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A large southern plantation becomes the home of a twisted tale of love and betrayal.
A Southern Tail

On a large Southern plantation, Lucius Buford Callaway 'just call me Bo' lived his entire life. So did his pappy, and his pappy before him and so on back several generations. Everyone knew the Callaway mansion and grounds. Bo's family was rich and have been a firm upstanding member of the local church community for many years. There are still things in town named Callaway. The Mall, a park, a wing at the church school and others. For many, many years they have been powerful and influential.

That is until Bo's great great gran-pappy. Maxwell Lucius Callaway was a departure from the long line of Callaway men. Max was a sad angry man. He had watched his families estate change from emancipation. When his family was in their heyday the estate was one of the largest cotton producers in the county. They had a large vegetable farm and working ranch on the large estate. That all changed when the free labor shrunk away. Since that fateful day of freedom for the slaves the estate has shrunk and the products have changed to keep up with the huge shift. Max was only 12 when he learned the meaning of his families history. He grew up in the shadow of his father and gran-pappy and all their disrespect of the changes; fighting the government, releasing the slaves, hiring back labor.

Max passed that anger to his kin and since then the Callaway men have been forceful, angry and domineering. Bo's father like all his gran-pappys since Max have been drinkers and being from the south continued the long line of making and selling moonshine. It fit well into their fight against the laws that changed their world. Max and his decedents have become well known for producing excellent quality and flavor. Bo's father had been running a good business. Then his drinking became a problem and the business suffered. Before an early death he raised Bo and taught him the family secrets. Namely the place in the bayou where the last shack and still were.

It was staffed by a couple of 'African Americans' whom were descendants of his families past employs. Bo would ride out with a load of food, empty bottles and pick up a load of shine a week and deliver it to the buyers. It was enough to keep the remainder of the plantation alive and staffed. One groundsman, a nanny/housekeeper, a cook, a houseman/server and a carpenter. Not to mention the two men that ran the moonshine still. All of them descendants of past 'employees.' Like his father, Bo was a hard taskmaster and treated them with annoyed disrespect.

Bo met his wife Caitlin Jackson on a trip to New Orleans. She was on a girls trip with her school. She was 18 and celebrating becoming an adult with some of her high school seniors from Washington state. She was crazy at Mardi Gras when he first saw her. She was young and virile and he was rich and attractive. They were inseparable and he took her to fancy places and wild scenes. She was smitten with him. Shortly after they met she agreed to marry him. Especially after he got her pregnant. He was 35.

Life was good for many years. Their daughter, Mason grew up in the biggest dollhouse anyone could have ever imagined. Complete with its own servants. Mason played princess until she was in puberty. Her body changed and so did her ideals. She also changed the way she dressed. Guided by her sensual mother and her demanding chauvinistic father she was shaped into a sexy creature to hang on her father's every command. As she grew up, Mason also wanted to shorten her name to 'May.' Bo wanted to object. He gave her that name. There was a reason behind it.

At Mason's coming out party she made the request, “Now that I'm grown up I should have a grown up name. A short one like 'Bo' and 'Cat' my Momma and Pappy. I wish to be called 'May.' “ Bo couldn't refuse. After all his little girl was now a young woman and a lovely one at that. By then however Momma and Pappy's relationship had grown bitter. The spark had flown from their life together. They still carried on a civil relationship but things had turned cold between them.

If Bo wanted some physical attention he knew just what to do. Cat had a fondness for Champagne. She would sing, 'Tiny Bubbles in the Wine' after a couple glasses. Then Bo would ask her to dance with him and the wine would do the rest. Caitlin made sure to send May upstairs even tho Bo would say, 'she's gonna learn it somewhere, someday.' But that only made Cat furious and feisty. She still had a strong will no southern charm could change.

Bo was watching Mason grow up and become a smaller version her mother. A lot like her mother when they had first met. Even tho he was older now he still loved the young innocence that youth projects. As Bo and Cat drifted, so did Bo's attention. He drank more often and found little time for Cat and house duties. But he did have an eye for Mason that he tried to conceal.

May loved living at Callaway's. She wore the finest Southern style outfits. The house was huge with long sweeping stairways at the entrance, covered porches, a forest for a backyard, a productive garden, horses, barns, a fountain, and flowers everywhere. Even with all the staff running around there were always quiet spots where she could feel free, private. Where May would go and sit. Everything was quiet. She also found places to hide where no one could see her. May became quite familiar with the in's and out's and goings ons.

At eighteen years of age her experiences changed when she witnessed something. One evening May was sitting quietly on the roof over the covered porch near the back corner of the house. The spot closest to the groundsman's shack. It was quiet and out of the way. Something broke the silence. She could hear some singing quietly coming from the open window of the old man's shack. She quietly edged across the roof until she could see something moving. Her pulse seemed to skip when she realized what it was. The groundsman, Isaac was naked and quietly singing. May moved again until she could see someone else.

Her breath stopped when she watched her nanny eagerly gobble on something long coming from between his legs. Was that his penis, she thought. Nanny's head pushed further down on it. A grunt interrupted Isaac's slow singing before he continued. May's throat tightened as she watched. Then the nanny pull it out of her mouth and stroked it with her hand. She was smiling and giggling. Isaac lifter her up and turned her around. His long penis was curved upward slightly as he pushed it between her legs.

Her nanny put a hand down her belly until it slipped between her legs as well. She began stroking again and rolled her hips excitedly. May felt tingling of her own. She slid her hand under her pants to investigate and found it sensitive, hot and wet. As she kept watching her own hand began rubbing between her legs. It felt so good. May wouldn't be able to describe what she had felt after that. She only knew it was her first experience.

From that day on May noticed how often Isaac and the nanny had private time like this. When she was sent upstairs after her momma and pappy drank, danced and kissed, she quietly watched from a distance. She saw a variety of scenes and brought herself to orgasm on multiple occasions. On a few occasions she even caught herself as she was putting her hand down her pants when she realized her momma, pappy, or one of the servants was nearby. She was still naive and didn't understand how deeply her new found sexuality ran in the family.

Cat, May's momma also loved living there. The clothes, the estate, the money Bo flashed around, all this and servants too. It was a dream life away from her meager upbringing on the Pacific Coast. Bo wasn't the best man but he was exciting, daring, handsome, and he had a rough edge that drove her wild. She wasn't the average Southern wife either. Oh, she knew how to play the part; passive, charming, alluring, submissive, meek, undervalued, and fainthearted. But, she was also cautious and knowledgeable. She looked at the financial records and knew how things worked.

She was becoming concerned by her husband Bo's actions of late. He was drinking more often and skulking around the house looking out the windows. But Cat kept herself busy as not to get in his way when he was in a mood. She tried to keep an eye on May as well but May was a girl of her own time and could slip away and disappear when she wanted. Cat was not concerned for her own welfare but for that of her daughter.

Cat had few real friends down here in the south so far from her family and friends. The servants and workers all knew her as kind and generous. If she needed something, help, or a confidant they could always be trusted. At least as far as she could tell. She had a mostly comfortable life and with the small parties of rich locals she had met some of the powerful folks in their circle. Cat had made herself comfortable with raising May and the daily goings ons around the estate she kept her occupied.

Bo on the other hand was always looking, for something; something bigger, better. With a rich powerful family name behind him he would make deals and trade with the upper class by name alone. When things went bad he could be very angry, mad. He would seek out Cat for some physical relief. She tried to pacify him but to no avail. Lately it ended with opening a bottle of Champagne and waking in the morning stretched out in the bed. Screwed and bruised.

As time went by Bo began noticing Mason's private nature and let her fall into a false sense of security. He would notice her actions and make an obvious motion to leave her alone only to return to a window or specially placed mirror to watch. One day when he was angry and drunk he walked by a window that looked out onto the covered porch. The same window where the hanging bench swung. And there was Mason, bent over the back rail with her hand down the back of her bottoms. Bo slid back into the shadows and watched.

He began to hatch a plan. A plan most foul. He sipped his jar of shine as he watched her. His mind grinding away on his master plan. That evening before dark, Bo began a long tirade with Cat. They were away from others and no one saw how it really unfolded. Only a bottle of champagne and two glasses were left as evidence. But, in less than an hour he and Cat were heading out to the car. Bo turned as Mason came out to say goodbye, “Momma's going to stay away for a couple days. Until she comes back you get to be 'Momma of the house.' “

This was a game they used to play when she was young. Whenever momma went away, May got to give orders to the staff, organize meals, oversee yard work, and at the end of the day make Daddy's bed. She even got to sleep in her momma's place in his bed. May smiled when she remembered the fun they used to have and how much she enjoyed the times spent with her pappy. She smiled until she looked at her momma and saw the strange look on her face. Momma looked dazed with a forced smile as she mouthed 'be safe.'

They drove away and May stood there wondering what that all meant. Her momma had stayed away before. It caused her to pause. After a moment her thoughts turned to planning dinner before pappy returned. She bounced into the house to get started. A short while later dinner was planned and the table set. May was standing in front of her closet a bit giddy as she looked over her choice of dresses. She chose the one her pappy liked the best. She wanted it to be special. This was the first time in quite a while that she had been 'Momma of the house.' Running the household. Sleeping in Pappy's bed at the end of the day.

Meanwhile Bo and Cat were pulling up to the old shack where the workers that operated his still lived It was far from everything, way out in the swamps. Cat looked out the window with weak eyes and slack stature. Two black men walked out and spoke with Bo. They bowed down to him with great smiles. Going on about how much they appreciated working for him. All the things Cat knew were wrong. Bo came back to the car and opened the door.

Cat lolled in her seat as Bo grabbed her arm, “A few days out here should teach you to respect your husband. The Callaway family is proud, strong and respected. These men don't have boundaries like I do. But they do know what a woman is for.” He handed her over to the eager men. Who grabbed her arms on either side and held her wobbly body up. Then he pulled a box of condoms from his pocket. Bo whispered in one of their ears, “Don't get her pregnant. Other than that...”

Bo bent down and kissed Cat on the lips, “I'm doing this for your own good and the good of the Callaway family.” Then he watched the two black men drag her limp body in to the rickety shed. Bo could be a cruel man. He waited until they closed the door then he got back into his car and drove away. He was looking forward to getting back to the comfort of his palatial mansion and dinner with his daughter. His mind going over his master plan.

Bo had spiked Cat's afternoon champagne with a special moonshine. She had been sold out the back door, up the creek without a paddle, shanghaied. Inside the shack the two black men stripped Cat of her fine clothes and draped her in a threadbare, stained, full length kitchen apron. The only other thing they let her wear were her white panties. They ordered her to get into the kitchen which was just one corner of the single room shack. They made her clean everything, top to bottom and by the time that was done she had sobered up.

Then she began preparing dinner for them. As she worked in the kitchen she could feel the two of them staring at her white body. Her breasts kept slipping out the sides of the worn apron and when she tried adjusting them the men would tell her to stop fidgeting and get the dinner cooked. As her head continued to clear she became acutely aware of the two men staring more at her bottom then her breasts. Both of them had lumps in their pants and she knew what that meant.

Back at the plantation May was dressed to the nines. She was checking on the preparations in the kitchen, looking over the staff and dining table. Everything was ready for her first day as 'Momma of the house.' With everything under control she walked to the front door and waited. Pappy would be home any minute she thought. Something gave her a sudden chill as she thought about where her mother went. Just then she saw Bo pull up out front. It's show time.

As Bo approached the entrance, May opened the door to greet him. His eyes grew large and he froze to take her in. She was a vision in white. From the white peony flower in her hair to the knee socks rising up out of her high heeled shoes. He loved that outfit. May bought it for her coming out party last year. She'd grown a little and that made the below the knees dress, into an above the knees skirt. The top of her stockings were tied in a bow with pink ribbon. Her breasts were pushed up by her corset and her dress looked like frosting on her cake.

After dinner May brought pappy his pipe and a glass of whiskey just the way he liked it. Then she paraded around in front of him so he could watch her. That was the way they always played this game. She knew her part. Momma's job was to make the man happy and give him whatever he needed to that end. Now that she was older it felt very invigorating. She turned and bent to pretend to dust then came close to him and bent over to show him her cleavage.

Bo was making satisfying grunts and groans as he puffed his pipe and sipped his drink. May was enjoying his attention and she could feel herself getting warm under her dress. Her face flushed and she had to stop and wipe her forehead. Pappy noticed and asked her to come sit on his lap to rest. She did and smelled his pipe smoke and the smell of whiskey on his breath. He put his arm on her head and urged her to rest on his strong shoulder.

Cat on the other hand was cleaning the dishes and straightening up in the kitchen after dinner trying to avoid what she assumed was going to happen next. One of the men appeared behind her as she bent over the sink. She felt his hand touch her. She felt his stiff groin push against her thinly covered bottom. His dick was hard and thick as it settled between her round cheeks. Only her fine panties separating them. “Woman! Be done with that now. We have you to rest with.” Her face flushed and she tried not to cry.

He turned her and pointed her towards a filthy, worn bed that sagged in the middle. An old sheet was draped over the mattress and the blankets were clumped up and laying askew. A tear formed in her eye. Then the second man appeared out of a dark corner with his stiff dick in his hand, “White bitch. Aint you never seen a black cock?” She turned her head but the man still standing behind her grabbed her by the jaw and turned her back to face the black man's dick, “Answer him!”

“NO!” Cat shouted. “No. What? Bitch.” the man behind her said. The second man came closer until his stiff member bumped into her belly. Cat's mouth quivered when she saw how big it was in comparison to her thin body, “No, I've never seen one.” The man behind her slid his hands under the filthy rag of an apron and grabbed her breasts. Her legs shook as she imagined what they were going to do with her. She felt him pull on her breasts and push his dick hard against her bottom.

She felt her pussy tingle, “NO! STOP THIS RIG...” Just that fast the man behind her grabber her mouth and wrapped his other arm across her waist, “No woman! No cry. Mister Bo said you is ours until he say so.” Her body shook against his grasp. The man in front slid hand up and took off her apron, if you could call it that and tossed it aside. Then he slid his hand down the front of her panties. Cat struggled against them fruitlessly.

At Callaway's: May slowly disrobed while pappy watched her through a mirror. The stunningly sexy clothes he bought for her slowly slid off her virgin body. He loved the look of those knee socks. The way they draw the eyes up the legs. The white corset with pink stays and bows that pushed up her firm young breasts. But mostly her white satin panties that shimmered every time her cheeks moved, “You know, now that you're past the age of consent there are more things you can do for pappy.”

May was just bent over taking off her shoes when she paused to wonder what pappy could possibly need. While she sat on his lap earlier he showed her what French Kissing was. She loved it. It made her weak. It also made her hot and tingly. Her mind flashed on things she'd seen. “Oh?” she said, “Is it like French Kissing?” He was glad she enjoyed learning about kissing. “I think its better.” Pappy said looking over her young virile body. She was his by blood and by money. “You do know how mommas and pappys make babies don't you?”

May blushed. Yeah she knew. She'd been watching where she shouldn't have been. Where private things are private. She couldn't help herself. For some reason it intrigued her and obviously it turned her on. But she wasn't going to tell pappy that. So she swallowed hard and began to speak, “Well, yeah. I think so.” She walked halfway across the room and stopped, “But, what can I do?” By this move she was inviting him to meet her in the middle and show her what's next.

Pappy walked right up to her. His underpants tented in the middle. A thick bulge running down his boxers. “A man needs servicing. To keep things working. Like a seed spreader in the field. It needs to be kept in tip top shape. You don't want to waste anything.” Then he motioned to his tent. “When its like this it just needs a little attention. Like a good rub for the horse, before and after a ride makes em happy.” He gently guided her hand to touch his tent. Then he leaned in and gave her another French Kiss.

May had seen folks doing this and she immediately knew what to do. She grasped his boxers and found his thick firm penis and began to stroke it up and down. Pappy's tongue was dancing in her eager mouth as she fell into his arms. Her nipples hardened and she got excited. She stroked hard and quick until pappy pulled away, “That's good little Momma. Now your gonna to learn your next kiss. The Kiss for Pappy. I'm gonna squirt but we don't want to spill the seeds.” She looked at him with a stunned stare. “Quick, put the end of my dick in your mouth.” She did what she was told.

At the Stiller's shack: The two black men in the one room shack were just taking off the panties of a goddess sent from their boss. Cat struggled as the man in front slid off her panties and knelt down in front of her. She kept telling herself, 'No, No, No,' and 'This isn't gonna happen.' but mostly 'I'm not going to enjoy it.' The man behind her lifted her off her feet while the man in front lifter her legs. She couldn't quite see what he was doing with a hand over her mouth holding her head back.

Then she felt it. A hot tongue and mouth engulfed her bare pussy. She protested by jerking her legs and waist. The man holding her up whispered in her ear, “Be much more fun is you enjoy it.” He was right but she kept telling herself, 'I'm not going to enjoy it.' That tongue. It invaded her thoughts. Her fight was giving way and she felt a sudden rush. 'Oh no!' she thought, 'Don't cum!' His mouth was rubbing and sucking. His tongue was thick strong and darting in and out. The tingling was climbing up her spine.

'Stop thinking about it.' she commanded herself, 'Don't give in.' Her body began to jerk and she tried screaming again. Only this time they were screams of ecstasy as she climaxed. Bo hadn't eaten her out in years. Not that he was any good at it, but she liked it now and again. But this. This was dirty, rotten, and the best oral sex she'd ever had. Both of the men laughed. The tongue kept going and moments later she came again. Her body jerk and she tried to scream.

After a few minutes they lay her down on the bed and let her catch her breath. “We ask you now, woman. Do you wanna sex us? Yes 'o No?” That surprised her. She was going to fight them all the way. It wasn't proper. It wasn't planned. Its not the sort of thing a girl from the Pacific Northwest let alone Southern girl would do. So she thought. She was thinking this should never happen. Now she was thinking to herself, 'Maybe just a little.'

At Callaway's: May stretched her mouth around pappy's dick. After learning the French Kiss this seemed familiar. She rolled her mouth around it and brushed her tongue all over it. She remembered seeing nanny do this to Isaac and she tried to emulate it. She bobbed on it and slurped as she drooled all over it. Her hand began stroking again and she pumped it deeper into her mouth. It was like a French Kiss. She felt herself drifting and got a glazed over feeling.

Pappy smiled and his face tightened, “That's good Momma. Pretty girl. Here is comes.” His body shook and May could taste a funny flavor fill her mouth. She began to swallow and was so excited she couldn't tell if she was spilling any. Her body fought to keep swallowing and not let a single drop fall. She sucked and swallowed as she looked up into pappy's eyes. He was watching her and smiling ear to ear.

After a couple minutes the funny flavor subsided and May relaxed as pappy reassured her, “You're a natural Momma. That's how you do the Kiss for Pappy.” She pulled back and rested on her heels. She was gasping. Her lips where shiny and wet. Pappy looked down into her big eyes and they smiled. He reached down and lifting her up, placed her on the bed, “Now I'm going to show you the Kiss for Momma.”

Pappy saw her wet panties and smelled her sweet perfume. Leaning down he kissed her belly button. His scratchy chin tickled her as he slid down her belly with kisses. May felt her panties being slid effortlessly under her bottom until they slid off her feet. Her bare pussy tingled in the cool air. Pappy admired it for a moment before spreading her legs and placing his entire mouth over it. He lifted her legs up and using his tongue began massaging her sweet young womanhood.

At the Stiller's shack: Cat woke the next morning sandwiched between the two black men. Once she gave in to them she found their demands were not what she had expected. Both men were gentle and willing. The evening was not without effort however. That fact was quickly made apparent when she struggled to gain her balance. She crawled away wondering what to do until she saw the old worn apron. She put it on and started in the kitchen.

When the two men woke they were greeted with breakfast. Or, what they had available for breakfast. Cat had taken the liberty of pulling some fresh herbs from the scant garden. The room smelled of onion and garlic with a hint of rosemary. Both of them jumped to their feet. Cat waved a spatula at them, “Wash up first. No reason to be uncivilized.” They both laughed like children and ran out the door to clean up. Cat smiled to herself. She was hatching a plan of her own. A plan for revenge.

After breakfast was done and work had begun. Cat sat down with a strong cup of joe and stared out the window. Now that it was clean she could see the two men moving moonshine from the forest to the road. They knew 'Mister Bo' would be out with supplies and to pick up the next batch of product. He had brought Cat out to them in a huff and hadn't brought supplies, just Cat. But after last night they weren't going to eat her. She was special.

The two were gentlemen now and Cat managed to see their brighter side. They hated 'Master Big Head' as they called him once they felt trust towards her. She laughed. They laughed. Then she told them her plan. Something that was a long time coming for 'Master Big Head.' This would be a new day, a new beginning for all.

At Callaway's: In the morning May woke with a tingle in her pussy. It itched terribly. Arching her hips made it itch even more. She slid her hand down to find something between her legs. She pushed it against her to scratch the itch. It slid back and forth against her hot pussy lips. Suddenly she felt someone stir behind her, “Here Momma. Let me help you with that.” Then she felt pappy's hand over her's press the thing hard against her.

It was pappy's dick stuck between her legs that pressed against her. She remembered pappy showing her the 'Kiss for Momma' last night. It felt so good and she remembered cumming, then she woke up here. Her body twitched remembering the huge orgasm she experienced when pappy kissed and licked her down there.. Now pappy was sliding his dick against her and she was rubbing him back. No wonder everyone was always sneaking around to do it, she thought remembering all the times she'd seen it happening.

Pappy growled, “All that's left to do is make you a real 'Momma of the house.'” With that he pulled back and pushing her hand hard against his dick forcing the head between her bare slick pussy lips, “Oh, Pappy!” He pulled back and thrust again shoving the head between her lips with a pop. “OH, Pappy!” One more time he pulled back then grunted forcing the head part way up into her. “OH, PAPPY!”

May's body convulsed on his dick as she rocketed to a quick orgasm. Pappy loved that feeling. Young pussy, tight, sensitive, ready to orgasm at the slightest provocation. Her young pussy was squeezing almost drawing him in deeper. Using his hand he grabbed her shoulder and pushed her down. He could feel his dick tightly wrapped by her young pussy inching deeper. May's body was still convulsing. He pulled back a little then pressed on. He was gonna breed her right there then take her to see her mother.

Suddenly Nanny appeared at the door, “Mister Bo. You be late. Breakfast is on the table. No time. No time.” Bo looked at the clock, “Shit! Sorry momma. It'll have to wait. Business before pleasure.” He pulled away from her jerking body. Her virgin pussy lips were stretched and burning. Her body was still cumming even with pappy's dick gone. She put both her hands down there and rubbed. Bo watched her as he grabbed his clothes, “Come on momma. We got things to do. I promise we'll finish later.”

Bo, May and a few boxes of supplies arrived at the worker's shack with the sun high in the sky. The two men came out as usual to meet them. One of them carried a mason jar. Bo looked at the jar in the man's hand. He loved moonshine. That's why he named his daughter Mason. For the jar that held that sweet liquid. “Special flavor for you, Mister Bo.” he said and handed it over. Bo held the jar up like fine wine. May stood next to him, “What is it Pappy?”

“Oh baby, it's the sweetest thing next to you.” then he opened the jar and took a sip. His man was right, this is good. He took another sip. He felt lite and happy. Then he saw Cat in her fine clothes, clean and fresh as always. Cat walked right up to him and took his hand. She smiled and pulled at him, “Come, dearest. Your place has been set.” Bo took another sip, his grin now permanently affixed to his face. He followed without another thought. Cat looked at his smile as she urged him along and thought to herself, 'Not for long dear husband.'

Bo woke with a start. His head hurt bad and he couldn't move his body. He lifted his head and saw Cat, May and one of the workers by the house in the afternoon light. “What's.. going... on?” he slurred. His eyes spun for a moment and he blinked them. As the picture became clear he saw his little Momma of the house, Mason kneeling before one of the workers. His big black dick was sticking straight out. Bo was stunned. Mason's white skin was a stark contrast to the black man.

May was rubbing and kissing the man's dick. Pappy was not happy but he still couldn't move. He looked around to find he was buck naked and tied up straddling a big log. His face went red, his anger fumed, but he was trapped. He turned to his wife and child, “What's going on here? Why am I trussed up like a holiday turkey?” Cat looked at him and smiled while his daughter began sucking the black man's dick. “Why, I'm just returning the favor. You were kind enough to help out these fine gentlemen. So, we're giving them more of what you gave them in the first place.” Bo was confused.

“May is just demonstrating the new experiences you forced on your daughter. She says there's more that we haven't seen yet. Not only did you give your wife to workmen to be used as their whore, you performed incestuous acts with your young daughter. This is starting to look bad for you dear husband. Peddling moonshine, pimping, infidelity, incest, and more.” Cat shook her finger. Then she looked past Bo and waved her hand, “But I think you have a bigger problem to deal with at the moment.”

“No! What is this! Get me loose this instant.” Bo shook against his restraints but they would not give. Then the other black man appeared from behind him with a knife. He approached Bo and reached down for the rope tied to his wrist. “Hurry up you insolent bastard! Cut me loose this instant! What are you waiting for?” The man tested the rope. It was still tight. He stuck the knife in the log right next to Bo's face. Bo started and stared at the shining blade. Then Cat walked up to her husband waving the box of condoms, “We don't want to leave you out of all the fun.” Then she signaled both black men, “They won't need these.” With that she threw the box of condoms onto the ground by Bo's hand.

While his wife and daughter drove away to deliver the days load of moonshine, Bo received his just desserts as the two men raped him over and over. Cat made the delivery then stopped by the office of a familiar member of the town's powerful elite. It only took an hour at the lawyer's office to change Bo's life forever. His deck of cards folded under him much like his masculinity at the hands of the Stillers. Cat took over the family estate and all its business dealings. She reorganized management and made partners of all the members of the household and businesses. The estate turned around and was quickly profitable. Now Callaway's produces some of best Southern Bourbon Whiskey around and they have an outlet in the Pacific Northwest. It's a family business.

Seems like a Southern tail is more than it's cracked up to be.
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