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This is my first erotic fiction, I am not the best writer so please forgive my spelling and grammatical errors. I enjoy stories that have a base in reality and could almost be believable with a slow build, I have many more in the pipeline, I hope you like them as much as I enjoy fantasizing about them.
Back in January 2020 I guess I was lucky, I did have a regular job although the pay was miserable and I did have my own place. On my wage all I could afford was a miserable bedsit in a neglected part of town, but on the upside I didn’t have to flat share and it worked well enough for me.

The western world was caught napping when covid hit, and unprecedented measures were suddenly imposed. London locked down and we were told to stay home, a furlough scheme was launched to make sure there was no mass unemployment and companies that were forced to cease trading could continue to pay staff. The company I worked for dealt with the arts and theatres, since they were closed it was no surprise when my boss called to say they would be furloughing me. There isn’t much need for an office admin assistant when there is no admin to do.

Like any other 23 year old male that’s stuck at home with an internet connection I turned to gaming, Netflix and a perhaps not so healthy dose of porn to occupy my time. Three week later and I was starting to get bored, I’d played all the games I had, watched all the boxsets that took my intertest and was even running out of porn to watch. And that’s when I turned to one of the many popular cam sites, I’d never really spent much time on them before as the models always drag it out to make more cash and I was always too impatient to get off. But with more time on my hands and less urgency to sort myself out, I just browsed for a few hours. I was amazed at how much some of the models were making, they were earning more in a few hours of masturbation than I earnt in a month doing my crappy job.

Not that I could compare to them, especially the guys. I’m distinctly average in the looks department, I’m slim but no real muscle to talk of, very fair skin colour and the dirty blond hair on my head which was fairly unkempt and quite long hanging just below my ears, my body wasn’t particularly hairy and its colour made it hard to see most of the time, my most notable feature was my heigh, which was very short for a guy standing at just 5ft5. My one plus is my dick, which measures in at 6” hard, which might not sound like anything special, but in proportion to my height it does look bigger than it is and with the handful of girls I had slept with it’d done me alright, the only embarrassment is that I am very much a grower rather than a shower, so I look rally small until I get hard.

Scrolling through the cams I was surprised that some of the people really weren’t that special to look at, and yet still had hundreds of viewers and tokens to match. I thought it would be a bit weird to broadcast myself masturbating, but I am doing it anyway, so why not earn a few quid in the process. Afterall, I did have a decent camera from a failed photography hobby at university and a basic light setup from the time I’d tried streaming, so it could work, and what else am I going to do? Who knows how long I’ll be on furlough, and if I lose my job when will I find another? I do have a small amount of savings but they would only last me a month of rent.

Clicking away from the site I decided to call it a night, it was already 3am and although I had no reason to get up early, I was at least trying to keep to some sort of normal routine.

The next day I woke up around 9 with the usual morning wood, it didn’t matter how much I beat off, every morning there he was demanding attention and I wrapped my hand around myself and started stroking, I was always horny at this time of day and I thought how funny it would be to be getting paid for this, hell I’m doing it anyway, even if nobody watched it wouldn’t cost me anything to cam it. Throwing the sheets off I stepped over to the computer and fired it up. A few clicks to set up an account, digging out my camera and setting it up, and positioning it above my gamer chair I was all set, and still hard.

Of course, as I sat there wanking in my chair with zero viewers it realised how stupid I was to think I’d get people to pay to watch me. But as I said, I’m going to do it anyway so instead of obsessing about people watching me, I’ll go and check everyone else out. There were plenty of super-hot girls, all working and teasing as many tokens from people as possible, I found this one girl who was just my type, and as she lay there stuffing a flesh coloured dildo in and out of her pussy I’d all but forgotten I was broadcasting too. That was until I heard a ping of a message and realised that was in my chat.

Quickly clicking to my screen to eagerly read the message and instantly being disappointed that it was just a spammer. Why do they always get everywhere so fast? I ***********ed their comment and clicked delete as spam and booted them out of my room. Now it was time to get back to that girl and just enjoy the show. When I navigated back she had shifted positions and it was an amazing sight, legs raised over her shoulders and dildo pistoning in and out, she was so wet and my had was matching the speed she was pumping herself. I tried to hold off, I wanted to cum with her but I could feel it building. I eased off so that I could last longer edging myself a little, I didn’t know how long I’d been watching her but it felt like hours and thankfully she appeared to be working closer to orgasm.

I didn’t need any lube as I was leaking so much pre cum, my hand slick as I stroked myself in time with her, getting closer and closer to the point of no return, I was all focussed on that dildo going in and out of her pussy, her moans mixing with my own, I was going to cum with her and not wanting to mess up my keyboard I leant backwards and as she came writhing on her bed, fucking herself with that fake cock, I shot spurt after spurt all over my chest and stomach. It was an intense orgasm as I’d been building so long and the release felt so good my balls ached.

As I sat there slumped in my chair, the girl said her goodbyes and left the chat. I gathered myself and took in the mess that I’d made, I must have shot 5 or 6 big loads on my stomach and it was starting to dry. I grabbed some tissue and wiped off the cum before getting up and climbing into my cramped shower room to wash off. Five minutes later, freshened up, half dressed and feeling really good after that intense orgasm I strolled back over to my computer and realised the camera was still broadcasting there were some non-spam comments in the chat.

I set myself to offline and the chat closed, but I could still see the messages, and the information about how many people had watched and for how long. A total of five people had tuned in, and there were two messages, both saying how hot it was seeing me cum. Not surprisingly they were both guys, for some reason I thought only girls would watch but it makes perfect sense that gay guys would too. It did make me feel a bit weird, yet if they’d thrown me some tokens I really wouldn’t have minded. I consider myself straight but one of my best friends from university was gay and we had many a good night out in the clubs for me not to be bothered by being hit on by guys.

Well, that wasn’t a total failure I thought to myself, maybe I should do some research into how I can increase my listings and get up the rankings, who is going to scroll down to see me on the last page? I probably need to write a better de***********ion, maybe take some photos. And having looked at some of the other models, I need to change the angle of the camera, and dress the room a bit. It did look miserable from the cameras point of view.

For the next few hours I moved furniture around to make the most of the natural light, I properly set up the camera on a tripod. Added some posters to the wall behind me that I’d been meaning to hang for months, changed the bed sheets and generally made my small room look presentable. Next time I’d put on a better show for sure even if it was to no-one again.

Over the next two weeks I cammed every day, sometimes twice. I didn’t really think about what I was doing, it was just me masturbating while watching other cam models, I wouldn’t even check my chat until after I was done, in a way keeping it separate and not worrying about if people were watching or not. But with the better de***********ion and camera setup I was getting more views, and occasional comments were becoming more frequent.

Almost three weeks after I first broadcasted I set myself up just like the previous times, and as luck would have it I found that same girl as the first time. It was early in her show so I knew I’d be in it for the long haul, but it was worth it, she was so hot when she came last time, I wanted to match her again and cum at the same time.

Two hours later and I had been edging now for the best part of an hour and a half, I could tell she was getting close and I didn’t have much will power to keep going, I was desperate to cum. She shifted into that final position the same as before, my hands now pumping in time with her dildo. This was going to be a big one for sure, I leaned back in my chair, lifting my legs like her. I don’t know why I was mirroring her movements rather than imagining myself fucking her, I guess I didn’t want to cum on my desk so had to lean back. As her moans echoed in my room along with mine, my left hand stroking hard and my right hand dropping to cup my balls and stroke that area underneath which always felt so good this when this close to orgasm.

In sync with her thrusts and moans I erupted all over myself, jet after jet shooting up my chest and stomach, this was even more intense than the last one I’d had watching her. Aftershocks still rippling through me as my cock continued to twitch and leak, I was breathing hard, barely aware of anything other than the afterglow of my most intense climax. I was suddenly jolted from my post orgasm haze by a loud pinging sound, it wasn’t from the girl I was watching, she’d already left. It was from my own chat!

I sat up, forgetting the massive load I’d deposited on myself. Quickly grabbing some tissue to mop it up with my left hand before it ran down onto the chair. With my right hand navigating back to my own broadcast and chat window. There were 38 people still watching and someone had given me 50 tokens, I couldn’t believe it.

I expressed my gratitude to the person that donated, I was in a weird state of shock. It wasn’t much, but someone had just paid me to get off, while I was busy watching someone else, that was crazy. I thanked them for watching and said I’d be back the same time the next day. This was incredible, it might have only been the equivalent of £2 but it was more than nothing.

Over the next week my viewers steadily crept up. I was doing 2 shows a day trying to find the peak hours when most people tuned in. and the tokens were slowly increasing too. It wasn’t much but by the end of that week I’d earned an extra £17 and was spending less time looking at other cam models and more time conversing with the chat on my broadcast. It was weird to think that these people would be the other end of the computer dicks in hands stroking while watching me, but there was a strange pride to it. The odd one was female, but most were guys, and one in particular had become a regular donator, @MrBiggie69.

Towards the end of the next week he started to make some requests, that I stroke in a certain position, or say a certain thing. Not that I minded when he always followed through with some tokens. His contributions also encouraged other people and I could see my earnings increasing.

There was no end in sight to the lockdown, and even less for the probability of me getting back to work. Even if lockdowns finished, the hospitality sector wouldn’t resume normal operations for months, while I was safe on furlough for now, if that ended I would be out of a job and have no way of paying rent beyond a month or so. The extra cash I was getting from camming might actually end up being essential for me to survive. So what money I was earning I’d put back into it, some extra home furnishings to make my room look better, a better microphone and some cheap mood lighting.

One day Biggie (as he liked to be called) asked if I had an amazon wish list set up as he wanted to send me something. I didn’t, but a few minutes later I had set something up, and set it so that not only could people buy from my list, but also just send me things, my address wouldn’t be show so who am I to refuse free stuff?

3 days later a mystery package arrived, which I had to assume was from Biggie, it was a tube of hair removal cream and a bottle of lube… kind of creepy, but at the same time the lube would come in handy for when I was doing a marathon edging session. In that evenings show Biggie clarified why he sent me the cream, he wanted me to be hairless from the neck down. My response was to ask how much was he willing to pay to have me totally smooth? And I was shocked when he offered 1000 tokens. OK so that wasn’t a huge amount, but it would double what I made in the last week, and that was already the best week I’d ever had.

I paused the broadcast and stepped into the shower, reading the instructions and applying it, I set a timer before washing it off. I wasn’t exactly a hairy guy before so it made light work as I watched my sparce body hairs float off down the drain. Washing myself without any hair was an entirely new experience, everything felt so smooth and had a heightened awareness. My nipples seemed extra sensitive, and my cock and balls felt so different. My dick was now very hard and it seemed even bigger without any hair. Climbing out of the shower and reaching for a towel I noticed how rough if felt and made a mental note to add extra conditioner to the next wash.

Smooth and hairless I looked at myself in the mirror. And it was quite the transformation, even though I didn’t have much hair before, being totally without I seemed to have regressed in age by a few years, and with my mop of hair having grown for the last couple of months without being able to get it cut was down to below my ears, I looked somewhat androgenous. If it wasn’t for the hard rod hanging between my legs.

Back at the computer I re-opened the broadcast and asked Biggie if he approved of my work. He did and the 1000 tokens pinged up on screen, a few other people also added to the donations. This was amazing, I’d earnt more than the whole last week and I hadn’t even started yet. Sitting down I begun stroking myself, and it felt so different without hair. I couldn’t stop playing with my nipples, they felt so sensitive and the viewers seemed to enjoy it too. Occasional pings as coins were dropped.

After about an hour and a half of edging Biggie made another request. He wanted me to lay on my side (the bed being just behind the chair) and push my dick between my legs and just play with my nipples. It did seem a bit odd as they wouldn’t be able to see my cock. But having just discovered how good nipple play was I was willing to give it a go (for a price). I decided to play to the chat and request that if we got up to 1500 tokens (currently on 1149) I’d do it. Biggie threw in a few hundred and the rest came in from some other of my regulars although not so high rolling.

With the target met, I laid down on the bed, pushed my stiff rod through my legs and closed them round it, it was a bit awkward and I had to lift my knees a little, but eventually I settled into the position, and began slowly rubbing and pinching my nipples. From this distance I couldn’t read what they were saying in the chat, but I could tell from the odd ping I was meeting with their approval.

After 10 minutes or so, I was incredibly turned on and I really craved touching my cock, it was aching being pushed back so much. So I decided to get up and sit back in the chair, so I could read the chat and finish myself off. The slight delay meant that as I sat back down I was still laying down on screen, and at that angle, with my dick tucked back, I looked decidedly feminine. The smooth hairless body and my hair reaching down to my shoulders, it was quite a sight and not at all what I imagined I would look like.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the flurry of messages as the chat moaned that I’d stopped. I said I couldn’t read the screen from there, and wondered if they wanted me to continue, that and my dick was starved of attention and I really wanted to cum. Biggie had a suggestion, that I resume my position, but with my legs bent higher up, that way I could move them to effectively stroke my cock while continue using both hands on my chest, with an undisclosed reward if I could cum like that.

The challenge was accepted. Climbing back onto the bed is tucked myself between my legs, and shifted so the camera could see, in this position if I lifted my legs up and down it effectively stroked my cock, I could also thrust up a little which would add a bit extra. Combined with teasing my nipples I could feel a torrent of precum leaking out in no time. The more I leaked the slipperier it got and the better it felt.

I could feel my orgasm rising, the sound of pings reinforced that I was putting on a good show, not that I cared as I pushed myself closer to climax and the desire to cum in this position became ever more urgent. As the tension rose, I felt like I was leaving my body, the sound of someone moaning in ecstasy ringing in my ears, it sounded too high pitched and incredibly feminine, had I left another video playing? who was that girl? I was so close I pushed those thoughts from my mind and gave all my efforts to maximising the sensations around by slippery hard cock. I was thrusting back and forth, pinching and pulling my nipples. It was all getting too much, I needed to cum. A most definitely female wail rang out in my room and it pushed me over the edge, I could feel everything in a heightened sense, by dick was twitching and pumping load after load. Each pinch of my nipples seemed to initiate another squirt from my cock. I’d never cum like this before, it was so intense, so all consuming, it was a whole-body orgasm like I’d never had before.

I don’t know how long I lay there, semi-conscious, in a state of absolute post climactic bliss. The room slowly came back into focus, I was aware of the sound of pings coming from the computer, I opened my eyes and could see the chat was filled with yellow blocks, so many people had given me money. I felt weak, too unstable to get up and step over to the computer. I felt the wetness on my legs and on the bedsheets. Pushing myself up while moving over a little I could see the huge load of cum sitting on the bed, I’d never seen so much.

Catching my breath and gathering my strength I grabbed the tissues and attempted to clean up. It was much easier to clean myself without any hair, but the sheets were ruined, I’m not even sure that would come out in the wash. Steadying myself I stepped over to the chair and pulled it in front of the computer, pushing the hair out of my face, I took stock of what was on screen. A total of almost 4000 tokens, if I had of had the energy I would have been in shock. There were so many people saying how hot that was, how attractive I was, it was all so overwhelming. Biggie said I should log off and get some rest as he had more in store for me tomorrow.

I shut down the broadcast, and stumbled into bed, I didn’t have the energy to take a shower, it would all have to wait till the next day. I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.

The next morning I woke up, my body sticky with last nights events, the bedsheets crusty and a distinct smell of sex lingering in the room. I peeled myself out of bed and went straight into the shower. The hot water felt so good on my body, I could really get used to it being hairless. My nipples felt sore and swollen, I really had gone to town on them last night I smiled to myself and I realised at that point that my usual morning wood was absent. Not surprising really given just how hard I came, that was intense.

Cleansed and refreshed, I got dressed and made something to eat. Re-thinking what I’d done the night before, and remembering how much I’d earnt. That was a crazy night, but if I earnt that each day I wouldn’t have to worry about being made redundant when the furlough ended, I would need to find some more high rollers like Biggie though. If he stopped watching it would be nowhere near enough so I guess I’d have to pander to his needs for a little longer, not that there was anything bad about them. Afterall his suggestion last night had led to the biggest orgasm of my life. I spent the rest of the day chilling out, and trying to recover, if I was going to put on a show again tonight I’d need as much energy as possible.

As I logged in at my usual time, my regulars dropped in too. A lot of the chat was about last night’s performance and whether I would be able to repeat it, or even better it. I was quite apprehensive, and unusually for me, I didn’t feel that horny. Biggie still hadn’t logged in and it started to make me nervous, what if he was gone, who was going to tip me that much again? I put it out of my mind and tried to start the show.

Five or ten minutes later that familiar username popped up and I breathed a sigh of relief. I said my hello’s and carried on stroking myself, the confidence of knowing he was there reinforcing my erection and I was now at full mast. I coyly asked if he had any requests tonight, if there was anything I should look forward to.

I wasn’t the only one hanging on his every word, the other people in the chat also wanted to know what he was going to make me do. I don’t know why it excited me so much but there was no denying all the things he had asked me to do had led to amazing orgasms and he was paying handsomely for it as a bonus.

His reply wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear, there were no special requests and no special tips. What followed was a more conventional show, I earnt a few tokens and had to find another cam girl to finish to. It wasn’t bad, but it didn’t come close to how amazing the night before had been. This continued for the rest of the week, Biggie was there but not contributing much and I could see it in the amount of money I was earning.

It was on the Friday of that week that I received a message from my boss, saying that while the furlough scheme was in place they would keep me on, but it was very likely that when it came to an end, so would my employment. I wasn’t surprised but it was still a knock, at some point I was going to be out of a job, and with no prospect of finding another one any time soon, I would have to put all my efforts into generating revenue from camming. I wasn’t sure if I could, but I had maybe another month or two to find out.

Later that evening I logged on, I was incredibly nervous with the added pressure that I needed to do this potentially as a way of being able to live. I didn’t have any close family I could rely on for financial support, so Biggie and the rest of my viewers were going to have to fill that place.

As people joined the chat (including my number one fan), I spoke a little about my situation, and that I might have to do this full time. There was lots of encouragement from everyone, it was a weird community really, but if I could make this work it would be amazing. I would have to play to Biggies desires if I wanted to bump up my tokens, and hope that I could find a few more like him. Tonight I was going to see what he really wanted and after a lengthy pause his first request popped up, and it really took me by surprise.

He asked if any of my ex-girlfriends had left any underwear in my apartment. I stopped stroking myself, and thought. My ex before last had kept a small stash of clothes here, and I couldn’t remember if she’d taken it. It was mainly night things for when she hadn’t planned to stay. She’d buried it at the back of the wardrobe so that I wouldn’t lose it.

I got up and went looking for it and sure enough a few moments later I returned to the computer with the small bag containing her items. Opening the bag I pulled each piece out and showed them the camera for Biggie to make a choice. I wasn’t really that keen to put them on, but if he paid enough I would hardly object. He ***********ed a bra and pantie set, nothing too fancy, just a white lace underwired and padded bra with a matching lacey G-string and gingerly I slipped them on, I’d seen girls put on bras enough time to know how to do that, and the small thong like panties fit disappointingly well especially as I’d gone completely soft and my member had shrivelled quite considerably.

My ex was a not too dissimilar size to me it would seem, the cups of the bra were empty which looked kind of odd, but as I gave him a twirl the thong slid up between my cheeks giving a very strange sensation. I sat back down and as his 2000 tokens pinged up on screen along with a few other approving patrons taking my total to almost 2500, my highest to date, I began to feel myself stir. The bra gave a slight pressure to my chest and the feel of the lace stimulated my nipples. The thong now riding high between my cheeks also stimulated a part of me I’d never explored but I couldn’t deny it felt kind of nice. My growing erection pushed against the fabric and as it did the lace of my underwear triggered more sensations. I shifted in the seat and my cock sprang to attention, tenting out at its full length.

It was met with a flurry of tokens including a decent one from Biggie. He asked me if I liked it, and I just pointed to my hard dick, which was already starting to leak. I felt very uncomfortable, why was I getting turned on by wearing these, why did everyone’s approval make me feel at ease, in particular Biggie, why did pleasing him mean so much? I know I needed an income soon but this was something else.

A few minutes passed and we chatted as I idly stroked myself and played with my chest, it was odd wearing the bra but the sensations it gave me meant I didn’t have to pretend I was enjoying it. It was at this point that Biggie suggested I change my gender tag in the app. He said I would probably attract far more people being in the trans room instead of the guy’s room. I sat opened mouthed at the screen, but looking at the preview of my camera in that little window, he had a point, there wasn’t much of a man looking back at me.

The person on screen was a short androgenous looking girl, with ruffled un-styled dirty blond hair down to her shoulders and a matching white bra and thong on her hairless smooth body, she wasn’t that shapely and her face looked very plain without makeup. But there was hardly any trace of the 23 year old male I would recognise as myself.

Seeing my vacant stare at the computer, one of my other regulars offered to be my admin and take care of it all. A couple of clicks and they’d changed my settings, I was now listed in the trans room which in all fairness fitted the girl on screen. And now I had to start my show.
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