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Lynn had picked up a young marine in a bar and taken him home. It took him three hours to persuade to let him fuck. He calls he next day.
John was a marine stationed at El Toro. She picked him up at our local bar. He was very young. About 19, I think. She brought him home and had a very long session with him. I think he screwed her for about three hours. I was home but not involved. During their session she told him about her time with the 6 lifeguards.

The next day he called and told her he had been telling his buddies about her and several of them wanted to meet her and have sex. They wanted her to become the squad mascot. She ask what that meant and he told her that when they had a party, she would be there and she would be available to all of them. There are 13 men in a squad. He said being the squad mascot also meant that all of them would have her phone number and could use it to set updates with her where she would be expected to provide sex if they wanted to.

She would attend all their parties with them. He told her since she was 10 to 12 years older than most of them, she would be able to teach them a lot and she would definitely have a lot of action. She thought about it for a bit and then said OK.

He said while they were planning the first party that they would hire a photographer. He would make two pictures with her and each member of the squad. One picture would be a normal one boyfriend/girlfriend picture. The second picture would be an, as he put it, a sexual picture of them her or both nude and in a sexual pose of the member's choice such as them screwing her or her giving them a blowjob what ever the marine wanted. And finally a group picture of her nude with the entire squad dressed.

Then the next activity for the party was the squad would take her out to a tattoo parlor an get her tattooed. On one butt cheek it would say” Property of USMC and on the other butt cheek it would say Mascot Platoon 3 Squad 4, 3rd Marine Division.”

Lynn said, I don't know about getting a tattoo.”

John said, "You got to get one. That way everybody will know who you are mascot for."

After a 20-minute discussion she gave in to John and agreed to do it. He told her after that they'd go to a bar and celebrate her tattoo and her pictures.

While they were planning the first party she asked if a male friend (her husband) could come to the party too. At that point he got very crude and gross with her so she finally told him if he was going to talk that way no way was she was going to become their mascot and to get lost.

She was laying on the bed naked while she was talking to him and I was playing with her and keeping her aroused because I really wanted her to do it. I knew she'd really enjoyed getting fucked as often as they would be doing it to her. I knew she would probably be the squad mascot for quite a long time because she wouldn’t belonged to any individual in the squad but the squad itself. So they would be getting new marines in regularly

Since she was only 31 at the time, I knew she could support the squad sexually very well. As it turned out not only did she have to support them sexually but plan their parties. Occasionally she'd have to arrange for a hooker to help her handle the sexual part of the party.

With the turnover they had in a squad I suspect that would have added somewhere between 26 to 49 guys to her score. I told her to just tell him if he didn't allow me to participate as an honorary squad member, she would not do it.

John said he was sorry and since I'd been finger fucking her for a half hour, she was very aroused so she said ok, she do it. Most of the squad were under the age of 25 which meant she was going to get a lot of sex which would make her make her very happy.

She told John he have to provide a complete set of the pictures from the party for her. And he would have to make two of every pic that they made for any reason so she could have the full set for her. John agreed to that.

The night of the party came and I took her out to the Marine Base. Lynn was all dolled up in one of her sexiest outfits. It was a pinkest knit top very tight fitting, no bra. A pair of matching short shorts, short enough that her cheeks slightly hung out and a pair of calve high white boots.

She was introduced to all 12 of the squad by John. They made the normal boyfriend/girlfriend pictures. The marines then went in an got into their civvies. John had rented a large motel room for them to use for the intimate pictures. One of the guys suggested they have the tattoos done before the pictures were made so it would show who she belong to in the pictures. They all thought that was a good idea. Lynn said ok to the tattoo pictures.

They went to the tattoo parlor next. When they got there, John told the artist what they wanted. He made them write it out in actual size and spelling. The property of... tattoo barely fit on her butt. When they got what they wanted tattooed on her done the squad members were teasing her about getting the tattoo.

The artist came up and said he was ready to start. He told her to go ahead and take her clothes off.

She said, "I didn't know I was going to have to get naked."

This was while everyone was still in the main drawing area with other customers in the room.

John said, "oops I guess I forgot to tell you. But it doesn't really matter because you’re going to be having nude pictures made with everyone plus having sex with us all".

With a lot of urging from the 13 guys Lynn finally agreed and took her clothes off. When she was completely naked, they all cheered her. This was the first time anybody but John had seen her naked. They all whistled and cheered Lynn turned red but got up on the table on her stomach anyway.

The artist said, “turn over on your back. I'm going to do the shaving and the MC tattoo first.’

She said in an angry voice, "John what is this."

John said, "I'm sorry Lynn I forgot that too. She was about to get up off the table when one of the older Marines went up to her and put his hands on her.

He said, "Honey you've already agreed to the other part of it you might as well agree to this too.

As he was saying this, she was laying there on the table completely naked while he was soothingly stroking her belly and boobs. He did this for about 5 minutes until she finally agreed. They all cheered when she said yes. Even the tattoo parlor's other customers. The artist came over with his shaving mug and a razor. One of the 18-year-old marines shave her.

Lynn sat up and said, "don't you dare let him near my pussy with a razor”

The artist grinned and started surveying where he'd need to shave. He took a marking pen and drew on her vagina where he was going to shave. John come over and put his hands on her vagina and examined the area the artist was going to shave. After a minute or two of feeling her up.

John said, “shave it all off front and back”.

All the guys agreed she'd look better shaved completely. Lynn didn't even know what they were going to put on her. She was afraid to ask so the artist started on her.

He told John to spread the lips of her labia. John did that but he also copped a few feels while he was holding her open. After a few minutes of having her having her labia handled and shaved she started to get aroused.

The next time John pulled the lips back Lynn was slightly louder and when she moaned everyone cheered as John slipped a couple of fingers in her and twisted her clit. She moaned even louder this time. The artist was pissed.

He said.” leave her alone I've got to get her shaved. When I'm done you can take her in the back and play with her all you want but leave her alone now”.

He finished getting her vagina completely clean and smooth. He took his tool and on the left side of her vagina he put a big red M and on her right side a big red C. Everyone except Lynn though it looked good. The artist told her to turn over. He had John pull her butt cheeks apart and he shaved that area clean.

Lynn was now calmed down and was just passively lying there while the artist shaved her. When the artist was done shaving her, He ran his hands all over her butt to make sure she was smooth. Once again, she let out a little moan. This time he ran his hand over her entire backside. It took him about an hour to do her butt. When he was done the artist ask them how it looked and they all agreed it was good work.

John said, "Now you belong to all of us"

Lynn had been tired when she got there so she, after all the handling she received from the ones that had handled her and the soothing tones the older marine had talked to her in she fell asleep.

It turn out that John had given her a drink with a drug in it to make her more cooperative also.

The photographer had been making pictures the whole time. So, there were pictures of her naked body being tattooed. When the artist had finished, he played with the butt for about five minutes and though she was asleep but she started to moan again.

The artist said, "Lynn turn over on your back I want to see the MC again.

A couple of the marines helped a very sleepy Lynn turn over on her back. She even moaned when they turned her. The artist told the two marines to check her to see if she was smooth. They started at her clit and pretty soon she was moaning again. She was still sleepy. After just a short time of them feeling her up she was moaning even louder. They traded places but kept up the rubbing and massage. Soon she was was still not awake but aroused enough to become noisy. Some of the marines continued to play with her. The artist waited about 15 minutes until they had her almost ready to ready to cum.

Then he said, "I'm sorry guys I've got a business to run. You've got to take her somewhere else to fuck her".

John said, "We've got a big motel room to make pictures of her and have sex. He told Lynn to get her clothes on they were ready for the pictures. Well wouldn't you know it someone had stolen her clothes. Everyone looked all over for them because the sooner they could get her dressed the sooner they could leave the sooner they could get to the bar and get a couple drinks in all of them the sooner they could to the motel and the sooner they could start having sex and making pictures.

They couldn’t find her clothes anywhere. The whole time they'd been looking John had been playing with Lynn. She had lost interest in finding her clothes. She was still groggy from the drug bur she was still getting aroused from John playing with her. So she was interested in finding a penis not her clothes. Finally, he had Lynn so aroused he had to put his hand over her mouth to keep her noise down.

He said, "ok guys it looks like the clothes are gone. Let just take her naked and go to the motel".

She was so aroused and drugged that she said, "just get me there quick. I don't need any clothes”.

They got to the motel, with no incidents, with a naked mascot.

The room they rented was on the third floor. Lynn had to walk up three flights of stairs naked. They ran across quite a few people on the way to the room but when they got there nobody bothered them. As promised the photographer got a first shot at Lynn getting on the bed naked. Then the photographer made all the picture he'd contracted for.

when he was finished he said, I'll make a bunch more pictures for free, if you'll let me have sex with her first”.

John “said, “Sure I don’t mind. You guys don’t mind do you.?

They all agreed the extra pictures would be worth it. Lynn started to object but John cut her off by saying.

"Lynn, you don’t get any say as to what happens to you from here on out. You’ve got our tattoo now. You belong to us."

The photographer made a couple more pictures of her tattoos front and back. Then he was out of his clothes in a flash and in the bed with her in a few seconds.

There was booze in the room for everyone. Everybody got a shot and cheered while the photographer played with Lynn.

They toasted their mascot. They made amateur pictures of the photographer screwing Lynn. One of the squad members had a video camera and made almost 45 minutes of footage of Lynn's orgasms with sounds of her giving blowjobs and her just having all kinds of sex.

When the photographer started out with Lynn, he told the marines she doesn't come with a manual but I'll show you a couple of tricks with her.

He then told two of the marines to come hold her hands above her head. They did that and as he talked to her in a very soothing voice, he started playing with her. Not in a rough way but in a gentle way.

He said, "gentlemen I know your tough marines but you must treat this woman gently not roughly. Remember what is it you want from her. John what is it you want from her."

John replied, “I want to fuck her”.

The photographer said, “Now John whose way do you think will get you there the quickest. My gentle way or your rough and tough way.”

As he continued to talk, he continued to gently feel her body. He ran his hands all over her breast and stomach

. He ask Lynn, “how does this feel”.

She said, "It feels wonderful”.

He went lower and started playing with her pubic region.

“Now Lynn do you feel relaxed and ready to receive a man”.

Lynn said, “yes, I'm ready to give a man what he wants."

“Now see gentlemen she's not afraid of me she will now do almost anything I tell her to because I've conditioned her".

One of the young marines spoke and said, "why do you have them holding her arms up”.

The photographer said, "I'm getting to that. Now guys how many of you are here tonight”.

John said, “13.”

The photographer said, “and how many of you want to have sex with her tonight plus make pictures of her doing it and doing other things that you're going to want her to do for you”.

John said, "13".

The photographer said, "That's right. Now how many of you think it natural for a woman to want to do this for and with you."

They all said, "No it's not natural to have sex with 13 men in one evening”.

“Yet gentlemen you plan on doing just that. Are you going to rape her? “

John said, "no of course not."

The photographer said, "Lynn do you really want these 13 guys to make nude pictures of you and do various sex acts."

Lynn replied, "no".

"Lynn are you afraid of me"?

She said, "no I'm not afraid of you".

As she was saying that he slipped two fingers in her vagina. With the other hand he gently continued to rub her body softly.

“Now gentlemen watch what happens in the next 5 minutes or so."

He stopped talking and while continuing to play with her vagina he leaned over and started kissing her. Not roughly but again gently. Lynn started a low moan deep in her throat. As the moaning increased so did the speed and insistence of his fingers. The more she moaned, the more she started to wiggle and squirm slightly. He stopped kissing her.

"Lynn how does this feel?"

Then he upped his action in her vagina.

her moaning was turning into "Oh, man it feels so good and I love it."

The photographer said, "notice gentlemen her desire is has noticeably increased.

"Lynn with do you want now".

She responded, "I want a penis. Please give it to me".

"But Lynn there are 14 of us here".

When he told her that he grabbed her clit and rubbed it hard. Lynn squealed with pleasure.

"please give your penis to me, please, please".

"But Lynn if I do it to you, you'll have to do it with the rest of the marines. Your butt and pussy says you belong to them. Now you young guys notice how Lynn was wiggling and squirming. The two guys holding her arms had to put some pressure on her arms. Now John what do you think will happen next."

John said, "She will start begging for you to fuck her".

The photographer said, "exactly, but remember what is the ultimate goal of yours".

John said, "to have her fuck us all night. All of us."

"What is the goal for even farther down the road".

"We want to make her our mascot".

"True John but stop and think what that means".

John thought a minute and then he said, "we need to control her".

“Why do you need to control her”?

John said, "so she'll do what any of us want".

The photographer had continued to stroke and gently handle Lynn.

"Now Lynn do you want John to control you".

Lynn replied "no".

The photographer said, "even though he makes your body feel good. Come here John take over for me a minute. Do what I've been doing to her".

John put his fingers in Lynn's vagina and with his other hand he massaged her breast and nipples, Lynn started to wiggle and squirm. She also started to beg for more.

"Now John I understand that you've fucked Lynn before".

John said, "yes I met her in a bar. She took me home but it took me almost an hour before I got her to let me do it."

"And John it was just you right. Not you and 12 others, right".

John said, “Yeah, that's right it was just me”.

John, what's Lynn want right now from you".

"Lynn tell John what you want to have him do?"

John leaned over and gently kissed her and increased the pressure on her clit.

Lynn said, " oh man give it to me. give it to me. I want it". While she was saying this she was wiggling and squirming even more. The marines holding her arms had to use even more muscle to hold her still.

"Now John you have two choices. You can go ahead and put it in her and fuck her until you cum. Or you can set her up to do what you want her to do not just for you but the 12 others. Now Lynn why were you reluctant to agree to being the squad mascot."

She said, "I have a husband, three children and I knew eventually there would be a problem if I was their mascot".

“Why was that.’ the photographer said?

"Well, I was a little afraid of John. He was rough with me when he took me home. He was incredibly selfish. And I have a lot of responsibility at home. I just wasn't sure it would be worth it. Especially when he said he’d cut my husband penis off when I ask him if my husband could come and participate."

All the young marines gave a gasp of horror. One of them said, "John that was a stupid thing to say. What a jerk.

John said, "I'm sorry guys"

The photographer said, "Then why are you here. Why did you get tattooed? You know everybody will see them. Some guys might not even want you when they see the Property of... on your butt and the big USMC on your vagina."

During this conversation Lynn had calmed down and was not so aroused but without her being aware of it she was still wiggling and squirming as John played with her clit and continued to massage sensitive parts of her body.

Lynn said, "My husband talked me into it. He likes me having multiple partners, He like to watch me get laid by other men. Strange I know, but he a great guy and I want to please him".

"Now gentlemen did you hear that. She's doing this to please her husband. Now what does that mean gentlemen. You know what you’re going to expect out of your mascot. She knows what is expected of your mascot and she does it for her husband's unusual desire. Lynn how many men will you have sex with tonight.

Lynn replied, "13 maybe 14 if you want me."

"Lynn how many times based on you experience will each one fuck you."

Lynn replied, " on an average maybe five to six times. Some may be more. When I had the six lifeguards two of them did me about 10 times each."

The photographer said, "see guys and who got her to do this."

The marines all murmured, "her husband".

"Yes, but who will benefit the most."

Most of them said, "We will".

The photographer said, “A couple of you said, "her husband but none said Lynn would. So, see gentlemen the ones that benefit most are you gentlemen but you do the least work for it. The big burden is on Lynn's family. I understand beside getting tattooed and getting nude pictures made for you she will give you her phone number and be available for a date whenever you want her. That right isn’t it Lynn".

She replied, "Yes, it is. As their mascot I'm expected to provide the 13 of them with sex whenever they want it". The photographer said, "Is there someone named Jim here?"

It turned out that there were two named Jim.

The photographer said, "Jim 1, the guy in the last row come up here".

When he got up by the bed the photographer ask him, "are you going to want to have sex with Lynn and use her as a mascot".

Jim 1 said, " yeah sure".

"Ok" the photographer said, "Take over from John. Only this time do want you want with her or to her."

Jim, 1 took off his clothes and lay down on the other side of Lynn. John continued to play with Lynn but no talking by the photographer.

Jim 1 started out by French kissing Lynn. and playing with her tits while John was playing with her vagina and clit. it wasn't long before Lynn was getting more and more aroused. She was moaning louder than ever before.

The photographer said, "I need two more men to volunteer to hold her legs over her head. The two volunteers took one leg each and pulled them over Lynn's head thus exposing Lynn vagina with no way for her to cushion the thrusting when the marines put a penis in her. The photographer didn't give any more directions.

John was finger fucking Lynn at a high speed and Jim 1 had started rubbing his penis on Lynn's mouth but making sure she didn't get it in her mouth. Soon Lynn moans turned to begging.

"Please somebody give me your penis. Please give it to me".

All those young guys sat in stunned silence as they watched this 31-year-old woman begging to be screwed while she was be held helpless to stop anybody from screwing her. But in addition to being helpless she wanted it.

She was begging for a penis with ever increasing urgency. John and Jim, 1 were grinning at each other as they ignored her and continue to gently play with her. All of a sudden to the surprise of everyone in the room except the photographer and her husband.

She had a big orgasm and she screamed at the top of her lungs.,

"oh man John stick it in me fuck me, fuck me pleassssse".

John stopped fingering her and got on top and started going in and out as fast he could.

Lynn continued screaming as he put it in her. "Oh, man it feels good, O man I love it, I love it I'm so glad you made me your mascot."

Jim 1 bent over and started kissing her. which caused her to have another orgasm. At about the same time John started ejaculating in her. She squealed and had a third orgasm.

John pulled he penis out of Lynn.

She said, "Oh man please don't stop".

John said, "don't worry there will be another penis for you as soon as I get out of the way".

When he got off the bed Jim 1 got on top of her and inserted his penis in her. Lynn responded, "I love it give it to me. Give me your cum too".

John got up by her head and a rubbed his cum covered soft penis on her lips and she eagerly took it in her mouth and sucked it clean. All the while moaning from Jim 1 slowly pumping his cock in and out of her.

After she finished sucking John clean one of the other guys got up and got on the bed and started rubbing his penis around on her lips. She opened her mouth and took it in and started licking and sucking on it. Jim1 was a big guy and he had started banging her pretty hard.

In spite of that she was saying," I love it, harder, harder".

When Jim 1 came, she screamed like she had before and had another orgasm.

One of the guys waiting for his turn said, "man I never seen a female like her".

Lynn now had one in her mouth and one in her vagina. Jim one and the one she was sucking on came almost at the same time. This process went on for over three hours until they all had cum in her once. She was overflowing with cum and it was all over her body.

During the passion and desire the guys holding her legs and arms let go of her and started to play with different parts of her body until they got a turn on her. One of the guys with a little more experience was sticking his fingers in her vagina and getting big globs of cum and sticking his fingers in her mouth as she gobbled up the cum.

He was saying, "you love it don't you baby”.

Lynn said, “oh man It taste so good. I love it. Gave me some more”.

He took another big glop on his fingers and rubbed a little bit of it on her lips as she eagerly licked it off.

The party continued on until the next day at 10:00am when it was the motel’s checkout time.

She was so tired her husband had to get help getting her up off the bed. She was so sore and used up that she could hardly walk. It took her two days to partially recover and three days before her husband could fuck her.

She was their mascot for over two years. They used her every weekend and during the week. She didn't have any time for anyone else. Her husband didn't even get to screw her very often. Mostly because she was so tired and sore. She did meet a couple of other men but when they saw the US MC on her vagina and the property of… on her butt they said, I don't want her." But she really didn't care because she was getting more fucking that she'd ever had.

Please let me know what you thought of this. If you liked it, I’ll write some more about her experiences during the following two years.
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