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The first trial that will eventually change the face of the legal system. Public humiliation is found to be much cheaper and more effective at reforming the guilty than incarceration.

This is the Sixth chapter of a story in a universe where public humiliation eventually replaces incarceration.
Chapter 6 - Day 2 starts

At 5:45 AM noname woke up when the sprinklers went off. He didn’t know if it was intentional but one of them seemed to have a direct line to his ass between his spread legs. The worst thing about the sprinklers was that the water was cold. He was surprised that he had slept so well. He had been exhausted from all the fucking and sucking and pain he had endured from all of the people that had abused him during the day. Even his own family had fucked him.

At 6:00 a chime went off and he was available to anyone who wanted to abuse him. The timer showing his remaining sentence said 27:00 to go. He just had to make it through the next 18 hours, then a 6-hour break and then 3 more tomorrow morning and he was a free man. It was a tossup if 48 hours was worth 10 years in prison.

He realized that in that one of the first things that he normally did in the morning was take a piss. He still had to do so but he didn’t know if he could do so in front of people. God, he had been fucked by his own family in front of a large crowd and now he was embarrassed to piss, and Oh God, and Shit now that he thought about it, in front of strangers.

As he was contemplating what to do, a short woman only about 5’ he though, about 45 brunette and overweight walked up to him. She looked like an average housewife. What was she doing here? She had

“You know what I like? Morning wood and a good morning piss.” The words did not match the looks. “I just love a nice warm morning drink from a pulsing spicket. It really turns me on! Do you think you can help me with my wishes?”

“Um, I guess. I was just wandering what to do, I really need to piss and shit.”

“You hold onto the shit. I have a friend that will take care of your shit, but you need to be a good boy and hold onto it for now. Can you be a big boy and do that?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“Now, now, that is no way to talk. I can help you or make things much less pleasant.” She walked around behind him, reached between his legs, and placed a snug cock ring on his cock. She then took a butt plug and shoved it in. At least that fucking electronic one was missing! Then she walked back to his head. “Well now you can’t pee or poop until I remove that ring or plug. Are you willing to behave now?”

He was getting a bit afraid of this woman. He realized he did not want to antagonize her any more than necessary, so he said, “I’ll do whatever you want. Please don’t hurt me.”

“Oh, my dear man, I am not going to be the one to hurt you.”

He felt a knot forming in his stomach but could not do anything about it.

“OK, now that I have your attention, I want you to do something for me. I need you to drink this for me.” She held a full large 42 oz soft drink cup under his head with a straw in it. “When it is completely empty, I will talk to you again.”

He did not have a good feeling about this. He took the straw and sipped the liquid and as he had feared it was chilled piss. He tried to protest but she just walked behind him again and gently squeezed his balls. Not hard, but hard enough and long enough to let him know who was in charge. Without saying a word, she walked back to the front and placed the cup back under his head where he could drink from the straw. He had been in this damn pillory long enough to know that he had no choice. Resigned, he drank. It had a fowl flavor. He had tasted piss yesterday, but this was much worse. He just wanted it over as quickly as possible so he drank as fast as he could. His stomach was getting full, and the drink seemed to go on forever. Finally, a slurping sound came from the cup, she tossed it into a nearby trash can.

“I hope you liked the drink I made for you.”

“It was nasty. What else was in that cup other than piss.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, did it taste bad? I can assure you there was nothing else in it other than what came directly from the source. Let me think, what could be the cause? Maybe it was all the asparagus I had yesterday. My playthings always complain after I have asparagus, but I so love that vegetable.” She chuckled then. The bitch knew exactly what she was doing. He was getting more worried the more time he spent with her.

“Babe, how are you doing? You feelin’ like you need to pee yet?”

“God yes. I felt like I needed to pee before you showed up. Now that you made me drink all that piss, I need to pee that much more.”

“That is sweet, but I still have 25 minutes on my part of the timer. I think I will take advantage of that time.” She pulled the reclining chair over and pulled off her pants and underwear. She scooted her pussy under his face and pulled his head down. Well licking pussy was something that he was getting a lot of practice in doing. She held his head down and sigh. After a few minutes she said, “OK Babe, I have a special treat for you open wide and swallow.” He groaned inwardly and thought He should have expected this. “That’s it babe. Drink it up from the source.” She finished with a sigh. “OK just lick until it is time.”

For the next 15 minutes that is what he did. When the timer showed 40 minutes she said “OK that is enough. Nice job.”

She took off her top and stood there nude and stretched. She was bustier than he had realized. She was what would be considered full bodied. Not exactly fat, but well padded. She large full teats a surprisingly narrow waist and large hips and a big, rounded ass. She looked like a big woman that had been pushed down into a short size. Her breasts would have been impressive on a woman a foot taller, on her they looked huge. When she was done stretching, she crawled under him and said, “OK show time, or rather shower time.” She pulled the cock ring off and shouted, “Let loose and don’t stop until you are empty.”

Don’t stop? Once he started there was no fucking way he could stop!

The woman opened her mouth and drank deeply. She then shut her mouth and let the piss wash over her. She rubbed her body with the piss, she twisted and turned and tried to get her entire body wet. He was still pissing strong when she had her first orgasm. After her first orgasm, she grabbed his cock and directed the stream to her clit and that triggered a second bigger orgasm followed by a third.

As his stream started to slow down, she took his cock back in her mouth and drank and sighed. She sucked hard and ran her tongue around the head to make sure she got the last remaining drops. She sank back in bliss and ran her hands over her wet body. A minute later, the timer rang indicating that her 45 minutes were up. She crawled out from under him, kissed him deeply and said, “Thank you, that was wonderful!”

He was more than happy when she got dressed and walked off humming. He thought my GOD where are these people coming from? He thought he had an imagination, but these people were doing things that he would have never thought of in a million years, what is next!

After resting for his 15 minutes, he heard a voice say, “I just saw you piss all over my dear friend. From what I could see your bladder is now empty, but I suspect that your ass is still full. I have brought with me some of my own toys. Let me assure you I have had all of these approved by Judge Parker.”

That did not sound well. If she/he (He could not tell for sure if it was a man or woman from just the voice. He was going to go with “she” for now until he knew more) felt she had to have what she planned “Approved” What new humiliation is he going to be subjected to now?

“Don’t worry Darlin. You will feel much better when I am done with you. The between time, well we will see.” God what did she have planned.

He could hear things being moved around behind him but was unable to see what was going on. Suddenly, he felt the butt plug pulled from his butt and almost immediately felt something else pushed in. It was bigger than the plug that had been there and it must have had a wide section and a narrower section because just as it was about to hurt, it popped in and the pressure diminished. He felt some odd movement in his ass and then he felt cold liquid flooding his gut.

“What the hell are you putting in me! Does that have ice in it? It feels like my gut is being frozen!”

“Don’t be silly, the last of the ice cubes must have melted at least 20 minutes ago. It is now well above freezing. Now be a good Darlin and be quiet until I say you can talk again. If you don’t stay quiet, I will just encourage you to do so.” She reached between his legs and grabbed the hanging balls and squeezed just enough to remind him who was in charge.

After what felt like an eternity, but the clock only said was 5 minutes. The voice said, “Feelin’ any warmer? It’s all in and your body must be warmin’ it up.”

His teeth were chattering, “NO it still feels like you shoved a damn icicle up my ass.”

“Darlin, I have been there and done that! If I had shoved an icicle up your ass, you would have known it. They are nice and big and hard and easy to shove in. I like them. But they take much longer to melt than the little time we have today. Well Since this is your first time, I’ll be nice and let the coldness out. That should let you warm up a little.”

“Th … th … Thank you!”

Noname felt some movement on the plug that was in his ass and suddenly the pressure in his gut was released. The water flooded out from his gut. It sounded like it was pouring into a pail. “My, my that is some nasty shit coming out of your ass. All the shit that had been in there from you and then, Um do you know how many men deposited their cum in your ass yesterday Darlin?” She paused waiting for an answer. “Come on, do you know?”

“No, I don’t. I lost track of the number of men that came in my ass … or mouth for that matter.” God, he hated where he was!

“No matter, much of that is getting cleaned out now. Feel better?” Much to his surprise he did feel a little better. Soon he could not feel anything being pushed out. “Well, it looks like you are empty, time for round two! You still seem to be shivering so let’s warm you up a little.”

He felt some more motion near his ass and then liquid was flooding back into his gut. This time it was warm, no hot. He felt the heat rising and soon it was getting painful. “God is that boiling water,” he asked?

“Darlin, what did I say about you talkin’ when I haven’t spoken to you? You just earned a penalty was for that comment! And no, it aint boiling. I don’t want to damage you permanently; it is merely nice and warm.”

“As penalty for talking out of turn, this pail will now be moved to a location you can see.” The pail of excrement and cum and water was slipped under the pillory board holding him in place by a gloved hand attached to a white sleave and was placed directly under his face. It stank to high heaven. “Darlin, there is something for you to enjoy. That is just some of the nasty foulness that was in you. You have been a bad, bad man and that had to come out. But rest assured there is more. And remember who is in charge here, I have other ways of punishing you than just placing a little shit under your nose if you speak out of turn.” The voice chuckled.

The hot enema continued to flood his gut. Soon he felt full, then past full, then it started getting painful. Finally, it seemed to stop. “Well, Darlin, the next batch is in. let’s let it do it’s magic.” He felt a gloved hand caress him near the strap under his pelvis. Much to his surprise, his cock started to get hard again. “Oh, what do we have here? That’s OK Darlin, it happens to many men getting this treatment. I think it is time for me to add some more water to your treatment.”

“No, please no more, my gut feels like it is going to explode.”

“Now, now Darlin, I was only going to add about a cup more liquid, you just earned a full pint, want to go for a quart… Your silence tells me that you can learn so a pint it is.” More fluid was pressed into his gut. The pain increased and soon he was moaning in pain. “This is so much fun, I haven’t had this much fun in a while.” The voice said. A hand caressed his belly, and another was caressing his ass and reached down to fondle his balls.

“Well normally I would let you enjoy this for a while but since I only have 45 minutes, I will rush things along and let you get rid of the nastiness you are holdin’ onto.” He felt some movement near his ass and a clear tube was placed into the bucket below his face. “Here we go. Push.”

Soon more foul-smelling sludge came sputtering into pail. When it stopped the pail was about a third full.

“Now it is time for my favorite part of a session. This is a special coffee mix. It is a real wake up call.” Fluid began flowing back into his gut. Fortunately, it was only warm and not hot coffee. Then it hit. It felt his guts were on fire. “What the fuck is in that, it can’t just be coffee!”

“Oh Darlin, you just earned an extra pint.” The voice chuckled. “You are quite right; I added some cayenne pepper to get your attention. Since you have not been a nice man recently, I have added a triple dose for you, I knew I would not mind, I didn’t care if you minded however”

“Get it out please get it out! I can’t take it!”

“OK we talked about this; you just earned another pint. I had originally planned on a nice big 2 quarts but now it is up to 3. I am just going to have to have my assistant put this ball gag in you to keep you quiet.”

Piss girl, naked again came into view and forced a ball gag into his mouth and strapped it in tight behind his head. She ran her fingers across her pussy and then wiped them under his nose. The smell of her pungent asparagus piss was added to the shitty smell from the bucket.

The pain in his gut was intense. The coffee and cayenne enema was causing severe cramps. He tried to lift his feet and twist and turn but the restraints prevented most movement. After what seemed like a month of pain, he felt he was about to pass out. When the voice said, “OK, Time is up for this round.” He felt the now familiar movement and suddenly the pressure started to release. Dark spicy smelling liquid came flooding into the pail. His ass and guts still felt on fire from the cayenne, but there was no pressure and no cramps.

“OK, Last round.” Warm liquid flooded into his butt again. This time it felt soothing. It took most of the burning away. “This is just a soapy solution mixed with some soothing oils. It should calm your insides down. Since this is the last one, I am going to see just how much I can fit in.” The water continued to flow in and in and in.

He would have complained about the amount, but the gage kept him quiet. A part of his mind said that is probably a good thing because any unauthorized talking would only increase the liquid in his ass.

When he felt that water was going to come out of his nose, the voice said, “Well, it doesn’t look like any more is going to go in. I am impressed. You have just over 3.5 quarts. Normally I would just cap you off and leave it in you and let you piss it out. You may not know it, but your colon will absorb any liquid it gets, and it will filter through your kidneys. Usually, I do something like this at night and let it sit until morning. I would add a nice little catheter to gather the piss. I like catheters because I can direct the piss into a bag or even more fun it into a special gag, but sadly that is not an option in the current situation. I am a little bummed about that, but I can’t break the rules now, can I? The timer says I only have a few more minutes so I guess I will have to release what I place in you.” More motion and suddenly the pressure is released, and water flows out of his ass and again flows into the bucket. This time it is almost clear when it flows in.

The butt plug is removed and noname can hear other equipment being moved about. Then he hears piss girl say. “Can I?” The voice says, “Yes my most Precious Darlin, you have done well and deserve a treat.”

A slap on the ass and the voice said. “I am sure the piss you drank earlier has made its way to your bladder and some of the liquid from your enemas can only have added to the supply Why don’t you give my Precious Darlin her treat?”

Noname feels piss girl crawn under him again and latch her lips to his cock. She pulls back for a moment and shouts, “DO IT NOW! LET YOUR YUMMY PISS GO NOW!” Noname complied and let loose a torrent. Piss girl drank deeply, then directed the piss all over her body like she had an hour ago. When the piss hit her clit, she threw her head back and hand a strong orgasm. When the flow started to slow, she again latched onto him with her lips. Finally, he stopped. She crawled out from under him and came around to his head. She unlatched the gag and pulled it out. He was about to thank her when she bent down and kissed him pull on the mouth. She obviously had saved the last mouthful of piss in her mouth as she now pushed it into his. He lips remained lock with his until the piss was gone. Swallowed by both.

The timer went off, and piss girl stood up. A tall slender man with goatee wearing a white lab coat with a double row of big buttons running up the front walked out from behind the pillory into view. “Well, Precious Darlin, did you have fun?”

“I did, I did, He has yummy piss.”

The man had dark eye liner around his eyes with tears drawn in and looked like something from a horror show. As short and round piss girl was the, (Now he knew) “man” was tall and skinny. “Here my Precious Darlin, put this robe on as we don’t want to get in trouble for you being nude outside the perimeter.” They walked off out of sight.
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