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The third instalment of this series, constructive feedback is always appreciated!!
Jamie Green gathered her things quickly, the work day was over and she was desperate to get home. She buttoned her jacket over her chest and tossed her long scarf around her neck before walking over to the large oak door next to her desk. She knocked softly before opening the door, looking in at her boss, Mr. Harvey.

He was sitting behind his large black desk, the fingers on one hand pressed to his temple as he leaned over the paperwork strewn across the work surface. The sleeves on his crisp white dress shirt were rolled up to his elbows, the top two buttons undone, and his tie discarded on the chair across from him. He had been reviewing a contract all afternoon, and it must have been a tough one because his mood was even worse than normal and his normally well-kempt dark brown hair was slightly dishevelled. The light in the room was dim but Jamie could make out the look of irritation on his face as she entered the office, his clear blue eyes narrowing slightly. “Yes, Miss Green, what could you possibly want at this hour?”

Jamie had grown used to his harsh words, she had been working for him as his assistant for three years after all. She had learned early on that while he was stern and at times plain rude, he was a fair boss and the pay was better here than she could get at most offices. She thought it was an even trade. She had also learned how to push his buttons ever so slightly, and relished the opportunity to give him a little payback here and there.

She smiled sweetly and fixed her scarf around her neck, knowing that nothing irritated John Harvey more than someone who refused to be ruffled by his icy demeanour. “Just checking that there’s nothing else you want me to do before I head home for the night, sir.” Mr. Harvey dropped the pen he was holding and leaned back in his chair, looking across the room at his assistant.

“If I had wanted anything I would have asked.” He snapped at Jamie, his words hanging in the air between them. Jamie smiled again and nodded, ignoring the tone he had used. “Okay sir, see you in the morning then. Have a great night!” With that she turned and exited the room, gently closing the heavy door behind her.

As she walked down the hallway toward the elevator, she heard the metal doors slide open. A woman in a long black coat and high heels got off on the floor, her blonde hair fixed into a bun at the back of her head. Politely Jamie smiled and informed the woman the offices on this floor were closed for the night. “I have a meeting with my attorney, couldn’t get in any sooner today.” The woman responded as she walked toward the law office that Jamie had just left. ‘Odd, I’m pretty sure Mr. Harvey was the only one there.’ Jamie thought, but she didn’t recognise this woman.

She knew all of his clients and this woman was not one of them. Jamie nodded politely and stepped into the elevator, wishing the woman a good evening. ‘Someone else must be staying late tonight too..’ Jamie thought. She shrugged and dismissed the thought, it wasn’t her problem anymore. She had the night off and was ready to go home and relax.

As Jamie stepped out of the elevator at the ground floor she reached her hand into her jacket pocket, searching for her phone. She realised she must have left it on her desk and groaned. She searched her purse and still found nothing. With a defeated sigh she turned around and pressed the elevator call button, stepping back in as the doors slid open right away. Jamie was annoyed and jammed her finger against the button for the 20th floor, leaning her back against the cool metal wall of the elevator as it took her back up into the building.

Jamie stepped off the elevator and tucked her purse under her arm. Making her way back to the law office, she pushed open the door and quickly walked past reception and down the hall to the small waiting room where her desk was located. As she approached the room she heard a loud grunt. Stopping dead in her tracks she peered into the waiting room, noticing the door into Mr. Harvey’s office was ajar, a soft beam of light streaking across the wooden floor. She heard the grunting sound again, followed by her boss's voice echoing across the empty room, “Yes bitch, take it all.”

Jamie felt her heart drop, she stood in the darkened room, unsure of what to do. Slowly she approached her desk and grabbed her phone, slipping it into her purse. It would be a downright lie if she said she wasn’t a little curious about what was going on just beyond the door, and with her curiosity getting the better of her Jamie inched closer. She peeked into the slightly open door and her eyes widened with surprise.

Inside the office was the blonde woman from the elevator minutes prior, completely naked save for her strappy high heels, sunk down onto her knees in the middle of the room in front of Mr. Harvey. Her hair was now loose around her shoulders with Mr. Harvey’s hands tangled in it. He held her head and Jamie noticed he was quickly feeding his dick into her mouth, fucking her face with purpose. Jamie stood there, transfixed by the sight before her.

She studied her boss’s face, his expression was hard and focused; it was clear there was only one thing on his mind in that moment as he pumped his cock in and out of this mystery woman’s mouth. His shirt was completely unbuttoned and Jamie noticed his toned body, a smattering of chestnut hair across his firm chest. He had a small treasure trail as well leading down below his belt line, connecting to well groomed pubic hair. ‘For being in his forties, he sure has kept his body in top condition..’ Jamie thought.

Suddenly the blonde woman gagged and pulled her head away, revealing Mr. Harvey’s full length. Jamie’s jaw dropped. She would never have guessed her cold boss was as well endowed as he turned out to be. She couldn’t be sure but he had to measure in close to nine inches in length, and very girthy. When the blonde reached her hand out to grab his dick, her fingers didn’t quite meet her thumb around it. “Don’t spit it out again.” Mr. Harvey growled as he pushed his long cock between her lips, returning to working his length as far into her mouth as he could.

Jamie had seen enough, she could feel her heart beating fast in her ears. Slowly she took a step back from the door, clutching her bag under her arm. She turned and immediately bumped into her own desk, jostling everything on top of it as a pen rolled off the desk and clattered to the floor. Jamie felt her heart stop and she froze in place, unsure if she should book it out of the office or wait. She heard the sounds from the other room stop and Mr. Harvey tell the woman to get off him, followed by the metallic sound of a zipper being pulled up.

Just as she was about to take a step down the hall the door to Mr. Harvey’s office opened, the light from within illuminating the dark waiting room. ‘Oh shit shit shit!’ Jamie thought, still frozen in place with what she could only assume was a deer in the headlights look plastered across her face. Mr. Harvey stood in the doorway with his shirt open, his pants zipped but the top button undone. Light poured out around him and Jamie couldn’t see his face but she knew he could see hers. “Sir I’m so sorry, I left my phone and I was just coming back t-“ she stammered out before her boss cut her off, closing the distance between them.

He grabbed her by the upper arms hard, digging his strong fingers into her as he pulled her up, her toes barely touching the floor and his strong body brushing against her as he pressed her back to the wall. Jamie wasn’t sure his exact height but she knew she was 5’10, and Mr. Harvey was at the very least an entire head taller than her, maybe more. She felt the hardness in his pants press against her momentarily. She gasped as he stared into her eyes intensely, his face seething with anger. He hissed at her through gritted teeth, “stop talking. I don’t want to hear a fucking word from you, is that clear?”

 Jamie nodded silently, terrified. She knew Mr. Harvey was a cold and harsh person, but this was different. He had never been this rough toward her or anyone to her knowledge, besides the blonde currently in his office. Hell they had barely shaken hands maybe twice the entire time she worked for him. Fingers grazing as she handed him files and coffees had been the extent of their touch for three years. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, her heart threatening to beat out of her chest. Mr. Harvey released his grip slightly, letting go of one of her arms.

He let out a light huff and began dragging Jamie down the hall and out of the office by her upper arm. She could barely keep up the pace and tripped, which just caused Mr. Harvey to growl quietly and yank her upright as they reached the elevator. He slammed the call button several times and the cool grey doors opened with a ding. Jamie gasped as he practically threw her into the elevator. She steadied herself and backed up to the far wall, her eyes never leaving her boss as he held his hands against each side of the elevator doors.

He looked at her and in a low biting voice said to her, “We will discuss this tomorrow. I want to see you here early, 5am. Don’t you fucking dare be late.” He reached into the elevator and pressed the ground floor button before stepping back, never taking his eyes off Jamie’s until the closing doors blocked his view.

Jamie felt her knees buckle and she collapsed onto the floor of the elevator, fat hot tears streaming down her cheeks. She was sure she was going to lose her job, there was no way she kept it after this. She cried silently and wiped her cheeks on the sleeve of her jacket. As the elevator neared the ground floor Jamie collected herself, she got back on her feet and took a deep shaky breath as she exited the elevator. She left the building and walked quickly to her bus stop, already dreading the next day.


** The following morning **


Jamie tugged her jacket around herself tighter as she stepped out of the taxi in front of her office building. It was still dark at 4:45 AM and the buses hadn’t even began their routes. Looking up at the tall building before her she felt her pulse quicken. She was not looking forward to the conversation about to happen, that she was sure was going to result in her being fired.

Making her way toward her desk Jamie saw a small ray of light under the door to Mr. Harvey’s office. Her stomach dropped, she had hoped she would get here before him so she could settle her nerves before he talked to her. Shrugging off her jacket she hung it on the rack next to her desk. She smoothed her pencil skirt down over her plump hips and made sure her blouse was completely tucked in. The sharp voice coming through the intercom on her desk made her jump, “In my office, now.” Mr. Harvey’s voice echoed in the quiet room.

Jamie opened the office door tentatively and stood in the doorway. Her hands fidgeted in front of her as she hung her head slightly, afraid to look at Mr. Harvey. She stood there for what felt like hours, holding her breath. “Close the door and sit down.” Her boss said coolly. She complied, shutting the door softly behind her as she stole a glance at Mr. Harvey. He was in a freshly pressed charcoal suit, his typical white dress shirt contrasting nicely against the grey fabric. His tie was neatly in place and his hair was combed to perfection. This was not the same man she had seen the night before, dishevelled and sweaty from receiving what appeared to be a pretty good blow job. He watched Jamie intently as she inched across the room and settled into the chair on the other side of the desk.

She looked down at her hands, her fingers still fidgeting in her lap as she tried to calm her racing heart. Mr. Harvey looked her over, one hand resting on his desk as he sat back in his chair. He refused to break the silence, continuing to stare holes into Jamie. He studied her, noticing the soft curl to her honey coloured hair, the small dip of her blouse over her breasts revealing the smallest hint of cleavage. He looked at her perfectly polished fingers, her nails deep red against her pale skin. Quickly Jamie glanced up at her boss, and her heart leapt into her throat realising he had been staring at her the entire time. Finally she broke.

“Sir, I’m so sorry. I left my phone on my desk and I was only coming back for it I swear. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” The words tumbled out of her mouth fast and Jamie felt her eyes water slightly. She willed the tears away and took a deep breath, looking up at Mr. Harvey again. He met her gaze and held it before wordlessly sliding a folder across the desk toward her. ‘Oh God this is it, my termination paperwork..’ Jamie thought.

She reached a shaky hand out and opened the folder on the desk. Surprised she realised it was not termination documents, but what appeared to be a non-disclosure agreement. She looked up at Mr. Harvey and shook her head a little. “Sir?” she said to him questioningly before skimming over the contract he had set before her.

“I know you had to hear some of what was going on, Miss Green and this is to ensure you don’t go blabbing my business to people who need not hear it.” He said to her quietly, “What I want to know now, and you had damn well better be honest with me, is if you saw anything.” Jamie shivered, almost able to feel the chill in his voice dance across her skin. She immediately shook her head, looking up at her boss and lying to his face. “No, sir I didn’t see anything!” he tapped his fingers on the desk and stared into her eyes, remaining silent for a moment longer than felt comfortable.

“Are you sure that’s the story you want to stick to, Miss Green?” Jamie nodded emphatically, hoping he believed her. She just wanted to put this whole thing behind her and, if this contract was any indication, get on with her job as normal.

“I’d suggest you read the part of the agreement detailing you must tell me the entire truth before you lock in that answer. This is the only time I will give you the chance to change your mind.” Jamie’s stomach clenched and she got the feeling he already knew she had seen him last night, getting sucked off by that woman. She dropped her head again and started mumbling, but Mr. Harvey cut her off.

“Look me in the eyes when you speak to me, and do not mumble. Don’t make me repeat myself.” Jamie looked up and met his gaze, biting her lower lip softly as she tucked her hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry sir.. Yes, I saw a little bit. I was just near the door and accidentally saw as I was leaving! I swear!”

Mr. Harvey’s eyes stared into hers as he sat up and slowly turned his computer monitor so Jamie could see it. Wordlessly he pressed a button on the keyboard and a video began to play. It was the waiting room, and it was dark. Jamie realised it was security footage from last night and her stomach sank. She watched herself in the dim footage purposely approach the door and watch for far too long. Her cheeks burned hot and she felt tears threaten to pour free.

Mr. Harvey stopped the video and calmly looked at Jamie again, folding his hands on top of the desk. He had her caught. She let out a soft ragged breath and tried not to cry, closing the folder. “Miss Green you still haven’t signed the document.” She looked up at her boss, confused. She was sure now that he had caught her in a lie he would fire her. She said as much and for what felt like the first time Jamie heard him chuckle. A thin smile danced over his face before he composed himself again.

“You lied to me and you will have to be punished for it, but you’re still the best assistant I’ve ever had. I don’t want to fire you, but of course you are welcome to leave if you wish.” Jamie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She wasn’t losing her job after all. She quickly stood up and grabbed a pen off the desk, she flipped the folder open once more and scanned the document. She signed her name across the bottom and looked up at Mr. Harvey, smiling happily as she slipped the folder back across to him. He collected the paperwork and set it into his desk, turning back to Jamie who was still standing. “Now I think we should sort your punishment.”

‘Oh, right, punishment...’ Jamie thought, her smile falling. She went to sit back down but Mr. Harvey stopped her, “stay where you are, Miss Green.” She froze and looked at him, the coolness returning to his voice. “You interrupted my... meeting, last night. I didn’t get to finish attending to business because of you. That can not go unpunished.” Dread filled Jamie’s chest as Mr. Harvey stood, walking around the desk to where she stood. He looked down at her and leaned back on the desk, sitting against it. “Am I being suspended, sir?” Jamie asked, almost hopefully. At this point she had no idea what was coming next but judging by the glint in her boss’ eyes, she wasn’t sure she was going to like it.

He shook his head and crossed his arms, “You’ve worked for me for three years, Miss Green. In all that time, have you really not learned a damn thing? You never sign a contract without fully reading the entire thing.” Jamie’s eyes grew wide and her heart seemed to stop, she wanted to run but was frozen to the spot. He continued, “I’ll clue you in. You just agreed to allow me to punish you as I see fit in exchange for keeping your job, if you didn’t tell me the truth. Now, did you tell me the truth, Miss Green?”

Jamie shook her head silently, tears spilling down her cheeks. “No, you didn’t. You lied directly to my fucking face,” Mr. Harvey growled, anger bubbling in his voice. “and now you’re going to pay for that.” He stood up straight and approached Jamie, towering over her he grabbed her by the arms again, causing her to wince as his fingers dug back into the light bruises he had left on her the night before. He noticed but didn’t let up, pulling her to the desk and pushing her over it face first.

She gasped and her fight or flight response kicked in, she swung her arms back wildly and made contact with part of Mr. Harvey’s body. He gripped her wrists effortlessly in his hands and pressed her down to the desk roughly. She felt the wind knocked out of her lungs and she gasped, struggling against him still. “Fucking hold still. I’m not going to fuck you, calm down before you hurt yourself!” he yelled at her, causing her to scream out once.

She stopped struggling and he shoved her into the desk roughly once more, leaning down over her body and pinning her as he whispered hard in her ear, “I will let you go if you promise to hold still. Unlike you I’m not a fucking liar, and I’m not going to fuck you. Calm down, Jamie.” She felt a twinge between her legs as she felt his hot breath on her ear.

He had never called her Jamie before, she had been convinced he forgot her first name long ago. She didn’t know why but it turned her on to hear her name on his lips. She was suddenly very aware of his firm body pressed hard against her supple ass and thighs. She nodded and swallowed hard, relaxing her arms to show him she wasn’t going to struggle if he let go of her.

Mr. Harvey kept his word and slowly stood back, letting go of Jamie’s wrists which he had been gripping hard. She immediately tried to stand up and he pushed her shoulders back down. “I said I’d let you go, not that you are allowed to get up. Stay.” He demanded. Jamie complied and squeezed her thick thighs together, hoping her boss couldn’t notice that she was starting to get wet.

He let got of her shoulders and stood up behind her, stepping away from her he walked to the heavy door and locked it. Jamie’s heart dropped. Even if she could run he’d surely catch her before she made it to the door, unlocked it, and escaped. She closed her eyes tight as she heard him open his desk drawer, retrieving something from within.

Slowly he approached her from behind once more, dragging a cold, thin object up the inside of her calf. Jamie gasped and shivered, unsure what the thin metal was that he was tracing up her leg. “Unzip your skirt and take it off.” The words stung into Jamie’s ears and she didn’t move, her heart pounding in her chest.

Suddenly she heard a whizzing sound cut through the air as whatever Mr. Harvey was holding was brought back and swung down onto her bare calf. “Do not make me repeat myself, Jamie.” He said firmly. She yelped and quickly straightened up enough to unzip her skirt from her waist down and push it off her body, letting it fall unceremoniously around her feet. She stood still, shaking as she closed her eyes. “Bend over the desk and push your ass out.” He said to her, his voice firm and commanding.

Jamie complied and laid her forearms on the smooth desk, parting her thighs as she pushed her ass out into the air. Her soft black panties did nothing to cover her appropriately and Jamie could feel the cool air in the room dance across the bottom of her exposed ass cheeks. She closed her eyes and held her breath, unsure of what was about to happen when suddenly the cold metal object touched her inner thigh.

She gasped and let out a soft moan before she bit her lip hard, feeling Mr. Harvey drag the thin piece of metal up and against the crotch of her panties. She shivered hard and hung her head, embarrassed at how easily she was being turned on in this situation. Goosebumps shot across her skin and she pushed back slightly, her thighs quivering.

“Are you really getting turned on by this right now, Miss Green?” Her boss asked her, an air of disbelief in his firm voice. She blushed and shook her head, denying his accusations wordlessly. Suddenly she heard the whizzing sound again, immediately followed by a sharp crack again her ass. Her skin stung and she let out a low moan, clamping her hand over her mouth hard. “What did I tell you about lying to me?” Mr. Harvey said to her before landing another blow across her ample flesh, then another and another.

Jamie cried out and felt her pussy gush, some of her fluids leaking down her thighs. Mr. Harvey noticed as well and dropped the object he was holding on the desk in front of Jamie. She opened her eyes and realised it was a flexible metal ruler he had used to strike her. He stood behind her and slowly peeled her panties down over her ass, revealing her sopping slit between her thighs.

She squeezed her legs together and pushed her ass back slowly, her bare puffy pussy lips dripping more of her wetness. Jamie quietly thanked the gods that Mr. Harvey couldn’t see the small silver hood piercing she had, unsure how he would respond to such knowledge.

Quickly he slapped her bare ass with his open hand, again and again, leaving several bright red hand prints over her skin as Jamie moaned loudly. Mr. Harvey groaned softly and pulled Jamie’s panties back up before grabbing her by the hair and tugging her upright.

Jamie yelped as he turned her to face him. Looking deep into her eyes he pulled her against him hard, grinding his crotch against her soft belly roughly. “I have been waiting three years to get my hands on that luscious ass of yours... I wish I hadn’t told you I wasn’t going to fuck you, because it seems like that’s all either of us wants.”

Jamie couldn’t believe her ears, she wanted to look away from her boss but found his gaze to be utterly hypnotic, but she managed to shake her head, denying the truth once more. She could feel his thick cock straining against his suit pants as he grabbed her hand and shoved her palm over his bulge. “I won’t fuck your pussy, but I think it’s only fair that you finish what you interrupted last night.”

Jamie’s heart skipped a beat and she immediately shook her head, terrified at the idea of taking his monster cock in her mouth. She was sure he would choke her to death with it. He laughed at her and pushed her down to her knees with ease, unzipping his pants he pulled his long cock out. “Open your God damn mouth, Jamie.” He demanded as he pressed the tip of his uncut dick against her lips, sending a tingle straight to her pussy once more.

She shook her head and clamped her lips shut, trying to turn her head away from her boss’s intimidating length. He sighed, exasperated by her refusals. He grabbed her hair and yanked her head backwards, looking down at her on her knees. “If you don’t open your mouth I WILL fuck you, and do you think I’m going to be gentle with you?” Mr. Harvey growled at Jamie.

“No. In fact I’d be even harder on you than necessary, just to drive the point home. Now choose. Suck my cock, or get on your back and spread your legs.” Jamie was appalled. She had never thought her boss had any desire for her, but he had admitted it only moments ago, and now he was demanding that she choose between choking on his fat dick or letting him split her in half with it.

Tears welled in her eyes again as she slowly opened her mouth. Mr. Harvey smiled deviously and slapped the head of his cock against her lips, waiting for her to open her mouth wide enough for him. Before he put his member in Jamie’s mouth he warned her not to bite, then without hesitation he slipped the fat head of his dick between her waiting lips.

Jamie shivered, opening her mouth as wide as she could, feeling her boss pulling her head toward his crotch slowly. She looked up at him and saw the look on his face, enjoying the feeling of using her mouth. She steeled herself as she felt the tip of his dick rub the back of her throat. Mr. Harvey laughed and ran his thumb over her cheek, “You wouldn’t be the first woman to gag, don’t take it personally if you can’t handle it.”

Jamie felt humiliated. She scowled as much as she could with a dick in her mouth, and Mr. Harvey laughed again, thoroughly enjoying her discomfort. Jamie decided to show him what she was made of, and took control. She had never sucked a cock this big before, but she wasn’t about to let her boss have the satisfaction of making her gag and beg for mercy. She glared up at him and pushed her mouth further down his member, her hands slipping around his thighs as she did.

Staring into his eyes she began moving her head back and forth, sucking the thick tip of his cock before pushing back down quickly. He groaned, holding the back of her head as his assistant began expertly sucking his cock, a talent he never would have guessed she possessed. Jamie settled into a rhythm and relaxed her throat, determined to take Mr. Harvey’s thickness as far as she possibly could.

She dug her fingers into his thighs and with every push of her head took more and more of his length into her throat until suddenly, her nose was pressed into his pelvis. Her boss moaned loudly and looked down at Jamie, completely in awe of the little cocksucker between his legs. She knew she had him surprised and started sucking with renewed enthusiasm, wanting to drive him over the edge and hold her own in this exchange.

Jamie refused to let Mr. Harvey regain control, rolling her tongue against his cock firmly as she pumped her mouth up and down over his entire length. She watched his expression shift and listened to him surrender to her, moaning louder as she sucked him off. Suddenly Jamie felt his body tense and knew he was going to cum. She pulled her mouth off his dick and held her tongue out as she wrapped both her hands around her boss’s thick cock.

She worked his shaft quickly with her small hands and held the head firmly against her tongue, licking over the sensitive skin. Mr. Harvey groaned loudly and gasped as he came over Jamie’s waiting tongue. He grabbed her by the hair and pressed forward into her mouth, cumming hard as she sucked the tip of his dick and pumped her hands along his shaft. He shivered and closed his eyes, tipping his head back in ecstasy as his orgasm slowed.

He was breathing hard when Jamie pulled away from him with a mouthful of his cum. Mr. Harvey looked down at her and ran his hand over her cheek, amazed at the performance she had just put on. “Swallow it, now.” He said to her, watching as she complied without a fight. He eased back against the desk and took a deep breath, motioning to Jamie to stand. She picked herself up on the floor and stood in front of her boss, holding her hands in front of her stomach as she looked up at him.

He tenderly held her wrists and pulled her closer to him, softly running his fingertips over her plump hips. “You did very well today, Jamie.” He said quietly, still stroking her smooth skin. The softness he was exhibiting was a welcome change, but it confused Jamie. She shivered and stood there, the taste of his salty cum still lingering on her tongue. With a soft sigh Mr. Harvey let go of Jamie’s body.

He reached down and handed back her discarded skirt, motioning to her to get dressed. “We have a very busy day today, Miss Green. Compose yourself and go back to your desk.” He said, the cool tone returning to his voice as he stepped away from her and slipped his dick back into his pants. He stepped back around to the other side of the desk and sat down, looking up at Jamie. “That’s all, Miss Green.”


To be continued...
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