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Kim is an upwardly mobile business careerwoman. Jake is one of the renters in her house. Together things get a little strange thanks to a mind altering hood and mind altering experience that changes Kim's thinking.
A Tied and Twisted Tail

In a small suburban starter home a young single woman with big ambitions is wondering why she can't let go. Really relax and feel free from the daily stresses. Her career was good. Her health was good. Her living arrangements were adequate for now. Everything should be comfortable. Still she couldn't shake a strange nagging and she was beginning to explore just about any opportunity. Within reason. As long as she deems it acceptable.

However, she's about to get that theory tested. Kim walked in from her Yoga class. She felt good. Yoga was a great release for all her workday stresses. She met some nice people there and she could get out of the house and stretch. Lately she liked the mindlessness of it. She knew all the moves. She followed her breath for each move. And someone else was calling the shots. She could let everything be and just go with flow.

She looked a real sight in her tight Yoga outfit. Nothing underneath but a satin thong to cover her hairy mound. Kim was a natural beauty with firm round breasts and a firm round ass to match. With strong legs, a tight waist and broad shoulders it wasn't hard to believe she was hit on frequently growing up. She quickly learned to dodge unwanted approaches while displaying enough body to get noticed and be treated special. Her confidence and poise matured as she grew. Now she likes to believe she runs the show and walks in tall and proud.

One of her roommates was home. Jake was sitting at the computer. Looking at that Hentia, or Manga kind of drawn and animated porn again. She was used to it. She was often the only female in a den full of males. Besides it was cartoons not real. She didn't mind most of the time. With big plans and big dreams she knew it was all temporary. This was just the next step on her career path. She had an upwardly mobile career that just lacked financial liquidity. So she bought a starter house and rented out the rooms. It just happened that all her tenants were male. Besides, she knew how to get her way with men. So, typical. Except for Jake. He was quiet, strong and easy going with a hint of dark nature. Hence the porn.

Jake remained quiet knowing that Kim had walked in. He didn't try to hide his Hentia but remained casual and clicked to the next page. Kim looked over his shoulder and saw what she had expected. A perfectly drawn voluptuous body was tied up and dripping with something. Kim didn't want to know what. But she was strangely curious. They had talked about it before. Something Jake had said, 'It's a great stress reliever. People with powerful jobs usually dabble in it to some degree. Submission gives your cares away.'

Her mind clicked in to her answer, 'I'll stick with Yoga. Thank you.' That was two weeks ago and for some reason she can't let it go. She said “Hey” and walked past. “Hey” came Jake's response. She went into the living room and did her normal 'final stretch.' Jake looked over the computer screen, “Good session?” Kim moaned as she stretched, “Mm-Hmm.” But just then something nagged at her and she blurted out, “How can people believe that being tied up and degraded is relaxing?”

Jake was watching her. He loved the way she looked on the weekends after yoga. Her tight yoga clothes left little to the imagination. She didn't seem to be bothered by it. Kim had a perfect body, flexibility and a sultry demeanor. When she walked up to you, you took notice. Other times she would just stand there like a statue to be admired while she looked the other way. He looked at her stretching and couldn't help but imagine her in one of his Hentia. But she was self centered and focused on upper management. Still...

Two weeks ago she had asked the same question. Jake was smooth and just put her off. After a few minutes of stretching she had re-framed her questions and Jake confidently outlined the nonsensical nature of desire, pleasure and satisfaction. The theory of the pleasure and reward parts of the brain. All very clinical except it was all about sex. That was his thing, not hers. But being used, tied up, made a slave? It made no sense. She wanted answers. She thought it made sense the way he was explaining it, but it didn't. It caught something, somewhere in the back of her mind and she was still reasoning it out with herself.

Jake sat back in his chair, “I was just asking how your Yoga went.” Kim stretched harder, “Argh.” Jake went back to his Hentia. A minute later he heard Kim's voice, strong and confident, “You said people find it relaxing.” Jake looked over his monitor with a smirk, “I said people says its a great stress reliever.” As she shifted her stretch she felt it again. Something was nagging her. She noticed it again last week after work. It felt tight and uncomfortable but she couldn't locate it.

“I'm just saying that it doesn't sound comforting or supportive at all.” Jake was ready, “I don't know what to tell you. There's plenty of evidence. I guess you'll just have to try it for yourself.” He kept his head down. After their previous conversation regarding this subject he knew being tied up didn't interest her at all. She was a strong woman with a desire for power and authority.

Kim wasn't about to change the way she thought about things. She continued stretching trying to loosen up but what she wanted was a way to get rid of this strange nagging. It was just on the other side of her stretching. Every time she felt she found it, the nagging would return. She had to find a way to free herself.

Her mind kept returning to what he had said. But how could it be a stress reliever? If it was, when would you use it? Kim stopped herself and laughed. What was she thinking? She tried to reason the moment out with herself. Maybe the stress was getting to her. Maybe there were other ways to kick the stress train. Yoga always seemed to do it. Lately she's been pushing harder, deeper into her sessions. Maybe she was punishing herself in some fashion. Still, the nagging remains. A strange thought crossed her mind. She glanced over her shoulder looking for Jake's eyes but his head was down, “Where would someone start? If they were interested in that sort of thing.”

Jake knew the answer. He had some experience in other relationships. 'Some women like it, that's all,' he had say. He remained calm, collected. He'd been hoping to get into Kim's pants some day but he wasn't going to make the first move. He liked living there and didn't want to jeopardize the situation. “I guess you'd have to find someone who was into it.” Jake glanced up and found her staring at him, “Other than me.” He looked hard at her with an expression as if saying 'not gonna happen.'

Kim turned away and continued stretching. Her body still nagging her. He did know more about it for sure, she thought to herself. Their last conversation proved that. He wasn't shy about it either and he didn't act aggressively towards her. Maybe they could just experiment. Role play. So she could get an idea of whether she thought it was helpful or not. Before going too far. Besides she hasn't had anyone touch her in months. She turned back to see Jake staring at his computer uninterested in her, “Have you ever just role played this stuff?”

Jake didn't make the effort to raise his head, “Look, Kim. I don't want to complicate our situation.” She knew that. She was thinking of responding when he continued, “These questions are all about sex... You know... S. E. X.” The room went quiet. “I'm just a man...” Kim knew exactly what he meant. That's one reason she has control in her life. No being taken advantage of. No rash decisions. No regrets. But she had regrets. None of her relationships had lasted. All her relationships were brief with lingering and sporadic 'dates.' She never blamed herself but some of her partners had. It was a sore spot until she took full control of her life. Or so she thought.

Kim turned away and sat on the floor. She started talking without thinking, “Jake. This might sound crazy what I'm about to say. So keep an open mind before you decide.” Jake still kept his head down, eyes on his computer screen. She blushed as she continued, “Let's say I was willing to do something, once.” she took a deep breath, “No strings attached.” Jake made a sour grunting sound. Kim kept prompting, “You've lived here long enough. We respect each other. I think I can trust your discretion.” she exhaled, “If we can start slowly.” Kim felt stupid right after she said it and closing her eyes she took another deep breath. What was she thinking?

She heard Jake get up and go rustling around the house. Seconds later she heard something land on the ground in front of her. Kim opened her eyes and there on the floor was a strap with a ball in the center. “Put that on and wear it for one minute. Then we'll see whether you think you want to go on or not.” Jake said sitting back at his computer. She watched him return to his computer in silence. Kim picked it up and looked it over. The traps had velcro on the ends and the ball wasn't round, it had a big tongue looking bit that stuck out, “How do you...?”

Jake was calm as he spoke, “It's call a ball gag. You put the ball in your mouth and strap it around your head to hold it in place.” Then the room went quiet again. Her ears rang as she thought to herself, 'Well. Here we go.' She placed the ball in her mouth with a little effort and connected the straps. The ball stretched her jaw. It was a little awkward to breath but nothing she couldn't handle, 'This is easy.' she thought. A minute later she walked over to Jake to show him her dedication.

Jake smirked as soon as he saw her, “That tongue bit goes into your mouth. Start again.” Kim blushed and pulled the straps loose. She pulled the ball out of her mouth and looked at the ball again. She thought to herself, 'But that's going to make me...' Suddenly Jake interrupted her thought, “That's why its called a gag. But you can stop anytime.” Kim gritted her teeth and pushed the ball, gag first into her mouth. Her body convulsed with the sudden intrusion. It had been a long time since she had anything intrude her mouth. She quickly pulled it back out.

Kim's eyes went wide scanning the thing, “How do you keep yourself from taking it out?” Jake pulled a pair of handcuffs out of thin air, “That why they use handcuffs. Or rope. Rope it good too.” He turned the monitor toward her, pointing at it and there on the screen was a perfect example, a drawing of a woman handcuffed and gagged. Her pale body covered only by a tight lace corset and a thin and far too small thong.

Jake stood up and in an offering gesture took one of her hands and put on the handcuff. Then motioned her to turn around. Kim hesitated before turning around. There he put the other handcuff on. “Now you can't take it out.” He took the gag from her bound hands, “Open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Or we can stop if you'd rather not go on.” She tested the handcuffs. They didn't give. Her face flushed as she thought, 'This is crazy.' She gritted her teeth before she opened her mouth.

Kim was fighting her need for control as Jake pushed the gag in and quickly strapped it tight. Jake sat back and observed her reactions, “You need to let go and relax. Trust me.” Kim's breath immediately became ragged and she convulsed on the gag again. She started whining and looking at Jake for help. Jake remained uninterested. Her body began looking for relief from the constraints as she twisted and pulled. Panic set in. She couldn't help herself and started to bolt but Jake grabbed her ankle and stopped her. She crashed to the ground. Kim's heart was pounding and she felt completely out of control. Her body twisted and her breath grunted.

Jake's voice appeared in her frenzied mind, “That feeling. That lack of control. That lack of faith in my guidance. Is why you'll never understand this.” Something clicked. With those words she felt an odd understanding. Jake does know about this stuff. It bolstered her confidence somehow and she reminded herself the words of a great mind she studied in school, 'No struggle, no progress.'

Her heart started to calm and she realized she could breath and she wasn't gagging so much anymore. Jake reached up to remove the gag from her mouth but Kim shook her head 'no.' She was determined to understand how this slave/bondage thing was supposed to help relieve her nagging discomfort. Jake walked away without saying another word. Kim just laid there. Her mind wound down to just breathing and reminding herself, 'just one minute.'

One minute later Jake came back to check on her, “Do you trust me?” Kim shook her head, 'yes.' Then he asked the big question, “Do you want to keep going?” Kim took a deep breath and shook her head again, 'yes.' Jake rolled her up into a seated position and placed some objects in front of her; rope, leather cuffs, a dog collar, a leash, a long smooth plastic object and a hood that fits over your head.

The hood looked shiny like leather and had two openings. One for the nose and one for the mouth. Her eyes fixed on it. Where the eye holes should be there were two black shiny almond shaped pieces that made it look alien. The place where the ears are looked puffy and firm. Jake took the rope and bound her ankles, firm but gently. He watched her staring at the hood. Jake lifted it up and held it close to her, “This is used to block out unnecessary sights and sounds so you have to focus on what's happening in the moment.”

Her eyes grew big and she felt the panic pressing against her chest again. Something about it frightened her and she began to struggle inside. Kim fidgeted in her seat. Her impulse was to run, but now her ankles were tied as well. Jake looked into her eyes, “This is the next step. Do you want to keep going?” She was so focused on her fear that she lost touch with her nagging for a moment. She was intrigued albeit frightened. Her breath became ragged again and she closed her eyes and nodded, 'yes.'

Jake pulled the mask over her head and arranged it so it fit over the gag. When he strapped it into place it got very dark and very quiet. Her ears started ringing. She could no longer hear noises in the room. For a moment she became disoriented but she focused on just sitting. As she sat there in the dark Kim noticed she could hear the ocean. After a few minutes she could sense flashes of light just outside her closed eyelids. She assumed it was like those relaxation glasses with blinking lights. But she couldn't see anything, or hear anything except for the ocean waves. Her heart settled as she sat there letting the sensations of sounds and light flashes fill her mind. Strangely she felt more relaxed and calm without the added visual input. Then she felt something touch her nipples.

She instinctively tried to reach up to stop him but her hands were still cuffed. Then she felt a strong hand press down on her shoulder. Kim had to remind herself that she put her trust in Jake. And as Jake had said, 'Its all about sex.' Then she heard a faint voice through the ocean waves. A woman's voice faded in and out, “Yes Master.” She laughed to herself. How could she ever say or even think such a thing. But the hood was relaxing and she settled in again. She felt him touch her again.

Kim hadn't had sex in a while and her body quickly responded. Her nipples tingled and her pussy tightened. She felt a tingling up her spine as the voice repeated, “Yes Master.” Her nipples were getting harder as something touched them again. Then the voice faded in her ears, “Yes Master, whatever you want of me.” Something in her head guided her like a puppet. Her body sat up presenting her breast to him and she could hear the voice echo in her mind, 'Yes Master.' Then she heard a faint man's voice, deep and sonorous, “My Slave” She sighed with a strange sense of comfort.

Her pussy began to tingle as her nipples were played with and the voices kept repeating in her head. After a couple minutes she began to squirm as her groin was getting hotter and tingling. The constant sound of the crashing waves and the flashing lights made her mind calm and focused. She felt relaxed, weak and compliant. She felt herself being laid face down. Her hard nipples squished into the floor.

The voices returned, “My Slave” “Yes Master, use me.” A hand slid between her butt cheeks and down to her pussy. Inside her head she heard, 'Yes Master, make me your slave.' The hand cupped her hot pussy and rubbed it hard. She squirmed a little from the intrusion but something grabbed her handcuffed hands and spanked her ass. Kim stopped struggling not wanting to interrupt the good attention.

Kim's mind was losing control more and more. Her body was living in the moment and it was getting excited. The hand rubbed on her groin until she showed more signs of her arousal. Suddenly a rough hand jerked her Yoga pants down off her butt. Her brain responded but she stopped herself from struggling. The voices seemed to guide her experience as she heard, “My Slave is going to cum for me.” “Yes Master, Thank you Master.” Then she felt something cold and smooth slide between her bare ass cheeks and slide across her hot tingling pussy lips. It began to vibrate. Kim's body jerked and shook. It wanted to cum for her master. She corrected herself, 'she wanted to cum.'

Then everything stopped. She could hear Jake's voice clear as day, “OK. That's as far as we go.” Kim was sweating, laying face down on the floor. She was hot. Really hot. She hadn't been this excited in years. Kim heard Jake rustling things around. She laid there patiently as Jake slid up her yoga bottoms, un-cuffed her hands and untied her ankles. Jake pulled the hood off her head and she squinted against the light. Lastly he removed the gag from her mouth. “Besides, it's been half an hour already and I've got plans. Did you get answers to your questions?” Kim's eyes rolled in her head as a faint voice echoed, 'Yes Master.' But she said nothing. She was dazed.

She was still breathing hard after the gag came out and Jake noticed, “So, that's what it's all about.” She just watched him speak and sat there. He was just starting to put everything back in the bag when Kim spoke, “Yes Mas... I mean, of course. Thank you.” She couldn't believe how she felt. So excited. So engaged. Her eyes were glued to the bag, “Maybe you'd have some more time later. I'd be willing...” She caught herself and just let it stop there. She was embarrassed by her own words. While her mind was saying, 'Whatever you want of me,' her body started shaking and was suddenly cold. Her nipples got hard and she quickly rose and went to her room in mid-sentence.

Kim could hardly believe how excited she was. The thought of being tied up just didn't do it for her. It never fit into her way of life, career or anything. It didn't seem possible that all this time her idea of control and planning was wrong. That just couldn't be it. Could it? She had planned work and relax time to keep the proverbial juices flowing... She had a schedule for sleeping, eating... Everything followed the plan. Up until today all that worked. It made everything comfortable, reliable. But this!? She lay on the bed quivering. She needed more... Data! For her research.

She and Jake didn't speak about it until the next weekend. But Kim found she couldn't stop herself. She was doing things without thinking. She was doing things way out of her comfort zone. One day she shaved her pussy clean. One day she practiced all sorts of poses in expectations of Jake agreeing to another round of instructions in 'stress relief.' Another day she purchased a new lite and thin Yoga outfit. Just snug enough to display her perfect camel toe.

She couldn't believe how hijacked she felt by her desires. She was acting like a sex crazed nymphomaniac. And when Kim arrived home after Yoga this week she expected to tempt Jake with her new outfit and her charms. She had even listened in on his conversations to be sure he wouldn't be busy. That Saturday Kim walked in from the entryway on full display. Hard nipples, camel toe and her best sultry look. She stepped tall and looked around the room. However, Jake was not there. She was immediately dejected and looked down at the computer where he should have been. Instead of Jake sitting in the chair there was a small brown paper bag and a note, “Kim.”

It was obviously from Jake and it read, 'My Slave. Go to my room and wait for me. Put the clothes in this bag on. Find the black bag and put on the hood first, then the gag. Tie yourself up if you need to.' That was all. She flipped it over in her hands looking for additional clues. Nothing. Kim felt flush, exposed. Somehow he had anticipating her. She looked over the note again. How could she fall for such blatantly demeaning instructions. But, in the back of her mind she heard, 'Yes Master. Make me your Slave.' Her desires hijacked her reasoning.

Kim took the bag blindly heading to his bedroom and found herself eager to do what the note had said. Once in his room she took her clothes off, neatly folded them and took his out of the bag, a small black lace corset and matching spaghetti thong. Just like the picture he had shown her on the computer last week. Her body quivered as she put them on. What was she doing? The corset squeezed and lifted her breasts leaving them exposed, tight and her nipples pronounced. The string thong barely covered her puffy shaved pussy and her face flushed just seeing how little it covered. But she kept going, 'Whatever you want of me.'

Then she found his black bag. She poured it out on the bed. There were all kinds of things in his stash; handcuffs, rope, straps, what she could only imagine were nipple clips, an old fashioned vibrator which Kim expected was the thing she felt the other day just before they stopped, dildos, butt plugs, lubricant, the hood, ball gag, and a few things she didn't recognize. The hood still frightened her. She was so eager to get past that part she put the hood on straight away then realized she couldn't find anything else and reluctantly had to take it back off. She felt childish and giddy. As she looked through all the other dirty, sex specific things part of her was repulsed. Part of her felt intrigued and willing. She made a plan.

She laid out the things she was going to need in order and looked them over before donning the hood again. The room went completely silent and she felt disoriented for a moment. She began searching for her accessories. This time she found the ball gag with ease and strapped it on. She fought the gagging sensations while she tied her legs with a piece of rope and then putting her hands behind her back she cuffed herself. But when she clicked them on her stomach dropped. What was she doing? It seemed like a fantastic dream until just then. Now it felt like a nightmare. How could she have done this to herself?

Suddenly she was vulnerable. Her mind started reeling. With the hood on anyone could walk in and she wouldn't know. Now she had bound herself and she couldn't even fight. Her breathing and her heart rate jumped as soon as she realized what she had just done to herself. Then she heard the ocean waves begin and lights flashed in the darkness. She struggled but effortlessly. She knew the cuffs wouldn't give. She grunted in distress. The gag kept her from calling out. This wasn't what she wanted at all. She thought about what she had hoped. She remembered how she felt last week. She wanted to feel it again and she heard the faint voice coming from the hood, “Yes Master.” She could only lay there and listen.

As the waves crashed and the words played over and over she began to calm. Her body seemed to float and tingle. The distress faded and her mind began searching. She remembered last time, how things started. As she played it back in her mind her nipples got hard. Then she rolled face down on the bed just like last time. Her cuffed hands massaged her ass just like her, Jake did the last time. Then her hands searched for the vibrator she had placed where she could find it. She flicked it on and slid it between her legs like last time so that it touched her freshly shaven lips. “My Slave. You will cum for me.” “Yes Master. Thank you Master.”

She was getting close to cumming when a hand suddenly grabbed the vibrator away. She froze anticipating Jake to take control and help her get off. Instead she was spanked a couple times hard, then her hips were forcibly lifted until she was on her knees with her ass in the air and her face in the blankets. She thought to herself, 'Here we go.' The mask blinded her, the cuffs restrained her from resisting and all she could hear was the crashing waves and the voices. The vibrator was shoved against her asshole. It buzzed sharply and caused her to jerk. Kim whined as it poked at her sensitive hole. 'My Slave' 'Yes Master' Then it pulled away and she was set upright sitting on the edge of the bed. She had to trust, had to give in to his experience.

Jake pulled the ball gag from her mouth and she relaxed her jaw but said nothing. Then he pushed it back in. He pulled it out and waited before pushing it back in again. Kim just let go, trusting in Jake's guidance and responded to whatever was happening. She let him put it in and take it out several times. Then he left it in and started to play with her hard nipples which stuck out nicely from the top of the corset he instructed her to wear. She sat up presenting her chest for him, 'Yes Master, whatever you want of me.' Her nipples were tweaked and twisted in the dark silence. She flushed and tingled all over. She couldn't believe how excited she was getting again.

Next she was rolled back onto her chest with her ass in the air and a hand roughly probed her groin. She was so hot and wet she didn't care as the voices guided her, “My Slave” “Yes Master, make me your slave.” Then she felt the vibrator again, rubbing between her ass cheeks then to her tingling pussy. It slid back and forth and the ocean waves crashed in her head as she floated there. The flashing lights matched her arousal. Her body was jostled again. The gag was removed and her face was turned to the edge of the bed. Then something else was pushed in. Something warm, soft and alive. She sucked on it. 'My Slave.' 'Yes Master.'

As she sucked the vibrator returned to her ass and pussy. Her body was bucking as her mouth was sucking the big cock. She wanted to do her best. To please him. The vibrator started pushing against her ass again but she kept sucking, 'Yes Master, whatever you want of me.' It edged her then pressed in as it stretched her tight dark hole while the big cock in her mouth was stretching her already sore jaw. Her body was heaving with excitement. She had never been so hot, so ready.

Suddenly she could hear Jake's voice again, loud and clear, “My Slave, do you want to cum for me?” Kim's head shook, 'YES' but kept sucking. Jake pushed the vibrator harder against her tight asshole, “I forbid you from cumming. My Slave, you were told to wait for me.” Her ass felt the vibrator push through her hole and start to sink in. “You played with my things without permission. My Slave, you will behave. Or you will be punished.” Then he slid his cock out of her mouth as the vibrator slid deep into her ass, “Yes Master! I'm sorry Master. Whatever you want of me.”

She was surprised by her own words. Kim was her own master. She was no slave. To anyone. But... His cock pushed back into her mouth and she sucked on it with great pleasure. Right now she didn't care what she was called. Jake pumped the vibrator turned dildo into her ass. Her body was so close to cumming and she had to contain herself. Think of something else. Block everything out. Like the hood. Her ears were ringing as she focused on pleasing him only.

“My Slave.” Jake said pulling Kim off his cock. “Yes Master.” she blurted out between big gulps of air. The mask had blinded her to one world and opened her eyes in another, “My Slave, do you promise to serve me without question?” Kim was breathing hard grunting because of the vibrator, “Yes Master... whatever you want... of me.” Jake teased her mouth with the tip of his cock, “Do you want my semen in your mouth?” Kim searched for his cock as it brushed by, “Whatever you want of me. Master.” Then the waves returned and she could no longer hear Jake's voice.

Something pushed between her lips. She found herself saddened when it wasn't his cock but the gag. Then the vibrator was pulled out and her body was jostle again, her ass still sticking up in the cool air. His hands grabbed her hips and he pulled the flimsy thong out of the way. Then she felt that big cock press against her hot wet pussy lips. Her body shook and she pushed back, 'Yes Master, whatever you want of me.' His big cock slid all the way in and Kim had to fight back her orgasm. 'You are forbidden from cumming.' She held perfectly still letting his big cock settle in.

Kim knew how to please a man. She wasn't a prude and she knew how to really get wild. But, she was stunned. It never felt so wanted. So needed. Her body was tied and twisted. All she could do was grip that big thing with her pussy and make it cum. Then she could cum, she hoped. Kim tried to work her magical muscles but her pussy was stinging and tingling so hard she couldn't tell if it was working. Then that big cock started pounding her, 'Yes Master.'

She tried to focus but that big cock felt so good as it pounded into her sensitive pussy. A groan escaped her lips but she didn't hear it. The ocean waves from the mask flushed into her ears. The flashing lights matched the sparks from her arousal. She was fighting her urge to cum as she helped him work that big cock with her tight pussy. It got more difficult to not think about as she felt him get harder and stronger. Suddenly she felt a hand slide up between her breasts and lift her up to a kneeling position. She arched and continued working his cock. She could feel his hot breath on her neck.

Then she heard her Master's voice loud and clear, “That's it Sex Slave, you know how to make me cum. Now I'm going to fill your cunt with my sperm.” Her body shook. She wanted to cum with him but she knew she had to hold it back as she felt his cock pulse deep inside her pussy. Her body milked the big cock as it filled her up with it's juice. His hand grabbed tightly around her neck, “Slave. Now you may cum.” With that she exploded. Her body went wild riding his cock harder as the waves overtook her. With the gag in her mouth she couldn't say, she could only think, 'Yes Master. Thank you Master.'

The next thing she knew it was late and she was laying in her bed. What just happened? Her brain was replaying scattered moments, feelings and emotions. Had she actually done all that? It felt like a dream. She felt herself and found she was still wearing the clothes Jake had instructed her to wear. As she checked in with herself she also noticed the nagging had just disappeared and she felt completely satisfied. Her body was still tingling and buzzing. She remembered cumming. How he held her tight. In command of her desires.

She could still feel his strong grip around her neck. Kim put her hand up to touch it and found something there. She quickly got up with wobbly legs and went into the bathroom to look in the mirror. She was stunned to see herself in the corset and tiny thong, more so because around her neck, one notch too tight was the dog collar with a tag attached, “Slave Kim, property of: Her Master.” She swallowed hard. Her legs shook, her pussy tightened and a trickle of her Master's cum ran down the inside of her leg.

Then she realized there was a note taped to the mirror that read simply, “That's why people say its a great stress reliever.”
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