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Disclaimer- This is a work of fiction
I like to think I've been a good single mother. For the past four years since my husband passed, I've been on my own raising my son Tyler, who will be turning 16 tomorrow. I have a good job that takes care of everything, my son makes all A's and B's, and participates in multiple sports. Overall, he's a great kid and I am extremely proud of him. So with everything considered, I think I've done good in this single mom life. The only thing where I've been lacking on is the sexual side of his life. Been lacking in my life as well, but I don't plan on trying to date again until he's a couple of years older. But with Tyler, there's a lot of fatherly talks in the sexual realm that I just haven't worked up the courage to have with him. It's very awkward for a son to talk to his mother about sex, and it's quite awkward for a mother to do the same with her son. I've taught him about the science of it all, you know, how babies are made. I'm not 100% sure he understood what I was saying. The conversation didn't even last five minutes as I was just trying to get in and get out. I also haven't checked behind him any. Checking his internet history, looking under his mattress, stuff like that. I want him to have his privacy. And I guess a part of me hopes he can figure out all the sex stuff on his own. I honestly don't even know if he masturbates yet or not. I know I should more and be much better than this, but we have a great relationship, and I'm afraid that I could jeopardize that by with how I deal with sex when it comes to him. Anyways, the story starts here, the day before his 16th birthday.

I stared at my ceiling and let out a sigh. I had woken up at 5:30 AM, and tried to go back to sleep, but to no avail. Now it was almost 7. It's Friday, and I only work, Monday-Thursday, so I can stay in bed however long I want, but I got so frustrated from just lying in bed trying to go back to sleep. I had been craving a good, greasy fast food breakfast, so I decided to get up and get dressed, and go pick some up. I would most likely be back before Tyler even woke up. It's summer vacation for him I don't think he's been up before 10 since school left out. I finally got up and took off my nightie. I stared in the mirror almost in disgust. "Ugh, where did that amazing body I had go to" I thought to myself. Even after Tyler was born, I kept up my looks very well. I had a trim tummy, decent 36 c tits, and a nice sized firm ass. But what the hell was I looking at in the mirror? I let out a sigh as I took one more look at my stomach that pushed over the top my panties, my breasts that now sagged and pointed to the ground, and an ass that been the receiver of all of my unhealthy eating habits. I threw on a new bra, t-shirt, and denim shorts, grabbed my keys, and headed off for food. About 25 minutes later, I was home again. I set the food on the kitchen table and went to Tyler's room to wake him up. If I didn't wake him up, he'd sleep till the afternoon. I got to his door and gave the customary knock. No response, so I opened his door only to get an unexpected sight. Tyler was still asleep, but his covers were thrown off his body and he slept on his back in just his underwear. And he had one strong case of morning wood. I stared at it for a few seconds, guesstimating it was around 4 inches, which I assumed was around average for his age. I then got upset at myself for thinking about the length of my son's penis. Instead of creating an awkward moment, I walked out of his room and shut his door back. Then I yelled loudly "Tyler, wake up, I got breakfast!!!"

A few minutes later, Tyler came down to the kitchen and we both sat the table to enjoy our breakfast. Generally our meals together consist of me bringing up whatever topic of conversation, and we have a good talk. This time however I was struggling to get the image of my sons underwear tent out my head. I couldn't believe myself. It's my son for God's sake. And I didn't even see his penis, just the tent in his boxers. But somehow, I was still flustered, and kicking myself for thinking this way. My God I needed to get laid. If this is how my brains reacts just to seeing my 16 year old son's covered erection, then apparently I have been neglecting certain needs I didn't realize I had. I've had a very healthy masturbation life, with quite a chest full of toys that all get used often. But I guess I need to get out and get the real thing every once in a while. That's exactly what I was taking away from this.

"Thanks for getting breakfast Mom" Tyler said breaking me out my own train of thought.

"Oh no problem sweetie. So what do you planned today?" I asked.

"Not much today. I figured cus we're going out tomorrow with Brad and Casey, I would chill around the house today" Tyler said as threw he away his trash and cleaned off his spot at the table. "What are you up to today?"

"Sounds like a good plan. I think I might do the same. Driving you and your friends all over town tomorrow for your birthday is going to take a lot of energy, so I better rest up" I said half-jokingly.

We continued with some more small talk, discussed where we would eat, which movie we would go see, and got the schedule figured out for his birthday. After all that, he retreated to his room to play his xbox, while I cleaned up around the house some. It had been a couple of hours since I had last thought about what I saw this morning, but the image came back and hit me again. Didn't take long and my nipples started getting hard again and I could feel my pussy getting damp. I let out a very frustrated "Ugh" before heading to my room to take care of myself. I decided that this wasn't going to be a quick session, but at least an hour long masturbation marathon. I went into my closet and pulled out the large chest and took a nice long look at my myriad of options. I always give my nipples attention first, and I was in the mood for some light pain, so I grabbed the magnet balls. I took a pair and placed them on both sides of my right nipple and immediately gasped as I let go and felt the pressure of the magnets push against nipple, squeezing it, pushing it likes a pimple that needed to be popped. I gave it a flick, and winced from the pain. I took the next pair and placed them on my left nipple. I laid down for a minute and gently rubbed the tops of my nipples, enjoying the pain and the pleasure running through my body. Next up had to be my Wattenberg pinwheel. I laid back down and ran the wheel over my stomach first. Then to my thighs. At this point, my pussy was drenched and was aching to be taken care of. But not yet, the buildup is half the fun. As I ran the wheel, feeling the spikes dig into my very sensitive skin of my under breasts, the image of my sons erection entered back into my head.

"Damn it, do not think about your son while pleasuring yourself" I said to myself. I kept running the wheel along my tits, but I still couldn't get the image out my head. "My god what is wrong with me" I sighed as laid out my arms in defeat. How in the hell could I do this while an image of my son is in my head? But fuck I needed release. I was in desperate need of getting.

"Fuck it, if he enters my head, he enters my head. Not like I'm actually doing anything wrong" I justified to myself

I returned to the wheel, running it along my tits, not touching my nipples yet. After a few minutes of teasing myself, I finally took the wheel and hit my left nipple with one of the spikes. The combination of the magnets still pushing against them and spike digging into the top almost made me yell out loud, the feeling was so intense. I repeated this multiple times before turning my attention to my inner thighs, running the wheel up and down, right outside my outer labia. By the time I put the wheel down, I was practically bucking my hips driving myself almost to the point of insanity. But I still wasn’t there yet. Before I give my pussy the attention it needs, I still needed to take care of one more area. I reached into my chest and pulled out one of my several butt plugs. Don't want my stuffed ass to get all the attention of my brain, but I want more than just to feel poked. A solid black, medium size one will do just the trick. I grabbed the ass relax lube and covered the plug, then put a good dab of it on my finger and slowly inserted one finger into my schpincter. My late husband and I started having anal sex quite often after Tyler was born. Neither of us wanted any more kids, so we started experimenting with anal. I had hated it at first. It was uncomfortable and a little painful. But after a few times, the pain wasn't there anymore, and I started to become comfortable with discomfort, if that makes any sense. After he passed, I tried a couple of my dildos, but they just weren't doing the trick. I bought an assortment of butt plugs and have worked my way up over the last couple of years. I've found that just having my ass stuffed with a plug does way for more for me than actually having a phallus thrusting in and out.

After a couple of minutes of preparing my butthole with my finger, I slowly inserted the plug, pushing and stopping a couple of times before shoving it completely in. I could slam it in no problem if I wanted to, but going slow like this is just way more fun. With the plug in now, I turned my attention back to my nipples. I had gotten used to the magnets at this point and the pain they caused, so I needed to up the ante. I reached into my chest again and pulled out a tube of icy hot. I smiled at it, knowing this would do the trick. I poured just a pea sized drop out, and slowly applied it on both of my areolas, slowly rubbing it in the best I could around the magnets. I then laid back and just a couple of seconds later I could the intensity building up, and that lovely burning sensation. I enjoyed the burning for a couple of minutes before deciding to put another dab on. But this time, I decided it was time to give my clit some attention. So I put another drop of icy hot on my nipples, and then sent my fingers, still with icy hot residue on them, straight to my clit. I wanted to go slowly and feel a little burn as I rubbed myself, but then it happened again. Tyler erection popped up in my head again. And this time, I didn't think to myself his erection, his tent, or his penis. I thought to myself "That's my sons cock". Even thinking the word made me break my self-discipline, and I no longer was slowly touching myself, but furiously attacking my clit as hard and as fast as I could. I couldn't remember the last time when wanton lust overcame me in such a manner. I rubbed, slapped, dug my fingertips into my clit with every fiber of my being, and it didn't take long before one of the most intense orgasms I've ever had swept over me. After the orgasm subsided, I took a second to catch my breath before going back for more. This time, I was going nuclear. I grabbed my dildo that had a clit stimulator attachment. Going slow and sensual was thrown out the window. I slammed that silicone cock into my dripping wet cunt like I was drilling for oil. I turned myself over, making sure to drown my face into my pillow to ensure anything that came out my mouth wouldn't be heard by my son. And again, it's all I visualized. My son's cock. This time I was imagining it without the protection of his boxers. I thought about his hard cock, glistening with precum at the top, as he stroked it lying in bed. It's all my brain would imagine as I kept slamming my dildo in and out of my aching pussy, feeling the antenna of the clit stimulator rubbing against my swollen clit. Another orgasm washed over me. And I kept going, and a few minutes later another. I had 3 absolutely amazing orgasms with that dildo. I laid on my back again, panting just trying to catch my breath. I hadn't gotten off like this in a long time. Then I did something I hadn't done since my husband had died. I took the dildo and brought it to my mouth. I sniffed it, and felt a combination of disgust and excitement. My husband had loved to finger me, then take his fingers and put them in front my mouth as I licked and sucked his fingers, tasting my own juices. It's something I had did just for him, as I personally never cared for it. But for the first time in years, I wanted it. I slowly started licking and sucking on the dildo, tasting the juices that made my cunt deliciously soaked. Then my brain took me another dark place, as I started to imagine my sons cock again, but this time I was taking it into my mouth, just like I was doing to the dildo. I pretended the dildo was his cock, and started slamming it to the back of my throat, almost causing my gag reflex to make me vomit. I finally stopped, and thought to myself " God you are so fucked in the head. How can I even have these thoughts”? Parted of me wanted to stop. I thought I was done, but the oral sex I performed on my dildo imagining it was Tyler's dick gave my pussy new life. I needed one last good orgasm. I threw the dildo on the nightstand and shot my hands to my wet cunt. I took my pointer and middle finger and dug them as deep as I could into my soaking hole, and furiously started curling them, hitting the walls of my inside. I rubbed my fingers against my insides as hard and as fast as I could. My feet were touching my bed's headboard, as I had curled my body up to get better access to the depths of my pussy. It didn't take long, and I felt the orgasm starting to hit. I was about to take out my fingers and lay my legs back so my squirting would just go into the bedsheet instead of up in the air, but it was too late. A geyser of girl cum literally shot my hands off my pussy and went up into the air. The largest and longest I've ever squirted, this orgasm literally made my body go limp, as I tried to cover myself, but I couldn't get any part of my body to listen to me. So I just laid there as my own squirting juices fell right on my face and tits. I thought I would be disgusted by this, but a large smile came over me. I reveled in my post orgasmic pleasure. My hands went to my tits and rubbed my girl cum all over me. I took off the magnets, and rubbed the juices in like it was lotion. I still hadn't rubbed off the juices that were on my face. I took one of my tits and brought it to my mouth, sucking and licking off any juices that were left over. I finally took the bedsheet and wiped my face. My body was so exhausted, I just laid there and passed out, not having the will to do anything else.

I woke up very confused. I opened my eyes, and I couldn't even remember what day it was, let along about what time it was. I looked over at my alarm clock and it was 4:17. All of a sudden everything hit me. "FUCK!" I said louder than I meant to say. I came in here around 11, and had planned to make lunch for myself and Tyler after I was done. I had slept for 4 hours. Then I felt something very uncomfortable. "Oh shit the buttplug. I forgot to take it out". And then more panic swept over me as I realized I hadn't put any of the toys up. The Wattenberg wheel, the dildo, the lubes, the magnets, they were all sitting out and would be the first thing anyone would if they just walked into my room, along with the open toy chest or my completely naked body. "Fuck, what if Tyler walked in to ask me about lunch". The sheer enjoyment and pleasure I had felt right before I fell asleep had now been replaced with guilt and shame. After a couple of minutes of just sitting there chastising myself, I finally stood up and grabbed everything off the nightstand and went into my bathroom. I took out my buttplug and cleaned it, along with all the other toys I used. I put everything back in the chest and slid it back into the closet before throwing back on my tank top and shorts. I walked into the living room and saw Tyler sitting there watching tv. Watching some mindless youtube videos it seemed like. He looked up and saw me and gave a casual "Hey Mom". He's not acting like anything is off. This a good sign he didn't see me like that.

"You look like you had a really good nap" he said, which caused me to panic on the inside. How did he know I was asleep?

"Why do you say that, Tyler?" I replied, trying my best to act casual and not show the stress that was building up inside of me.

"Cus your hair is all messy and you're giving off a very confused vibe, like you still haven't gotten your bearings".

I almost audibly sighed in relief. "Yeah, I guess I napped some. Didn't mean to. Did you get some lunch? What have you been up this afternoon?"

"Just been playing video game mostly. I made a ham sandwich around 1. Just came in here about 20 minutes ago."

"Oh ok. Well I forgot to take something out for dinner, so how does ordering a pizza sound?"

"Sounds awesome. You know I want New York Style, just pepperoni" he said excitedly.

"Yes, honey I know. I think anyone who is around you for at least 10 minutes knows this" I said laughingly. That was hands down his favorite food. It was probably my favorite type of pizza as well, so it worked for us.

I ordered the pizza, and threw a bottle wine in the fridge. I think I needed a glass or two to get my mind off of how irresponsible, and shameful, I had behaved earlier. Allowing thoughts of my son to be the driving force for my pleasure was just wrong. And I was mad at myself for justifying it earlier. Whatever, hopefully after a good night’s sleep tonight, all of this business will be done and forgotten about. Tyler and I watched some random youtube videos for a couple of hours as we snacked on pizza, and I finished off the bottle of wine. I was definitely feeling a little tipsy, and it was only 8, so I figured what the hell, another glass or two won't hurt. If anything, it will help me fall to sleep, which I'll need after that long nap earlier. Tyler decided to head to his room for the night, which I assumed he would play xbox for a couple of hours before calling it a night. I switched the TV over to Netflix and found one of my favorite sitcoms and watched a few episodes of that. Time really flew, because next thing I knew, I had finished off the entire 2nd bottle, and it was past 11.

"Damn, I need to get to bed. I think I'm pretty drunk right now" I said out loud to myself. I got up and stretched and then cleaned up the living room really quick. I stumbled a little bit, but I managed to walk to Tyler's room to tell him lights out and go to sleep. I always knock, but being quite drunk at this point, I turned his door handle and opened the door wide. Apparently, I wasn't that loud when doing so because he didn't hear me at all. He had his eyes closed, laying on his back with no shirt on, boxers down below his knees, and both hands on his hard cock. I just stood there mouth wide open. How was this happening? How could I be trying to get the visual of his underwear clad erection out of my mind, and now I see him actively masturbating. I guess that answered one question I had. He was clearly getting himself off. Except he was doing it weird. I've watched quite a bit of porn, watched my husband and plenty of other sexual partners before I met him stroke themselves, and I had never see any of them play with themselves like this. He had one palm on one side of his shaft, and one palm on the other side of it, and rubbing his palms up and down like he was trying to make a hot dog out of play dough. I was kind of mesmerized by it. I knew I needed to just walk out and let him have his privacy, but I just didn't want to look away. Not to mention I was a little concerned with how he was masturbating. Finally I realized that if he opened his eyes, he would see me watching him, and the fear of that motivated me to step back and close his door.

This time I didn't even try to fight it. Once I got to my bedroom, I threw off my clothes, plopped down on my bed, and fingered myself to multiple orgasms yet again. That made 8 total for the day. Not my record by any means, but certainly more than my average. I laid back and let the combination of the post orgasmic bliss and the effects of the wine put me to sleep.

The next day

I reached over and slapped my phone as the alarm on it was going off. 6:00 am. "Jesus it should be illegal to be up this early on your day off" I sat up and felt a discomfort in my head. It hit me I was hung over from a little too much wine last night. I kicked myself for not remembering to drink water before I went to bed. My mind raced back to last night. I remembered the incredible lust I felt, the amazing orgasms, and just overall the bliss and satisfaction I had. I knew it was because of the taboo visuals I had of my son. I sat there and thought about it. I could either allow shame and guilt to ruin to me, or I can just accept that this taboo is triggering something inside of me that is greatly increasing my masturbation. Leave it in fantasy land, and it will all be ok. Eventually it will subside, and something else will take its place. I was about to throw on clothes and go fix Tyler his birthday breakfast, but I remembered the way he was masturbating last night. "That can't be normal" I thought to myself. So I grabbed my phone and googled it. In about 20 minutes, I had found 3 health articles, a reddit thread, and a youtube video explaining that it wasn't uncommon for boys to masturbate in this manner, like rolling up play dough into a hot dog. However it wasn't the healthiest technique and over time can cause some physical damage, as well as blisters and sores. I sighed as I knew I was going to have to talk with him about this, as uncomfortable and awkward as it may be. I'll wait until tonight, don't want to damper the birthday celebration today.

I finally got dressed and made breakfast. Almost a mountain of French toast with bacon. I yelled down for Tyler, as I knew better at this point to enter his bedroom. We both ate and talked about everything we were going to do today. After we cleaned up the table, we both went and showered and got dressed. We left the house at 10 to go pick up his two friends and started the day’s events. First was the mall. I let Tyler and his friends go off and do their own thing. Instead of gifts, I gave him $250 to go and spend on whatever he wanted. Teenage boys seem to appreciate straight cash over anything personal, as I've come to find out. I took the time to sit down with a frappuccino and just relax in the food court. Nothing in the mall really interested me. I hated shopping for clothes now, because it makes me think of how my body used to look. I'm by no means fat. And I'm still probably quite attractive to most men and maybe even some women too. But it's still blatantly obvious I've put on several pounds in the last few years, along with gravity doing it's work on multiple areas of my body. So I after I finished my drink, I walked around some as I waited for Tyler to text me that he had blown through all his money. Which only took about 2 hours. We all got lunch from the food court, then I took the kids to an arcade where they had another nice sum of money to blow through. Before a nice dinner at TGI Friday's, for whatever reason is my son's favorite, we went to the movies. They all wanted to see this raunchy teenage comedy. I knew his friends parents, and knew they weren't all that strict and prolly wouldn't care, so I agreed. A scene came up where one of the actresses was topless. Tyler glanced over at me, I'm assuming to see my reaction. I just looked at him at smiled, letting him know it's perfectly ok for him to enjoy what he's seeing. I could definitely tell Tyler was enjoying the movie much more after that. We got dinner, dropped off his friends at their homes, and headed home ourselves. I popped open a bottle of wine and sat down on the sofa to watch some TV, and Tyler joined me as he sat on the other end. I finished the wine, and it was getting late, and Tyler said he was about to go to his room. I figured it was now or never.

"Before you head to bed, I need to talk to you about something" I said in a serious but also attempting to sound casual way.

"Um ok? What's up Mom?" he replied

"Ok, there's no easy way to say this, but I have a confession to make. Last night before I went to bed, I went to check on you. I was a little drunk and forgot to knock". It was at this point his eyes got as wide as saucers. I think he quickly figured out what I was going to say next.

"And yes, I saw you masturbating last night" I don't think I've ever seen anyone's face get that shade of red before. It was clear he was extremely embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"Please don't be embarrassed honey. I'm not upset that you masturbate. It's perfectly normal and honestly, it's healthy and good for your body. You're not in trouble or anything like that." I explained as casually as I could.

"Um, ok. What's the issue then?" he said, with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"Honey, it's the way you were masturbating that's the issue. Using two hands on each side of your penis, and doing the rolling motion. Have you always jerked off like that”? As soon as the words "jerked off" left my mouth, I was kicking myself. Certainly not a very parental way of talking to your son, and I could see his eyes get wide again as soon I said it.

"Well, um, yeah I guess." he quietly replied.

"Is there a reason you do it like that?" I questioned

"I don't know. I just started playing with it, and started doing it that way, and then eventually I had that feeling, and the sperm came out. I didn't know there was another way."

"Well I guess that answers my question about whether you've been watching porn or not" I said laughingly. I got up and poured another glass of wine, now on my 2nd bottle. This conversation wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it would be. Or maybe I'm just tipsy.

"Yes sweetie, there are other ways to jack off". Damn it, I did it again. "Maybe I should slow down on the wine if it's causing me to talk like that to Tyler" I thought to myself. Then I disregarded that notion and turned my glass up. "First off, that "feeling" is called an orgasm. And when you're talking about the thick white liquid that shoots out, that's called semen. Sperm is what's inside of the semen. Give me just a minute, let me go get something". I went and poured another glass of wine, this time drinking a glass of water before I did so maybe I wouldn't have a headache tomorrow like I did this morning. Then I went to my bedroom and opened up the closet. I pulled out my toy chest and grabbed one of my dildo's. The smallest one I had, I didn't want to intimidate him any, though my smallest was 7 inches and quite thick.

I'm certain you would have needed a forklift to lift Tyler's jaw off the ground when I walked back in the living room with the dildo in my hand. I plopped back onto the sofa, and held the dildo up. "Do you know what this is called honey?" I asked.

"I think it's a dildo" he very nervously answered.

"That's right. I use this to pleasure myself. And you've been pleasuring yourself like this" I stated as I started a rolling motion with both my hands against the rubber dick. This is not a healthy way to jerk off baby. This can cause a lot of blisters and sores to form on your penis and could potentially hurt the tissue inside of your penis. Have you experienced any of these issues?" I asked

"Um.......well......yeah, a couple of times" he answered, still very uncomfortable.

"Ok, well this is way I want you try it from now on." I then very gently and loosely ran my hand up and down the rubber shaft, working my wrist, giving him a full demonstration of how properly wank his cock. Then I explained as you can grip it a little bit harder and harder as you go, but not too tight. Then I explained that you want to focus more on the head as you feel the orgasm coming on, because of the extra nerve endings in your head. I could tell he was still uncomfortable talking to me about this. So, i stuck the rubber cock in front of his face and said "Wanna give it a lick" jokingly.

"Ewww gross mom, what the crap!"

I started laughing with my whole body at his reaction. "Finally, he says something more than just umm or well"

"Well, this is just weird to talk with you about"

"I know it's kind of weird baby, but it's important, and your dad isn't here to guide you on this, so you're gonna have to deal with your dear old mother" I said jokingly. "But it's perfectly fine to lighten up sweetie and actually have a conversation with me about this. You can ask me anything about sex or masturbation. You don't have to feel embarrassed or be uncomfortable about all this with me." I could tell with his body language he was starting to feel a little more at ease with me.

"Well, I do have one question" he asked

"Go ahead baby. Anything I can help you with I will"

"Well......given that you saw am I size wise? Does it look the way it's supposed to?"

Not going to lie, I was not expecting that question. And to be honest, I wasn't totally sure. I had seen his underwear tent, and though I watched him masturbate, his hands really kept me from seeing his whole member.

"Well baby, I'm not totally sure how big your penis is, your hands were in the way from me seeing the whole thing. So I can't really answer that unless you're willing to drop your pants and get yourself hard" i said, not really serious. Well apparently, I underestimated his insecurity about his dick, because he pulled down his pants and underwear and had his dick in his hands before I was even able to react.

" guess we're doing this" I said very surprised.

"Sorry Mom, I just need to know. I feel like I have a tiny penis, because of all the conversations I've heard from my friends. But I know they probably don't know anymore than me, so I just want to know"

I watched as his dick started to rise as he was playing with himself. I wanted so bad to tell he was huge for his age and he was very lucky. But honestly, even though I didn't exactly have an expertise about 16 year old penis sizes, it looked perfectly average. He dropped his hands and let me view it in it's complete glory as it stood at full attention.

"Well first honey, remember that you just turned 16. You've still got a year or two more of growth coming. But it looks exactly the way it should. You're not big, but you're not small. You have nothing to worry about. It's actually pretty cute sweetie"

"Ugh, god, cute? Really? Yeah, that's how I wanted my penis to be described as. Cute" he said sarcastically.

I laughed "Don't be upset baby. You have a nice dick." It was my turn for my eyes to turn into saucers as I realized I just said dick instead of penis. "Sorry, I meant penis. I shouldn't use the slang terms in front you"

"It's ok Mom, hearing you say that was kinda hot". Ok, now he's gotten way too comfortable.

I laughed and said "Did you really just admit that something your mother said turned you on"

He turned a little red again as he fully realized what he actually just said. What surprised me was he sat back down on the sofa with his dick still out and hard, and said "yeah maybe that wasn't the best thing to say" with a hint of laughter in his voice.

There were then a few moments of an awkward silence, all this time his dick still out with his pants and underwear below his knees, and I was trying my damnedest to not stare at it. So I decided to bring the conversation back to the original topic.

"So you understand how you should masturbate now, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I got it. I hope that way feels even better"

"I'm sure it will. Why don't you go try it out then" I said? At this point, what's the issue with telling him to go jack his cock?

"Seriously? Like right now?" he asked

"Well of course right now. You're all prepared and ready to go, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I guess I am" he replied

"Well head onto in your room and get it at" I said laughingly. Then come tell me how it was.

He then pulled off his pants and underwear completely and walked to his room. He may be average in the dick size department, but he definitely had a nice ass. I then realized he prolly didn't have any lube, as I didn't see him use any last night. I got up to go grab some from my toy chest, but stumbled more than once to my room. "Shit, this wine is getting to me good tonight. I hope I don't regret any of this in the morning. I don't see why I would. I'm simply helping him in the best way I know how. Honestly, I'm probably never going to see his package again after tonight unless there's something up medically" I said to myself, trying to justify everything that was happening. But I didn't feel any guilt or shame for any of this. It felt comfortable. I felt like I was bonding with my son. Where's the harm in any of that?

I found an extra bottle of lube that I haven't opened yet, and grabbed that. I walked to his room and knocked, then opened his door. He was sitting on his bed, completely nude now, with his hand wrapped around his cock. He looked so adorable. I tossed him the bottle of lube.

"Here, use this from now on. Not only will it help sensation, but it will prevent any physical damage happening."

"I thought doing it this way wouldn't cause any sores or anything like" he said questioningly.

"You still can get blisters or sores, but nowhere near as much. And you can prevent it completely by using lube"

"Oh, ok. Thanks Mom." he said, and then back to jerking it before I turned around and walked out. Wow he went from completely nervous and scared to even talking about this to being completely comfortable masturbating in front of me.

I was ready to go to bed and get myself off and fall asleep, so I was hoping he would be done shortly. It was only about 3 minutes later he walked back into the living room, but still naked. I didn't say anything about him still being naked, and I knew if I had any regrets the next morning, it would prolly be that.

"So, how was it sweetie" I asked

"Holy crap Mom, that was so much better. That felt amazing. I've been missing out" he said excitedly.

I just laughed, feeling quite good that I was having this bonding moment with my son. And feeling good from the 3 bottles of wine. I knew the room was going to start spinning as soon as I laid down.

"Well good honey. I'm happy for you. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time for me to go sleep. Even though it means I don't get to look at Mr. Cutie down there" I said just to embarrass him a little.

"Mom, please, don't call it that" he pleaded. I just laughed some more and headed to my bedroom, giving his body one more little glance. I stripped off my clothes and fell back on my bed. My pussy was already wet, though honestly, I hadn't even noticed until right now. I shot my fingers straight down, knowing I was too drunk to even grab any toys.


2023-08-10 22:07:06
Very nice! Thanks

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