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Mandy is waiting for her father to pick her up for their weekend together after her parents recent divorce.
On the curb in front of her mother’s new boyfriend’s house, Mandy stood with her arms crossed, waiting for her father’s familiar station wagon to pull up. It had been two weeks since her parents’ divorce was settled in court and it was her first weekend to spend with her father. To say that she was not looking forward to it was an understatement. Mandy and her father had never really spent any time together. The only reason he had demanded any visitation rights was to piss off his ex-wife Alexandria.

Mandy did not much appreciate being a tool for her parents to sling mud at each other with; however, getting two whole days to spend out of the house that her mother had brought her to was a blessing. She did not hate Jason. He was nice enough to her, but he was far too young to be dating her mother. He had not realized she was married with a child when they had first began their relationship and was not too keen on letting her and her daughter move in when her husband found out and divorced her.

He had originally promised only a few days until she could get back on her feet. Days had already become weeks, but Alexandria was still sleeping in the guest room and not in Jason’s room. Mandy doubted their relationship was going to improve very much. He was just too much of a pushover to kick her out.

Mandy was still deep in thought when a car pulled to a stop on the street in front of her. She looked up from her phone and snapped the gum in her mouth in confusion. She did not recognize the Pontiac at all. Only when her father Miles rolled down the tinted window did she realize who it was but the confusion on her face only grew. “What did you do?” she asked.

“Don’t you like it?” he asked gleefully.

“I wasn’t sure you were even going to pick me up. I thought I’d have to take the bus,” she reminded him how late he was.

“No comment, eh?” He opened the door for her.

“What do you want me to say? Way to go, Dad? It’s amazing that the judge awarded you all of your joint savings since it was Mom that was cheating but you still have to pay child support for several more years. Maybe you should’ve tried harder to get custody.”

Miles smiled at her cautiously. He really did not want a little version of Alexandria around him to constantly remind him of her infidelity. The purpose of today was just to annoy his ex-wife as much as possible. He started by burning out the tires of his new Pontiac, making sure she could hear him, before they took off down the road. “You two are so childish,” Mandy scoffed.

Miles kept glancing at his daughter as they left the cul-de-sac and headed for the nearest non suburban road. She was wearing shorts and a jacket that was too big for her so she could keep her hands shoved into her pockets like all brooding teenagers. She had blonde hair like her mother and slightly tanned skin from running in track at school. She was snapping her gum loudly with her feet up on the dashboard of his new car. He very much hated the way she looked and acted.

Every few moments she would glare at him, trying to assess what he was thinking. He would smile every time, pretending that he was not loath to be there. “Did you buy a new house too?” Mandy asked as she saw the turn off to her old home passing by.

“We’ll go home later. First I thought we’d go shopping,” Miles explained.

Mandy squinted at him suspiciously. He had never once wanted to go shopping with her in his life. He always complained about her fashion sense or just plain about her lack of awareness in matters of money. She considered telling him to just turn the car around but a thought passed through her head first. If he was willing to spend money on a new car, maybe he would be a little more lax with her spending on this shopping trip.

When they reached the mall, Miles dropped her off at one of the store entrances before going to find a parking spot in the sea of surrounding cars. When he finally got inside, he found his daughter staring at the glass front of a hair salon. “Did you need a hair cut?” he asked.

She shook her head. She was staring at one of the posters of a hair model. Her shiny hair had been dyed an obviously unnatural color. Mandy’s eyes were sparkling. However, she knew that her dad would never let her do something as reckless as showing up to school with pink hair.

Miles was smirking to himself though. He could already imagine the look on Alexandria’s face when Mandy walked in the front door looking like a strawberry. He took his daughter’s hand and led her into the salon without a word of warning. “What’ll it be?” the hairdresser asked while taking Mandy’s hand from Miles and seating her in a chair alongside a wall length mirror.

Mandy glanced at Miles for assurance. He nodded. She sighed deeply before pointing at the poster. “I want hair like that,” she tried to sound confident as she spoke.

“The style or the color?” the hairdresser asked suspiciously.

“Both,” Mandy answered. This time it was the hairdresser who looked at Miles. He again nodded. Shrugging, she got to work right away.

Nearly two hours later, Mandy opened her eyes, after having gotten bored, to find a stranger staring at her in the mirror. Her normally blonde hair had been replaced with a shimmering pink. Depending on the angle it changed between deep hot pink and soft flowery pink. She grabbed it and squealed in delight. She had always wanted to alter her appearance in a unique way but she knew her parents would not approve. She was already beginning to like the benefits of her parents’ silent feud.

She sprang to her feet and ran over to the chair her father was sitting in. “How do I look?” she asked while leaning forward with her hands behind her back shyly. She had never asked him for his opinion of her appearance before.

He glanced down the front of her shirt at her bra for a moment before turning his attention to her oversized jacket. “Like you need new clothes,” he responded calmly.

Mandy’s eyes lit up as she realized she was going to have the opportunity to spend a lot of her father’s horded money today. He really wanted to piss off his ex-wife to no end.

Over the next few hours, the pair visited every single clothing store in the mall. Mandy picked out dozens expensive outfits, several of them quite revealing. Miles looked like he wanted to argue at first but quickly shut his mouth. He knew that if her choices were bothering him this much they would bother Alexandria even more.

After getting a meal at the food court, they headed to a slightly out of the way store at the far end of the mall. The banner overtop of the entrance showed several cliché designs that Miles would not put on a bumper sticker. Gritting his teeth he grabbed Mandy’s hand before she could enter. Getting a tattoo was where he drew the line.

“Come on, you’ve said yes to everything else so far. I’ll take back everything I said about you being uncool to my friends.”

“You said what to them?” Miles tried to recall the girls that used to stay over for sleepovers. He could tell that they were all popular, meaning his daughter was one of the cool kids. To think she had convinced them all that he was a lame parent was a little disheartening. However, his desire to get back at Alexandria did not come at the expense of a permanent trashy drawing on his daughter’s skin.

Mandy could see that she was not going to get through to him. “How about a compromise?” she suggested. He followed her pointed finger to a case full of different piercings.

“An earring?” he asked hopefully. She just laughed as she walked into the store. Twenty minutes later she had a brand new eyebrow piercing. It was a little painful but she was too excited to show it. Miles own eyebrow twitched as he wondered if he had gone too far. He knew that Alexandria would definitely be pissed but was it all going to be worth it for the cost of his daughter’s appearance?


Finally, after half a day, they arrived back at the same old house Mandy had grown up in. “So, what are we going to do today?” she asked.

“What do you mean? We just spent all morning and afternoon together. I'm gonna grab a beer with Tom and watch the game,” Miles explained.

“We only get to see each other every other weekend. We’re supposed to fit enough time to make up for all the weekday afternoons you’re missing.”

“Do you hang out with your mom when you get back from school? This isn’t a holiday. This is a normal Saturday and I promised Tom we’d watch the game together. If you can’t stay alone, I’ll have him come over here. I don’t want to have to deal with his wife or kids either.” Miles went to go knock on his neighbor’s door. Mandy was once again reminded of one of the reasons she never hung out with Miles. His friends were more important to him than his family. At least now he was going to have Tom come over rather than disappearing every possible chance he got.

“This is new,” Tom was impressed by the invitation he received. “If your place is so empty, maybe we could invite the rest of the guys too,” he suggested. He stopped when he saw the new Pontiac in the driveway. Mandy took the initiative to take the two six packs of beer he was holding so he could stand and stare at it for a while.

He did a double take though when he saw her hair. “Is that Mandy?” he asked Miles. “What happened to her?”

“Her mother lets her do whatever she wants now,” Miles lied.

“That’s terrible. If Jackie or Peter dyed their hair I’d be livid. And those clothes too?” Tom titled his head as he watched Mandy’s skirt swaying. He could almost see underneath the hem. He was about to lean over more when Miles tapped his shoulder.

“I know she’s an eyeful but all I think of when I see her is Alex,” Miles explained. “Do you want to bark up that tree?”

Tom was caught off guard. Miles should have been telling him not to hit on his daughter at all, not that she was too much like her mom. “She doesn’t look a thing like Alex now,” Tom laughed.

“She still talks like her though,” Miles laughed too.

When Tom entered the kitchen, he found Mandy already taking several snack foods out and setting them on the counter. “I didn’t realize you were looking forward to the game this much,” he teased her.

“You’re the one that interrupted my weekend with Miles,” she reminded him. Calling her father by his name was a habit she started only recently and only with people that were on a first name basis with him already. Miles did not seem to mind at all.

“Sorry, I didn’t know that was today. Miles and I have had a lot more time to hang out recently so I just got used to him being free. I’ll go back if you’d rather be alone with him.”

“Right, like I’d even be here if it wasn’t court ordered,” she scoffed.

“Hey now, I may be a biased party but your dad is pretty cool to hang out with. It’s your mother that was hard to get along with.”

“And by extension me,” Mandy retorted.

“Tom doesn’t think so,” Miles answered. “He wants to know if you are single.”

Mandy looked down at her attire and blushed. She did not really like the idea of getting hit on by a middle aged man but it still made her feel attractive. “Actually, you’re right up Miles’s alley,” Tom countered. “The girls he looks at on screen all match you.”

“I mean, she does look like my wife,” Miles explained.

“You mean the tan skin and the glossy lips with bony hips and everything?” Tom asked. “You always say that if you were ten years younger you’d be at spring break picking up a slut with a long tongue and nothing in her skull to get in the way.”

“A dumb bimbo,” Mandy toned down his definition slightly.

“Now that I'm single again, maybe I will,” Miles responded jokingly.

“Would you really date a girl just like me?” Mandy asked. She was curious if she really was her father’s type.

“If I were your classmate in school I would definitely try to take that for a ride, but you’re not going to go to school looking like that, are you? You’re just asking for all the eager boys to follow you around drooling. At least make them work for it.”

“This isn’t the type of girl anyone builds a lasting relationship with,” Mandy admitted. She always wanted to dress like this but she knew it was not what society expected. If she ever got a boyfriend, she planned to change her appearance to his preference.

“You hear that, Miles? Your daughter’s a whore,” Tom laughed while taking out his phone to take a picture. She posed with her tongue sticking out, trying to look a little like the spring break bimbo he had described.

“What do you need that for?” Miles was a little perturbed.

“Something to show Jackie when she gets older; a warning of what not to become,” he answered.

“You think I’ve failed as a parent,” Miles was getting more and more concerned.

“Hey, I wouldn’t let Melinda dress my daughter up like a prostitute, but I understand how unreasonable Alex can be. Just keep an eye on her. You could spend some of your money on a shotgun and be one of those helicopter dads.”

Miles frowned as he sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Tom sat on the opposite end. Mandy brought all of the snacks and beer from the kitchen one by one before sitting on the armrest on her father’s side. She did not want to be stuck between two grown men.

“Just like a cocktail waitress,” Tom teased her as he watched her ass sway each time she returned to the kitchen. When she sat on the armrest he glanced at her knees and tried to see under her skirt again. She saw him and turned her legs away but still smiled slightly.

Several times during the game, Mandy returned to the kitchen to get more food and beer. Every time, Tom watched her butt like he was hypnotized. Getting a little full of the attention, Mandy took off her blazer and tied her blouse so that her midriff was showing, just like a hooters waitress. She also took her time walking in front of the TV, shaking her hips as much as she could.

Finally, Miles grabbed her by the arm and pulled her down between them. He shoved a beer in her hand and told her to stop disrupting the game. Shrugging she took a sip, only to have it froth up in her mouth and spew out her nose. She coughed for a long time as Tom rubbed her back. Miles ignored her for the screen though.

After she had calmed down and stopped coughing, Tom gave her his half drunken beer that was less fizzy. She tasted it and wrinkled her nose in disgust. Miles lifted the bottom of it and flipped it up so she had to gulp the rest down quickly. When it was empty, she let out a squeak of a burp and a slight hiccup.

Tom had already gotten himself another beer. Mandy stared at the coffee table for a while, a little dazed and dizzy from drinking so fast and coughing so much. She picked up her previous bottle and took another sip. Again she cringed at the taste. After taking a deep breath to psych herself up, she downed it in as few gulps as possible.

After repeating the process four times, she leaned over onto Miles’s shoulder, nearly passed out. He shoved her off while continuing to focus on the screen. She instead flopped onto Tom’s lap. “You okay?” he asked while sweeping her hair out of her eyes.

“I'm sorry,” she apologized in a slur while looking up at him with dizzy eyes. She looked down again and realized where her head was and started to laugh.

“Right-right.” He ruffled her hair. “Normally I take a girl on date before she gets that close to my dick,” he teased her.

“Isn’t this a date? I'm your waitress and you’re dating Miles,” she retorted.

“Cheeky bitch,” Tom took a little offence. He shoved her head down between his legs, making her dizzier as the blood rushed to her head. When she looked up at him again her face was red. She did not seem to comprehend much. She repositioned herself so she was completely on the couch, laying her head in Tom’s lap and nearly kicking Miles. He pushed her feet off again, causing her to slip and bump her chin against Tom’s knee.

He picked her up and set her on his lap so she would not get near Miles again. She giggled as she felt his pants touching her practically bare ass under her skirt. With nothing stopping him, Tom finally lifted the cloth from behind and got a good view of what he had been trying to see all evening. She was wearing a thong that was digging so far into her ass it was impossible to tell she had any underwear at all from the back.

After glancing at Miles to make sure he was not paying attention, Tom used one hand to pull her butt cheeks apart until he could see her thong. When Mandy gasped, he covered her mouth with his free hand. Her face felt extremely warm from all the blood rushing to it.

After moving her thong aside so he could get a good look at her anus, Tom made a decision. Even if Mile got mad at him later he could pretend to have been too drunk and play it off as a joke. He wetted his fingers on his tongue and pushed two of them against her anus at the same time.

She squealed into his hand as loudly as she could, but he quickly covered her nostrils to keep her even quieter. She was not able to retrieve enough breath to squeal again. She tried to stand up in order to lift herself off his lap but he just moved his legs to push her feet apart and keep her from getting up.

At the same time he pushed his fingers further into her butt. She arched her back and clenched her abdomen muscles but could not lift herself enough to escape. All Miles had to do was look to his left and he would see his daughter writhing on top of Tom but he was too focused on the game.

At the same time Tom finally worked his fingers all the way into Mandy’s butt, she collapsed due to lack of air and passed out. He finally let go of her mouth and nose. Rather than gasping she just breathed rapidly, her chest heaving like an inflating balloon.

Tom moved his hand over her chest and felt her heartbeat for a while and even gave one of her breasts a quick squeeze before continuing down to her crotch. There he pulled her thong completely away and felt her slightly wet cunt. Smirking he took a beer bottle from the table and pressed the tip against the outside folds. It took some work to get it inside the hole. He had to place his knees under her back and lift her bottom half into the air to tip the beer bottle up but soon the whole thing had emptied into her cunt.

Tom made up his mind what he was going to do as he held her above him. He unzipped his jeans slowly and let his already semi erect cock spring up. He then lowered her down from his knees, pressing the tip against her red and stretched anus. His precum was enough lubricant for the head to slip inside. When he dropped her onto his lap, her eyes shot open and she tried to sit up.

He had to pull her back to keep his cock from popping out. Slowly he got harder as it slid in further. She turned to look at him with wide eyes. She opened her mouth to groan silently as she felt her insides being filled. She thought she might throw up. Though he could only fit about six inches into her, the sensation traveled up her bowls and settled in her stomach. She felt like he had shoved a rod up her ass and impaled her.

She looked at him in utter confusion, not having even grasped what he had intended before she had passed out. Now she felt like she was dreaming. Slowly he lifted her up and then suddenly dropped her back down. She clutched her stomach as the sensation of his cock scraping inside her bowels shot through her.

The sensation caused her to clench and then unclench her bladder muscles. She did not even realize there was a bottle sticking out of her cunt when she began to piss. At first it just ran along the outside of the glass but Tom quickly moved it to catch as much as possible. Her eyes rolled back as she groaned in relief. Five beers was far too much for a little girl like her. She had never felt better in her life than she did now, pissing it all out again.

Stranger was the feeling of having her ass filled with something hard at the same time. As her bladder shrank, her muscles relaxed more and his cock slid deeper into her. It pushed on her organs and added more pressure, making her piss faster. Tears rolled down her cheeks as her peehole started to hurt from the amount of liquid being forced through it.

When the bottle was full, Tom pulled it out suddenly. Mandy tried to clench her bladder muscles and at the same time clamped her anus down on his cock. A searing pain shot up her spine and into her head, causing her vision to go white for a moment. At the same time, the beer Tom had poured into her cunt came gushing out. She did not realize what it was and thought her bladed was leaking. She grabbed a beer mug from the table and held it under herself to catch as much as possible.

Tom decided to see what fucking her asshole felt like while all her muscles were clenched. He lifted her slightly while also pulling his waist downward. He then dropped her while thrusting back up. She screamed and dropped the mug. Tom managed to grab it before too much had spilled.

When Miles finally looked over he was met with the sight of his daughter sitting on Tom’s lap with her skirt flopped down to cover where they were connected but it was all too obvious from the redness of her face and the drool running down the corners of her clenched mouth.

With nothing left to hide, Tom grabbed her by the waist and began lifting her up and pulling her back down repeatedly. She screamed as her anus stretched even more to accommodate the movement which did not just push inward but also pulled from side to side. She lifted her blouse up, exposing her bra, and bit down on the knot she had tied in it earlier to muffle her own screams.

Miles was unable to look away or bring himself to intervene. A girl that looked like a sexier younger version of his wife was being assfucked in front of him with complete disregard for her comfort or pleasure. Her eyes repeatedly gained and lost focus as saliva frothed from her mouth while she panted through gritted teeth. Urine splashed the edge of the couch and the floor as a single stream of piss was forced out of her bladder each time Tom shoved into her.

As Miles watched in awe, he came to a conclusion. Despite the obvious regret he felt that it was his daughter he was looking at, he believed the sight he was witnessing was too perfect to chastise her for. Since it had already happened, there was no reason he should not enjoy it to its fullest. In the back of his mind he was already wondering if he might use some of his money to hire a prostitute next weekend for himself to play with in a similar fashion.

Mandy had become aware of her father’s gaze. She stared at him with her confused eyes as she bounced on Tom’s cock, still half asleep and somewhat more concerned with the burning of her peehole than anything else at the moment.

Miles untied the knot in her blouse and took it off over her head. He then lifted her bra above her breasts and began to poke and prod her nipples. The confusion on her face only grew. Her nipples were definitely hard and sensitive but she could not be bothered with them, not when there was a six inch rod pistoning in her asshole and her peehole was burning from overuse.

Miles tried to get her attention more by putting his lips over one of her nipples and lapping at it with his tongue. When she seemed to ignore him again, he sucked on it so it pressed against his teeth, giving her a large round hickey on the whole areola. She moaned and arched her back, causing Tom’s pistoning cock to go into her bowel at an odd angle. She clenched her bladder at the same time she was already squirting out, causing the hole to close slightly and forcing the liquid through the tighter spout. The burning pain was so much she shrieked and grabbed her father’s hair to pull his head up so she could kiss him to drown out her own voice.

She screamed into his mouth for a whole minute before letting go and gasping for breath. Miles did not understand why she had done that so he put his mouth over her other nipple and bit down. This time she nearly lifted her whole ass off of Tom’s cock, only to have him pull her back down by the waist. It slammed into her so deep her entire abdomen clenched and she nearly threw up.

Saliva dripped from her O shaped mouth as it went numb in preparation of the potential bile. Miles had only one thought when he saw her face though. It was like she was offering another hole to him. He stood up on the couch and unzipped his jeans. Mandy tried to pull back when she saw her father’s cock coming toward her lips. He grabbed her by her shiny pink hair and pulled her toward him.

He slid into her salvia dripping mouth with ease. The tip came to the back of her throat in no time at all. She struggled to keep her cheeks as puffed as possible so they would not touch it but after some time she had to close her mouth; as much as it would go. It was an odd feeling, having something obviously living inside her mouth. It was warm and hard and it was moving.

She looked up at her father, crossing her eyes in the process. Her puckered lips turned him on as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. He pulled back and timed his first thrust with Tom’s. At the same time the cock dug into her ass again, Miles pushed past the back of her throat. She felt it bulge as his cock slipped into her esophagus. She now had a tingle in her throat that she could not scratch.

She tried to cough but only succeeded in making herself throw up. The bile hit her father’s cock and stayed in her throat, unable to escape. However, more saliva oozed from the walls of her mouth and throat, slicking it enough for him to slide in even deeper. He groaned as he held her onto him by her hair. He was enjoying every bit of this.

It was not easy for him to thrust into her from the angle though. He stepped down off the couch without releasing the grip on her hair, forcing her to lean forward. Tom’s cock popped out of her ass with an audible sound. She wanted to sigh in relief but her mouth was still stuffed.

Once she was on her knees on the couch, Tom repositioned himself behind her. She squealed around her father’s cock as he slipped his shaft back into her sore anus. When he shoved all six inches in, she lurched forward, impaling her throat on Miles’s cock. She tried to pull back but her anus hurt too much.

Tom pulled on her butt to move her back off of Miles’s. She felt her throat tingling again as something that should never have reached that point inside her brushed against the walls. Again Tom shoved in, impaling her from one end while Miles did the same from the other. Mandy felt like a rod had been passed through her asshole and all the way out her mouth. Her tiny body paled in comparison to the two grown men sandwiching her.

It occurred to her that this very situation might have been what she was trying to avoid when she had tried not sitting between them at the start of the game. Neither one of them cared that she was so much smaller than them. If a real pole had pierced her whole body, surely neither one of them would show her any concern. She was a toy for their enjoyment.

She could hardly argue with that thought though. Despite her saliva obviously being meant to protect her throat from bile, it was what had lubricated her mouth so well for her father. When she was on Tom’s lap only a thong was keeping her asshole from his view. It must have looked like she was asking for it. She almost believed she was, having been teasing Tom with her hips and tied blouse all night. Maybe, if she satisfied them, they’d finally leave her alone.

Thinking along those lines, she began to clench her anus every time Tom pulled out, moving the skin on his shaft twice as much as before. It had an immediate effect. He could no longer thrust in as quickly. At the same time, she positioned her tongue underneath her father’s shaft. The roughness of it scrapping his sensitive underside made him more cautious too.

“Little slut has learned a thing or two,” Tom laughed.

“About time she did more than piss herself,” Miles taunted her.

“Give her a break; she had like six drinks before this all began.”

“We’ve had twice as many at least,” Miles reminded him. “In fact, I could really use the bathroom about now.”

“Why bother? She’s already messed up the couch. It’ll have to be cleaned anyway,” Tom suggested.

Both men came to the same agreement at once. Mandy’s eyes widened as she felt something warm filling her bowels. It was fast and hard, pelting the walls of her flesh and vibrating her insides. It seemed to travel straight up into her, all the way to her stomach.

At the same time, something hot met the bile stuck in her throat and pushed it back down. She gulped a few times before her throat was too full. Her esophagus opened up entirely and her father’s warm piss just poured into her stomach. She was being filled with urine from both ends like a living toilet.

She tried to pull herself off of them in either direction but they lifted her by the shoulders and waist so that her legs were dangling in the air. They pushed and pulled her back and forth as their cocks slowly softened inside her. Finally they dropped her on the couch again when they had both gotten too soft to continue.

She rolled onto her side and promptly threw up a mixture of piss and beer. At the same time she struggled to clench her asshole to keep anything from escaping her bowels. When her stomach was empty, she lay there crying and whimpering. She was in pain but she was also ashamed at being used like a toilet bowel, and even more so for failing to satisfy either of them.

After watching her for a while, Miles lifted her up and carried her to the bathroom. He set her down on the toilet and let her finally relieve her bowels. She groaned the whole time, clutching her stomach in pain as tears streaked down her face. She still looked like a whore with her pink hair and eyebrow piercing but Miles was starting to remember that this was his daughter. He definitely planned to just hire a prostitute next time.

When he turned to leave, Mandy grabbed the hem of his shirt. He sighed as he waited for her to finish before helping her into the bathtub. Her legs were too wobbly for her to stand on her own. He turned on the water and watched as she lay down and let it fall on her whole body. She did not try to wash herself. Grumbling he began scrub her body with a soapy rag. He was reminded of when she was younger and he had to help take care of her, despite repeatedly telling his wife it was the woman’s job to look after the children.

When he got back to the living room with a still naked and now dripping wet Mandy in his arms, Tom had already cleaned up all the food and beer. The only thing left was the couch and floor in front of it. “I’ll handle it. You can go.” He shooed his friend out.

Mandy refused to even turn her head to look at the man who had just spent an hour fucking her ass. If possible, she never wanted to see him again. Finally, Miles laid her down in her old bed and covered her with a blanket. The soft sheet felt nice on her bare wet skin. She did not often sleep naked but she always liked the way it felt. She felt mature and sexy, and a little promiscuous.

She fell asleep dreaming of still being double teamed by the two grown men and used without remorse. She squirmed and moaned and rubbed her thighs together all night. It was hard for even her to tell if it was a nightmare or not.


Miles came into the living room the next day to find his daughter wearing nothing but an old pair of panties she had left behind when she packed merely one suitcase to take to Jason’s house. She had her hair held up by a single claw clip and had already removed the casings from all the couch cushions. She was obviously planning on washing them.

Miles smiled at what was essentially a naked maid in his living room. She was walking a little bowlegged from yesterday’s assfucking but she was powering through. He felt superior for the first time. She would have never obediently cleaned when they were living with Alexandria. Now she cleaned even after a rough night which she was more than warranted to rest up after. There was something sexy about a girl doing choirs right after getting fucked though.

When she turned to face him, he saw the hickey he had left on her chest though. She followed his gaze and blushed as well. He walked over to her and pinched the sore nipple, making her gasp. Though he had not planned on assaulting her again, he was enjoying that her current meek personality meant her whole body was his to touch as he pleased.

She screamed when he suddenly spun her around and bent her over the armrest of the couch. “Not again,” she pleaded when she felt him pushing the cloth of her panties into her butt.

“You dressed like this and didn’t think I’d do anything to you?”

“I'm still sore,” she whined.

“Of course you are. You let Tom fuck your ass for an hour yesterday. Shouldn’t you show me the same courtesy?”

“Anything else, please,” she begged.

“Such as?” he asked curiously. She spun around and sat of the coffee table and opened her mouth while closing her eyes. “What do you want?” he asked.

“You can do anything you wish,” she answered.

“That’s not what I asked,” he scolded her.

She quickly realized what he was getting at. She had to pretend to be the instigator. “Please put your cock in my mouth. Please fuck my throat like it’s my cunt and make me puke again.”

Miles was a little surprised by the last part. Had she enjoyed the depravity they put her through that much? Either way, he planned to oblige. He was already getting hard imagining his sexy daughter coughing and spewing from her mouth all over the coffee table as she sat in nothing but her panties. For the first time in his life he was happy he had a daughter. This was his reward for putting up with Alexandria for so long, a younger replacement that he could control and use as he pleased.

Miles did not take advantage of her obedience right away. He took a moment to stare at her bare chest as drool ran down her chin from her slightly open mouth as she waited. He was so used to Mandy being as defiant as her mother that this sight confused him. He had seen her topless before, but never in a sexual way. After yesterday she should have realized that she could not walk around exposing herself like this as she did before, not without expecting to get molested.

Miles was still in his pajama shorts, making it easy to release his already hardening cock. Mandy gulped as she stared at it almost cross eyed. He pressed the tip to her lips and waited for her to open them more before pushing inside. At first it just scraped across her teeth as they were not parted enough. Mandy seemed to struggle as she widened her jaw enough for his cock to fit.

She adopted a confused expression when he patted her head and ruffled her pink hair, like he was praising a pet. “I supposed none of this makes sense to you. You’re using your mouth but you aren’t getting to eat anything. Tom stretched your butt for no reason at all yesterday.”

“Ik eels ood (it feels good?)” Mandy was only able to mumble in response with her mouth full.

“Yes, it does,” Miles agreed. “Like your nipples, we have sensitive parts of our bodies too. It feels really good to touch them ourselves but even better when someone else does it for us. It feels the best when they touch something just as sensitive, like your cunt or your mouth. Men will go to great lengths to maintain a relationship with a woman just for the chance to do this on a reoccurring basis.”

Mandy knew he was talking about her mom. It had never been easy for Miles to put up with Alexandria, but he must have been desperate to keep having sex with her. When she fell into Jason’s bed, it was the last straw and there was no more reason to keep her around.

“You’re the perfect replacement,” Miles groaned as he pushed deeper into her mouth, causing her cheeks and her eyes to bulge. “Unlike a wife, I don’t have to work to keep you happy. You’re already mine. I can just do what I want to you. If you resist, I can tie you up and keep you here. Would you like that?”

Mandy did her best to shake her head. “Well that’s a little unfortunate,” Miles sighed. “No matter if you don’t resist, society dictates that this is wrong and that we will have to stop eventually. Rather than wasting my time being gentle with you, I really want to see what I can make you do.”

Mandy was caught off guard by Miles suddenly gripping her bangs and pulling her head so far forward his cock slid past her uvula and into her throat. She immediately gagged but managed to swallow it back down. In the process though, she forced some saliva up her nose. It dripped down out her nostrils as her eyes watered in pain, streaking her cheeks and her lips.

“It doesn’t make sense, does it?” Miles asked while grinning at her. “Why would I choose to hurt you when I could so easily make this enjoyable for you? It’s entirely mental. The reason why men enjoy sex more than masturbating is because of their ego. The fact that I can convince a woman to find me attractive enough to touch me is rewarded in my brain. The more I can force her to do, whether she likes it or not, the more I am rewarded. I get a rush from knowing you have no choice but to swallow my cock when I make you and it is even better if I know you can hardly stand it.”

Mandy tried to pull away, but her father’s grip on her hair was too firm. Mandy’s expression still showed that she did not exactly believe his words. “You’re wondering why I never did this before, if I like it so much,” he taunted her. “Well society’s rules for one but also because you’re my daughter. I love you and I don’t want to see you hurt. However, you’re also your mother’s daughter, I want to see her suffer as much as possible.

“I should’ve realized it yesterday while we were shopping. I was already becoming numb to your well being. You were becoming a tool for my revenge. But why should I give you back to your mother in disrepair like a gift and receive only vivid satisfaction from her despair. Why not keep you for myself and use you over and over again to prolong my satisfaction. I was so short sighted yesterday; I should really thank Tom so much.”

Mandy finally seemed to grasp the situation she was in. She had thought she could suffer through the rest of the weekend by proving herself useful and then she could return to Jason’s house and perhaps tattle on Miles to her mother. The plan hadn’t really changed, but Miles did not plan to make it as easy on her to endure as she had hoped.

As soon as the understanding showed in Mandy’s eyes, Miles pulled her head back and then slammed right back into her throat. There was no point to tormenting her if she did not know the reason. “Alex used to give me blowjobs on special occasions only. She said her jaw got sore if she did it too much. I was never allowed to even touch her head or the service would stop immediately and I’d have to wait until the next occasion.

“What a way to keep your husband on a short string, eh? Don’t piss me off or you’ll never feel my mouth at all. Women have too much control over sex. How am I supposed to feel proud of myself for dominating a woman that way? Even in porn when you see the men shoving their dicks in the girl’s mouth, she has the option of stopping him at any time with a signal to the director. So in fact, I’ve never actually seen a man really face fucking a girl for real. It’s always slightly tame in some way.”

Mandy again realized what his intentions were only a moment before he acted. With his fingers still wound in her bangs, he placed his other hand behind her head and shoved it forward. His cock slid a good inch into her esophagus, and it hurt more than she could have imagined. Tears streamed from her eyes, warming her previously cold and wet cheeks.

He repeated that action several times until he was able to widen her jaw just enough to slip another half inch into her. The inside of her throat stretched to accommodate the intrusion. The expanding lump reminded Mandy of a time she had accidentally swallowed a lego and it had scrapped her esophagus the whole way down to her stomach. She had not been able to speak or eat for nearly a whole day and it still hurt a lot for the next week. The knowledge that this was the kind of pain her own father wanted to cause her was unsettling.

Miles grinned as he saw the contempt mixed with pain in her eyes. This was the face he always wanted to see Alexandria make. More than the contempt she embodied when he won an argument, he wanted to see her physically suffering and most definitely in a sexual way.

Mandy was caught off guard when he pinched and twisted her still red areola. It was not the same as the biting he had done yesterday. His intent was to cause pain and harm. She opened her throat to shriek but only succeeded in letting his cock slide all the way in. Her nostrils were buried in his pubic hair and her teeth were pressed against his pelvic flesh around the base of his cock. It was entirely inside her mouth.

With her airway cut off, her face turned redder and redder by the second. She clenched and unclenched her throat as she struggled to breathe, stimulating his cock and keeping him turned on and hard. He wanted to pull out and slam back in but he was not sure he could get this deep again. Instead he just continued to hold her head down for as long as possible.

Her toes curled and she kicked as violently as she could, her legs swinging beneath the coffee table. The knuckles of her toes had turned white. He had never been this controlling with Alexandria, but if he had, she could have done more to escape. Mandy was just too much smaller than Miles to pose any real resistance at all. Miles felt a pang of guilt as he realized he was definitely tormenting the wrong person. However, he knew he would not have the guts to do this to Alexandria, so it just had to be Mandy instead.

Unable to move his cock very much, Miles had to concentrate deeply on the sensation of Mandy’s clenching throat in order to bring himself to orgasm. It was not that large of an amount, squirting directly into her esophagus. It both stung and soothed the soreness.

As soon as Miles’s cock began to soften at all, Mandy shoved against him, pulling her head back enough for it to slip off. She even tore a few of the roots of her bangs in the process. She was too busy gasping to care though. Her tiny chest rose and fell rapidly as she filled her lungs with sharp cold air. It hurt like being stabbed in the ribs but she could not control her gasping.

Miles watched for a while before becoming impatient. He pushed his middle and index fingers directly into her nostrils to plug them and lifted her head so she had no choice but to look at him. She glared in defiance at first but it was quickly replaced with concern when he continued to lift her head to the point she had to stand up from the table, lest he suspend her by her nostrils alone.

Miles pushed his free hand in-between her thighs and found the crotch of her panties more than a little wet. She tried to shake her head as he curved his fingers up and forced the cloth into her cunt. It pulled tight, giving her a wedgie and rubbing her clit as well. She started to scream but it was replaced with a gurgle when what little cum was deposited in her throat started to bubble up instead.

With two fingers in her cunt and two in her nostrils, Miles lifted her off her feet. She kicked for a while but stopped when she thought she might accidentally tear off her nose in the process. Feeling she was a little too still, Miles began to scrape the inside of her cunt. At first she ignored him but slowly her own orgasm built until she began to spasm in the air. Blood trickled out of her nose around his fingers and her eyes rolled back as her tongue hung out with drool pouring off of it.

Miles took a moment to admire his precariously suspended daughter as she convulsed and leaked from every orifice expect her ears and anus. He had just started to ponder how hard it would be to cum in her ears as well when she suddenly stiffened and grabbed his arm. She lifted her head just enough to pull her nose off his fingers. Before he could catch her, her top half fell with no support and she hit her head against the side of the coffee table. She was knocked out instantly.

Miles watched in shock as her body continued to convulse, now with piss streaming out of her crotch as her bladder relaxed. Though his next move should have been obvious, to take her to a hospital, he already had come to a different conclusion. If she really was in any life threatening danger, this was going to be his only chance to ever actually fuck her. He could not take her to the hospital without first taking her virginity.

Not being gentle at all, he grabbed a fistful of her pink hair and lifted her into the air. He slung her over the armrest of the couch so her butt was sticking up. He then yanked her wet panties down her legs and left them wrapped around her ankles. He did not want her completely naked. This way just looked more constricting which turned him on slightly.

From behind, staring at her bare ass and tiny smooth back and mess of once shiny pink hair she really did look like some sort of whore he had dragged into his home and violated. He slapped her ass several times while calling her every derogatory thing he could think of from a slut to an incestuous swine. Once there was a deep red hand print on her right cheek, he finally stopped and spread her butt apart to reveal her asshole and her slit.

He positioned his cock head against her cunt and rubbed it up and down, moistening it with her various fluids. It took a little effort to angle in correctly with her butt too limp for him to lift it properly. Finally he slipped inside her cunt and immediately came up against the resistance of her hymen.

He leaned over her back and slapped the side of her face lightly, trying to wake her. He wanted her to experience the loss of her virginity. When that did not work, he struck her as hard as he could from that angle, causing her nose to bleed again. Still she did not wake up. The gash on her temple was also bleeding again from the jarring movement. Sighing, he gave up on the idea of waking her.

Instead, he pulled back until only the tip of his cock was inside her cunt and then leaned forward while lunging, practically laying himself flat on her body. His full weight pushed through her hymen with a stretching snap of the breaking flesh. He felt the warmth of her blood around his cock followed by the softness of sinking deeper into her.

Her lack of reaction bothered him more than he had intended. What was he doing this for if he could not see Alexandria’s daughter suffering? Of course, he could not wait for her to wake up, not when it was a possibility that she never would. Reluctantly he began to thrust back and forth inside her warm cunt. At least he could tell from her shallow breathing and muscular twitching that she was still alive, for the moment.


When Mandy finally regained consciousness, she was utterly confused about the situation she found herself in. From her viewpoint she could tell she was sitting on the couch but not directly on the cushions. There was someone underneath her. However, she could also see Miles sitting in his recliner a few feet away, watching the TV intently. It took her another moment to realize she was dressed in a cheerleading outfit from her own school.

“Do you like it,” a voice emanated from her left. She turned to see one of her classmate’s fathers, a girl from the cheerleading squad. She tried not to giggle. It was exactly the type of thing she would wear, sleeveless with nothing to cover her midriff and a skirt so short her ass could be seen if she bent over. Even more prevalent in her mind after her recent encounter with Tom was how easily someone could fuck her ass in this skirt if they wanted.

She continued to stifle her giggles as she slowly absorbed the information in front of her. The room was filled with at least five men other than her father, all either looking at her or the TV. The image on the screen was obviously of a porno, a woman bound to a table while a machine spun around whipping her cunt repeatedly.

Those not watching the screen were looking right at her, at the tiny cheerleader sitting on a full grown man’s lap. She was a trussed up doll and they definitely planned to do more than just look at her. When she shifted her weight, she felt the boner of the man below her pressing against her panties, a new pair. She was a little surprised he had been patient enough to wait for her to wake up. Of course, what would be the fun of tearing off her clothes after dressing her up if she had not seen them at all? She felt somewhat respected. More so, she was grateful. With more men around, her father would probably treat her a little more gently.

Looking up at the expecting faces of the men watching her wiggle her butt atop a cock that was itching to penetrate her, only one sentence escaped her lips, “I wonder which hole it’s going in?” She completely avoided the option that they might not actually be here to fuck her. She was past trying to escape. Now she just had to satisfy them as best as she could and wait for her dreadful weekend with her father to end.

Her question was answered when the man underneath her pulled her panties to the side and slid his thumb right into her asshole. It was covered in baby oil or some other kind of lube, so it did not hurt at all, but the nail still scraped her bowels and made her shudder. “Can you’re tiny body handle two holes at once?” the man whispered in her ear.

She saw her classmate’s father positioning himself in front of her. Her eyes widened with intrigue and excitement, but she answered honestly. “Not at all. You’re going to tear me in half.”

“Aw, poor little thing,” he cooed.

“Yes, take pity on this poor little girl who is going to have her holes stretched and broken. Have mercy.”

“I’d love to, but I can’t really take pity on you until I’ve actually seen it, right?”

She nodded. “Watch as I'm pulled apart and passed around and stretched beyond repair. Watch them violate me until I break,” she was not really trying to convince him to spare her, just to feel a little bit of pity. If he did, then maybe he would protect her from Miles when the time came.

Again, her answer was only something being shoved into her asshole, this time his cock. It was much thicker than Tom’s if not a little shorter. It was also covered in lube, allowing it to slide in easily. She groaned sensually while batting her eyelashes at the man, daring him to watch the results of his actions unfold on her face.

She spread her legs so the men in front of her could see the cock protruding from her asshole. The father of her classmate even pulled her panties off to give them a better view. She wanted them to see what was happening to her, for them to know they were not watching a porno on a screen. If they wanted to they could reach out and touch her butt and see it really was being stretched by a cock that was far too large for her.

Like her throat fucking earlier, this was real. Porn stars always moaned too loudly and pretended they were getting the fucking of their life when they were actually used to sex to the point of indifference. The men also moved slowly so they lasted longer. They poked the very edge of the woman’s hole only slightly while she screamed that they were so big and going so deep.

Unlike on the screen, the man’s cock really was too big for Mandy. She was tiny compared to him and he was not just poking the entrance or trying to move slowly. He was pumping as hard as he could, trying to feel every inch of her bowel over his whole cock. The men watching knew this was better than any porno. Several of them even took out their phones so they could record the amazing sight of a little girl taking a massive cock as deep as possible in her asshole and doing her best to smile about it.

Each grunt or moan of hers was let out with as much resistance as she could, proving she could not help it, unlike the exaggerated screams of the woman on the screen. Finally Miles just muted it all together so they could hear what little sound Mandy was making.

The loudest sound Mandy let out was a gasp when she felt the man’s cum splashing inside her bowels. It felt warm and slimy, and somehow like it belonged more than when Tom had pissed inside her the other day. However, it did feel less filling, like something was missing.

When the man lifted her off his lap and set her on the couch, she realized for the first time that the cushions has been cleaned and put back, even though she had not gotten around to it that morning due to her face fucking session with her father.

She leaned back and pulled her butt apart to show them the cum leaking out of her alongside the slime of the lube. “Is that all?” she panted. “That’s not enough to break me? I'm not a whore, I'm a shy school girl, so it’s not hard. You just have to show my holes something they haven’t felt before.”

All of the men’s eyes fell on Tom, who was standing next to Miles in the corner. “How hard did you fuck her?” they asked him.

“Harder than Jed.” He gestured to the man who was zipping himself up after finishing in Mandy’s asshole.

“She’s so tight and slippery,” he made an excuse.

Mandy looked around at the men while licking her lips. When she saw Jed pass Miles a fifty dollar bill, she realized something. “Which of you thinks you are big enough to make me cry and beg you to stop? If you can I’ll give you a free blowjob and even let you take a picture of me in any pose.” She did her best to try making him feel bad for selling his own daughter.

Miles looked a little perturbed but did not say anything. He may have set up a club in order to charge his friends for fucking his daughter while she was unconscious, but he was still embarrassed about the whole thing. He was probably not going to fuck her in front of them today at all. Even after everything he said and did to her that morning, he was still the same dad she remembered, easily embarrassed and shyer than her.

One of the men stepped forward and showed Mandy something he was holding, a set of costume cat ears and a fake cat tail attached to a string of anal beads. “Would you wear this while we do it?”

“Do it? You mean while you fuck me,” she corrected him. “They’re so big though. Don’t you have one with less?”

“I’d really like to see you put them all inside,” he urged her.

“Why are you asking me? If you pay Miles enough he’ll shove them in my ass himself.”

Miles did his best not to blush when all eyes turned to him. “Double,” he informed his friend. “But you have to get them inside her on your own, nobody hold her down for him. Also, she kicks a lot,” he warned the man.

Mandy looked around while blushing. It seemed like all the men were eager to see what she looked like with eight massive balls shoved up her rectum. Deep down, she was wondering what it felt like too, but she would not be wondering for long.

Obediently she turned around and kneeled on the edge of the couch, presenting her butt to the man. The cum and lube in her hole was enough for him to slide his fingers in and stretch it back to the size of the previous man’s cock. Unfortunately, it was half the size of the anal beads. After pushing the first bead against her anus for a whole minute and eliciting a lot of groaning from Mandy, he had to give up. It was not going to fit with his strength alone.

He went to the kitchen and returned with an empty beer bottle. He placed it on the edge of the coffee table and perched the first bead on the rim. It was nearly three times wider but the curve of the bead kept it from rolling off the rim.

He then pulled Mandy backward off the couch until she was sitting on the bead. Finally he moved her legs so she was not supporting her own weight at all. Immediately her asshole sank over the bead and the beer bottle at the same time. She shrieked as her bowels spread to accommodate something more than twice as wide as the cock that had fucked her yesterday.

She was given only a moment to rest before the man had set up the bottle again. She whimpered as he repeated the process, forcing a second bead inside her and the first one up further. The third bead went in with a little more ease at first but nearly didn’t fit when the first bead hit a bend in her bowl. It took dropping her on the beer bottle two more times before the bead shoved past it.

Mandy screamed while clutching her stomach in pain. She swore she could feel the hard beads through her flesh. The fourth bead went in a little easier but when the second bead went around the same bend in her bowels she nearly threw up. Saliva frothed at her mouth and her eyes rolled back in her head. She was practically unconscious.

As a result, the man had an easy time shoving the fifth bead into her. However, that was the limit. Another bend in her bowel was preventing the first bead from rising inside her any further. He laid her on her back and stared at the three remaining beads dangling from her asshole with the cat tail attached at the end. It was not surprising as this toy was for an experienced full grown woman, not such a little girl.

Reluctant to give up, he wound up his foot and kicked the sixth bead directly into her rectum as hard as he could. This woke her from her stupor, causing her to cry out in pain while holding her stomach. “Please stop, you’re gonna break my insides,” she pleaded. The sixth bead had only gone in halfway. It was going to take another kick to get it all the way in and there was no way he could do the same with the last two. It was completely hopeless.

Finally, the man conceded. “I’ll just have to shorten it by a few.” Mandy nodded vigorously. However, her relief was short lived. Suddenly, he grabbed the end of the tail and yanked as hard as he could, causing the sixth and fifth beads to pop out of her ass with a suctioning sound. Lube splattered out around them as well.

She grabbed her head and wailed as the first bead slid back around the bend in her bowel. When it got stuck, the man kept prying. She felt like her intestines would turn inside out. She used her abdomen muscles to push as hard as she could but it was not budging.

The father of her classmate grabbed the bottle of lube and squirted it into her anus around the fourth bead. The other man then pushed the fifth bead back into her butt in order to spread the lube around. She groaned while rolling around on the couch in agony as she felt the cold lube sliding up inside her.

It still could not get past the bend in her bowel though. The man was losing his patience. He wound up his fist and punched her directly in the stomach, causing her to force the beads all out of her butt at the same time. Her eyes rolled back and she nearly fainted as the wind was knocked out of her lungs. She rolled over and vomited on the carpet between the couch and the coffee table. Everyone was just watching in awe with little concern for her well being.

The man went about removing the first three beads from the tail before promptly setting up the beer bottle again. Mandy groaned while shaking her head, refusing to heave herself into position for him. He simply grabbed her by the waist and dropped her on the first bead. She shrieked and puked again but covered her mouth to keep most of it down. He ignored her and repeated the process until all five beads had been deposited back in her asshole.

She was rolling around on the couch in utter anguish, unable to speak clearly. He simply placed the cat ears on her head and flipped her onto her stomach so he could see her tail and her cunt at the same time. She barely jolted when he slipped his cock into her. She was a little surprised at the lack of resistance in her cunt. She had assumed she was still a virgin but it was not like she knew how to check.

The man kept tugging on the tail as he fucked her cunt, making her whole body ache in the process. She wondered how much of the double payment Miles had just received was going to be spent on her. Somehow she figured the only things he would be buying her were slutty outfits or sex toys. She wondered what toys Miles would want to use on her and hoped he had not taken any ideas about anal beads from this man. Hopefully, if she managed to keep these inside of herself for the rest of the night, everyone else would be forced to use her cunt instead.

The man enjoyed nearly turning her anus inside out over and over again, choosing to tug on the tail whenever he shoved into her cunt. She gritted her teeth and endured the thrusts almost too easily compared to the previous copulation. Unlike her asshole, her cunt was built for sex and was much more accommodating. The man was still a little big for the tiny girl though.

It was not long before the other men grew tired of watching her struggle with the two insertions. One of them lifted her head by the front of her hair and presented his cock to her face. She frowned at him but did not open her mouth. After a hard slap she gritted her teeth while glaring at Miles behind the man. He tapped the man on the shoulder and received a twenty dollar bill. Reluctantly Mandy opened her mouth. The man shoved his cock in before she could even set her jaw, causing her to gag and cough.

“Come on, do it properly,” he scolded her. She continued to glare at him but a few more slaps finally caused her to give up and begin licking his cock properly. She was so focused she nearly forgot about the cock in her cunt and the beads in her ass until the man behind her gave the tail a hard tug. She nearly bit down on the cock in her mouth but just barely managed to stop herself. In her mind she felt it would have served the man right but she was sure she would be hurt terribly if she accidentally injured any of the men here.

Apparently unsatisfied with her licking, the man in front of her pulled on her hair, trying to get his cock deeper into her mouth. When that did not work he lifted her chin, trying to straighten her neck. He even resorted to grabbing her throat from the outside, as if he could massage it open in order to get deeper. He only succeeded in choking her though.

“Not much of a gangbang,” one of the other men commented. Although porn made it look easy to share a girl between multiple men, it was much harder in real life.

“She’s not moving enough,” another man interjected. Mandy felt annoyed that their lack of interest in her gang rape was somehow her fault. “Try to get her to react more,” the man continued jeering.

“She’s used to this thing in her ass,” the man behind her tugged on the tail again. She nearly vomited but swallowed it back down.

“She gets mad if you hit her but does not really move,” the man in front of her slapped her again.

“She has more sensitive spots than that.” Another man reached under her and pinched her right nipple. She squealed with the other man’s cock still in her mouth but again did not move.

Miles left the room at that moment and came back not long later holding several earrings from Alexandria’s jewelry box. He had refused to let her take it when she moved out.

The men laughed when they saw he also had the ear piercing tool in hand. Mandy started to shiver as he approached her. “What’s wrong?” he spoke condescendingly. “You were so eager to pierce your eyebrow yesterday.” He pulled on the ring in her eyebrow painfully.

She whimpered nonstop as one of the other men pulled on her nipple and brought it into view. Miles placed the needle of the piercing tool against it and clenched his fist, punching through quickly. She shrieked as loudly as she could with a cock still in her mouth. “She’s like a motor,” the man groaned as her mouth vibrated against his shaft.

Miles had already moved on to her next nipple. Her eyes watered and mucus dripped from her nose as she sobbed pitifully. He did not hesitate and punctured her left nipple. Both of them were dripping blood. Mandy felt a dull ache following the subsiding original sharp pain. Her head felt like it was floating in a daze as she tried to tune out the pain.

Suddenly it became sharp again when Miles pushed the pin of one of the earrings through her flesh. She spat out the cock in her mouth and shouted at him. “Stop hurting me!”

The man in front of her slapped her harder than before and then returned his cock into her mouth. When Miles pushed the second pin through her left nipple, she opened her throat to scream again. The man took the chance to shove all the way past her uvula and into her esophagus. She gagged immediately. Bile rose in her throat and pushed past his cock, spewing from her nose. She fell slack against the man’s waist, held up only by his cock.

“What a mess,” the classmate’s father sighed as he watched a girl no older than his own daughter being painfully assaulted by her own father. He somewhat wished he had not come over. A few of the other men looked turned off as well but the majority of them were actually intrigued. They now knew Miles would let them try almost anything.

The men scattered from the room to gather things they had brought but were not sure they had permission to use before. While they were away, the man in front of Mandy pumped in and out of her throat, using her puke as lubricant. After a few minutes he finally began to cum. Mandy twitched each time she felt his cock jerking in her throat but otherwise remained slack.

The man behind her pulled out of her cunt before his orgasm. She felt his warm cum splashing onto her exposed back, right below the top of her cheerleading outfit and above the skirt. She was left lying on the couch face down, coughing and trying to clear the puke from her nostrils.

When she finally raised her head, she noticed the men had returned. They were holding toys and tools she wished she did not recognize. They were all staring at her greedily, ignoring the blood dripping from her nipples and the purple fist print forming on her abdomen.

They lifted her up and moved her to the coffee table. An O shaped gag was forced into her mouth and several binder clips were clamped onto her areolas. The top of her outfit was removed and a dog collar was placed around her neck, along with a chain for a leash. Her skirt was lifted to her stomach so her crotch was permanently visible.

Most of the men backed off to allow one of them through when he produced a disposable razor. Her eyes widened in fear as he brought it close to her crotch. Slowly and meticulously, he shaved off every last pubic hair from the outside of her cunt. It was almost ticklish how gently he touched her.

The next thing they brought was a thin plastic tube that she soon learned was called a catheter. It was slid into her cunt and eventually her urethra. She tried to scream but the gag made it hard to do more than wag her tongue around her propped open mouth. The other end of the tube was placed in an open beer bottle. A hand pump on the side of the tube allowed the men to pump beer directly into her bladder through the tube.

She felt the familiar stinging sensation from the previous day but it was much worse. Rather than her own piss burning her hole, it was her bladder stretching. The men gauged how much was more than she could withstand by watching her rolling head and fluttering eyes and intentionally pumped several more times afterward, to ensure she was completely delirious.

She did not react when a cock was slid through the O ring of the gag, nor when one penetrated her cunt next to the catheter. She only began to thrash and kick when someone yanked the string of beads out of her ass in one go. If she could have she would have bitten down. Luckily the gag saved the man in her mouth from a painful experience. Drool poured out around his cock as her mouth went numb.

A third cock was slid into her stretched asshole, completing her triple penetration. All three men began to move in tandem. She lurched forward every time the cock in her ass pushed and reared back whenever the one in her mouth slid toward her throat. She moaned whenever the cock in her cunt jostled her full bladder.

Her knuckles turned white from gripping the edge of the coffee table while her toes curled nonstop. Her tailbone hurt from supporting her weight on the table. Her legs were being held up by the calves. She felt like she had not brought them together properly in hours. When she was young her mom scolded her for sitting with her legs spread, now it was all these men wanted from her.

The men that were not actually fucking her were still staring at her cunt and asshole as they were both penetrated. Mandy wondered what a sight she must have been. She felt like a cheap whore that no one could love, but the truth was that these men adored her at the moment. Did getting fucked like this make her ugly or beautiful to them?

As her imagination ran wild, her body got hotter and hotter. Her tongue hung out from her gag and her legs spread more and more. Suddenly she grabbed the end of the catheter and yanked it out of her urethra, screaming as a stream of piss(beer) shot out in the midst of her orgasm. It lasted nearly a minute, with the men cheering her on.

The man in mouth came directly on her outstretched tongue. She rolled her tongue to keep it from spilling off and swallowed it down as best she could. As soon as he stepped back, another man stepped forward to take his place. She tried to turn her head as she was still cumming and not really in the mood. Someone pulled on the chain to her collar though, forcing her to lift her head or be choked.

Even after she finished cumming, liquid still ran out of her loosened peehole and down her thighs. Her whole body became lax and moved more with the thrusts of the men fucking her holes. This continued for several minutes until the man in her ass pulled out and splattered his cum all over her butt and skirt.

She moaned in annoyance when another man took his place. She was tired and wanted this to end but each of the men was determined to get a turn. When the man in her cunt felt his orgasm approaching, he pressed the tip of his cock against her peehole. She felt it stinging again as some of his sperm was forced up into her stretched urethra. It was immediately expelled by her still leaking bladder though.

She was more than a little annoyed and tried to jerk away from the man who came to take his place in her cunt. Again the leash was used to pull her closer instead. She was too tired to offer much resistance. Those who had already used her holes once were starting to get hard again just watching her being penetrated nonstop.

However, Miles was shaking his head at each of them. He was obviously going to wrap the party up pretty soon. Instead, they all took turns cumming on her bare skin when they got the chance, or in the hole of her gag. One of them pressed his cock to her nostril and came directly into her nose. Another even put the tip to her ear and sent a shot right down the canal before she jerked away.

In the end, she looked like a glazed donut with almost no part of her spared from cum. The men took their things back one by one as they left. The collar had left a red ring around her neck and the gag had left her jaw sore and unable to close properly. She tried to wave at the leaving men but her arms were sore from gripping the table. In the end she just slumped forward and breathed through her mouth. Her nose was full of cum and vomit and mucus.

The last thing to be taken was her skirt. Her classmate’s father needed his daughter’s uniform back after all. She was left naked with her waist being the only part of her not splattered with cum. Her once shiny pink hair was now clumped with it and the dried blood on her breasts was caked under a few layers of it as well.

She simply raised her hands when Miles approached her, allowing him to pick her up and carry her to the bathroom. Just like the night before she did not bother washing herself and left the work to him. He ran the extendable showerhead over her whole body and even pushed it into her cunt and then her ass to clean the lube out of her. He frowned at how stretched her anus was. He had yet to even use it himself but it might already have been permanently damaged. He had over a thousand dollars in his pocket but he was not sure it was worth it in the end. The reason he gave for doing this was to enjoy her himself which was definitely not what occurred today.

When Mandy was finally clean, Miles carried her to her old room and set out some clothes for her. She stood perfectly still, not reacting at all. She seemed almost asleep on her feet. Annoyed, he dressed her roughly before dragging her back down the stairs by the wrist.

He threw her in the back seat of his Pontiac and did not even bother buckling her seatbelt before taking off. Mandy finally sat up and stared out the window at the passing street signs. She smiled to herself as she realized she was going back to Jason’s house. Somehow she had endured. Her terrible weekend with her father was finally over.

“You really loved getting gang banged like that, didn’t you?” Miles accused her.

“Yeah, it feels great to be stabbed in the nipples and punched in the gut,” she responded sarcastically.

“Good, I’ll prepare something better for you next month,” he assured her.

She did not respond and instead leaned her head against the window. It was not long before she had fallen asleep to the sound of the pavement beneath the car. Miles pulled to a stop in front of Jason’s house but did not get out. He leaned down and pressed his forehead to the steering wheel. He had done something unforgivable to his daughter. If she chose to tattle on him, he would be going to jail for sure. Somehow he was still more mad at her for seeming to enjoy it. What had he done to deserve a slut for a daughter?

After waiting in silence for a long time, Miles got out and opened the back door. He let her fall out into his arms, still asleep. Rather than carrying her, he propped her on the edge of the property and let her fall face first into the grass. Snickering to himself he got back in his car and drove away, leaving her unconscious on the lawn.

To be continued
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