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Sometimes through providence, wonderful things happen in life. Little Sweden is about one of those lucky moments.
She was nearly half my age, blonde, compact without being petite, and she had a disarming smile and an aura of contained sexuality—in short—she was perfect to my way of thinking, and somehow I knew from the beginning that she was very special.

I met her entirely by accident. I had a four day conference in Salina, Ks. that I had to attend in connection with my work. Salina was just far enough from where I live that I decided to book a room in the area rather than drive the four hour round trip that it would take each day. Instead of getting a room in one of the many motels in Salina, I decided to book a room for three nights in a little town of about 3500 located 20 minutes south of Salina. I had heard that Lindsborg (also known as Little Sweden around Kansas) was a unique community that traded on its Swedish-American roots to attract the tourist trade, and since the first day of the conference was mainly registration and welcome speeches (which I didn’t feel compelled to attend), I decided to check in at the conference as early as possible, attend the one late morning seminar that I was interested in, and drive back to Lindsborg to spend the afternoon exploring the town.

The morning of the conference, I left my little town shortly after 6:30 and drove to Salina, stopping only once in Hutchinson to grab some coffee. I arrived at the conference site at Kansas Wesleyan College shortly before nine. After registering, I wandered around the campus before the seminar began at 10:00. The seminar ended at noon and afterward I went to lunch with some people who were in my discussion group at the seminar. We visited for a while after eating, and I finally got on the road back to Lindsborg at about 1:30.

After checking in (a bit early) at my motel (it was named The Viking motel quaintly reflecting the Swedish cultural emphasis of the community), I set out to explore the town. I soon discovered that it was filled with little shops, many of which featured arts and crafts with a distinct cultural flavor. I also visited an art gallery, the Birger Sandzen Memorial Gallery, which featured some local artists as well as some nationally known ones. After leaving the art gallery, I wandered down the main street, basically just window shopping. Passing one gift store, I noticed a book display. I rarely pass up the opportunity to browse if I have time, so I went in.

As I looked over the titles, I saw her for the first time. She stood at the end of the display with a book opened, reading the inside cover. She was dressed casually in walking shorts and a v-necked T-shirt. Her clothing was neither tight nor loose, but it was tight enough for me to admire the curve of her ass and the gentle swell of her breasts underneath the cloth. I chastised myself mentally for entertaining the thoughts that her body aroused in me, especially since she appeared to be a very classy, respectable lady. . She caught me looking at her and smiled sweetly. I smiled back and turned my attention back to the shelves, hoping she wasn’t thinking I was some old pervert. I quickly picked out a book, Love In The Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I had been meaning to read it, and I decided I might as well use my evening to get started.

She was in front of me at the checkout. Again I found myself admiring her sweetly rounded ass and the way her blonde hair graced the curve of her neck. I was close enough to smell her perfume which I found mysterious and erotic. She paid and walked out. I stepped to the counter and paid for my book, got my receipt, and headed for the door, still thinking about her. As I stepped through the door, I ran smack into her. Apparently, she had forgotten something and was coming back into the store. The collision knocked her shopping bag from her hand and her books scattered onto the sidewalk. I mumbled a lame apology saying, “I am sooo sorry. I promise to get a seeing-eye dog if you will just forgive me.” As dumb as that sounded, she laughed. I knew then she had a charitable heart as well as a lovely laugh. I bent over and began picking up her books. I couldn’t help but notice that one of them was Fifty Shades of Grey. I rose up to give her the books and found myself momentarily staring at her crotch. I probably turned fifty shades of red, but she pretended not to notice. I returned her books, apologized again, and went on my way.

I wandered around a bit more, checking out a few shops and admiring the charm of the town, before deciding it was time to get something to eat. In my ramblings, I had noticed a place called The Sugar Shack which looked like a typical hamburger joint and that suited my needs just fine, so I headed there. When I entered, it was obvious the place was really busy and I couldn’t see a place to sit. I started back to the door, I heard a sweet feminine voice, “Would you like to sit with me?” I turned and there she was, seated in a small booth by herself, her lovely blonde hair shining from the overhead light. “Well, if you’re sure you don’t mind, I’d love to.” She smiled and gestured at the empty seat across from her in the booth.

She introduced herself as Susie and I reciprocated, giving her my name. I ordered my dinner (she had already ordered hers), and while we waited, we had a laugh about our mishap earlier at the store. She asked me about what book I had bought. I still had it with me, so I took it out of the bag and she looked it

over. That led to conversation about other books and soon we were talking like old friends. I told her about the conference and how I came to be in Lindsborg. She asked where I was staying. When I told her, she said she had heard it was a nice motel. By the time I had finished eating, I felt quite comfortable with her. I suppose it made me a little bolder, because I decided to ask her about Fifty Shades. She said, “Well a friend led me to believe I might enjoy being tied up for a while reading it.” I was glad I was sitting down because the image her little double entendre brought to my mind caused a definite swelling in my groin. I smiled and responded, “Well, I have read it and for the most part, I wasn’t impressed with the story line, but I found the subject matter very interesting."

I wanted to feel her out more on the subject, but our conversation was interrupted when a lovely dark-haired woman came in and walked right up to our booth. Susie introduced her and explained that they had planned earlier to meet and do some planning for a surprise party for a friend of theirs whose birthday was coming up. I took that as my cue to leave, so I thanked Susie for allowing me to eat with her and left.

I got back to my motel, took a shower, and lay on the bed for a time watching TV. After a good bit of channel surfing, I finally decided there wasn’t really anything on I wanted to watch, so I decided it was a good time to start the book I had bought earlier. Looking at the dresser where I had set my briefcase while unloading my car, I realized I didn’t remember bringing in the shopping bag from the store. I went out and searched the car, finally realizing what must have happened. After showing the book to Susie, I had laid it in the seat beside me in the booth and had failed to remember it when I left. I hadn’t noticed the restaurant’s hours while I was there. It was about 8:30 so I wasn’t certain it would still be open. I found a phone book in the room and turned to the yellow pages to see if I could find The Sugar Shack listed. As I searched for the listing, there was an unexpected knock on my door. Totally puzzled, I looked through the peephole to see Susie standing there. I opened the door and she smiled, “I am glad you told me where you were staying. You left your book in the booth. My girlfriend found it when she sat down. By the time she noticed it, you were already gone.”

I hoped my voice didn’t betray what I can only describe as instant lust that overtook me when I saw what she was now wearing. She had changed into a pair of knit slacks that fit snugly enough to show off her alluring ass and beautifully shaped legs. She was wearing a wine-colored knit shirt that buttoned down the front. The top two buttons were undone partially revealing her well-formed breasts and the edge of a lacy black strapless bra. The wine color of her shirt set her blonde hair off perfectly. In short, she was incredibly sexy.

I stepped back out of the doorway, “Please come in and thank you so much. I discovered just a few minutes ago that I didn’t have it. You really didn’t need to go to so much trouble.” “No trouble.” she smiled again, “Actually, I enjoyed our conversation very much, so I looked at it as an opportunity to visit with you again.” As she stepped into the room, I noticed she was carrying a fairly large dyed canvas bag. She looked around the room and said, “This is really quite nice. Oh, I almost forgot. Here is your book.” She sat on the edge of the bed, opened the bag, and retrieved my book, handing it to me. She left the bag open and I could plainly see several other items. A pair of padded handcuffs, the key still in the lock, sat atop a pile of what appeared to be silk scarves. There was also a strip of solid black cloth, neatly stitched at the edges and about eight or nine inches long and three or four inches wide. I t had an elastic band attached—clearly a blind fold.

Obviously, she meant for me to see what was in the bag as she made no effort to close it. I was shocked and excited at the same time as I realized what must be in her mind—she hadn’t bought Fifty Shades out of mere curiosity.

Even though it was clear she was making an invitation, I was completely uncertain of how to proceed, so I took a risk, “Do you think lying is bad?” She looked rather confused, “Well, yes, of course,” “Then you have been bad, haven’t you, because you lied to me. You didn’t come here just to return my book, did you?” She dropped her eyes and murmured, “No, I suppose not.” “Well, what do you think should happen to naughty girls who lie? Shouldn’t they be punished? In fact, they should probably be spanked, don’t you think?” In a voice so meek I could barely hear it, she said, “I guess so.” “Get on the bed and roll over. I am going to spank you for lying, you naughty girl.” She turned and crawled up on the bed and lay face down. “I can’t spank you through those pants. That isn’t a proper punishment. Pull them down.”She reached back, hooking her thumbs in the waist band of her pants, pulling them down to reveal a pair of lacy, black panties.

Viewing that lovely ass covered only by those sexy panties, I could feel my cock swelling in my pants. “The panties too,” I barked, “You’re not getting off that easy, you bad girl.” She reached back again and pulled her panties down, baring her smooth, firm ass. I reached down and raked my fingernails lightly across her lovely soft skin. At that, she wiggled her ass slightly and I heard her moan ever so quietly. “You like that, don’t you. You really are a naughty, naughty, little bitch, aren’t you?”

With that I slapped her ass cheeks lightly with my open palm, first one then the other. When she didn’t react, I said, “That wasn’t hard enough for a bad little bitch like you, was it. You need to be spanked harder so you can learn not to lie, don’t you?” “Yes sir, if you think so, sir.” I smacked her ass again, much harder. This time she flinched. I did it again, three times very quickly until she put her hand back trying to cushion the slaps. “Get your hand away, you bitch. You’re going to take your punishment.”

When she didn’t move it, I said, “Okay then, I will just have to deal with your disobedience. I reached into the bag and got the handcuffs, “Take your shirt off. I don’t want it getting in the way.” She rose to her knees and stripped the shirt off, looking at me as if to say, “Look how good I am.” “Don’t look at me, you naughty little cunt—you are way too sassy.” I reached into the bag and got the blindfold. “Now raise your hands above your head.” When she did, I snapped on the handcuffs and put the blindfold in place. “Now lie back down.” She complied immediately, but that didn’t stop me from spanking her ass a few more times before I pulled off her tennis shoes and then her slacks and panties.

She now lay face down on the bed, handcuffed and blindfolded and completely nude except for her bra. Her lovely ass was bright pink. She was absolutely lovely, but I wanted to see all of her. I reached down and ran my nails lightly up the calf of her left leg and thigh, brushed her ass with my fingertips, and trailed them lightly up her back until I reached the clasp on her bra. I unhooked it. “Roll over, I want to see all of you.” She rolled onto her back and I pulled her bra away, revealing her lovely, lush breasts. Her nipples hardened as I caressed them gently with my fingertips. I leaned down and sucked her nipple into my mouth and ran my tongue around it. “Even naughty girls deserve a reward when they are good. Now spread your legs. I want to see your cunt! She didn’t move her legs, so I reached into her bag and retrieved the silk scarves. Quickly rolling one up into a loose roll, I lifted her ankle and wrapped the scarf around it twice and knotted it so it couldn’t slip off her ankle. I tied the other end around the leg of the bed and repeated the process on the other leg, pulling her legs apart as I tied off the second scarf. She sat up, so I grabbed the handcuffs and pulled her back down and slipped a third scarf through the cuffs, pulling her hands back above her head and securing the scarf to the headboard. “Now tell me that you understand that you have to do what you are told, that I am your master, and that you will obey!” Ignoring me,she remained silent, so I reached down with two hands, cupping her breasts and taking her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and pinching them . She gasped, and immediately cried out, “I understand, master. I’ll do what you say.” “Good, because I won’t tolerate your disobedience you little slut. Lie still and don’t talk unless I tell you to, understand?” “I understand, master.” I pinched her nipples sharply again. “I didn’t tell you to talk, cunt.”

I left her on the bed and she remained perfectly silent while I undressed. My cock was completely erect and I wanted to fuck her immediately. Instead, I began to caress her sweet body, running my hands over her thighs, caressing her breasts, touching the soft, smooth curve of her vulva very lightly. Her pussy was lovely, graced with a light golden down as if she had shaved it and it had just begun growing back. I softly kissed her sweet nipples which were now hard and erect. I knelt between her legs and licked the inside of her thighs, never quite touching her now swollen labia. I continued this for several minutes until I could tell from her breathing and the flush on her chest that she was ready for more then I stopped. I knelt on the bed and grabbed her hair, turning her head toward my swollen cock.

“You’re going to suck my cock now. You are going to lick it and suck it until I tell you to stop. If you do it well, I will eat your pussy. Now tell me you want to suck my cock—say it.” I could hear the eagerness in her voice. “Yes, master, I do want to suck it!” “Say please, cunt,--ask nicely or I might change my mind.” "Please, please, let me suck it, master. I want it in my mouth, please” “Open your mouth wide and suck it good. I expect a nasty little cunt like you to know how to suck cock.” The moment she took me in her mouth I thought I would come. Her mouth was warm and she licked the underside of the head of my cock while gently sucking and moving her head so that her lips slid halfway up my cock. I entwined my fingers in her hair, occasionally pulling her head back and rubbing my cock on her lips then pushing my cock deep into her mouth, taking care not to gag her. As she sucked and tongued me, I began to gently move my hips, fucking her mouth slowly and gently. I pinched her nipples until she groaned. “You like that, don’t you, you sweet little cocksucker. You are being so good, baby. That’s a good girl.” I was close to coming, so I pulled back and knelt between her legs and licked her now wet pussy, parting her labia with my tongue and licking up until I found her clit. I licked her clit, moving my tongue in a circular motion, gently and slowly. I then took her clit in my lips and sucked it

until I could feel it swelling against my tongue. I then began to suck it harder, taking it between my lips and flicking it rapidly with my tongue, only stopping to very quickly run my tongue from just above her rectum back up to her clit and then plunging it deep into her cunt. I sucked her harder and harder, caressing her clit with my tongue and lips until I felt her muscles tensing. Then I pressed against her clit as hard as I could and massaged it with my tongue. I felt her muscles tighten and she gripped my head with her thighs and shuddered, coming hard. I moved up suddenly and plunged my swollen cock in to her deliciously wet pussy, burying it into as far as I could. I then fucked her slowly while caressing her nipples. Gradually, I began to fuck her harder and harder, ramming my cock into that sweet cunt. I gripped her ass and pulled her against me until I was as deep as I could go.

I wanted to cum, but not in her pussy. I then began to caress her rectum, lubricating it with her own juices. I slipped my finger gently into her ass while I fucked her, gradually working it in deeper. The thought of fucking her ass became almost unbearable, so I pulled out of her sweet, sweet cunt and untied the loose knots I had made in the scarves on her ankles. When her feet were free, I flipped her on to her stomach and put the head of my cock into her now well lubricated ass. She moaned, “Oh, yes, honey, fuck my ass—shove that cock in me—fuck it, please, please fuck it.” I fucked that lovely ass. It was so tight and warm around my cock that I again thought I would come. She was groaning, “Fuck it, baby, fuck it.” I fingered her clit and fucked her ass while I squeezed her nipple with my other hand. She moaned and came again. I pulled out and went to the bathroom and soaped my cock while she lay on the bed very quietly.

When I finished washing I came back and rolled her onto her back again, undoing the handcuffs so her hands were free. I pulled off the blindfold, saying, “I want you to see what you’ve been getting.” Her lovely blue eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. “Now I want you to stroke my cock and fuck me with your mouth until I come. She smiled that lovely smile and took my cock into her mouth and began stroking the shaft while she tongued and sucked me. This time I didn’t stop. I fucked her mouth while she stroked me until I came hard, filling her mouth with cum. She continued sucking, draining every drop of cum and swallowing it.

Afterward, we lay wrapped in each other’s arms, each feeling the warmth of the other’s body, and feeling the contented exhaustion that comes after incredible love making. I didn’t want her to leave, and she didn’t want to leave, but, of course, she had to. I lay watching her dress, admiring her beauty, and hoping against hope that this night would not be the only night. When she finished dressing, she smiled again—that sweet smile that I had already grown to love—and said. “You said you would be here two more days, right. Would 8:00 tomorrow be okay?” I will not go into what we did that next evening—that

is another story—but I will say it was just as incredible.

Since those nights, I have made as many trips to “Little Sweden” as I can manage. I have grown to love being wrapped in Swedish culture.
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