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Tethys is an attractive artist and nudist in her early thirties who can't settle for one man -- or woman.
A Tribe For Tethys

Part 1 -- Gesso

Chapter 2: Carl, Iron, the Lake

I get in the car, pull off my sandals and toss them in the back, pull my keys out of my handbag and double check that my earrings and necklace are in there, then I start the car and pull out. Already I feel a little wetness spreading into the crotch of my romper. I won’t be able to keep it all in, but I want to lose as little as possible. Another twenty minute drive to the northeast part of town. An older neighborhood, not particularly prosperous looking, but the yards are nice, and there are a lot of big trees. I pull into the driveway of one of the larger single-story houses on a corner lot, at the wooded edge of the subdivision, brown brick walls and darker brown shingles on a hip roof. Two very large old trees are in the front yard, one a pecan and the other a tall magnolia. On the side is a live oak in need of pruning. There’s little grass in the yard, much of it shaded and covered in old leaves and twig drop from the big trees.

I don’t bother to put my sandals back on as I walk to the front door. It’s hanging open, covered only by the unlocked screen. The windows are open in the same way, and I hear the sound of fans running inside. I don’t bother to announce my presence. I walk in, it’s at least as hot inside as outside, and maybe even more humid. The fans move the air around, but there is no cooling effect. I drop the romper, tossing it onto the arm of the couch in the living room to my left. Suddenly a loud metallic clang reverberates from the rear of the house. At the end of the hall, the kitchen is on the left side behind the living room. To the right the floor drops off a step into a slightly sunken den.

The source of the clanging noise is immediately obvious, and I already knew what caused it. The den has been set up as a very well equipped weight lifting gym. In the middle of the room is a power rack, to the sides are a cable pulldown machine, an incline bench, a deadlifting platform, and a hyperextension rack. A flat bench is inside the rack, with an olympic barbell on the hooks, loaded for a 350 pound bench press. That lift is complete, and the lifter is just now rising from the bench.

“Carl...” my voice lilts. “I have a cunt full of another man’s cum, and I need you to push it all out and replace it with a cunt full of yours.”

Carl faces me and smiles, and I almost lose that precious load of semen. My jaw drops. I’m not seeing anything I haven’t seen many times before, but I get the same reaction every time. The view is simply too spectacular.

Not so much the face – it’s not a bad face, but it’s not as easy on the eyes as Taylor’s. Ruggedly handsome, some might say, “primitive” might be the de***********ion of others. I call him “my Denisovan.” A wide forehead, slightly sloping back from heavy brows that roof eyes a little on the small side. His cheekbones are prominent, as is the jaw. His nose is also prominent, in fact, lips, chin, every feature of that face is prominent. Maybe it’s a face only an artist could love.

From the neck down, however… The only adjective I can possibly use is “flawless.” Muscular, of course, as would be expected of someone with a full weight lifting gym in his den. But more than that. Lean, with upper and lower body both perfectly developed, joined by a tight waist with washboard abs, a true six-pack. Broad shoulders, powerful arms, and bulging quadriceps and tight round glutes to match. Carl strongly reminds me of one of the classic old-school bodybuilders, maybe Reg Park or John Grimek, those who built their physiques in the era before steroids, before diuretics, before six percent body fat was expected.

He has eyebrows, but other than that his body is totally hairless. Scalp, face, chest, back, belly, legs, arms, pubes, scrotum, all are shaved completely bare. There is nothing blocking the luscious view of that luscious physique. There are no tan lines, either. He’s naked whenever possible, just like me, and he has an open back yard with a high privacy fence, allowing him to spend a lot of time nude outdoors. And not just at home, either. We have a special place we go when we can.

Naturally, my eyes caress his entire body as he stands facing me. Just as naturally, they linger on another one of his notable assets. His cock is about the same length as Taylor’s – a good length. It’s not as wide, without the “flight deck,” but nice and thick anyway. The shaft is almost perfectly circular in cross section, with almost no taper between the base and the frenulum, a smooth uncut expanded glans, and a conical taper to the tip of the foreskin. When flaccid, he still extends outward as much as downward, and when erect, it’s a straight forty five degree tilt with almost no curvature. I call it “Rocket Cock”, because it reminds me of a missile ready to launch. Carl’s foreskin tends to remain in place even when he’s hard, so if I want to expose the warhead it has to be retracted manually. Or womanually.

At the base, between his legs, his testicles only complete the impression. There’s no low-hanging scrotum, the ball sack is well separated, and each testicle sits mated to its mount like an external fuel tank below a fighter plane. It’s an unforgettable sight, and one that I have many fond memories of. I wonder at times if real Denisovans had cocks like that.

At my introduction, Carl’s cock notably extends, it’s pointing horizontally at nearly full length. Definitely a rocket. With some effort, I recover my tongue and suck my drool back into my mouth.

“Nice,” he intones. “We’ll take care of that real soon. Now get down here and start your warm ups. I’m almost done benching.”

I make another effort to keep my pussy locked tight, to minimize leakage as I do some light stretching and twisting. Carl does another set of six reps at 350 pounds, and slams the bar back onto the J-hooks. He’s breathing heavily, and his erection has, for now, disappeared. In the central Texas heat and humidity, with no air conditioning, his body is already shiny with sweat, which to me just accentuates the outlines of his impressive musculature.

I feel the sweat start to build on my own skin as well. There are full length mirrors on both walls, and I take a sidelong glance as I pass them. I have to admit I like what I see. There’s a refrigerator against the far wall, I open it and take out a jug of a flavored sports drink. Carl has another one beside the bench, with several swigs already removed from it. He does one more set of bench press at 350 pounds while I complete my joint warm ups. It doesn’t take long. Then we both remove the plates from the bar and lower the hooks a notch. I lay down on the bench and arch my back, planting my bare feet on the floor. Carl takes the spotter position behind the bar.

There’s no real need for a spotter at the moment, of course, I only have the bare bar to contend with. But I appreciate the view anyway, as his half-erection sways above my face. His balls are walnuts, his scrotum is deeply cleft and divided. Walnuts, drop tanks, bombs? It’s still a rocket cock to me! I’m so tempted to reach up and grab him, but my position is hard to maintain, and I need to get this lift over with. I need to keep my core braced and my pussy shut tight to prevent leakage. It’s good training, though, it keeps my abdominal muscles even stiffer, a great strength base for when the lifts get heavier.

I grab the bar with the proper grip and spacing, lift it off the hooks, and proceed to fifteen reps. That’s probably the best warm up I can do. Despite my best efforts, a little bit of Taylor’s slowly decaying seed drips out of my cunt and smears onto the vinyl bench cover. The odor is getting strong, and combined with the smell of sweat coming from both of us, it creates quite the atmosphere in the room. I rack the bar, and grab at my chance. My chance is my right hand squeezing Carl’s balls together, and my left tugging downward on his shaft. I let go, and it bounces up to a slightly higher angle than before.

“All in good time, little lady,” Carl chuckles.

We add 30 pounds of plates to the bar, making it a 75 pound lift. It goes up easily, five reps. I’m not breathing hard yet. Another 30 pounds. Now Carl seems a little more attentive in his position, keeping his hands below the bar as I unrack it, making sure it doesn’t drop. It’s a bit of an effort, but I complete five reps strongly. Again, I give his balls and cock a tug when I finish.

“Good!” nods Carl as I stand back up, now breathing a bit more deeply. “Ready to go up a bit? I think you can do five reps at 115.”

I’ve never done that many before. Last week I’d managed three reps at that weight, which was itself a personal best. But I’m getting stronger. Training with Carl has worked an amazing transformation on my body, and my image of it.

“I’m ready! I think I can do it too!”

We load a 35 pound plate on each end of the bar, and lock it with spring clips. I assume the position on the bench, and another small amount of used cum seeps out of me. I take a few deep breaths, squeeze the bar tightly, take a few more breaths, and lift the bar off the hooks. Carl stands there ready to grab it if things go wrong, but he won’t touch it otherwise. It goes down, then up. Smooth. Second rep, I feel strong. Third rep, I’ve equaled my previous best from a week ago. It’s a little shaky, but I push it through cleanly. Fourth rep, the bar moves very slowly upward. Core tight, I remind myself. Keep those kegels locked down. It’s past the sticking point. It’s up! Do I have another repetition in me? The bar goes down, touching my sternum at the base. Core tight, I tell myself again. Pussy locked. Keep that ass on the bench.

“Keep that ass on the bench!” Carl reflects my thought back to me and amplifies it. “C’mon, leg drive! Push!”

The bar moves. Ever so slowly, it’s nearing the halfway point. There’s a tremor in my elbows.

“Come on Tethys, you got it! Keep pushing! You’re almost there. Push it through!”

It’s like he’s coaching me through labor. For a second, the bar stalls. I’m going to have to dig deep. A grunt, then a whimper, bursts through my lips. Another inch. Upwards, another inch. It’s now a battle between building fatigue and increasing mechanical advantage. I’m past the hardest point, but I’m also weakening fast. A last, desperate push.

“Lockout! You did it! Fuck yeah!” Carl Jumps for joy, and through tear-glazed eyes, I see his cock bouncing low, as low as I’ve seen it, and then back up again. It seems to be growing even more now. My bench presses do excite him. I want to grab that cock again, but I can’t let go of the bar, and when I do, my arms drop helplessly to my sides. I’m gasping.

“One hundred fifteen pounds for five reps. For a woman of your size and weight, that’s an advanced lift!” Carl’s voice is as animated as I will ever hear it. “We’ll be getting you to elite level eventually, I know you have the potential!”

It takes me a couple of minutes to recover. Carl’s cock is rocket solid now, absolutely throbbing.

My arms are still a little shaky, but I’m ready. I flip over onto my stomach, elbows and knees on the bench.

“I’m still full of another man’s cum,” I pant.

He needs no further hints. He hurries around the rack, positions himself behind me. I feel his hands grabbing my ass cheeks so firmly, and then my kegels relax and open, responding to the mass of his flesh plunging inside me. I hear the squishy sound of trapped cum squeezing out, and the smell in the room is powerful. Carl thrusts happily, and it feels wonderful. There’s nothing fancy, nothing particularly sensual, just raw animal sex, his cock in my cunt, his hands grasping my ass, and me arching my back to ease his access. Between the beautiful sensation of fullness in my pussy, and the feeling of accomplishment under the barbell, my sudden orgasm feels celebratory.

This fuck isn’t intended to be a long lasting one. I come quickly, and a few minutes later, I feel the change in rhythm as Carl starts to build. The change is quick. His ejaculation is as voluminous as Taylor’s, and he fills me to overflowing. When he pulls out, a long string of sticky pearls splats onto the end of the bench. It will be easy to clean. We both rest for a couple of minutes, then pull the bench out of the rack. It’s time for my squats.

My labia and clit are still quivering, but my arms have recovered since my successful benching sets. I straighten up and pull the plates off the bar, rest the bar on the rack safeties, and reposition the J-hooks to just below shoulder height. I slide a couple of ten pound plates on each end, setting myself up for an 85 pound warm up squat. There’s no need to try to hold Carl’s cum inside me, he’s already got the camera out. My first couple of squat sets are pretty hot looking, especially in Carl’s mind, as the cum oozes or bubbles out a little each time I go to depth, and forms a long drip to the floor below. He has a whole gallery of pictures, and I know it’s one of his favorite jackoff images. I’m happy to oblige.

He has another bar loaded on a set of J-hooks on the outside columns of the rack, which he uses for overhead presses. He watches my squat set, and takes a few pictures, when I’m resting between sets he does his own. He starts at 100 pounds and ramps up to 200 at five reps. His cock is as flaccid as it can be, but it’s covered in slime, and as soon as the bar comes to rest on the hooks, I’m on my knees in front of him, cleaning him off thoroughly with my tongue and lips. There’s still a little bit of Taylor there, the taste is unmistakable and powerful, especially after having had so much time to ripen inside my pussy. Not everyone likes this strong, musky aroma, but I’m not everyone. It smells manly and virile, and I’m completely captured by it. I can taste the more delicate, feminine qualities of my own juices on there too, and I’d say it adds to the total bouquet of sexual pheromones.

Once my cunt is drained, and Carl’s cock is sucked clean, and the trace of our recent fuck is down to sweat and aroma, we hit the weights more seriously. I add another five pounds to my top squat, I’m now up to 160 pounds, although I could only do four reps. It’s still progress. Carl moves to barbell rows, while I claim the cable row machine. We work in parallel, each on our own agenda, with little discussion. Occasionally Carl will correct my form or suggest a different weight, but for the most part, we each know what we’re doing and monitor our own progress. I can see in the mirrors the pump in my muscles growing as I go.

It’s a long, intense workout, Saturdays are the heaviest and longest workouts of the week. It takes us three hours to finish, and the smell in the room is ripe. Carl was wise to leave the windows open.

Carl has been my coach for two years now, and those two years have been some of the most significant of my life. I was little more than a stick figure when we met, and while I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his magnificent physique, I expected him to not even notice me. He didn’t, and I had to introduce myself. I assumed I’d be tossed aside in favor of the many other beautiful women vying for his attention, but he acted as though I had no other competition. Soon, I learned that I didn’t. The only reason we got together is because I took the initiative. Carl, it turns out, is painfully awkward socially, the shyest exhibitionist I’ve ever seen. To say he dates rarely would be a bit generous. The truth is he’s terrified of women, yet desperately wants their attention and their affection. He comes across as narcissistic and sometimes distant, he’s a poor conversationalist, and frankly doesn’t have a lot of interesting things to talk about. As hot as his body is, he doesn’t often present it well in public, and it seems there are few women other than myself shallow enough to pursue him based on his physical appearance alone. He’s comfortable around me, but even that took some time and effort on my part.

Despite his social flaws, Carl has been a good coach. In the last two years I’ve put on fourteen pounds, most of it muscle. He’s advised me on my diet, increased my protein intake, introduced me to creatine, and made me a hell of a lot stronger than I’d ever dreamed of being. My curves have filled out, enough fat to keep me smooth, but the muscles underneath are visible, and I’m now lean in the best sense rather than skinny. My own confidence has increased, and so has my libido. It was always on the high side, but now it’s through the roof. That’s not a bad thing.

Carl installs rooftop solar panels for both industrial and residential use. That doesn’t mean he’s green, or environmentally woke. He’s not against it, he just doesn’t think about it. It’s a job, and it’s outdoor work, which he likes. He’s a-political, a-philosophical, a-religious, and a-intellectual. He does what he does, and his world is rather narrow. He has little interest in my art, or anyone else’s. But he’s a raw animal motherfucker, he’s been good for my body and my mind, I love working out with him and fucking the hell out of him. Nothing fancy, just raw animal sex. It’s the perfect FWB relationship, from my point of view.

It hasn’t all been one way. I think I’ve been good for him too. Having someone to coach, some sense of responsibility for another person, as well as someone he wants to please, to make happy, has brought him somewhat out of his shell. He seems less narcissistic, more relaxed, and less needy than he did originally. It took some experimentation for him to discover his attraction to sloppy seconds. It fires up his competitive instincts, he somehow feels dominant over the man who’s semen his replaces. Fucking another man’s cum out of me makes him feel like he’s won. That has got to be a primeval Denisovan trait.

I’m about halfway through my second sports drink when we finish. We need a shower. We climb in the stall, start the water, and I start soaping up Carl. This is a bonus. Rubbing my soapy hands over his rippling, hairless body is a sensual delight. From his hard shiny scalp, to his cave-man face, his sculpted shoulders, massive chest, bulging arms, the cobbles of his abdomen and the perfect round ass cheeks, the graceful sweeping thighs, down to his surprisingly attractive feet and perfect toes, then back up again. I can’t forget the rocket cock, which is now standing as high as it ever does, extended fully, with the strained foreskin still masking the tip. I fold it back, and give the exposed head a gentle scrubbing. Carl shivers with excitement, totally under my control. I feel sexy, powerful, even dominant.

I kneel and take him in my mouth. Not too deep, and not for too long. I need to feel him inside me again. I stand, turn to the wall, and thrust my ass towards him through the streaming hot water. He takes the hint, extending his arms around my tits, grabbing and squeezing my nipples, then using them as handles to brace me as he effortlessly slides his cock inside. I cum quickly, but Carl doesn’t. I don’t want him to, yet. I could fuck in the shower all day, but Austin water is expensive, and we have places to go.

I thrust my hips forward, and his cock pops out. I turn around, smile, and grab the razor blade from the hanging mesh shelf under the shower head. He’s mostly smooth, but there’s the faintest hint of bristle, and I want him to be slippery. I turn the water off, mix the bar soap with a conditioning body wash, and suds him again. It takes just a few minutes, scalp, back front, pubes, balls, arms, and legs. I leave the face for him. Then a few quick strokes on my own pubes, armpits, and legs, and I feel presentable to the world. The water comes back on for a quick rinse, and then we’re done and out.

“Do you want to fix a lunch here or eat out?” I ask as we finish drying.

“We can fix it here and take it with us. Then I can eat you out,” he emphasizes. “But drink your post-workout before we go.”

“Yes, sir!”

The protein shake is thick chocolate, functional rather than tasty, but it’s not bad. I know that “we” making lunch at home means me doing it. But I don’t mind. I’d rather fix it my way and know that it’ll be good. Carl won’t care either way. As long as the amount is large, and it fits his nutritional profile, he’s happy. A gourmet he is not.

We’re all packed and ready to go. Carl grabs a couple of towels and pulls on a rather threadbare pair of shorts. He slides his feet into old flip flops at the door. I pick up my romper and slip it back on. We make sure the doors and windows are shut and locked, and the air conditioner is running. Heat is good for sweaty workouts, not relaxing evenings. We leave through the laundry room door, out to the garage. Lunch, towels, and a blanket make their way into his yellow Jeep, and I climb into the passenger side. There’s a pair of casual sandals on the floor in front of the seat, right where I left them last week.

In a few minutes, we’re heading northwest on Parmer Lane, followed by a left turn on RR-620. Traffic is always heavy on a Saturday, but when we finally make the right turn onto Comanche Trail, I’m once again feeling a little moist with anticipation. The crotch of my romper has accumulated a noticeable amount of crust over the last couple of days, and now I’m adding to it again. It needs laundering, for sure! A couple more steep, winding miles downhill and we’re there – Lake Travis, Hippie Hollow Park. We turn left into the entrance, pay the fee, and spend some time searching for a place to park. The parking lot, as it normally is on a midsummer midday Saturday, is overflowing.

We’re lucky. We spy a car pulling out to leave, and seize the opportunity, diving into the spot as soon as it clears. No sooner has the engine shut off than I doff my romper, and Carl is pulling off his shorts. He grabs a beach towel and two bath towels from the back, and I make sure that our valuables, keys, ID, cash, camera, phones, and lunch are all in my tote bag. Out the door we go, crossing the paved parking lot, and onto the walkway at the edge of the wooded area bordering the lakeshore. Technically, we’re probably not supposed to be naked until we pass the sign that says “Attention! Nude sunbathing may be occurring past this point.” But nobody makes a move to stop us, and nobody gives us a second look.

Carl walks on ahead of me, and I keep far enough back to maintain a pleasing full-length view. He has great legs, a great ass, a great back, and impressive shoulders. The back of his skull is rather average, but I’m not holding out for everything. Now, people are giving us second looks. Some are looking at me, and some are looking at Carl. I notice some eyes shifting from one to another. Even though I can only see the rear end of Carl, I know what they’re looking at. His exhibitionist side has kicked in, he’s grown a half-erection, and his cock is sticking out horizontally. I know he’s proud of this.

We walk along the shoreline on a paved path. It winds a little around small embayments in the sloping shore. The shoreline is steep in most places, but in a stairstep manner, individual ledges alternating with small cliffs and fallen boulders, usually about five or six feet high each. Each ledge is populated by sunbathers and swimmers, some single men, some couples, very, very few single women. About half of them are clothed, the other half as naked as we are. The lake is near its summer low, but the water levels are a bit high for the time of year. The higher the water, the better the water quality, but the less shoreline there is for the bathers, and the more crowded it gets. There are a couple of restrooms and resting benches along the way, the walk is fairly short and plenty easy.

At the end of the pavement there is an intersection of dirt trails. One goes down to the water, one continues along the slope, and one goes uphill into the scrubby woodlands that characterize the central Texas Hill Country. We continue on for another hundred yards or so, until we arrive at our spot, a small cove that separates the gay section from that of the straight visitors. Close to the water is a prominent outcrop that’s a good place to be seen from both sides, and Carl often likes to make his stand there. For now, though, we turn uphill a short ways into a clearing in the woods, and find the couple we’re looking for.

Joe and Joanne prefer to be called Joe and Jo, and who can blame them? They are in their mid forties, dark, and look like they’ve lived naked in the Texas sun all their lives. They’ve only been coming here for a few weeks though, and we were lucky enough to meet them on their first day and help familiarize them with the place. Jo greets us with a big smile and a full-body hug, and Joe with a slightly more reserved handshake. There’s a space to lay our beach towel on, and we spread it out and sit down. We break out the lunch right away, Jo and Joe have already started on theirs, so we eat a pleasant meal together.

“You two sure are looking good today,” Jo coos. “You got a pump from lifting weights, right?”

“You can tell?” I laugh. “Well, I guess it’s working!”

Jo and Joe are eating cobb salads with ham and cheese sandwiches. Our lunches are tuna salads with boiled eggs – lots of them – nut and raisin trail mixes, and fresh fruit. Some strawberry juice dribbles down my chin, and Jo points it out with a giggle. We barely know these people but I’m starting to like them a lot.

“You inspired us last week, and we decided we need to find a gym to start working out. Laying around in the sun is not going to get us trim or fit. Did you tell me where you two go to work out? I might have forgot.”

“Carl has a home gym, and we work out at his place,” I say. “It’s very well equipped.”

“That must be true”, she grins. “So is Carl!”

Carl is standing just off the towel. He’s rarely one for sitting. No matter what he does, it seems like he’s striking a pose in some way, even while eating a tuna salad. His cock retains that slight extension and enough lift to keep it nearly horizontal. Jo and I look at it admiringly. Even Joe looks envious.

Lunch done, Jo and I lean back on our elbows and chat casually. As I thought, she is Hispanic, and Joe is Italian. “We grew up together,” she relates proudly. “Both of us are single children, both our families were nudists, and calling them ‘open minded’ would be understating it. So we’ve pretty much been naked and together all our lives.”

“Wow!” I answer, which is also what I’m thinking. “I was an only child too, but there’s nobody I really grew up with. I had to entertain myself. I’m surprised you don’t think of each other more as siblings, being that close as kids.”

“Let me tell you, sweet girl,” she says with raised eyebrows. Sometimes we’re like siblings, sometimes like lovers, and sometimes like worst enemies! But even then, we’re always best friends. I’ve known a few couples that were childhood sweethearts, and they don’t usually seem to work out too well. Like you say, probably too much familiarity, you think? You get an itch for something strange and new sometimes. We have that, but it doesn’t drive us apart. We let each other explore whenever we want.”

“What do you mean?” Now my own eyebrow is cocked.

“Hey, look, we’re as monogamous as can be, here in our hearts,” she taps herself on the left breast. “Isn’t that right, Love?”

“Hearts, minds, and souls,” Joe returns, with a smile. “The rest is negotiable.”

“We just try to keep things spiced up, you know?” she goes on. “We like having friends around to keep things interesting. But we’re new in town, so we haven’t really made any like that here yet.”

I must be slow today, but suddenly I understand. I look up at Carl, and he’s listening with renewed interest. His cock has twitched just a bit higher, just a bit longer.

“Gotcha,” I nod. The wheels turned in silence for a minute or so. “You know, I think that’s something Carl and I should discuss when the time comes.”

“Yes, we should,” Carl agrees.

Jo gives an even more emphatic nod. “Oh, yeah!” Joe pipes up “That would be nice!”

“In the meantime,” I sit up and lean towards my bag. “Carl and I have been out here unprotected in the sun for too long. I think it’s time for a lotioning!”

I open up the bottle and start squeezing the goop onto my palm. This isn’t the highest SPF around, but it’s very slippery, and that’s what I’m looking for right now. Carl stands obedient as I begin to slather the lotion onto his skin. After the first wipedown I just squirt the lotion directly onto his chest. I grab his cock to brace myself as I stretch up to wipe over his shoulders. It’s a secure handle, now as long and hard as it can get. I keep a tight grip on it, as tightly as my slippery hand will allow, as I rub the lotion into his chest, his belly, his ribs, back, and tight round ass. Now I’m at the right height to give that cock a little more protection. I gently pull back on the foreskin with my thumb and index finger, and run a line of lotion along the top from the tip to the base. I spend a little more time than strictly necessary working it in, but I don’t want it to get burned now, do I? A little precum appears at the tip, and I mix that into the rest of the protective coating.

His balls get the same gentle, loving, thorough treatment. I love watching them twitch with every caress. I look over at Jo, and she is staring, mesmerized. I suddenly remember. I let go of Carl for just a moment, reach into my bag and dig out the camera, now with its own sunscreen protection smeared across the body.

“Would you like to make a video?” I ask Jo sweetly as I hand it to her. She cleans it off and turns it on. The rest of our encounter is going to be recorded for our future entertainment – and Taylor’s too -- he’ll want to see it. I realize quickly that Jo has done this before. She knows just when to zoom in for closeups, when to pull back for a wider shot, and when to get an ecstatic facial expression. I’m glad I installed fresh batteries!

I go back to linger lovingly on Carl’s lovely genitals, while he generously assumes a camera friendly position. He doesn’t have to do much, because Jo is everywhere. There’s no shot missed. I continue back between his legs to his butt crack, and then down his thighs, calves, all the way to his feet an ankles. I carefully ensure that each toe is covered. My excitement is building as I imagine the images that we’ll be watching later. We’ll have to send a copy to Jo and Joe as well. They are earning it.

By the time I have Carl on his knees in front of me, carefully applying a shiny protective layer to his already shiny scalp, gently working it in to his forehead, temples, cheeks, nose, and chin, I’m so completely aroused that slimy droplets are already oozing from my labia, hanging down on little threads like spider silk. Jo has, of course, recorded this sight for posterity.

“My turn!” I manage to growl, and Carl picks up the bottle. It was new when we brought it, it’s down by about a quarter now. I’m a lot smaller than Carl, and it will take a lot less to cover me, but Carl is not being stingy with it. Gently, but sloppily, he coats my back and butt first, moving up to my shoulders, sliding slowly down my arms to my fingertips. I’m shivering in the heat.

He moves back to my flushed torso, and works his way down from the top of my chest, moving over, around, between, under, and alongside my breasts. He lavishes attention on them, softly pressing my nipples, gently squeezing them, then guided by my gasps pinching and twisting them firmly. I’m ready to cum standing there.

He continues down and across my rib cage, my belly, rubbing his finger inside the little crater of my navel, which he knows is a turn-on for me. I’m dripping now. He wipes his way down to my bare mons, then spends quality time working my labia, the soft sensitive outer padding and the already triggered inner flower, slipping extra along my clit, inserting his finger just barely into my pussy, wetting it enough to dilute any lotion that might try to coat the insides, and then sliding back towards my ticklish little ass sphincter. I’m leaning on him now, as he cups his hands over my thighs and knees and calves, doing my toes just as I’d done his.

I can’t take it any more. “Fuck me!” I command. I don’t know or care who’s watching, I just want Jo and the camera to be there. “Fuck me!” I croak again, and I don’t have to order it a third time. Carl moves behind me, turns me around, pulls my ass upwards and leans me forward, hands on the beach towel. I feel him quickly enter me from behind, unceremoniously and none too gently. Good. That’s what I want.

“Fuck me hard, goddam it!” I manage to growl, and he obeys perfectly. I don’t know how much noise I’m making. Am I moaning, screaming, or just gasping and groaning? I don’t care. I only know that the sun is hot on my skin, my skin is hot with passion, and Carl is hot inside me. He pounds away, and I start to lose what little muscle tone I have left. I don’t want to collapse in a heap, if I do he might slip out. I don’t want to lose that cock. I want it slamming me. But my orgasm is stronger than I am, and with a long, sighing, whimpering moan, I fall over.

I have about thirty seconds to catch my breath, and then Carl’s hands are on me. He pulls me up off the towel, lifts me into the air, rotates me like a doll. I’m facing him now as he cups his hands under my ass, pulling my legs up around his waist. I’m still limp, and I wrap my arms around his neck, holding on for security. He lowers me just a little, positioning me to slide down onto that cock. I don’t have to worry about falling any more. He fucks me standing up, holding me and moving me up and down easily, at the pace he wants, which turns out to also be the pace I want.

I recover a little in this position, the strokes are gentler, and I can relax while he does all the work. It doesn’t look like work to him, though. He’s smiling at me, grinning that wide, set-jawed grin of his. He can’t be accused of taking this good sex for granted. The grin, the obvious happiness it communicates, sets me off again, but this time he continues fucking me uninterrupted through my orgasm, which just intensifies it more. It seems like forever, and now I know that my voice is back. I hear my moans, my sobs, my laughter, my squeals, although I have no control as to what I emit. I hear the liquid squishing of my pussy lubricant mixing with the sloppy lotion. I hear Carl’s soft grunts and panting as he keeps up a steady rhythm. I hear Jo’s expressions of wonder and delight, cheering us on, encouraging us.

Carl does have his limit. I can feel him reaching it now. It’s never much of a gradual buildup with him. When he’s ready, he’s going to explode. Often he makes no noise when he comes, but sometimes, like now, he gives off a long, extended growling grunt as if he’s constipated. I hear it right in the middle of my own orgasm, and the sound not only intensifies it for me, but makes me laugh uncontrollably. He puts out another gusher, and it overflows immediately out of my cunt and on to the ground. I hang momentarily on Carl’s shoulders, but he is spent. We sink down, and soon we’re disentangled and reclining again.

Carl is going to have to live without the spunk getting sucked off of his cock for now, the sunscreen mixed in with it is just not something I want to taste. He’s not going to eat me out either. We’re both just going to have to either drip or towel off. Jo prefers that we drip, because she’s still got the camera coming in for closeups. That’s fine with me. We don’t have any clothes to protect from stains or crusts, and it feels sexy to me when semen is dribbling out of my cunt and down my leg as I walk or relax. It tickles a little, it smells pungent and refreshing, and has a euphoric effect on my mood. A mass of slowly coagulating cum on Carl’s dick looks sexy to me too. I like it when a little bit drips of the tip of his foreskin as he walks. I especially like it when we’re both dripping together, and walking through a crowd that can see it. Hippie Hollow gives us that. Sometimes. When we are lucky, like today, the police aren’t patrolling.

I look around, and see that we have attracted a small crowd of onlookers. It’s beginning to disburse now. As usual, it’s mostly men, but there are a couple of couples there. Even out on the lake, just beyond the line of foam floats that marks the boundary of the swimming area, there is a boat drifting, and I can see a couple of binoculars being pointed our way. I tend to forget how visible we are, even in our private clearing, from the right angle.

“You going to go show off now?” I ask Carl jokingly, but I know that he is. He was an exhibitionist before I was, and I’m sure he brought it out in me. I think I amplified his own as well. Carl laughs, nods, and gets up. He stumbles down to the edge of the water, his still-half-hard cock bouncing and flapping, with little droplets being flung off the tip. I look at the faces of the watchers. Some are disgusted, and back off and leave. A few of the gay men look mesmerized, some move a little closer. As usual, there are no women hanging around to enjoy the view.

This is where I met Carl, some two years ago. The first time I saw him I was here on a date, a date which didn’t go well after my so-called open minded friend decided I was enjoying the scenery a little too much. We fought on the way home, and I never saw him again. I saw Carl again the next weekend, standing on the same rock, making the same displays. Despite enjoying the sight of his gorgeous, magnificent body, I saw something a little lonely and sad about his presentation. Only gay men approached him, which made him visibly uncomfortable, and he could not catch the eye of any women, who he was obviously and clumsily trying to attract. He didn’t catch my eye either, at first. I made sure he didn’t see me looking. But I looked. As an artist, how could I not? He made Michelangelo’s David look frumpy. There should have been someone in front of him with a sketchpad, or a sculptor turning a block of marble into his likeness. But he was ignored by anyone who he would want to notice him.

This went on for three weeks. Finally my curiosity got the best of me. I was a scrawny girl, awkward and out of place, and lonely myself. Since the dustup with my last date, I hadn’t had any male companionship. I wasn’t surprised, since I felt anything but beautiful or socially adept. In that respect I could identify with this object before me. But he was beautiful, and I was puzzled by his apparent isolation.

I walked up to him and said hello. His eyes opened wide in shock, even fear, and then suspicion.

“I’m Tethys,” I said. At the moment, I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“I’m Carl,” he answered, taking my offered hand. “Nice name.”

“It’s Greek to me,” I joked. It had taken me years to come up with this riposte when somebody made fun of my name.

Carl smiled. “I don’t know what ‘Carl’ is. It’s just me, I guess.”

Carl was shy, and once his exhibitionist armor was penetrated by the slightest personal interest, he was immediately vulnerable. That knowledge gave me courage, and I was able to carry on something almost like a normal conversation, if a chat between two naked people who have never seen each other in clothes can be considered normal.

He had soon joined me at my seat among the rocks several steps above the water, and after the usual talk about identity, career, and general interests, the conversation finally focused on what he really wanted to talk about. His body. He started lifting in Junior High School, inspired by a muscle magazine, as some teens are. He tried out for football and basketball in high school, but he was slow and uncoordinated. He was a poor swimmer, but he liked the water.

“The weights is the only thing I’m really good at,” he said a little mournfully. “I’m not smart, even though the doctors said I was autistic when I was a kid, I wasn’t like Rain Man or anything. I get by. I don’t have a girlfriend or anything, and my job is easy. I guess I’m good at that too. But it gives me plenty of time to train.”

I asked him if he’d done any bodybuilding competitions. “Not me!” he shook his head emphatically. “There’s a difference between standing here naked and standing on a stage in a G-string. I don’t know, at least here nobody knows me. And all those guys are taking steroids and dieting down to like six percent bodyfat. That’s not even healthy. I lift weights and exercise and eat right to be healthy. I like the old-school bodybuilders, like Steve Reeves and them. Have you heard of him?”

I hadn’t, this was a new world for me. It was obvious that I had never lifted a weight in my life, but I found myself intensely attracted to an autistic, socially awkward, naked young man who did. I spent that night at his house, and for a guy with few social skills and even less sexual experience, it was a mind-blower.

Carl was a fast learner, enthusiastic, cheerful in bed, and with no preconceived notions about what he should like and what he shouldn’t. I was the teacher, and he let me be in charge. For a while. Eventually, he wanted to take the lead, and that was fine with me as well. There was never a hint of romance in our relationship, no “love” in the classic sense, but there was a whole lot of very passionate like. It was a judgment-free zone, neither of us expected or asked for exclusivity, although I knew that there was nobody else he was seeing. I always hoped to help him change that.

In letting me into his world, Carl also helped expand mine, in a very literal sense. It took only the most non-committal suggestion for me to try a set of squats, and by the next week, when the soreness wore off, I was hooked. He promised that he could cure my scrawniness, round my butt, and put muscle on me. I didn’t believe any of the commercial marketing that had promised me that, but Carl wasn’t a shill, and I let him take the lead there too. He changed my diet, upped my protein, pushed creatine on me, and let the weight lifting take care of the rest. I started coming over to his house three times a week for heavy training and fantastic fucking, and my calorie intake increased along with my appetite.

By the time I met Taylor, six months later, I was only six pounds heavier, but they were all in the right places. I was stronger, harder, more energetic, more confident and comfortable in my own skin, and hornier than I’d ever been in my life. I hadn’t been actively looking for anyone else, I thought Carl had me satisfied, and I never would have expected to fall for a geeky guy like Taylor, but fall I did, and I fell hard. It was then that Carl and I both discovered his kink for “sloppy seconds”, and far from feeling second fiddle, the act of pushing another man’s cum out of my pussy and replacing it with his own left him feeling incredibly dominant. I had the best of both worlds, and it has only gotten better since.

“Whoa, Girl, you really do know how to train them right!” Jo pats my thigh with a laugh as I finish relating the details to her. “I knew I liked you the first time I saw you, and Carl too, but that goes without saying. And I’ll tell you for sure, you are not scrawny! You’re one strong looking woman!”

“If you don’t mind me asking,” she lowers her voice a little, “has Carl fucked anybody’s cum out of you other than this guy Taylor?”

“Sure, but I haven’t gotten to that part of the story yet,” I wink. “I didn’t want to make the whole day all about me.”

“Listen lady, you can tell that story as long as you want. It’s a good one! What do you think, Joe?”

She turns to her right towards Joe, who’s been hanging on every word.

“Look at my dick, and decide whether I’m enjoying it!”

With a laugh, Jo reaches for his cock and squeezes it lovingly. “Not the world’s biggest, but it’s A+ quality!”

Joe’s cock is pretty average in size, but it‘s admittedly pretty, well shaped, nice round head, smooth shaft, large high-capacity balls, jutting proudly out from a shaved groin that sweeps up attractively into a lean stomach. He’s no Carl, nor Taylor, but he’s not bad at all, and I hate to say “for his age”, but he does look good in that deep tan.

“It looks nice,” I nod, “and I’m sure you’ve taught him how to use it well.”

“We taught each other!” Jo emphasizes. “And we had a few other teachers too.”

She lowers her head as if to whisper, but it’s not that quiet. “Um, I was just wondering if, well, I guess you’d want to run it by Carl first, and you know, if you don’t want to it’s ok, but I wondered if you and Carl would enjoy it if he fucked Joe’s cum out of you sometime. Or, maybe he could fuck Joe’s cum out of me, if you or he would rather. Or not, I… damn, I’m coming across as too pushy! Never mind, it was just a thought.”

She slumps a little into the blanket, looking again at Joe, whether for support or forgiveness I can’t tell. He’s lost most of his erection, and he puts his arm over her shoulder.

The laughter bubbles out of me, I only hope it doesn’t sound mocking. I return her thigh pat, but it’s more like a knee slap.

“Jo, Carl would be thrilled! In both instances! And I’m honored. I’d be happy to fuck Joe any time. As long as you’re there with us, of course. We’ll talk about it. We’ll make it a full date night.” I get up and slide in beside Joe. His cock is standing tall again, and undeniably pretty. I give it a squeeze, then lean down and take the head gently in my mouth. It’s a nice feeling. Joe and Jo are both beaming.

Jo digs through her purse. “Here,” she says, handing me a card. “Call me. You could text me, but I’m kind of old fashioned. I want to talk to your voice!”

I try to relax as the conversation moves on. I’m in a pleasant daze. I feel the hardness of my nipples, and a new surge of moisture from the walls of my vagina threatens to flush out the last of Carl’s oozing cum. I look between Jo’s legs, not too subtly, and she’s wet too. It has turned into a wonderful afternoon.

Jo and Joe talk about the family, careers, and interests. They were partners in a real estate firm in San Diego, which they sold to come to Austin and be near their daughter, who is going to school at UT, hoping to get into the law program eventually. They’ve done very well, and they’re still debating among themselves whether to restart the business in Austin, which promises to do equally well, or to retire early and play for the rest of their lives. I want to blurt out “play!”, but I know it’s not my place, even though real estate sounds terribly boring to me.

They were both raised as nudists, and as neighbors, by parents who were also swingers, a tradition that they have happily embraced. They miss their San Diego friends of course, and Black’s Beach, but they know they can go back to visit whenever they want. What they would like to find are some Austin friends, and they see Carl and I as fitting the bill well. They might be right.

They’ve raised their daughter in a nudist and sexually open family, and I ask why she’s not here with them.

“Ha, you think she’d be caught dead with her old parents in public?” Joe snorts. “Just because we’re open-minded doesn’t mean we’re cool!”

“She’s paying the price for that open-mindedness right now,” adds Jo. She used to love going to Black’s Beach with us, and she’s still nude at home when she visits. But now she’s dating a guy who is decidedly not a nudist, and she thinks it’s serious, and she’s willing to give that up for him. I give them six months on the outside.”

We eventually fall silent, and Joe looks a little sleepy. I’ve drained about as much from between the thighs as would come out, so I stand up and amble down towards the water. I grab Carl off his rock, and we go in for a swim. Carl is a better swimmer than he gives himself credit for, not competition quality perhaps, but he moves comfortably and with little effort. I’m not a bad swimmer myself, and we strike out towards the line of buoys that mark the edge of the protected swimming zone. The water gets deep quickly, and the bottom is probably a couple of hundred feet down at the boundary, so we aren’t going to dive to find it. I hang on the plastic buoy with one arm, and drape the other over Carl as he comes alongside.

One of the crowd of boats that normally bobs about in view of the swimming area motors slowly over towards us. “Hey, nudies!” A college-age man in board shorts stands at the edge. Behind him two young women in rather mild bikinis sit on the stern of the boat, and another cookie-cutter frat boy stands at the wheel.

“Y’all put on quite a show up there. You wanna climb aboard and do it again for us?”

“No thanks,” was the entirety of Carl’s answer, but I felt the need for a little more flair.

“Show’s over for today, kids. Maybe if you had a little more courage to go with your voyeurism you’d stop by from the other end and strip down yourselves.”

The girls giggle, and one of them turns beet red. Our witty host is not amused. “Fuck you, slut!” he says, keeping one eye on Carl and the other on his helmsman, ready to make a getaway if necessary.

“You’re not man enough,” I laugh, and turn facing them, pushing down on the floaters so that my tits are completely out of the water facing them. “But feel free to stop by on the shore and take your clothes off with us, if you ever grow a pair.”

“Fuck you, slut!” is all the flustered frat can think of, and after I gesture to Carl and begin swimming back to shore, I give them a friendly wave. They gun the boat and zoom off, the cry of “perverts!” being almost lost over the roar of the engine. They come far too close to a collision with another craft on the way out, and I think if there was any justice in the world the Lake Patrol would be flagging them down about now.

Back at our spot, Jo and Joe have been watching the encounter with amusement, and Carl and I are still chuckling as we flop down beside them.

“Looks like somebody got a little intimidated out there,” says Joe.

“Maybe that was smart of him,” I snicker. I’m feeling pretty cocky. “Carl wouldn’t hurt a fly, but I’m not that gentle!”

“Ooh, that’s something I want to see up close!” Jo coos, and I nod in agreement to the laughter.

The summer days are long, and the Sun is still up when we walk back up the path toward the Jeep. Jo and Joe stay behind, to squeeze every last drop of sunlight they can get. I suspect they also want to have a little private time at the lake for just the two of them, as the crowd is thinning out now, and whatever their swinging proclivities with their friends might be, they aren’t used to performing for the general public.

The parking lot is more than half empty when we arrive, and we take our time getting our clothes back on. It’s been a grand day.
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