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If you are looking to skip the exposition and get right into the action, start from Chapter 4.
Chapter 1

Sophie has been married for a little over three years, but never has she had a fight as big as this one with her husband. It started when her mother-in-law "forgot" to invite her to the Thanksgiving dinner and did not seem to be ending any time soon. In preparation for his short trip, her husband packed his bag silently. He did not spare her a look and although she knew she did nothing wrong, Sophie was begining to have her doubts.

The next two hours passed as she was trying to build up the courage to say something before he left. She didnt want him gone for days and leaving on bad terms. But she couldn't do it. His mother has always been a menace. No matter how hard Sophie worked to ensure he was comfortable at home and did her best to be nice to his mother, the bitch would just look the other way and search for any fault.

"I'm leaving!" He shouted from the front door.

"Bye." She felt thats too passive aggressive and followed it with "Take care." But she wasn't sure if he heard it.

Sophie felt anger welling up but this time it was directed at herself. What if something happened to him, would his last memory of her be their fight? The nasty words they threw at each other?

"Stupid. Bitch." She said to herself.

She decided to take a shower to cool down and went upstairs. She pulled her shirt off letting her perfect C cups out. Then pulled her shorts and panties off and walked barefoot into the shower and turned the water on.

She stood infront of the mirror admiring herself while waiting for the water to get hot.

Sophie is 28 with brunette hair and perfectly toned legs. Those early morning jogs do pay off. She turned to admire her side profile and squeezed her ass. On an impulse, she slapped her left tit. Feeling the sting, she thought back on the first time a man had hit her. Adam, her college ex boyfriend was angry that one of her aquaintances made a joke about him and took it out on Sophie. Once they were in his room, he had grabbed her neck and pushed her back onto the wall and punched her gut.

Although the punch hadn't been too hard, his aggression was the end of their relationship. As she laid in bed that night, thinking on what happened she realized that being beaten turned her on. She had masturbated furiously and had a wonderful orgasm. Since then, she had been frequenting forums, watching porn and reading stories on the topic. She loved the thought of being punished and used. She never shared this with her husband because she worried it would ruin their relationship's dynamic.

The water was steaming behind her, she got in and noted that her pussy had gotten slightly wet at the thought of her ex's punch.

Chapter 2

Later that night, Sophie thought to call her husband, but her dark side kept asking "why should you be the one to reach out first?" Her inability to behave made her think about her need for punishment which, in turn, led to her getting turned on.

Sophie decided to play with herself. An orgasm might help get her mind off of things. She went on one of the forums that she is a member of to check if she had gotten a response to one of her witty comments. As she was about to check her notifications, she noticed a post in the personal column.

"Punching bag wanted"

Her pussy twitched. She began imagining what that would entail. What type of person would want to do that? Would it be dangerous?

She decided to test the waters. She clicked on the post and typed:

"Looking for M or F?" She sent her response. Her mind raced with devious thoughts and ideas.

Sophie could not believe that she was even considering it. Before she had the time to ask herself if she was truly capable of putting herself in that position, a response had come back.

"For pussy punishment."

She could barely resist. She desperately wanted to let loose and be used. But part of her wanted to remain faithful.

She sent another response "No sex."

And immediately received a private message.

"1010 Aviation Road. Tomorrow at 6PM ."

Sophie typed "Okay" and sent before she had second thoughts. She was shocked at herself. Her heart beat hard and fast. Her pussy felt on fire.

She spent the next 30 minutes masturbating vigorously. She started by running her fingers along her slit then inserting two fingers in. Once they were sufficiently wet, she pulled them out and began rubbing her clit and occasionally slapping her pussy. Her imagination ran wild until she came imagining herself being used by a large rough stranger. It took her more than an hour to fall asleep as she went over her thoughts and the messages in her mind and thought about a stranger using her.

Chapter 3

Sophie spent the next morning preparing herself mentally and physically. She wasn't sure if he would want her naked or not, but she decided to play it safe and shaved her body including her pussy. She didn't want to cheat. She just wanted to be put in her place.

Next she chose an outfit, since she didn't know if she should dress casually or in a sport attire, this took a long while.

She decided on something that wasn't too revealing; a black knee-length dress.

After settling on her outfit, she ordered something light to eat since she wasn't in the mood to cook and was afraid that eating something heavy may cause her to puke when the night's events started. The thoughts of beating aroused her. She was about to lay down on the couch to masturbate but decided to leave it till after, since that would probably be more intense.

Sophie switched the Tv on as a distraction to waste the next two hours and attempted to focus on an episode of masterchef. By the time she had finished her meal and the episode, it was 4:35 PM. It was time for her to get ready. She paused to test herself one last time.

Was she really about to go through with her insane plan? To meet a stranger whose plan was to beat her? Her husband wouldn't even know where she is. If something were to happen to her, she would just be declared missing and the police may never find her.

Sophie had been so focused on her thoughts that only now she realized that her husband had barely come up on her mind. She felt guilty. But that only increased her desire to be punished.

She made up her mind and got up to get dressed.

Chapter 4

Sophie arrived at the address at 5:56. Slightly earlier, but she wanted to drive around the house and see the neighborhood. It was one of the richer areas in the city, made up of large houses and a park nearby.

The house in question was pretty, the lawn taken care of and surrounded by a long hedge that gave it privacy.

She drove down the parkway and parked. She stepped out of her car feeling a little light headed and weak. As though she was walking in a dream. She rang the bell and waited.

He must have been nearby as she did not wait long before the door opened. A handsome 30 something old man stood before her wearing black jeans and a white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

"Hi." She said, hoping her nervousness was not too obvious.

"Come in."

Sophie stepped through and looked around. He had a modernly designed interior with warm colors and a dark grey sectional infront of a fireplace. An average sized dining table was on the left and had two half-filled glasses of wine. He led her towards those and offered the drink. She took it down in one gulp.

"Looks like you can barely wait, huh?!" He asked.

She smiled sheepishly and stayed silent.

She wondered if she could still back out.

"Strip." He commanded.

Sophie found herself on autopilot. She pulled her heels off. Then slipped the dress's straps over her shoulders so it slid down her slender body and gathered by her feet. Her pink nipples were hard from the cold air. She was tempted to cover them with her hands but didn't want to seem timid.

Sophie waited to hear whats next.

"The panties too." He said impatiently.

She slipped them off quickly, dopped them onto of the dress, and stood with her hands clasped over her pussy.

"Follow me."

He went down the stairs into the basement. She followed feeling like a child who was about to be reprimanded or a submissive slut that wanted to be used. That's exactly what she was.

His basement was slightly colder and much less furnished. To one side, there were some gym equipment and, on the other, a punch bag hanging from the ceiling. She was led towards the latter.

He turned her around so that her back was towards the bag. Sophie felt the cold leather on her back. She worried that the glistening wetness on her pussy lips would be visible to him but he seemed interested in other things. Such as, the handcuffs he produced from his back pocket.

"Hold onto the chain at the top."

Sophie did as she was told and was cuffed on one wrist, then he passed the handcuffs behind the chain then cuffed her other wrist.

She had had to slightly raise herself to get her wrists in place, so the bag was carrying part of her weight. Her feet were arched slightly as she had to use the balls of her feet to maintain her balance. She thought this was perfect, since she would sway with every hit rather than stumble backwards. Just like a punching bag. Her pussy twitched, now fully excited.

He brought one more item from his other pocket and slid it over her head. The blindfolds rested snugly on her eyes, making her unable to see anything he was doing. She could only hear him set something down nearby and put some music on. She guessed the music was helpful for maintaining a rhythm.

Sophie waited in her dark world until she heard the sound of velcro straps being wound. He was putting boxing gloves on which would reduce any bruising or bleeding. She couldn't wait anymore.

"Have you been a bad girl?"

"Yes." She said docily. "I need to be punished."

"Tell me what you need."

"Hit me! Hi-" Pow.

She didn't get a chance to finish. The first punch landed on her left cheek. It wasn't hard, just enough to shove her head back.

He began a series of combinations:

Jab, Jab, Cross into her tits.

Jab, Cross her face.

None of these were painful, but the effect they had on her was astounding. Her legs felt loose and her pussy felt as though it were aroused like never before. Part of her wished her hands weren't secured so that she could rub her clit.

Jab, face. Cross, left shoulder. And, finally, a powerful hook to her gut.

"Uhhhhh" she moaned as the pain in her body made itself felt.

He gave her a few seconds to catch her breath before resuming his barrage of punches.

He tried many combinations. Her body was thrown onto the punching bag and left swaying along with it backwards then forwards into his oncoming punches.

Sophie thought he was probably a professional. He did not knock her out. A hard cross to her mouth opened the inside of her lip as it collided with her teeth. She tasted her blood and felt happy she was being punished.

She wondered how she must look to an outsider. How messed up must she be to put herself in such a position. She did not care.

He paused to ask "Do you feel like you have been punished enough?"

She guessed this was his way of asking if she had enough since he had not given her a safe word.

"No. I want to be punished more."

"Good. I love a girl who knows her place. Spread your legs open."

She did as she was told, even though she knew her wetness must be clearly visible on her thighs by now. Her feet were barely touching the ground. Her arms were hurting from the lack of blood. All of which made her feel more of a plaything for his use.

He carried on punching her. Harder this time. He aimed his punches to her torso. Her nipples must have been providing a good target for him since her tits seemed to be getting a large amount of focus. She kept her legs spread open and received a powerful upper hook to her pussy. She reeled from the pain then was overcome by a wave of pleasure.

She wondered if her moans could be heard outside. Her pussy wanted to be touched, but she was scared to ask for it. She wanted to scream.

Once again, Sophie heard the velcro strap. This time being undone. She felt a little dissappointment and assumed her punishment was done. It turned out she was wrong.

She felt his strong grip around her throat. He began to choke her slightly, increasing the pressure bit by bit. She felt her panic rising but then the pressure eased up and as she was taking a deep breath, a slap slammed into her cheek.


Feeling scared, she was about to ask him to stop since this wasn't a part of what was discussed. She didnt get a chance when she got one slap after another.

Slap. Slap. Slap.

Sophie felt her tears begin to well up in her eyes. Her fear was starting to spiral out if control. He let go of her throat briefly before grabbing it again with his other hand. He switched to slap the other side.


"Spread your legs." He slappped her face when she didnt comply fast enough. "Open them!" She wasn't even given time to open them before the next slap.


Sophie opened her legs wide. Her feet weren't touching the ground.

SLAP. This time her pussy got the stinging slap. Her clit lit up with pain followed by immense pleasure. She wasnt sure whether to cry or smile.

He slid his hand down her stomach, onto where her pubic hair would have been. Lower. Onto her clit and then along her slit. He felt her wetness and rubbed it upwards towards her clit. She wanted to beg him not to stop.

"Good girl." He said, with a husky voice that she associated with aroused men.

Sophie heard him slide his zipper down and was alarmed at what she knew was coming next. She was conflicted. She did not want to cheat on her husband but she needed to get fucked.

The moment passed before she had a chance to decide, as she was lifted up by her ass. His huge cock slid into her. She must have been extremely wet since his cock, which was much larger than her husband's, slid in easily. The feeling of his member entering her vagina brought her a mighty orgasm.

"Ahhhhh. Uhh." She moaned into him.

He began fucking Sophie at a vicious pace, ramming into her unceremoniously.

Tied to a punching bag, after being used as one. The mixed feelings of shame, fear, and arousal did wonders on her body. Sophie felt another orgasm building up. Her feet wiggled as she was roughly thrust into.

He moaned and without giving her any warning he came. She felt his cum spurt into her. The thought of Having another man's cum inside her womb pushed her over the edge. Her moans turned into screams as the pleasure coursed through her body causing her legs to shake.

He finished shooting his cum and pulled out without caring if she was ready. Sophie's feet finally landed on the ground but her legs weren't ready to lift her yet. Thankfully, the handcuffs were still holding her up and she waited for him to unlock them. She listened to him pick something up and move of to the side while the cum leaked out onto her thighs and pooled by her feet.

She felt disgraced. She was used and degraded.

Sophie heard him come back and finally found herself free. She collapsed on the ground while waiting for some energy to come back into her body and the pain in her arms to subside.

He removed the blindfolds and gave her a cold Coke.

"Drink this. You can shower and get your stuff upstairs."

He left her there. She took a couple sips and felt a little better already. The sugar supplying her with some strength. She went to find the shower.

Chapter 5

In the washroom, Sophie had the shower's water on and, as she waited for it to heat up, she looked at her bruised body in the mirror. It wasn't as bad as she had thought. Most of the darker bruises were in areas she could easily cover up. Her face was red from the slapping. Her lips puffy from getting punched. She felt light headed but mostly good. Her body felt as though it were drugged.

She was shocked at herself. That she had actually gone through with it. She smiled at herself devilishly and went to shower and clean her cum covered thighs and pussy.

Once Sophie was done, she put her clothes on and went back to the living room. She found him browsing his phone. She wasnt sure if she should give him a friendly hug or a kiss before leaving. She was spared the thought as he did not seem interested and began walking her to the front door.

"You were good. I hope you feel straightned out." He said.

Sophie felt herself smile and said "Yes, umm thank you."

He smiled back at her. "If you ever feel another punishment is warranted, dont hesitate to reach out. Goodnight."


She got in her car and started it up. She noticed the time and was shocked. It was only 7:10PM. She thought to herself time passes differently as you are being used, beaten, slapped, and fucked. She smiled and drove home.

The next day passed slowly. Sophie spent it recuperating and masturbating.

Her husband came back on Tuesday and she greeted him perfectly. Making it up to him with an appology, a cooked meal, and, finally, sex. She was worried he would try to get her naked and notice the bruises on her chest but he never bothered and fucked her doggy on the couch. Feeling him cum in her felt like nothing special. Unlike two days previously when the stranger had done it.

He went to bed early as he was tired from his early morning trip while she said she would stay up a little longer.

She decided to browse through the adult forum she frequents and saw that she had a private message. She opened her inbox and saw the message was from him, the stranger who recently beat the shit out of her.

The message contained a note and a file attached. The note read:

"I thought you would appreciate watching from a different perspective.

Ps - This stays between us."

Stunned, Sophie clicked on the video. It even had a title slide.

"The Punching Bag: Sophie (I)"

He put (I), implying there would be more parts. She smiled thinking, yes, probably.

The title slide faded away and was replaced with sophie naked and handcuffed to the bag. She scrolled through the video. Her hand slid towards her pussy as she watched her beating, her fucking. And as she watched herself cum on video she came. Her face was flushed. Seeing the events of that night made it more realistic somehow.

She loved it.
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