay it’s paint but they do look like a bikini from a distance and if I keep my legs closed. Right, no underwear.”

For a top I chose a tank top. I carefully pulled it down and into place then looked at myself in my mirror.

“Hmm,” I thought, “nipps making little bumps but sod it.”

A quick brush of my hair and I was ready. I waved at daddy as his Land Rover reversed out of our drive then looked around to see if Seth or Noah were out on the street yet. They weren’t so I waited for them then the 3 of us walked to the bus stop.

There was the usual couple of young girls waiting as well but as usual they ignored us and we ignored them.

As the bus trundled down the road I told my mates about the pub and when Ted wanted us at the farm.

“So you went to the pub in your Mike Barlow bikini Lea?” Seth asked.

“Yep, and there was some outsiders there and Ted took you over to them?”


“So what are you wearing under that skirt and top Lea?” Noah asked.

“Just a bit of paint, and it’s already come off my clit and slit, look”

With that I stood and pulled my skirt up enough for them to see me slit. Before I had a chance to pull my skirt down Seth said,

“You have a nice clit Lea, I bet that you’re going to be horny all day.”


“Don’t forget to go and see the nurse.” Noah said.

“No chance,” I replied, “I want to fuck as much as you two do.”

It was a strange day at school, no lessons and the teachers nowhere to be seen most of the time. The sixth form building is separate from the rest of the school with only 4 classrooms. Two for the year that my mates and I are in and 2 for the younger year. Seth and Noah are in the ‘practical’ careers class whilst I was in the ‘academic’ class but for the last week the 2 older classes were allowed to mix so I was expecting to see quite a lot of my best mates that week. There is also a common area with comfortable seats and a couple of vending machines.

The week promised to be a sort of week long party without any alcohol except that some of the kids smuggled some in in their drinks bottles.

To be fair, no one intended to get drunk, just a little happy with some relatively quiet music for dancing, and that’s how the week started, people sitting on the desk with their feet on the chairs, talking and a bit of drinking. Some of the girls were doing a bit of dancing and a couple of couples were making out in one corner of the classroom.

When Noah and Seth came into my classroom Seth immediately said that the girls in there were dressed smarter that the ones in their classroom.

“That’s probably because of our chosen career paths.” I said, “the girls in your class will be going to college and likely wearing overalls in a few weeks whereas the girls in my class will be going to university and wearing clothes like they are now.”

“So you’re not going to wear underwear when you go to university Lea?” Noah asked.

“Probably not.” I replied.

“And you’re going to wear skirts that let people see your pussy like you are now.”

“You shouldn’t be looking Noah, it isn’t polite.” I said.

“You show it, we’ll look.” Seth added.

With that I spread my knees wide for a couple of seconds then closed them again.

“I could stare at your pussy for hours.” Seth said.

“You already have and you’ll probably look at it tons over the summer holidays if I’m going to be naked all the time.”

“Can’t wait.” Noah replied.

“Can’t wait for what?” One of the other guys asked.

“To see the girls in just their bikinis on Friday.” Noah replied, then added, “Lea’s wearing hers today. She might show you it if you ask her nicely.”

“What? No I won’t, I’m not taking my skirt and top off.” I protested.

Well, all the boys, even the nerdy ones, and some of the girls didn’t agree with my decision and they started doing their best to persuade me to strip. The chanting and shouting got so loud that I feared that a teacher would come to see what was going on.

While that was going on my nipples and pussy had started to tingle. They wanted me naked even if my brain didn’t.

The chanting and shouting didn’t stop so eventually I put my arms up and said,

“Okay, okay, but you’ve got to keep quiet. We don’t want a teacher coming in.”

The noise died down to virtually nothing as one of the guys asked me to get up on a desk so that everyone could see me.

“Seth, Noah, go and stand at the door and everyone else,” I said, “if someone comes I’ll jump down and you form a circle so that I can get dressed without the teacher seeing me. We don’t want to spoil the surprise for Friday do we?”

Unsurprisingly everyone agreed and I found myself climbing up onto a desk. I looked around and realised that I was a little nervous. I also looked out of the windows and was thankful that it wasn’t playtime or lunchtime when there would be kids on the sports field.

Eventually, my hands went to the hem of my top and started to lift. One of the guys started shouting,

“Off, off, off.”

But a couple of the girls tod him to keep it down.

As my little tits came into view the room went silent. Then it seemed like everyone had something to say,

“Oh my gawd!” a few said.

“Is that paint?” another few said.

“I can see her nipples.” some of the guys said.

Were some of the comment / questions but I didn’t say anything. Instead I went to the fastener and zip on my skirt and the room went silent again. This time though, everyone was half expecting what was to come and I didn’t disappoint them. Down slid my skirt to a few gasps and a few more,

“Oh my gawds!” but mostly people were quiet, probably not believing that I had got naked in the classroom. Then one of the nerds said,

“I can see her pink clit.”

I stood there for ages with my feet about shoulder width apart letting everyone look at me and take photographs of me with their phones. Then I heard Seth shout.


I jumped down and thankfully, most of the class gathered around me whilst I hurriedly put my skirt and top back on.

The teacher told us to keep the noise down then left which was the cue for quite a few of my classmates to start asking me some questions: -

“Are you really going to the Leaver’s Ball wearing just some paint?”

“Why didn’t you paint your pussy and clit?”

“Do your parents know what you’re planning on doing?”

“Who painted you?”

“When did you get it done?”

“How long does it last before it starts coming off?”

“Can you go swimming like that?”

And a few more that aren’t worth mentioning. I tried to answer them as honestly as I could although I didn’t tell them that I’d orgasmed when Mike Barlow was putting the paint on me. After the questions stopped Seth came over to me and asked me if I was okay. When I said that I was he asked me if I knew what was showing.

“What do you mean Seth?” I asked as I looked down my front. Okay, my nipples were making pokeys but that was no big deal so I waited for Seth to answer me.

“Lea, you’re sat on a desk with your feet on a chair, your knees are higher than your butt and you’re wearing a short skirt.” Seth said.

Two and two instantly became four, I giggled and said,

“Oops,” but I didn’t move.

“I can, and anyone else who cares to look,” Seth said, “can see your wet pink slit and clit Lea. Not that I’m complaining it’s just that I thought that you should know.”

“Thanks Seth, but I don’t really care. Everyone in here has seen them already so what’s the big deal?”

“So you enjoyed your little striptease did you Lea?”

“Fuck yes, you should have seen the faces, especially the nerds, I was probably the first naked girl that they’ve ever seen and them looking made me tingle.”

“Jeez Lea what’s happened to you? You’re such an exhibitionist now.”

“I guess that I am, but it makes me feel good.”

“Then go for it mate. Don’t forget to go and see the nurse at lunchtime.”

“I won’t, I need to feel yours and Noah’s cocks inside me hopefully tonight before my dad gets home.”

“I want to loose my virginity to you as well Lea.”

“Hey, they say that your first time is a disappointment, that it hurts the girl too much and that the guy shoots off too quick so just in case that’s true can we plan another session for tomorrow evening as well?”

“Sure, every night this week if you want Lea.”

“Oh, not Friday, I’ll be having another paint job and I don’t want yours and Noah’s cum running down my legs at the Ball. Well not at the start of it anyway.”

The conversation ended and we both started talking to other people and I didn’t take my feet off the chair. I noticed a couple of the boys looking at my bare legs and tried to work out if the angle was good for them to be seeing my slit and clit. All of which kept my pussy tingling and my nipples hard.

At lunchtime I went to the nurse’s office. Nurse Emily is a great person, so friendly and so understanding. I didn’t need to go to see her very often, thankfully, but when I had she always showed a lot of empathy. She came to our classes a couple of times and gave us talks on sexually transmitted diseases and we always felt that we could ask her anything, and we did.

Anyway, I timed it badly as she was eating her sandwiches when I knocked on her door but she didn’t mind. As she finished eating what was already in her mouth she put the lid back on her sandwich box and pointed to the visitor’s chair.

“I remember you telling us that you can supply us with the contraceptive pill Emily, is that still the case?” I asked.

“Yes Lea, it is, but before I can just hand them over I need to ask you a few questions and do a quick examination.”

The questions I had expected, but an examination I hadn’t and I got a little nervous when I realised that she would see my paint job and wet pussy.

The questions were nothing that I hadn’t expected and I answered them honestly, even the ones about what objects I had inserted into my vagina, then Emily asked me to take my skirt and knickers off then get up on the examination table as she went and locked the door.

Emily turned from locking the door and saw me just as my skirt hit the floor and she saw my painted bikini bottoms. I saw her smile then she said,

“I’ve painted a bikini on me a few times, well my husband has, it’s a great feeling being able to walk around in public like that isn’t it?”

I shouldn’t have been shocked at the admission but I was a little. That quickly passed and I replied,

“Yes, I even went to the pub like this last night.”

“Wow Lea, you are brave, I settled for open air concerts and the odd park.”

As I climbed up Emily attached the stirrup things and I lifted my legs up and rested them on the metal.

“I see that you have the same problem that I had, they really do need to invent a paint that doesn’t come off so easily when it gets wet with certain types of moisture. Now Lea, I just need to open you up and check that everything looks okay, it won’t hurt you.”

“It’s cold.” I said as the speculum touched my entrance.

“Yes Lea, you have lost your hymen, this won’t take long.” Emily replied as I felt the speculum go further inside me.

I watched as Emily bent over putting her head right in front of my pussy. I could feel her breath as she shone a torch up my vagina.

“That feels nice.” I said, and I was a little disappointed when within seconds Emily was stood up straight and the speculum was sliding out of me.

“Everything looks good Lea, just one more thing to check.”

I hadn’t been expecting Emily to touch then rub my clit and I instantly gasped then sighed then moaned. Within seconds an orgasm exploded out of me and I saw Emily stand back smiling as she watched the waves crash over me.

“Wow, sorry,” I said, “I wasn’t expecting that to happen.”

“I was, and it’s good that it did, it proves that you are a normal, healthy young woman Lea.”

“If you were expecting me to cum why did you do it?”

“Because it’s the procedure Lea, I have to follow it. You’re not complaining are you?”

“No, I love having orgasms.”

“So do I Lea.” Emily replied as she lowered the stirrups then told me that I could get off the table and put my skirt back on.

I did then went and sat on the visitor’s chair whilst we chatted a bit more. Then Emily handed me a box of pills and a pre***********ion to get some more as she told me that they would be effective as soon as I took the first one.

“Good,” I replied, “because I’m planning on having sex either tonight or tomorrow night with my best mates.”

“Mates? As in plural Lea? Would that be Noah and Seth?”

“Yes, I promised them that they can both fuck me when I get on the pill.”

“Okay, your choice Lea, do I need to remind you all about having sex with multiple partners.”

“No Emily, Seth and Noah are virgins as well and it’s only going to to be us 3 over the summer but I don’t know what will happen when I go to university.”

“Well you remember what I told you in class and look after yourself Lea.”

“Thanks Emily, I intend to. Will you be at the Leaver’s Ball on Friday?”

“I was intending to come along, why”

“Well I can’t give you the details but a tradition may get broken.”

“Intriguing Lea. See you there then.”

I went straight to the vending machines in the sixth form building, got myself a drink and took my first pill. Then I went looking for Seth and Noah. I found them outside sitting on the grass talking with a few others friends. I sat on the grass not even thinking about my skirt being a lot shorter than my old, regular school skirt.

After a few minutes talking I noticed that some of the boys sat there were looking at my legs. It didn’t take me long to realise that they were looking up my skirt and I didn’t care, in fact it started my pussy tingling again.

The afternoon was relatively like the morning, except that I didn’t strip off, and before long we were on the bus going home.

The 3 of us went to my house where Seth and Noah watched me get naked then we went over the road to let Mike Barlow check his paint job.

Mike inspected my tits and the paint straps then told me to get up on the 2 chairs that were already out the back of his house. My tingling got stronger as Mike’s head got close to my pussy.

“Hmm.” Mike said, “I was half expecting that, you’ve been aroused for too long Lea, apart from your slit and clit the paint is doing good. Do you want me to touch you up? With paint that is.”

I giggled a little at the thought of old Mike fingering me and rubbing my clit then I said,

“No, not much point with the paint Mike but you can still touch me up if you want Mike.”

“Probably true about the paint Lea. At your age I’d expect you to be aroused all the time, especially in this weather and you wandering around like that. Okay, lets see how long the rest lasts and I’ll see you on Friday afternoon.”

When I got off the chairs I kissed Mike on his cheek, thanked him then whispered,

“I meant it about touching me up Mike.” Then we left.

As we walked away I said to Seth and Noah,

“So where are we going to do this? You do know that it will won’t be too good the first time don’t you”

“Yeah,” Seth replied, “but we’ve got around 3 months to practice, we should be good at it by then. Since we are near your house and your dad won’t be home for a couple of hours how about your back lawn?”

“Works for me.” I replied.

When we got to the back of the house I said,

“How about we do it cowboy style the first time so that I can control how much it hurts me? It’s supposed to hurt the first time and don’t want you animals just ramming your cock inside me.”

Both guys agreed and I told the to flick a coin to see who goes first. Seth won and I told him to drop his jeans and get on his back. As he did so I said,

“Nice cock Seth.”

“You’ve seen it before loads of times.” Seth replied.

“Not like that I haven’t, I didn’t expect it to get that big.”

“Wait until you see mine.” Noah said.

I knelt both sides of Seth’s hips then said,

“Here goes, you can play with my tits if you want Seth.”

As I lowered myself I shuddered. It was the combinations of Seth’s hands twisting my nipples and my opening touching his cock.

“That feels nice.” I said as I savoured the feeling before lowering myself a little more.

I moaned and wished that I’d done it years ago then lowered myself a bit more.

“Oh fuck this is good.” I said and lowered myself until I felt his pubes tickle my pussy.

I was just enjoying the feeling when I felt Seth’s cock twitch inside me then I felt a warm gush as he shot his load deep inside me. About a minute later Seth started apologising to me.

“No apology necessary mate. That was new for me and it didn’t hurt as much as I expected. We both knew that it would be over quickly the first time but you’d better learn to hold off shooting it up me, I want fucking properly. Noah, drop ‘em mate.”

I got to my feet and straddled Noah’s waiting cock.

“Jeez you two, you’ve been hiding your big cocks for too long. I’m going to enjoy this summer.”

With that I lowered myself onto Noah’s cock and sighed as I bottomed out. I’d just risen up and lowered myself twice when Noah’s cock felt like it got bigger then he too shot his load into me. I lowered myself and enjoyed the feeling until his cock started to soften.

Standing up I sat between them with my legs spread wide.

“That was better than I was expecting but things are a little unfair, both of you have shot your loads into me but I haven’t cum even once. What are you going to do about it guys?”

Noah smiled then gently pushed my shoulders back. When I was flat on my back he said,

“You play with her tits and I’ll play with her pussy. After 1 minute we’ll swap over and then keep swapping until she cums.”

They did, but no one was timing the minutes, not that any of us were complaining. With some direction from me they both mastered the art of clit rubbing and I wondered how many times those 2 guys would make me cum before the summer was over.

It was Seth’s finger that was rubbing my clit when I reached my peak, loudly telling them that I was cumming. Seth’s finger went faster and Noah used both hands to try to flatten my nipples between his fingers and thumbs.

“Thanks guys,” I said when I was able to, “I needed that.”

It was then that I told them that nurse Emily had made me cum at lunchtime.

“Bloody hell, I wish that I needed checking to prove that I can cum.” Noah said.

“She’s married mate.” Seth said.

“So what, I could still fuck her.”

“After Friday you may never see her again.” I said.

“But if I do I might just ask her to check that I can cum.” Noah said.

I changed the subject because the nurse Emily thread was going nowhere.

“Guys, not now, but I want to learn how to give head, you eating my pussy and to have 69s. Are you 2 up for it?”

“Hell yeah.” Seth replied, “and we can both fuck you at the same time, doggy style while the other is fucking your mouth.”

“Can’t wait.” I replied.

We just lay there for a bit before I decided that I’d better get the tea ready and the guys headed for their homes. All 3 of us with smiles on our faces.

I was still essentially naked when dad walked into the house. After greetings dad asked,

“Are you planning on spending the whole summer naked then Lea?”

“Maybe, would that be a problem for you dad?”

“Not at all, you’re over 18 so it’s your choice. So how did your last Monday at school go?”

“A bit boring actually. There’s only so much that a group of young people can talk about.”

“I see that some of the paint is coming off, have you been rubbing your chest up against something Lea, half the paint has gone.”

I looked down and saw that half the paint was missing from my tits and I could see most of my pubes.

“I don’t remember rubbing up against anything but I must have. I think that I’ll go and scrub the rest off after tea.”

“I can easily setup that outdoor shower if you want Lea, you used to love showering outside.”

“That would be great dad, thanks. Do you want me to wash the Land Rover?”

“Okay, what have you done Lea, why are you trying to get into my good books?”

“Nothing dad. I just want to make the most of my last summer here.”

“Won’t you be coming back home between years at the university?”

“Yes but I might be a different girl by then.”

“I hope not, I love you just like you are.”

“I’m naked dad.”

“And I love you naked as well as with clothes on, although naked you remind me so much of your mother.”

“Dad, if you want any help with missing mum I’ll help you any way that I can.”

“No, Lea, thank you but we can’t, it wouldn’t be right.”

“If you change your mind dad just let me know.”

“Thank Lea, you’re the best, naked and clothed.”

After tea I went and helped dad setup the outside shower then I got the jetwash out and cleaned the Land Rover, well the outside of it, I left the inside for dad to sort out. He could have had anything from dead sheep to plants in there and maybe still had. I didn’t look.

After I’d finished I went and got my shower things and a scrubbing brush, and dad watched me washing and scrubbing my tits and pussy. I was sure that I’d have red marks where the paint straps had been. I kept asking dad if he could see anywhere that still had paint on and when I was happy that I’d got it all off I decided to have a shave, everywhere below my neck.

Dad kept watched me and whenever I looked at him he just told me that I looked like mum. When I’d finished shaving, rinsed and dried I started to feel a bit guilty. Basically I’d put on a show for my father and he must have been suffering from a case of blue balls.

“Are you sure that I can’t help you with anything dad?” I asked.

Right then I was prepared to let my father fuck me but he wasn’t having any of it and I decided not to offer myself to him again, well not that day. If he wanted me then he knew how to ask. Having said that I had no intention of wearing any clothes for the summer and he’d have to live with seeing me naked all the time.

I decided to leave my father alone for a while and I went for a walk. As I walked past Seth’s house he must have seen me because he came running after me shouting,

“Hang on Lea.”

I stopped and turned and waited.

“You’ve washed your bikini off Lea.”

“You’re so quick at times Seth.” I replied.

“My mum asked me why you didn’t have any clothes on.”

“What did you tell her?”

“That you’d decided to become a naturist for the summer.”

“What did she say to that?”

“Oh right, I hope that it doesn’t rain.”

“That’s all?”



“Where are you going?”

“No where, just fancied a walk, my dad watched me scrubbing the bikini off and I thought that I’d let him cool down a bit.”

“Didn’t he want to fuck you?”

“Probably but he doesn’t think that it’s right.”

“It’s not like you’re going to get pregnant.”

“No but I’m not sure that I want him to fuck me, I will if he asks but I don’t know about asking.”

“Okay, shall we walk to the playground?”


There was no one else at the kid’s small playground which was right next to the pub car park and we sat on the 2 swings and talked whilst idly going back and forwards. We watched a couple of cars come and go with the occupants looking over to Seth and me and possibly wondering if I really was naked.

There was no doubt when we moved over to the climbing frame and we were both hanging upside down facing the car park when another car came in and parked quite close to us. Two young men got out and stared at us, well me.

Seth and I continued talking while staring back at the men.

“You okay love?” One of the men asked.

“I’m fine thanks, just hanging around.”

Both Seth and I laughed at my choice of words and the 2 men shook their heads, turned and walked towards the pub door and I wondered if they’d say anything to Ben, the landlord. Not that I was worried about that, Ben had seen me the night before and he certainly wasn’t complaining.

About 10 minutes later we were still hanging upside down when we saw Ben walking towards us carrying 2 glasses of beer. Seth and I pulled ourselves up and then dropped to our feet.

“What’s up Ben?” I asked,

“Nothing, I just had a couple of men telling me that there was a naked girl literally hanging around out here.”

“What did you tell them?” I asked.

“That it was just the local naturist. Here have a drink.”

“They weren’t upset or wanting to call the police were they?” Seth asked.

“No, quite the opposite, they asked if there were any more like you around here Leanne.”

“What did you tell them?” I asked.

“To ask me again in 10 minutes.”


“That gave me an idea Lea, how do you fancy working for me for a couple of evenings a week until you have to go to university?”

“Keep talking.” I said but my brain was in overdrive guessing what he was about to say and what it would mean for me.

“Well, sorry Seth but you and Noah haven’t got the right body parts for this job, you see I was wondering if Lea would like to learn how to work behind a bar on a Friday and Saturday evening dressed like you are now? I’ll pay you, give you some money for when you’re at university.”

“So Ben,” I replied, “you’re offering to teach me how to pull pints, make other drinks and serve customers, and pay me, if I work naked?”

“That’s why you’re going to university Lea, you’re bright and you worked it out. What do you say?”

If Ben could have seen my pussy (it was starting to get dark), he would have known the answer.

“Tell you what Ben, when we’ve finished those drinks I’ll bring the empties in and give you my answer, how’s that?”

“Fair enough.” Ben replied and as he turned to walk back inside he added, “see you in a bit then.”

“You’re going to do it aren’t you Lea?” Seth asked as we sat on the little fence and started to drink.

“Yeah, I am.”

“You want to show your tits and pussy to all the punters don’t you?”


“You’ll be horny all night won’t you?”


“Well if you want to call on Noah or me on your way home we’ll help you with that little problem.”

“It’s good to have mates that you can rely on, thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“You 2 are still going to fuck me every day as well.”

“I was hoping that you’d say that Lea.”

We finished the drinks, Seth headed for home and I took the empty glasses into the pub. As I walked I was a little nervous. Okay I’d been in the pub the night before wearing only some body paint but this time absolutely everyone would be able to see that I was totally naked.

All eyes turned as I walked in and over to the bar, the locals not looking for that long, but the city people staring for much longer.

“Thanks Lea,” Ben said as we looked at each other. I nodded my head and Ben loudly said,

“Ladies and gentlemen, for any of you who don’t know this is Leanne and starting on Saturday she will be working here on a Friday and Saturday evening and I’m pleased to say that right now she is wearing her 18 year old work uniform.”

I was a little embarrassed at that moment but that didn’t stop me looking around at all the people. The few women in there looked indifferent but the men all had smiles on their faces. I felt the tingling in my pussy get quite a bit stronger.

Ben motioned for me to go round to the other side of the bar where he took my hand and led me to a quiet corner.

“Lea, thank you so much, I guessed that the offer would please you. It’s obvious that you are an exhibitionist and as such you need opportunities to show yourself to as many people as possible. I’m sure that word will get out and the place will be full of city people coming to look at you. I know that you need a bikini painting on you for Friday but after that please don’t let Mike put a brush on you again, I need you exactly as you are now, naked and horny.”

“How do you know that I’m feeling horny right now Ben?”

“How could you not be? Besides your nipples look like they could cut glass and your clit looks to be throbbing.”

I couldn’t deny it and I replied,

“Okay, you got me, but aren’t you just doing this to get more punters and therefore more money?”

“Not totally true Lea, it means that I can look at your gorgeous body all the time. And I know that it’s what you want. Am I right or am I right?”

“You’re right Ben, and thank you.”

“Just one rule for now Lea, I don’t mind the punters having a quick feel but anything more is off-limits, well at least until closing time and I’ve locked the doors.”

“Okay, I’ve already worked out that it’s the tease factor that excites men.”

“That’s very true Lea, a girl that’s good at that can get absolutely anything that she wants. You may like to develop that talent when you’re working here.”

“Thanks again Ben, and you can have a quick feel anytime that you want. I’d better be going now, I need my beauty sleep and I’ve got to decide what to wear at school tomorrow.”

“You’re not going to school like that then?”

“Err no, not very appropriate. I don’t suppose for one minute that the kids would mind, it’s just the narrow minded teachers and parents.”

“Too right. Okay, see you on Saturday evening around 6 Lea. If I don’t see you before.”

I left the pub, waving at the locals that I knew then walked home. As I walked I thought about what I could wear to school because I didn’t want to wear that denim skirt every day. I had a couple of ideas and when I got home I dug out some old summer dresses that I hadn’t worn for years. Picking one I tried it on. It was short, very short, thin cotton, sleeveless with spaghetti straps, buttons from top to bottom and quite tight round my chest. It would do and if a button or two popped open it would be just tough.

Dad was already in his bed so I took the dress off, went and cleaned my teeth then lay on top of my bed. I had an itch that needed attending to.


I was up before dad and when he came down for his breakfast I told him about my new job. He smiled and told me that he’d have to go to the pub every Friday and Saturday from now on.

“But you do that now dad.”

“Yes but I’m going to make sure that I don’t miss a night of watching my favourite daughter flaunt her naked body in front of lots of unknown men.”

“You’re only daughter dad.”

“Unfortunately I know that, it would be great if I had 2 or 3 daughters all running around with no clothes on.”

“Dad, I’ve told you.”

“Don’t go there Lea, it’s too tempting.”

“I love you daddy.”

“And I love you too princess.”

We both had our breakfast then dad went to the bathroom and I went and put the dress on. Dad was coming out of the bathroom as I went in and he said,

“Wow, I haven’t seen that dress for a few years, you look cute in it even if you butt is hanging out of the back.”

“No it’s not dad.”

I cleaned my teeth then went back to my room, looked at my butt in the mirror and decided that dad was joking. Well, providing I was stood up all the time.

As usual we left home about the same time and as I waved to him I saw Noah and Seth walking towards me.

“Cute dress Lea.” Noah said, “are you trying to drive the guys at school crazy? I’m assuming that you have nothing on under it.”

I didn’t answer Noah, instead I turned my back to him and bent at the waist.

“Hold it right there Lea.” Seth said as he came up behind me, grabbed my hips and dry humped me a couple of times.

“You can do that for real when we get home this afternoon.” I said as I stood up straight, “we’ll have to try it standing up.”

The driver gave me a double-take as I got on the bus but he didn’t say anything and we walked to our usual seats near the back. Seth took the window seat, me next to him and Noah across the aisle. As I sat down I felt the plastic of the seat on my pussy and when I looked down I could see my slit and clit. Even at that time of the morning it was out, hard and wanting some attention but it wasn’t going to get any from me.

However, Seth had seen it as well and his hand moved to my bare thigh and he started gently rubbing my clit.

“Stop it Seth.” I said, “you’ll make me cum.”

“That’s the idea Lea, I think that every time that we get on this bus for the rest of the week, one of us should rub your clit until you cum.”

“Oh my gawd, someone might see.” I replied.

“Or hear you when you cum.” Seth replied.

“Bloody hell mate,” I replied as I spread my knees, “I thought that I was the one turning into a sex maniac but it’s you two as well.”

“Not complaining are you Lea?” Noah asked.

Seth did make me cum, and that was before we’d got even half way there.

We went to our classroom and got our attendance mark then went into the other, same year classroom where the mainly boys were already talking, sitting on the desks and generally killing time. I went and sat on an empty desk at the back and it wasn’t long before one of the girls said,

“Painted bikini come off Lea.”

Okay, the ties round my neck had gone but she wasn’t looking that high up my body.

“Bloody hell,” I thought, “I didn’t think that Eve was a lesbian.”

Eve’s comment was heard by some nearby boys and before long half the boys were looking up my skirt and I did nothing to cover my pussy. After a few minutes of me letting them and them not stopping looking I said,

“I’m guessing that you didn’t get enough yesterday, anyone would think that you’ve never seen a pussy before, do you want to take a photograph of it?”

None of them answered but a lot of phones came out and the flashes started. After a couple of minutes one of the boys said,

“Get your tits out as well Lea.”

“Jeez, you lot are desperate.” I replied as I started unbuttoning my dress.

When they were all unfastened I held the sides open and said,

“There, satisfied?”

The camera flashes were almost blinding but I stayed with my dress open until the flashes became less frequent then buttoned it up.

Of course I got a lot of comments about me being a slut or being brave but I wasn’t bothered and I started talking to a girl who had been stood by me.

About 15 minutes later one of the boys came back into the room and announced that we could play football on the sports field if none of the younger classes needed the pitch. That sounded better than just sitting around so out we went into the sunshine.

One of the boys (Luke) took charge and asked for all those who wanted to play to come to the middle of the field. As nearly all the girls were wearing either jeans of shorts there was a lot of girls wanting to play, anything other than just sitting around.

Luke looked around and did a bit of counting and was surprised that there were more girls than boys wanting to play.

“Right, we can either pick teams and play shirts vs. skins or girls vs. boys.” The boys were grinning but too many girls said that they wouldn’t take their tops off so it was girls vs. boys.

Before we started playing Luke announced that we were playing for fun, it wasn’t to be taken seriously and that there was to be no rough tackling. That seemed to please some of the girls.

I was the only girl playing who was wearing a dress or skirt and I’d played football with Seth and Noah many times and actually managed to run rings around them some of the time but no one else there knew that.

The self appointed referee, Luke, started the game and it soon became obvious that I was a target for the boys. I could easily dribble around most of the boys but after I’d got the score 3 up to the girls then some of the boys started getting a bit rough and it wasn’t long before I was knocked over.

Now I’m sure that you remember that I was wearing a very short skirt and it being lose fit and very thin, when I went down it went up. My body below my waist was on display for all to see and I was smiling.

A boy’s hand appeared in front of me to help me up and the game resumed. It wasn’t long before it happened again, but this time when I went down I made sure that my legs were well apart. My spread pussy was there for all around to see. I quickly got up, straightened my dress and waited for the game to restart.

I managed to keep away from the ball for a while, firstly to have a bit of a rest, and secondly to let the other girls get involved and I have to say that they appeared to be having fun, especially when I heard Mandy say,

“Come on girls, we can beat them, they’re only boys.”

After a few minutes I started to run for the ball again and it wasn’t long before I was about to score when I got tackled by 2 boys. This time when I went down I suddenly felt fresh air on my body. As I lay there on my back I realised that all the buttons on my dress had popped open. I was essentially naked, on my back with my legs spread, on the school sports field. And what’s more, I was a bit winded.

I just lay there until Luke came over to me, stared at me for a couple of seconds then said,

“Are you alright Leanne?”

“I think so, just give me a minute or so.”

By then most of the boys had gathered around me and were staring at my naked front, and I was loving it. The tingling started and I felt my pussy get wet.

After I didn’t think that I could drag it out any longer I sat up, looked down at my front and said,

“Well you could have told me guys.”

“Why?” Andy asked.

”A girl has to have her modesty.” I replied.

“Who you? Naw.” And said, “You ain’t got any of that Lea.”

He was right, I wasn’t the same girl that I was a few weeks ago. I said nothing as I buttoned up my dress.

“That was a foul.” Luke announced, “penalty to the girls.”

The other girls let me take it and I scored.

By then the score was girls 4, boys 3.

I backed away from the action for a while again and soon the boys equalised.

As the game went on the tingling in my pussy started to disappear so I got back into the game and ‘engineered’ another tackle from the boys. Down I went and again the buttons on my dress popped open, possibly helped by me not fastening them all when they first came undone.

Again I lay there on my back fully exposed with my legs open. Luke came over and stood between my feet.

“Are you okay Lea?”

“I think so, the boys are playing too rough.”

Luke put a hand out to help me up but I could see that he, and 3 other boys were staring at my spread pussy, my wet, spread pussy. The tingling made me shiver and I slowly put out my hand for Luke to pull me up with.

I was stood right in front of Luke with my dress open and him looking down at my bare tits with their rock hard nipples.

“Maybe we should play something else?” I suggested as I started buttoning up my dress from the bottom.

“What did you have in mind Lea?”

“Rugby.” I replied.

Luke’s eyes lit up.”

“No, touch rugby, if it’s just touch rugby there’s no need for the boys to get rough.”

That sounded reasonable to Luke but I just knew that some of the boys would get a bit rough especially with me because I’d be giving them a run for their money and there was a chance that they would be able to cop a feel of my tits and maybe my pussy as well, and that idea appealed to me.

Luke called everyone over and explained what we’d talked about. At first some of the girls said,

“No way,” but Luke added,

“Touch rugby, not proper rugby, all that is needed is a quick touch of the arm and the ball holder has to pass the ball. Girls, no touching the boys on their cocks or balls and boys no touching the girls on their tits or pussies. Any complaints that anyone is getting too touchy or feely and the game ends.”

That sounded reasonable to the girls and Luke asked one of the boys to go and get a rugby ball.

Soon, both teams were lined up and the game started. It was like the boys knew which girls tits they could grab and get away with it. As I watched I had to agree with the boys assumptions. We’d all knew which girls put out and it was them who go their tits groped.

That was until they got to me. Seth and Noah had never told me about any rumours about me but after my displays of the last 2 days I guessed that they assumed that I’d be up for anything, and anything I got. The girls always seemed to pass the ball to me which was probably my fault for hanging around the play. I could out-run most of the boys and it was easy for me to pick a boy that I wanted to grope me. All I had to do was run straight into him. And every time that I did that we ended up on the ground with either my dress up around my waist, the top buttons open, the bottom buttons open or all of them open.

Each time that I got to my feet and fastened the buttons again I was so pleased that they just popped open and didn’t rip something because I wanted to be able to wear that dress again.

I was so pleased that 2 of the times that I ran into a boy, and we went down, I discovered one of his hands on my pussy as he rolled off me. I was liking that game.

Eventually we stopped playing and I suspect that no one knew the score.

Back in the classroom it was getting near to lunchtime and I was just thinking about what to get to eat when a girl, Grace, came up to me and said,

“Lea, I didn’t know that you could play football or rugby, without you we’d have been massacred. I’m guessing that you didn’t mind the rough tackling and your dress nearly getting ripped off you.”

“Hell no, I don’t know what’s got into me lately but I just want to expose myself to men all the time. I’ve even got a holiday job as a naked barmaid.”

“You haven’t; oh my gawd. Hey everyone, Lea’s going to be a naked barmaid.”

“Thanks Grace.” I sarcastically replied, but I didn’t really mind, in fact I hoped that some of them would come and see me.

“Where, when?” One of the guys asked.

Noah came to my rescue,

“Our village, every Friday and Saturday evening.”

“Gee thanks MATE, why don’t you tell the whole school?”

I sounded mad that Noah had told everyone but he knew that it was quite the reverse.

“What’s every Friday and Saturday evening?” A teacher’s voice asked.

Of course one of the not so bright boys had to give the new arrival all the details and I blushed a little at the thought of one of my teachers seeing me naked in a pub.

“Well Leanne, I have to say that I’m surprised, all your education and a place at university and you end up as a naked barmaid.”

“No sir, it’s just for the summer to get some money to pay my university fees.”

“Well I would have thought that you could have found a better way of earning some money.”

“Maybe she wants to be a naked barmaid?” I male voice from the back of the room said.

“I doubt that.” the teacher replied, “You’ve still got a week Leanne, I’m sure that you can find a better way to earn some money.”

“Yes sir, I’ll keep looking.” I lied.

“Well,” the teacher turned to face most of the kids and continued, “I saw you all playing on the sports field earlier, at least you were getting some exercise instead of just sitting around, well done everyone. Have you thought of using the gym, there are plenty of free periods, maybe you could do some yoga, play badminton or setup an obstacle course. I’m sure that you could think of something that you all can get involved in.”

With that the teacher turned and walked away leaving a few brains ticking over at the suggestion.

After lunch we went back to the sports field and just hung around talking and enjoying the sun. Nobody could decide what we could do in the gym during the periods that it wasn’t being used but some of us decided to bring out sports clothes with us the next day just in case someone thought of something that all, or most of, us could do.

That was a minor problem for me as there was no way that I was going to wear my sports shorts ever again, but I remembered that I had a little white swimsuit cover-up at one time and I hoped that I could find it and that it would be suitable.

When we were sat around on the field I just knew that my pussy would be on display, my butt was instantly being tickled by the grass and whatever way I sat people would be able to see up my short skirt or see my pussy if I sat with my knees to one side. Somehow it worked out that I was sat facing most of the boys and I soon forgot about how I was sitting. All they had to do was look my way and they’d see my pussy and I didn’t care.

Whenever my eyes met with one of them who had been looking at my pussy I’d smile and go all tingly. I was having a nice, arousing day.

Eventually it was time to catch the bus home and it was Noah that sat beside me. I put my knees up against the seat in front and spread them as far apart as I could and Noah started playing with my clit. He made me cum before we were half way home and I swore that the next day I would ask them to swap places so that they both could make me cum before the journey ended.

As soon as we got to my house my dress was off and I was on my knees and elbows waiting for one of them to fuck me. Seth went first and this time he lasted well and I was close to cumming when I felt him go as deep as he could then fill me with his cum. It wasn’t until Noah took over that I orgasmed but as he kept going until he’d cum his continuous thrusting made me cum again.

Collapsed on the grass I asked my mates what they wanted to do before it was time to get tea ready. Five minutes later we were on our bikes riding towards the woods, me as naked as the day I was born and with both my mates cum seeping out of me and making the saddle a lot more slippery.

I again got a lot of pleasure riding my bike with nothing between my pussy and the saddle and it was a very aroused me that raced around the path trying to stay ahead of Seth and Noah.

As we raced along we passed a man out walking his dog. We’d seen a car parked near the entrance to the woods and I guessed that we might see someone. We came up on him from behind so I didn’t get to see his face as I raced passed him although both Seth and Noah later told me that the man had looked quite confused when he turned to see them approaching him.

We stopped at the entrance / exit and I slid forward off the saddle and stood with my feet on the ground, my pussy cooling down a little on the metal crossbar. I was glad that I’d got a boy’s bike. Even more so when Seth suggested that I wheel it back and forwards a bit so that it was rubbing along my slit.

“So if you did that for long enough would you cum?” Seth asked.

“Probably.” I replied, “I need some knobbly bits taped to it to make it more pleasurable.”

“You need one of those saddles with a dildo sticking up through it.” Noah said.

“I never thought of that.” I replied, “where did you get that idea?”

“I saw one on a porn site, some Japanese girl riding around town with a dildo going up and down inside her. She looked to be enjoying herself.” Noah said.

“Can you make one for me please guys?” I asked. Both guys had always been better at mechanical things than me but I still fixed my own bike and things that I needed.

“We can go and see old Blackie, he used to make all sorts of stuff.” Seth suggested.

“He was a Blacksmith, I don’t want a horse shoe sticking up through my saddle.”

“No but he’s clever with making things he might have some ideas.” Seth added.

“Why don’t you put a notice up in the pub when you start there on Saturday Lea?” Seth suggested.

“Yeah right, what would it say? Wanted, someone to modify bike so that it fucks every girl that rides it.”

“Yeah, why not?” Noah asked.

“Well I’m not going to do that.” I replied. Anyway, it’s probably time to go home now.

We set off pedalling towards home, me in the lead as usual, and me sliding my pussy from side to side on the saddle. Just before we got to my home daddy’s Land Rover passed us and he pipped the horn. At my house Seth and Noah kept going to their houses and I got off my bike.

“You looked like you were enjoying that ride Lea, wasn’t it a bit uncomfortable? Do you want me to lower the saddle for you?” Daddy asked.

“No thanks, it might be uncomfortable but it is nice.”

Daddy looked me in the face then said,

“Oh I understand but you be careful, make sure that you know what’s going on around you.”

“Yes dad, thank you dad, am I late getting tea ready?”

“No love, I managed to get off early so you’re not going to get your bum smacked.”

“You haven’t done that to me for years dad, would you really do that to me? I’m 18 now.”

“No Lea, I wouldn’t. If for no other reason than I think that you would enjoy it.”

“Would I? Did mum enjoy being spanked?”

“Yes she did.”

“So will you spank me please?”

“No I won’t, you’re too big a girl for her father to be spanking you, especially on the bare.”

“What if I was a naughty girl?”

“Lea. Don’t push me.”

“Sorry daddy, I’ll start the tea. You go and put your feet up and I’ll bring a beer to you.”

“You’re too good to me Lea.”

I smiled and started getting the tea ready.

After tea I decided to use the outside shower again and daddy came and watched me take a much shorter shower although I did shave my pits, arms, legs and pussy, all with daddy watching me.

I stayed at home that night because I had some clothes to wash and some other clothes to sort out. I wanted to sort out what I was going to wear for school for the rest of the week.

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