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There a moments in one's life which have such a profound impact they can alter you and your relationships to incredible degrees. This story is about one of those moments.
Summer recess had officially begun, although the weather had been wonderful for the past month or so. I had finished my courses for this year and went back to visit my parents for a few weeks, away from the big cities. I had finished the final year of my bachelor’s degree, at 22 years old of age. It is about a nine-hour drive from the city in which my university is to the small village where my parents live. Hence, I don’t visit them a lot, in fact I hadn’t been there in seven months because they had come around when they were in the neighbourhood. I drive Porsche 924 Turbo, and I call it my baby. I bought it in a crappy state and fixed it over the years. It has a nice mintgreen finish and I’ll kill the first person who makes a scratch into it.

I was about halfway when I got a call, ‘t was my mother. I put it on hands-free and answered the call.

“Hey mom.”

“Hey Honey, how is your trip?”

“It’s going steadfast, pretty much half way there.” I replied.

“Good to hear, hey Marc, I have some bad news, we just got a call from uncle Paul, grandpa’s not feeling well.” I felt a pang of sadness.

“Oh, is it very serious?”

“We aren’t sure, it wasn’t quite clear. But your dad and I are leaving now. We won’t be here when you arrive, but Jenn will be.”

“Alright mom, I understand. For how long will you guys be gone?”

“A few days, a week maybe.”

“Hmm alright.”

“Okay honey, we gotta go, love you.”

“Love you mom, greetings to dad and good luck. Keep us updated.”

“Will do.”

I turned the music back on, Sunset by Fatboy Slim, one of my summer favourites. I felt a little sad, I hoped my grandfather was alright and I would have liked to see my parents today. “Oh well.” I said out loud, Jennifer would be there.

I have two sisters, Lola and Jennifer. Lola is my older sister, 26 years old and lives relatively close to my parents, a two-hour drive in an outer city. Jennifer is my younger sister, 18 years old and still lives at my parents. My little sis looks more like my mother, dark hair, pale complexion and gray eyes. Lola and I look more like my father, I have blond hair like he used to and Lola has brownish blond hair. Both our eyes are blue like my fathers. Growing up with my family was a nice time, I have always had good relationships with both my sisters. We often played outside while we were young and made a lot of great memories together.

I took the exit of the provincial road, enjoying the warm wind flowing through my open windows. Just thirty more minutes of narrow winding roads trough beautiful hilly scenery and I would be there.

I enjoyed the familiar sounds of the chirping cicadas and the pebbles crunching beneath my shoes as I walked towards the front door, my bags slung over my back. The door opened and Jennifer, having heard my car pull up, ran outside, a radiant smile on her face. She jumped onto me and hugged me, my bags falling to the ground with a thud.

“I missed you bro.”

“I missed you too little sis.” We smiled at each other. She grabbed one of my bags and we went inside. I smelled the old and familiar scent, propagated by the old stone walls and the mostly wooden interior. After dropping my stuff, we went to sit in the back patio, resting from the journey with a nice cold beer she had grabbed for me. The sun was starting to set and a beautiful orange sky and long shadows made by the pine trees were visible.

“So, how is my second favourite sister doing these days?” She laughed.

“I’ve been doing alright, although you must promise me to come more often,” She replied after a small pause in between. “I talked to Lola and she agreed.” I frowned guiltily.

“I know sis, I’ve just been very busy. Luckily we have this summer to catch up.” She looked to the ground and smiled.

“I know.”

I took a sip and stretched.

“Feels good to be home.”

Jennifer made dinner for us, a nice pasta. After dinner I took my stuff upstairs, and started to unpack some of it. I felt tired and quickly decided to finish it later. I grabbed my stuff to go for a quick shower and walked past Jenn’s bedroom. Her door was ajar, she wasn’t inside. I walked in curiously, it had been at least two years since I last had been there, she had repainted her walls to a light gray. On her bed I saw her, in my opinion, absurdly large smartphone. It displayed a picture of me and her wearing our swimming outfits, made two years ago on a family vacation to the sea. Next to it lay her panties and bra. Deciding it may be a breach of privacy I leaved her room. When I went to open the bathroom door my sister opened it herself. She had a towel across her body and had clearly just showered. I startled her, as she quickly shot her eyes to the ground. Her face was red. I was momentarily dazed by her beauty but pushed those feelings away quickly.

“Good night sis.” I said.

“Good night.”

I fell to my bed dead tired after a nice long shower.

The following morning was quite uneventful. After extensive breakfast together we did some groceries. Jennifer wanted to go with my car so we did. She laughed in thrill as I took most opportunities to accelerate quickly. The rest of the day we spent laying on the couch inside, watching some television; it was too cloudy to go outside. I caught her multiple times staring at me out of the corners of my eyes, but decided to ignore it. I suggested we order some pizza for dinner, but felt a little stupid as my sister told me there was no place around which did delivery. Luckily, we had some frozen ones in the freezer. It was late when she went to her room. I zapped some more tv and got to the adult channels. After watching for what I thought was too long already I went upstairs too, quite turned on. As I entered the upstairs hallway, I saw a black lacy panty laying on the ground. I slowly walked towards it and picked it up. For some reason unknown to me and mankind, I in my horny state, put it to my face closed my eyes and smelled. I turned around and opened my eyes. I felt my heart sink through my body. A few paces in front of me stood Jennifer, her mouth open in shock and her phone in her hand, pointed at me. I heard the shutter sound. Her expression turned to fury.

“What the fuck are you doing with my panties?” She screamed at the top of her lungs. “You went into my room you bastard?” She paced towards me and snatched the panties out of my hands. She gave me a bitch slap and walked past me. I was still processing what had happened, how could I fuck up this badly so soon already? I turned around and followed her into her room. I tried to explain to her but she cut me off with a sharp “Shut up.” She turned around, held her phone and showed me the picture.

“You sick fuck, just you wait until mom and dad are back. No actually, I’ll just text this through right now and tell them what you did.” I felt my heart sink even further, I tried stammering some excuse, impressed by her anger which I had never experienced before and which reminded me of my mother’s rare outbursts. But she continued: “I knew you were a perv but this exceeds even my wildest suspicions.” I started to panic and finally managed to respond.

“Sis please I know it’s fucked up, but please don’t tell them.” She rolled her eyes, turned away from me and started typing on her phone. “Jennifer please, you know how much trouble I will get in.”

“Yes I do,” She replied coldly. “Dad will be furious and I can only imagine Mom’s reaction.” The realization of the repercussions dawning in on me I said:

“Please sis I beg you, I’ll do anything you want.” She stopped typing, her back towards me.

“Anything?” She replied the classic line as she turned her head sideways, a sly grin showing across her face.

“Yes anything.” I blurted out as fast as I could, glad that she would even consider not telling my parents. She slowly turned to face me and we made eye-contact, a strange expression in her eyes I couldn’t quite place and which didn’t reassure me in the least. She threw her phone on the bed.

“Since you like to be a huge pervert and embarrass your sister, why don’t you return the favour and strip down for me?” I was shocked.

“What the fuck Jennifer, of course not, you’re my little sister?” She rolled her eyes and went to grab back her phone. Another surge of panic flowed through my body, I took a step towards her. “No please don’t.” She turned sharply to me and said in a chilling tone:

“You’re gonna do as I say right now, or I’m sending this through.” I took a step backwards, taken aback by her commanding words, unlike anything I had ever heard from her. “Undress. Now.”

I was silent and confused but after a short moment of indecision I complied. I took of my shirt under her chilling gaze. Afterwards my pants. I looked back into her gray eyes, which were still not satisfied.

“Sis…” I began.

“Yes, your boxers too.” She commanded. After another short moment I slipped my fingers under the fabric and slowly pulled down my underwear. I automatically covered up my privates. “Hands behind your back.”


“Hands. Behind. Your. Back.” As I did as she bid a sly smile came across her face and she bit her lower lip as she inspected my nude body, before changing back to her neutral expression. She walked towards me, her eyes still on my lower body, and moved her hands slowly towards my cock when she reconsidered and quickly pulled backwards. She turned around, ignoring my gaze and walked back to her bed.

“That will do, for now.” She said calmly. She grabbed her phone and lay down on her belly, her supple ass in tight black jeans being the last thing I saw as I hastily took my retreat from her room. I ran naked across the hallway towards my own old bedroom, a mix of emotions of shock, fear and confusion running rampant through my mind. ‘’What the fuck.” I thought out loud as I closed and instinctively locked the door. A whirlwind of thoughts ran through my head about what just had happened. "She forced me to undress. Why? What does she want?” I pounced around in my room. What if she tells mom and dad anyways? In panic I realized my phone was still in my pants. “Fuck. Shit. Shit. Shit.” I thought, I couldn’t check if anyone, specifically my parents, had called me. I put on a new boxer and T-shirt and tried to calm myself by rationalizing what just happened. I looked at my alarm clock. 23:34 it showed. I swore some more under my breath and decided to go to bed. After laying awake for what must have been at least 3 hours I finally fell asleep.

I woke up at ten, a beautiful warm summer morning it was, yellow-orange sunrays illuminating the dustmotes in the bedroom, striking in through the dormer. I lay relaxed in a daze for too short a moment when a familiar surge of panic and adrenaline bolted through my body. I shot up from bed, recollecting the events from yesterday, calming myself somewhat quickly. Now clear awake, I got up, opened the blinds and saw the crystal blue water of the swimming pool in the back garden. The small robotic lawnmower was already dutifully on its daily business. I went downstairs to fix some breakfast, Jennifer still being asleep as far as I could tell. After some toast and fried eggs I went for a quick shower.

I am pretty impressed with my body; it is not magazine worthy but fine lines and vague shapes of abs are nonetheless visible. You only get one body so make sure you maintain it well is what I always think. The water jet relaxed me completely and flushed away all thoughts. After that refreshing ordeal I opened the shower door, walked outwards and turned to the right to grab my towel.

I froze, in the door opening stood my sister, wearing only a pair of sexy lacy purple undergarments. My shocked eyes met hers, after lingering momentarily on her firm, beautiful breasts. She had the same strange expression in her eyes as yester evening. She took of her bra without breaking eye-contact. As she let it slide to the floor she took a step forward, I instinctively took one backwards. Her breasts were beautiful, large mounds of pleasure, with just the right curves. Small ping areola with clearly erect nipples were visible. She took another step, and now my back was against the bathroom wall. She was really close now, I held my breath in reflex. With a final step her firm breasts and hard nipples poked into my chest. With my 191 cm length I towered at least a headlength above her, nonetheless she looked upwards, her chin almost touching the base of my neck, her clear eyes piercing mine. Suddenly she grabbed my balls very firmly. I gasped.

“You naughty boy.” She said. I buckled my knees, trying to elevate the pressure.

“Boy?” I responded. “I’m almost five years older tha…” She cut me off as she increased her pressure.

“Kneel.” She said as I stared in her eyes hopelessly.

“Jenn come o…” and I knelt as she pinched her fist even harder and pulled her hand downwards. She smiled, somewhat evilly and let go of me as I reached my position.

“Eyes closed.” I sighed and closed my eyes. I heard some ruffling and sliding of fabric when she asked. “Does my big bro like to kneel before his little sis naked?” When I opened my eyes and mouth to respond she shoved her panties in my mouth and took a picture with her phone.

“Whaf fe fuf!” I almost screamed. She put her phone in the sink, squatted and grabbed my balls again.

“Listen up Marcus, this week you are mine and mine alone, you will quit your bitching and do as I say.” I stared in her beautiful eyes and mumbled an okay. “Now suckle on my panties.” I did as she said and a distinct flavour filled my mouth. Her flavour. “You like sucking on your sister’s panties big bro?” She asked slyly. She let go of me and pulled her panties out of my mouth. “You want a taste of the real thing?” Before I could answer she had grabbed my hair and put her pussy on my mouth. Her slit was extremely wet. It was cleanly shaven except for a small strip above her clit. I looked back up, a look of shock in my eyes and a look of lust in hers. I closed mine and without any more thought began to eat her out. Savouring her taste. Alternating between licking, probing and biting, she let out a gasp. I looked up and saw that she had closed her eyes.

I continued probing, her slit feeling warm and moist on my tongue, too shocked and steered to realize the absurdity of the situation. Jennifer started to moan and put a hand on her breast, massaging her supple flesh and pinching her nipple. “Right there, don’t stop.” She moaned as I took her clit into my mouth and sucked it gently.

As she let go of my hair with her remaining hand to massage her other breast I pulled back, turned her around and put my hands on her firm ass. She let out a short surprised gasp. I continued eating her out, with now my nose between her asscheeks. She let out loud moans, increasing in volume as I continued my assault. Jennifer opened her eyes and saw my now erect cock, full 17 cm through her legs.

“Naughty Marcus, look how stiff you have gotten.” I only groaned with my face between her legs. “Lick my asshole and I might give you a reward.” I gave some pause, it was something I had never done before. I mumbled a response through my licking.

“I dunno sis.”

“Rim me." She commanded in her stern voice. On mental reflex and to avoid any more ballkneading, I grabbed her juicy ass tighter and shoved my face deeper. “Come on bro.’’ She plied, and after another short pause I gave a long lick from crack to cunt. “That’s it.” She murmured. As I went to lick her ass again I felt her slim fingers wrap around my cockhead. I groaned into her. As I made love to her ass she massaged my cock, lubed by my still wet body and a trickle of precum. I was extremely horny, any rational thought had long left.

“Does big bro like to worship my ass?” She asked rhetorically as she pushed herself harder on me, the back of my head supported by the bathroom wall. I replied by pushing my tongue into her.

“Fuck.” She gasped while she let go of my cock to support herself better, holding the sink. I went to grab my dick to masturbate but she quickly denied me. “Hands off.” I let out what sounded something between a groan and a whine as I let go of my painfully erect penis, and grabbed her calves. She pushed even harder onto me, making it somewhat hard to breath, but I didn’t care, for I was in heaven and she was my goddess.

After a moment of licking and sucking her ass she suddenly took a step forwards and turned around. I opened my eyes and looked up into hers, her face extremely flustered.

“Look how hot and bothered you have made me.” She exclaimed, as she put two fingers in her well lubricated slit. I could only stare as she put those same fingers which trailed with slime and grool from her pussy into my mouth. I sucked without thinking. “Get up and make me some breakfast,” she said. “And don’t dare to touch yourself.” I got up and grabbed the towel out of the air which she threw towards me. She slapped my ass as I walked out of the bathroom. As I dried myself while walking towards my bedroom, I heard her turn on the shower. I took extra time to remove all her juices from my face and put on a boxer. In my extremely horny state I walked downwards to fix her breakfast, her loud echoing cries of pleasure coming from upstairs being an interesting addition to the sound of sizzling eggs. Only when I tabled her breakfast and she came dressed only in panties and a sportbra through the door did I realize what just had happened.

“You are fucking crazy.” I said, she ignored me, took a seat and started eating her breakfast. I just stood and stared at her, still a halfhard chub in my boxers. Her moist dark her draped beautifully across her pale frame.

“You know I now have another nice photo of yours, right?’’ She said. I sighed, turned around and opened the glass sliding doors, fresh warm air hitting my body. I looked up at the clear blue sky.

“It will be a nice day.” I said.

“Oh yes, I am sure it will be,” She replied full of innuendo as I turned around and made eye-contact. “I’m sure this whole week will be nice.” She added.

“You know this is wrong sis.” I said.

“I don’t care. Or do you want me to send these pictures to mom and dad after all?”

“Ugh, you crazy bitch.” She smiled, got up and walked past me, her index finger trailing my chest. I stared at her swaying ass, now quite familiar with its taste. She looked up to the sun, deciding it was warm enough and removed her bra. My dick stirred as I turned to go back inside. With one last look I saw she had lay down in one of the stretchers next to the pool to sunbathe.

“At twelve thirty I want you here. Your phone is on your bed.” She called out. I ignored her but went quickly upstairs to grab it and set my timer.

The rest of the morning I spent cleaning up the kitchen and unpacking the rest of my stuff. I was planning to do some flyfishing in the stream just a few minutes walking from the backgarden.

As I was putting my last few things onto my desk my alarm went. I slightly jumped and caught myself excited. As I walked downstairs I felt my dick engorging, anticipating in subconscious expectations. I looked down in confusion and some shame. As I went outside my heart jumped. I stared right into Jennifer’s juicy ass, she had changed her panties for a black G-string. Trails and droplets of what seemed to be strawberry jam were all over her.

“Bro can you put some suncream onto my back?” She asked innocently, I was still staring. “It’s just that I’m a little dirty so you have to clean me first.” I snapped out of my stupor and walked towards her.

“You got any towels?” I asked dryly.

“Don’t act stupid again, you hear me Marc?” I took the hint and knelt behind her. I started at her back, licking her clean of her sticky ‘problem’ She sighed contently as I worked down to her ass, licking and sucking it clean to a nice sheen. When she sensed I was done she tapped on the stretcher to get my attention and handed me the suncream. After a final unnecessary lick, I put some nice dollops onto her and massaged it into her skin. When I reached her thighs my dick was rockhard again. I massaged deeply into her asscheeks and thighs, enjoying her flesh moulding to my touch.

“Fuck you are sexy.” I thought out loud accidentally. She laughed.

“What did you say big bro? I thought you weren’t enjoying this?”

“Ugh, are you done?” I said, embarrassed.

“I am, but you aren’t, why don’t you make us a nice cup of coffee?” I grunted, got up and went inside to make us some. Five minutes later I was back outside again, I walked towards her and handed her coffee.

“It’s missing something, don’t you think?” She said as she took a sip.

“One sugar right?” I replied as I sat down to the stretcher next to her and took a sip of my own. She put down the coffee and went into a setting position. I involuntarily looked at her magnificent rack.

“Come here.” She said. I looked into her eyes and got up quickly. “Here.” I now stood in front of her. I let out a gasp as she pulled my boxers down.

“Sis no.” I stammered as she took my halfhard cock into her mouth. I couldn’t believe what was happening, my sister had my cock in her mouth, at our own house out of all places. She put a finger under her G-string, started rubbing herself and looked up at me. My cock engorged to full length in a matter of seconds. After a moment of sucking it like a lollypop she took it out and slapped it against her face.

“Fuck this is good.” She gasped and put two fingers into her pussy and started fingering. After some normal sucking Jenn pulled back again and made a large lick from balls to head. She made eye-contact and grinned, removed her fingers out of her slit and grabbed my ass tightly with both her hands. She groped it and shoved her face onto my cock. Gurgling noises escaped from her throat and after three tries her nose touched my pelvis. Her deepthroating felt amazing. She looked back up at me, her eyes teary and somewhat red. She released with a loud gasp and did this a few more times.

“Tell me when you are close.” I had my eyes shut and ignored her. I felt her take my balls into her mouth and pinch her teeth slightly. I shot awake quickly and responded.

“Yes sis. I’ll say when I’m close.” She smiled, played with my balls a little using her tongue and went back to sucking. It felt so right and wrong at the same time, but the undeniable pleasure I felt did not lie. Her tongue swirled around my cockhead while her warm wet interior stimulated the rest. I stroked my hands through her hair, enjoying the feeling of the strands between my fingers.

A familiar feeling came from my loins and I whispered her command.

“I’m gonna cum.” Instantly she pulled back and pinched the base of my cock tightly with her hand. I groaned and swore as she ruined my orgasm. She grabbed her coffee with her other hand and collected the many drips and strings of precum.

“You fucker.” I groaned as I failed to force my orgasm by thrusting my hips, her hold being too firm. As the dripping stopped she let go of me and smiled upwards. I saw my precum floating in her coffee as she took a sip.

“Much better.” I groaned for what must have been the tenth time and went to lay on my stretcher, occasionally sipping my own drink.

“I swear to god my balls are going to explode.” She chuckled but remained quiet.

“Sis why are you doing this?”

“To teach you a lesson.”

“You want me to not act stupid when you lie like this?” She flashed her eyes shortly towards me.

“Shut up.” She murmured. I finished my coffee and stood up, turning to go inside.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I’m going to cum.” I responded dryly.

“No you aren’t,” I stopped, turned around in disbelief. “You can only cum when I allow you to.” I stammered a what in response. “You can cum when I give you permission. If I only get the slightest feeling you are touching yourself when I am not around, well you know what will happen.”

“But what if I have to leave for a long time?”

“You have to?” She smiled, and turned her face away, sipping some more. “I think my feet could use a massage.”

“Fuck off.” I replied.


I didn’t catch the hint of disappointment in her voice at the moment as I angrily walked inside. I swore continuously as I changed into swimming shorts, holding my cock for just one second and sighing, before going back outside. Jennifer now lay on her back, her nice full breasts attracting my vision. I groaned, walked past her and dove into the pool, to cool down physically and mentally. I swam to the opposite side, surfaced and laid my arms on the warm tiles. I rested my head on my hands and looked down into the backgarden. The grass went down into a gently slope for about thirty meters. Behind that was a dense forest with a small trail leading towards the stream. The mowbot was doing one if its final lines for today.

I heard Jennifer dive into the water behind me. I turned around and saw her form swimming towards me. She surfaced in front me of me, completely nude as far as I could tell. We locked eyes; an indescribable look present in both our eyes. She came forwards and I felt her hard nipples touch my chest, we both gasped. My rational thoughts seeped quickly away with this beauty touching me. Suddenly our lips locked. I closed my eyes and put my hands on her waist, as she put hers around my neck. I felt her tongue probing and I lent her access. Our tongues collided and we made out, almost frantically. I groped and kneaded her flesh as she gasped into my mouth. I titled my head more such that our struggle for dominance peaked in my favour. We made out with animalistic intent, as lovers who hadn’t seen each other in a long while. “Sis.” I gasped but she attacked me again, licking and sucking my tongue. She removed her hands from my neck and slid them under the elastic band of my swimming shorts. I increased the kneading of her ass, my fingertips now close to reaching her slit. As she pulled my pants my cock flipped up, touching her thigh. We pulled pack and I felt myself losing in her gray eyes. A look of pure wanton lust and love in them. She jumped slightly and crossed her legs around me, her pussy was now against my leg, and my cock below her legs. We kissed again as she started humping against me, her slit itching along my leg.

“You have to let me cum or I’ll go mad.” I whispered.

“Maybe that’s what I want.” She gasped. I growled and pulled her hair, she let out another gasp and laughed sexily, her head tilted fully backwards. I let go of her hair and forcefully pulled her body upwards and put my mouth on her breast. As I sucked and bit her nipple she stroked my hair, her legs now locked around my waist.

“Good boy.”

“Ugh, stop calling me that.” I said as I turned to her other breast. Jenn lowered herself a little, and my cock now touched her slit. She let out a gasp as I bit her nipple hard. As a response she started grinding against my cock. Her flesh felt nice against the top of my dick, the heat of her pussy even radiating through the colder water onto my cock. I groaned into her chest.

“You know we can’t fuck.” I managed to say in a rare clear moment of mind.

“Yea sure.” She replied as she increased her pace. It felt nice, her pussy lips striking across the top of my dick, but for me it was too little stimulation. I pinched her ass harder in frustration. Her gasping and moaning increased as did her tempo, the waves in the swimming pool created by her moving body now splashing loudly against the sides.

I sensed she was close by her frantic sounds and movements. So, I returned her dirty talk to send her over the edge.

“Does my little sis like grinding against her big bro’s cock?” She let out a loud espirated moan in response. I forced one of my hands between our bodies and started to flick her clit. This was all she needed as soon she arched her back, my face pressed between her breasts, and let out a silent cry. Her eyes rolled backwards and she started shaking violently in my arms. She came hard, and finally cried out in pleasure. “Oh fuck. Yes, yes, yes, I’m fucking cumiiiiiing.”

As she calmed down in my arms a few more tremors shot through her body. I kissed and nibbled her neck gently. I loved the cute sounds of her rapid breathing slowing down. She let herself slide downwards and pressed her lips once more together against mine. We kissed, this time more sensually and passionately, my cock pressing into her navel. Our tongues danced against one another, in a nice sensual rhythm. Jenn broke our kissing with notable apprehension, a trail of slime connecting our tongues together. She turned around slowly and climbed out of the pool. I got a first-row view of her ass and slit as she purposely bent over. I couldn’t believe I was denied yet again and I looked up at her, disgruntled. Jennifer responded with just a sly grin and walked back to her stretcher. I slowly submerged myself out of pure frustration. If things continued like this it would become a hellish week indeed.

After cooling down and ignoring my sister's big smile I went ahead and decided to do some physical labour. Although it would be still a few months until winter, in my opinion the pile of firewood was not large enough. Really, it just gave me the distraction I desperately needed.

My sister's eyes were glued to my body as I walked past her, layered in a thin coat of sweat.

"Who is cooking?" I asked.

"I'll make something."

"Alright, nice.'' I was thankful she didn't force me to cook. I'm a decent chef but I was too tired to be bothered.

The rest of the day I spent sunbathing and reading a book, ignoring my sisters provocations. During dinner and afterwards when we watched tv she acted completely normal, as if none of the previous events had transpired at all. We watched some stupid shows on TLC which she enjoyed.

"Tonight you will sleep in my room." She said casually.

I nearly spit out my drink and turned to her.


She ignored me and continued watching. An hour passed and we didn't speak to each other, except for me asking if she wanted something to drink when I went to grab something. It now was (her) bedtime however as Jennifer got up walked to the door. She stopped and asked (or ordered) me:

"You coming?"

"Hopefully." I said. She laughed as she walked up the stairs. I followed her momentarily, after turning off the television and all the lights. As I joined her bedroom it was dark inside, she was already under the covers since I hear her breathing. I stood still and thought: "Am I really going into bed with my sister? I'm not a child anymore..."

"Why am joining you again?" I asked.

"Because I said so."

I shrugged mentally, stripped to my boxers and walked towards her bed. When my legs hit it I knew I reached my destination. I lifted the cover and joined, it was too dark to see her clearly. As I made myself comfortable she turned around and faced me. I could feel her watching me as I head her breathing. I whispered to her.

"Jenn, about today, I don't think we, or you I mean, should continue," It remained quiet. "You're me little sister and..." I stopped as she hopped sideways closer to me. Her face was really close to mine now. She hopped again and our bodies touched. She was naked, as her hard nipples and breasts pressed together against my chest once again. My heart skipped a beat. "Oh Jenn." I gasped.

"You were saying?' she whispered. Conflicted emotions ran through me. On one hand hand she was my sister and you don't partake in such activities with family, it's taboo, unheard of and sometimes even illegal. On the other hand, I had already eaten out her cunt and ass and she had sucked and even cum on my cock, how would obeying her a little more prove any harm? I felt her hand touch my chest and I sighed deeply. Her fingers roamed my body and lingered on my boxers, I closed my eyes as she pulled my boxers down. My cock sprang against her leg, she gasped. Jennifer lifted her upper leg a little, and then lowered it. I groaned as my cock was now nestled between her thighs, the top of it was touching her warm pussy. She was wet, I felt her slickness lubricating my cock. I felt her breath on my lips as a warning before my sister pressed her lips against mine. I obeyed and lent her access, and our tongues where dancing once more again. As she sucked my tongue I put one of my hands on her hips. I gave one trust. We pulled back and gasped. I thrusted my cock once more between her legs and we were back at it, literally ravaging each other with extreme sloppy kisses. The dark room was filled with the sounds of sex; wet sloppy kisses, moans and the slapping of our thighs and pelvises together. As I increased the pace we got even more animalistic, she licked my face and groped my ass, it was pure, primal. No words were uttered as we performed this unholy act. Her moaning started to become more vocal. I once more increased our tempo, we quit our kissing as I was just gasping and my sister moaning. The sounds of clapping flesh now dominated the room.

Oh the feeling of my cock sliding between her thighs was so good, the narrow passage was fully lubricated by her grool, her sweat and my precum. With every thrust my cock stroked her pussy lips, and I could feel the warmth and wetness of her slick slit with the top of my dick. I felt my orgasm coming, my breathing became irregular and I curled my head into her chest. "Sis." Was all I managed to say as I prepared to cum.

Then the unthinkable happened, Jennifer lifted her leg and hopped backwards. I let out a whimper, it was a sound I didn't even know I could make. She bent me over and twisted one of my arms behind my back. I screamed out of frustration and a split second later out of pain as she pushed my arm out of location to stop my struggling. My dick thrusted into the air, and my orgasm was ruined, again.

"I didn't give you permission."

I sobbed four times, then she let go of me and I stood up from bed. I was full of anger and frustration and one tear was trailing from my eyes. I wanted to scream but I remembered the pictures she had on her phone and calmed down. Without another word I returned into bed and turned away from her. One thing was certain, I would not let myself go into such a compromising position again, I would just obey her and absolutely nothing more. She got extremely lucky and next time I could easily use my physical strength.

I didn't know however at the time my sister was frowning and staring disappointingly into the wall, as fear of having a made a mistake entered her mind.
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