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An extreme story featuring Momiji and Mai from Ninja Gaiden and King of Fighters. I do not own said two characters- they are the property of Tecmo, the makers of Dead or Alive series, and SNK/Nintendo, the makers of King of Fighters.
Unleashing their deadly beauty

Mai Shiranui was in trouble, or at least, the guards at a secret M.I.S.T. facility who had uncovered the kunoichi trying to infiltrate it, believed they had her firmly under control. She had decided to help fellow kunoichi Ayane and Kasumi take down a rather significant threat to world peace, and set off for the facility situated on Kauai Island, concealed beneath a steep hill.

However, intelligent AI security sounded an alarm after scanning of all persons entering the facility revealed that the eye shape of a particular scientist did not match the known database image. Faced with too many armed men, and her identity revealed after her scientist gown was removed in a scuffle, Mai was led towards a room with medical imaging equipment.

The information given by Ayane mentioned cloning projects, and remarks of soldiers about the “Boss creating copies of hot babes” explained the extensive medical tests. Still, it made little difference to the humiliated Mai, who was stripped naked, and bound with tough plastic cuffs compatible with the advanced medical imaging equipment.

She was made to watch a strange sequence of violent images and clips focused on bare-handed combat, which she suspected were intended to mentally condition her.

There was sound accompanying the video, which progressed slowly at first, but soon sped up, while an advanced magnetic resonance imaging device scanned her. The procedure was designed with the goal of creating a desirable state of mind, and later, the neural patterns could be copied into a new body, if needed.

After spending what seemed to be an eternity in this room, Mai was on her feet again, amused at the erection of the two escorting guards that had taken over from the previous duo, outside the room with the device. She was given a seemingly plain plastic cup filled with water to drink- the first such opportunity since she was captured, many hours ago.

She would find a way to use her alluring body to secure her freedom, and ultimately, accomplish more than she expected to do.

Mai drank the water and then, reacting to their horny whispering, she swung her hips slowly, and said: “I don’t mind having sex, but like this, I can’t do every position.”

After these words sparked gasps of excitement from the guards, followed by big grins, the two started to discuss the practicalities. She was bound up, and completely removing the restraints was out of the question.

” Maybe... one at a time would be best?”, Mai suggested softly, hoping to cause some bickering among the guards. And she did, because both wanted to enjoy her, and be the first.

After some time, an agreement was reached between the guards: the senior one would get to fuck the captured kunoichi first. During sex, one set of restraints would be removed, allowing for more freedom during sex. First, Mai’s legs would be released, and later, the restraints would go back, and her arms would be unshackled instead, when the younger guard got his turn.

Mai was wet, and showed it to them both, although she had concealed the real reason for her bodily reaction. She was anticipating a double kill, in actuality. The fun would start after the kunoichi had her blood drawn. She went in there completely calm, knowing her plan should work.

After that procedure had been done, the soldiers went to a cell, carrying Mai. Once in there, they unzipped their pants, and the older of the two guards released the shackles on Mai’s legs, promptly being shown her wet pussy, after the sexy female spread her legs.

The mercenary from South-America released his erection from the confines of his underwear, and wasted no time in getting on top of the Japanese woman. His groping of her breasts, together with his act of vaginal penetration, elicited soft gasps from her.

The guard pumped in and out of her with increasing speed, and the loud cries of pleasure he heard boosted his ego, making him grin and grope the ample breasts jiggling in his view.

Since the other guard was overstimulated, he couldn’t wait, and ended up shoving his erection into Mai’s mouth, meeting no resistance. In this mixture of erotic sounds, hearing one specific sound would be hard, and that gave the kunoichi an opportunity to eliminate the guards.

She put her legs on the shoulders of the guard penetrating her, making it easier for him to ram hard into her, hard. However, it also set up the planned headscissor neck snap.

While she had killed before, the video she saw, and the chemicals slipped into the water would alter her brain chemistry, in order to make her significantly more eager to kill. The failure of security protocols had not been anticipated, and this resulted in a dangerous woman who was truly turned on by the idea of killing, even though she already liked the ability to lure men in with her body. Now, she began to crave this.

When her orgasm came very close, she locked her calves around the South-American man’s neck, and just as he realized what she had in mind, she twisted, causing a single, firm CRACK which the other guard did not pick up immediately, since he was absorbed in the blowjob he was getting, having knelt above Mai’s face.

Furthermore, her wild cries of orgasmic bliss took up his attention, too. When the younger guard realized the other one was not doing anything, and looked in his direction, it was too late.

He saw the guard slumped, face-first in Mai’s breasts, not moving an inch. Instinctively, he reached for his firearm, but that idea was stopped cold by the bendy body of the brunette. She swung her right leg backwards, and her foot struck him on the head, dazing him enough to cause him to stagger backwards, and almost fall on the floor.

Mai had time to push the corpse off of her using her knees, and stand up afterwards. Smiling at the younger guard, she ran over to him, wrapping her legs around his neck, as well.

“I hope you enjoy your last moments...”, she said, pushing her pussy into his face, while gyrating her hips slowly. Soft moans indicated her own enjoyment, as she felt immensely turned on by her current position, achieved by her alluring body and immense combat skill.

Even her voice had an effect on the guard. He seemed disappointed to be close to death, and his groan indicated this, even though he had an erection. Still, he ended up licking at the wet pussy of the kunoichi, causing her to cry out in pleasure, and close her eyes.

“Y-yes…enjoy it…make me cum…” said Mai Shiranui, and soon, her moans increased. Apparently, guards frequently had sex with (mostly unwilling) captives, and so, nobody had come to check on the cell.

As her second orgasm since the infiltration came nearer, she tightened her hold on the man’s head. He began to wheeze and twitch, but as his tongue flopped inside of her vagina, it hit a sensitive spot.

Loud cries were interrupted by a series of successive cracks and pops, until the guard stopped moving. Mai gasped with each broken vertebra in the guard’s neck, and didn’t get up immediately. Her body and mind were drunk on the power to use males for her pleasure, while taking their lives away.

Once she was done enjoying the kill, she searched the pockets of both guards for the keys to the hardened plastic restraints used during the scanning procedures. Once she found them, her hands were finally free.

She knew getting her clothes and equipment back would not be easy, as it meant backtracking towards the medical examination room, and the science labs where she was caught. However, she would get help.

Momiji of the Hayabusa clan had arrived sometime after Mai infiltrated the facility, and at the time of Mai’s double kill; the other kunoichi had entered battle with guards, and was currently in a battle with three armed men. The gunfire had become so strong that the naginata got knocked out of her hands, but she managed to turn the tables on the guards with a smoke grenade.

Following the loud boom, she used the reduced visibility to get in close, and dispose of them.

First, she went into a handspring jump, and landed on the shoulders of one of the guards. Trapping his skull between her legs, she spins to the right, breaking his neck in one clean move.

In panic, that guard, just before his demise, fired shots from his SMG, holding it with one hand, as he lost balance. The shots caused panic in the other two, and one of them screamed, as he was hit in his left arm, almost collapsing to the floor.

Momiji went for the other, uninjured guard, and delivered a hard kick to the gut, quickly taking advantage of him doubling over. Wrapping her right leg around his neck, she twisted immediately, gasping as the head of the guard rubbed against her panties, and the pussy underneath. It felt good- now that guard too, was dead.

“Mmm…guess I’m getting stronger.”

The final guard was very afraid, and tried to run back towards the base, but had little chance to get anywhere far. Just inside the main gate, Momiji completed a run with a two-footed dropkick into his back. A single crunch was followed by pained groans, and an awkward fall, which indicated spinal damage.

“Oh, let me help you with that.”, she said, mocking the guard before mounting his back, and breaking his neck with her hands, drawing out several pops from his cervical vertebra. She felt tingling in her pussy from that kill, and desire for more thrill. She went back to pick the naginata up, and ventured into the facility, amidst the consistent noise of the alarm system.

By this point, Mai Shiranui had managed to get her equipment, but instead of concealing her privates, she put the red and white outfit in a way that would expose them. For Mai, her body was a weapon, both in a physical and mental sense.

Ambushing a pair of guards running through a corridor, Mai attacked them from an intersecting corridor, tripping the first guard up. As the other one had to stop abruptly in order to avoid falling over him, Mai leapt out, kicking him in the knee.

This way, she made the guard fall face-first into her bosom. Wrapping one arm around the back of his head, she held him in place, enjoying his muffled moans, while tossing his rifle with the other hand. Looking back, she moved backwards, aligning her butt with the other guard’s neck and head.

That guard was just getting up, but realized, at the last moment, that the sexy ninja planned to smash his head into the floor with a butt drop. He cried out in fear, but it was too late.

The force of gravity acted as a multiplier to Mai Shiranui’s weight against the head and neck of the guard who was on his hands and knees. A loud thud was followed by a sick crack and blood spatter on the floor.

Moaning, Mai rose up, and dropped on the unfortunate victim once more, just to be sure, while enjoying the slowing of reactions in the guard whom she was breast smothering.

“Aren’t my breast the firmest? The best?”, she spoke, taunting the dying guard. Her pleasure culminated in a small orgasm when she realized he was not moving, not exhaling against her skin…nothing came from the guard. Her breasts were lethal.

Mai wanted to enjoy her latest accomplishment more, but had to hurry. The alert code switched to the highest state, and with that, the chance that those running the base would escape increased. The sight of Momiji on security screens made getting to the very top a priority: she could trap anyone trying to get to the top, leaving them helpless against two deadly ladies.

She knew there was a heliport, and thus, moved forward with great speed towards the nearest elevator. The helipad button had a card slot next to it, and she had to use her folding fan to cause the reader to malfunction by producing sparks. Her somewhat random attempts bore fruit, however. The button lit up, and she was going to the top.

Momiji had seen Mai on screens as well, receiving arousal and inspiration from watching her dispose of men.

For that reason, she exposed her breasts, and walked forward confidently, sheathing her katana. The lower part of her costume couldn’t be removed quickly, but there was a zipper, in case of urgent bodily needs, and she pulled it down.

Therefore, guards that had ran to block her way, blocking the first set of stairs in the base were left transfixed by her walking in, letting them ogle at her exposed privates.

Smiling, Momiji approached slowly, her movement inviting the men to go near her. They had their rifles trained on her, but from their nervous, confused looks, she could tell they were not going to fire.

When they approached her, she began slowly gyrating her hips, squatting as she mesmerized the men with an erotic dance. The confused guards watch, and begin to whistle, grinning as they forget that she is a dangerous intruder.

When their weapons were not pointing at Momiji’s head, she moved into action, performed a backflip handstand, and bent her legs at the knee, wrapping one each around the necks of both guards. They tried aiming at her, but the twist of her hips made both of them fall dead, amidst pleasured moans of the kunoichi.

“Better luck next time, boys…”, she said, grinning at their lifeless bodies, before she broke into a dash up the stairs.

A lone guard tried to stop her, but her fast run up the spiral staircase precluded him from scoring any hits with his shot, and ultimately, he met a spin-kick into the wall, which was fatal, given how close he was to it already.

She ended up running past the dead guard, not bothering with the second floor, since she heard the slamming of many doors, assuming scientists and other staff had locked themselves in.

Getting up to the final floor, just below the helipad area, she could see and hear panicked guards surround…Victor Donovan. She, and Mai Shiranui had stumbled upon the vicious schemer who was behind all this cloning and projects aimed at creating super soldiers.

They had Mai pinned on the helipad, apparently, as evident from her gasps. She had taken out the guard on the helipad, but was pinned, now. In such a situation, Momiji had to react. Readying her naginata, she charged out from behind a corner, dashing into the guards.

There was panic, blood and screams. Soon, Mai had joined in, now free from suppressive fire. Victor had begun to run away, alongside one guard, but he was essentially trapped on the third floor.

For a few moments, both females surveyed the bloodstained corridor, and noted the signs of life in some of the bodies that had fallen on top of each other. But then, they looked at each other, smiling. Momiji remembered the fact that Mai Shiranui’s privates were exposed. Feeling safe, Momiji stripped herself naked, leaving only the boots on. Mai was doing the same, as she ached for more erotic killing.

Grabbing a hold of twitching arms, each kunoichi pulled one badly injured guard out of the pile, and, as if their minds had been linked telepathically, chose to use their thighs to finish them off.

The only difference was in the view each guard would have, before death. One was doomed to lose his life in the shapely butt of Mai Shiranui, while the other one had Momiji’s wet pussy to look forward to.

Aroused by the situation of having men at their mercy, the dangerous women took things further. They were next to one another, and at one point, looking at each other; a simultaneous moan gave way to a soft kiss that turned very passionate. Meanwhile, their thighs worked periodically to condition the trapped men to breathe and lick into the quivering flesh in front of their noses.

The men did lick and gasp into the erogenous zones of their female executioners, causing moans of pure delight from them. The kunoichi couple trembled and quivered, closing in on their joined orgasm.

When it came, it was magnificent. The kiss had remained almost unbroken throughout the entire time, and the screams of pleasure were muffled by the other’s mouth, giving the noises made by the women an additional sensual quality.

At the same time as their juices flowed in large amounts, the two kunoichi’s rigid bodies made the squeeze on the two guards fatal. Just to make sure or perhaps to enhance their pleasure, the women twisted their hips, causing loud, sharp cracks to emanate from the necks of their victims.

They twisted their hips in various ways, enjoying the background that sounds of death created for their lovemaking. Meanwhile, Donovan and the remaining guard trembled in fear, trying to call for help, but those few guards that were still alive, had barricaded themselves in their rooms, preferring their own safety to saving a man that wasn’t in position of great power any more.

When the two women kicked down the door to the room Victor Donovan had locked himself in, they found a panicked guard on his ass, shooting upwards, as his aim was disrupted. Victor was hidden behind a chair, and rose up to shoot at the kunoichi, but could not outpace heir reflexes. Mai tossed a kunai that injured his arm, after which Momiji’s kick sent him into the wall, unconscious. Mai had incapacitated Victor while locking her calves around the guard’s neck.

Seeing this, Momiji got a twisted idea. After whispering it to Mai, she received a nod, and went about pulling out the guard’s dick. “When you cum, your neck will break.” Momiji announced, starting her handjob. The guard protested, but his moans and groans were rather weak, muffled by Mai’s crotch, after she had repositioned to better enjoy the situation.

The guard was aroused to a full erection, and his groans stimulated Mai’s pussy greatly, making her want more. “Y-yes! Make me cum!”, she ordered, and the soldier whined under duress, feeling his climax approach. When he came, driven by Mamiji’s pumping, his seed shot up in the air, while his tongue went inside Mai. Right then and there, she twisted her hips, while screaming in pleasure. The dying guard twitched intensely, as his nervous system experienced total failure, while female juices washed over his frozen face. Momiji was quite turned on herself, and went to kiss Mai, again.

Now, there remained one man to kill, so that the mission could be considered over. Victor Donovan had to die, and both kunoichi would be killing him at the same time. This time, Mai had an idea. She went over to the unconscious man’s legs, grabbing them, before sitting on his back, beckoning Momiji to take seat on his upper back.

When the Dragon Ninja clan member did so, she locked her hands around Victor’s skull, pulling his neck and head upwards. After some groans in an unconscious state, the man finally woke up, but immediately wished he had not. Pain shot though his whole spinal column, and he realized death was coming. Meanwhile, he could hear, and even see the aroused females turning towards each other, and making out.

It was the worst kind of punishment for his criminal activities- an excruciating torture doubling as an execution, and bodies of two sexy females so close, but out of reach. At one point, arousal in the females spiked, and they experienced a joint orgasm, causing Mai to pull on Victor’s legs.

His whine turned into a scream mixed with the prolonged crunching sound of his spine breaking under the stress. To this ghastly song, Mai added her muffled moans, and then, Momiji pulled on the criminal mastermind’s neck, ending his “vocal track”, replacing it with a sharp crack, and her own orgasmic cries.

The sadistic pleasure of Mai and Momiji was such that they soaked Victor’s suit in their juices, their erotic pose lasting for minutes after the kill. Once their orgasms had subsided, Momiji sent a message to Ayane using a small earpiece, secretly inviting her and Kasumi to come to inspect the base where Donovan’s corpse laid.

Mai and Momiji planned to keep this sexy massacre a secret between kunoichi, but soon, events would change this plan into something entirely different…
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